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Page 1: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Michigan Auxiliary

Director Angelle

Allen and Volunteer

Manager Christine

Robertson visited

Wyatt Jaakkola and

his mother Melissa

on Friday Marc 1,

2013 at C.S. Mott’s

Children’s Hospital.

Wyatt who just

turned 3 is The son

of a Jackson



deputy and

has leuke-

mia. The



started col-



from all over

the United


to make a quilt

for him. The

quilt was made

by the aunt of

one of the Michi-

gan Auxiliary’s

volunteers. We

learned about

Wyatt in No-

vember and

have since then

delivered hand-

made bears to

him and his brother

along with the quilt.

For more infor-

mation about how

you can help Wyatt

and his family,

please visit




President’s Corner 2-3

President’s Corner



Auxiliary Highlight

Walk of Fame


Upcoming Auxiliary



Painting With A



Community Hero



WBTB Forums 9

Inside this issue:

Wyatt’s Fight With Leukemia


For our members, friends, family, and the entire Law Enforcement Community!




Blue Line Kids 11

Families Behind the



LEO Pageant



Caught Being Good 14

WBTB Member



WTB Store 16-


WBTB Shopping Mall 18-


Staff Feature 20

Word Search 21

Partners 22

Page 2: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Greeting to you all and welcome back.

In this month’s edition I am going to shared

about Intellectual Property (IP), copyright,

and trademark laws. I know this can be

confusing so I hope this will help clear

some air on the subject.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations

of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic

works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in com-

merce. IP is divided into two categories: Industrial property,

which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial

designs, and geographic indications of source; and Copyright,

which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems

and plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings,

paintings, photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs.

Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in

their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings,

and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.

Copyright law is a branch of that part of the law which deals with

the rights of intellectual creators. Copyright law deals with

particular forms of creativity, concerned primarily with mass

communication. It is concerned also with virtually all forms and

methods of public communication, not only printed publications

but also such matters as sound and television broadcasting, films

for public exhibition. The subject-matter of copyright protection

includes every production in the literary, scientific and artistic

domain, whatever the mode or form of expression. For a work to

enjoy copyright protection, however, it must be an original

creation. The ideas in the work do not need to be new but the

form, be it literary or artistic, in which they are expressed must be

an original creation of the author. And, finally, protection is

independent of the quality or the value attaching to the work—it

will be protected whether it be considered, according to taste, a

good or a bad literary or musical work—and even of the purpose

for which it is intended, because the use to which a work may be

put has nothing to do with its protection.

The owner of copyright in a protected work may use the work as

he wishes—but not without regard to the legally recognized rights

and interests of others—and may exclude others from using it

without his authorization. Therefore, the rights bestowed by law

on the owner of copyright in a protected work are frequently

described as “exclusive rights” to authorize others to use the

protected work. The original authors of works protected by

copyright also have “moral rights”, in addition to their exclusive

rights of an economic character. What is meant by “using” a work

protected by copyright? Most copyright laws define the acts in

relation to a work which cannot be performed by persons other

than the copyright owner without the authorization of the copyright

owner. Such acts, requiring the authorization of the copyright owner,

normally are the following: copying or reproducing the work;

performing the work in public; making a sound recording of the work;

making a motion picture of the work; broadcasting the work;

translating the work; adapting the work. Remedies for infringement

of copyright or for violation of related rights consist of civil redress, as

where infringers are obliged by court to cease the infringement and to

undertake reparatory action by any appropriate means, for example,

rectification in the press or liability for damages. Some laws also

provide for penal remedies in the form of fines and/or imprisonment.

Trademarks already existed in the ancient world. Even at times when

people either prepared what they needed themselves or, more usually,

acquired it from local craftsmen, there were already creative

entrepreneurs who marketed their goods beyond their localities and

sometimes over considerable distances. As long as 3,000 years ago,

Indian craftsmen used to engrave their signatures on their artistic

creations before sending them to Iran. Manufacturers from China sold

goods bearing their marks in the Mediterranean area over 2,000 years

ago and at one time about a thousand different Roman pottery marks

were in use, including the FORTIS brand, which became so famous

that it was copied and counterfeited. With the flourishing trade of the

Middle Ages, the use of signs to distinguish the goods of merchants

and manufacturers likewise expanded several hundred years ago.

