Documents tagged
Documents Mandler, g. (2002) Origins of the Cognitive Revolution

University of California Postprints Year  Paper  Origins of the cognitive (r)evolution George Mandler University of California, San Diego George Mandler,…

Health & Medicine Anti-lymphangiogenic properties of mTOR inhibitors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma...

1. This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Fully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon. Anti-lymphangiogenic…

Documents Obsidian Blades in Contemporary Surgery

Refer to: Buck BA: Ancient technology in contemporary surgery (Information). West J Med 136:265-269, Mar 1982 Information Ancient Technology in Contemporary Surgery BRUCE…

Documents Stop Animal Testing

1. AnimalTestingis Animal CrueltyFreda ByVivian To 2. "It is totally unconscionable to subject defenseless animals to mutilation and death,just so a company can…

Health & Medicine Beauty within the society. 1(1)

1. Jane Burns Ward OthmanCourtney ShepherdAmelia Wilson 2.  The truism of the famoussaying by Plato “Beauty isin the eye of the beholder”and what it sums up isincorrect.…

Documents Vivisection

1. VIVISECTION REDUCTION OF PRIMATES INMEDICAL SCIENCESAlcalde, Loren GraceManguilimotan, Edd Nysha 2. I. IntroductionA. According to the United State Department of Agriculture(USDA),…

News & Politics Gp Animal Testing

1. Imagine yourself... Locked inside a cage without any control of your lifeYou can’t choose what you eat, or where you liveYou can’t even know whether it’s day or…

Design Opportunities and challenges in Laryngeal Microsurgery- A graduate seminar presented during my M.Eng...

1. Opportunities and challenges in Laryngeal MicrosurgeryA user- based design of a wound closure device with potential to disruptDr Chui Chee Kong, NUS Dr David Lau Pang…

Lifestyle Animal experiments

1. ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS L.NAGA KRISHNA , LECTARURER, MRIMS . 2. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW  Aristotle and erasistratus are the first to use living animals in experiments.  Animal…

Documents Professor Ihab Younis, M.D.. Etiology It occurs in approximately 2-5% of inpatients and in greater.....

Slide 1Professor Ihab Younis, M.D. Slide 2 Etiology It occurs in approximately 2-5% of inpatients and in greater than 1% of outpatients Most estimates of the incidence of…