Documents tagged
Internet Gamestorming wikipedia 4 3 (speaker)

GAMESTORMING WIKIPEDIA: AN EXPERIMENT IN PLAYFUL ONBOARDING This is the story of how we built a game to learn how to edit Wikipedia in under an hour with the attitude that…

Self Improvement Why hire a professional organizer

Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter? Unbeknownst to most of us, clutter does impact our health, finances and emotions. Think about the time, money and energy you've spent…

Self Improvement 15-day decluttering plan for Chinese New Year

Don't feel emotionally or physically ready for Chinese New Year? Don't worry, our 15-day decluttering and organizing plan will get you there in a jiffy. Won't…

Business Edits Inc., SG Professional Organizers Media Kit - Office Organizing Training Course

Increase your profits by at least $4,000 per employee per year, permanently, with just a hundred dollars' worth of investment. As employees become busier, cluttered…

Entertainment & Humor Desafio dj

Workshop Competições e eventos Centro Europeu AIMECterça-feira, 1 de maio de 12 Quem é quem?terça-feira, 1 de maio de 12 Eventos e competições: 04/05 - Workshop com…

Education Wikispaces Tutorial UPDATED

Wikispaces in Education A Comprehensive Tutorial JENNIFER CARRIER DORMAN HTTP://JDORMAN.WIKISPACES.COM/ HTTP://CLIOTECH.BLOGSPOT.COM/ Why use wikis?…

Documents MarcEdit Section Three

EDITING RECORDS WITH THE MARCEDITOR Terry Reese Gray Family Chair for Innovative Library Services [email protected] Keypoints   MarcEditor   What is it?…

Education Open science workshop recap - BMIR research colloquium

Recap of the PSB 2009 Open Science workshop, given at the Biomedical Informatics Research group weekly colloquium, 1/15/2009