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Page 1: Vocabulary Building Puzzles
Page 2: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore: Vocabulary Building Puzzles


COPYRIGHT I!;) 2001 Mark Twain Media, Inc.

ISBN 1-58037-165-5

Printing No. CD-1 386

Mark Twain Media, Inc., Publishers Distributed by Carson-Dellosa Publishing Company, Inc.

The purchase of this book entitles the buyer to reproduce the student pages for class­room use only. Other permissions may be obtained by writ ing Mark Twain Media, lnc. , Publ ish­,m.

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Page 3: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

C~1Ieog&s Galore Tabkl of Conl8r'llS

Table of Contents

Purpose/lntroductlon ................................................ 1 Missing Links'5 .... ....................................... 44 Missing Unl<a _6 ........................................... 45

T.achlng Strategies .. H .................... _ ••••• _ ••••• _ ••••••• _. 2 Missing Unks .1 ................ _. ___ ...................... 46 Missing Unks'8 ............ ___ __ ____ ...... _ ...... __ ....... 47

Challenges and Purzlea .......................................... 4 Fewe. Clues Punlas .. ........................ ................ 48 Pajro! Diamonds Puzzles ... __ ........ " .................. 4 Build Your Vocabul!ory More ~ 1 __ ................... 48

Holiday G.eetln9s ...... .. ................................... 4 Build Your Voeab\.rlary More '2 ...................... 49 Lunch Specials .......... .. ................................... 5 Build Your Vocabulary Mof!) n ...................... 50 Best Friends ................................................... 6 BuildYour Vocabulary Mofa'4 ...................... 51 W4CI183 and Goblins ....................................... 7 Build YourVoeabulary More _$ ...................... 52 March Madness .............................................. 8 Build Your Vocabulary More t6 ..................... _ 53 Summer Fun ................. _ .. _ ............................. 9 Four-Squared PulZIeS ...................... .. .. ............. 54 Two HundrC(l Daysofthe Year ..................... 10 Vocabulary Enrichmanlll'l __ ._ ........................ 54 Cupid's Special Day ....... .. .............................. It Vocabulary Enrichmenl'2 ___ _ ....................... 55

Combination Punkla ...................... " ..................... 12 Vocabul!ory Enr\chmenll1'3 ............................. 56 Analogous Relatk>nships I 1 ......................... 12 Vocabulary Ennelvn8nl.4 .-____ ..................... 57 Analogou8 Rtllalionshlps #2 .......................... 13 Vocabulary Enrlehrnent '5 .................... _ ........ 58 Analogous Rllationships 1i3 ......................... \4 Vocabulary Enrichment t6 ............................ _ 59 Analogous Relalionsh;P5 14 _" .................... 15 6.aQ; and Forth Puzzles ........ _ .... ____ ..................... 60 Analogous Relatooshlps'5 ......................... 18 Unusual Vocabulary ChalleT1!J8 , 1 ................ 60 AnalojpJ5 Relaliooships _6 .... ..................... 17 Unusual Vocabulary Challenge '2 ................ 61 Analogous RelaHonships.7 ......................... 18 Unusual VOCIfbul8fy Challenge '3 ................ 62 Analogous Relatk>nships ~8 ........................ 19 Unusual Vocabulary Challenge ~4 .... ............ 63

Clues G81o<8 ................................. .. .................... 20 Unu5ual Vocabulary Challertge 15 ................ 64 Build Your Vocabul8ry.l ............................... 20 Unusual Vocabulary Challerogc '6 ................ 65 Build YourVoeabuCaryW2 ._ ............................. 21 Unusual Vocabulary Challenge '7 ................ 66 Build yOU( Vocabulary #3 ......... ...................... 22 Unusual Vocabulary Challengoe _8 ................ 67 Build Your Vocabuillry #4 .. .......... " ................. 2;l Acrostic Puzzles ................................ .. ............... 68 Build YourVoeabulary ~$ ..................... .......... 24 Anlonyms 11 ................. ............................. 68 Build Your Vocabulary ~6 ............................... 25 Anlonyms .2 ................................................ 69

Zig·Zag Topict ......... .. ................................. 26 Anlonyms ~3 ......... .. .... .. .... .. ............... ........... 70 Vocabulary BuikIing ~1 ................................. 26 Synonyms~I ................... .... ... ................. ..... 7\ Vocabulary Duikling _2 ................................ 27 Synonyms,2 ... o. ........................................... 72 Vocabulary BuUding 13 ............................ _ .. __ 28 Synonyms '3 ................................................. 73 Vocabulliry Building #4 ......................... _ ....... 29 $pIittl'w;l Diamond Puzzles .................................. 74 Scrambled Words 11'1 ....................... .. ............ 30 $eramb-led Wordsll \ ..................................... 74 ScmmblcdWords 11'2 ....................... " ...... .. __ _ 31 Scrambled Words .2 ..................................... 75

Last Letter-Firat Ltlno. Puzzles ................ _ __ .... 32 SCr~mbled Words.3 ..................................... 76 AnimalsGalore ............................................. 32 $eramb-led W()rds _4 ..................................... 77 Law Enforcement .................. __ .... __ ................ 33 Word Games ....................................................... 78 Ciolhing endAccessorics .............................. 34 VocabularyWfIh 'Tl-r Combrflllbons ............. 76 Anyone Hungry? .... _ ............ .......................... 35 Vocabul8ry With "eN" Combina.tions ............. 79 Vocabulary Development 'l .... ... ... ....... ........ 36 Voc8bulary With "SPO Combinations ............. 80 Vocabulary l}cvelopmen\ "2 .................. ....... 37 Vocabulary With "LE" Combil1ll100. ... .. .... .... 81 Scrambled WOrd5'\ ................................. .. .. 36 Sc!-ambkld W()rds'2 ..................................... 39 Templates .................................... .. ... .. ...................... 82

Raveala Palindrome Puzzi83 ............................. 40 Missing Unks _I ........................................... 40 AnlwlH' Kevs ._ .......... _ ............................................. 86 I.ti$Sir1o;I Unks M2 ........................................... 41 Missing Links 13 ........................................... 42 Mtssing Llnks.4 ................................ ........... 43


Page 4: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

ChaUcnges Galore Purpose/1ntroduction


The purpose of th is activity book is to provide teachers and students with a wide range of challenging and motivational vocabulary activities that arc different and fun to do. Theso activi· ties are intended to be used by themselves or to complement existing language programs by provid ing activities that win require sludents to work independently or with a partner to problem· solve, learn and apply strategies, think, and have fun.

Since sludents enjoy solving puzzles and decoding messages, many of the challenges provide the students with an opportunity to do this. Blank templates wi ll be provided for some of Ihe act ivities to give students the tools they'll need to create their own challenges to sharo with their classmates.

Most of the challenges have from six to eight activity sheets. As students tackle the lirst or second sheet, strategies are being developed and the students aCQuire an understanding 01 what is expected in each challenge. Similarly, when the activity is laken up, the students may also learn strategies that fellow classmates used to get the answers to somo of the questions. As a result, each subsequent challenge becomes that much easier.

These puzzles are vocabulary·bui lding challenges that are presented in a var iety of creative and innovative ways. As students WOf1o; 10 solve the puzzles and find the hidden mes· sages, they are learning new and olten unusual words. The messages found in the Pair 01 Diamonds activities pertain to special times Ihroughoutthe year. For example: "Merry Christ· mas and happy New Year to all ." The Combination Puzzle is a multi·task activity because students are required to match up three-fetter portions 01 wordS to create t2 six-Iettor words. These words are then used to complete 12 analogous relationships. The Clues Galore and Fewer Clues exercises help students build vocabulary by fi rst coming up with the answers to the clues and lhen using those cluos to reveal a new nlne·lener word. Messages in the Zig·Zag Topics puzzles are found by reading down Ihe shaded boxes alter students have written in the answers to the clues. The Lasl letter·First leiter puzzles are similar to crossword puzzles, except that the last letter of each clue Is also the first leller of the next clue. Hidden words are found by taking the letters from the shaded boxes and l illing in the message boxes. In the Reveal a Pallodrome section students complete several l ive·letter words and then decode the palindrome sentences. In the Four-Squared puzzles, students write in the answers to clues and then read down or up the shaded boxes to reveal a message. The Back and Forth puzzles challenge students to lind six·lener words that fit in the puzzles in a special way. The last three fetters of an answer become the Hrstthree lellers of Ihe next answer and so on. The Acrostic puzzles locus students on finding antonyms and synonyms to wordS given. Then students must decode the puzzle to lind the hidden message. Messages in the SplilUle Diamond puzzlos are found by reading down the shaded boxes aher students find the answers to all the clues. Words with specific lellar combinations are needed to complete the Word Game puzzles.

Students can be motivated to do just about anything. Once they have worked on a par­ticular kind of activity and have gained some confidonce in doing it, some may be ready for a challenge (this Is where the blank lemplates come into play). With encouragement and direc· tion, students can successfully create and share Similar challenges with their classmateS. Their abil ity to stick to the task and seD it through to completion is very rewarding to the teacher and student alike. Simply seeing the names 01 their friends on an activity sheet Is all the motivation Ihal is required to get others to try their hand at crealing an activity.

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Page 5: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Teaching Slralegies

Teaching Strategies

GeUlng Started

First: • mako':In overhead transparency 01 an activity • go over the inslructions with Ihe class • have tho class look over the questions and offer possible solutions • il the answer is correct, print it in tho given space • II difficulties are l.mcountered, isolate key words in the clues • go to a dictionary, CD-ROM, or other relerence materials • use a thesaurus • Involve tho parents or older siblings as a resource only

Second: • go over Ihe instructions with the class • permit the students to pursue th is activity independenlly or with a partner • by brainstorming and by working as a team, students develop and/or share strategies

with their partners

Third: • allow the class to experience the activity after it has been explained • alter a ten-minute time period, SlOp the class and discuss what has boen achieved so ,,, • if necessary, provide additional clues or strategies to help them In their task • a specil ic clue may be addressed, and through a cooperative effort, the class may

come up with the answer • class resumes the activity

Last: • since each class is made up of students 01 varying abi lities, the same activity can be

distributed to the entire gloup: however, it is important to adjust your expectations ac­cordingly

• some students may be expected to complete at least 80% of tho activity, whereas some may only do about hall

Time lines • many of these activities can be assigned with longer times • the Pair 01 DiamondS puzzles, for example, could have a time line of one week • try to encourage daily lime management • students can be given some class time to work on the activity • suggest lhat the students spend 10-15 (Quality) minutes on their lask at home

CI Ma ... Tw81r1 Medl>l, Inc., Publish'". 2

Page 6: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ch8lltf1gea Galore Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies (continued)

• il specifIC difficulties are encountered, they can discuss them with a friend or approach the teacher

• anxiety level is reduced • have the students write ·spend 10-15 minutes per nighr across Ihe top ollhe activity • have the students record Ihe due dale al the top • have the parentIs) sign Ihe wor1r:sheel as acknowledgment thai thoy have been made

aware 01 th is assignment • Ihe parents can now wor1r: with the teacher In encouraging their children to wor1r: towil rd

achieving specitic goals

Taking It Up

Fire!: • before correcting the activity, ask the class which 01 the queslions proved 10 be rather

diffICult • il a tair number 01 students hild difficulty with the same quesUon or clue, ask the others

for the answer and how Ihey managed to gel il (I.e., one student was attempting to answer a question related to cereals, and she lound the answer by looking at cereal boxes; another studant used a CD-ROM as a 1001: another knew Ihe answer because he had Just Iinished reading a book and hild encountered the exact word that the puzzle was asking lor)

• by discussing the "how," students will acquire strategies that can be used in other activi ­ties

• this proves to be an effective strategy because the studenls will often suggest strate­gies Ihal the leacher may not have considered

Second: • make an overhead transparency • have a student read a clue, offer a sclullon, and, il it's correct, spell it • print Ihe answer wilh a washable overhead mar1r:er • continue this process unlillhe activity is corrected

Follow Up-• challenge some students to make an activity • once they have experienced two or three Pair 01 Diamond activities, and onca they

have an understanding of how lhe activity Is set up, provide them with a diamond tem­plate and encourage them to develop good clues lor Iheir answers

• once the activity has been made and conleranted, have them prepare a good copy that can be photocopied and distributed to the class

• very motivational-students love to see Iheir names in print


Page 7: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges GaIo<e Pair 01 Oiamonds Puzzle: HoIkMyGrcctings

Name: _______________ Dale: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Holiday Greetings

Directions; Read and answer each of the clues carefully. When finished, read down the left side of each diamond to revenl a hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines at the bottom 01 the page.


LEFT DIAMOND I . RotnannuMe<alloflOOO 2. A~\llleetlCli'>\l 3. HoI~, in~U'~$I.l'" ~ HoI r::ooII«I mucII; ,"" U!iuaIy ..... n S. Contr;\tlk)n lor you B'" fl. L.oog 10m, Iof ~1 7. Synonym I", ."".,"", 8. Person ~ 10 lhe ... "'" larnUy 9 . Meaning muet'I: I'I!IYIng aociIrl posolion

10. A mal4rhorM II . Fr\ght(In very much; IiIIMItr 1_ 12. Very wnaI; an ~X1IcmeIy omaI,......., t3. A JlRrsoIl who ac\$ on Slage and TV 14 . Homonymt",_. 1 S. A ~yIng e/lt(ll'I!Ivt"!.l ",. ' one' IIPOI 16. Antooym 1r;N yo-s 11. Roman nu ....... llo< 500




3 , 5 6





11 12


" 15 16 17

RIGHT DIAMONO I . Symbol lot hour or !'IOu,. 2. 0wWIe 01 B.C. 3. A chum; pl;irmate; <;Om/;>de 4. t lor'",,',.,.. 100" ~ 5. A young man: YOU"ll peopho B. Teo times nino 7. Claar, plaon; .... Y 10 uoo..,.tan<I 8. Mlrnilr9" 00'..".,.,...

9. The clay ber",e t~y 10. A JIR'""" who ~ or IUIl$ engtnes II . A penon bam 00" ~ in AI""," 12. 5;ly "rr/J'IO: ~jed 13. HelplO ...... "q;.elesson5in 14. AaoIa""'ptOmise \5. MJen_nto 16. Si:ro:Ih tone of 1he muslc.!r.I """Ie 17. Roman ""me,'" rOO" 50

-------- --- --------------- ----------- ----- --- - -------- ---- ---- -

C Mark Twal~ Me<:K/I , lne., PubliaI>o,. ,

Page 8: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges GalO!,. Pair 01 Diamor.dl Puzzle: Lunch Speci.1ls

Name: ___________ __ _ Date: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Lunch Specials

Dlroctlons: Read and answer each of the clues care fully. When finished, read down the lett side of each diamond to reveal a hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines at the bottom of the page.

LEFT OIAMOND 1. AlIb,fVi.ltioo lor ~\III 2. Contr&<:lion lor f woukI 3. A pIAoo_re ani ....... a~ ~~t 4. Nought; tho IigurG "(f' 5. Behind; lat .. : _i"9 I . I'rightlWllld: 1...cing!eM 7 RocenIIy 0< oriy ju$I born 8. A "-"vy dint .. •. -...

10. A&horIamusirrg09Cr~ 11. MUG tight; becomoI t9h1 12. ~I. dllC!<. 13. leavesOUl 14. Smi'-s bro.II .... 15. ""'tonym 10< nig/11 us. Abbtevlalion tor atternating _I 17. 25th kin", 01 u... arphaboll



3 4




8 9

10 11 12




16 17

RIGHT DIAMOND 1. Symbol tor &eOOIId or ~, 2 . AbbrGviatioo tor tirlWllrom midn'ogl,t to noon 3 . P8$1 ttl1S<l 01 run 4 '"" _ of !lloo_rise S. Tho IowoSII~.0ic95 8. FuloIlhoms 7. To __ !I"in

e. E1ght ......... 1hM1M 9. Clreal surpris.g; wddoo wonder

10. L.on\I I<>mI lor !My'vlr I I. lIuddiol.; 1>"15; """"'" 12. Tl\o East; 11>0 coontrles ln "$\a 13. P,_rod; wiilrng; I' kit\' 14. S_ cr_ '1u.ttn IS. Siek.l\OIwell 16. Abbtevl.l.1ion tor 01"". 17. Abbr_lionloraculhorlOUlhlm

- ---- --- --- --- - ------ - ----- ----


Page 9: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

C!Iallenge$ Galore Pairol Diamonds Pl,Illle: Best Friflnds

Name: _________________ Date: _ _____ _ _

Pair 01 Diamonds Puzzle: Best Friends

Directions: Read and answer each of the clues carefully. When finished. read down the left sldo of oach diamond to reveal fl hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines at the bottom ollhe page.

