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Page 1: Working meeting for the establishment of the Balkan Forest · Working meeting for the establishment of the

Working meeting for the Working meeting for the establishment of the establishment of the Balkan Forest ForumBalkan Forest Forum

Forestry in the Republic of Macedonia

Forestry in the Republic of Macedonia

Prof. Ivan Blinkov1, DSc – Dejan Mandzukovski2, MSc, Pance Nikolov2, BSc–

1Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Forestry, 2PE Makedonski Shumi

Prof. Ivan Blinkov1, DSc – Dejan Mandzukovski2, MSc, Pance Nikolov2, BSc–

1Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Forestry, 2PE Makedonski Shumi

18th - 19th February 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.18th - 19th February 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.

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Brief introduction to the Republic of Macedonia Historical backgrounds of forestry (Medieval Period - ….)

Current situation (area, coverage, tree species distribution, ownership, growing stock, annual increment, annual harvesting, etc.);

National forest sector development - forest policy and legislation, institutional development and present set up, forest management, control and protection, protected and protective territories, climate changes and forestry, hunting and game management, forest fires, pests and diseases, etc.;

Possibilities for development of the cooperation on regional and international level, with focus on possible thematic working groups within the Forum


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Brief introduction to RM

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Basic Facts

Area –Area – 25 713 km 25 713 km22

Inhabitants:Inhabitants: 2 100 000 2 100 000 Density:Density: 81 inh./ 81 inh./ kmkm22

ParticipationParticipation of forestry in GDP – of forestry in GDP – 0.3 - 0.5%,0.3 - 0.5%, (non-market forest values are not estimated in this value(non-market forest values are not estimated in this value))

Participation of forest Participation of forest industry (primary and secondary wood industry (primary and secondary wood processing, furniture, paper and celluloses...) in GDP is 2.5 - 3%processing, furniture, paper and celluloses...) in GDP is 2.5 - 3%

Area –Area – 25 713 km 25 713 km22

Inhabitants:Inhabitants: 2 100 000 2 100 000 Density:Density: 81 inh./ 81 inh./ kmkm22

ParticipationParticipation of forestry in GDP – of forestry in GDP – 0.3 - 0.5%,0.3 - 0.5%, (non-market forest values are not estimated in this value(non-market forest values are not estimated in this value))

Participation of forest Participation of forest industry (primary and secondary wood industry (primary and secondary wood processing, furniture, paper and celluloses...) in GDP is 2.5 - 3%processing, furniture, paper and celluloses...) in GDP is 2.5 - 3%

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Altitude : 40 – 2764 m asl

Cca 80% of the territory – hilly-and hilly-mountain zone

14 peaks over 2000 masl

Natural conditions - Relief


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3 BASINS : -Black Sea basin (44 km2 or 0.17 %) ; - Adriatic Sea basin (3359 km2 or 13.07 %) -Aegean Sea basin (22310 km2 or 86.76%)

Rivers - 35 Natural lakes - 3 Reservoirs) - > 125

Rivers - 35 Natural lakes - 3 Reservoirs) - > 125

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C L I M A T E2 zonal climates: mediterranean; temperate-eastern continental 1 local climate : mountain

- Precipitations: godi{na suma - annual - 733 mm vo leto- summer period – 127.84 mm

- Temperature: mean annual - 10,52 oC ; abs.max: + 45,9 oC ;

abs.min.: -31,5 oCDrought index (by De Marton) : 34.45

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a sub-Mediterranean climate (50 - 500 m); a moderate-continental-sub-Mediterranean climate (to 600 m); a hot continental climate (600 - 900 m); a cold continental climate (900 – 1,100 m); a sub-forest-continental-mountainous climate (1,100 -1,300 m); a forest-continental mountainous climate (1,300 – 1,650 m); a sub-alpine mountainous climate (1,650 – 2,250 m); an alpine mountainous climate (hs >2,250 m).




