Documents tagged
Documents TrainingProgramSeetloo[1]

Training Program Organised By Mauritius Revenue Authority Staff Association Resource Person : Dhanee Seetloo (Union Member) Venue : Level 8 Ehram Court Date : 3 May 2011…

Documents Domestic Enquiry

Disciplinary Procedure Complied By Pravat Ghose, HR Manager ACI Limited Ref: Labour Act 2006 & Disciplinary Action in Non-Government Organization by Adv. S. A. Huq Non-…

News & Politics Child labour

1. Child LabourGopal Rao Ambeer1208C003 2. AgendaWhat is Child Labour?Child Labour TodayFacts on Child LabourCauses of Child LabourChild Labour LawsChild Labour in IndiaStop…

Education Seperate Legal Entities Boon Or Bane To Corporates And Public

1. Separate Legal Entities(SLE) BOON or BANE By Prof. K. Shanthi Augustin M.Com., M.Phil.,MBA., B.Ed. Jyoti Nivas college Bangalore Education for all 2.…

Business From "Engaged" to "High Performance" CSR

1. Workshop on Business, Human Rights and Investments in Asia Landmark 4, Landmark Hotel May 29th, Thursday 2008 From "Engaged" to "High Performance"…

Education SA - 8000

1. REQUIREMENTS & IMPLEMENTIONOFSA 8000SUBMITTED TO:-MR. ASHISHBHARDWAJSUBMITTED BY:-MISS TINA DHINGRA 2. History of SA 8000SA 8000 is developed by the Council on EconomicPriorities…

Business Business confidence-survey-ficci-september-2014

1. Business Confidence SurveySeptember 2014 2. Economic Affairs and Research Division Page 2Business Confidence SurveyHighlights Confidence level being restored among…

Education Rights and Responsibilities of Employees in the Republic of Croatia

1. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA 2. What is the Labour Act? The Labour Act is the basic document which regulates the terms of employment…

Documents 18-41 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS COPY RIGHT © 2011 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 18 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 3,…

Documents Mediating Corporate Governance Disputes An international Experts Workshop organised by the Global...

Slide 1 Mediating Corporate Governance Disputes An international Experts Workshop organised by the Global Corporate Governance Forum Mediation and Arbitration Centres: The…