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Page 1: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

Welcome Chris SampleThe 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.



Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.

1 The team seems to be drifting, and individual members have been withdrawing during the meetings. There is littleexcitement among members or about the team’s current task. The team has been meeting every two weeks for thelast six months. Little productivity comes from the meetings because the team is not using the technical expertiseof its members. As team leader, you would …

Identify the lack of productivity and withdrawal. a plan to get the team back on track, and follow up to seethat team members are getting things done. During the “back -to-basics” meeting, establish clear proceduresand strategies to ensure involvement and progress.

Identify the lack of productivity and withdrawal, but show trust in the team by letting these issues run theircourse. Allow members time to reach their own solutions to team issues. Be available to help as the needarises.

Identify the lack of productivity and withdrawal. a plan that utilizes everyone’s skills. Ask for theirsuggestions, and incorporate their ideas when appropriate.

Identify the lack of productivity and withdrawal. Participate with the team in identifying productivity issues, andreinforce the strategies they develop. Support their ideas and solutions, and express appreciation for theirparticipation.

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Page 2: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

2 The task force is going to have its team meeting. Many of the team members do not know each other and havenot participated on any company teams. Most of the team members were chosen because they have solid technicalskills. They are looking forward to working with each other on important issues facing the new team. As teamleader, you would …

Set the time and place of the meeting. Formulate an agenda and prepare the necessary documents andhandouts. Structure the meeting once it begins. After the meeting, make sure that minutes are distributed to allteam members.

Set the time and place of the meeting. Encourage and support the team in setting the agenda. Together, decidehow the meeting should be conducted. Following the meeting, praise progress and suggest that minutes bedistributed.

Set the time and place of the meeting. Formulate an agenda and draft the documents to be used in themeeting. Check with team members to get their input about the meeting structure and content. Incorporate theirideas where appropriate. Structure the meeting once it begins. Following the meeting, ensure that minutes ofthe meeting are distributed to all team members.

Set the time and place of the meeting. Allow the team to decide on its structure and content. Assist in the teaminteraction if they request your help. Assume that minutes will be distributed after the meeting.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 3: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

3 The marketing task force has shown increasing success in deciding which products to acquire and which to reject.Their choices have increased revenue Although capable of making tough decisions, the discussionaround the newest product seems tentative. The team is pleasant and polite. There seems to be agreement, but yousense that views are not being expressed. As team leader, you would …

Share your perceptions of the underlying disagreement and encourage an open discussion of Setup a process for the team to follow in exploring the pros and cons of the newest product. Ask if they have othersuggestions and incorporate them into your procedures if appropriate.

Share your perceptions of the underlying disagreement and the importance of openly discussingAllow the team to proceed, trusting that they will work through problems as they have in the past. Ensure thateveryone is in agreement before the decision is considered

Share your perceptions of the underlying disagreement and the importance of openly discussingAsk the team how they want to proceed in discussing the pros and cons of the product. Encourage them to riskbeing honest and facilitate a consensus.

Share your perceptions of an underlying disagreement and encourage them to be open about theirSet up a process to explore the pros and cons of the newest product and manage the process carefully.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 4: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

4 As the employee involvement director, you have created a cross -functional task force to help you decide on thenext steps in the organization’s to develop a team -based management system. All of the members areenthusiastic and have an excellent work record; however, they have little team experience. At the meeting, youwould …

Explain the purpose and goals of the team and describe team-based management. Facilitate a discussion todevelop a work plan for the task force. Support their ideas as they decide on the next meeting time, agenda,and distribution of minutes.

Explain the purpose and goals of the task force, as well as the fundamentals of team-based management.Outline your plan for the team’s operation. Individually assign tasks and strategies for accomplishingthe work. Schedule the next meeting and ask them to come prepared to report on their assignments.

Explain the purpose and goals of the task force and describe team-based management. Ask them to decide onroles, strategies, procedures, and timelines for the task force to follow. Let them know you trust their decisionsand would like them to act on them. Be available if they need assistance. Schedule the next meeting.