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IUCN categoryIUCN category NumberTotal area


Total (9.0% оf RM) 86 230 083

Ia. Strict protected area 2 7 787

Ib: Wilderness area - -

II: National Park 3 114 870

III: Monument of nature 67 78 967

IV: Nature park 12 3 045

V: Protected landscape 1 108

VI:Multipurpose area 1 25 305

National system of protected areasNational system of protected areas

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Representative map of nature protection Representative map of nature protection (protected – green, proposed – blue, significant-red) (protected – green, proposed – blue, significant-red)

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Protected areas with international significance Protected areas with international significance

Properties on the UNESCO World Heritage List- Natural and cultural heritage of Ohrid region (mixed natural and cultural - criteria – mixed - i, iii, iv, vii)

UNESCO Tentative World Heritage List – Natural heritage Markovi Kuli – Criteria - Natural (vii, viii, ix) Cave Slatinski Izvor – Criteria - Natural (vii, viii, ix)

Ramsar sitesRamsar sitesPrespa lake (1995)Prespa lake (1995)

Dojran lake (2007)Dojran lake (2007).. 44 wetlands-19 reservoirs, 8 marshes,

6 glacial lakes, 3 fish ponds, 3 lakes, 1 temporary water, 2 rivers, 1 aquatic bed and 1 spring.

Total area that is covered by wetlands is 57.422 ha

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Important Plant Area Important Plant Area ( (IPAIPA) ) Important Bird Area (IBA) Important Bird Area (IBA)

Prime Butterfly Areas (PBA) Prime Butterfly Areas (PBA)

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Phytogeographically - Illyrian province of the Circumboreal region within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the WWF and Digital Map of European Ecological Regions by the EEA, the territory of the RM can be subdivided into 4 eco-regions: the Pindus Mountain Mixed forests, Balkan mixed forests, Rhodopes mixed forests, and Aegean sclerophyllous and mixed forests.

Diversity of flora- 210 fam., 920 gen., and 3700 spp.

Macedonian dendroflorae comprise 319 tree and shrub species, with more than 80 sub-species and varieties, divided into 119 genera and 54 families. Due to the recent investigations, the above mentioned plants comprise 81 forest associations. It is very important to note that there are 49 endemic and sub-endemic species. Lower plants are represented by 1,580 species of Algae, at least 1,250 species of Fungi and some 340 species of Lichens.. The diversity of fauna in the Republic of Macedonia is represented by 9,339 species and 228 subspecies, or a total of 9,567 taxa. Of these, 602 species and 72 subspecies, or a total of 674 taxa, are Macedonian endemics representing 7 % of the entire fauna.

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- Medieval Period- Period of Ottoman Empire- XX century up the II World War- Period after the II World War

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Medieval Period – XIV century

King Dusan Kingdom

King Dusan Kingdom

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They cut forests, used wood for fuel and for mining construction

and devastated forests in that region (this region is still the most

erosive region in the RM)

They cut forests, used wood for fuel and for mining construction

and devastated forests in that region (this region is still the most

erosive region in the RM)

XIII-XIV AC - Arriving of German miners –SASI and Shlesi

XIII-XIV AC - Arriving of German miners –SASI and Shlesi

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First written documents related to “forests”, on the territory of Macedonia is the “King Dusan Law” from the year 1349,

(Лета 6857, индикта 2, на праздник Вознесения Господня, месяца мая, в 21 день)

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The article 123 (for Sasi) is a response of destruction of the forests made by the miners Sasi.

“Territory where Sasi cut the forest till this date, let it belong to them; If they illegally occupy land that belongs to any ruler, let they be punished according to the king’s Law.;

from now to the future, Sasi must not cut the forest, if Sas cut the forest, let leave the land, not to plough, not to settle, but let it empty, to allow forest growing….”

