Documents tagged
Technology UBS Global Technology Conference

1. UBS Global Technology Conference November 21, 2013Steve Bennett President & Chief Executive Officer 2. Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains statements…

Technology Robert Carey, Principal Deputy CIO, DOD Insight session

1. DoD CIO UNCLASSIFIEDDoD CIO Priorities for 2014Robert J. Carey Principal Deputy Chief Information Officer U.S. Department of Defense January 17, 2014 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER…

Technology Gender, agriculture, and assets conceptual framework

1. Gender, Agriculture, andAssets ConceptualFramework Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Nancy Johnson, Agnes Quisumbing, Jemimah Njuki, Julia Behrman, Deborah Rubin, Amber Peterman, and…

Technology Gaap project conceptual framework presentation oct 13 2011

1. How projectinterventions can reducethe gender-asset gapINTERNATIONAL FOOD POLICY RESEARCH INSTITUTEINTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK RESEARCH INSTITUTE 2. The Gender andAgricultural…

Business Nasdaq OMX International Investor Program

1. NASDAQ OMX International Investor Program December 4, 2013Steve Bennett President & Chief Executive Officer 2. Forward-Looking Statements This presentation contains…

Documents Paul Druckman - IIRC

1. Paul Druckman, CEOInternational Integrated Reporting Council 2. Who is the IIRC?Regulators Standard settersInvestors CompaniesAccounting NGOsChair: Prof Mervyn King CEO:…

Business Is Your Law Practice Splitting? Ease The Transition With Law Practice Software

1. Is Your Law Practice Splitting? Ease TheTransition With LawPractice Software Presented by:LexisNexis 2. Splitting Firmsn It’s…

Documents MEDICAID PLANNING Ronald J. Gogul Attorney at Law.

Slide 1MEDICAID PLANNING Ronald J. Gogul Attorney at Law Slide 2 MEDICAID PLANNING Ronald J. Gogul has been an attorney for 35 years. His practice emphasizes Estate Planning…

Documents 1 Littoral Combat Ship Concept of Operations Development SITREP.

Slide 1 1 Littoral Combat Ship Concept of Operations Development SITREP Slide 2 2 Purpose of this Brief LCS CONOPS development SITREP Overarching guidance LCS employment…

Documents Estate Planning- How to help your client Presented by Michael Perkins TEP.

Slide 1 Estate Planning- How to help your client Presented by Michael Perkins TEP Slide 2 DisclaimerDisclaimer The information contained in this presentation is intended…