Please tick the box to continue:

  • Halen at tîs« «tock E-chaage, Oct. 1..IDCO N. »-*..l.0¿,tip Long Island. 491¿îrjSîN.Y.«3s,laÇt.801)150^ do..4.1«j»0 Indian- Bonds.....21* 75 Stotiington R....b60d H*i «M do......bl0d21l! 25 do.b-Od 14SErmllüno-^JeTO.-Od J8ÍJ100 do. HJ.^mica fe^ch**-...115

    íECOKD BO.lRD.ftowles._

    »r-t-'.mcrci1».» and money Irlatler».JkjÓKDAY P. M.

    Th»*'sales were »sain very »mill. Long island fell ofl' }.For Harlem 16} uflered. 16} _skc,d ; Delaware 82} offered,83n«Jsed; Mohawk 33ofTt*re.f, 3-i ask*»d.

    . Id State stocks the transaction» were not large but at fullr»i_. Stan* Severas wer« wanted at 1 premium. The CitylE>ck books »re clc-crt and there i- lit-«- doing in ttiai de-»cripticaNotbin* Coir», in Foreign Exchange, and no change..

    ¡sterling 7 a 7j.Franc» "..35 a 5.3?J.Fuuds are a ¡ittie heavier to day. Alabama is petting

    -or-.-. It was .lifikolt to make safes late in the day al 15discount. All \v*-re btrllers and no buyers- It will be seenby acon:mu«icatioB on the outside »hat the writer Mispectithe Sute ot a plan, by the rapid appreciation of Ala¬bama tundí, and the payment of the interest on the bonds,.induce the Legislature to treat it mercifully at the coming.session.Tht Eugenia from Vera Crnt brought 431,oOO in »pecie-

    About $-0,000 has be»-n receir-d from Havre- By the Rus-tell (Jlover $20o.0ft0 goe* to-day to New-Orleans.The Meclianics and Traders Batik bas declared a tUrf;

    deudor three and ontf-alf per tent, payable on arid afterthe lit Nov. next.The City Baak has_ecl»red.a dividend of 4pc-r cent, pay¬

    ai*«, on and .¡1er the 1*1 Nov. n*»xi.The Union Bank ha« «*dso declared a dividend of four per

    cent, payable on an- after the 1st Nov. next.T!:e Bank of New-York four percent.Cm Saturday a new emi.ton of $100 épurions notes on ti e

    Greenwich Bank of tin» city, well calculated to deceive,1*

    vrai put i» circulation. The bill- are altered from somebroken bank, l.ttet A, pay to C. Vfi Lawrence, Tima W'hit-tt-ore, Cashier; J. ft. Salterie**, President.a; ¿la'-il- the Bank was checking on New-York at 22per

    cent. Specie was scarce and m demand for New-Orkans.gj»ty day bills at 17 a 1? per cent.

    CLÉ; -LAND, Oct. 10.1842.The Canal receipts since Saturday are 12,774 buthel-*

    Wheat, 6,448 bids Flour and 8S0 bushels Corn.Sali*-1 of Ufé he»t samples of. Wheat continue steady, al 65

    ct#. Aii the food .rarids of Fl-sur oiered are readily .¿en«?3 50. ,:

    October 11.The Canal receipts to-day are l£0n bushels Wheat, and

    3C9 bids Flour.Wheat is steady at 65c, and Hit* best brands of flat hoopCanal Flour cannot be bad under $3 56L »Sales having been

    nuile al that price to a c.t.iderable extent yesterday andW-ilay.Staimieut showing the expon» of Flour, Purk aud Wheat

    from ibe port til Cleveland, in vessels, during the weekteding Oc. 8,1842;

    Flour. Pork. Wheat.üjíitf d States Ports.24j5_ 16331,446CíHiHl*.,.....'¿¿Sí Sft1,723

    : oui.Tapir? i¿¡ ¿is,i6o»tïurk-tJï.Carefully reported for The Tribune.

    ASHES.There is rather a «luiet stale of the market and\ an atteuipt on the part of buyers to reduce ralea. Of Pot»j about 1«*) hbls liave beeu sold to-day at 5 62., but they can-¡L ),..; be sbW freely at that rate. Pe«uls are held at 6 00, andfêk c-_uiá)bf»Ijliavi; buen taken rit that price. At this priceylij'y are plenty and cannot find many buyers. The receipt»

