Documents tagged
Documents Guttman Mendelssohn and Spinoza

STUDIES IN JEWISH THOUGHT An Anthology of German Jewish Scholarship Selected, Edited, and Introduced by Alfred Jospe Wayne State University Press Detroit, 1981 Copyright…

Documents Math Jokes

Volker Runde, Math Jokes I haven't invented these jokes - I just collect them. An infinite crowd of mathematicians enters a bar. The first one orders a pint, the second…

Documents MomanChetamniPirSadardinGranthwTranslation.docx

Moman Chetamni Pir Sadardin 1) Eji Aad Nirinjan avtarya, Teno thanak che aerak khand mahain, Satguru ay sohi dekhariya, Te che vaypak nav khand mahain. Cheto rikhisaro guru…

Documents shanmuga-kavasam

‚ À¡õÀý ÌÁÃÌÕ¾¡º ÍÅ¡Á¢¸û «ÕǢ ºñÓ¸ ¸Åºõ Sri Paamban Kumaraguruthaasa Swaamigal’s Shanmuga Kavasam SHANMUGA KAVASAM English meaning by…

Documents Tamil Lord Shiva - Civa Boga Caram

சிவேபாகசாரம் உ சிவேபாகசாரம் ஆசிரியர் தருமபுர ஆதின ஸ்தாபகர் ஸ்ரீலஸ்ரீ…

Documents 66. Maimonides' Fiction of Resurrection

Maimonides' Fiction of Resurrection R O B E R T S. K I R S C H N E R University of California, Berkeley An abridged, annotated English translation of Ma°amar Tehiyat…

Documents An Ordinary House Wife-Part-2

Leela’s Extraordinary Divine Perceptions - Part II Realizing the Omnipresent God, Visualizing the same and the divine experience it gives culminating in the eternal bliss…

Spiritual Tattvarth sutra

1. Essence of Jainism - Tattvartha Sutra C 1997 by The Jain Center of Greater Boston., Inc. All rights reserved. Mini-Presentation Jain Center of Greater Boston Version A1.0,…

Documents Presentation Mahabharata

MAHABHARAT The great story of Bharat dynasty· which is the part of the Hindu Itih s One of the greatest, longest holy epics of ancient India. Its book was composed by Sri…

Documents Ayurveda

Sl.No. Name of the Medicine Indications Sl.No. Name of the Medicine Indications LEGIYAMS (JAM LIKE CONSISTENCY PRODUCT) 1. Ashwagandhi Legiyam General debility, Tremor, Low…