Documents tagged
Technology Lowering GHG Emmisions Through EE & RE Measures, Emani Kumar

On December 14, 2009, the Alliance to Save Energy and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) held a side event at the COP15 climate conference in…

Documents Comm Part Guidelines

Guidelines on Community Participation DRAFT DRAFT Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Guidelines on Community Participation June 2011 Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation…

Education Trends, Stats And The Future Of The International Student Market Place

1. Trends, stats and the future of the international student market place Janet Ilieva, PhD 2. Content Stats and figures from the international student place: some comparative…

Education Nanowrimo in a nutshell

1.   2. Welcome to Wrimo India! Add (city level volunteers) names here 3.   4. Nanowrimo or national November writing month is a novel writing contest across the globe,…

Documents Discoverer

Using Discoverer 4i Plus ® Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2001. All rights reserved. Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following: •…

Documents 18496594-UDPFI-Guidelines

UDPFI Guidelines Norms and standards SUBMITTED TO: Prof. S.Kumar C.Revapathi City Development Strategy Norms and standards Distribution of land use • Developed area average…

Documents Global city GDP rankings 2008-2025

III – Which are the largest city economies in the world and how might this change by 2025? This article updates an article published in our March 2007 UK Economic Outlook1…

Documents branding leveraging

1. Brand Building Session XII Brand Leveraging Lectures 1 - 2 of 2 2. Scope of the Presentation The leveraging process Leveraging brand associations The process of brand…

Education KGIC Youth Bridge Progam PPP

1. KGIC SurreyJunior + Children ESLTRANSFER TO A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL!Let us help your child succeed. 2. KGICChildren Program Children’s English (6~13 years) Learn in a…

Documents Eurocities flash 121 nov 2012

1. N° 121EUROCITIES FLASH Nov 2012an information service for EUROCITIES membersInspired in NantesEUROCITIES at informal councilInnovation, inspiration and involvement were…