    2;2_teulv'î" k^**"" **>c*k d-.-icHptioii? and the bills out to-dayt nmjh^i'ue market is still more depressed than on Sat-ütky witlTO moderate demand from Eastern buyers, wlio.»'epato a -til* further decline. The large quantity herem-M, afloat and on.-the dock-, estimated al upwards of 3 ',-*Î5 bbîi, í"*_ a bad et.eet on «he marke', brt some of theluge receiver»* and owners ate making an atiempl to stemthe downward feeling and may succeed in preventing anyfir« rate-. We cousider the market at least 6¿c worseth-n on Saturday. Gent-see has sold at 4 37J 4 31} a 4 25,if», v»r heard ot « lot ot «lOUhbls sold at 4 184. hut this wasooobliess t-uber imitation Oebesée or in very _ad order..We quote Gene.-ec at 4 25 a 4 31}, with litllc in fair orderit the lower price. Flat Ohio and Michigan 4 -5 a 1 31}.abrand rntber better than common «old at the higher rate.We i-otice a snle of 1500 bbls, mostly Michigan commonbraids it i 25. Round Ohio is 4 18} a 4 25, with demand fo-ebipmer.-.. A parcel of 500 bbls, a well known fancy brand,»*t"Mfor Brtt-li Provinces at 4 371. Troy i* ofTered at 4 25bete ¿ti\ 6) arrive, but río buyers'. À principal receiver is____! át 4öb. The demand far Southern, especiallyßwrgetownlsspmcwhat iucre-sed, and on Saturday andtoday íonie250ü bbls have been sold nt . 62¿.old 500. Thebat taieol Brandywine was on Friday, 700 bbls at 4 87";,Vine tin-ictemt. Sale« 300 bbls- Kiciiuiond City at 5 75.U'-hnwriil Co-niry 4 $>± a 4 50, Alexandria 450 a 4 62J. ForNcv-YwfcM-S.25 is offered without sa!f6. Ttye Flourcoil/DiKiindemand and scarce. Sales 15« btil-i North Iti*-tratSSlh Alcal is dull and wr hear of no sales. Jersey2 75 _ f Ff,, Brandywine 3 00.hlids 13 25 cash and 13 75, 4

    ¡raontl.-. Buckwheat Flour 2 76 a 2 87$, with retail sales.tíJtAIN.By arrivals from New-Orleans the market is

    .«llsupplied with Wheat. The demand is fair from ship¬per«, bm the lew samples which have yet been offered have30t'wtbelieve been sold. The quantity arrived is not farfrctal2,Ot>0 !,_!)«.!«.. For some part of it ÍK) cents has beencîtid for shipment; We notice a salo of 300 bushel» goodtrtaefcent >'Dc. Rye is*>ery scarce with a good demand..f?i?es 15Ö1? builielä at 6-c, uHicb leaves the market againMrt. Souliicrn Coin is again very plenty, some tenwgw having been received. The ilemand, exceptingftp di-tilleri, is small. SVc notice sales5!H)D bushels Mary«!«.riKW do Nortberu and .4000 tlo Ohio, all at 53c weightÍK._üUisg; '_!'.() inf'crion*Maryland at 43\, and 1300 fair do&}, both rcpastire for the Bast »tersey \t ofTered without».-«.(No good Barley on the market. Oats are withoutt.tet'al ample. We quot« River nnd Ca¬nal at .i a 27 with sales 4000 bushels at -6}c. We notice saleslOOObmhels Virginia at 2*c. Another cargu is offered.IIW-Tbc supply is larger and the price has declined to

    ¿-a55c lV bundle. Loose is also in good snpply and i>wl.r»ató6.ath District, Charles Suiton,StepbenKane,-; liih Dist. Robert Peterson,Tltoiu.i« H. Brown, Ajah B. Palmer.Tenth Ward..lsl District, J. II. Hobart Hows. Richani

    Scott. Jobllaskéll; 2d Dim. William Tiu.-low, Isaac 1-1Mi-ad, William Goldcr ; 3d Dist. Joseph Weed, ThomasHunt, Joseph lsaats; *4lh DisL Richard C. Overtan, W.u.Joues,-; öih DisU S. Haisied, Stephen C. Barton, Edward Diuunu -i.d.Eleventh Ward..1st Öixtrict. Jo>cph Abbott, Isaac N.

    Merrill, D. B. Fùwler; ïd DisL Samuel Wehster, Charle.«Perley, Robert McGary; 3«l Dist. Allen Canier«.»*«, JosephU.Thome, David Johnscu ; 4th Di«t. Jelin _____ Elliott, I.u«-sell Loring, James H. leers.Twelfth Ward..1st District, William F. Dana, William

    A. Dooley. Wilüaiu E. Hankins ; __d Di>U Henry S. Mtelis,Charle« S. Miller, Andrew McGowan.Thirteenth Ward..1st District, Daniel Wells, John Colby,

    JahuN. C. Briggs; 2d DisE Allred Vf. While, Jas. Mack-eral.Lewt- Witbington; 3d Dist. David Tappen, Ricba.roCornwalL Ira U. Clark ; 4lb Dist. Reuben E. Moss, Obadial.Newcvmbjr., Samuel D. Walters.Fourteenth Ward..lsl District, Samuel Weeks, WiUiau.

