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13 March 2015 Volume 14 ES PARENT BULLETIN International School Manila IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER MAR 18, 25 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start 8.30AM 27 Parent Bulletin 20 ESL Coffee, 1.30 - 2.10pm ES Faculty Language 31 International Day APR 1 - 10 School Holiday: No Classes 15, 22, 29 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start 8.30AM 21 - 24 Art Exhibit Week (FAT Lobby) 21 Student-Led Conferences Early Release at 12nn 24 Parent Bulletin From e ES ES ES Administration Spotlight on Specials Thank you to all those parents and our wider community who joined us for our Spotlight on Specialist classes in Grades 2, 3 and 4. The message our students get, that their work and their learning is being valued and celebrated by the important people in their lives is a powerful one. Equally, the more we can strive to bring the two separate worlds of home and school together, the greater the benets for your children. A special thank you also to our specialist teachers for opening up their rooms this week. It is also good to note that although this was a scheduled week for parents to come in and spend Ɵme in specialist classes, you also have an open invitaƟon at any other Ɵme of the year whether this be for reading, mathemaƟcs, or any other area. CollaboraƟon Next week we have the pleasure of hosƟng a small team of teachers and leaders from InternaƟonal School Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), Malaysia. They will be spending Ɵme with our Preschool team, looking at how our program is structured and how the learning takes place. We believe these criƟcal and reecƟve conversaƟons focused on what is best instrucƟonal pracƟce in early years educaƟon, serves to strengthen our own program. Equally, we believe in collaboraƟon across likeminded schools in our region, where we can conƟnue to grow and learn together. This follows our ongoing collaboraƟve project with New InternaƟonal School Thailand (NIST), Thailand, Western Academy Beijing (WAB), China and Yokohama InternaƟonal SChool (YIS), Japan, which has been in place for a number of years now. InternaƟonal Day On Tuesday 31st March we will be celebraƟng InternaƟonal Day in the Elementary School. This is a day to celebrate our diversity and also to celebrate what unites us. The day will begin with a ag unfurling ceremony led by our Student ConƟnued on page 2

ES Parent Bulletin Vol#14 2015 Mar 13

Jul 17, 2016



ES Parent Bulletin Vol#14 2015 Mar 13
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13 March 2015 Volume 14

ES PARENT BULLETIN International School Manila



18, 25 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start 8.30AM

27 Parent Bulletin

20 ESL Coffee, 1.30 - 2.10pm ES Faculty Language

31 International Day


1 - 10 School Holiday: No Classes

15, 22, 29 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start 8.30AM

21 - 24 Art Exhibit Week (FAT Lobby)

21 Student-Led Conferences Early Release at 12nn

24 Parent Bulletin

From the ESESES Administration

Spotlight on Specials 

Thank you to all those parents and our wider community who joined us for our Spotlight on Specialist classes in Grades 2, 3 and 4.  The message our students get, that their work and their learning is being valued and celebrated by the important people in their lives is a powerful one.  Equally, the more we can strive to bring the two separate worlds of home and school together, the greater the benefits for your children.  A special thank you also to our specialist teachers for opening up their rooms this week. 

It is also good to note that although this was a scheduled week for parents to come in and spend  me in specialist classes, you also have an open invita on at any other  me of the year ‐ whether this be for reading, mathema cs, or any other area.   

Collabora on 

Next week we have the pleasure of hos ng a small team of teachers and leaders from Interna onal School Kuala Lumpur (ISKL), Malaysia. They will be spending  me with our Preschool team, looking at how our program is structured and how the learning takes place.  We believe these cri cal and reflec ve conversa ons focused on what is best instruc onal prac ce in early years educa on, serves to strengthen our own program.  Equally, we believe in collabora on across like‐minded schools in our region, where we can con nue to grow and learn together. This follows our on‐going collabora ve project with New Interna onal School Thailand (NIST), Thailand, Western Academy Beijing (WAB), China and Yokohama Interna onal SChool (YIS), Japan, which has been in place for a number of years now. 

 Interna onal Day  On Tuesday 31st March we will be celebra ng Interna onal Day in the Elementary School.  This is a day to celebrate our diversity and also to celebrate what unites us. The day will begin with a flag unfurling ceremony led by our Student                            Con nued on page 2

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Con nued from page 1  Council, in the ES Courtyard at 7 30 am. This will be followed by our Grade 3 Concert at 8 30 am in the FAT and our Grade 4 Concert at 1 pm in the FAT.  Please take note of your class email updates for any par cular events which may be scheduled for your Grade level.    