Their economic importance was still limited, however. Trademarks

started to play an important role with industrialization, and they have

since become a key factor in the modern world of international trade

and market-oriented economies. Industrialization and the growth of

the system of the market-oriented economy allow competing

manufacturers and traders to offer consumers a variety of goods in the

same category. Often without any apparent differences for the

consumer, they do generally differ in quality, price and other

characteristics. Clearly consumers need to be given the guidance that

will allow them to consider the alternatives and make their choice

between the competing goods. Consequently, the goods must be

named. The medium for naming goods on the market is precisely the

trademark. Virtually any sign can constitute a trademark. Here are

some examples of what constitutes a trademark.

Words: This category includes company names, surnames, forenames, geographical names and any other words or sets of words, whether invented or not, and slogans.

- Letters and Numerals: Examples are one or more letters, one or more numerals or any combination thereof.

Devices: This category includes fancy devices, drawings and symbols and also two dimensional representations of goods or containers.

Combinations of any of those listed above, including logotypes and labels.

Colored Marks: This category includes words, devices and any combinations thereof in color, as well as color combinations and

President’s Corner—Tabitha Youngstrom, President

Page 2 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Page 3: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

color as such.

Three-Dimensional Signs: A typical category of three-dimensional signs is the shape of the goods or their packaging. However, other three-dimensional signs such as the three-pointed Mercedes star can serve as a trademark.

Audible Signs (Sound Marks): Two typical categories of sound marks can be distinguished, namely those that can be transcribed in musical notes or other symbols and others (e.g. the cry of an animal).

Olfactory Marks (Smell Marks): Imagine that a company sells its goods (e.g. writing paper) with a certain fragrance and the consumer becomes accustomed to recognizing the goods by their smell.

Other (Invisible) Signs: Examples of these are signs recognized by touch.

This positive right of use belonging to the trademark owner is

recognized in most trademark laws. This means first the right of the

owner of the mark to affix it on goods, containers, packaging, labels,

etc. or to use it in any other way in relation to the goods for which it is

registered. It means also the right to introduce the goods to the market

under the trademark. Finally, a third right out of the series of rights

incorporated in the right to use a trademark is the trademark owner’s

right to use his mark in advertising, on business papers, documents, etc.

The Right to Exclude Others from Using the Mark - It follows from the

mark’s basic function of distinguishing the goods of its owner from

those of others that he must be able to object to the use of confusingly

similar marks in order to prevent consumers and the public in general

from being misled. This is the essence of the exclusive right afforded to

the trademark owner by registration. He must be able to object to any

use of his trademark by a third party for goods for which it is protected,

to the affixing of the mark on such goods, to its use in relation to the

goods and to the offering of the goods for sale under the mark, or the

use of the mark in advertising, business papers or any other kind of

document. Furthermore, since consumers are to be protected against

confusion, protection generally extends to the use of similar trademarks

for similar goods, if such use is likely to confuse the consumer.

Remedies for Trademark Infringement , a successful infringement action

leads to prohibition of the use of the confusingly similar mark. If the

infringing mark is registered, cancellation of the registration is ordered.

The trademark owner can also, in principle, ask for compensation for


Many countless volunteer hours go into our programs from conception

to execution. Great pride, emotion, and heart are poured into every-

thing from our logos to our newsletters. Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. ®

trademarks are the principal means by which we identify our company,

products, and activities to the public and by which the public, in turn,

has come to recognize our company.

You may cite our trademarks properly as outlined herein to refer

accurately to our products and services.

You may not, however, use our logos and design trademarks (as

opposed to our trademarks that consist solely of words) without

our prior written authorization.

In addition, you may not use our trademarks:

· In, as, or as part of your own trademarks (including our

trademarks that consist solely of words)

· To identify products or services that are not ours

· In a manner likely to cause confusion

· In a manner that implies inaccurately that we sponsor or

endorse, or are otherwise connected with, your own activities,

products, and services

Parties wishing to use Wives Behind the Badge, Inc.’s

trademarks, service marks, images, or copyrighted materials in

promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or

on their web sites, products, labels, or packaging must obtain

written permission by the President of Wives Behind the Badge,

Inc. prior to use. Only the President of WBTB can grant

authorization for trademark uses, WBTB auxiliary offices or other

personnel do not have this authority. Use of Wives Behind the

Badge, Inc. trademarks for commercial purposes without the

prior written consent of WBTB may constitute trademark

infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and

state laws. Use of WBTB trademarks may be prohibited, unless

expressly authorized.