    M. Wilmartb, sen., J. Updike ; 2d District, Joba Sneckcer,Martin Bcneukt, Michael Gaffbey : 3d District, Pbihp W.EugM, Isaac (>- Barker, Enoch Dean ; 4th Diet-Wood¬ward, Wiq. P. Dbsoway, Thomas Dolan; 5tb Dist. John 5Giles, Joseph Brewster, Andrew Surry.

    Fit\t_enth Ward.-lst DaL HeurySwonis, W«_j. T\-«onJohn E. Boss: 2d DlsL Joitah Howe, Harvey A. Weed, AR. Walsh; Sd Dist James Hug^ius, Ambrose C. KingslaadAugustus Schell ; 4tbDi>t. Aha Spear, G. W. Blunt, D. LM. Peixotto.

    Sixteenth Ward.1st Dislricl. J. W. Strong, James Nicoll2d DlstAVnuC. CoebranMR, Chas. Turuer, Theodore NitasJohn aio.t. 3rd Dlsuict, John Newhou-e, W.LoofborousbTheodore Mariiui. 50» Dbirici, Benjamin Potter, SaaiueSturges, Varían Veo». 5ih Districi, James Stokes, Isaac EWoolley, Cbarics De Witt.

    .5ev*7ttte.n.!i WRrd-lst District, U«nry T. Uay^i «Ro*2*1"

    BaB.___aiMBn MiMfM im\ mi jfer__a__f_r_frïtÉff-VT,»jcH. Shannon, W_. w. Conneil. id District, Ptler T. Chab-rlain. Charle.- î*ach. George Et P.o¿- *?rd Dm.*'Wiüiirn H. Mackcrail. Edward Y. Prune, George PJrsger. «Rb _i»_icr, Lewis Hunier, Nathan B. Graham, JB. Hai-ted. 5tb District. Daniel H. Bnrneu. SamuelJackson, S. S. Wandel!.Thejoint meeting then adjourned.The Board al»o d'journed, to Monday next, S o'clock.Board of Supervisors..The Mayor.

    Chairman oi a Spccia» 0*»rnnnt!-*e; to which was -e.errth» subject oi raising ¿lO 000 in the Tenth T.'ard for 5 «cUtKir_e In the Ward, rrrjoneti tint it was n__ecc.-1:7 tosess the rax. stiitiriei_l funds b» inï already provide ;.The sul-je*:: of rsi«-.!.*l 100,000 by tax ib.- e_pen»e-

    ihe cr'.v tor Hie RKBmg v-a:-, was taien up a_i deba«The Mayor offered an ainendr".*;*n to the report, «Tr.-kiiout ail a .«er die resolution 10 raise the amonnL _Anjourned to Wedne* ¡ay.Circuit Cuurt.Betöre Judge K*?nt..Pecki

    Sayre v». Str>rr». This »'a- an action to r'-eover ¡ISOC, (;ready alluded to,) hut which is contended on the partdefendant »". have been psi»!. The jury coe.]- not agrt

    ' and wfrè dii.L'ärjed.SüfERioR Cocri.Before -i loi! ench..D.'

    istoss..John Kedmond v?. Michael Lc.»ler.Jutigenieiin the Court below reversed.Phiiip Kearney *». Collin "»rVpard.Judgement for V.

    plaintiff.Allison Post vs. wiliiam Logan--Judgement 1er plamtifOliver D. F. Grant vs. Ben. Graiam; et al.Motion fi

    if new trial demed.Before Chief Juitkc Jone.-.

    Sarah B Wade tí Henry Cotbtr.l, et a!.On a claim iivolvióg points eflaw. Verdict far plaintirT ?5,lri 5', ;_'.

    i ject to tlie opinion of ihe Court, _¦*.John Noble, receiver of the N. Y. Northern Fire tas. C'| vs. Edward C. Haliiday, adm'r, fca.Action to recover ib.»rpount of .i ciaiT». Verdict for plainnfTJ-XOuori.Vl'.L Chancellor 3 Co.r.T..- .DjBC_StOíí.--