Explain the purpose and goals of the task force, as well as the fundamentals of team-based management.Present your ideas about tasks for each team member, along with strategies for accomplishing thework. Ask team members for their thoughts, and incorpororate appropriate suggestions into an action plan.Schedule the next meeting.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 5: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

5 Your project team has been meeting for several weeks. At they were eager to get started. You establishedinitial goals, action plans, and team roles; and team members began to study the issues. During the last couple ofmeetings, enthusiasm seems to have declined. A few members have come in late, and others seem frustrated orunclear about how to proceed. You think there has been some progress, but there is little to show for it. At yournext meeting, you would …

Restate the team goals and review the action plans. Reemphasize the importance of the team’s mission.Present an outline of next steps and clarify each person’s assignment. Ask team members to prepare aprogress report for the next meeting. Stress the importance of everyone’s contribution to the project.

Restate the goals of the team and present an action plan for the next steps. Ask team members to brainstormpossible barriers, as well as ways to overcome with the task and with the team’s progress.Incorporate appropriate suggestions into a revised action plan. Thank them for their ideas and point out thateveryone’s full involvement is important for the team’s success. Encourage their continued commitment.

Restate the goals of the team and summarize the progress to date. Emphasize that although progress has beenslow, there has been some progress. Explain that it is a complex task and express your that theycan successfully complete the project. Facilitate a discussion on plans for increasing productivity and encouragetheir continued commitment.

Restate the team’s goals and summarize the progress to date. Stress the importance of the team’s mission inrelation to the larger organization. Express in their capabilities and ask them to be persistent. Assurethem that you are available if they need you.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 6: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

6 Your research and development team was formed about two months ago. Team members have highly developedtechnical skills and are accustomed to working as independent contributors. They have been meeting regularly. At

they seemed excited about the opportunity to work on a complex new product together. Lately, however, youhave noticed some frustration among team members. Progress on the task is slow, and you believe there isconfusion about the team’s goals and action plans. At the next team meeting, you would …

Restate the team’s goals and the importance of the project in the overall plan for the company. Remind them ofdeadlines and assure them that frustration is normal. Trust their skills and allow them to continue working ontheir own.

Restate the team’s goals and the importance of the project in the overall plan for the company. Remind theteam of the project deadlines. Clarify the roles and specify the tasks you want each team member to completeprior to the next team meeting.

Restate the team’s goals and the importance of the project in the overall plan for the company. Remind theteam of the project deadlines. Explain that frustration is normal. Listen carefully to their input and assign theaction steps to be accomplished before the next meeting. Revise goals, if necessary, based on their input.

Restate the team’s goals and the importance of the project in the overall plan for the company. Explain thatfrustration is normal, and express in their ability to improve progress. Facilitate a problem solvingdiscussion to modify or generate new action plans and goals if needed.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 7: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

7 You have recently been assigned as manager of one of the most productive and skilled regional teams in theorganization. People on the team seem to work well together and enjoy their work. The former manager was likedand respected and had encouraged the team to manage itself. At your meeting, you would …

Introduce yourself and get to know the team. Praise them for their past performance. Hold a discussion aboutthe team’s current goals and operational procedures. Mutually decide whether changes should be madebecause of the change in management.

Introduce yourself and get to know the team. Outline your goals and operational procedures for the region.Incorporate any appropriate ideas and opinions they and outline procedures you want them to follow. Letthem know you are pleased with their past performance.

Introduce yourself and get to know the team. Acknowledge their exceptional work record and your intheir ability to perform well. Tell them to continue their good work and let them know you will be available if theyneed your assistance.

Introduce yourself and get to know the team. the steps and timeline for your orientation. After theorientation, present the goals and operational procedures for them to follow.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 8: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

8 Your organization has just completed a major downsizing and reorganization Your work team remainedstable, yet responsibilities have changed somewhat. The team has a history of being fairly productive, but recentchanges have left team members upset and concerned. Most team members are demotivated and angry aboutthings that have happened in the organization. Productivity is down. At the next meeting, you would …

Acknowledge team members’ concerns. Outline team goals, new responsibilities, and altered work procedures.Make sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and lay out a plan of action. Tell them you willcheck on their individual progress before next week’s meeting.

Acknowledge team members’ concerns and confusion. Ask them to create a plan for their alteredresponsibilities. Let them know you are available to help if needed. Check to see how they progress.

Explain to the team that you understand their concerns and confusion. Outline a plan to change necessary workprocedures and ask for their suggestions. Incorporate their ideas where possible and establish checkpoints tomonitor progress.

Ask team members to talk about their issues and concerns. Assure them you have in their ability todeal with the impact of the reorganization and praise their past record. Jointly discuss a plan to changenecessary work procedures and support their decisions. Mutually develop a method to track progress.

