Documents tagged
Business How to Grow a Product with a User Journey

How to Grow a Product with a User Journey Brandon Owens - Mauricio Estrella - Too often growth is assumed…

Technology Covering community in new and cost-effective ways

1. Covering communities in the digital age Mark Briggs | The News Tribune Journalism 2.0 Journalism 2.0 1 2. Journalism 2.0 2 3. State of the state Journalism 2.0 2 4. State…

Technology Scaling and Managing Selenium Grid

1. Scaling and Managing SeleniumGridDima Kovalenko@dimacus 2. • Note to self, this slide should be completelyblank, NO TEXT of any sort! 3. Shameless PlugISBN: 9781783982707…

Government & Nonprofit Responsible IATI data: learning from the IATI process

LEARNING FROM THE IATI PROCESS By Zara Rahman RESPONSIBLE IATI? ⢠Provides interoperable, comparable data ⢠Increases transparency / accountability ⢠High-level…