Proper Attribution

When you use our trademarks in any materials, please include a

brief statement attributing ownership of these trademarks to us.

This attribution should identify each mark used, attribute it to its

proper owner by name, and indicate whether the trademark is


For example:

Wives Behind the Badge ® ©, One Family * One Vision * One

Badge ® ©, Families Behind the Badge © ™, Blue Line Kids ©™,

H.A.L.O.S. (Helping Aid Lost Officers’ Survivors) ©™, K.A.R.E.

(K9, Assistance, Resources, Education) © ™, P.O.L.I.C.E. Fami-

lies Training © ™, Santa Shield, and their logos are trademarks

or registered trademarks of Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. or its

subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.

I would like to thank WIPO (World Intellectual Property

Organization Handbook published in 2004 which I utilized for

this article.

President’s Corner Continued…. Page 3

Page 4: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


I want to end this month’s corner with some fun and

useful tips.

To get rid of caked-on hairspray on bathroom mirrors

use 2 parts water and 1 part liquid fabric softener.

Wipe on with a damp cloth and wipe off with a clean


You should wash make-up brushes and sponges

regularly to keep them free of dirt, oil, and bacteria.

Lather them up with baby shampoo and rinse in cool

water then let them air dry.

Quick mirror makeover for when guests are coming.

Clean the mirror with aerosol air freshener, it will

bring back your mirror to a glossy shine and leave the

room smelling fantastic.

Mineral Deposit build up in your faucets, cut a lemon

into quarters and push a piece into the faucet and let

stand 10 minutes then twist the wedge out. Repeat

with the remaining wedges until the deposits are


Add a cotton ball soaked in vanilla or lavender oil to

your vacuum cleaner bag to freshen the air while you


A great all natural wood floor cleaner is tea. Just

brew a strong pot let cool and mop, the tea’s tannic

acid will keep your wood strong.

Okay here is one if you have kids and had to clean up

vomit. Baking soda, sprinkle on the top as soon as

possible. It will soak up some of the mess and make

the smell easier to deal with.

Bubble gum remover, the best way to remove gum

from clothes, hair, carpet, pets is with Bengay. Put it

on the gum, then apply heat with your hair dryer set

on low. Press a plastic sandwich bag on the gum and

it should pull away easily. Be sure to wash the area

after you’ve removed the gum.

Red wine in the carpet, use shaving cream (check the

carpet is colorfast first), let it set for a minute then

wipe it away. This will also work on grease stains.

Clean and deodorize your disposal with ice cubes and

orange or lemon peel. Run the disposal until you no

longer hear the ice grinding. The ice will congeal any

grease allowing the disposal to break it up and the

peels will help clean the rest and leave it with a

wonderful smell.

A great all natural cleaner for the refrigerator is 1

cup salt to 1 gallon of hot water, squeeze a lemon in

for a nice scent and wipe away dirt and grime

without leaving chemicals behind.

Refrigerator freshener, hollow out a grapefruit or

orange and fill it with salt then place it in the back of

your refrigerator. Leave it there until the salt gets

completely damp and then throw it away and

replace it.

To quickly kill bacteria on a kitchen sponge, wring it

out then microwave on high for 30-60 seconds. Do

NOT nuke a dry sponge it will ignite. You can also

put them on the top rack in the dishwasher and run

them through with the dishes.

And last but not least after a long winter of burning

fires use a can of cola with 31/2 fl. Oz. of all purpose

cleaner and 31/2 quarts hot water in a bucket.

Sponge on sooty bricks and leave 15 minutes. Clean

with a stiff-bristled brush and wipe with clean water.

LaDonna Kay—National Volunteer


Brandi Ober—Forums Director

Coreen Kachermeyer—Member at


Cara Pfeuffer—Member at Large

Tabitha Youngstrom—President

Amanda Pekarek—Vice President

Melisa Cross—Secretary

Tammy Fraley—Treasurer

Mendi Keatts—Chaplain

Rose Winick— Historian

President’s Corner Continued….

2013 Board of Directors Page 4

Page 5: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Our Southern

California Auxiliary


Committee #3, covers

the 10 counties in the

southern portion of

the state: Imperial,

Kern, Los Angeles,


And be sure to check

us out on Facebook.