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Page 9: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

9 The company’s newly formed operations team, made up of cross -department members, is enthusiastic about thetasks that lie before them. At the meeting, you would …

Explain how this team was formed and how individuals were selected. Ask the team to decide on goals,standards, roles, and operating procedures on its own. Provide assistance if they ask for your help. Ensure thatthey schedule the next meeting.

Explain how this team was formed and how individuals were selected. Gather their input on the goals,standards, roles, and operating procedures they would like to see in place. Come to the next meeting with aplan that uses their input where appropriate. Set the next meeting.

Explain how this team was formed and how individuals were selected. Explain the goals and standards, andestablish individual roles and initial operating procedures. Ensure that everyone is clear on how to proceed. Setthe next meeting.

Explain how this team was formed and how individuals were selected. Participate with the team to establish thegoals, standards, roles, and operating procedures. Encourage them to discuss any they anticipate incarrying out their task. Facilitate the discussion and encourage input. Set the next meeting.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 10: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

10 Your team has progressed toward its goals in the past few months. Team members have hightechnical knowledge, and their commitment to the goal is evident. Team members have been relating well andenjoy working together. Their commitment to team productivity is high. Due to a recent budget cut, however, theteam will have to take a 15 percent reduction in operating resources. As team leader, you would …

Convene the team and present the problem. Ask the team to decide where the cuts should be made.assistance, but wait for the team to make a decision.

Convene the team and the problem. Explain where the budget cuts should be made. Ensure that theteam knows the “whats” and “whys” of the cuts. Closely monitor the impact of the proposed cuts to determineany

Convene the team and present the problem. Support the team’s by working with them to generate alist of proposed cuts.

Convene the team and the problem. Ask the team where they think the cuts should be made. Make thedecision after considering the team’s input.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 11: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

11 The team has begun to work well together. In the past, team members fought openly with each other; however,frank discussion of individual feelings has allowed many interpersonal issues to be resolved. Although much ofthe team’s work is yet to be done, team members show a growing knowledge of the task. Morale is improving,but most members doubt that the is truly in the past. As team leader, you would …

Identify the tentative feelings that are present in the team. Facilitate the team as they explore these feelings.Support and encourage them to develop healthy ways to deal with

Identify the tentative feelings that are present in the team. Invite members to discuss the causes of thesefeelings. Share your strategies for dealing with future and ask the team to suggest their ideas.Incorporate their suggestions, if appropriate, but be sure your approach is used.

Identify the tentative feelings that are present in the team. Assure them that it is normal to avoid aftergoing through a rough period. Outline -resolution strategies and establish these strategies as groundrules.

Identify the tentative feelings that are present in the team. Assure them that avoidance is normalbehavior following a rough period. Ask them to discuss their feelings and come up with strategies for dealingwith Intervene only if they are going in the wrong direction.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 12: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

12 Because of the success of your interdepartmental team’s work on planning a regional conference, they wereasked to take on a similar short-term project. Morale is high. Even though it is an important event, the team is

in their ability to work together successfully and plan an event of a similar nature. As team leader, youwould …

Inform them of the new project and its purpose. Mutually determine goals and standards. Allow the team todevelop its own objectives, strategies, and action plans. Be available for meetings and guidance if needed.

Inform them of the new project and its purpose. Establish goals and strategies, and outline action plans toensure that the project is managed Meet often at to make sure progress is on track.

Inform them of the new project and its purpose. Ask team members for their ideas about goals, roles, andstrategies. Incorporate their ideas when appropriate, and present a game plan and meeting schedule for theproject.

Inform them of the new project and its purpose. Express your that the team will develop anplan. Work with the team to decide on goals, roles, and appropriate strategies. Together, decide on

target dates for objectives and a meeting schedule.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 13: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

13 Recently, your organization has been encouraging the development of quality improvement teams. You havedecided to form a team in the department to focus on reducing payment time for accounts receivable.You have asked several people within the department to be members. No one has much team experience, butthey all seem eager to participate. Members have many skills but have never worked together on thiskind of problem. At the meeting, you would …

Explain that you have formed this team to focus on reducing payment time for accounts receivable. Tell themyou want to reduce the time it takes to receive payments. Ask them to develop some plans and strategiesand let you know how they are going to proceed.