    Pinlip F. Fr.Tnsch**=ehe vs. Loui** Marino. In 1S55 the cotiplainant obtained a writ of ne exeat against the def.ndania native oi Italy) who - -j ne*'.Olid," to pay into Court the coilaiera! left witiheni by Marino, The Omri held that h did not possess tîï|i-ji'*i to compel H. and to. 10do e.lher, they being tnerel.sureties tor ihtrappearance of Marino. The cr mplaioanihowever, ¡¡i-ty ptoc-ed in an action al law to compel put Myers cut. and as he w-_ ¡,oing oui «eizeihim, as be »:at»--.!, and choked and draggled him out. Fo!etv-n--e, CapL Van Blarcom deposed that he ordered MrLefTerts to put Myerj our, but did not order the defendant-pecially todo ¿j. Il "¿vas also proved that the. Captain ordered Mycr» out, -nd that be did hot gn, when the Captaitirtler. d him to be put cut. The Jury found the defendantNot Guilty.Trial for Burglary.--Andrew McOucken tvas triei

    i-ir burglary in the third degree, in breaking into ihe st-bjfnTJohn If. Ooper, ,j». of No. 101 Third Avenue, on Ihiingul of the23d of September, arid «lealing btidle. he-.'covers, iic, worth S9. The properly was focEml in po_e*a..oii ofthe pri.tier by officer Tompkins, as also a coldchiseor'!.- the lock ol ihe btable, anactionof cJierbusine'.sthe Court adjourned10 Til. 3tf.iv.

    I'ulice ÜFFlCh*.. SHOPI.I^T^»^G..Two coloredwomen, named Ann Finney and Mary Skinner,, were arre-led by officers J.S. Smith and liilliker for -teahngbfyards of »ilk, woith .-J45, frOBQ the »tore of Mesgr?. N. S. Donnelly Co. »\'o. 287 Grand-street. Pan.» of" ihe propeil;,were found on each of Ihe accused, and they were conimilled to answer.Bi'RGL.Mtv am. Arson..James Hughe:-, the «voun*; mat

    who ^¡is nrr--.»ied and committed for bre_1t:ng into the coaioffice of J. Skidmore, 237 East Broadway, .»a.» again complained of to-day lur having al»1«, .«n Saturday night la»ibroken into the coal office ol Mr.JobnJ. Gantz, No.291!Es:t Rroadway, with intent to sie-1, and after rummagingtbe detk, _c nioging the papers on the floor and setunt:th» ni on tire with Intent to bun. tüe buildinc, bat tüey hap-oily wem out. Some keys of the office were found uponhini and he was committed to an.-wci".Oroner's 0fi-*ic_..Death fro.-« Drowsing.

    The Coroner held an inquest un the body oi James Marshal!..»;ed 50, ttho was drowned on Sunday by being ktwekedoverboard from a sloop in the Bay.The Coroner ai»o held an inque.«t it No. 11 Walnut -ir*c t

    on the body ol Charles 11: ory _li t»e, agod 2 mouihs, whowas found dead by the side of his mother in be'1, barmr-been accidentally sufTecated.

    J-'-Cnrpt'tiHgit, _>rtii{g-în, t5cc..Ju»t received»»id ready tor sale, an Invoice ofBrnssels, Koya! Wilton andVelvet Carpct'iiîs.ofihe Hiost gorgeous description, excel¬ling nny ihmg oflhe kin I i \er before imported.

    Al.»o «in invoice ol FRENCH DKUGGETS, an eutirelynew article. LEOPARD and GIRAFFE patterns. Alsoaninvoiceef ENGLISH DRUGGETS, from 15 incht.» tu .'yards wide, new patterns an- f»e.mtiful colors.togetherwith an extensive »«sortni.'ni of INGRAIN, VENETIAN.THREE-PLi' and PATENT CARPET1NGS, RIKiS »IIhe mo-t .-"plcndtd description, Door-nir.ts, Table and PianoCovers, and all necessary articles connecter! with the CAR¬PETING business. N. B..Prices to suit the times.ouimotto is, l*rgc sales at a small profit.

    Ç. W. SMITH k CU.MI-ANV. 251 Bioadwav,ol5 f-tOpposite Uic Cnv Hal!.mmamm-

    Fj' 4-nr|»clin*5*»! Cnrpctius;-»! Carpi'*in.***.< !Cheaper Iban ever!.All those who ^¡e in want ol Carpet»itiir«. notice the foUowing:All wc"i Iri'TrKiii Carpeting, »-ily ö.» v"\ y-trd.

    t ttr.' " " 4»' '.

    " fuper " " 4« 6d ,;" extra »tip " '* 5s "" doable " " 5s 6d "

    Three-ply-, superior r»attera and colors,'do do extra qu-tlii;*.- 10s.

    En^li»!» Bru»*-el». .-xiih, 10gRoyal Wilton nrA Velvet. Carpeting, equally low.Together with a lari»»l»"ict will attend ll.e artjounsed meeting onVVednv»day evening next, 19th in»i., at7 o'clock, at Consii-ution Hall, Broad war.olö 2t GEORG E W. STURGES, Secretary.XT Democratic Clay of lise Sercn-h

    Wartl.-A meeting ol this Clnb will beheld at ihe Frank.Liu Hotel, corner of Cherry and Rutgets-strceis, un i'u_d«iyrveiling, Oct. 13, 134-, at 7 o'clock. Friends of He'.'RYClay are invited to attend and become members.