            Adam Campbell Michael Rourke Elementary Principal Elementary Assistant Principal

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Children’ s Media Center

The Children's Media Centre will no longer be manually stamping due dates on the inside of books. Therefore, our system has been updated such that patrons will receive an automated email each Monday informing them of all items checked out to their account. This email will indicate due dates and notify of any overdue material.

AFAC OFFICE Dear Parents,  We are pleased to inform that we're opening two a er‐school ac vi es for Grade 2 students.  

Soccer for Girls  (Wednesdays, 2:15‐3:15pm at the Covered Court)  Li le Einsteins  (Wednesdays, 2:15‐3:15pm at Room 2126, with a fee of Php 1500)  

Please email the AFAC office ([email protected]) should you wish to enroll your Grade 2 child in one of these ac vi es.  

Professional Development

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From the ATAC Office The prac ce schedule for season 3 is posted on no ce boards and on the ATAC blog.  Season 3 will run from Feb 9th to March 31st. 

This past Tuesday Mar 10 ISM hosted the MS Academic Bowl at the Li le Theater  against Faith and Brent. A er a sluggish start the ISM team focused and ran away with the compe on winning over Faith in 2nd place and Brent were 3rd. Well done to all par ci‐pants and a big thanks to Mr and Mrs Birchenall for all their hard work to prepare for the compe on.  

Results ISM 591 pts, Faith 565 pts and  Brent 174 pts  

Upcoming dates‐ 

Mar 13‐15 G So ball exchange at ISKL Mar 13‐15 Boys So ball and Track exchange at ISB Mar 14 HS Golf team at Southlinks 

Saturday Community Tennis for semester 2 has now commenced again. See link for informa on on dates and how to book. Use of the courts is only available to ISM community members. Outside guests are not allowed h p://atac.ism‐‐community‐tennis/ 

Please note the prac ce  mes for the following ATAC programs: ATAC all year round teams‐ 3:15‐4:30. Sailfish/Gymnas cs and all HS seasonal teams now conclude prac ce at 4:50pm each day. MS seasonal teams 3:10‐4:45pm. The last bus is now 4:55pm and all a er school programs will conclude by 4:50pm in order to try and clear the campus prior to 5pm due to the ever increasing traffic concerns in our area. 

Parents and students please take some  me to peruse the ATAC blog it has a wide variety of informa on and links to our sports and ac vi es program. If you have any ques ons regarding the compe ve program of sports at ISM a er reading the informa on on the blog please send an email to [email protected] and I will endeavor to assist you as best I can. 

Bearcat Den‐ drop by our fantas c spirit store. There is a range of new products and items to purchase including items from our service partners. Bearcat Den hours of opera on‐ 7am‐4pm Mon‐Fri. 

The ATAC game schedule pdf which is updated regularly by Triz Gonzalez (ATAC Athle cs Coordinator) gives the most up to date informa on on where/when and who our Bearcat teams will be playing throughout the school year. Access to the game schedule is via the ISM parent portal. Please, log in with your user name/password and look for the ATAC Game Schedule tab. Remember to refresh the page when the pdf schedule appears so you view the most current schedule. 


Mark Pekin Athletic Director

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Leaving ISM?  

Please be reminded that parents are obliged to officially inform the School in wri ng through a WITHDRAWAL NOTIFICA‐TION FORM if their children will not be returning in August for School Year 2015‐16. Families are encouraged to submit the Withdrawal No fica on Form, sta ng the student's final date of a endance, immediately.  Forms must be submi ed on or before May 8. Failure to submit the form in a  mely manner may lead to a deduc on of US$ 1,000 from the Facili es Upgrade Deposit (FUD), in compensa on for having held a space for your child, preven ng the School from offering that space to another candidate.   The Withdrawal No fica on Form can be obtained from the Admissions Office or directly from the ISM website under Admission > Re‐Enrollment & Withdrawal > Withdrawals   Please feel free to contact the Admissions office at 840.8601 for ques ons or clarifica ons. 

Thank you, 

Office of Admissions and Advancement 

From the Office of Admissions and Advancement

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