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  • For the first two weeks of this term we were very busy because it was our turn to present the assembly. We learnt a fun song called The Animal Boogie. There were lots of words to remember and actions too. Its a song about jungle animals so we made monkeys to decorate the

    stage. At the assembly we were all dressed up in our animal costumes. Here are some of the pictures we drew and the stories we wrote about the assembly. Today it was our assembly. We sang. Some people did announcements. We dressed up as jungle animals. The song was called The Animal Boogie. We did boogying. At the back of the stage there were monkeys hanging on a vine. Saree

    It was a fun assembly. A fun song was called The Animal Boogie and I was a bird and my boogie is my best. - Aisha

    At the assembly we sang The Animal Boogie. I was at the back. I got to sit on the seat. I got to stand on the stage. Zaine

    At the assembly everybody sang The Animal Boogie. We got up and down and did the actions and I said Family and friends of Room 35 are invited to our class for morning tea. Sophie

    Today it was a cool assembly. It was awesome and there was a vine and there was monkeys too and we are monkeys and leopards too. - Beau

    From the Children of Room 35

    Yakamia Primary School


    Volume 13

    7 August 2015

    Principal: Julie Blythe

    Deputy Principals: Yvonne Height, Helen Walmsley and Tristan Mackenzie

    Ph: 9841 7533 Fax: 9842 1350

    Email: [email protected]

    By Eamonn

    By Isabelle

    By Aiden

  • Assembly

    Well done to the Year 1 students of Room 35 on

    a fantastic assembly last week. What talented

    performers you all are!!

    The next assembly will be hosted by Room 12

    on Friday 14 August at 9am. The school looks

    forward to all family and friends attending.

    Student Behaviour

    During this term Ive been able to observe the

    very positive behaviour of students at Yakamia.

    Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening and

    Personal Responsibility are very obvious

    throughout the school. I continually see staff and

    students demonstrating these types of behaviours

    which all work to building a very positive culture

    at school. Well done to all!

    Morning Arrival of Students

    Parents and caregivers of students are reminded

    that children should not arrive at school

    before 8.30am. The exception to this is students

    who attend the Before School Reading program or

    use school buses.

    Teachers have been asked to be available in

    classrooms 20 minutes before the start of the

    school day (8.30am). Most of our teachers arrive

    long before this time but they use the time to

    prepare and finalise teaching and learning for the


    As well as the early birds, we do have a number of

    students who arrive close to or after the school

    bell at 8:50am. This is not providing sufficient

    time for children to prepare for the day's

    activities. In addition, arriving after the bell can

    be embarrassing for the child entering the

    classroom, and is disruptive to the teacher and

    other class members who have already started

    the school day.

    Parent cooperation in these two matters will be

    very much appreciated by teachers.

    School Voluntary Contributions

    Have you payed your Schools Voluntary

    Contributions? They play an important part in

    funding various resources and programs around

    the school to support classes with educational


    Yakamia Primary School Facebook

    You can find us on Facebook! There are regular

    posts of upcoming events, the newsletter and

    other happenings around the school.

    Find us on Yakamia Primary


    Staff Car Park

    Could parents please refrain from using the staff

    car parks. There are two that are located at each

    end of the school. There have been several hit

    and miss incidents with cars whizzing in and out.

    These parks are for staff only and not for drop offs

    and pick ups. Thank you.

    Julie BlytheJulie BlytheJulie BlytheJulie Blythe

    From the Principals Desk

    Page 2 Yakamia Primary School



    8.30 9.00am

    The 2015 Voluntary Contributions are: Money payable to office or by Direct Debit

    Kindergarten $50 per child Direct Debit Details:

    Pre-Primary to Yr 6 $60 per child BSB 016-510

    Account no: 3408 23089

    Please note childs name in full if different from parent

  • Book Week Character Dress Up Day

    Yakamia PS will hold a Book Week Character

    Dress Up Day on Friday 28 August as part of

    celebrating Bookweek 2015.

    Students will attend a parade of costumes

    and participate in activities in the hall.

    PP-Yr 1 will parade after the assembly,

    approximately 10.00am, Years 2-3 after

    recess and then Years 4, 5 & 6 at 11.30am.