LEFT DIAMO ND I . AbbI ..... lion r<>l ea.t <>I ea.t,m 2. p,~poaition meaning in; on; by or ""'" 3. CUI toughly; 1 ... , """rt 4. "br<!;1tNng 0<9aI' toond In the e/Iesl 5. AnIOnym krf old 6. A pointe(I. l'IIon!Jng _ 01 ice 7. p~ by MNte: lilce ""'tu~ e. The Mil <Wy oIlho1'_k II ~_I

10. Ralse$: Ii!t$ up I I . A t'ianOkI with throG ~I slGes 12. Cd<I;unpIe&lIntl)'cooI 13. Homonym lor herd 14. 0nG timer: ~t &OllIe time In the pnt 15. Abbr_1ion 1<>1 October 16. "SIIIfu:: .... 8 ...... y 0< mII ..... ,-

17. 2SIh~~erol1hoalpl>abel

CI M.rIc Twain Mlldia.lrlC .. Publishers


2 3



6 7




" " 13





flIGHT DIA MOND 1. Flm. !ene, ol1M ~Iphabel 2. To the .... ",., degree: l)Qu811)' 3. 8G 1,Ci)(jlrom; mako !ref! • . Homonym 1<>1 Iote S. An 1ns1nlfMnl used 1<>1 &M"Mg I . A ~ e V9rV young chic! 7 Ma"- 1Io'9*r.II'OW~' e. A _Iotm ot81"t'J11" ........ 9. H.>t<j to do '" IlII(Iersw><l

10 . IntflfrHocOndplaC(!


11 A -'<><'1 In • n.wsp8.fM' <>I mooga_ 12. 00 bJ,~k: rome ro{k 1 J. e. IllWI' 'Mlh: lake plearoura In I' . Chlngor hom "'*" 10 1iqu0d 15. Vou·,." you __ II . The nrsl'" IlIst tone of the ""-'IIca11lGlr1e 17. Tile lrralktl!e< oIlho1'_oI1ho~

Page 10: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Witches and Goblins

Nama: _________________ Date: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Witches and Goblins

Directions: Read and answer each of Ihe clues carefully. When finished, read down the left side of each diamond 10 reveal a hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines atttle bottom of the page.

LEFT DIAMOND t. Ono-letIC, wGrd lor 0110 or each 2 Sheth tOflC 01 tho musirol sea~ 3. A t>oy; a young man 4. The price paid 5. A mu"",I;,. 0f931' th;It pumps blood 6. Tum u!>'-ide down; ,wer ... ill dj,ectioo 7. A . "",a ,,,diorange t>e<ttle wiIIl btoclr "I><>ts a AyOll"9_ 9. An oval picco 01 g'ouod uS«! for ",cing

10. Oppos<t" 01 we.twa,d 11 . Tell 8 mOt)' 12. A person who m.l.kcs or repairs d<rIhe. 13 Uo'll<' larm lor 'aLsi,,\! ClIme ......... P. and 1>ors8. 14. A f>t!rnorpoclu ,",in lhernind IS SynorIymlortaxi 16. Symbol lor kiIog,am or kjiogram. 17. Zero

o Marl< Twain Media. Inc .. Publiohef5











" 12






RIGHT DIAMOND 1. The kille, thal_,. lwice in ,.,. 2. $" .enlh I""",, 01 1M musical "",,'e 3 . At"", poectI 01 wule cloth 4. A sounding a9<'ln: be 'epeated In rour>d 5. Themllolan""ktree H. Special nalu,al ability 7. A SM .nimal with &ign! a,ms 8. A polson oont.linc-d In 9. A mischilovou. e ll; ~in

1(J A hU9" ..... ke; " l<in<l 01 bo!r


11. A 0I1e-~ ga~1 wom by ~f5 12. Young animals born al!he ... me lime 13. A pllIy IhlIt is mostly sung

14. WIld a nimal """"'''>li''9'' Ia'll<' do!) 15 AntOl1ym lor OOgin 16. A ,ulf", meanir>g ""pasllen ... • \7. Abbre"""tiOl1 tor Tl(lnh or "",",em

Page 11: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: March Madness

Name: _______ ________ Oate: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: March Madness

Directions: Read and answer oach of the clues carefully. When finished, read down Ihe lell side 01 each diamond to roveal a hidden message. Copy the message onlO tho lines al the bottom of Ihe page.

LEFT DIAMOND I AbC-revloliOn for ton 0/ I"". 2 All • • cIlolMt"'" 01 ourpns. 0/ joy 3. A 1~~1G $heep ~ . A _f III food .. ""'" ata f"l'tau'anl 5. TI\4I joint that ...... _1$ Ihoo tool ..,111 Ihoo leg 6. Dono. ~~. orl\appetllng noIlong a~ 7. 8GdI_re:.o!MIlOagr~ 8. st>u .. wrIh """'" ._ • .- !Of hUnIWlg 'III'hakn;

9. Phlo: a robber on INHeII 10 . l>taoIill'lin wilhlrHS 11. Hug: IIOIrl in U. """* 12. Antonym lor" quM1lon 13. M", brQad by pressing and $lr01el"llng 14 . Appliance u.ud 10 smooth WMI<ktS"om cIo1hing I 5. Brea~!he l8w of God I 8. ~lMation lor advMis.e,netu 17. E.-,. or ~0IdIy; to._

C Mark Twain Mc<lla. lnc .. P"bI~~





5 6


8 9


" 12


" 15 ,. 17


RIGHT DI AM OND I . HOmooym lor "YU 2. AbbIaw.tion lor 00d0I" ot Mc<licono 3. A large llighhu A""'r. 11an bird 4. Worl< M id: labot 5. IkrIb-IiI«I pbnl with strong _ and tasle 8. Racyde, r"",," 7. No Ior>;er" ~xIsIinr;I 8. Aperson .. f>Qowns~ ___ OUI

9. Gave up ClDfTIfIIoU,'y; _nOX! 10. A __ Iorm I", ""Chrioln'lat lime' 11. 00: Qrty OUI: ,each • 00-1 12. Sling for a WHy Siupid pe rs.on 13. NOl dun: toded by mud ordl~ 14. "UM~_ 15. Movu 100 $lowly. 1~1I behind 18. 0pp0a.1<t 0/ p.m. 17 25111lener Ill""' .lpI\obet

Page 12: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Pair 01 Diamonds Puule: Summer Fun

Name: _________ ___ ___ Date: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Summer Fun

Directions: Read and answer each of the clues carefully. When finished, read down the left side of each diamond 10 reveal a hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines at the bottom of the page.

LEFT DIAMOND 1. Tho a_leiter ollhe alpohlrl>er 2 . Initials o! A<IIIm AndelSOt' 3. A.n1oI1yml'" l>appy 4. A way out 5. Opposite 01 white 6. " (II$U$e causing difficulty in brNthing 7. A sea creatu,,, l>avi,,\! two big claws 8. SUCk'''; r .. "d CKndy on a slick 9. " he\pllr,ana ....

10. The eloventh month II. " QUBIified perSOn who examines taath t2. "very !>lid ...... 11: sttnk 13. AtiolI1tic", Pacific 14. Ouiet; still; oot stormy 15. Vehicle: aulornoblle 16. AbbrevIation I", emergency room 17. Letter btrtwHn q and.





5 6



9 10

11 12




16 17

RIGHT DIAMOND I. The II"IO$t us-ed !ene, in a~pa'agus 2. Abbre ...... tion I", ,,,"d 3. Evening; the ovcning bel",o a holiday 4. GenII<>; kir"KI; wa rm ; not MlSh 5 CO<1r",dion I", you ere 6. Grear &Wit", tho oorth 01 Africa 7. Not sour"KI; r>r>I i<I good <:<>r>dition 6. T{] learn t>y heart 9. A dnnl< made 01 milk and \c.e cream

10. A h"l/O strong animal 01 Airica I I . Va ')l quo:;;kly; . w.lIIy


12. Make a loud. piercing cty 13. A heavy wimo, jacl<etWl)h a hood 14. L.oog lorm I", O.K. 15 A mor"sheBp 16. Homonym l",tooo,rwo 17. Symbol lor second 0' second~

Page 13: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ctlallenge8 Galore Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Two Hundred Days o/!he Year

Name: _________________ Date: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Two Hundred Days of the Year

Direc tions: Read and answer each of the clues carefully. When finished, read down the left side of each diamond to reveal a hidden message. Copy the message onto the lines at the bol1om of the page.

LEFT DIAMOND I. 1he rno.1 u.o.ed leHe ' in eighlHn 2 . AbbroYi;\tion 10< VOCIOrIa Cross 3. Abbrovlation 10< el eele ,a. 4 . Homonym lor r&lld 5. A _ive tomr 01 you 6. R~n quicl<Jy: scampe' 1. Q,auy tand wI>o", ""tiki and sheep 1&IId R. r.<>mf>l~I"'Y: totAI~

9. A sour. darl< ,ed MOCII eat"" with lu rl<ey 10. No! maturo: r"OOlluily grown 11 . S<>n>&1hing made a long "me ago 12 How~ rometMlng It; 13. Cooon doth used 10 mak.l irons 14. A '''Ilion: a kMtl surface or spaco IS. A kind ot _I potalo 16. Initials lor compact disc 17. Motion pic:1u .... rating (Reslficlod)

1 , 3

• 5




9 10




" 15



RIGHT DIAMOND 1. Abbreviation lor ellSl or ea.lam 2. An advertiMlment 3. L9!'1 yeUowi&h-b,<>Wn 4. Bad: oomethl .... !)ad: wrong 5. Equi"""",1 used by underwater .wlmme~ 6. tie>! Alte ' flm 7. Contraction lor COOld not 8. PoIyi!Of'li with s.i>. sides Y. A Ia'ga glOUp 01 musi<:ians

10. KMl100 """'" 11. Suilcascs: !)agS: !)a!iXja!je 12 . T_I.,·IOIl81 13. A I'IIIId of rice 14. Appliance used to smooth wrtnkles lrom cIo!hiog 15. The color 01 blood 16 Con~action lor I would 17. ~n1Ieth lMIe' '" t'- alphabrll

--------- - ------------- ---- ---------------- ------- ----- -----------

C Mark Twain Media, ,"" .• Publlsllers 10

Page 14: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Pair of Oiamoods Puule: Cupid's Special Day

Name: _______ ________ __ Oale: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle: Cupid's Special Day

Directions: Read and answer each 01 the clues carelully. When finished, rcad down Ihe left side of each diamond to reveal a hidden message. Copy Ihe message onlo Ihe lincs al the bottom of the page.

LEFT DIAMOND 1. (Song li1Ie) The lener that ~ "Canada" 2. D\lposlte 0/ yus J. FD<C8; ~ Yi!1o' 4. SrMlI inse<:I$ lhlIt il>'e In tunners 5. Awkwardly long and IIlin 8. "' hard try; BHrompI 7. No! anythlog: a thIl'l'1 01 00 valuo B. Gilted; having natural abiMy 9. ~..rr.g __ per""l and lea""-,

10. Elevenlh month 01 lti(I year 11. Aaisu; lilt up 12. The highesI pOOn!; Ihe lOp 13. The disWICO lrom lop 10 bonom 14. A word said al tho rod 01 a prayer 1$. A coniIe"",- 11ft p«>r>D<Jf><:.d rLk. ""you" If; Al;Ibr~tion 10< week 17. Fifth lener ollh<l aipllab<ll

1 2

3 4


• 7






13 14

15 ,. 17

RIGHT DIAMOND 1 . The ~"'I [wo !trUe," o1.umlvarl< 2. Sixth IC>f18 01 lhe musical scale 3 . Allow; perm~ 4 . PasllcnseolOfve 5. An Inu~ house or hut 8. CIo1h wilh thick. son pile 7. An tmaOinaoy circle arouod the middlo 01 tho carlh 8. A 1>"''''''' wtlo uses magic 9. la,9" "P" with ~'''Y long 8,,,,,,

10. r."",. Pf!CPM. or N~liorur ~l3fJI>/C 11. AI~I;althoood

12. NOI a SQIidoragas 13. A lertile $pOI In !til! desen 14. Conrractlon for will 001 15. FttrnakI sheep 16. S<rn god oI.ncie<11 E9YP1 17. SufIiJ< 1I1.l1 makes a noun plural

---- ------------------- ------ ---- ------

C Marl< Twain ~edia. lnc., PublWle~ 1 1

Page 15: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore CombinaliO!l Puzzle: Analogous Rel<Jtionships "

Name: __________________ Oale: _ _______ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #1

Directions: The grid oelol'l consists of 24 squares with each square containing three letters. The three letters make up the first portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to malch up the portions and create 12 six-leiter words. As you find the words, write your answers in any 01 the spaces provided in lhe second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Di rections: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relationships b(!low. Think how Ihe capitalized words oelong together. From the above answers, find a word Ihal is re lated to the italicized word in Ihe same way.

1. PLUMP is to STOUT as tiny is to minute

2. EXPECTED is to STARTLING as mild is to _______ _ .

3. CONFIDENT is to CERTAIN as adept is 10 ________ _

4. MELLOW is to SOFTEN as dwindle is to _________ _ _

5. BUILD is to RAZE as strew is to __________ _

6. CAMEL is to DESERT as elephant is to __________ _

7. CAAZY is to SANE as impud(!nt is 10;==========~. 8. CANNIBAL is to SAVAGE as nun is \0

9. NOOSE is to LASSO as stirrup is to

10. HARD is to SEVERE as nasty is 10 -=========== 11. BELL is 10 CLANGED as bugle is to _ 12. RIDGE is to FILE as claw is to _________ _

C Marl< Twain Media. Inc .. PobIlY>e", 12

Page 16: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combination Puu le: Analogous RfJliWonsllips 112

Name: ___ ___ _ _ _______ Date: _______ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #2

Directions: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three letters. The three letters make up the first portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up the por1ions and create 12 six-letter words. As you find the words, write your answers in any of tho spaces providod in the second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Direct ions: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relationships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the above answers, find a word that is re lated to Ihe ilalicized word in Ihe same way.

1. BRONCO is to STABLE as ligeris to _c'eie"e""'---______ _ 2. DIFFICULT is 10 COMPLEX as easy is to _________ _

3. DAM is to BARRIER as collision is to _ _ ________ _

4. SEAM is to STITCH as newspilper is to, ===========~~~~~ 5. WATER is to HYDRANT as arrow is to _ 6. DISEASE is to PLAGUE as expert Is to ______ _ __ _

7. DIMINISH is to INCREASE as contradict is to ________ _

8. DEPRESS is to PIANO as strum is to _________ _

9. SWALLOW is to THROAT as blink is to _ ________ _

10. FROWN is to SCOWL as leng/hen is to _________ _

11 . BOUGH is to TWIG as boulder is to __________ _

12. EXTINGUISH is to QUENCH as i/brupt is to _________ _

o Mark TWJiljn M<td<a, Inc .• Publ is""" 13

Page 17: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relalklnships 13

Name: __________________ Dale: ________ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #3

Directions: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three letters. The three letters make up the first portion of a word or Ihe lasl portion. Your task is to match up Ihe portions and creale 12 six-Ieller words. As you find the words, write your answers in any of the spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Directions: Use the above answers to complete Ihe analogous relationships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the above answers, find a word that is re lated to the italicized word in the same way_

1. DEMERIT is to PENALTY as bonus is 10 reward

2. DIVIDE is to SPLIT as counsel is to

3. CENTURY is to HUNDRED as score Is to

4. WIDOW is to WIDOWER as witch is to

5. CADET is to OFFICER as apprentice is to

6. BANK is to VAULT as skillet is to

7. OLD is to ANCIENT as current is to

6. ARGUMENT is to DISPUTE as prey is to

9. TACK is to SPIKE as grove is to

10. CHIP is 10 SPLINTER as sleep is to

11. CURRENT is to STREAM as film is to

12. HIDE is to CONCEAL as hesitate is to

e Mail< Tw.)in Media.. Inc .. Publlslle", 14

Page 18: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combination PuuJe: Analogous Relationships #4

Name: __________________ Oate: ________ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #4

DIrections: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three letters. The three letters make up the first portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up the portions and create t 2 six·letter words. As you find the words, wrile your answers in any of the spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Directions: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relationships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the above answers, l ind a word that is related to Iho italicized word in the same way.

1. DEGREE is 10 TEMPERATURE as pound is to weight

2 COURT is to WITNESS as auction is to

3. GLANCE is to STARE as naughty is to

4 . BEEF is to SOLID as ;uice is to

5. WITHDRAW is to DEPOSIT as dye is to

6. LABOR is 10 TOI L as separate is to

7. ROOST is to COOP as sl<JlI is 10

8. REPAIRED is to DARNED as Irimmcd is to

9. INNER is to INTERNAL as awkward is to

10. ATTACK is to RAID as reply is to

11. RECLINE is to BED as climb is to

12 . DOZES is to DROWSES as crams is 10

o M.,k TWlI,n ~~edia. Inc .• Publiiil>e,. 15

Page 19: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combinalion PuzZle: Analogous RelaliOflships #5

Name: ____ ____ _ _ ______ Date: ______ _ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #5

Direct ions : The grid below consisls of 24 squares with each square containing three leiters. The three leiters make up Ihe lirst portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up the portions and create 12 Six-letter words. As you find the words, write your answers in any of the spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done lor you as an example.






Directions: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relat ionships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the above answers, find a word that is related to the italici.<:cd word in the same way.