123. 123. В связи с торгами: где бы сасы лес ни вырубили В связи с торгами: где бы сасы лес ни вырубили допреж собора этого, пусть той землей и владеют. Коли у владетеля допреж собора этого, пусть той землей и владеют. Коли у владетеля

какого землю отняли бесправно, пусть судятся с ними владетели по какого землю отняли бесправно, пусть судятся с ними владетели по закону Святого короля. А впредь с собора нынешнего пусть сас леса не закону Святого короля. А впредь с собора нынешнего пусть сас леса не

рубит, а что ырубит, пусть не возделывает да людьми не заселяет, рубит, а что ырубит, пусть не возделывает да людьми не заселяет, пускай так и будет пусто, чтоб лес рос. И никто пусть сасу лес рубить не пускай так и будет пусто, чтоб лес рос. И никто пусть сасу лес рубить не

запрещает; сколько для торгов надобно, столько пусть и рубит.запрещает; сколько для торгов надобно, столько пусть и рубит.

123. 123. В связи с торгами: где бы сасы лес ни вырубили В связи с торгами: где бы сасы лес ни вырубили допреж собора этого, пусть той землей и владеют. Коли у владетеля допреж собора этого, пусть той землей и владеют. Коли у владетеля

какого землю отняли бесправно, пусть судятся с ними владетели по какого землю отняли бесправно, пусть судятся с ними владетели по закону Святого короля. А впредь с собора нынешнего пусть сас леса не закону Святого короля. А впредь с собора нынешнего пусть сас леса не

рубит, а что ырубит, пусть не возделывает да людьми не заселяет, рубит, а что ырубит, пусть не возделывает да людьми не заселяет, пускай так и будет пусто, чтоб лес рос. И никто пусть сасу лес рубить не пускай так и будет пусто, чтоб лес рос. И никто пусть сасу лес рубить не

запрещает; сколько для торгов надобно, столько пусть и рубит.запрещает; сколько для торгов надобно, столько пусть и рубит.

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According to Evliâ Çelebi chronicles (famous Turkey traveller from the XVI centuries) these area was fully covered with forests.

The Ottoman Empire proclaim “res nullius” (no ownership) for the forest, that means everybody can cut the forest for free. .

According to Evliâ Çelebi chronicles (famous Turkey traveller from the XVI centuries) these area was fully covered with forests.

The Ottoman Empire proclaim “res nullius” (no ownership) for the forest, that means everybody can cut the forest for free. .

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Desertified region in the central part of Macedonia (along river Vardar, Bregalnica and Crna reka)

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RESULT of forest cut during the Ottoman Empire along the Vardar river in central Macedonia

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Latest period of the Ottoman Empire

1858 - “ Ramadan Law “ for nature, forest and water 1869 - “Chevalier Law“ ,

1894 – new law . Regulated ownership rights (village forests, vak’f

forests n (church/monastery, mosque) - A document called tapia, which proved their right to

possess the land.

Regulated – which forest can be cut, where cut is prohibited, where grazing is forbidden (young forest)

Planed to be implemented up to 1905

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XX century up to the II WWBalkan wars , the I World War - - again devastation of forests

During the Kingdom of SHS (Serbian, Croats and Slovenian) adopt:

1928 - Law on Forests - administrative dividing of the kingdom (banovina, okrug, srez)

decentralization and shifting – downscaling of rights and obligation for forest management

Naroden odbor (People’s council) adopt various regulation and decree With the Law from 1928, officially was established forestry as economic

branch. The First Forest Cadastre was launched, Regulated – which forest can be cut, where cut is prohibited, where

grazing is forbidden (young forest)

1931 - established Tax for Goats (with aim to protect forests)

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Period after the II WW – (DFJ, FNRJ, SFRJ)

1946-7 Law on Forest “Narodni Odbori” – responsible for forests Established forest economies

1971 – Established Fund for afforestation of barelands (existed up to 1990)

1975 – Adopt Rulebook for Forest Management planning

Secretariat for Agriculture, Forestry and water economy – administrative political body

- 30 forest economies – operative institutions for management of economic forests

Non-economic forests were managed by: National Parks, Water economies, Municipality administration

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1998 – Law on Forests - Established Public Enterprise “Macedonian Forests”

beside management of economic forest, management of all protective forests (in past managed by water economies and municipalities) was shifted to PE MF

PE Makedonski shumi (Macedonian Forests) – directorate in Skopje and 30 regional offices

2009 – Law on Forest

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Forests and forest land - 1,159,600 ha, Forests - 947,653 ha ( SSDF, 2006).