Orange, Riverside,

San Bernardino,

San Diego, San

Luis Obispo, Santa

Barbara, and


For more

information about

how to get involved,

please email

Auxiliary Highlight

Volunteer Walk of Fame

Page 5 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Left: Staff Winner ~ Melanie is our Minnesota Auxiliary Director

Right: Volunteer Winner ~ Kriscil is one of Minnesota’s amazing


Congratulations to MN on the sweep thins month.

Page 6: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


April 6, 2013/10:00 AM

High Speed Pursuit Marathon Run

Kuna, ID

Benefits Idaho Peace Officers Memorial


April 21st, 2013/ 3:00 PM

Hockey Game

East Alton Ice Arena

East Alton, IL


April 7

5K Run to honor Officer Thomas Giunta

Fall River, MA

April 27

FOP Wing Fling

North Carolina

April 5/6, 2013/3:00-6:00 PM

US Police K9 Trials

Holly Springs, NC

April 21, 2013 / 4:00/6:00 PM

Wine and Design

Raleigh, NC

April 28, 2013/ 1:00-


Wine and Design (Kids)

Raleigh, NC


April 6, 2013

Meet and Greet

Oklahoma City, OK

Badge Bazar

Jenks, OK

Upcoming Auxiliary Events Page 6

Your state auxiliary’s Facebook page for more information


Page 7: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


On March 21, 2013

the Wives Behind

The Badge, Inc. ®

Michigan Auxiliary

hosted Painting

With a Purpose. A

fundraiser at which

50 people attending,

raising $1,120.

At Painting With a

Purpose, everyone

was an artist,

sharing in a fun

time with lots of

laughs while

supporting Wives

Behind The

Badge, Inc. ® .

Painting With a Purpose

Page 7 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Danielle event coordinator, PWT manager, Angelle Allen, Michigan Auxiliary Director, Christine Robertson Auxiliary Assistant Director

Top: front row Danielle P, Danielle D, Angelle, Shellie, Stephanie back Michelle, Ann, Christine Bottom: Painting With a Purpose Participants

Page 8: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Our Auxiliary programs are participat-

ing in a search for your state’s com-

munity heroes. If you know of a LEO

who you would like to nominate as a

hero in your state, please email your

state’s auxiliary.


LEO who has gone above and beyond the parame-ters of their job to make his community a better place

Nominations must include officer's name, department he works for, description of what makes them a community hero

Anyone can nominate someone. Entries should be submitted either on the fan page or to the auxiliary email

Nominating must end on July 1

Once all nominations are received, they will be mailed to the WBTB BOD in one complete package for the BOD to vote on.

The state auxiliary will have no say in the winner, thus ensuring a completely un-biased contest

The BOD will select a winner from the submissions and inform the state director

The state director will send their winner and his/her information to correspondence so that a write up and graphic can be made to be shared on the auxiliaries fan page.

Winner will be presented with a plaque from the auxiliary

and be entered for the opportunity to be named Wives

Behind the Badge’s National Community Hero.

Participating Auxiliaries


Central California











New Jersey

North Carolina

North Dakota




West Virginia

Community Hero Award Page 8

Page 9: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


Our online support

forums offer friend-

ship, support, under-

standing, and enter-

tainment to spouses

and significant oth-

ers of police officers.

Our members span the Unit-

ed States, Canada, Europe,

and Australia, and combine

to make one incredibly

unique sisterhood. Member-

ship is always free!

Forums Staff Brandi (B.Ober):

Forums Director

Jessie: Forums Administrator

Mendi: Members Liaison and Chaplain

Stacy (Sweet Stacy): Member

Services Coordinator


pamedic954 - Anne b.ober- Brandi

cb_wifetoonefinedeputy- Cindy JeannineNJ35 - Jeannine

Fiona - Michelle DeAnna - DeAnna izzy1977 - Elizabeth

Wives Behind the Badge

Recipes From Our Members

Page 9 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

8 oz cream cheese, softened

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 packet Italian dressing mix

4-6 chicken breasts, boneless/skinless

Mix cream cheese, cream of chicken soup and Italian dressing mix. pour into

slow cooker, lay chicken on top of mix, turn over so chicken is coated with mix.

cook on low for 6 hours.

Page 10: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

We are honored to be able to celebrate with our forums members during their happiest times and celebrations!