    CONRAD SWEET, PresldeiiL

    Jc:¿:Sr,}i?cwtatíc^oíanFT Exempt FirciMcn..At a ineelicg o! Exempt

    Firemen held -it Mcntroe Hall, corner of Pearl and Centrestreets, on 13th October, 18-12 it was unanimously resolvedibat the meeting organize under the name of "' The Ex¬empt Firemen's Assor. iat'on," and thatI'ZZIAH WENMAN. Esq. be President.

    JAMES GULICK, Esq. l,t Vice President.JOHN R1KER, Jr., Esq.2d Vi:e Présidée.-NIEL GRAY, Secretary.

    The Association will muet at the above place on Wednes¬day evening, the 19th inst.. at 8 o'clock, and the exempt fire¬men generally _re invited to attend. ol8 2t*FT V. S. Monthly Beriew-POLITICAL AND

    LITERARV... aew.Whig MoaiLly Magarine, under Vreabove litte. !i« been publiahet! by Messrs. Foster, Hough kWoodwaRl,2ir7Jtfroadway. Tbe first number has a beauti¬ful Engraving ol the birth-place of Henry Clay. Sch^criF-lion price $5 W per year. Single copies »0 cents. 0â pagesoctavo.AGENTS wanted ns above. ol8 ll*

    ITTraiupni-ent Iiuiiun Windoír -hade«!OLIVER \V. WoODFORD. C6 Ca-hanne-street, is receiv¬ing (according to previ, us arrangements) ahnost every kindof Transparent W Indow Slmdes, v. hich he will sell 50 percent, lower than ihe spring prices. Strangers in the citydesirous of purchasing any kmd of window blinds by caliingat the above number will find every style ot winti.w-hadr», painted lo lan.tscape, moonlight Views, scroll orGothic 5tyle.N. 8- About 50 nairs Dark Lantl?caDef, 10 fephine Havrr. mta Cilherine Ralph. Mrs«Elizabeth Wbrft. «,...y, rk .j^ F[.x Payr]C Ea.tports Cat.-'J:.e Gilbert. Mr Robert l.i.wh.t, Quincv. Id; M's E.i_.


    .-U-"I_Vr _."____. ¿LílA'.'.tC .THIS CAÏ

    .?;_ =HÍ" ' ff*«? MOOS iKCU, __i.Atoses 6 3a Seta 5 26¡R>seí 5 2S ; Even. Il 26 Mor._3 il

    Latest Dites.bOKVQT. .Sept W.IB_T*t.Sept 17Lit«f, .«-pot .i"-**;«.. "i ¡.\-»-w-.eo_ _...._..Oct, B

    '.¦--¿=~~ .:

    CLEAE-Efl.'-.iprNi'e. Kinneyi New-Orh-ati«. F G Tear .-ten _¿ Co

    Edwwa,W«Ä-t,ffeTr-01«ms, E D Huribirt it Co; Me dora.Lu ¡it, Savannah, F. Bartlett. Europe, Mobile.Brigs Tboosa, Lamson, Boicon, E Itichar-.-or. L Co Di-mon,Robinson, Cbarieiton, D»_tn!_ani k Dimon -'*_->r, (Si)

    Trifiletl«:. Naples, L«- VVeymoutb, Ccu'.h. Richmond, Allen i. Pa.._on,

    Marraton, Smith, Mobile; Brandy .in-. Elberidge, Ply.mouth an-l '.Vn.-'.-. .**-' d . Sophia, BalL Guadaloupe, RM Graw-

    tsartec.U S steamship, Poinsett, from Norfolk.Packet ship l'-nduk ilud-on. Morgan, from London and 14th Sept, mdz-, to J Gri.-wold.Br bark Enipres«. icott, 13 da's from Turks island, ICH-

    .JUS a't. t'» J Biaine.Bnik H m Ladd, Wyman, B days fr"m *. .vaimab, cottr.n.

    to Ncsmiiii k Leeds.Kn;: lie.i..«t. Perry. 24 dav« bom .Vincent, in ballast, tc

    Mlddleton &Co.Brig Selma, Pray, 21 days from Hi Croz, with mahogany,

    to iinsier.Sehr Pacific, Smith, fr»mi Ba>*,-.ci7a. tobacco and coffee,

    in Aymar k Co.Scbr roilt^-inr. Frosl, »ley«- frnm Monffr1 B_ty. Jamaica,

    with j intento to order.Scbr My «tic. Virginia, wth wood.Sehr Protector. Virginia, with woodSehr Pilot,Ho_andtL*o_fe., with pla-ter b"uml to Fhda-derphia.Sehr Lexington; Bç^ton, md:e.O Thtr âouthera Literary ITiessttsg.r for

