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Page 2: Victoria Johnson : Thin Thighs Program™ PDF-Book

Round Butt Shaper Bonus!

I am on a project that is taking up most of my time. I have deadline after deadline and I

get so frustrated because I am used to working out for myself, as well as training my

clients and doing media assignments.

This week I decided that no matter what, I was going to work on my lower body every

day. My upper body always stays decent for some reason, but my body from the navel

down just loves to suck up every extra calorie I ingest.

I had a break in my schedule so I went out to do a quick lower body blasting dancer style

workout to keep legs sculpted and my rear end holy, “High and Lifted up”!

I threw on some cute tights and a fun t-shirt that makes me feel good to work out in. Then

I grabbed a hat and my Chanel sunglasses and then I put on three coats of sunscreen I

because I hate strap tans and went to the beach.

I got my iPod and turned some slamming tunes and went to the boardwalk and went to

work. I was moving to the beat and having a blast. It was not only fun, it was effective

and apparently entertaining. I had an audience of OLD fishermen who abandoned their

poles to turn around and watch my traveling lunges…. I am sure they were impressed

with my technique and form!

It was good thing I was wearing sunglasses and a hat right? In the gossip rags, when a

celebrity wants to go incognito that’s what they wear... it works right?

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Back to training…

When you work your large muscles continuously, you get some cardio in with your

sculpting. Here are some moves you can do anywhere and it only takes a few minutes

each day. When you do your exercises in this way you can elongate your muscles, tighten

your rear end and burn some calories.

Not only will you get toned muscles, you will lower over-all body fat, a smaller waist,

and over time you can gain control over the female tendency to store fat in the hips and


Lower Body Blast For Long Lean Legs and a Tight Rear End.

This workout Cuts your workout time in half and improves cardiovascular conditioning

in minimal time.


Reps and Sets: Depending on your fitness level, you can determine how many sets to do

each exercise. When I am in a hurry, I like to do three sets of 15-30 reps depending how

much energy I have. When I have more time available, I will do 4-5 sets of 15 reps of

each exercise to music until I work up a good sweat.

If you are just starting, try one to two sets then work your way up to 4-5 sets of 10

repetitions for each exercise until you get stronger. Make sure you don’t have any knee

issues before you do these. And always warm up by walking in place or dancing for a few


Rules of lunging:

Always keep your head up, shoulders back, chest out and back straight.

Never allow the knee to touch the floor

Stay in line: you're striding thigh and knee should always line up with your foot.

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You can do these exercises holding on to the back or a chair or something that allows you

to maintain your balance and control the tension on the muscles.

Lower Body Blast Movements:

Front lunge: begin with your feet 6-8 inches apart, torso erect. Take a large step forward.

Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to lower to a point about 2-6 inches from

the floor. Keep your head up and torso erect. Push off your forward leg to return to start,

then repeat with the opposite leg. A complete lunge with the right leg, then the left leg

constitutes 1 rep.

Reverse Lunge:

Begin with your feet 6-8 inches apart, torso erect. Take a slow controlled step backward

with one leg, lowering your hips so that your forward thigh becomes parallel with the

floor. Your knee should be positioned directly over your ankle and foot. Your front foot

should be pointed straight ahead, and you're trailing knee extended to stretch your frontal

thigh and hip flexor muscles. The working phase of the exercise occurs when you push

off your rear foot to return to the starting position in one fluid motion.

Inner Thigh Lunge:

Begin with your feet shoulder width apart, torso erect. Take a slow, controlled step

forward and out to the side with the right leg, pointing your toes slightly outward (as

though they were in the two o'clock position on a clock). Your thigh should not drop

further than parallel to the floor, with your knee positioned over your ankle and foot.

Your trailing knee should be relatively extended to stretch your frontal thigh and hip

flexor muscles. The working phase of the exercise occurs when you push off your front

foot and step back to return to the starting position. With a little practice you be able to

perform it in one fluid motion. Repeat for the left leg (to ten o'clock position) to complete

one repetition.

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Ballet Squats:

Start by standing with your legs apart, feet flat on the floor, slightly wider than your

shoulders with your legs turned out and toes pointed out in the 10 and 2 o'clock positions.

Keeping your head up and your torso as erect as possible, initiate the movement by

bending your knees while keeping your torso upright holing your hands to your waist or

in front of you. Your knees should travel in lines with your toes, descending as though

performing a ballet plie’. Try to lower your body as far as your flexibility allows. Using

your legs and resisting the temptation to lean forward, squeeze your butt muscles and

return to position to your starting position. That is one rep.

You can mix and match these exercises day to day. Make sure you do some cardio four to

five times a week to burn off that stored fat. Cardio will also increase your energy levels

and decrease stress.

This is a great quick workout that will help you get back to you pre-baby mama shape.

Now, go to your closet and fold up every stitch of maternity clothes and put them away

WAY in the back of our closet. And if you are finished having children, give them away

to a Non-profit organization immediately.

Get focused on rejuvenating your youthful body and make healthy snacks for you and

your children. Make being healthy a dominant part of your entire family’s lifestyle.

Modeling a healthy attitude and lifestyle is a wonderful gift you can give your girls. They

will repeat your habits as they grow up. Give them empowering habits and behaviors so

that they will not have to struggle with their weight.

Make this your best week ever!

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Bonus Round Butt Shaper Program

These are 2 simple but powerful exercises to lift and shape your buns. You want to add

these to your program any three days a week that you wish. They are a bonus, so when

you feel energetic and have a little extra time, do these isolated moves.

1. Always warm-up with movement, dancing, walking in place or treadmill. Anything

that gets your circulation moving and your joints fluid without heavy impact is good for a

warm up.

2. Stretch out you low back with a cat stretch or standing cat stretch by bending over and

putting your hand on your thighs and following the same pattern of rounding and

flattening your back to prevent strain.

3. After you are finished, be sure to stretch again. Stretch your lower back with the same

stretches you did for the warm-up. Take your time and breath through the stretches. Don’t

ever bounce or force a stretch. Be gentle and kind to your body.

Program Sets and Reps

Beginner: 3 sets of 10 reps per leg

Intermediate: 3 Sets of 15 reps per legs with 1-3 pound ankle weights

Advanced: 3 sets of 15 reps per leg with 5 pound weights

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Donkey Rear Leg Lift - Floor

Sculpts Round Buns

Position 1

Start on your hands and knees on all fours, weight evenly balanced between your hands

and knees. Keep your abdominals tight and your head in a neutral position. Bring you

knee in toward your chest.

Position 2


Straighten your leg and point your toe to the back and squeeze your butt for 4 counts and

return your leg back to the floor

Repeat on the left side.

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Hip and Side Buns Shaper

Sculpts: Hips and gives you a bikini dent on your side cheek

Position 1

Holding onto a chair or a body bar. Bend both knees and then bring one knee into toward

your chest.

Position 2

Slowly extend the leg to the back as you squeeze your glute muscle for the count of four.

Stop at the natural distance. Return back to neutral and repeat for your recommended

number of repetitions on the same leg and then switch sides.

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