1. NEAR is to CLOSE as distanl is to remote

2. OPPONENT is to GAME as foe is to

3. TWIG is to BRANCH as keg is to

4. BORROWED Is to LENT as froze is to

5. BENCH is to MACHINIST as easetis to

6. HOMELY is to UGLY as dismay is to

7. WAVE is to BILLOW as gully is to

B BRIDLE is to BIT as alphabet is to

9. SHRED is to STRIP as slrain is to

10. ARTIST is to STUDIO as dog is to

11. COUGH Is to EXPEL as clasp is to

12. SPEEDOMETER is to INDICATE as towel is to

o Ma'" Twain M8d .. , Irw; . • Publisl18fS 16

Page 20: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #5

Name :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ Date:_~~~~~~~~

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #6

Directions: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three leners. The three letters make up the lirsl portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up the por1ions and create 12 six-Iener words. As you find Ihe words, write your answers in any of the spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done lor you as an eKample.






DIrections: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relationships below. Think how the capital ized words belong together. From Ihe above answers. find a word that is related 10 the italic ized word in the same way.

1. TEN is to ONE as century is to -=:::,d='="'=d='======= 2. SKIP is 10 HOP as tremble is to

3. STARTS is to COMMENCES as postpones is to _~~~~~~~~_ 4. CEREAL is to GRAIN as concrete is to __________ _

5. CUT is to KNIFE as dent is to _~~~~~~~~~

6. CHANNELS is 10 TELEVISIONS as stations is 10 __________ _

7. ZIPPER is to FASTENER as bOileon is to ____ ______ _

8. COUPLE is to PAIR as one is to


10. FOOT is to TOE as hand is 10

12. LION is to DEN as slallion is to

C Mark Twoin Modia, I,.., .• Publisher-. 17

Page 21: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Combination Pllule: Analogous Relationships 17

Name: ______________ _ Date: _ ______ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #7

Directions: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three letters. The three letters make up tho first portion 01 a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up Ihe portions and create t 2 six-letter words. As you find the words, write your answers in any of Ihe spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Directions: Use the above answers to complete the analogous relalionships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the above answers, find a word that is related to the italicized word in the same way.

, . SOGGY is to MOIST as QxpcJnsivu is to cosily

2. YELLOW is to AMBER as red is to

3. YOUNGER is to OLDER as iunior is to

4. LEAP is to VAULT as protect is to

5. GREEN is to EMERALDS as red is to

6. THREAD is to YARN as cordis to

7. STREAM is to RIVER as isle is to

8. BUILD is to DESTROY as scatter is to

9. PORCH is to STOOP as pattern is to

10. STAGE is to ACTED as court Is to

11. ORGAN is to HEART as spice Is to

12. TORNADO is to GUST as boil is to

C M3rk Twaln Med/II . lnc .• Publis/>en: 18

Page 22: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Gombinatioo Puzzle: Analogous Relatiooships #8

Name: ____________ _____ Date: _______ _

Combination Puzzle: Analogous Relationships #8

Dlrectrons: The grid below consists of 24 squares with each square containing three leiters. The three letters make up the first portion of a word or the last portion. Your task is to match up the portions and create 12 six-letter words. As you lind the words, write your answers in any of Ihe spaces provided in the second grid. One has already been done for you as an example.






Directions: Use the above answers to complete the analogous re lationships below. Think how the capitalized words belong together. From the <Jbove answers, find a word that is re lated to the italicized word in the same way.

1. WHEEL is to ROTATE as horse is to gallop

2. ADULT is to YOUTH as automalicis to

3. SHY is 10 BASHFUL as glitters is 10

4. RIVER is to BROOK as road is to

5. NEIGH is to HORSE as bray is to

6. BLIZZARD is to SNOW as bold is to

7. BOY is to GIRL as scorn is to

8. PLUM is to PRUNE as grape is to

9. LACES is to SHOE as strings is to

10 . PALS is to FRIENDS as sparks is to

11. SCREEN is to TELEVtSION as tab is to

12. SHUT is to SLAM as quiet is to

C Marl< Twain Media, Inc .. Publi$hers 19

Page 23: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ch~llenges Galore Clues Galore: Bl!jld Your Vocabulary If

Name: _______ _ ___ ___ _ Dale: _______ _

Clues Galore: Buifd Your Vocabulary #1

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in fronl of the clue tells you how many leners are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the righ l 01 the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of the clues provided and arrive al a nine·lelter answer.

A , U

(3) soft. hairy coat of certain animals



(4) to make a loud, deep sound or noise

(4) small swellings 0f1 a ptant

(5) a person who tricks or cheats

B , 3

(5) a kind 01 whislle with a loud, shrill sound

, F


(4) cat a speciat food or drink (to lose or gain weight)

(5) severe; stnet; harsh

(5) eats dinner

c , , 3 ,

(4) crack open like skin; become rough like skin

(5) a map; a sheet of information arranged in pictures



(5) a large box used to pack lurniture at fruit for shipping

(3) a small, roughly made house; a small cabin

CM~'~ T""~ln M~. Inc .. PublWWI 20


I 2

, \

....£....JL...B-. , , ------3 6 7 (I

-----S 2 9 1

----------4 3729

6 , 8 ,

~-----3 4 167

-------s • 2 (I


----------S 4 7 2 9

6 , 8 9

--------5 6 4 1

----------5 6 2 3 8

---------5 3 2 8 9

----• , 8

Page 24: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

ChaJlenges Galole Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabu/s!)' 12

Name: __________________ Date: ________ _

Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #2

Directions: Read e(lch due and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of Ihe clue lells you how many lellers are in the (lnswer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right of the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of the clues provided and arrive at a nine-letter answer.

A , , , , , , , , I a , 3 I t 3§

(5) an old woman who Is th in and withered ----------• , , , , (4) a tube through which a liquid or gas passes --------

6 7 1 9

(6) to come down with a rush and seize something ------------• , " (4) full -grown and ready to be gathered and eaten --------

3 7 6 9

B , I

, , , , 3 £S tE:

(4) put a value on; rank; estimate; consider , • (4) a strong. thick line or cord made of twisted fiber or wire , , (5) a connected line 01 railway cars pulled by an engine ----------

6 4 5 7 9

(4) a single mUSical sound , •

c I i ii

, , I ,

, , I

, I ,

, I

II 6.


(5) in tennis. put the ball in play by hitting il , "

, • , (5) something that can damage a computer ----------

e 7 5 2 1

(4) a trick or stratagem , , • (4) a structure built over the waler where ships land --------

3 7 \I 5

C M3<k "TWain MedIa. lroc .. Publl5M," 21

Page 25: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary'3

Name: __________ _ ____ _ __ Oato: ________ _

Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #3

Directions: Read each clue i1nd think of an answer. The number in parentheses in fronl of Ihe clue lells you how many letters are in the answer. Write your answer on Ihe spaces 10 the right 01 the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes wilh the leiter from each of the clues provided and arrive al a nine-tetter answer.

A , , , • , I '1 £ a

(4) run like water; glide; move easily --------4 5 6 7

(5) the pasllense of swear - ---------1 7 H 9 8

(3) playfulness: merry play: amusement ------, , , (4) melt or meillogether by the <lction of heat --------

4 ~ 1 8

B , l a

• 6

I 6 ; 3

, I


7 8 , l (3) an edge or border around anything ------, , , (5) opposite of composite number ----------

1 3 4 5 a (4) a homonym for team --------

7 6 2 5

(4) come face 10 filce wilh someone when walking --------5 2 6 7

c , • , , , ~ ;

, I s

(5) seize; hold fast by closing fingers around ----------79231

(4) Ihal which determines hair color and skin color - -------7 5 6 a

(3) droop; sink; sink under weight or pressure ------. , , (4) a state of violent anger --------9 2 7 5

o Mar'< TWlIin Medoa. loc .• Publishe .. 22

Page 26: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Cluss Galore: Build Your Vocabulary , 4

Name: _ _ ___________ __ Date: ______ _ _

Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #4

Directions; Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many leiters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right of the clue. Fi ll in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of Ihe clues provided and arrive al a ninE!-lelter answer.

A , I


, , , , , 9

• (4) antonym of female --------

4 3 6 7

(4) a dirty or untidy condition --------4 5 8 1

(3) a girl or female already referred to ------9 , ,

(4) close with a bang --------a B 3 4

B I ' I , , , I I •

, , 9

(5) past tense of burn ----------4 5 3 a 9

(4) a long pipe of metal, glass. or rubber - - ------1 2 4 7

(4) attract; tempt; <:Jllracl wilh a bail - - ------6 5 3 7

(4) nol false --------1 3 5 7

c ,

I" " I 3

I 2!

, 9

~ , . I , ,

I , , ,

l • • $

(3) opposite 01 old - - ----, , . (4) liquid measurement equal to half a quart --------

5 ;> a 9

(4) past tense 01 weave --------4 6 1 3

(4) any of several evergreen trees --------5 7 a 3

o Ma,k Twa,n Media. I"" .• Publiohe,. 23

Page 27: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Clues Galore: Bujld Your Vocabulal)' ''5

Name: __________________________________ __ Date: ______________ _

Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #5

Directions: Read each clue and th ink of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many letters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right 01 the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of the clues provided and arrive at a nine-letter answer.

~ 1[.& .. ' ..... ' ...... ' ...... · ....... ' ... 1 ... ' ..... ' ...... ' ..... ' ... 1 (3) opposite of no , , , (5) buy and sell; the exchange 01 goods; commerce --- --- --- ------4 6 a 7 2

(5) a substance that causes dough to rise --- --- --- ------1 2 S 3 4

(3) the color of blood ---------6 G 7

B 1 3

, 1-

, 1 •

, , , 1


, 1

t 3.

, 1 - : 51 £

(4) Ihe den of a wild animal --- --- --- ---(; 7 8 3

(4) not imagined; actual; true --- --- ------3 5 7 8

(4) suffering in body or mind: cause to suffer --- --- ------1 7 a 9

(4) plants grown and galhered for use as food --- --- ------4 3 2 1

c " .. ' ..... ' ....... ' ...... ' ...... ' ...... '.2$ ..... ' ....... ' .. Is .. '.,j~ (4) expectation ; anticipation --- --- ------

1 7 5 2

(4) going a long way down Irom the top --- --- ------4 9 2 5

(4) the lop part of the human --- --- ------6 9 3 4

(3) a writing instrument that supplies a flow of ink ---------, , ,

o Mall< Twa ... Media. 1"" .. PublWmrs 24

Page 28: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #6

Name: _______________ ___ Oate: ______ _ _ _

Clues Galore: Build Your Vocabulary #6

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many leiters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right of the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of the clues provided and arrive at a nine-Tetter answer.

A , , , , , ,

(4) opposite of more --------8 5 4 3

(4) genuine; actuat; not imagined --------6 9 2 e (5) shut; come or bring to an end , , , , (5) a group 01 students taught together ----------

1 e 2 3 4

B , , , , , 9

\ ---- ----, , •

(4) to control; govern

(4) part of the face that stands out above the mouth --------, , " , (4) antonym of win --------• , , ,

----------, , • , , (5) a view; picture; a part of an act of a play

c , , , , , , , , ~

-------, , , " (4) the forehead

--------9 , , , (4) close; not far; not distant

(5) a dark color like that of coffee or toast ----------2 7 e 9

(5) a male duck ----------62453

C Mall< Twain Media. lroc .. Publi$r.e'$ 25

Page 29: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

CI'lall&nges Galore Zig-Zag Topics: Voc.abulalJl BuildinQ If

Name: _________________ Oale: _ ______ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Vocabulary Building #1

Dlrectlons: Answer the clues correclly. Take Ihe leners in order from each of the shaded areas and print them on thO lines below. A message wi ll sppear.

1. having a sharp slope

2. words tha t name people, places, things. and ideas

3. juicy lruit belonging to the gould family

4. II movable Pin thaI controls rhe flow 01 gas in a pipe

0 K A P I 5 . All ican mammal like a gilalle, smaller wilh a Shon61 neck

6 . a bad smell

7. a sweet subslance; II swelltenel

8. anlonym lor lull

9. an angle le89 lhan 90 degrees

10. homonym IOf stake

1 I . a person who shows paople to their seats ,n a theater

12. run away to get marr ied

13. a large plg·llke animal with a flo~ lble Sr"lOut

14. lilsl fIVe letters of someUling seen in a dreem

15. handles on doors and drawers

16. singular 101m of hoflies

17. slevsrworl<:edbylheloo1

18. possibly or perhaps: it may be so

19. what remains alter something has burned

20. 10 show the way; direct: lead

21. a briar SlOP; II resl

22. beat .s~y Of siroogly

23. land used lor crops or pasture

24. a person born or living in Asls

25. a plan! having daisy-like flowers with yellow centers

26. 10 clean with a broom Of brush

---------- ------- ------------- ---- --------

o MII~ Twain M~a. Inc .• Publl$l\e1S 26

Page 30: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges GaJon) Zig-Zag Topics: Vocabul':IIY BuiJding l2 Name: __________________ Oale: ________ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Vocabulary Building #2

Direct ions: Answer the clues correctly. Take the letters in order from each of the shaded areas and print lhem on the lines belOw. A message will appear.

C Marl< TWain MeOla. l.-.e .• Publl&hers

1. respond or answer

2. one more than six

3. cloth worn around the shoulders

4 . one ollhe divisions within a school

5. plural 01 caclus

6. paSllense 01 sling

7. soaked; thoroughly wei

8. how wide something is

9. a smell; a smell left in passing

10. an Inuit canoe made of animal skins

11 . contraction for has not

'2. concentrate; adjust lens of a camera

t 3. a sweet, th ick liquid

14. a seasoning used to lIavor food

, 5. possessive lorm of you

16. not drunk

t 7. a while gem lormed In an oyster

t8. brand name lor a duplicating/photocopying machine

t 9. backbone

20. lake dishonestly

2t . a large, dangerous fish

22. a very strong, He:llible glass

23. lested; proved

24. burn a little (especially hair)

25. a view; picture; part of play

26. do very well ; do better than others


Page 31: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ctuillenges Galore Zig-Zag Topics: Voc<lbulJI)' Building 13

Name: ______ _ _____ _ _______ Dilte: ___ _ _ ____ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Vocabulary Building #3

Directions: Answer the clues correctly. Take the letters in order from each of the shaded areas and print them on the lines below. A message will appear.

1. poetry with some lines ending in similar sounds

2. force back; drive back

3. sailed and smoked meat from pigs

4. brightness; luster; shine

5. attics; the upper Iloors of warehouses

6. precedes second

7. play pranks; deceive; cheilt

8. something of value; property

9 . a grown·up person

10. not easily bent or moved

11 . slightly wet; damp

12. spacious; large

13. a little bag for carrying money; handbag

14. a flat, narrow fold made by doubling material on itself

15. flower; blossom

16. acid·tasting, light yellow fruit

17. prepared; immediately availablo

18. a mistake; something done that is wrong

19. seat withoul back or anns

20. propose; suggest; present

2 t . comes after second

22 . the most common language of India

23. cooked in hot oil

24. Saint Nicholas

25. French word for goodbye

26. very holy person


Page 32: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challer.ges Galore Zig·Zag Topics: Vocabullll}' Building 14

Name: _______ __________ Oale: _______ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Vocabulary Building #4

Directions: Answer the clues correctly. Take the leiters in order from each of the shaded areas and print them on Ihe lines below. A message will appear.


, . an appliance used for cooking

2. excellent; wonderful

3. a prank; trick; leap or jump about

4. a sorvant Of hotel worker

5. person who makes bread, cakes, and pies

6. implements used to aHange hair

7. puts one's name on; writes one's name

6. a cloth with a smooth. glossy side

9 . covered wilh mist

10. plural of looth

11 . a sticky sap tram coniterous trees

12. speaking or spoken through the nose

13. a back tooth wilh a flat sUrface:,...-'---;:

14 . opposite at nephew

15. suitable tor a man

16. nemesis; loe

17. not clear; not distinct

18. homonym tor rein and rain

19. joint thai connects the foot with the leg

20. watchful; wide awake

21 . notos with messages given on spocial days

22. more than one cactus

23. a liquid applied to a surface to add color

24. a heathen; one who worships more Ihan one god

25. a sweet, thick liquid

26. singular lorm of monies


Page 33: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Zig·Zag Topics: ScnImbled Wolds"

Name: _____ __________ Dale: ______ _ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Scrambled Words #1

Directions : Unscramble each of the words correctly. Take the lellers in order Irom each of the shadod areas and prinl them on the tines below. A message will appear.


•• DIM I T

7 . ASON M


•• LOOG I 10. S PANE 11 . PYIG G 12. RASE H 13. PAC EL 14 . IZAPZ 15. STYMJ 1 • . ERFFO 17. TT SOA

". G R EAN

" PAMTS 20. TO RE H 21. E RRAC 22. CAN RH 23. FERER 24. STOAR 25. UOPGR 2 • . BATEL

Page 34: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Chal lenges Galore Zig·Zag Topics: Scrnmbled Words 12

Namo: _____________ ____ Oale: _______ _

Zig-Zag Topics: Scrambled Words #2

Direclions: Unscramble each 01 the words correclly. Take lhe lellers in order from each of the shaded areas and print them on the lines below. A message win appear.