Forest and forest land 1.095.000 ha of forest land, out of which forests 940.000 ha, (State statistical office, 2009)


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Land Use in RM


Arrable LandArrable Land



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Forest and forest land in RM – (Corine LCU – level III)

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Forest stands distribution per areaType ha %

1 Pure Broad-leaved stands 541730 56.10

1.1 b e e c h (Fagus spp) 225766 23.38

1.2 o a k ( Quercus spp.) 280039 29.00

1.3 o t h e r b r o a d l e a v e d s p e c i e s 35925 3.72

2 Pure Coniferous stands 81673 8.46

2.1 b l a c k p i n e ( Pinus nigra) 63958 6.62

2.2 s c o t c h p i n e ( Pinus silvestris) 7864 0.81

2.3 f i r (Abies alba) 3098 0.32

2.4 w h i t e s p r u c e (Picea abies) 1298 0.13

2.5 o t h e r c o n i f e r o u s s p e c i e s 5455 0.56

3 Mixed Broad-leaved stands 277146 28.70

3.1 b e e c h + o t h e r c o n i f e r o u s s p e c i e s 54427 5.64

3.2 o a k + o t h e r c o n i f e r o u s s p e c i e s 193594 20.05

3.3 o t h e r b r o a d l e a v e d s p e c i e s 29125 3.02

4 Mixed Coniferous stands 7656 0.79

4.1 f i r + s p r u c e 598 0.06

4.2 b l a c k p i n e + s c o t c h p i n e 3260 0.34

4.3 o t h e r c o n i f e r o u s s p e c i e s 3798 0.39

5 Mixed Broad-leaved and Coniferous stands 57455 5.95

5.1 b e e c h + f i r + s p r u c e 10055 1.04

5.2 black pine + scotch pine + other broad-leaved species 3832 0.40

5.3 other c o n i f e r o u s 43558 4.51

T O T A L : 965650 100.00

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Total growing stock 74.434.000 m3

Total annual increment 1.830.000 m3

- High forest – 29% (3.45 m3/ha);

- Coppices – 71% (1.44 m3/ha);

- Mean annual growth: 2.02 m3/haDistribution of wood massDistribution of wood mass

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Structure of Forest by Ownership 90.14% of the total forest area in Macedonia is state owned forest,

while their part of the total wood mass is 92.2%.

Private owned forests covers 9.86% (94,146 ha) of the total forest area, and their portion of wood mass represents 7.8% of the total.

Structure of forests by functions (productive, protective, protected) in hectares and m3.

Therefore the economic forests encompass - 92% but forest in protected areas is about 8% of the total forest area (in this value are calculated park-forest too).

Unfortunately officially protective forests as it was indicated earlier do not exist from legal point of view although they are real

on field.

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National Strategies /Plans Strategy for Sustainable Development of Forestry

(2006-2026) – with Action Plan (2007-2013) National strategy for sustainable development of the

Republic of Macedonia 2009-2030 National agriculture and rural development strategy

(NARDS), 2014-2020[V1] Spatial Plan of RM, 2002-2020 National Water Strategy, 2011-2041 National Strategy for Land Consolidation Third national communication on climate change – 2014 National strategy for biodiversity protection and action

plan (new in a final phase of preparation) National action Plan to Combat Land Degradation and

Desertification (in a final phase of preparation)

