Technology Using DAF as a Data Scoping Tool, by Sarah Jones

1. Using DAF as a data scoping toolfor institutional repositories Sarah Jones DCC, University of Glasgow [email_address] 2. Background to DAF project “ JISC should develop…

Education Lm gsa training

1. Research data management:what, why and help withsupporting it Laura Molloy,HATII, University of GlasgowJISC Managing Research Data programmeand Digital Curation Centre…

Education What can the DCC do for you? Sheffield Roadshow

1. How can the DCC help you? Kevin Ashley Director, DCC [email_address] 2. Services & resources - overview Training Tools Online services Events Frameworks, templates,…

Technology 2014 ALA MW SPARC-ACRL Forum Talk

1. Libraries, Data, and Publication25 January 2014 SPARC-ACRL Forum on Emerging Issues in Scholarly Communication 2. Overview • • • •2Data Services and Libraries…

Documents Chen RDAP11 NSF Data Management Plan Case Studies

1. Research Data Management Service GroupCross-institution response to NSF Data Management PlanEric ChenAnalyst Consultant for Data-Driven ScienceCornell UniversityMarch…

Documents Data Management Planning Tool: connecting researchers to resources University of California Curation...

Slide 1Data Management Planning Tool: connecting researchers to resources University of California Curation Center Team California Digital Library July 14, 2011 UC3 Summer…

Documents Discover the world at Leiden University Hans Fransen Introducing data management planning at an...

Slide 1Discover the world at Leiden University Hans Fransen Introducing data management planning at an institution the first wobbly steps of a newborn baby. Slide 2 Discover…

Technology DMP & DMPonline

1.Funded by: Data Management Plans & DMPonline EUDAT webinar, 12th July 2013 Sarah Jones Digital Curation Centre [email protected] Twitter: sjDCC 2. BENEFITS…

Technology Lawrence-f1000-publishing with data-nfdp13

1.F1000RESEARCH – NEW APPROACHES TO PUBLISHING WITH DATA Rebecca Lawrence, PhD Managing Director [email protected] @f1000research 2. F1000…

Technology DMPTool Webinar 11: Complementary Tools

1.DMPTool  Webinar  Series  11:  Complementary  Tools   Sponsored  by  IMLS   15  October  2013  Tools  &  Resources   that  Complement   the  DMPTool…