New Babies

Brandi (B.Ober) ~ Forums Director and Administrator ~

Allison (Imp) ~ Tennessee Auxiliary Director ~


April 5 ~Jessie~ Forums Administrator~

April 8 ~ Carrie~ Washington Auxiliary Director

April 29 ~ Angelle ~ Michigan Auxiliary Director

Big Sister of the Month

Cindy ~ cb_wifetoonefinedeputy

Members Celebrations Page 10

Page 11: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Blue Line Kids Forums Staff

B.Ober ~ Brandi

prov31Kathy ~ Kathy


Lis ~ Melisa

Blue Line Kids

Page 11 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Why My Mom Rocks

Essay Contest

Write an essay (of at least 25 words),

telling us why your mom (or grand-

mother, or aunt) rocks. Is there some-

thing special she has done for you? Is

it the way she takes care of you, and

your family? Is she a really good cook,

or really creative? Whatever it is, we

want to know all about it, and we want

you to have fun writing your essay!

Send all submissions to

[email protected]

by Friday, May 3rd.

Our WBTB staff will read the sub-

missions, and select a winner.

Our winner will be announced on

Friday, May 10.

The winning essay will be fea-

tured on all WBTB Facebook pag-

es, on the forums, and in the next


The winner will receive a $5 gift


There will be two winners; a BLK FB

page winner and a forums winner.

Page 12: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Families Behind the Badge is designed

to extend the same support we offer on

our main Wives Behind the Badge fo-

rums to the extended family members

of law enforcement officers. All family

members are welcome – parent, grand-

parents, siblings, children, cousins,

etc. Please click the link below and

register today to join in the discus-

sions, support, fun, and WBTB/FBTB


www.wives behind the

Families Behind the Badge Page 12

FBTB Forums Staff

Kathy ~



Tammy ~


Page 13: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Two of our Wives Behind the Badge recently

competed in the Mrs. International Pageant

system, each focusing on law enforcement sup-

port as their platform.

Beginning 24 years ago, Mrs. International was

developed to promote today's married women,

their accomplishments, and commitment to

family and marriage. Each contestant competes

in Interview Competition, which is valued

for 50% of her overall score, Evening Gown for

25%, and Fitness Wear for 25%. Each contest-

ant has the opportunity to select a platform of

her choice that she spends the year promoting.

Husbands are a direct part of the show, escort-

ing their wives in the Evening Gown competi-

tion, and the husband crowns his wife titlehold-


Parker Sanchez, our New Jersey Auxiliary Di-

rector and National Special Events Coordinator,

is a 33 year old professional ballroom dancer,

dance instructor, wife and mother-to-be! She is

soon to be celebrating her 9th wedding anniver-

sary with husband Pablo, a sergeant for the

Warren County Sheriff's Department - Division

of Corrections. They are happily expecting their

first child, a daughter, this May. "I've always

loved competing in Mrs. pageants," says Parker.

"In the Mrs. systems, a pageant title is used as a

megaphone to bring attention and awareness for a

cause you feel passionate about. I was excited to

have the opportunity to speak about Wives Behind

the Badge, Inc. and law enforcement issues to a

broad audience. I certainly never thought I'd be

doing a pageant at 7 1/2 months pregnant, but it

was an absolute blast and I made lots of memories

to share with my daughter one day!" Parker com-

peted for the title of Mrs. New Jersey Internation-

al 2013 this March 9th, and was honored to be

named the first runner-up and Mrs. Photogenic!

Teena Handline, our Pennsylvania Auxiliary Assistant

Director, is a 23 year old second year law student at

Temple University studying Corporate Law. She has

been married for almost two years to her husband Joe,

a Philadelphia Police Officer. They are the proud pet

parents of a fabulous little pug puppy named

Oreo. "Pageants have crafted my ability to think on my

feet in interviews," says Teena. "The most difficult in-

terviews I have ever had were in pageants. Job inter-

views are a piece of cake! I also love having the oppor-

tunity to bring attention to issues that I am passionate

about. That sparkly crown and sash really opens doors

and makes people listen!" Teena competed for the title

of Mrs. Pennsylvania International 2013 this March

23rd, and was thrilled to be the People's Choice Award


LEO Pageant Beauties

Page 13 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Left: New Jersey Director and

National Special Events

Coordinator Parker Sanchez

Right: Pennsylvania Auxiliary

Assistant Director Tena


Page 14: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

The Lahoma, Oklahoma Police Chief is

taking steps to create a positive atmos-

phere in the community by rewarding

both children and adults who are setting

an example by following traffic laws and

showing community service and leader-


Area businesses, including McDonald’s,

Freddy’s Frozen Custer and Steak Burg-

ers, and Sonic have joined this effort by

providing coupons for free drinks, sun-

daes, sandwiches and ice cream for those

who are “caught being good”.