1 . GOA N Y

2. RO NA P

3. OCF R E



6. Ll A RT

7. FHT O R


•• AW R N O


11 . UER NP

12. A OPER

13. IG FU N

14. ROI LB

15. EJY LL

16. M OERA

17. YA D B L

1 • . PAD R t


20. USM 1 C

21. L OVEN

22. AME 01


24. I V E LO


26. EA R NY

- --------------------_.

C M~rk TW~ln MOI'dIa. 11'1<: .• Publishers

Page 35: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galom Last Lener·Flrst Lefler Puule: Animals Galore

Name: _________ _ ____ _ Date: _______ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Animals Galore

Directions: Read each clue and think 01 an answer. The last letter of one word will always become the first letter 01 the next word. To decode the puzzle, write the shaded letters (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This wi ll reveal the name of a famous mascot.

1. bird wi th a rusty·red breast

2. small arctic whale: male has a long tusk

3. an edible sea creature with two big claws

4. a male sheep 5. a very large animal of the

deer f;)mily 6. an animal wi th lIoppy

ears, tusks, and a trunk 7. resembles a frog but lives

mostly on land 8. related to the horse but

smallcr with long ears 9. large,long-haired animal

from Central Asia to. Australian animal with

gmatleaping ability 11 . the largest of living birdS 12. Afr ican an imal that

makes a cry that sounds like laughter

t3. an African ant eater








" I

I "

" , ,

t 4. Australian animal that lives in trees and eats eucalyptus leaves 15. a small burrowing animal with a very hard shell 16. a sea animal with eight tentacles 17. a bushy-tailed animal that usually lives in trees 18. a rept ile with a long body, long tail, and movable eyelids 19. a doe and a buck are members of what family?




I "



" f-

" f-


Page 36: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Lasllcller·FirSl Lallar Puzzle: Law Enforcement

Name: ______ ______ ______ Date: _______ _ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Law Enforcement

Directions: Read each clue and think 01 an answer. The last letter 01 one word will always become the lirst letter 01 the next word. To decode the puzzle, wrile Ihe shaded letters (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This will reveal some bulletproof items that police officers use.

1. pOlice ollicers whose job Is investigating crimes

2. go about in a sneaking or prying way

3. shield hom harm or dan· g"

4. give evidence or proof before a judge

5. a child; a young person 6. a beginner, such as a

new player on a team 7. unexpected events that

call tor Immediate atten· tion

8. not drunk 9. having no pity; showing

no mercy 10. make a loud, sharp,

piercing cry 11. a member of the Royal

Canadian Mounted Po· lice

, I' , , " 1

" I "

" C- •

, " "

• ,

12. skillful or wise because of experience; expert; practiced 13. destroy the peace. quiet, or rest 01 14, marks or stains lett by blood

• I aod


Page 37: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Last Letter·First Letter Punte: Clottllflg and Accessories

Name: _________ ________ Oate: _ _ _____ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Clothing and Accessories

Dlrectlons: Read each clue and th ink of an answer. The last letter of one word will always become the first letter of the next word. To decode the puzzle, write the shaded letters (In the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This will reveal the name of a tight·fitting jacket that holds the arms of a violent person close to his or her side.

1. a short coat 2 pants; slacks 3. a garment for the upper

part ollhe body made of light malerial

4. a shaped, folded length 01 cloth worn under a col· ,,,

5. an ornament for Ihe ear 6. a woman's dress; a loose

outer garmenl 7. a sIring of jewels, gold,

silver, beads, elc., worn around the neck

8. coverings put over the ears 10 keep them warm

9. a set 01 clothes to be worn together

10. a scarf wound around Ihe head, worn by men in In· dia and olher countries

11 . a loose garment worn in bed by boys and men

, ,


'" "

" " , "

" , I 7

12. Some people have poor - --C-in clothing.

13. spectacles; a pair of lenses worn in front of the eyes to help a person'S vision

14. a shoe made of a sole and a strap or slraps 15. a one'piece, close·fining garment worn by dancers 16. an outer garment worn by women, girls, and babies 17. a piece 01 si lk, wool, etc., worn about Ihe neck, shoulders, or Ihe head 18, one of the light, Ihin growths that cover a bird's skin


C Mat.< Twaitl Media. Inc .. PubIish<Ir. 34


" • -

- , -


I ,

Page 38: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Last l etter-First Letter Puzzle: Anyone Hungry?

Name: _ _ _ ______________ _ Date: _ _ _ _____ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Anyone Hungry?

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The last letter of one word will always become the first letter 01 the next word. To decode the puzzle, write the shaded letters (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This will reveal the name of a favorite meat served to family and friends.

1. round, hard, starchy veg· etables with brown skins

2. a thick slice of beef, usu­ally broiled or barbecued

3. a sauce made from on­ions , tomatoes , sail , sugar, and spices

4. a long, tapered, whitish root vegetable (same family as the carrot)

5. a round, juicy fru it having a smooth skin and a stone or pit

6. a large, juicy fruil that grows on a vine (e.g., cantaloupe)

7. a type of peach having no fuzz on its skin

6. a long, s li ppery fish shaped like a snake

9. a kind of grass (herb) popular in Thai cooking

10. a vegetable that grows on vinas on the ground (e.g., pumpkin)




" 1 1 " 1

" I "

" "

" "


11 . a kind of melon having sweet, green flesh and a smooth, whitish skin 12. a rather large, almost round nut with a diviSion between its two halves 13. a vegetable with a large roundish root 14. a seasoning with a hotlaste, used for meats and soups 15. a small, crisp root with red or white skin, used in salads 16. a mixture of cooked meats and potatoes finely chopped and fried 17. a thick, sweet liquid lhat bees make 16. kinds of swect potatoes





19. raw vegetable dishes-le1tuce, tomatoes, green peppers, caul iflower, etc.--usually served

with dressings , __ , ___ , ___ , ___ , __ _

I O Mori< Twa .. MIKka. Inc .• PubI ...... ,. 35

Page 39: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Last Lelter·First Leiter Puzzle: Vocabulary Deve/opmenr I I

Name:~ _________ _______ Dat e: ~ ______ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Vocabulary Development #1

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The last letter of one word will always become the firsl letter 01 Ihe next word. To decode the puzzle, write Ihe shaded letters (in the order they appear in the puv.:le) in the boxes below. This will reveal the name of a very large, fish·eating water bird having a huge bill.

1. hard to please; never sat· isfied

2. per iod of time ( 12 months)

3. large animal 01 A frica having an upright hom(s)

4. ninth month of the year 5. open again 6. the number above the

line in a fraction 7. a large farm with grazing

land used lor raising catlle, etc.

8. gladness; good luck 9. stamp with Ihe loot

10. a body o f sti ll water, smaller than a lake

11. apackol playingcards 12. a device Ihat locks and

unlocks 13. a piece of ground around

the house, school, etc. 14. make a rough copy; a

current of air

, ,



" " •


" ,

15. a large plant with a woody trunk, branches, and leaves 16. number that precedes 12 17. bite (not severely); pinch 16. a fear thaI causes one to lose sell·control 19. twist or roll into co ils 20. a reg or arm; a large branch 21. the forehead 22. a slender rod or stick that a magician might use 23. a wall built to hold back the water of a river

O M.!lrl< Twain Media. Inc .• Publi~rs 36

I ,

-I " "

" I ,

ro " I ,,-


" " , ,

Page 40: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenoes Galore Lest Letter-Fil'5\ Letter Puzzle: Vcc.1bulaJ)' Developmenf 12 Name: _ _ _ ___________ ___ Date: _ ______ _

Last Leiter-First Leiter Puzzle: Vocabulary Development #2

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The last leUer of ono word wi ll always become the first letter of the next word. To decode the puzzle, write 1he shaded leners (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This will reveal the name of an instrument with a pear-shaped body and metal strings played with a pick.

1. bison 2. a space in a stove for

baking food 3. filthy; disgustingly dirty 4 . a form of singing in the

Swiss mountains 5. tim ber cut as logs,

beams, boards, etc. 6. to wrinkle or ripple 7. to throw out; turn out 8 . a large, hairy spider

whose bile is painful 9. worshipped; loved

10. moisture that collects in small drops during the night

t1. a woman believed 10 have magical powers

12. great courage; a very brave act

13. an instrument used for washing floors

14. an open pie made at bread dough and cov-

, 1 1



ered with sauce, cheese, meat, etc. 15. twisted the wrong way



16. join two pieces of motal by means of heat 17. think, leel, see, or hear during sleep 18. a dirty or untidy condition 19. make bare; take off the covering

1 1

" 1



20. a cucumber preserved in salt water and vinegar 21. the part of the body by which people hear 22. a strip of silk or satin used for trimming and tying 23. the sound that a horse makes

Ii> Marl< Twal~ Media. Inc .• Put>iWlers 37

, 1 1 ' 1

• 1 1 "

.. " •

" "

" " •

, ,

Page 41: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challellges Galore Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Scrambled Words'l

Name: ___ ______ _________ Date: ________ _

Last Leiter-First Leiter Puzzle: Scrambled Words #1

Directions: Unscramble each of the clues. The last letter of one word wi ll always become the first letter of the next word. To decode the puzzle, write the shaded tetters (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes betow. This will reveat the name of a targe, round, brown, hard-shelled fruit with a thick. white tining inside that is good to eat.

1. LASTB , , , 2. OOT T TA 3. NCAEO

, 4. KE C N 5. PElK 6. NENYP

-" I " " -

7. TASEY B. OXTt N " "

, 9. LENC I K


11. GORHU 12. VI EHS " ~

13. PMU l S '"

, 14. SI PMR 15. KMll " " " 16. L N E TK 17. OUTTR 18. MEETLP 19 VEil " " 20. LA E P , 21. HARAOHP 22. ERDH '" • • 23. ABO 24. ATTELB

1 ____ 1 _______ & II!I! ,,433.1]]11. II!IS .)

C Ma'-' Twain McdiJ. Inc .. P""""-Mrs 38

Page 42: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Lasl Letter-Firsl Letter Puzzle: Scfi/mbled Words #2

Name: _ ___ _____ _ ___ _____ Date: _ _ ______ _

Last Letter-First Letter Puzzle: Scrambled Words #2

Directions; Unscramble each of the clues. The last letter 01 one word will always become the l irst letter of the next word. To decode the puzzle, wrile the shaded lencrs (in the order they appear in the puzzle) in the boxes below. This will reveal the name of a system 01 writing and printing lor blind people.

1. NO I L , , , , 2. LlMBEN 3. YE EN M 4 . CATY H 5. P E ATEM " " 6 GORUH 7. SEHRO 8. P UE I Q " " "

, 9. DOPU N

10. RAME D 11 . STYYMRE 12. HOUTY I 13. TORS I HC I 14. LECAST " " " ~

15. SELLYEA 16. SAL LL UY I 17. RUGTOY " • 18. MOST 19. ORRUS "I I 20. STOUTCA

" 21. STEO , I • I ,

I §5 3 J I


C Marl< Twain Media. Inc .. Publi$llers 39

Page 43: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links If l

Name: __________________ Oale: ________ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #1

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or senlences Ihat can be read from leilio righl and also from right 10 left. The following are just some examples of palindrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: in this challenge you are required to lind the missing letter to complete each five· letlerword. Some words may have more than one possible solution; however, you must find the correct letler that can be applied to the palindrome sentence below. The number inside each box indicales where your letters arB to be written. When you have decoded Ihe pal indrome, you will know whallhe cat lover said 10 her houseguesl. Remember to read the anSWer from right to left, as well as from left to right!


ST " AK HO ,




'" , ,


p ------_. 3 7 12 6 " , ; e 11 10 4

O M",k Twain Media. Inc .• Publi~O'$ 40

Page 44: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #2

Name: _____ _ _____ _ _ _____ Oate: ________ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #2

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences that can be read from lellio right and also from rigllilo left. The following are just some examples of palindrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: In this challenge you are required 10 lind the missing Icttcr to complete each five­letter word. Some words may have more Ihan one possible solulion; however, you must lind the correct tetter Ihal can be applied to the palindrome sentence below. The number inside each box indicates where your tetters are to be written. When you have decoded the palindrome, you wi ll leam what the person asked when something went speeding by. Remember to read the answer Irom right to left, as well as from left to right!

" Al

AR , ,


Cl "

co " ,


, , , ---_.

17 16 19







, , ,

-" ... ~ .... ~

EX ,

Gl " GR '"

HE ,



SA "

, , ,









10 11

-. ··c .4!.


SP ,


, ST lE

TA ,


TI " lE



1~ 14 15

Page 45: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #3

Name: _______________ _ Oale: _______ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #3

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences Ihal can be read from leI! to right and also from righl to left. The following are just some examples of palindrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: In this challenge you are required to find the missing letter to complete each five ­letter word. Some words may have more than one possible solulion; however, you must find the correct letter Ihal can be applied 10 the palindrome senlence below. The number inside each box indicates where your leiters arc to be written. When you have decoded Ihe palindrome, you will learn Ihe name of a passageway Ihat connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Remember to read the answer from right to left, as well as from left to right!

" " • Bl ND KN VE RE TS ,

'" ,



" , " co ES NA NY SE TS


'" " ,



- - ----, ------, , , . , 6 7 6 9

------------' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Page 46: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Pal indrome: Missing Linhs 14

Namo: _____________ _____ Date: _____ ___ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #4

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences that can be read from left to right and also from right to left. The following are just some examples of palindrome words: radar. mom, and kayak.

Directions: In this cha llenge you are required to lind the missing letter to complete each five­letter word. Some words may have more than one possible solution; however, you must find the correct letter that can be applied to the pal indrome sentence below. The number inside each box indicates where your letters are to be written. When you have decoded the palindrome, you will know what every tennis player dreads doing even on his or her worst day. Remember to read the answer from right to left, as well as from left to right!

'" , " AR NA 01 TY PI HY

• " " CH VE GR PE au TE

" " " co ES MA BA RO CH , , ,


" " 0


" '" • OE I M NO EY SP CE

, , 0<


, , , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 l!O 2 1

C Mark Twain Mild ... rnc .. PublIWrs 43

Page 47: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challen!les Galois Reveal a Palind!Ome: Missing Unks 15

Name: _________________ Date: _______ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #5

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences that can be read from left 10 righl and also from right to left. The following are just some examples of palindrome wordS: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: In this challenge you are required to find the missing letter to complete each five­Icllcr word. Some words may have more than one possible solution; however, you must find the correcl letter that can be applied to the palindrome sentence below. The number inside each box indicates where your leiters are 10 be written. When you have decoded Ihe palindrome, you will know what the young lady said to her male suitor. Remember to read the answer from right to left, as well as from left 10 right!

" '" , AL GN GR SS RO EO


'" " " BR WN IN ER SH DE

" " ,

BU py MA OR SP TE , .. '" CO ER ME AL ST LE , , ,


au TE

---. -----. , , , , , , . , 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 16 19

O MaI~ Two ln Medl8, lnc .. Publ ...... '. 44

Page 48: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Unks 116 Name: _ _ _________ ____ Oale: _ ______ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #6

Palindromes can be numbers, words, 0( sentences that can be lead Irom lah to right and also from right to leli. The following are just some examples 01 palindrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: in Ihls challenge you are required to find the missing lener to complete each live­lettor word. Some words may have more than ono possible solution; however, you must lind the correct lotter that can be applied to the palindrome sentence below. Tho number Ins Ida each box indicates whore your lellers are to be written. When you have decoded the palindrome, you will know what the speaker wanted. Remember to read the answer lrom rlghllo lelt, as well as from leh to right!


" " " CE AR PE AY 51 EN

" " • CR FT PE NY so AS

" " 3 DR FT RA 10 SP RE

, , " EL ow AI SE ST NE

" , ro FI ER SC LE TE SE


-----, ---- - - , , 3 • , , , , g 10 11 "

18 19 20 21

o MllrI< Twain Meela. Inc .. Publi!-hel$ 45

Page 49: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Roveal a Palindrome: Missing Unks 17

Name: ____ ___________ Dale: _______ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #7

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences that can be read from fell 10 right and also hom righllo lell. The following are just some eKamples of palindrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: In th is challenge you are required to lind the missing lel1er 10 complete each five­leiter word. Some words may have mOle Ihan one possible sOlution; however, you must find the correct leller thai can be applied to the palindrome sentence below. The number inside each box Indicates where your leiters are to be wrilten. When you have decoded the palindrome, you wi ll know why the speaker is so puzzled. Remember to read the answer from right to left, as well as from lell to righ t!







" , ro


- -- - - ------- -- ----------, , ---?

19 20 21

, ,

o Ml.rIC Twain M~. Inc .• Publishe,.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 \7



Page 50: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links 18

Name: __________________ Date: ________ _

Reveal a Palindrome: Missing Links #8

Palindromes can be numbers, words, or sentences that can be read from left to right i1nd also from right to left. The following arc just some examples of pal indrome words: radar, mom, and kayak.

Directions: In this challenge you are required to lind the missing letter to complete each five­letter word. Some words may have more than one possible solution; however, you must find the correct letter that can be appl ied to the palindrome sentence below. The number inside each box indicates where your lellers arc to be written. When you have decoded the pal indrome. you will learn someilling about etiquette. Remember to read the answer from right to left, as well as trom left to right!