Explain that you have formed this team to focus on reducing payment time for accounts receivable. Assignresponsibilities to each person and ask them to present a report at the next meeting. Tell them you will meetweekly and check with each person midweek to look at his or her initial data.

Explain that you have formed this team to focus on reducing payment time for accounts receivable. Shareyour plan for accomplishing this goal. Ask them for their ideas and suggestions about your strategy. Listencarefully to their input and incorporate appropriate suggestions into a step -by-step plan.

Explain that you have formed this team to focus on reducing payment time for accounts receivable. Engagein a brainstorming discussion with the team and help them develop plans and strategies. Support their ideasand let them know you will help in any way you can.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 14: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

14 Your work team has been meeting regularly to focus on developing work procedures to reduce production time.They are learning about each other’s job(s) and are working together more They have made progresstoward the goal of reducing production time by 10 percent next quarter. Despite the progress, their performanceis starting to falter, and they seem to lack in making further advances. At the next team meeting, youwould …

Tell the team that you are pleased with their progress, although you are concerned that their performance isstarting to falter. Reiterate the goal and lead a discussion that addresses their present andincludes a of the goal and ways to reach it. Encourage them to keep up the good work.

Tell the team that you are pleased with their progress, although you are concerned that their performance isstarting to falter. Reiterate the goal and outline your plan for achieving it. Ask them for their thoughts aboutthe goal and their suggestions for moving ahead. Incorporate appropriate suggestions and present aaction plan. Encourage them to keep up the good work.

Tell the team that you are pleased with their progress, although you are concerned that their performance isstarting to falter. Tell them further reductions are still needed. Reiterate the 10 percent goal for next quarter.Ask them to continue working on further improvement and to advise you of their progress on a monthly basis.Encourage them to keep up the good work.

Tell the team that you are pleased with their progress, although you are concerned that their performance isstarting to falter. Reiterate the goal and strategies. Assign tasks to each team member, including theaction steps needed to be more Tell them you will check with them weekly to review their progress.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 15: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

15 Due to downsizing, your work team has been reduced by 30 percent. Prior to the downsizing, your team wasproducing good results and working together. Morale was relatively high. Now your work team isfaced with reorganization and additional responsibilities. Although they have experienced a previousrestructuring, the team members seem and apathetic about moving forward. As team leader, youwould …

Express your in the team’s ability to overcome the Restate goals, set new objectivesand strategies, and assign roles. Meet weekly with the team to monitor progress.

your in the team. Listen to their feelings about the reorganization. Explain your plan todeal with the change. Lead them in a discussion to resolve the in restructuring and agree on newobjectives, roles, and strategies. Incorporate their ideas as much as possible. Monitor their progress regularly.

your in the team. Listen to their feelings about the change. Hold a problem solvingsession and encourage them to generate ideas on how to restructure. Mutually reestablish goals, strategies,and roles. Follow their suggestions. Monitor progress at team meetings.

your in the team. Allow them to work through their feelings about the change. Suggestthey examine the new objectives and come up with strategies, roles, and action plans. Ask them to keep youinformed and be available if they ask for help.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 16: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

16 Your sales is very competent and works well together. Goals were exceeded by 25 percent last year, andpride is evident. It is now time for your team to set goals for the next year. In a team meeting, you would …

Praise them for last year’s results. Explain how their contributions created new positions and products.Challenge them by setting stretching goals for next year and outlining action steps to accomplish these goals.Track implementation of your plan.

Praise them for last year’s results. Explain how their contributions created new positions and products.Involve the team in modifying the goals and action plans for next year. Encourage them to be creative andseek strategies. Track the implementation of their plan.

Praise them for last year’s results. Explain how their contributions created new positions and products. Setgoals for next year and outline action steps to accomplish these goals. Change your action plans to includetheir ideas and suggestions where appropriate. Track implementation of your plan.

Praise them for last year’s results. Explain how their contributions created new positions and products. Askthem to set goals for next year and an action plan to accomplish the goals. Be available to contributewhere needed. Track the implementation of their plan.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 17: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

17 Your highly productive R & D team is faltering. Project prototypes have been yielding inconsistent results. Theteam is considerably behind on timelines due to technical changes in the project’s requirements. Tensionbetween team members is evident, but is avoided. You would …

Encourage the expression of feelings related to the tension in the team. Model by sharing your own feelings.Jointly determine how to clarify technical requirements and other problems related to project output.

