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April is here!I’ve gotten so many emails from you guys this month! This may be some sort of record-holding, turbo, longest-ever newsletter!

Hold on! Here we go…

Notes from our President, Sandye Kading:Can it be? Is it really true? This isn’t an April Fools Day joke is it? It really is April. If you are like me, you are wondering what happened to March. Time really does seem to fly by doesn’t it and we are to make the most of every day.

The 2015 South Dakota Legislative Session has now come and gone as well. I am sure you were in touch with your legislators as well as others from across the state letting them know your views on issues of importance to you and yours. That is what we do, isn’t it? We are engaged, empowered and educated.

My report this month will focus primarily on the NFRW Legislative Day and Spring Board of Directors meeting that was held in Arlington, Virginia March 18-21. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be a part of the 150 Federation Women who were there as well.

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Legislative Day on the Hill We gathered for our ‘sea of red’ picture on the Capitol steps, young and not so young, first timers (like myself) and those who had not missed this event in decades. It was an honor to stand with ladies who have been a part of the past action decisions, the present and the future.

Legislative Briefing: Both the House and Senate were in session with voting taking place from time to time so some dignitaries were held up in coming and others popped in when they could to greet and bring us up to date on the challenges and victories that are a part of their each and every day. The one thing that each speaker had in common was the vital part that our Federation had in electing them. Many stated that they would not be speaking to us now if it were not for the help our women gave them by being ‘boots on the ground’ to make sure that their message got to the voter and the voter got to the polls.

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Page 4:  · Web view“BOOTS ON THE GROUND” 2015 SDFRW April is here! I’ve gotten so many emails from you guys this month! This may be some sort of record-holding, turbo, longest-ever

Reception/lunch at the Capitol Hill Club: Here was a few minutes to network with other attendees and hear from Republican National Committee Cochairman Sharon Day of Florida and Chairman Reince Preibus. The message again was working together to get our Republican Presidential Candidate elected and the vital part that we play as a Federation. It is the younger women who need to hear our message and we are best to deliver it to them. Several Congressman and women were able to slip over for a few minutes to be introduced and greet us as well.

Here are some ladies with “Boots on the Ground” …LITERALLY!!!

#1 and #2 are attendees, #3 are the heels of Rep. Cathy McMorris, WA 05, #4 are those of Rep. Martha McSally, AZ 02, and #5 are those of another attendee.

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Page 6:  · Web view“BOOTS ON THE GROUND” 2015 SDFRW April is here! I’ve gotten so many emails from you guys this month! This may be some sort of record-holding, turbo, longest-ever

State Presidents’ meeting : the cost of meetings and conventions were discussed and explained with the number and need for many conference rooms, meeting rooms, dining rooms, sleeping rooms, staff, wifi, security, etc. limit the options and the costs are comparable. There was discussion on selling the President’s current apartment and buying a condo what would include maintenance. A recommendation was made to the Executive board. There was also discussion regarding the 2016 Republican National Convention, campaign management school and programs such as Constitution Week.

Regional Meeting : Region 3, NFRW 4th VP Becky Johnson from Kansas is our Regional Director. Our region consists of: Colorado, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota. It was determined that having a regional meeting was a good idea and Nebraska has agreed to serve as host. One focus of the meetings will be Leadership Training.

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2015 NFRW Biennial Convention in Phoenix: Make plans now to attend. The New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona state federations have been working hard to make sure that we have an amazing convention. The early registration is $415.00. Here is also an opportunity for you to hear from several Republican presidential candidates! Every club, regardless of size is eligible for one delegate and one alternate. There are no limits on the number of guests that can attend. Work on your fundraising and encourage members to participate. Someone said they had never left a convention where they didn’t feel like they were empowered to make a difference!

Having an RNC conference call on Thursday, April 2 we were reminded that the Republican message needs to get out to, among others, young women under 40 years of age. Who better to do that than the Federation of Republican Women? We are not only the life blood of the Party, we are the heart and soul. We recognize there is too much too lose not to win!

A Note of the Regional Meeting: Those of you who attended the Regional meeting hosted by our state federation and held in Rapid City in 2013 will remember how interesting and beneficial it was. While the details are still being worked out, consider attending and taking others with you. I will get information to you as soon as we have it.

