Documents tagged
Documents L OS COLORES 1. beige 2. anaranjado/a 3. amarillo/a 4. rosado/a 5. rojo/a 6. morado/a 7. azul 8....

Diapositiva 1 L OS COLORES 1. beige 2. anaranjado/a 3. amarillo/a 4. rosado/a 5. rojo/a 6. morado/a 7. azul 8. verde 9. marrón 10. negro/a 11. gris 12. blanco/a  Diapositiva…

Entertainment & Humor The past progressive tense

1.Past Continuous Tense 2. The past progressive describes an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past. It can be used: To describe an action that started…

Education judie garingan jadoon

1. First Quarter Examination in English III 2.   3. Complete the word web with benefits that education gives you. EDUCATION good job 4. EXTRACTING AND ORGANIZING INFORMATION…

Documents Tesol 2014 presentation

1. Grammar Focused Phonics: A Multi-Skills Approach to Pronunciation Heidi Laidemitt, M.A. TESOL, B.A. Linguistics / Psychology [email protected]…

Documents Action Words. SPI 0601.1.2 Identify the correct use of Verbs (i.e., action, linking,...

Slide 1 Action Words Slide 2 Slide 3 SPI 0601.1.2 Identify the correct use of Verbs (i.e., action, linking, regular/irregular, agreement) within context. SPI 0601.1.11 Identify…

Documents Caught in the act: The present progressive

Los Pasatiempos y recreaciones Caught in the act: The present progressive Itâs like the English: to be + -ing (present participle) Spanish: estar + -ndo (present participle)…

Documents Making future plans : Ir + a + infinitive

Los Pasatiempos y recreaciones Making future plans: Ir + a + infinitive Ir + a + infinitive We use this expression to talk about what we are going to do: to talk about plans…

Documents CAS LX 522 Syntax I

CAS LX 522 Syntax I Episode 5b. Agree and movement 5.3-5.4 The Big Picture Now that we’ve gotten some idea of how the system works, let’s back up a bit to remind ourselves…