While on duty, if an officer spots a commu-

nity member, or someone just passing

through setting a positive example for oth-

ers, they reward those individuals a cou-

pon from one of the participating vendors,

as well as stickers for the kids.

Caught Being Good Page 14

Wives Behind the Badge Mission Statement: Wives Behind the

Badge, Inc. is dedicated to providing resources and emotional

support to law enforcement families, and serving as a positive

voice for law enforcement in the community.

Page 15: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


It was a Saturday night and my husband was working his usual night shift. I sat in front of the computer out of boredom once again and was feeling a bit sorry for myself. All of my friends were with their husbands, enjoying a movie, game

night or an evening out. How come I was the wife spending her evening alone while her husband worked?

I began my search to seek out support available for police wives. I came across Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. and I imme-diately knew I found what I had been searching for when I read the words:


I registered the next day as a member of Wives Behind the Badge's online support forums. I learned quickly from the oth-er members that I was never alone. It has truly been a blessing to be a part of this unique, caring and supportive group of


There are more than 200 active forum members from all over the United States and the world, all of who I call my sisters. It is a place where I feel safe to express my life's up's and down's. My sisters cheer me on and offer advice

that only one who understands and shares this life as a law enforcement officer wife can do.

Please join us, you will be glad that you did! Register for our free and secure online support forum at:

Wives Behind the Badge is a big part of my life, not just through the forums, but as the director of the Oregon Auxiliary. Volunteering for this organization has allowed me to give back to the law enforcement community and make a real


Wives Behind the Badge Members Testimonial

Page 15 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Page 16: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


Page 16 Newsletter Title

Wives Behind the Badge Store and Merchandise Wives Behind the Badge .

To order, simply click the photo of the item to be

taken directly to the WBTB Store, Zazzle or Café

Press to complete your purchase.

Page 18: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Wives Behind the Badge Shopping Mall Directory Page 18

Chloe’s Barkery

Gourmet Pet Treats

Distributor: Amanda


New Braunfels, TX

[email protected]


Etsy Stores

Christine’s Impressions


It Works!

Distributer - Tammy Fraley


Origami Owl

Distributer - Jennifer Robison

Independent Designer #16233



Send Out Cards

Distributer: Sarah Weemhoff


Distributor: Trully Luke

234 Harbour Pointe Dr

Belleville, MI 48111


If you are a Wives

Behind the Badge

forums member or

volunteer and

would like to add

your home based

business to our

Shopping Mall

Directory, please

send your business

information and

product photos to:


Page 19: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013


Etsy Store

Christine’s Impressions

WBTB Members Coupon

with no expiration date.

Check the WBTB Forums or

Contact Christine for cou-

pon code.


Origami Owl

Independent Designer #16233

Jennifer Robison


SPECIAL - 20% off to all WBTB

members! (You must contact

Jennifer directly to receive


Blue Lights Specials

Page 19 Wives Behind the Badge Shield Magazine

Page 20: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Meet The Staff

Name: Jan Miller

Positions: West Virginia

Auxiliary Director,

Eastern Auxiliary

Assistant and Forums

Big Sister

Jan is the wife

of a Putnam

County Sher-

iff’s Deputy,

and will be


13 years of

marriage this

June. She is

also the moth-

er of 2 beauti-

ful children,

Lacey age 9

and Charlie

age 7 months.

Jan loves to

shop, travel,

and read and

her favorite

color is pink.

In August of

2011, Jan

joined the

WBTB Forums

and applied to

head the WV

Auxiliary soon

after. In 2013,

she joined the

ranks of Big

Sister, helping

to mentor new


Staff Members Feature Page 20

Page 21: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

Wives Behind the Badge Auxiliaries

Alabama Delaware Maine Montana Oregon Washington

Alaska Florida Maryland New Mexico Pennsylvania Washington DC

Arizona Georgia Massachusetts Nor Cal Philippines West Virginia

Arkansas Idaho Michigan North Carolina Tennessee Wisconsin

Cen Cal Illinois Minnesota North Dakota Texas Wyoming

Colorado Kentucky Mississippi Ohio Utah

Connecticut Louisiana Missouri Oklahoma Virginia

Page 22: Wives Behind the Badge:  Shield Magazine  April, 2013

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