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Forestry legislation Law on Forests (“Official Gazette of the Republic of

Macedonia” no. 64/09,24/11, 53/11, 25/13, 79/13, 147/13 and 43/14)

Law on Hunting (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 26/09, 82/09, 136/11, 1/12, 69/13, 164/13 and 187/13)

• Law on Reproductive Material of Forest Trees (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 55/07 and 148/11)

• Law on Forestry and Hunting Inspection (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” no. 88/08, 06/10, 36/11, 74/12, 164/13 and 43/14)

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Related legislation Law on Nature Protection Law on Environment Law on Waters Law on Agriculture and Rural Development Law on Plant Protection Law on products for plant protection Law on pastures Law on firefighting Service Law on Crises Management Law on Protection and Rescue Law on National infrastructure of geospatial data Law on mountain paths Law on greenery Law on communal affairs Law on real estate cadastre Law on spatial and urban planning Law on inspection supervision Violations law Penal code

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Ministry of Environment and physical planning International context

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Macedonia has signed and is bound to meet the requirements of these international agreements relevant to the forestry sector:

Biodiversity Convention (1997); Framework Convention on Climate Change ( 1998); Conventuion to Combat Land degradation and desertification

(2002) Ramsar Convention (1991); CITES convention (2000); Convention for the Protection of Plants (2004); Membership in the WTO (2003) – World Heritage Convention (1997); Aarhus Convention (1999) and other

Miinstrial Conference of protection of Forests (FOREST EUROPE)..

International context

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Main STAKEHOLDERS in Forestry

MAFWE – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, water economy (department for forestry, forest police guard, forest and hunting inspectorate)

PE Makedonski Sumi (Macedonian Forests) Private forest owners

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Forestry


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Who manage forests?

PE Macedonian Forests – 83-85% of all forests

Forest within protected areas according to Law on nature (PI NP’s, PE Jasen, LMA’s,..) – 5-7%

Private forest owners – 10% (There are approximately more than 200.000 parcels of forests

owned cca 65.000 households, averaging 0,6 ha. )

Obligatory – for forest >100 ha to be prepared forest management plan

At the moment exists more then 200 forest management plans out of them

Each FM plan – revision every 10 years State inspectorate for forestry and hunting control implementation

of these plans

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Extreme forest management units by wood mass per hectare in PE Macedonian Forests

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PE Makedonski SUMI (Macedonian Forests) and Public Institutions National parks (Galicica, Mavrovo, Pelister)

are self-financing enterprises.

Dominant source of income is wood-mass (for PEMF – 95%, for PI NP – significant).

Forests within protected areas are with better quality –

Proposed areas for protection (according to Law on Nature) dominantly good forest

According to the Law on nature, for IUCN 2 – Natonal Park should be established new public institutions that will manage integral area. . For other IUCN categories, the Government assign management body

REASON for permanent Conflict between forestry and nature conservation

According to the Law on nature, for IUCN 2 – Natonal Park should be established new public institutions that will manage integral area. . For other IUCN categories, the Government assign management body