Encourage people to express their feelings and the reasons for their Listen to the input and use theinformation to reestablish goals, clarify technical requirements, and roles if necessary.

Trust the team to get over its negativity. Suggest that they explore the tensions caused by low productivity.Ask them to come up with a plan to clarify requirements and let you know how you can support them. Assurethem that you are available if needed.

Acknowledge the tension in the team and the lack of clear technical requirements. Restate goals, standards,and roles, and initiate a series of steps to increase project output.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 18: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

18 Your cross -departmental team has been in operation for 11 months. During that time, it has designed several verysystems for reducing Initially, you worked closely with the team to track progress, verify

results, and praise their success. Over time, the team members have assumed more responsibility for managingthemselves. You are pleased with the tracking system that has been developed, and the team is excited about theresults. You will be out of town during next week’s quarterly review. In a team meeting, you would …

Discuss any concerns the team has about the upcoming review process. Listen to their concerns and helpthem develop their own solutions. Have the team select a leader for the review. Remind them of their pastsuccess and of your that they can independently handle the team process and the review.

Remind the team about the upcoming review and go over the steps in detail. Ensure that members are clearabout their assignments in preparing for the review. Change the review date so you can attend.

Remind the team about the upcoming quarterly review. Apologize for your absence and expressin their ability to carry on without you. Let them know how you can be reached if they need help.

Go over the steps of the review process. Ask team members for questions, suggestions, or revisions, andinclude appropriate suggestions. Ensure that people are clear about their assignments. Change the reviewdate so you can attend.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 19: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

19 A temporary task force has been created to assess the training needs for the organization. People from variousparts of the organization have been selected because of their excellent work records and their broad knowledgeof the organization. They are willing to participate, but most of them have little or no experience in assessing thetraining needs of a company. At the initial meeting, you would …

Outline the purpose and goals and emphasize the importance of the task force’s work. Tell them they wereselected because of their excellent work record and organizational knowledge. Assign critical tasks and askfor their suggestions. Include appropriate suggestions and ensure that everyone is clear about theirassignments. Set deadlines for initial task completion and schedule the next meeting.

Outline the purpose and goals and emphasize the importance of the task force’s work. Tell them they wereselected because of their excellent work record and organizational knowledge. Assign critical tasks andensure that everyone is clear about their assignments. Set deadlines for initial task completion and schedulethe next meeting.

Explain the purpose and emphasize the importance of the task force’s work. Tell them they were selectedbecause of their excellent work record and organizational knowledge. Engage them in a discussion todetermine goals, strategies, and individual roles. Agree on the tasks to be accomplished by the next meeting.

Explain the purpose of the task force and the importance of their work. Tell them they were selected becauseof their excellent work record and organizational knowledge. Ask them to set goals, develop strategies, andassign tasks. Ask them to set up a meeting in the near future so you can be kept informed. Assure them thatyou are available whenever they need your assistance.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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Page 20: Welcome Chris Sample - Ken BlanchardWelcome Chris Sample The 20 items on this questionnaire, each with four possible responses, will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. n. Directions

20 The team has had a rocky start. Team members have been quarreling with each other because of lack of follow -through. Progress on their project is slow. Two team members have frequently made personal attacks on eachother in front of the team. Most team members do not seem to know how to handle the and somemembers have begun to take sides. As team leader, you would …

Acknowledge the tension in the team and ask the two individuals to stop arguing. Lead a discussion onground rules for dealing with within the team. Once ground rules are agreed upon, facilitate adiscussion between the two team members. Ask the team to help with this confrontation.

Acknowledge the tension in the team and ask the two individuals to stop arguing. Ask the team to come upwith guidelines for dealing with and to use these guidelines to resolve their issues. Be prepared toassist if needed.

Acknowledge the tension in the team. Intervene to stop the two individuals from arguing and facilitate thebetween the two of them. Lay ground rules for dealing with Solicit input and suggestions from

the other team members before solidifying the norms.

Acknowledge the tension in the team and, during a team meeting, tell the two individuals to stop arguing.Structure the of conversation between the two individuals in Establish ground rules for the teamto deal with in the future, and monitor their adherence to those ground rules.


Assume you are the team leader in each of the following situations. Select the one response that best describes the action you would take in each situation.There are 20 questions.

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