, '" " AR MA LA GE RH ME

" , ,



, "


, " • GR ND RE I T TE PO

" ,


, , , , B 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

o M . rl< Twain M B<I," , hie., Publishers 47

Page 51: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Gsiore Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More"

Name: _______________ _ Oale: _______ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #1

Directions: Read each clue and Ihlnk 01 an answer. The number In parentheses in IlOnl 01 lhe clue toUs you how many letters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to tho right olthe clue. Fi ll In the numbered boxos with the letter Irom each 01 the clues provided and arrive at a nlne·leller answer.

A , I

, N


3 • , I ; 21

(5) a machine with a long swinging arm lor lifting heavy objects

(4) Ireo Irom doubls; certain

(3) a placa where a traveler can gOI a room to sleep in

B , , 3 • ,

(4) a stOly; a falsehood or lie



(5) a substance that can conduct heat and can be made inlo wire

(4) the contraction lor cannot

c , , 3 • ,

(5) a firm belief in the honesty or truthfulness 01 a person; laith

(4) speak wildly. violenUy. or noisily

(5) a slice or slices 01 bread browned by haat


, I sa


- ---------858111

--- --3 4 S " INN ---, , ,

, , ,

--------~ , $ Ii

, • 3 , ,

, 9 3

, , 9


-----, 7 (i J

• , , , 3

Page 52: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challell!les Galore Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More 112

Name: ______ ____ ________ Date: ____ ____ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #2

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many letters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right of the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter from each of the clues provided and arrive at a nine· letter answer.

A , 3 I , 5 , , 9


(4) a small building used for storage ---- - - - -3 4 7 1

(4) grind a cutt ing tool 10 a sharp edge , , , (4) fastens wilh siring; binds , , , ,

B I , , 3 ,

I , 5 , , 9

(6) the groupings 01 nouns (masculine. feminine, neuter) -----------345G:lB

(5) big: of more Ihan the usual size - --- ---- --1 7 8 3 4

(3) the l ime of light between sunrise and sunsel , , ,

c , 3 , 5 , I I , , 9

(4) a suggestion or hint - ---- -4 6 5 9

(4) a row of words on a page , , 9

(4) an outer garment of cloth or fur with sleeves ---- - - -4 3 7 8


Page 53: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challflngos Galofo Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocsbul8l)' Moru 113 Name: ____________ ___ Oate: ___ ____ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #3

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many letters are In !he answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right 01 the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with tho lotter from each of the clues provided and arrive at a nine-letter answer.

A , 2 3 , , , , • 9

(5) provided with weapons --------2 3 • !it 8

(4) not able to walk property; crippled - - ---6 5 • ,

(3) crazy; Insane; out of one's mind -----, , . B

, 2 3 , I

, , , • 9


(4) sympathy; sorrow lor another's suffering - ---I 7 8 II

(4) be still or quiet; in music, a pause ------6 5 3 4

(5) a person who makes pottery - -------12.8~6

c , 2 3 , , , , • 9

(4) walk through water or anything that hinders ' ree motion -----6 • 3 ,

(5) essential; very important ----------821 7 ~

(4) disk on a radio with numbers on it for tuning in a station --------J 2 .. 5

C Mal'< T"'OIin Mech. lno;; .• PublishOIrs 50

Page 54: Vocabulary Building Puzzles Gaklre Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More 114

Name: _______________ Dat6: ___ ____ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #4

Directions: Read each clue and think 01 an answer. The number in parentheses In front of the clue tells you how many letters arc in the answer. Wrile your answer on the spaces to the right 01 the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the letter Irom each 01 the clues provided and arrive at a nine-tetter answer.

A , , , , , , , 9

~ j j Q 4

(5) put the hand on or against and feel ----------3 4 5 6 7

(4) the seed-bearing part in pine, cedar, and spruce trees --------6 4 2 8

(6) caught and killed wild animals ------------712369

8 ,

I 4

, , , 9 , , , I j ,

(4) a ballot --------1 2 6 7

(5) not ever; at no time - ---------5 7 1 S 9

(4) govern; a statement of what to do and what not to do --------9 4 3 7

c , , , , , , , 9

(6) a hanging bunch of threads lastened together at the top - ----- - --423876

(4) selling at lower than usual price; the act 01 sell ing -------9 2 6 1

(4) opposite 01 earty - -------621 5

o Mart< TWlOIn MeOj_ . Inc .• PLbliohers 51

Page 55: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

CMllenges Galore Fewer CIU&$: Build Your Vocabulaf)' Mors 15

Name: _ _ ____ _______ _____ Oale: ____ ____ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #5

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front 01 the clue lells you how many letters are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to Ihe right 01 the clue. Fill in Ihe numbered ooxes with Ihe letter Irom each 01 Iha clues provided and arrive at a nine-letter answer.

A , , • , , , , •

(4) very unpleasant: disgusting - -------7 B 3 2

(4) put a vatue on: rank: estimate; consider - --- -I • 5 8

(4 ) lay aside: slo.o up (money) - ----9 4 7 8

B , , , , , , •

(5) a gft! of food, drink, Of amusement ----------8 2 9 3 4

(4) impolite: 001 courteous --------2 7 & II

(4) very fine bits 01 sand OJ gravel -------1 2 5 6

c , , • , 6 , , •

(6) suffel ing; woe; agony ----- - -4 5G 3 a ~

(5) the clock will ling on the hour and half hour --------1 2 5 4 3

(4) metropoliS; municipality; lown ----- -1 5 7 11

O M~l1c1Wa.ln Medi!I . lnc .• f'ubli .. h .. ,1 52

Page 56: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More 16

Name: ________________ Oate: _______ _

Fewer Clues: Build Your Vocabulary More #6

Directions: Read each clue and think of an answer. The number in parentheses in front of the clue tells you how many lellers are in the answer. Write your answer on the spaces to the right of the clue. Fill in the numbered boxes with the leller from oach of tho clues provided and arrive at a nine-Ieller answer.

A , , , , I ' • I ,

, til • a:

(5) a number or leiter that shows how well you have done ----------6 4 7 9 5

(4) stand up; get up from a lying or sitting position , , , (4) stopped living: became dead --------

\ 2 5 9

B ,

I , ,

I J '

, I , -

, ,

(6) a drink used as a medicine or poison ------------286 7 19

(4) strong cord made of twisted fiber or wire --------4 1 2 3

(4) estimate; rank; put a value on --------4 5 6 3

c , 3

I is

, , , , I 2l 2

(6) the mouthpiece In a baby's bottle - ------ - --326 1 69

(4) a tube through which a liquid or gas flows --------B 2 1 4

(4) without much cotor; whitish --------7 5 6 4

C Mark "TWain Media. Inc .• Publiahers 53

Page 57: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Four-Squared Puute: VOCAbuJa')' enrichrTl(!nt ifl

Name: _____ _____________ Dale: ________ _

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #1

Dlrectlon s: Think of an answer for each clue, Write your answer in Ihe space provided. When you have finished. decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded boxes in Ifl, up Ihe shaded boxes in #2, up in 113. and down in 114. Fill in the lines at the boUom ollhe page with your answers.

F R I E D 1


1. oookl'<l M' 1001 1&1 2 lhe dlr«lion 10 whoch .. <:OmpUII ",,<Idle IlQ<nlii 3. a sI~ndcr $/\all or $!lei< MW>o;J 8 poir>l8d lip 4. _ity <Sr\y: COWfed in orimc s pe"""""'Y: ~

, . _ loIw .. rd 10 wolll ,~;U 2 ,,"10_',,",


3. 1hlnk,'....r. see.Ofhel!rduMgslMp ~ . 0I.'I)0$iI0 01 .uy S • • ,..~. _ bo'" ,....:mbIin!I" e<ow

L ___ ___ _ _

D Ma,~ TWi,n Media. Inc .. Publi~'s














2 1 ...." .... ,,~ ben, 2. a 1,)'00 Iramo or bo. us&d '0 paek lumllu .... "'''1 .• Ic. 3. & male duck 4 . "","U: I\a"';ng ~tIIoo imporUln<» or v ..... 5. $oI)O,INj alil<e In 1M Ia$l pan

4 1 wiIh<>JII __ 1

2. WI Of CfY loudly """ ~ 3. cowre<! """ h.air 4 . Iu,,..,,..., quic:IIIy S. _._; , ....

Page 58: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challerl{les Galore Four-Squared Punte: Vocabulary Enrichment '2

Name: _____________ _ _ ___ Dale: ________ _

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #2

Directions: Think of an answer for each clue. Write your answer in the space provided. When you have finished, decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded boxes in #1, up the Shaded boxes in #2, up in #3, and down in #4. Fill in the lines at the bottom of the page with your answers.

1 1. a stand ICH" suppontrl!! a painting 2 ... grown-up poltroon 3 dull: withoot a wrp edge '" point 4. COllY by lollowing tho lines with a perY;il



5. a 9ray. lurry Au. tratian anima!lhat oats; eucalyptus leave.

3 t. the yellowish part of milk COO1ain$ fat 2. tlMoland along tlMo ••• : ... ashor" 3. to ~ tIIood 4. tho bonc$ ot the head 5. tho nut of an oak tree














2 1. a pe~ who lcc-d$ 3nd takc$ Colo"C ot P;or$C$ 2. a dtied ..... eel t>lum 3. ~n ",strum""l for rrHln,m"ll end -"II tunfI 4. !he _ oj sacred writings of the Ctuisti/ln religion 5. of food CH" dnnk. \,)$tiog good

4 1. runaway to g-e! "",rried 2. faim J e ~tfHtj> , high la"" of rocI< ~. a yatlow malal ma~ .. oj copper and liIIc 5 DpIlOS'ta 01 D$>IIn

---- -------_ .

Page 59: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges G~lore Four·Squared Puzzle: Voc.1bulalJ' Enrichment 13

Name: ________________ __ Dale: ---------

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #3

Directions : Think 01 an answer lor each clue. Write your answer in the space provided. When you have rinished, decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded boxes in 1t1, up the shaded boxes in 112, up in #3, and down in 114. Fi lt in the lines at the bottom 01 the page with your answers.



1 1. ~ro<I: c~u'ing tlre(lne$$ 2. b-uftalo 3 . • pe, ..... _ work i. b-uildiog with .tono".. brI<;k

4 buy a"" &ell; • • chIo~!.JOOd. 5 . • gam9 ... whidl players CO'<e' roumbe", on a eIIrd as tl"ley

.,e eIIlled out

3 1. '" oIde, pot"$OtI 2. a deep pen"'ll" as in • minIl 3. go Into: """'"' IntO; ...... 4 later;-..MQ 5. a be at !tie I"" of a booIc with topa s"" ~ numbe",













2 t . ~ ..... t ~ung trom r_" in whidl ona .. II &00 mcr.8. bad<

.~-2. l ik(l It>e """'" 3. go lO _: mako a eall on 4 . • tr .... having bghl-oolo<to<I Dark that peeIt NSiIy 5. mal<(I run (II by ml\,)tIng

4 I . ~n; take pIK<o 2. eIIa"9" ,,,..the Nller 3. reelng (llwanting lO gel bad< at a ""..on _ wrongs rcu 4. 1'l>l lCns.o 01 $tand ~ .• flow '" wate, OlIO' wtlalls UWdy dry la""

Page 60: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Gafore Four·Squared Puzzle: Vocabulaf)' Enridimenl1i4

Narne: ______ ______ _____ ___ Date: _ ________ _

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #4

Directions: Think of an answer for each clue. Write your answer in the space provided. When you have finished, decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded box-es in #1, up the shaded boxes in #2, up in #3, and down in #4. Fill in the lines at the boltom of the page with your answers.



3 ,

1 1. ""awaoo. and "",lain fr8shwator planta 2. t>icydro. J . ~&p1 tr~cl< 01 the time 4. IiII a chIcl<en Qt turkey with drossing 5. """ of . pair of small, conr.&Cted drums thaI ara played

y,;th In.. hands

3 1. a woman al>oollo be ""'Itied 2. watcl1fuf; wid!! awa~e 3. DO oJLI<o: 00 weU togCthor 4. ""'Klthif'l\l 01 valu. 5. thlOWouI". driv<loul














2 I. !><rIOt 'Bp4d1y or alrong1y. II~" a pul$t> 2 Cf3w!; move In 3 slow and S!e31tt\y w3y 3. a p&rson who shows people 10 their SoMIs in a lMa.ler 4. a book of IfI.lP$ S. vary QUick: swift

4 1. draw alr lhroogh the nose In quick !>realM thaI can be

hea,d 2 . ~ 1><]h1 mea l betw .... n b<&III<lasland diMg .

3. bravery: courage 4 . six times teo 5. II .. gr •• " plants that """"" field •• lawn •• aod P<'~turC'

Page 61: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Four·Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enridll7ler1l 15

Name: ________________ _ Date: _______ _

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #5

Direct ions: Think of an answer lor each clue. Write your answer in the space provided. When you have finished, decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded boxes in 11 1, up the shaded boxes in 1#2, up In /13, and down in #4. Fill in the lines at the bottom of the page with your answers.



1 1. d;ot\: gIoom)r 2. par1 01 .". body 1><1_ !he ribs...., !he hif><$ 3 . 8 person who "",k .. 01 _ brnd 01 pies . , to gQI down on one's kM&(1) 5, to 1>1 Mid »p by ail' 01 ... ~tor

3 I, rough: rude; unrr\efldly 2, (inIorm&!) a _friend; ~: o;omrade 3. (lilly journal 4. van kroW\edgft 0I1IdI: "*"",, ••

S. r~OI_~

, 2


, 5

, 2





2 I


2 1. ha""'llrodo .... lh~ 2. mall •• gr.-.g ~: ~ hIlrotll)r 3. ve<y poor: no! ""vIng -.gil 10 five on 4. ilia...,. out 5. • hartl, wtWt. oub$tance composing 1hoM-ks 01 e-Iep/WIts

4 1. OOIIwhOowns 2. linn and s~" bYt brNlUng 01 snaj>pIng Yoi)' 3. _;,,~: bltwiling -t. 1\ t\UI'I"Iber 01 ~ 1OOt-5. _ whO...-orsNps ..-- II'\IIn _ god; • _

Page 62: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Cllallenges Galore Four-Squared Puzzle: VocabulatY Enrlchmenl l6

Name: ___ _______________ Dalo: ________ _

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment #6

Directions: Think of an answer for each clue. Wrile your answer in the space provided. When you have finished, decode the hidden message by reading down the shaded boxes in #1, up the shaded boxes in #2, up in #3, and down in #4. Fi ll in the lines at the bottom of the page wilh your answers.

1 1 2 2




3 1 4 2



5 ,

1 2 1. nib I\atd: wash 01 clean by I\It:tIiog 1. wate, iIl1h<l lorm 0/ va~ 01 gas 2. having a tancloocy to cu~ 2 . a ~_tabkt with B sharp. "'rOI>CI ornel and taste 3. lsi>" up with It-.. tongue 3. the common part 01 ~. tricyr;M. 800 mo/~ 4. songbird having a shOll. strong bill 4. a shOll _on work on a spedfIc sut>ject 5. Q small. ,OIIOd Inrit that grows in bunctors on vio<rs 5. a ... el without e back 01 afTllS

3 4 1. make a picture willi ooIOIIng mane' ~"9 a brush 1. plants USIId 101 """oonings 01 toad 2. "'" IlJt 0/ putting oound. togethe, ill inte,esting 2. nota~

arra"9"'-'ls 3. a dwarf supposed 10 We on Eanh 10 OUOl,d trca~,cs 3. soIIasdown: 1IutIy 4. ~eep Ifom """"pOng 4 . ill o::omrro:>o U"': OIdioaly 5. horrify: amaze 5. the joint botwooo 11>0 uppe' arm and forearm

----- - .

o Mar'< Twain Me<Ia. Inc .• Publishers 59

Page 63: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenpe$ Galore Back and Forth Pu~zl&: Unusual Voc.1/lu/ary Challenge 11

Name: _ ___ ___ _ _ _______ __ Datc: --- ------

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #1

Dlrectlonl : Read the clues carelully aod print your answer in the appropriate boxes. The last three lotters 01 answer #1 become the !irs! three letters 01 answer #2 and so on. (All 01 the even­numbered answers read from righ t to lett .)

, M 0 R S E L

, R E S

, ,








" "


• ,


" ..

~ I"


t-2. A small bite: piece or fragment

2-3. Smaller: the least Important 01 two

3,4. To absorb again

4·5, A prolcssional who works in the stock


5·6. Undo and knit again

6·7, A miner who works in a tin mine; tinsmith

7-8. Anything used to curdle milk

8-9. A sparl using a racket

9- 10. One who makes music with

Ihe voice

10· 11. Feel sorry lor or about:


11 · 12. Metal ring on a horse's harness

(a rein passes through il)

12-13. Worded in a mom concise

and suCCinCI way

13-14. A place people visillor resl or recreation

14-15. A sharp surgical inshumenl used 10 drain


15,16. An unbranched lIower cluster

16· 17, To risc from; to become visiblo

17, 18, A type of heron (plural)

18, 19. To slow cargo in the hold of a ship

19-20. Made even

20·21. Bent or damaged

21-22. Keep from going ahead: hold back

22·23. A vitamin

23-24. Superlative form 01 nice

24-25. An African fly


Page 64: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Back and Forth PuZZle: Unu!ual Vocabulary CllallsIIg612 Name: __________ ____ ______ Oale: _ ________ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #2

Directions: Read the clues carefully and print your answer in the appropriate boxes. The last three letters of answer Ifl become the first thmo letters of answer 1f2 and soon. (All of Ihe even· numbered answers read from right to left.)