    Otlober contain, an hitertâtin^ artid«. or. the " Liberti*-.«ui lb-- Paiple in Europe:" Love Sketche-; Modern Ideasronet-min:.: Education. ProteSiors, i'opt's Doctrines. it_..llat'c-. and paradoxes, Latin and Greek, Science, Liu-ra-luic-, I!o.v* tocrj:.1! with ''uoUitiouá, Steam, How to carry aFci.-ir. i.e.; Florence Courtiacd] Medical Siatiatic» of Vir¬ginia: Lifeot P. Corneillt: The Way of the World, howone in u'.üfyriune is consoled, lau_*b atobe'idiitress, puttingpadlock, to (me'., I'pa end pockcb. ibe way of th«* world ahard way, its coune with the lover ihe politician and poet.Sei NES and Advkntures in THE Afcmy, by a Captain;FTi'story «f theKiiigbU of Malta; Old Laws of Virgirda;-Voltees of New Works; Eleven original peces of Poetry.TT Th«: above valuable and popular pet todical may he

    bad at the oi.ce ofthe Tribune. Trice per number, ."¡fl cts.Bac*-, numbers can be supplied.

    GRKLLfcY k McELRATH,ol2 Stav*2fl* loo[Cr tLíour-iurí'.*« JLaU de Beaalc, (or.thorouphly

    cztertnináling tan, pi'iiple.-. tiecklt-s, saUowness,and ail cu-?9t>t.'!iu:. cruptlóns. This beautiful co.ütclic. is ti«» weilknow ii ''j : another word. The genuine i« lo be bad ¡utin «-ruina! offi.e,. S'* Walkei-»tret, t, one i!«x»r frewn Broad¬way. $1 per Ifittie. ^_______ olS.loiis

    MARUIKD:At Bath, Mr.. on the 10th inst, M. Frederick GoodîTcb,

    ot tiiefirm >i'F. St F. Geôdricb, New Yc-rfc, to Miss .*«lary.cttu«;t-.ltr of J. M. Motxly, Es-.tant, by Rev. J. M. Forhe., N

    Mirrrin BfiCfewith to Fanny M. daughter of the late Jdtne.-G. ForbesOn Ihe ÍSth inst at th«« reírdence of J. Williams, Virginia,

    bv Rev. Mr. Hoff, W. Brenton Boo-_rs. of New-Brun-wick,N. J. io Elleu Wi_Ji_riii? Cárter, daughter of Chas. L. Carter,of Ki.içeville, Va.On :lit5'c.-d a ci.an_t* in the peri_rrr*nc*\ bavin«» ¿fleet«engageafeats «/»>._» tfcerollot-tog v.-ei- lt_ err prr»rineri3Ir. Col.t.-«.», v&t*_ the American Masecunj t-t iti_»u it_-mired r__ic .«i.-ige- ...,:.->.>*.-. r». VTricht, _- ^¡ei-iairdiJiseiio mriodist. «hose pecd*;*"T vocal powers, combined-¦ t!i b > great height of person, and the eft-ect protlaobis appearing a female attire, have «.¦baux.! ¡or. bun ihcognomenol ibe Ameri-.i Gmntess The Manager hs.alio engaged Mr. Muxi:r, in- wc-n.icri'al Du an and Phe¬nomenon of Nature, in» height being oaly thirty six lad es.Nature In her wildest Gréait- never ; ( Tort rn KÍuc*d .-> »\tnocditnuy a crea'ure. Mr. Dela au in hi.» imitation*, olKea.i, I«...._i_, i¿... Mia Ro_uc the charming vocali-«,ia her most popular songs, and Ma>t » ¦.-¦¦. tr»e exuaor-dinary NVire volante Dancer.Turn- -a -1. be a.i a-ierno-j« periyrmaiice oo'-Wi-dnestlay

    and S itu \. .v. j Perforoinsces io commence .. ibe 1.-1.ture Ruom nt haft .»..». 7 o'cloch. Admusiou 10 tlifi "-'turn. Picture Gai.'tiy and Ent«-riaiumeni».ir.. undo\ the subscriber, Jying.directly on the banks of the Hud-.un. are eligible and ainpir tu »ucli piitpce», being laidmi with inste r/hdjudgement, afibhllng much henltli.ul e--ercisesm ti;e uumeruiJs promenades which intersect his¦>t\ ml»'.' -.Term«- §250 per annum, or $123 per.teira of Lwcnty-txvo

    weeks, Including Board, Lodging. Washingj b'ví andLigbls. Pupils finding iheii tiwn b- d». hcdding and bosks,or the same will le furnished at a moderate charge.

