Documents tagged
Documents 1 Princess Elisabeth Station Antarctica

Princess Elisabeth Antarctica The First “Zero Emission” Polar Research Station Contents 03 Contents 05 International Polar Foundation 06 Technology & Ingenuity 10…

Documents Snodar (Surface layer NOn-Doppler Acoustic Radar) A new instrument to measure the height of the...

Slide 1Snodar (Surface layer NOn-Doppler Acoustic Radar) A new instrument to measure the height of the Atmospheric boundary layer on the Antarctic plateau. Colin S. Bonner…

Documents Polar Missions and Geographic Positioning Systems Presented by Rob Snyder.

Slide 1Polar Missions and Geographic Positioning Systems Presented by Rob Snyder Slide 2 Several IPY Expeditions are now collecting data on traverses of Antarctic.…

Documents SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH An Update from Colin Summerhayes Executive Director SCAR....

Slide 1SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANTARCTIC RESEARCH An Update from Colin Summerhayes Executive Director SCAR website: Slide 2 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE…

Documents Page 1 Study of Sensor Inter-calibration Using CLARREO Jack Xiong, Jim Butler, and Steve Platnick...

Slide 1 Page 1 Study of Sensor Inter-calibration Using CLARREO Jack Xiong, Jim Butler, and Steve Platnick NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771 with contributions from MODIS Characterization…

Documents A talk of two halves: 1. Drifting snow in Antarctica : modelling the interaction with the boundary.....

Slide 1 A talk of two halves: 1. Drifting snow in Antarctica : modelling the interaction with the boundary layer & consequences for ice cores. 2. Modelling denitrification…

Documents Next Generation Deep 2 Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages Jeremy Mould, Swinburne University...

Next Generation Deep 2m Survey: Reconnoitering the Dark Ages Jeremy Mould, Swinburne University Recent Progress in theoretical and observational cosmology Beijing, Nov 6,…

Documents Denver, The Mile - High City, is about 1,600 meters high. The Antarctic plateau, a big mound of snow...

Denver, The Mile - High City, is about 1,600 meters high. The Antarctic plateau, a big mound of snow & ice, is over 4000 meters high. Highest Driest Coldest This famous…

Documents Super Seeing from the AAT

Super Seeing from the AAT Peter Gillingham 26th March 2003 1991 Herstmonceux Conference: â Super Seeing from the AAT ? â (Australian Antarctic Territory) We believed Antarctic…

Documents ANTARCTICA: COLD AND FULL OF PENGUINS Jack Breese, Josh Cranmer.

ANTARCTICA: COLD AND FULL OF PENGUINS Jack Breese, Josh Cranmer PENGUINS OH GOD THERE ARE SO MANY! PENGUIN FACTORY This is where they make penguins. Antarctic Climate Cooling…