Best wishes to all and Happy Spring!!!!


Here’s a tidbit from Michael Reagan that seems to be right on target:

Enough Republican Infighting

By Michael ReaganWhen Ted Cruz officially stepped into the 2016 presidential ring this week the boo-birds attacked immediately. But it wasn’t just the liberals of the mainstream media who threw bottles and chairs at the conservative Texan.

It was Cruz's fellow Republicans.

Is he qualified after only three years in the Senate? Where was he born again? Isn’t he too aggressively Christian? Isn’t he too conservative to win the general election? Shouldn’t we nominate someone more moderate, someone who isn’t hated by the MSM and wouldn't scare independents?

Unfortunately, we’re already heard lots of negative chatter, from Republicans, about the political weaknesses and ideological imperfections of candidates like Cruz, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. There will be more.

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It's a shame. Thanks to Obama and his failures at home and abroad, Republicans are in a great position to retake the presidency next year.

Almost anyone who’s thinking of running in 2016 — Scott Walker, Bush, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Christie, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, George Pataki, even Donald Trump — has a decent chance of winning the keys to the White House.

But America’s most consistently conservative institution, talk radio, has already started stirring up trouble among Republicans the way it did in 2008 and 2012. Talk radio is already taking sides and trying to tell conservatives which potential nominee is most worthy to wear the mantle of Ronald Reagan.

When my father ran in the 1980 primaries he was lucky. He was a lone conservative in a sea of moderate and liberal Republicans. The moderates split the moderate vote and he won the nomination.

Today the situation is reversed. Conservatives are splitting the conservative vote in the primaries and moderates like McCain and Romney are winning the GOP nomination.

Conservatives better watch out. If what happened in 2008 and 2012 happens in 2016, we are going to blow our chance to regain the White House once again.

We need to decide early who we want to lead the GOP ticket in 2016. Unfortunately, we probably won’t do that because we all have our favorite contenders.

When I tweeted that Cruz said something I agreed with in his speech, I got a flurry of tweets from Rand Paul people. “Why do you hate Rand Paul?” When I tweeted something nice about Rand Paul, I got a flurry of tweets from Cruz’s people. “Why do you hate Ted Cruz?”

This is one of the worst problems with conservatives. Liberals are led by ideology and they’ll always support their nominee in the general election because of that.

Conservatives are always looking for their next leader — their next Ronald Reagan. But conservative nominees are all over the ideological map and each one has too many spiteful followers.

If Rand Paul gets the GOP nomination, the Cruz people will stay home in November. If Cruz gets it, the Paul people will stay home. Ditto for the followers of Huckabee and others.

Barack Obama is president of the USA today because too many conservative Republicans didn’t show up to vote for Romney in 2012, not because too many Democrats voted to re-elect Obama.

The GOP should nominate a strong conservative for 2016. I prefer ex-governors, but Cruz, Paul, Walker, Perry, Rubio and Kasich all come to mind as good candidates.

It'll take a miracle for Republicans to get their act together this time.

They should follow "The Buckley rule" and choose the best conservative who has the best chance of winning the general election. In other words, not a Goldwater of 1964 but a Reagan of 1980.

But no matter whom the Republicans nominate, to win back the White House they'll all have to follow my father's 11th Commandment and fully support their party's presidential nominee — no matter who it is.

Michael Reagan is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and chairman of the League of American Voters. His blog appears on

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Please pass along these events and deadlines to your clubs!

2015 CALENDAR AND DEADLINESDate Description Done

March 11, 2015


Deadline for NEW membership and club service charges to National

No late mailing will be accepted

(Dues need to be paid 6 months prior to Convention for voting eligibility of any new club/member)

New clubs must be in good standing for at least six months prior to the convention to be eligible for representation. Article IX, Section 2 paragraph B

March 19, 2015 Legislative Day and Spring BOD Meeting, Washington DC

March 19-21, 2015 NFRW Board of Directors, Crystal City, VA

April 1, 2015 2nd Quarter Membership Dues and Service Charges to NFRW

June 1, 2015


Deadline for submittal to the state president of the following award forms:

1. Campaign Volunteer Hours

2. Caring for America Awards

3. Pathfinder scholarship applications and

4. Betty Rendel scholarship applications

June 13, 2015


Deadline for membership and club service charges to National

No late mailing will be accepted

(Dues need to be paid 90 days prior to Convention for voting eligibility)

June 15, 2015 Pathfinder and Betty Rendel Scholarship state nominees to NFRW

June 30, 2015


Deadline for submittal to NFRW/Committees of the following award forms:

1. Club Achievement Award (to the Club Achievement Award Committee)

2. Betty Heitman Award for state excellence (to Achievement Award Committee)

3. Campaign Volunteer Hours (to Campaign Committee)

4. Caring for America Awards (to Caring for America Committee)

5. Public Relations Award (to PR Committee)

July 1, 2015 3rd Quarter Membership Dues and Service Charges to NFRW (If you wait until after August 1 to submit your membership you will not be able to be a

delegate at the convention.)

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August 13, 2015


Deadline for sending in Delegate and Alternate Credential forms.

Credential forms must be postmarked to the NFRW and state federation president no later than thirty days prior to the convention. Article IX, Section

3. Representation, paragraph D

August 24, 2015


Deadline for sending in Delegate-at-large and Alternate-at-large Credential forms.

The names, addresses, zip codes, phone/fax numbers and e‐mail addresses of the state delegates‐at‐large (and alternates‐at‐large) shall be postmarked to

the NFRW President by the state president on credential forms provided by the NFRW no later than twenty days prior to the convention. Article IX, Section 3.

Representation, paragraph E

September 3, 2015


[Delegate and Delegate-at-large] emergency changes must be forwarded in writing to the NFRW President for her approval and must be postmarked no

later than ten days prior to the convention. Article IX, Section 3. Representation, paragraph E

September 10-13, 2015 NFRW Biennial Convention – Phoenix, AZ

November 1, 2015 4th Quarter Membership Dues and Service Charge

December 1, 2015 Kabis Internship applications to State Presidents

December 15, 2015 State Kabis Internship nominees to NFRW

January 1, 2016 State Board/Club Officer lists to NFRW

February 1, 2016 1st Quarter Membership Dues and Service Charges to NFRW

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March 30, 2015

Rounds Announces South Dakota Photo Contest WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced his office is hosting a photo contest. He is seeking photos from across the state that highlight the unique scenery and landscape South Dakota has to offer. The top photo submissions will be featured on Rounds’ social media pages and website.

“From rolling hills and canyons to fertile river beds and prairies, our state has some of the most unique and diverse landscape in the country,” said Rounds. “I look forward to showcasing some of South Dakota’s natural beauty and sharing your work with others.”

Photo submissions, along with the photographers name, hometown and a brief description of the picture can be sent to [email protected]. By submitting a photo, the photographer grants permission to use the photo online.

2015 Teen Mock Legislature

The Mock Legislature was an incredible time. More than 85 young people from across the state participated and everyone seemed to have a great time!

You can check out pictures from the event on my Facebook page (even if you don't have a account) at: or

Upcoming Leadership Camp -- Nothing beats TAR Leadership Camp in the Black Hills. It is guaranteed to be the best week of your summer. July 20-25, 2015 Camp Rimrock.

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Lincoln Day Dinner

April 17, 2015

Invited Speaker: US Senator John Thune

Friday, April 17, 2015 will be the Brown County Republicans Lincoln Day Dinner at the Ramkota Convention Center. US Senator John Thune is the invited speaker along with special remarks by US Congresswoman Kristi Noem. Our Master of Ceremonies will be Lt. Governor Matt Michels. We are looking forward to a great night. Tickets are $40 or purchase a table of 8 for $280. Call Char 605-380-8370 or Wayne at 605-380-3560.

Silent Auction: We are looking forward to an awesome Silent Auction at the Lincoln Day Dinner. Thank you to the ones who are providing items. Come prepared to bid on a NSU Sports Pack with game tickets, a PC Sports Pack with game passes, a Wine Kit, and a $50 Gift Certificate from Graham Tire. We will have many more items up for auction.

