Documents tagged
Documents Within the first 10 seconds, your potential client is building up a lasting opinion about you. It...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Within the first 10 seconds, your potential client is building up a lasting opinion about you. It sounds harsh, but its a fact that people often do judge…

Technology Learning 2.0gether_FB02_profiles_pages

1. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot…

Career J Lisa Maronie visual resume

1. I’m J. Lisa Maronie (not to be confused with my sister-in-law, Lisa). I am a Communications professional in search of a company with a fantastic culture – receptive…

Design Introduction to Layouts in Graphic Design

Introduction to Layouts In Graphic Design A drawing, sketch or plan of a piece, page or advertisement showing all elements in position, a â â. Layout…

Documents mutiny bay webs e-magazines

Digital Magazines Increase Sales And Acquire New Clients Flip Page Magazines are an exciting new methods to present your products and services to your customers and clients…