Documents tagged
Entertainment & Humor Sandra and natalia

1. Sandra and Natalia(Burgos) 2. Hi, we are Natalia and Sandra. We are from Burgos,in Spain.We are going to talk about us.This is Sandra. And this is Natalia. 3. • Natalia:I’m…

Documents Pereza

1. • Pereza, is aPEREZAmusicalgroup ofSpanishpop-rock.. 2. Pereza is formedin 1999 in Madrid. 3. In 2001 a talent scout saw them andsigned theircontract 4. In…

Education El canto del loco. María, Luis, Eric, Iris, Andrea

3ºESO.D 3ºESO.D María Rodríguez Luis Alfaro Eric Serrano Iris de Tena Andrea Ramírez 1 2 We are going to talk about âEl canto del locoâ 3 BIOGRAPHY âEl…

Education Solar system

1. Solar SystemBy: Alba Rascón and Dani Martín 2. Formation of the Solar System 1.An explotion of star (supernova) created a nebula.2.The material caused by this explotion…

Documents 30 Maig 2013 15:20 Professores: Belén Vicente i Mª José Gallego

Diapositiva 1 30 Maig 2013 15:20 Professores: Belén Vicente i Mª José Gallego CONCERT MUSICAL A Lâ INSTITUT BEATRIU CIVERA DEL BARRI DEL CRIST (Aldaia) 1r ESO (Taller…

Education Biografia de mi artista favorito

Diapositiva 1 Benemérita Escuela Normal Manuel Ãvila Camacho. Subject: English A2 Student: Lizbeth Carolina González Vázquez. Teacher: Tehua Xóchitl Muñoz…

Business El Canto Del Loco

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Insufficient space for shared memory file: 23027 Try using the option to select an alternate temp location. EL CANTO DEL…