1-2. Soldiers

2-3. Games or conlests requi ring skills

3·4. A badge or symbol of rank (In the armed


4·5. A concluding part added to a book

5·6. Played a game with a ball and various clubs

6·7. Rcsisted boldly or openly

7·8. The smaller of the two moons 01 Mars

8·9. Dark and gloomy; solemn

9-10. People who resist government or author-


10-11. Rests Ihe body and mind at night

11 -12. Gushed lorth; vomited

12-13. Loose flap 01 skin Ihat hangs from the neck

01 a cow

13· 14. Platform on which materials are stacked

14-15. Abankclerk

15· 16. Laidagain

16-17. A crown; something resembling a crown

17-18. Middle; intermediate

18-19. Fastened together with nails

19-20. 01 extra line quality: luxurious

20-21 . Seems to radiate or oo~o

21-22. Automobiles with Ironl and back seats

22·23. Traps for small animals

23-24. A waiter or waitress

24-25. Increased the numbor of r.p.m.'s

(01 an engine)


Page 65: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

CIuIUenges Galore Bac~ and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Voca!x.rI8'YChaJJ6ngo *3

Name: __________ _ ___ ___ Oate: ------- -

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #3

Di rections: Read the clues carefully and prinl your answer in the appropriate boxes. The tast three letters of answer #t become the fi rst three letters of answer #2 and so on. (All of the even­numbered answers read from righl to left.)

1-2. Neat; trim; sm&r1ly dressed

2-3. To mend; to fix; to put in good condition

3 ·4 . lariats; lassos


4·5. Money used In


5·6. Chewed; worn away

bybiUng - -''''' . -.,,;.

6-7. Loose lIapol skin thai hangs lrom the neck

of a cow

7-8 . Paleness; lack 01 color Irom lear or illness

8·9. Moved along by turning over and over

9-10. Places eanh is deposited at Ihe mouths 01


10· I 1. Governor of a province in arw::i(!nt Persia

11-12. Brightly-colored tropical bird

12- 13. Dormant; sluggish; dull

13·\ 4 . Dunked into a liquid and quickly taken out

14-15. To leave

15-\ 6. Paths where people or animals walk

16- 17 Splinter; long. thin piece 01 wood

17· 18. Takes g reat pleasure in merrymaking

18·19. Part of a garment that covers the arm

19·20. Turns inside out

20·21. A symbol 01 rank In the armed services

21-22. A concluding part added to a book

22·23. Played a game with a ball and various Clubs

23·24. Make dirty or disgusting in any way

24·25. To arrive at (the truth) by questioning


Page 66: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #4

Name: _ __________ _ ___ Date: _ _ ___ _ _ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #4

Dlrecllons: Read the clues carefully and print your answer in the appropriate boxes. The last three letters of answer #1 become the first three letters of answer 1#2 and so on_ (All of the even­numbered answers read from right to left.)

1-2. To boil genUy 2-3. A wrillen or spoken comment , 3-4. Enclosures for catlle or sheep (Afrikaans)

4-5. A person involved in the slave Irade

• 5-6 . Go back; return 6-7. Three limes; the highesl part in music

• 7-8 . JOints between upper arms and forearms

, 8-9. Faints

" 9-10. Brealhed during sleep with a harsh sound

, 10-11 . Woody, cl imbing plants of the East Indies 11-12. Devices producing loud wail ing sounds

12-13. Moves in a stealthy. sly way

" 13·14. Glides on ice

14-15. A person who sets or

arranges things

15-16. Reply quickly or sharply 16-17. Bands of Boy Scouts; soldiers 17-1B. Eating utensils with shallow


lB-19. Past tense of snow

19-20. loose skin that hangs from the neck of a


20-21. Wooden plattorm on wh ich goods are


21 -22. Cashier in a bank 22-23. Art ifacts from the past

23-24. Descendants of noble families

24-25. Goes about in a sneaking, prying way

O MaIl< Twain Me<!III. Inc .. Publishers 63

Page 67: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challellgn Galore Beck and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Chal/engo 15

Name: ____ ___ _ _______ Dale: _______ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #5

Diroctions; Read Ihe clues carelully and print your answer in Ihe appropriale boxes. The lasl three toUers of answer #1 become the 'irst three letters of answer #2 and so on. (All of Ihe even­numbered answers read I rom right to lett.)

o MM" lWal~ Medoa. Inc., Publiohers

1-2, Comment; slate

2-3. Large vase used lor mixing wine by ancient


3·4. Reply quickly or sharply

4·5. Enlisted men; soldiers

5·6. Verbal; unereel; oral

6·7. Organisms swimming actively in waler

7-8. Thoughl; idea; impression

8-9. Sounds; outcries

9-10. The lasl six lines of a sonnel

10-11. Set 01 four; a group 01 lour cells

11 -12. Mended by weaving yarn across a hole

12-13. 0 1 or lor the teeth

13-14. More recent; later; opposite of former

14-I 5, Part of the eye thai receives images

15-16. Any living Ihing Ihal is not a plant

16-17. Supertalive lorm 01 lame

17- 18. African lIy

18-19. Value; high regard; revere

19-20. Comparative form 01 meek

20·2 1. Unravel and knit again

21-22, Anylhing that catches

fire easily

22-23. Even more red than


23·24. Term for showing a loss

in one's accounts

24-25. A medieval soldier


Page 68: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges G~101'EI Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Voc<'lool<'ll)'Challlmg9 66 Name: _ _______________ Date: _ ______ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #6

Directions: Read the clues C8relully and print your answer in the appropriate bol(es. The lasl three leUers 01 answer #1 become Ihe lirSllhree lellers of answer #2 and so on. (All 01 the even­numbered answers read from right 10 leN.)

, ,

• , •

• • , •

• I"

" " I "I "

I "I I"

I" I"

I "I I"

" I ~

I " I I"

~ CI Mar~ Tw~in /Aodia , I""., P..t>listMI,~

1-2_ A male cat

2-3. Carefully planned to achieve a goal

3-4. Any Iree be;;Jring lemons, limes, oranges,


4-5. A person who rides Ihe waves on a board

5-6. Fits, prepares, or equips lor use again

6-7. Steps lor getting over a lence

7-8. Rarely; not ollen

8-9. An independent unit thai fOlms part of a

larger structure

9-10. Escapes by quickness or cleverness

10-11. Aulomobiles with front and back seats

t 1-12. Traps small animals with a noose

12-13. A public message preached by a minister

13- 14. Unowned land between enemies

14-15. Small mollusks tha t crawl very slowly

15· 16. Splinter; long, thin

piece 01 wood

16·17. Call bad names;

abuse with wordS

17·18. Arrive altruth by

questioning or logic

18·19. A game using X's and O's, _-_-Ioe

19-20. A plant that calS like

20-21. Claw 01 a lobster used to grip or pinch

21-22. Put music, words, or sounds on a tape

22-23. Hangs down; bends down

23-24. Becomes bad or unl it lor use; damages

24-25. Glides over a smooth surface


Page 69: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

CIIaller'llles Galore Back and Fortll Puwe: Unusual VDC.1bul.ary ChaiIenQe 17

Name: _________ ________ OaI9: _ ______ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #7

Oirecl!ons: Read Ihe clues carefully and prinl your answer in tile appropriate boxes. The last three fetters at answer 11 1 become the first three fetters at answer #2 and so on. (AI! of the even­numbered answers rcad from right to fefl.)

o Mirl< Twain MI)(Il.o. Inc .. POOUsh ....

1-2. Something that hops

2-3. Forces back; drives

away; drives back

3-4. Rests the body

and the mind

4-5. Poured out (curses); "'P~ vomiled

5·6. Loose skin hanging trom the neck of a cow 6·7. Lack of color from fearor illness; paleness

7-8. Moved by wrning over and over

8-9. Searches care fully for information

9-10. The plural of one moro than six

10-11. Moves in a stealthy. sly way

11-12. Glided or moved along on skates

12-13. A small l1em or particular part

13-14. Responsible; bound by law to pay

14-15. Joints between the upper arms and lore­


15- 16. Faints

16- 17. Goes about in a sneaking, prying way

17-16. Utensils with a shallow bowl and a handle

18-19. Breathed during sleep wilh a harsh sound

19-20. Make fun of; laugh al in scorn

20·21. Prepared for publication (corrected errors)

21 -22. Hold back; delay: hOld as a prisoner

22-23. A vitamin

23-24 . Most pleasing; most agreeable

24-25. An African fly


Page 70: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ctl1llle~es Galore Back 90d Forth Puzzle: Unusual VOC\]bul~f)' Cllallcngo 18

Name: ________________ Oate: _______ _

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge #8

Directions: Read the Clues carefully and print your answer in the appropriate boxes. The last three letters 01 answer 1#1 become thalirst three letters of answer #2 and so on. (Ali 01 thO oven­numbered answers read Irom right to lett.)

1·2. Sptinter, a long, thin piece 01 wood

2-3. Go back; relurn

3-4. Entertains with toad, drink, or amusement

4-5. One's social or prolessionat standing

5-6. A person who Iallowed an army and sold


6-7. Something that is removed and laid again

7-8. A crown; something resembling a crown

B-9. The officers were decorated with many_.

9-10. A person trading in slaves; a slave ship

10·11. Takes great pleasure; makes merry

11 -12. Catnaps; dozes

12-1 3. Utters words with Ihe voice

13-14. Glides over the ice wi1h special boots

14- 15. A breed 01 long-haired hunting dog

15-16. Delay the progress 01; hinder; keep back

16-17. A box wilh handles thaI slides in and out of

a desk

17-1B. A money payment given Of offered

l B-19. Covered with cloth falling loosely in lolds

19-20. Banish; exile; remove

20-21. Soldiers

21-22. Single cells that grow

inlo new fungi

22-23. To have worked lor; to

have done one's duly

23-24. Completely withoul; empty,"<c,:,;.~,.. 24-25. High-vacuum electron tubes


Page 71: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Chal len!)Cs Gakm~ Acrostic Puzzle: Antonyms 11

Name: __________________ Date: ________ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Antonyms #1

Directions: Think of an antonym for each of the given words and write your answer in the numbered spaces. After you find an answer, transfer each numbered lener to the correspond­ing box in the grid. When you have completed the puzzle, you will know the answer to the following: What did the school nurse say to the student?

MARE PULL ----15 18 25 33 46 49 $1 48 36 21 11 34

RENEW ------ GLOOMY 424513543 47 16 $7 41 50 9 19

DISREGARDS SOLO DUD ---10 4!1 32 14 35 20 29 24 12 6

COUNTRY ME ---$9 27 22 26 , , ,

THOUG HTLESSNESS - ------ CHEAP ----52 3023765126 44 17 36 4


Page 72: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Acroslic Puzzle: AntOOj'711S 12

Name: _________________ _ Oale: ________ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Antonyms #2

Direct ions: Think of an antonym for each of the given words and write your answer in the numbered spaces. After you find an answer, transfer each numbered letter to tile correspond­ing box in the grid. When you have completed the puzzle, you wi ll know the answer to the following: What was the student's complaint to the cafeteria worker?

STERN 2() 12 55 53 49 32

fAIL 16 51 10 15 33 7 28 :>5

HAPPINESS 8 N 25 2(; 14 37

DECELERATE 6 \I 44 3 1\

BRAKE 23 34 28 31

YOUTH old __ _ 21 48 42

o Marl< Twain Media. Inc. Publish/1,s 69

DELICATE 2 45 13 29 38

INNER 364050414

NARROW 41 30 22 .5

TASTELESS 18 54 46 39 43 27

BACKYARD front 17 19 52 31

Page 73: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

ChAllenges Galore Acrostic Puule: Anronyms 13

Naffic: _________________ Oate: _______ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Antonyms #3

Dlrecl lons: Think of an antonym lor each of the given words and write your answer in the numbered spaces. Alter you find an answer, transfer each numbered letter to the correspond· ing box in the grid. When you have completed the puzzle. you will knol'l the answer to the following: What did the old fisherman say to the young lad?

ERECTS 36 12 3() 18 34

WEARY - --------10512040452715&3

ARID ____ _ 17 :l3 29 28 24

FORGET 11 44 3S 32 59

GOOD __ _ .511 51 1

SMOOTH --- - ----42 362 5-31350451

SANE 47 3 26 33 49 37 5tI

MISERY ______ _ 31 S8 22 38 1~ 55 •

BORROWED 50 14 53 49

HATE _ __ _ 4(; $2 15 54

RETURNED 415 ~1 8 13

PATHOS :l9 15 11 tl5 10

FAT 43 25 21 53

TOE ----237123

Page 74: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Acrostic Puzzle: SyllOflyms iiI

Name: ____________ _____ _ Date: ________ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Synonyms #1

Directions: Think of a synonym for each of the givon words and write your answer in the numbered spaces. After you find an answer, transfer each numbered letter to Ihe correspond­ing box in Ihe grid. When you have completed the puzzle, you will know the answer 10 lhe following: How do you know when iJ school is really haunted?

REBELLIOUS ______ _ 31 11 3.1 14 37 28 50

ILL-NATURED --- --28524357

SNATCH ------4 13 II 211 40 41

COUCH ___ _ 17 2 1 15 16

SHAGGY 38 2!S 47 49 7

CHILLY 18 42 43 13

LEAP 25 20 46

f) Mark Twa., l.1edia, iJIC .. Publ~rs 71

AN ISSUE - ------30 31 23 J.5 49 9 6

SULKY ------3827442211 6

MELT _ __ _ \0 19 5 3

CUNNING ---39 12 7

PHANTOM 45 46 34 49 32 29

WAIL ----I 2 3 22

Page 75: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challefl9Cs Galore Mrosl1¢ Puzzle: Synonyms,2

Nams: _ _ _ _ ___________ Dals: ____ ___ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Synonyms #2

Direcllons: Think of a synonym f()( each of the given words and wrile your answer in the numbered spaces. After you find an answer, transfer each numbered letter to the COfrespond­ing bo)[ in the grid. When you have completed the puzzle, you will know the answer to the following: What snack do children enjoy al recess?

PREVENT _ _ _ __ _ 2 ., 38 10 41 35

PONDERED 1 211 13 34 28 22 39

SATISFY --- ---4831~64550

IDEA _____ _ 71124 472126

SULK _ __ _ 30 25 37 20

SPOTLESS 4~ 16 41 32 38

, • , " "



O Mar1< ' .... I~ M_ . Inc .• PubI'""'"',. 72

WORSHIPPED 23 8 36 40 22 14

STOPPED 5 19 32 51 4fJ 10

PUNTS _ _ __ _ II!! 11 42 12 '"

REMAIN __ _ _ 15 203~

HAMBURGER -----30e 42733

, , , •

" "

" "

" "

Page 76: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Acrostic Puzzle: Synonyms 13

Name: ______________ ___ Date: _______ _

Acrostic Puzzle: Synonyms #3

Directions: Think of a synonym for each of the given words and write your answer in Ihe numbered spaces. After you find an answer, transfer each numbered letter to the correspond­ing box in the grid. When you have completed the puzzle. you wilt know the answer to the !ollowing: Why do some students simply nol come to school?

DAZED _________ _ 41 3G 1 11 33 51 18 38 43 49

TERMS _________ _ 29 31 48 12 41 45 11 5 44 13

SNARLED 17163213394

BANQUET 14 25 40 6 19

FABLES 46 37 45 3(1 42

, • , ,




DECAY __ _ HI 27 34

STRANGLE -----222 1 1050

SAYING __ _ _ _ 24 15 26 20 23

BASHFUL __ _ 28 3S 3

RESIDENCE 3(1 21 8 39


Page 77: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Ga i<l rQ Spl~ the Diamond Puul~: Scrambled Words #1

Name: ________________ Date: _______ _

Splillhe Diamond Puzzle: Scrambled Words #1

Directions: Unscramble each word. The first and last two answers (the boldfaced letters) are given. When finished, follow the shaded boxes to reveal a message. Copy the message out on the lines below.


C Mark Twain Me<lia .I r>C .. Publi5he.-.; 74


















Page 78: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Spirt the Diamond Puzzle: Scrambled Woll1s #2

Name: __________________ Date: ____ ____ _

Split the Diamond Puzzle: Scrambled Words #2

Directions: Unscramble each word. The first and lasl two answers (Ihe boldfaced letters) are given. When finished, follow the shaded boxes to reveal a message. Copy the message out on the lines below.

o Ma<l< Twain Med-'''. Inc .. PubIi ..... ,. 75


















Page 79: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Split the Diamond Pllz~lc: Scr,lmb/cd Words #3

Name: __________________ Oale: ________ _

Split the Diamond Puzzle: Scrambled Words #3

Direct ions: Unscramble each word. The first and lasltwo answers (Ihe boldfaced letters) are given. When finished, follow the shaded boxes to reveal a message. Copy Ihe message out on the lines below.