Desserts by the Slice: County Commissioners, Duane Sutton and Rachel Kippley and Senator Thune Staffers, Brittney Currence and Aimee Kamp will provide just a few of the desserts that will be for you to buy at the Dessert Table. We always look forward to the delectable desserts provided by so many of you.

Copyright © 2015 Brown County Republicans, All rights reserved.

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St James Parish 306 3rd Street

Edgemont, SD

5:30 pm Social – 6:00 pm Dinner

Speaker is Secretary of State, Shantel Krebs


2nd Street Station

Watertown, SD

5:30 Social – 6:30 Dinner


Ramada Suites and Conference Center

6:00 Social – 6:30 Dinner

Emcee - Shantel Krebs

Keynote Speaker - Attorney General, Marty Jackley

Special Guest – SDGOP Chairman, Pam Roberts

Davison County Lincoln Day dinner.

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Charles Mix County Republican WomenWe met at the Pizza Ranch in Platte on March 11th with a nice group of ladies in attendance.  We worked on plans for our spring luncheon to be held in Platte on April 16 with Secretary of State Shantel Krebs as our guest speaker. We will host our salad luncheon at noon with entertainment and then hear from Sec of State Krebs with a question and answer period to follow. This is an open to the public event hosted by the Charles Mix Club.

PENNINGTON COUNTY REPUBLICAN WOMENPennington County Republican Women are working towards assisting with the Lincoln Day Dinner to be held on Friday, June 12th this year at the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn. Currently we are in search of any businesses wishing to sponsor this fine event. If you, as a republican woman, own or  know of a Republican business owner that would want to be a part of this fine event, please contact Annette Brant, President PCRW at [email protected] or PennCoGOP at [email protected] for more information.

We had a good showing in Pierre from our Pennington County Membership at Legislature Day!!

Our guests in March were Mayor Sam Kooiker and former Police Chief Steve Allender as the first stop in both their public forums in their run for the Mayoral seat. Our guest in April will follow through for the remaining Republican candidates in our city elections.

CENKOTA REPUBLICAN WOMENThanks again to all of those who attended the 2015 SDFRW Board of Directors meeting and Legislative Day at the Capitol in Pierre. If anyone has comments, suggestions or critiques from the event, please email Kelsey at [email protected]. Your feedback is appreciated and will help others plan successful events in the future.

The CenKota Republican Women held their monthly meeting on April 1. The members did not host a speaker and instead used this as an opportunity to brainstorm and plan for the future. Discussions included speakers and programs, how to recruit, engage and keep members active, 2016 leadership, and how to best support the SD GOP and our Republican office holders at all levels. We are excited to hear from Hughes County Sheriff Mike Liedholt and SD GOP Chairman Pam Roberts sometime this summer.

Remember to like us on Facebook   and follow us on Twitter!

Getting to know our SDFRW Board Members…

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Hello, my name is Marguerite McPhillips your 2nd Vice-President, from Pennington County. I am originally from King of Prussia Pennsylvania.  We lived about 2 miles from Valley Forge. I loved going to Valley Forge and seeing where George Washington held our country together. I think that is where I got my love for American History.

I attended Villanova University in Villanova, Pennsylvania.  Villanova is between Philadelphia and Valley Forge…so I really got a lot of our American History living in Pennsylvania.

I met my husband Jack McPhillips in Philadelphia in 1977.  We were married in July of 1979.

I lost my husband suddenly in May of 2014. 

We moved to the Black Hills in July 2004.  We fell in love with South Dakota and started attending the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in 1991.  Jack and I rarely had arguments but the first year, in 1991, when we were leaving to go back to Pennsylvania…we were having a few words.  Jack asked me what we were fighting about and I said I did not want to leave the Black Hills.  He said neither did he…so we knew we wanted to move to South Dakota. Jack and I loved riding our Harleys in the Hills.  We rode as much as possible enjoying God’s beautiful country.

I am an animal lover.  At present I have 6 dogs (3 large and 3 small) and 6 cats.  They have been a great comfort to me since Jack’s passing.  Jack also was an animal lover and I think they miss him as much as I do.

