Documents tagged
Business Share point saturday utah --- sharepoint and paper - 2 dec 2011

SharePoint’s next Billion Dollar Market – Understanding How SharePoint and Paper Work TogetherHelping Customers and Partners to have one version of the truth by managing…

Documents SharePoint Saturday (Detroit) - Putting Paper to Work in your Business

SharePoint’s next Billion Dollar Market -Understanding How SharePoint and Paper Work Together.SharePoint can handle paper very effectively.SharePoint can be used as a repository…

Technology SharePoint Saturday - Austin (Jan 2012)

SharePoint and Paper Belong TogetherSharePoint does a lot of things, but when setup correctly it does one thing spetactularly well. It manages OVOTT --- One Version Of The…

Technology SharePoint Saturday - Putting Paper to Work

SharePoint’s next Billion Dollar Market - Understanding How SharePoint and Paper Work Together.SharePoint can handle paper very effectively.SharePoint can be used as a…

Business 6 things every LinkedIn profile needs

1.       2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AND 3. 1. 2. 4.            5.            6.   …

Career 5 Questions you should ask before starting a corporate blog

1.      2.  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.   IS   3.     4.         5. Audience Month Topic / Theme Events SharePoint Office…