C M<lr~ Twain Mcdi.l. roc .. P\Jb!is./'lers 76


















Page 80: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore SplH the Diamond PUlzle: Sclilmbfed Words;,4

Name:~~~~~ __________ Date: _______ _

Split the Diamond Puzzle: Scrambled Words #4

Direct ions: Unscramble each word. The first and lasl two answers (the boldfaced letters) are given. When finished. follow the shaded boxes to reveal a message. Copy the message out on the lines below.

so EAP















--- - - - --

------ -_.


Page 81: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Word Game: Vocabulary With "TH'Combina'ions

Name: __________________ Date: ________ _

Word Game: Vocabulary With "TH'''Combinations

Directio ns: The 25 words below all contain the lellers "TH" in some combination. Read the clues carefully and complete each word in the puzzle.






T H a R N




















1. beat rapidly; strongly

2. opposite of here

3. pound: thud; hammer

4. use your head

5. main idea: subject: topic

6. prickle on a plant

7. part of the leg between the hip and knee

8. dense: set close together

9. clear sky: reg ions high above us

10. remaining: additional or further

11. narrol'l walkways

12. winged insects flying mostly at night

t3. apply water to: get clean

t4. to give a tenth

15. a machine that holds and shapes wood

16. one-twelfth 01 a year

17. the ending of life in humans and animals

18 . opening through which food passes

19. moor: open wasteland with low bushes

20. one of the planets

21. one of the hard, bone-like parts in the mouth

22. place part of Ihe body against and feel

23. not a lie

24. rubbish

25. you have 32 01 them


Page 82: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Word Game: Vocabulaty With 'EN' Combinations

Name: _________________ Oate: _______ _

Word Game: Vocabulary With "EN" Combinations

Directions: The 25 words below all contain the letters "EN" in some combination. Read the clues caretully and complete each word in the puzzle.
























~ N


O M.rk Twain MedOa. Inc .. Publi~rs











11 .














come after: follow: happen as a result

give money or property; furn ish with a gift

to be happy with

a messenger; a diplomat

a hoslile force, n<)lion, group, or person: aloe

stretched tight; showing strain: edgy

something put around a yard

a prelix meaning hundredth (1 / 100)

the poison of snakes and spiders

th ick: closely packed togelher

small brown or gray songbirds

to payout money; use up time

a person or company that acts for another

a smell; the sense of smell

to mix together; shade into each other

frequently: many times

adult females

make or become lively

past participle of rise

poptar tree whose leaves ruslle in breezes

the period 01 power 01 a ruler

a car seating four or more people

condescend: think fit

initiate; another word for start

a lucky number; Roman numeral VII

Page 83: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Word Game: Vocabulary With 'Sf'" Combinations

Namf.!: ___ _____________ Date: _______ _

Word Game: Vocabulary With "SP" Combinations

Directions: The 25 words below all contain the letters "SP' in some combination. Read the clues carefully and complete each word in the puzzle.

s p 1. pay oul money for purchases

s p 2. revenge: ill will

s p 3. quickness; haste; swiftness

4. games involving skill and physical exertion

s p 5. the region outside the earth's atmosphere

s p 6. stores or buildings where materials are sold

s p 7. outward look of a person's body

s p 8. where people go skiing

s p 9. cuts with scissors; short snappy action

s p 10. a flight 01 stairs

s p 11. leatlike division of the calyx of a flower

s p 12. full of sap; juicy

s p 13. appetizing; mouth-watering

s p 14. soaking lVe\; foolish; sentimental

s p 15. of high quality; greatlVork

S p 16. fastener on a bracelet

S p 17. to seize firmly with the hand

S p 18. flying insects that sting

S p 19. coarse fi les used to remove unevenness

s p 20. small boat with one mast

s p 21 . having a sharp slope

s p 22. lVet, soft land; spongy land

s p 23. a small part lett over; a small piece

s p 24. an edge that cuts easily

25. resl the body and mind

C Ma,~ Twain Media. Inc .. Publi~rs 80

Page 84: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Word Game: Vocabulary Willi "LE" Combinations

Name: _________________ Oale: _______ _

Word Game: Vocabulary With "LE" Combinations

Directions: The 25 words below all contain the lel1ers "LE" in some combination. Read the clues carefully and complele each word in the puzzle.

L E I.

L E 2.

L E 3.

L E ,. L E 5.

L E 6.

L E 7.

L E 8.

L E 9.

L E ' 0.

L E 11.

L E '2

L E 13.

L E ". L E 15.

L E 16.

L E 17.

L E 18.

L E 19.

L E 20.

L E 121 .

L E 22.

L E 23.

L E 25. ~:' C Ma rl< Twa" , Media. IOC .. Pul>lishers 81

fatal; causing death

narrow shelves at the base of windows

bars used for raising or moving something

a written message that is mailcd

one who provides guidance or direction

smart; bright; intelligent

give enjoyment to; used for politeness


part of a garmcntlhat covers the arms

a solemn promise

choose; pick out

narrow strips of water; entrances

assert without proof; assert or declare

bccome more tender and merciful

narrow bock streets

laugh in a silly 01 nervous way

a struggle; argument; bother: annoy

slender tool with sharp point used in sewing

a pointed. hanging stick of ice

a part of a thing made to be hetd

a group of teams fo ttowing a schedule

a young girl; lass

number of lines of printed matter on a page

not big or large; small

find out the exact localion of

Page 85: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Cha\~nges Galore Pair 01 Diamonds Puzzle Template

Name: ________ ________ Date: _______ _

Pair of Diamonds Puzzle Template

Direcllons: Read and answer each 01 the clues carelully. When Ilnished, read down the left side 01 each diamond to reveal a hidden message.

O Mar1< Twa ... Media. Inc .• PuDli~'~



3 4











15 16



Page 86: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Zig-Zag Topics Template

Name: ____________ _ ___ Date: ____ ___ _

Zig-Zag Topics Template

Directions: Answer the clues correct ly. Take the letters in order lrom each 01 the shaded areas and a message will appear.

C Mall< 1Wal~ Medii!. Inc .• Publi&hlt,. 83

Page 87: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galor& Back and Forth Puzzle Template

Name: __________________________________ __ Date: ________ _

Back and Forth Puzzle Template

Directions: Read the clues carefully and print your answer in the appropriate boxes. The last three letters of answer #1 become the first three leiters of answer #2 and so on. (All of the even­numbered answers read from right to left.)

o Mar\< Tw~in M8dl~ . rnc .• f>ublWlol rs 84

Page 88: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Splil the Diamond Pollie Templale

Name: _ _________________ Datc: _ _______ _

Split the Diamond Puzzle Template

Directions: Unscramble each wold. The lirst and last two answcrs (the boldfaced leHers) ale given. When finished, follow lhe shaded boxes to reveal a message. Copy Ihe message out on the lines below.


Page 89: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Chall~ng~s Galor~ Answer Keys

Answer Keys

Pair of Diamonds: Pair 01 Diamonds: Pair of Diamonds: Pair 01 Diamonds: Holiday GrlHltlngs (p. 4) Lunch Spe<:lals (p. 5) Best Friends (p. 6) Witches and Goblins Left Diamond: Left Diamond: Left Diamond: (p. 7)

L M L , L , Left Diamond: ,. " , ,., , ., L , , '"W ,. '00 ,. ri, ,

" ,. IIIIe , .oro ,. lung , '" 5. you'r" 5 alief 5 young ,. CO~I , cannot , airaid , icicle 5 heart ,. holiday , newborn , flatural , invert , relative , downpour , Thu fw..y , ladybug ,. important ,. hothouses , hamburgef ,. duckling

". stallion " operena ". elevales ,. raCt!track H. torrity H tighlen H . scalena " eastwafd

" midget ". drakes ". chilly H narrate

". actor ". om~s " heard ". tailor

" 'M, ". ,<0 ". once " '"""" " "~ " '" ". "', ". id~a

" ~ " "' ". " ". M' H . 0 H , H. , ". '9 Ri ght Diamond: Right Diamond: Right Diamond: H. 0

L , L , L " Right Diamond: , "

, .. ,. " L , ,. ,., , ,,0 , "' ,. " ,. """

, ~"

, tour , '" 5. ,00" 5 alt[)5 5 ralOr , """" ,. ninety , thorny , infant 5 acorn ,. evident , rebuild , enlarge ,. talent , weddings ,. eighteen ,. nickname , octopus , yasterday ,. amazement ,. ditlk:ult ,. nicotine

" engineer " theyhave ". secondly ,. hobgoblin H. African 'L fliands H. article ". anaconda

" refuse ". o,ianl " lalum 'L leotard

" teach ". ready n. enjoy ". litter

'" 00," ". king ". melt ". op~ra ". ," " ill " '" ". wolf

". " " " ". "" " '0' H . .. H. , H , " od Message: Merry Christ· M~ssag~ : Pizza and hot Mess age: Early rn th" H . ° mas and Happy New Year dog days ar~ a tr~at tor school year hiend~ '" '' Men age: All children l,ick 10 all. kids. made. m treal on Halloween.

o Ma,k Twa,n Media, In<: .. Pub/iv.ers 86

Page 90: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Aru;wer Keys

Answer Keys

Pair of Diamonds: PBlr of DIBmonds: Pai r 01 Diamonds: Pair of Diamonda: March MBdness (p. 8) Summer Fun (p, 9) Two Hundred Days o f l he Cupid's SpeCiBI Day Lett Diamond: Lett Diamond: Year(p. I O) (p.l1) ,. ,. , Left Dl"mond: Lett DI"mond: ,. ,,, ,

" ,. , ,. 0 ,. ow, , ,,' , " ,


•• menu • " xit , '" ,. .m ,. ankle , black •• read • '"" , racent , aSlhma , yours , lanky , crick"l , lobsl." , scurry , effort ,. harpoons , lollipop ,. pasture , nothing , buccaneer .. assistant ,. enllrcly , talented

w. reforest W November ,. cranberry .. interview

". embrace " dentist w. immature W November

" answer " stench ". antique ". elevate

" knead ". =" ". length ". summit

". 'roo ". o>m ". denim ". depth

". "" ". ~, ". ,m, " am"n

". " " "' " yom " yow

" ". , ". '" " '"' Right Diamond: Right Diamond: ". R ". 0 ,. , ,. • Right Di"mond: Right DI"mond: , '" ,

" , . , , , , om, ,. ... ,. " , '" •• to<l •• mild ,. "" , ,,' , onion , you're • evil • gave ,. reduce ,. Sahara ,.

~"" , igloo ,. extinct ,. unsound ,. ,="' , velVet ,. landlord ,. memorize ,. couldn't ,. equator ,. abandoned ,. milkshak" ,. hexagons , magician

w. xmastime W elephant , orchestra , orangutan

" achieve ,,. rapidly w. overlleat w. nlagaline

" nitwit " scream " luggage ". finally n. dirty ". parka ". S88S8w " I~uid

". pony ". okay n. ",,,"y " oasis

" '" " "m " "on " . won't

". om ". " ". ,,' " ow, ". y ". , ". i'd " R. Message: '"' March Message: Baseball and ". " , break is a lime tomTax and SOCCer are my summer Message: Every special Me"""9": On Valentine'S play. sports. day creates school spirit. Day we all give Morn lIow-,.

o Marl! T..,,;n Media, I"" .. P~blish<:~ 87

Page 91: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Chellenges Galore Answer Keys

Answer Keys

Combination Puzzle: Combination Puzzle: Combination Puzzle: Clues Galore: AnelogOU$ Relation. Ane l ogous Relation· Analogous Relation' Bultd Your Vocabulary t2 shlps ' l (p.12) shlps'4 (p. 15) shlps ,7 (p. 16) (p.21) , minute , . weight , =", A. Crone ,. severe ,. bidder ,. gamet pip" , Hp<"Iri ,. wicked ,. senior OO"~

• lessen • liquid • defend "" ,. gather ,. bleach , rubies PORCUPINE , jungle , divide , Siring B. ulle ,. polile , slable , island ""'" ,. devout ,. beaded , gather lrain ,. saddle ,. clumsy , design note

". horrid " retori " jud9ed OPERATION

". blared " ladder " ,,,,,,.,, c. serv ..

". hammer " stuffs " simmer ";rU1:l row

Combination Puzzte: Combination Puzzlc: Combination Puzzle: pier Analogoue Relation. Analogous Relati o n· Ana togous Relation· SUPERVISE shlps'2 (p. 13) shlps'-S(p.16) shlps'8 (p. 19) , circus , lemote , gallop Cluas Galore: , simple ,. baWe ,. manual Build Your Voeabulary IS , impa'" ,. barrel ,. gleams (p.22)

• column •• thewed •• avenue A . 'oW ,. quiver ,. artist ,. donkey swore , genius , horror ,. daring '"" , aflirm , canyon , admir .. Ius .. , guilar ,. letter ,. raisin SUNFLOWER ,. eyelid ,. filler ,. guitar B. flm

". extend ". kenne l ". flames prime

". pebbla ". f.lsten ". folder leem

" sudden ". absorb ". silent meet PERIMETER

Combination Puzzl .. : Comblnallon Puale: Clu&$ Galata: c. grasp Anal ogous Relation. Analogoua Ralatlon· Build YourVoeabulary'1 gene ah lps'3 (p. 14) ships 16 (p. 17) (p.20) .o, , reward , decade A. ,,, rage ,. advice , quiver roSr PASSENGER ,. twenty , delays buds

•• wtzard •• cement fraud Clues Gslore: ,. master ,. hammer SURFBOARD Build Yo". Voeabutary .4 6 handla 6. radios e. siren (p. 23) , recent ,. signal diet A. male , quarry ,. single stern mess , forest 9. melled dines ,"0

" drowse ". finger RESIDENTS sl.lm

" camera " i~no r .. c. ",,' SHAMELESS

". falter " stabl" ",,' B. bumt crate ,"00


C Ma'~ Twain MOOia. Inc .• Publisher:< 88

Page 92: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges GaTore Answer Keys

Answer Keys

c. cow Zig-Zag Topics : " ,-, n. placc pinl Vocabulary Buttdlng ' 1 13. purse ". pizza

~" (p.26) " pleat " misty

"eo , slaep " ... isio " bloom " offllr VIEWPOINT ,. nouns ". knobs " lem<)n H. toast

J . meton " hot~ H ready ". range Clues Gatore: ,. vawe H. pedal " error " stamp Build Your Vocabulary ' 5 , okapi " mayba " ."," " other (p.24) , Sli n~ " 8sh88 "'. offer " racer ,

'" , sugar ". guide ". third " ,,"'" trade , empty " pauSII " Hindi " refer

yellst , acute " th rob ". lried ". roast ,,' ". sleak ". fietd ". Sanlll " group YESTERDAY n . usher ". Asian " adieu " table

B. lair " "- " aster " saint Message : Exercise " real 13 tapir ". sweep Message: Recess ,,, greallor the heart pain Message: Sotvin!! math time 10 mccllriends.

'roo problems Is bliss. Zig-Zag Topics: PORCELAIN Zig-Zag TopiCS: Scmmbled Words.2

c. "- Zig_Zag TopiCS: Vocabulary Building 14 (p. :II) deep Vocabulary Building .:z (p.29) , "9""' " broil head (p. 27) , Slove ". niece ,. apron ". jel ly

P''' , reply H. spice , super " manly J lorce " dream

HEADPHONE , saven " yours J . ~P<" " enemy , often H "'''" J . shawl ". sober •• vlliel H. vlIgue ,. Slump ". rapid Clues GBlo",: , grade H . "",' , baker " reign 6 trial ". >I11gle Build Your VO(;IIbu1Bry'6 , cacti " Xerox 6 combs " ankle , forth '" music (p. 25) 6. stung ". spine ,. signs ". alert , relax " novel ,. less ,.

'"'''' ". sleal ,. salin ". cards ,. drawn ". media

"" ,. ""'" ". sharir. ,. misty ". caC11 ". ,,"", n. moisl doo, ,.