I retired last year and am enjoying being at home, taking care of the animals, Harleys, and our twelve acres in the Black Hills.

I am an active member of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Rapid City.  I am a communion minister, lector, sing in the choir, and serve as a sacristan at Mass.  I also became an adult altar server.  We help with special activities and Masses for funerals.

I am also a proud member of the Pennington County Republican Women, having served as President for two years (2012-2014) and also a proud member of the SDFRW and the NFRW. 


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Marva Parsons is turning “80”Monday, April 6th

Marva Parsons has been an example of Republican Women involvement for many years.  She served as the South Dakota Federation of Republican Women 2005-2006.  Prior to that position she served as vice president, chaplain, as well as chairman of Americanism, fundraising and membership committees.  She was a member of the Cen-Kota Republican women before moving to Sioux Falls, serving as their president and treasurer and held many other positions.   She always has a smile on her face and an encouraging word.  She and her husband Bob are the parents of nine children. Belated birthday wishes will be accepted and enjoyed to be sure!

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NEW BUSINESS CARDS!!Have a look at this ladies! This is the new business card that Judy Bogestad has designed. This is obviously an example…if you would like to order some, they would have your info on them! Please consider this option. You could hand them out just as you would your phone number and give whomever you give it to a taste of what we are stand for! Please get in touch with Judy if you are interested. Her info is on the card above!

THIS IS THE BIGGEST EVENT FOR THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS!Okay…We’ve really got to support this effort by the College Republicans. If they could get fellow students excited about the Republican platform…how amazing would that be??!!

The College Republicans in Brookings are hosting Michele Malkin on May 2, 2015. Please open this link for more info and registration options. Spread the word by forwarding this link to people whom you think might benefit from this…that would be EVERYONE!!! If you need more info, please contact Joseph at [email protected]. He’ll give you all the details you need.

Isn’t she the epitome of lovely…


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We are so excited about our SDFRW statewide fundraiser!  We have "Wee-Publican" short sleeve t-shirts that are 100% cotton.  The sizes that we have are 6-12-18 month onesies and t-shirts in sizes  2T, 3T, 4T.  Also XS and S in 50% polyester & 50% cotton.  Great for your kiddos, grands, baby gifts, any holiday, how about the 4th of July parade? All for $15.00 and a huge smile and thank you! You want one, two or more??? Just email Sandy Rhoden with how many and the sizes you need: [email protected] and send a check to Nancy Jensen 5440 Plain Vista Ct. Rapid City, 57701 for $15.00 for each shirt.


Betty Wyatt, Chaplain SDFRWJohn 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only Son.

“I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus since I found in Him a friend so strong and true; I would tell you how He changed my life completely—He did something that no other friend could do. All my life was full of sin when Jesus found me, All my heart was full of misery and woe; Jesus placed His strong and loving arms around me, and He led me in the way I ought to go.

Every day He comes to me with new assurance, More and more I understand His words of love; But I’ll never know just why He came to save me, Till I see His blessed face above.

No one ever cared for me like Jesus, There’s no other friend so kind as He; No one else could take the sin and darkness from me—O how much He cared for me!”

This is a song I sometimes like to sing at Easter and I tell the following story.

When Audrey was little, she would stretch out her arms and say, “Mom, I love you this much”. Usually her little arms were stretched as far out as she could get them. Sometimes not so far out. At those times, it was usually after she had been scolded. She wanted me to know she still loved me, just no so much at that moment. Then along came Patrick and he had his own way of saying the same thing. Patrick would come into the room where I was and say, “Mommy, I love you BIG much”. His arms open as wide as he could open them and

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then he would wrap his arms around my legs and give me a hug before running off to play again.

Then I think of Jesus. He opened His arms as wide as He could and said, “My child, I love you this much”. He not only opened His arms, He allowed man to put nails through his hands and feet as they nailed Him to the cross. They placed a crown of thorns on His head, pierced His side, and gave Him sour wine to drink. There He died because He loved me! No matter how much my husband loves me or my children love me, and I know they do, NO ONE HAS EVER LOVED ME AS MUCH AS JESUS.

I think this is a perfect way to end this newsbook…er letter! I hope you all have a wonderful month!



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