    National Families Art Prizes

    Congratulations to the following students for

    winning prizes in the National Families

    Week Competition:

    2nd Prize: Angela Lanyon-Cook Yr 3

    Highly Commended: Aniqua Gray Yr 3

    Well done: Maddy ONeill Yr 2

    Zohar Amigo Yr 3

    Ella Siwiecki Yr 2

    The prizes were presented at last weeks


    School News

    Page 3 Yakamia Primary School

    Honour Certificate Recipients31 July 2015

    Room Name Room Name

    11 Delanche Burger

    Charlie Whitfort

    25 Jedd Guetlich

    Kaidyn Manley

    13 Cody van der Muelen

    Liliana Wilkes

    26 Lilly Bennell

    Taj Coleman

    15 Dylan Wood

    Ella Ayres

    33 Chastity Evans

    Laylah Sanderson

    16 Trent Herbert

    Toby Lemin

    34 Callan Madden

    Liam Mitchell

    21 Tyler Dawson

    April Jones-Thorne

    35 Eamonn OBrien

    Kyleb Penn

    22 Bayley Drew

    Cameron Pettley Gray

    43 Oscar Jones

    Kaiden Russell

    23 Ryan Brooks

    Antony Fazio

    44 Emma De Baugy

    Kyren Bell

    24 Corbin Keen-Ferguson

    Kiara Hinks

    45 Amelia Purnell

    Rykah Adeley



    Bradley Johnson-Pinner

  • PlasticsFreeJuly






    We did preparations the day before. On the day we sat in a circle and took photos of the food

    we brought. It was all in reusable containers to save nature. Amy-Lee

    People brought stuff like fruit and other stuff. To start with we wrote notes to our parents

    about plastic free day. Mason Perrin

    We did it because animals get sick when they eat plastic and rubbish. Mikayla Keys

    The purpose of plastic free July is to protect the environment reduce animal deaths

    and reduce rubbish. I hope that the class can do that again. Ella Smith

    We package free lunches such as salad, fruit, eggs and sandwiches. Overall I think

    we did really well because everyone contributed by not bringing plastic to school

    so the animals didnt get hurt. Jordan Whennen- Guy

    I think we should have plastic free day because it saves cleaning up and it saves animals. We

    should do it again because it would keep us healthy. Sean Sanderson

    School News

    Page 4 Yakamia Primary School

    Lunch wrappers from the day before

  • Nature Playground and P&C Raffle

    MANY thanks to everyone who sold and

    purchased tickets in our Xmas in July raffle,

    drawn 31 July at the Assembly. A huge effort

    from parents and staff who helped to help raise

    funds for the next Nature Playground

    development in the Years 1-6 areas, with 744

    tickets sold!

    The prizes donated were fabulous with a special

    thank you to Helen Marshall for that stunning


    Congratulations to our winners!

    1st: Tammy Bemben.

    2nd: Tanya Lance.

    3rd: Caroline Walmsley.

    4th: Bec Jefferis.

    5th: Danny Copeland.

    6th: Sue Jamieson.

    7th: Gavin Wakefield.

    8th: Steph Northcott.

    9th: C Taylor.

    10th: Carol Marwick.

    Keep an eye out for our next event.Spring Fest

    and Car Boot Sale. 20 September! The Nature

    Playground group welcome anyone wishing to join

    in and share ideas come along to our next


    Special Thank You

    We would like to thank the

    Brooks Garden Chemmart

    Pharmacy for allowing

    Yakamia PS to be the

    recipient of the Fund for the

    Month of July.

    They have just presented us

    with a cheque for $400 which will go towards the

    Nature Playground extension.

    Canteen Volunteers Needed

    Jobs include: making sandwiches and


    Days/Times: 9-10.30am, Monday -


    Pay: a cuppa tea & good chats

    Contact: Charmaine 9841 1784

    It would be great to have people

    to commit to 2-3 spots per term, choose

    your day!

    P&C News

    Page 5 Yakamia Primary School

  • Community News

    Page 7 Yakamia Primary School

    Please note notices appearing below are not necessarily endorsed by the

    school. We provide this space for community groups to advertise to the

    school community. It is up to parents to scrutinise the activity and

    organisers for their child.

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