Documents tagged
Business Fiscal representation

1. WHITEPAPERFISCAL REPRESENTATION This whitepaper is meant to clarify the ins and the outs of fiscal representation. There are a lot of misunderstandings and unnecessary…

Education Adult Learning – a key dimension of European Lifelong Learning Policy and Programmes

1.Alan Smith Coordinator of the Grundtvig Programme and Deputy Head of Unit EAC.B3 – Adult Education; Grundtvig European Commission Catalonian Lifelong Learning Conference,…

Documents EURISCO as a tool to assist in gap analysis of ex situ European CWR Sónia Dias Presented at the...

Slide 1EURISCO as a tool to assist in gap analysis of ex situ European CWR Sónia Dias Presented at the PGRForum Workshop 2: Threat and Conservation Assessment 27-30 April…

Documents “Hot issues” in validation of non- formal and informal learning ECOTEC Research and Consulting.....

Slide 1 “Hot issues” in validation of non- formal and informal learning ECOTEC Research and Consulting 22nd January 2005 Slide 2 ECOTEC Research and Consulting Research…

Documents Project “European CDDA and INSPIRE”: scope, transformation workflow and mapping rules INSPIRE...

Slide 1 Project “European CDDA and INSPIRE”: scope, transformation workflow and mapping rules INSPIRE Conference 2014 Workshop: Implementing Existing European Spatial…

Documents The digital portfolio to make formal, non formal and informal learning visible Training and...

The digital portfolio to make formal, non formal and informal learning visible Training and discussion laboratory Rome, March, 27th 2008 Anna Maria Ajello & Cristina…

Documents 1st World Forum of Lifelong Learning, Paris 28-29 October, 2008 Globalising Solidarity through adult...

1st World Forum of Lifelong Learning, Paris 28-29 October, 2008 Globalising Solidarity through adult learning Globalising Solidarity through adult learning 1st World Forum…

Documents Realising the European Union Lisbon Goal The Copenhagen process and the Maaastricht Communiqué:...

The Copenhagen process and the Maaastricht Communiqué: Realising the European Union Lisbon Goal Martina Ní Cheallaigh DG Education and Culture The context The Copenhagen…

Documents Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning

Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning EUCIS-LLL Seminar, Brussels, 12 December 2011 Koen Nomden European Commission,…