Documents Reducing harmful compliance with command hallucinations :results from the MRC COMMAND trial. Max...

Slide 1Reducing harmful compliance with command hallucinations :results from the MRC COMMAND trial. Max Birchwood Slide 2 Slide 3 Why do individuals act…

Documents Being young, male and experiencing first psychosis: what do we know that works? Max Birchwood .

Slide 1 Being young, male and experiencing first psychosis: what do we know that works? Max Birchwood Slide 2 Picking up on yesterday’s lecture.. Psychoses…

Documents Cognitive Therapy for Reducing Distress and Harmful Compliance with Powerful Voices Dr. Alan Meaden....

Slide 1 Cognitive Therapy for Reducing Distress and Harmful Compliance with Powerful Voices Dr. Alan Meaden Consultant Clinical Psychologist COMMAND Trial Slide 2 Why get…