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2. History of SA 8000SA 8000 is developed by the Council on EconomicPriorities Accreditation Agency (CEPAA), known todayas Social Accountability International (SAI), and 25other organisations, such as:Amnesty InternationalHuman Rights WatchAvon ProductsToys R UsThe Body ShopReebok , andothers 3. WHAT IS SA 8000 ????:- IT is an universal standard for companies seekingbasic rights for the workers SA 8000 is both a performance standard and amanagement system standard.AIM????:- Develop, maintain, and enforce policies andprocedures in order to manage those Issues which itcan control or influence. 4. 9 ELEMENT OF SOCIALACCOUTABILTY Child Labour Forced Labour Health & Safety Freedom Of Association & Collective Bargaining Discrimination Disciplinary Practices Working Hours Remunerations Managements 5. The Standard SA 8000DiscriminationManagementCommunicationWorking HoursRemunerationHealth &SafetySupply ChainDisiplinaryPracticesChild LabourForcedLabourFreedom ofAssociation & Rightto CollectiveBargaining 6. CHILD LABOUR The company shall not engage in orsupport the use of child labour. Undertake remediationprogrammes for the childrenworking. Not employ the young workersduring school hours &work time notexceed 10 hours a day. The company shall not expose children or young workersto situations in or outside of the workplace that arehazardous, unsafe, or unhealthy. 7. FORCED LABOUR (Act, 1976) The company shall not engagein or support the use of forcedlabour. condition in which aperson is obliged to work againstHis/her will and where a person isNot free to terminate the employmentWhen they choose . 8. HEALTH&SAFETY ( Act 1948 ) Standard demands Safe &healthy work environment. To take adequate measuresfor prevention of accidents& injury to health. Clean bathroom & accessto potable water. 9. What Hazards do Workers inthe Garment Industry Face? 10. Unguarded belts above and belowthe sewing table. It is easy forloose hair, clothes and necklaces get caughtPoor stacking ofmaterialThe results of a missing machine guard.Look closely to see the needle in the finger 11. Freedom Of Association &Collective Bargaining Act, 1952 The company shall respectthe right of all personnel toform and join trade unions. Workers right to bargaincollectively. Where law prohibits thesefreedoms, facilitate parallel meansof association & bargaining. 12. DISCRIMINATION (Equal Act, 1976) Discrimination means treatingpeople differently, negativelyor adversely because of their :- Race Caste or nationality Gender Political affiliation Union member ship Religion 13. Disciplinary Practices Corporal Punishment Mental or physical coercion Verbal abuse of workers. 14. WORKING HOURS The company shall comply tomaximum 48 hours per week. One day off for every 7 daysperiod. Overtime work shall bevoluntary & does notExceed 12 hours per week. Overtime work is alwaysremunerated at a premium rate 15. REMUNERATIONS The company shall ensureThat the wages are paid as perIndustry or legal minimumStandards. The wages are sufficient to meetthe basic needs. That the wages are paid regularly & in a transparentmanner. That the wages are not deducted for disciplinarypurposes. 16. MANAGEMENTS This standard warrants that thetop management shall definePolicy for social accountability. Periodically review the policy. Appoint a senior management representativeto monitor the compliance of the standards. That the requirements of the standards areUnderstood & implemented at level 17. METHODOLOGYOFSA 8000 Conducting awareness programme: for top, middle &worker level to make them understand the basicconcept of SA-8000its benefit & role of individuals in the implementation ofprocess Formation of steering committee & selection of MR:who irrespective of other responsibilities shall beresponsibilities shall be responsible for ensuring thatthe requirements of this standard are met. Survey the existing system against sa-8000 system &gap analysis: this includes survey of workersage, salary, PF, work environment, etc 18. Formulation of remedial plan:- policy anddocumentation of procedure, as required by hisstandard. The organization must generate & maintainall necessary records. Identification & provision of required resources andcreation of facilities to comply with the variousrequirement of the standard. Implementation of the documented system in aphase wise manner through involvement of all. 19. Gestation period depending of size & status of theorganization. Conducting internal quality audit by a group of trainedauditor. Ensure corrective action for the nonconformance identified during audit. conducting management review meeting to review theadequacy of the companys policy, procedure andperformance results & verify the effectiveness of thecorrective action taken. Selection of certification bodies (accredited with SAI)The certificate issued is valid for 2-3 years subject tosurveillance audit every six months to one year.