Documents tagged
Documents Roman Empire #39 Please get a sheet of paper out..

Slide 1Roman Empire #39 Please get a sheet of paper out. Slide 2 Roman Empire #38 Have notebook out and ready for notes Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Roman Law Law was first codified…

Education Roman empire

1. The Roman Empire 2. The Gracchi Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to reform the republic. Tiberius was elected Tribune in 133 BCE. He limited the amount of land senators…

Documents The Birth of the Roman Empire. I.A Weakening Republic A. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus saw need for...

Slide 1 The Birth of the Roman Empire Slide 2 I.A Weakening Republic A. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus saw need for reform 1.Known as Gracchi 2.Tiberius named Tribune in 133…

Documents JULIUS CAESAR BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Background information.

JULIUS CAESAR BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Background information INSTRUCTIONS: As each slide comes up, you will take notes on the text in BLUE. Please title this section âJulius…

Documents { Julius Caesar Reeves Oyster. Family Tree .

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Reeves Oyster { Family Tree Important Dates Political Terms www.JuliusCaesardictator_forlifejpg.…

Documents Caesar’s Rise to Power

Caesarâs Rise to Power Caesar Gains Control In 60 B.C a military leader named Julius Caesar joined forces with two men named Crassus and Pompey. In 59 B.C he is elected…

Documents Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar Caesarâs Rise to Power Caesar Gains Control In 60 B.C a military leader named Julius Caesar joined forces with two men named Crassus and Pompey. In 59 B.C…

Documents MRS. WEST. In today’s society, who calls the shots when it comes to war? You’re right – it’s...

MRS. WEST In todayâs society, who calls the shots when it comes to war? Youâre right â itâs the president. 2000 years ago in Rome, war was kind of a free-for-all. Rome…

Documents - Italian Peninsula -753 BC Romulus built city of Rome -Between 800-700 BC seven villages on hills.....

Rome Rome Rome Background Italian Peninsula -753 BC Romulus built city of Rome -Between 800-700 BC seven villages on hills united to form Rome 620 BC Etruscan family gained…

Documents Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Reeves Oyster { Family Tree Important Dates Political Terms www.JuliusCaesardictator_forlifejpg.…