    FREEBORN GARRET'l SON,li'iiiief.,«-!«,, Dutcl.»*»sCounty.

    Ri.i- errxyC-sRev. Dr. Noll. K'-v Pro: Potter,Onion College.ft.:-.. Dr. Oliii an»l Faculty, Wettli >.m UniviRev. Dr. Waters, Franklin, Maryland.Rev. Dr. Bnngs, Mr. Ffaucis Hall, Mr. George Buckley,

    PTew-York.Re v. t». Creagfi. t'ed ttook. Columbm County!Ite«.'I. Bircb,Rirmeheck,.DuicliftssCoaiity. oír !.-

    > XOWÑ ETS is to be found at No. 443Pearf-street, N. Y. Country and Citv Mercharts iutsputnor. ¡iu-ral terms. ALEXANDER SAMSON,

    , Imponer and whoie&al* deaier in t_or*-t-*r,oi8 Im4'40| PearUU-eet, N. Y



    AUCTION SAL r>Jouai. Kl«__5s__«___. Aacuixw-r.

    n Y BANG*. RlCI_A_ftDS'& FI,VLJ .JtJfi S'.»rr 198 Br_*__-«r«..

    Liberal cats note-****«*, made on c.a»_4p!B*c,, ^ ^.o. tWEDNESDAY El'ff*_*«¦$. Oct. 1*

    At 6 o'clock.

    a. .: ( lacvical Book^_«_-__«-s. Cbüdren.' B «ok.*. «No«e_H___c». i lî.--*v __oi_t_H__t cf S.a.._»».«. SOU Juvenile««, íncludin«» the papularp_ii>i'eaiicn»f ot Mcnroe .nd Kranet.«. IAO Bibfes, familv,c-uich and p«*^*, vanous btndmgs; _00T'.2.Emmersoa'.Inir_M.uct_on; 5Pin-n -.k -» Ratue, ä Boyex. and Aiosw-xth's Latin D:.n ..J y, kc.

    Al .«. * large ajwj'tfnent of Stationery, including a great., >-.' »reel Pciii, Svaling Was. Drawing Pencils, Ink*'.-..'...:.£,. '»V.-.fei.«, Lt-.-.-.r Pa,«_r, Lc.>Y 3_ l> KAPER. Jr.».Stow _*4-*W.Î-Jf ! *. .'_: t v _. if-nier new .-t> I" 61 London 0.».-ieier**. i¡j«t imported.Uso, 2 cases (Tira imperial wool dyed black cloth .X«

    >r the city trade.« so es superlative wool '.«!.»-.k. -vfra fine,former.

    b ii.t taUort,Also* 1 ca«e.« «Vc-iol E.«¡..«_xi estra wide blue cloth.Also, I ntli«, ¡or apprj"-e«l endorse«. noi«¿>..00 p» .«..perWe»i t>t K;i_-I 'ii-1 Cloins and CivitiiPre« fust imported.

    Al-.t, ho pi«*«Ts We«t ol En-,*lûiid, Loitdrt» ami Frencht.'.t .-i merci.

    K. M. Hiker. AucUOueitr.

    BY it. M. JîAKEK.Store L49 I* «hoostreet THIS DAY.Foi .. .L«l), !.> lots to -uit purchasei«-, ?. quantity sf Dry

    ind F.-->icy Gooils, Hardware. Gun«, Pcckit Cu'.!««r>'. Ger-mau Silverware-, ic. Sale cooitiv«.

    Í>\ ALBA K1MKALL.Office No. IJ» Brand, c »mer «,>. Wall -.treetA, K. « ill ¿live hi-, attention to Ihe »ale of Real Estait,

    :.-..- U -, Furniture and Out-Dooi Sai«> generally.W EDNESDAY.Oct. 19.

    At I- o'clock, at the Merchants' Eachanfje.Chancery Sa)e.-Under the directiono( R. C. Wheeler,

    E q.. Master in '"hancery. A Intof irtound on the of l hird-«ireet, known and distimrtiished an a map «ifpart of the land betoogipg lu Samuel Ficket.m the EleventhWard.rriade by T. R. Ladlam.Cfty Surveyor,in July, 182b,by the number 8.See Hdveili-icmeut in Ihe Americen, si.ned K. C. Wbeel-

    iSr, Maiter in I banca-ry.THlTRSDAY. OcL 20.At 12 o'clock, at the Merchant*' _"_chan.e.

    Gre¿my VJ Duseubary. Cliauccry Sale.I'ndci ihe di-.: of Pblld T. RußgieS, E.«q., Ma.ter in Chancery.Alotof ::rtiuni!, with the bnihtinjj-. thereon, situated on th«*.'.. -i.-tly »ill«: of lim Bloom i ng*_i__e Road, between Forty«v-vftnh and Forty-eigbih- treet»S'- a-lveriisemeiit ih tin-Journal »«f Commerce, «jigned

    PiuloT. Ru_:_,les, Maater in Cbaocaryi.ËIUDAY, Ocl. 21.

