Documents tagged
Business UX design, service design and design thinking

What is UX design, service design & design thinking ? How are they related ?

Design The UX of TV

Razorfish designers Kyle Outlaw & Ed Mansfield present the challenges and opportunities for user experience professionals in what is known as the "connected TV"…

Design UX Design Deliverables: Expert's Choice

A myriad of user experience deliverables are available to the UXD practitioner, but which are most effective for capturing the design concept, process, and vision? We survey…

Design This is Service Design / DMY Symposium / June 7, 2012

The service sector currently contributes most to Germany’s Gross Domestic Product. Yet, while the German public cares a lot about being the world’s largest exporter of…

Presentations & Public Speaking Question of deliverables and other such stuff

Slides from the talk I gave at Responsive Day Out 2 - The Squishening, June 27th 2014

Presentations & Public Speaking ITIL and DevOps at War in the Enterprise - DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2014

The journey from ITIL/CMMi to DevOps in the corporate setting of ING Netherlands. Presentation by Mark Heistek and Jan-Joost Bouwman at DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2014.