REASON for permanent Conflict between forestry and nature conservation

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Year AI - Annual increment*

PSC- Possible

cutPSC / AI

PC - Planed


RC - Realized

cutPC / AI RC / PC RC / AI

m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 % % %

1998 1609357 1275896 79,28 854748 662668 53,11 77,53 41,18

1999 1609357 1163757 72,31 816177 733280 50,71 89,84 45,56

2000 1609357 1270970 78,97 777652 797602 48,32 102,57 49,56

2001 1609357 1265533 78,64 782198 515192 48,60 65,86 32,01

2002 1609357 1280163 79,54 756805 527941 47,03 69,76 32,80

2003 1609357 1237824 76,91 726679 654296 45,15 90,04 40,66

2004 1609357 1232480 76,58 730371 626884 45,38 85,83 38,95

2005 1609357 1225791 76,17 694482 587944 43,15 84,66 36,53

2006 1609357 1235509 76,77 704636 604870 43,78 85,84 37,58

2007 1609357 1116177 69,36 746635 583078 46,39 78,09 36,23

2008 1609357 1120390 69,62 785165 634718 48,79 80,84 39,44

2009 1609357 1110884 69,03 733060 557452 45,55 76,04 34,64

2010 1609357 1080857 67,16 768022 553657 47,72 72,09 34,40

2011 1609357 1056729 65,66 814251 525235 50,59 64,51 32,64

2012 1609357 999750 62,12 673808 515185 41,87 76,46 32,01

2013 1609357 973271 60,48 666769 480593 41,43 72,08 29,86

Average 1609357 1165374 72,41 751966 597537 46,72 79,50 37,13

H A R V E S T I N G - PEMF -

H A R V E S T I N G - PEMF -

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At the moment PE MF manage 19 nursery garden having distributed in all climatic areas inn RM having an average area 27 ha and total capacity of 40 000 000 nurseries.

Area and capacities of numerous private nursery gardens is much lower.

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Afforestation by years 1961-2013

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Total afforested area > 200 000 ha (3773 ha/annually) (out of them during existence of Fund for afforestation of barelands afforested 131 000 ha – 6550 ha/ann.). Successful – 60-70%.

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Forest Fires

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JICA project


JICA project

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ICP forest’s assessment of forest health conditions for Macedonia.

This is an assessment done using the official methodology for all Europe, USA and Canada for assessment of tree (forest) condition in relation with air pollution and climate change.

According to this methodology 29 plots for assessment are established in Macedonia (Picture 1).

Around 50% of the assessed trees don’t have signs Around 50% of the assessed trees don’t have signs of crown transparence but around 45% of the trees of crown transparence but around 45% of the trees are in the 1 and 2 class of the scale of loss of are in the 1 and 2 class of the scale of loss of needles/leaves (>10<60%). It means that these needles/leaves (>10<60%). It means that these trees will be most vulnerable on the climate trees will be most vulnerable on the climate change in the next period. change in the next period.

Around 50% of the assessed trees don’t have signs Around 50% of the assessed trees don’t have signs of crown transparence but around 45% of the trees of crown transparence but around 45% of the trees are in the 1 and 2 class of the scale of loss of are in the 1 and 2 class of the scale of loss of needles/leaves (>10<60%). It means that these needles/leaves (>10<60%). It means that these trees will be most vulnerable on the climate trees will be most vulnerable on the climate change in the next period. change in the next period.

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Climate changes and forestry

Forests in Republic of Macedonia are expected to experience high level of impact from climate change, especially the boreal forests, where those impacts could be more dramatic.

While in other sectors, the influence of these changes is

becoming clearer; in the forestry sector we still have a lack of conceptual framework for determination of the vulnerability.

The impacts of climate changes in forestry sector can be either positive or negative. It is important to understand the opportunities that might exist in order to decrease their negative impacts on forests.

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Vulnerability of the forestry sector Vulnerability of the forestry sector to climate change, can be defined as a relation between exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of the sector (Smith, Pilifosova, 2001 –Tailored vulnerability approach for forest management), or

V= f (E ,S, A), where: V- system vulnerability; E- system exposure; S- system sensitivity; A- system adaptive capacity;

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The major sources of exposure to climate change for forests in Macedonia are:

Increasing of temperature: - changes: increasing working season, longer period of vegetation;

Increasing of extreme events, floods, droughts: - changes: threat to infrastructure, life, inhabitants, socio-economic

Increasing of forest fire activities: - changes: threat to infrastructure, reduction in wood supply, increased

emission of GHG, decreased GHG absorption

Increase of insect and diseases outbrakes: - changes: reduction of wood supply, decreased growth and yield

Changes in forest productivity: - changes: wood supply and carbon sequestration Changes in species composition:

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Hunting and game management Game in the Republic of Macedonia is state property and goods of

common interest for RM so enjoys special protection under conditions according to the Law on Hunting and the Law on Nature Protection

23 mammals and 110 birds are assigned as game species.