~"' ". plexi ". teeth " paint ". prune ". olove cl.~ " kayak " tried " resin " pagan " drape " pilot CASSEROLE n . hasn't ". singe ". nasal ". syrup n. fungi " yearn

B. rule " ,=. " scene " molar " m<)nay Ma~8ag,,: A prepared pu· ~, ". syrup ". excel Massage: Superb games pillearns easily. ,~ Mes8!lge' Reading is , are learned in gym. =00 superb experience. LII" I Lelter-F iral Leua, ENCLOSURE Zig-Zag Topics: Pun:le:

c. ,- Zig-Zag Topics: Scrambled Words 11 Anlma!s Galore (p . 32) near Vocabulary Building . 3 (p. 30) L robin

'ro~ (p.28) , eaten , narwhal drake ,. myrne ,. exile J . lobster BREAKDOWN 2. repel , green ,. ,om

3. bacon ,. Siern ,. moose , sheen , panic 6. elephanl , lofts 6 limid ,. load ,. brst ,. mason ,. donkey ,. trick ,. hearl ,. ", ,. assel , igloo ".!!aroo , adul1 " "spen n . ostrich

". still " piggy ". hyena

". molsl ". share ". aardvarl-;

o Marie T_in Modia, 1""" Publis/le~ 89

Page 93: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore

Answer Keys

14. koala 15. armadillo 15. octopus 17. squi rrel 16. lizard 19. deer RAPTOR

Lagt Letter_Firat Letter P"ule: Law Enlorcemenl (p. 33)

1. delectives 2. snoop 3. protect 4. tes~1y

5. youngste' 6. rookie 7. emergencies 8. sober 9. rulhless

10. SCream 11. Mounlie 12. eXpII,ienced 13. disturb 14. bloodstains VEST and GLASS

L"lIl Lett er-Firs t Letter Puule: Clothing and Accesso­ties (p. 34)

1. jackal 2. l'OU8er8 3. shirt 4 . l ie 5. aarring 6 . gown 7. necklace 9 . earmuHs 9. suit

10. turnan 11 . nightshirt 12. tasle 13. eY"!.IlaSSBs 14. sandal 15. leola";! 16. dress 17. scarl 18. fealher STRAIT

Last Letter·Flrst Leller Puzzle: Anyonll Hungry? (p. 35)

1. potatoes 2. sleak 3. ketchup 4. parsnip S. plum 6. melon 7 . "ectarine 8. ....1 9. le,,,,.mgra,,,;;

10. squash 1 L hOfleyd"w 12 walnut 13 . turnip f 4. pepper 15. radish 16. hash 17. honey 16. yams 19. salads ROAST

LaSI Leller-Flre! Leuer Puzzle: Voo;:"buillry Oevelop­ment It l (p. 36) I. fussy 2. yoar 3. rilinoceros 4. Sepl",mber S. reopen S. numerelm 7. ranch 6. happiness 9. stomp

10. pond II. dock 12. key 13. ya,d 14. d,aft 15. tree 15. eleven 17. nip 16. ""nK: 19. curl 20. 11mb 21. brow 22. wand 23. dam PELICAN

C Mark Twain Me<lia. Inc" PubliV!'lrs

Last Leller-Flrst Lettor Puzzllt: Vocabulary Oevelop_ menl 112 (p. 37)

1. buffelo 2. oven 3. nasty 4. yodel 5 lunlber 5. ruffle 7 . "ject 6 ls'antula 9 . adored

10. dew 1 L wileh 12. he,oism 13. mop 14. plua 15. askew 15. w",kl 17. dream 16. meSS 18. strip 20. pickle 21. ea, 22 . ribOOn 23. neigh MANDOLIN

Last Leller·Flrs! Leller Puzzle: Scrambled WordB . l (p.38)

1. blast 2. tanoo 3. ocean 4 . n""k 5. kelp 6. penny 7. yeast 8. loxln 9. nickel

10. klbster 11. rough 12. hivas


13. slump 14. pri5m 15. milk t6. kne~ 17. trout 16. temple 19. evil

Answer Keys

20. leap 21. pharaoh 22. herd 23. dab 24. batlle COCONUT

Lasl Leller·Flrs! Leller Punle: Scr~mbled Words ' 2 (p.39)

L lion 2 . nimble 3. "nemy 4 . yacht 5 . temper 6 . rough 7 . horse 6. equip 9. pound

10. dream 11. myslary 12. youlh 13. hisloric 14. casUa IS. eyeball 16. lullaby 17. yogurt 18. tomb 19. burro 20. oulcast 21. toes BRAILLE

Reveal B Palindrome' Mluing Link.8 Itl (p. 40)

"""'"" """" steak lists .,,,,, greed honey Message: pelS.

""" ,-piper range

w"," Step on no

Page 94: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Chall&nges Galore AnsworKoys

Answer Keys

Reveal a Palindrome: Reveal a Palindrome: Reveal a Palindrome: Fawe. Cillaa: MI8$lng Links 12 (p. 41) Missing Llnks .5 (p. 44) Min ing Links 18 (p. 47) B ... lld Yo ... r Vocabulary align large aHgn m,,"' ,~, power More 13 (p. SO) ,~ march "'"" -. "',,"" remit A. "m'" '''''' ~~, brawn q ... ile ~~ rhymo ",oo claim spank ""mw R~oo fresh ="" m,d -, stile cower ~" grand ~" MARMALAOE drank tawny ftesh shadtl grave wwod B. pity ,.,. Inte 9'= """ targe tempo ro" glass ,~. grove slelt/ -, UYSI pallar g= .... inner lilllll:l '"'' POSTERITY haard -, Message: Yawn a mOra c. .,'" Message: Was il a car or Mesuge: Now. Ned. I am Roman way. vllal a call saw? a maiden won. dial

Fewer Clues: TIDAL WAVE Reveal a Palindrome: Reveal a Palindrome: Build Your Vocab ... 'ary Missing Links t3 (p. 42) Missing Llnks . 6 (p. 45) More 11 (p. 48) ",oj """'" ~'w ,ow A crane F.w.r CI .... s; brash -, cedar =" Sure Build Your Vocabulary

""W prawn craft ~, inrl More.4 (p. 51) cones renlS draft sanse INSURANCE A. ,-flake '"" elbow siren B. ... ~,

flame ~oj, fiber .... '" metal hunled "'. ,~ I~ha ""''' can't UNTOUCHED knave "'" paras ,,~ CATTLEMAN B. ~" limbo trash ,.," "'W c. trust never ~,. wrath """" wrath rant ." ~"' ratio toast VOLUNTEER MesNge: A man, a plan, Message:A.od, not abar: ASTRONAlJT c. tassel a canal----f'anama, a baton. Dora, ~" Fewer Clue.: late Reveal a Palindrome: Revool a Palindrome: Build Your Vocabulary TASTELESS Mining Links 14 (p. 43) Missing Llnka 11 (p. 4(1) More 12 (p. 49)

'''''' music ba lhe lall>8 A. "'od Fewer CI"",s:

"' .. ~" bowel lower hone Build Your Vocab",'ary

=" p<lot r;fimp .. " ties More '5 (p. 52) Crete ,.", ,,- mlscr DISHONEST A. ." "'"' quite drtvo paste B. gender .ale denIm ='" easel pilot lar{lG save diner ~"' emery !Han do, RELATIVES ditty slaps "'~ moo LEGENDARY B. !rcal

9''''' '''~ "~. Irick c. a", """ ~mbo trash grind whal", Ii"" 9" mince 9'= =, GRATITUDE Message: Ten animals I Message: Was il Eliot's INOCULATE c. misery slam in a nc\. toilet I saw? chime


9 1

Page 95: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Ch!lllenges G!llore

Answer Keys

Fewer Cluea: Build Your Voc~bul~ry Mo,",, ' 6 (p. 5J) A. grade

"" died DISnEGAnO

B. polion

"'" rale OPERATION

C. nipplo


Fou,-Squaored Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment ' 1 (p. 54) L fried , ". north crate

arrow drake g~my "'" Ooing rflyme ,. dread •• still stand shout dream hairy n;ght Itips raven gross

Me888ge: Form great friendships.

Four-Squared Puzzle: Vo<:abuiary EnriChment f2 (p. 55) L eascl , , =m

adult prune blunt ""'" Iloce Bible koala tasty ,. Craam •• ,.",

=" ,-. ,," •• Skull brass

= " close Message: Education mak.-.s rna wis.e.

Four_Squared Puzzle: Voc~bul~ry Enrichment ' J (p. 56) L weary ,. swing .~ lunar mason visil Irade birch l>ingo mimi<.: ,. elder •• ="' shalt amend enter anger aher """" Index """" MesSllge: Wisdom Isagilt

from Goo.

Four_Squared Puzzle: Vocabulary Enrichment '4 (p. 57) , algae , throb

bikes creep timed usher stuff aUas bongo rapid , bride •• sniff alert funch malch valor asset Si . ly eject glass

Me55~ge: Aim for ttle best resulW.

Four-Squared Puzzle: Voc~bulary EnriChment . 5 (p. 56) L m"", ,. audio

waist grate baker needy kneel omits Itoal ivory ,. gruff •• own.;,.

"""y criSp diary offer learn group reply pagan

Message: Make time to read for fun.

C Marl< T_in M1KI18 . Inc .• Pubiisl .. "s

Four_Squared Puzzle: Vo<:abuiary Enrichment t6 (p. 59) L ~ru' ,. steam

eu~y onion licks "d, finch '~y grape "om ,. paint •• herbs music awake downy gnome usual guard elbow ","'" Message: SIJCC.:!SS comes

with worX.

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge Itl (p . 60)

1 ·2. morsel 2·3. lesser 3·4. resorb 4·5. broker 5·6. rekn il 6·7. Iinner 7·8. rennel 8·9. tennis

9·10. sing'" 10·11 . r89rel 11-12 lerrel 12·13. terser t3·14. resort 14· 15. ,~,

15-16. ra~eme

16- 17. emerge 17-\8. egrels 18·19. s\aeva 19·20. evened 20·21. dented 21 ·22. detain 22·23. niacin 23·2~ . nicest 24·25. tselse

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabul~ry Challenge . 2 (p. 61)

1·2. troops 2·3. sports 3·4. stnpe 4·5. epilog


Answer Keys

5·6. golfed 6·7. defied 7·8. Deimos 8·9. somber

9·10. rebels 10-11. sleeps 11_12. spewed 12-13. dew1ap 13-t4. pallet 14-15. leller 15·16. relaid 16·17. diadam 17- 16. median 18·19. nailed Ig·20. deluxa 20·21. erudes 21·22. sedans 22·23. snares 23·2~ . selvar 24·25. ",wed

Back and Forth Puzzle: Unusual Vocabulary Challenge . 3 (p. 62)

1 ·2. dapper 2·3. repair 3·4. rfatas 4·5. SAtAng 5·8. gnawed 6·7. dew1a.p 7·8. pallor 8·9. "''''' 9·10. deltas

10·11. satrap 11·12 parrQI 12-13. torpid 13·14. dipped 14-15. depart 15·16. trails 16·17. sliver 17_18. ravels 18·HI. sleeve 19·20 . everts 20·21. stripe 21·22. epilog 22·23. golfed 23·24. dehle 24·25. elidt

Page 96: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Answer Keys

Answer Keys

Beck and For1h PuuI.: 21·22. ~nder 16-17. ."""'" Acroslle Puul.: Unu.ual Vocabulary 22·:23. redder 17·16. spoons Antonyml ' 2 (p. 69) ChUang. ' " (p. 63) :23.:24. red Ink 18·19. ~,", lenient Ho .. "

1·2. snnma r 24·25. MO· 19·:20. deride t.lainlain """ 2·3. rem&,k 20-21. edited ,,~ " .. H k'aals Back Ind Forth Puul.: 21·22. delain ''''''' SIVOJ)' 4·5. silver Unu.ual Vocab ulary 22·23. niacin Skid Vard 5< 'llven Challeng. M6 (p. 65) 23·24. nlc<lst Ag. M treble 1·2. ,-, 24·25. tS1l1S<) "I ...... !/": There'sa ~r ,~. .-. ,., taClic on my aalad. Sorry, I didn't • 9 ._. , .. citrus B.:u:k and FOrlh Puuleo: know yQ\I wele a vegetar·

9·10. .- 4·5. auriar Unusual Vocabuls ry ~.

10·11, do"" >6. 181,18 Challenge'8 (p. 81) 11·12. sirens 8·7. stiles 1·2. sliver Acrostic Puule: 12·13. sneakS 7·8 , saldom 2·3. reven Anlonym,.3 (p. 10) 13·14. skates 8·9. modute 3·4. treats Razes EC!Olasy 14·15. saner 9·10. eludes 4·5. staTUS Relres~<1d L<1nl 15·16. rQIOrI 10-11 , sed.:ms 5·8. sutle. "'oIsl lw. 16-11. ,- 11-12, Sl'\ ., ,elaid TItlnk '00' 17·18. ."...,. 12·13, "- ,~. ''''''''' Bo' H.~

18-19. .oowod 13·14. no man's H """ .. Wrinkled n" 19·20. dewlap 14·15. 5Mit; 9·10. sTaver Idiolic Hu' 20-21. pallel 15·18. alive, 10·11. revels Mouaga: Did you ever 21·22. teller 16·17. ulVllo IJ.12. sleeps taka homa II fish Ihis sile? 22·23. leUcs 17·18. elicil 12· 13. speaks No sir. I throw the littltt 0IlI:'S

23-24. ~'''''' 18·HI. tict..:: 13· 14. skates """ 24·25. """"" 19-20. catn,p 14· 15. sellar 20-21. .... ' 15·16. retard Aeroallc Puul.:

Bac::k and Forth P ... u l.: 21·22, ,~" 18-17. dr9wer Synonyms U (p. 71) Un ... a .... 1 Vocab ... lary 22·23. ''''''' 17·16. .ew9rd Defiant Edition Challeng<! ' 5 (po 64) 23·24. spolia 18·19. draped Nasty Sullen

1·2. remark 24·25. slidas 19·20. deport Clulch Thll'" 2·3. kflltar 20·21. troops "', 50 ><. r61011 Back and For1h Puule: 21·22. spores HaiJ)' Spiril 4·5. '''.po Un ....... ' t VOClIb ... lary 22·23. ~""" Cod ...... S<. _M Chanenge.7 (p. 66) 23·24. ""'" H", 6·7. neklon \·2. """" 24·25. diodas MeSlagl: How can you ,~ . notion 2·3. rcpols lell ~ a school 1$ haunted? 8·9. noises 3·4. slaeps Aero.lle Puzzl.: 11 ~ has $chClOI spirit.

9· 10. MI$I.t 4·5. Spowl!d Antonym." (p. lI-lI) 10-11. letrad 5·6. dl!wI.-.p Stall ion e,od Acro8llc Punt.: 11·12. ""'" H pallo. "'_ Bright Synonyms 82 (p. 72) 12·13. ""'"' H , .... Stur:lies 000 HinOel Ado«'" 1~ 14 . . ~, 99. do"" C,. , .. Weighed C,,"'" 14· 15. ratina 9·10. sevens '-' "'" Please "", l S-16. IInimel 10-11. ,neaks MeSlage: Your cough "'- Slav 18-17. tl!nle.1 11 · 12. 'killed sounds bcl1cr lodav: It Pout ""Y 17·1 6. IMIts. 12·13. delail should, I pr.-.ctiood an night. Cla.-.n 18-19. uteem 13·14. liable Messaga: Wh~T candy do

19-20. meek.r 14· 15. ,,- kids likctlO oat on tho play· 20-21. ,.lM 1~16. .~ ground? Al!C(!ss pll!C<!s.

o Marl< TWal~ Media, Inc .. PtJblisllerll 93

Page 97: Vocabulary Building Puzzles

Challenges Galore Answer Keys

Answer Keys

Acrostic Punle: Split tile Olamond Puz- Split tile Diamond Pu~- Word Game: Synonyms 13 (p. 73) l ie: lie: Vocabulary With " EN" Bewildered "0' s<:rambled Words 412 S<:rambled Words 14 Combinations (p. 79) Cond~lons Cho~e (p.75) (p.77) .. ensue " scent Growled MOi!O , , , • "",w " . .... Feast '"' mo '0 , enjoy " often Mytl18 H~. ~, 'po • envoy " . women Message: Why do som", 'oc' slap ,. enemy ". liven ~Id s forget to come to ,~, timi<J , tense " risen schoof? They're absent - incase ,tself , fenC<il " "spen minded. cereals al1empl , canti , .. reign

sciss.ors showered , venom " ..,," Splil Ihe Diamond Puz- upholster Sleaml)oat w. dense " deign zle: walchful ridicule n. wrenS ". bagin Scrambled Word~ . 1 sunburn science " spend " seven (p.74) cackla than~s ". agenl , ~~o remit

" baus """" Word Game:

'''' ,an ,eO Vocabulary Willi "SP" ,om '" " Combinations (p. 80) treat " • .. spend " ""'" dreams Message: I"m succe"-Sful Message: I split Ihe dia- , spite " super jogging again. monds. , ,,,,,,, ". clasp swooping • 'OM " grasp opponents Split the Diamond Puz- Word Game: , spac", ". wasps obedient l lc: Vocabulary With " TH" , ,"0,. ". rMp" meddles Scrambled Words . 3 CombInations (po 78) , shape ". "-indeed (p.76) t. throb 14. lithe , slope ". steep picks w , there 15. lalhe ,. snips ". swamp trot "

, thump " month W steps ". ~rop "" .. , • think " d"atll n sepal ". sllarp .. ki~ ,. theme " ~'" " »appy " sleep , hydro ,. tho rn ". 1'9ath " »apid Muuge: YOllre a good hricks , thigh ro. eartll decoder. breathe , th;ck " tOOlh Word Game:

smallpox ,. ether ". "'- Vocabu l ary With "LE" producing " other " trutll Combinaliona (p. 81) assolled .L pallls ". Irash 1. lelhal .. relent assumed ". motlls ". teeth ,. ledges ". ~lIeys

clumsy ". b~the , leve"" " giggt", ,oc"' •• telter H . hassle ache ,. leader ". needle

"" ,. devel ". icicle ., , please ro.. handle

• , sleepy ". league Mess age: Work yi", lds , sleave ". lassie succ",ss. W. pledge " linage .. select " l iltl"

". inlets " locate

" Allege

C Mark Twain Media. h)c., Publishers "

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