Documents The Vent Aug 2013

It looks like I will finally be getting that break I am always salivating over. A stretch of time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday Magazine Publishing⦠Time…

Documents The Vent Magazine Janurary 2013 [email protected] V Corpus Christinos, the Vent has been hard at work, and as we begin our 7th year, weâre starting to get that itch⦠Not that…

Documents The Vent Magazine April 2013

Look. I donât usually claim to be better than anyone else; Iâm just not really that kind of person. Plus, unlike all but a lucky few of you, I have actually been inside…

Documents The Vent Magazine Feb 2013 [email protected] Well Corpus Christinos, I once again find myself separated from my spouse. I will spare you all the sad details⦠who did what…

Documents Vent May 2013

Caller Times you magnificent sonofab*tch! You did it! You glorious bastards! You figured it out. While the rest of the world is twiddling their thumbs, not knowing how to…

Documents The Vent Magazine Oct 2012 Issue [email protected] V Itâs that time of year again Corpus Christinos, time to throw some paint on your face, and wander around aimlessly scaring…