    At !2oV.««-k, :il '.lie MiTihnnts' Excliange.Chancery Had -Cmler the direction of Dhví«* Codwlse,

    Esq.. «Matter m Chaocer_.-i All of that ««.rt.nn lot til «¿tound'.i'li the bulldii _çî ti ereón, known as Pío. 123 Pearl-street--:the lot is 21 bv 75See advcriJseroent in Ibe Journal «I Commerce, finned

    David Cod Wise, Master in Chancery.AT PRIVATE NALF.

    Th« tbt»f 'itory dwelllnf. house N««. 12 Duane-rt.Also, a large S story bouse in St. Hark., place, with a

    »table.Stock -r>0 shares Proaaeala Land Company Stock.A beauuful Farm ol al out,60 e«..rea, wiih (¿ood building«

    near Pouijhkecpsie.On of the tno*t d«¡sirable Tews in tbe middle aisle of St.

    l_.nli..|..iii/,. Church. l-«ajjr^eit«i*place._ïTnkw .-vTriTcür for. Iäüies't\. OfîES__"E8:.Just iccelved per Bnti>h Queen,ohíí.:.« e roper (.'.«.«Inner- Dre.****«!. (.Hawl P.TTKaNS) wlilchivillbe.opened This Möminp, at 11. BROWN'S; No;62.. >.\ . i.-.-« r.

    _ _


    0 UK.TOUT9. UiiOAKS, «fee, ïn a val-JÍ net y ot st; I« «, rendy made at the Establishment, loi_«arme'ii» ot iht fir«t quality. No. 223Broadway, AmericanUotrL_WM. T. JENNINGS s2 I-.Ü

    The Aiiit-Ant*uliir Svileni ol Writtne.'t»KK.lT i:».-.!. 5 C' 3'_1V>.FROM I .-.l.v. K, SIX OOLLAKS.

    IM K BR1STOW, of LondoD, respect-[ajL fully in.ot ins the L.dies and Gentleiicti ot New-York »nt Brooklyn thai his i.!._>..». D.iy mi-i Evenin-j, httvecotnmencedjpr the season, and ihatjie ba. R_OUCcp b_s Nrmsone ais DoUarr.

    .«>: IDH.MV NO. -"J. UaOADWAV. NK/tt PARK. PLAClä.GeiiUenien 01 ««II aii».«. are p.Mti.ely uu_«ht m twelve les-

    - >:.. .i bold,frit ezpcthlioiu and Rnisín-d BuoineSi like style(»f Wrung, no matter bow bao,, stiff ne crampedtlte v» nun}; may b*. See «pecimeusai the door, 235 Broad¬way.

    AND TUB LADIES\ neal and ht«iid«ome, «lelicate and ia»hiona>.Ie runningHand

    IN TU'bLVE EASV LESSONi.O* VISITORS in New-York can take a course in three

    Days '...Mr. Ii. is to he seen Irom to 1 A. M , or from 4 to SP. M.Evpii ng Clab-cs from 7 to 9.BOOK-KEEPINGTaught ou a superior method, by double and single entry

    -.itntincally and practically.

    r.(°. r'\j 5KK. 5^ 1STENOGRAPHY.A niw sy.tcm of the art of Writing Short-hand, for taking

    down Lectures,Sermons, Trials at Law,4.c. kc. langhtp«»-ßclly by .Mr. Biiaiow, m one «.ourse olkíaom,! at 235Broadway. See a specimen.N. It A work of the author II presented 10 every pupil

    ¡or ihcir perinaii«-ni ¡ru.l» r. ol8 M>V_tF liw

    1 UUTION .On Tuesday. I8th ¡Datant,__U_L will ne »old, by Messrs. L. M. H«*>.'man k. Co., at auc-lion »at ID o'clock, al No. ifi. Pearl «.treet, an auortmnit ««fl'.irV.r ;ind Cooking Siove?. Also sever-d machine, foriii.ikii)_r tin ware, kc. __¦. tfÄiond attm. Th»* Mm story hasrjffif^w "»^".¿£IZ It pavtuy room. Tbe ^comtOT?iP Ä Tliepariori arP£r_i*ed withmar-«ury .*1-*;^\eJ, rrat»-i.aii»lti:papartm»-nt'i are co.ivententbl?Ätfffl wút-in? a H* rent. Otivr bed-^r.SÄe^'rd^'Tcanbebadwitb ibese apanruenu,ffi^lSSihe bouse or 21 MacdougaUu TheS£«fcto be seen from 8 until 12 and from I to o'doeV.%18 It* n -tfHi

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