Game species without protection are: Mammals: Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Ondatra spp. , Mustela

putorius, Mustela erminea, Martes martes, Martes forina, Birds: Phalacrocorax carbo, Accipiter gentilis, Corvus cornix L,

Corvus frugilegus,, Corvus monedula., Pica pica. Sturnus vulgaris

All other species are on the list of protected (periodicaly or forever).

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Main species are deer hunting, ordinary deer, wild boar, rabbit, Poland partridge, pheasant and partridge rocky

Game hunting in particular given the concessionaire (domestic and foreign entity) which by the Government gets concession for game in hunting through public competition.

For every hunting adopted special hunting area for 10 years (small game) and 20 years (large game) that must be approved by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy.

The traditional hunting ground surface depending on the type of game and can be:

- Less than 1,000 hectares, or more than 13,000 ha of small game and - Less than 2,000 hectares, or more than 25,000 ha for big game

Total number of hunting areas in the Republic of Macedonia is 250.

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Educational process

PRIMARY School – 9 years


4 years

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of Forestry - Skopje

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Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM) - 1949

2400 teaching and research staff; >50 000 students

23 faculties (whole scientific fields) 5 institutes 4 public scientific institutes 1 other high education organization 7 other organization

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the only scientific-educative institution for forestry in the country

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Institute of Forestry was established in 1944

Faculty of Forestry as a part of Agricultural-Forestry Faculty was established in 1947.

In 1975, with a decision of the National Assembly, the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry was transformed and reorganized into two independent institutions.

In 1976, the Faculty of Forestry merged with the Forestry Institute in Skopje, and became it’s legal successor.

In 2011, Department of wood industry separated from the Forestry faculty and was established new faculty for design and technology of furniture and interior

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Current study programmes - from 2013/14

4 + 1 + 3 years

I cycle: Bachelor degree (BSc) – 240 ECTS II cycle: Master degree (MSc) – 60 ECTS III cycle: Doctoral degree (PhD) – 180 ECTS

BSC – Graduate engineer for (60% obligatory- 40% elective courses) - Forestry - Landscape design - Eco-engineering and eco-management

MSc - Master of - Forestry - Landscaping and environment promotion

PhD – doctor –new curricula is under construction

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-Development of Forest Sectors in the Balkan Peninsula

- Green Economy and Forest Ecosystem Services

-- Climate Changes and Forestry

-Development of Forest Sectors in the Balkan Peninsula

- Green Economy and Forest Ecosystem Services

-- Climate Changes and Forestry

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R. Macedonia


Satellite image – 25 July 2007Satellite image – 25 July 2007FOREST FIRES


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Page 65: Working meeting for the establishment of the Balkan Forest · Working meeting for the establishment of the

According to the erosion intensity, countries in Europe could be classified in 6 groups.

The most endangered countries (>10 t/ha) are Albania and Montenegro.

In the second group (5-10 t/ha) are Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Macedonia and Romania.

Balkan peninsula is the most countries are the most erosive part of Europe

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Project: Study and Analysis of Innovative Financing for Sustainable Forest Management in the Southwest Balkan2012-2014

Case study - Albania: Sustainable Forest Management and Watershed Management

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Mean value of Z- erosion coefficient is 0,54

Bathymetry - Sa = 1 331 741 [m3/y] Ssp = 1087,71 [m3/km2 y] Erosion mapping and sediment calculation G = 1 343 467 [m3 y] Gsp = 1108 [m3/km2 y]

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Torrent floods and riverine floods everywhere on the Balkan even in the last few years

2013 - Albania

2014 – Serbia Bosnia Croatia

2015 – Albania Macedonia Bulgaria

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III National Communication to Climate Changes -

NAP to Combat Land degradation and desertification -

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