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Documents Black screen. European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association Forecast of Food Farming and Fertilizer....

Slide 1Black screen Slide 2 European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association Forecast of Food Farming and Fertilizer use in the European Union - 2004 to 2014 Slide 3 Major Events…

Technology Hubertus Gay

1. Market outlookfor grains and oilseeds Stephan Hubertus Gay DG Agriculture and Rural Development 2. Introduction Cereal and oilseed balances regularily produced in DG AGRI…

Education Agricultural spaces in the basque autonomous communiy

1. AGRICULTURAL SPACES IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY 2. Primary sector in the BasqueCountry• It has lost its economic weight: • Smaller production • Reduction of the number…

Science Strengthening and Enhancing Seed Systems to Better Manage Agricultural Risk

Maize breeding under climate change Strengthening and Enhancing Seed Systems to Better Manage Agricultural Risk Jill E Cairns, Tsedeke Abate, Peter Craufurd, Cosmos Magorokosho,…

Food Richard Pearson NFU Profiting from Sustainability Conference York Dec 2014

1. Agriculture Looking For ASustainable ProfitRichard PearsonNFU Regional DirectorDecember 2014 2. Population Up 3. Food Consumption Up 4. Life Expectancy Up 5. An industry…

Documents IMPROVEMENT OF EWS BY LAND COVER DATA – Giancarlo Pini – IBIMET-CNR Giancarlo Pini Institute of....

Giancarlo Pini Institute of BioMeteorology (IBIMET) - National Research Council (CNR) JRC - GLC 2000 "Final Results" Workshop - Ispra 24-26/03/03 IMPROVEMENT OF…