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Page 1: Viator Newsletter 2001 Fall


Viatorian Annual Assembly ____ _ Viatorians from across the country gathered at Arlington Heights Aug 7-8 for their annual salute to jubiliarians, an Associate Renewal ceremony, and two days of continuing education, prayers and Eucharist. The assembly themes were drawn from the goals established by the Viatorian General Chapter meeting in Rome in 2000. The goals stress (1) Vocations and Youth Ministry and (2) Spirituality in the context of Viatorian life.

Tom Beaudoin, Boston College and author of Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X, shared his research on American youth, their ambiguities and anxieties about their identity amid a divorce orientated and con­sumer focused culture. Despite their often appar­ent detachment, disconnectedness and dis­interest in institutional religion there is a wide­spread quest for spirituality and a dramatic outpouring of volun­teerism.

The program arranged by Brother Corey Brost, C.S.V. highlighted a panel of five young men, Gary

Panelists (L toR) Tripamer, Keenan and Anderson (Arlington Heights) Quilao (Henderson, NV) and Nesbit (Granite City, IL) share faith experiences during the Annuai Assembly.

Anderson, Ryan Keenan, Patrick Quilao, Jason Nesbit and Dan Tripamer discussing their interest in religious life. They reflect­ed on their own faith experiences, their sense of "call" and what attracts them to Viatorian life and ministry.

The discussion groups, which followed, were seed­ed with other young men of similar perspectives who confirmed, developed and expanded on the Boudoin research and its meaning for them and for Viatorian vocation recruitment.

The first day ended with a celebration of the lives of 16 Jubliarians representing 815 years of vowed Viatorian religious life. (See the story elsewhere in this issue)

The second day focused on meeting the challenges pro­posed out by author, lecturer and theologian, Jack Shea, around carving out daily time for a more mature spiritual life. Using a case study method, Shea posed questions suggesting parallels between the sur­geon in the case and daily pressures of Viatorians. Group discussions reflect­ed on applications of new modes and timing formed­itation, reflection and prayer based on each per­son's apostolic assignment.

The two fold General Chapter themes of voca­tions and the contemplative aspect of active ministry will contin­ue to constitute the agenda for future Viatorian meet­ings and days of Recollection. •


International Meeting in Columbia Nothing more illustrated the international character of the Viatorian Congregation than the InterAmerican meeting convoked by the Superior General, Fr. Mark Francis, C.S.V. October 1-3 in Bogota. Responding to the appeal of John Paul II for greater collabo­ration between the churches of America's Northern and Southern Hemispheres, Viatorian provincials from Spain and France traveled to Bogota to meet with the Provincials of Canada and the United States to "explore deep­er collaboration among the Viatorians in Latin America and the Caribbean" The provincials and general admin­istration were joined by CSV Regional and Foundation supe­riors, from Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Haiti Honduras and Peru.

"Viatorians are at a turning point for making decisions referring to our presence in Latin America and the Caribbean" noted Fr. Francis about the meeting. He called for "the development of mecha­nisms to assure a more efficient coordination of Viatorian efforts" including progress directed to a "deeper planting of the charism of Father Querbes" in the regions.

Provincial Fr. Charles Bolser

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Viator Reverend Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V. Provincial

Leo V. Ryan, C.S.V. Director of Communication Editor

VIATOR is published quarterly by the Clerics of St. Viator, the Viatorians, for friends, families, parishioners and alumni of Viatorian apostolates.

The Clerics of St. Viator are religious priests and brothers sent by the Catholic Church to teach the Faith and proclaim Jesus Christ as Gospel. In parishes, schools, and a variety of other ministries Viatorians work w ith Christian communities to live, deepen and celebrate their faith.

Our legal title is: Clerics of St. Viator. An Illinois Corporation

From The Provincial's Perspective My Brothers and Sisters in St. Viator,

Often we tend to get caught in the illusion of numbers. We are always counting; the number of Catholics as opposed to the number of Methodists or Lutherans; Buddhists or Moslems: Democrats or Republicans; Caucasians to African Americans or Hispanics, or whatever other category that we devise to separate us one from another. We play the numbers game as if the numbers were the goal-that the numbers of our parish­ioners or students were the mark of one's success. We presume the correctness of the statement, the majority rules as if numbers proved the correctness of a given proposition. We, Viatorians, also get caught up in this illusion. We expend great energy on recruiting new Viatorians and Viatorian Associates. We seek always to add new parishioners or students as if additional members ~auld solve the problems of our world. We tend to get our priorities backwards.

If we are disciples of Jesus Christ, our first task is to proclaim the Good News that God is with us. Jesus taught his disciples that the Kingdom of God is within all of creation-within all of life. Jesus was not caught up in numbers; rather he was caught up in proclaiming God's saving activity in all of creation. It seems to me that we are called to be a community that knows how to see-to understand. Jn order to see, we must be able to be quiet-to reflect on the Spirit of God that is within and listen to that Spirit. We are not called to save others or to save the world-that is the action of God. If we want to bring peace to the world-we must be a people of inner peace. If we wish to bring the Kingdom to the world, we must be aware of the Kingdom within. If we wish to bring life to the world, we must embrace our own lives with gusto and love.

Anthony de Mello tells this story:

The Master once asked his disciples which was more important; wisdom or action. The disciples were unanimous: "Action, of course. Of what use is wisdom that does not show itself in action?" Said the Master, "And of what use is

action that pmceeds from an unenlightened heart'

As we celebrate the annual Feat of St. Viator on October 21, we are called to remember our story; the stories of Fr. Querbes and Fr. Roger Drolet, the stories of those whom we never knew personally and those who have been forgotten. The story of Fr. Querbes is that of a human being-a person who was years ahead of his time i.n many ways, but always a person with a strong sense of reality. He knew how to achieve the possible, but to dream the impossible. His faith encouraged him to send his brothers to Canada and Spain, and from these countries throughout the world proclaim the Good News.

The spirit of Fr. Querbes is a spirit that gives life and hope to us toda y. Our hope and faith continues to send us forward on our journey into the unknown, knowing always that the Spirit of God is within each of us, within each of us, within our Community, and within the world. Our task, given to us by jesus Christ through the charism of Fr. Querbes, is to enab le those whom we encounter on our journey to experience through us the Kingdom of God.

Happy St. Viator's Day! Sincerely in Viator,

Charles G. Bolser, C.S.V. Provincial

Three Associates review tlzeir prornises dua liturgJJ August 8. (L toR) Mrs. Mary Finks (Bradley), Mrs. Marilyn Mulcahy (Kankakee) and John Ohlendent (Bourbonnais). Fr. Charles Bolser CSV received the promises on behalf of the

Province Missing: Mrs Mary jane Bucher (Bourbonnais) whose death occurred June 23. A much beloved teacher, Mary jane was a pioneer associate scheduled to renewal but called home to God.

Page 3: Viator Newsletter 2001 Fall


815 Years Service as Teachers of Faith

16 Viatorians Celebrate Jubilees in 2001

A highlight of the Annual Assembly August 7-8 was the traditional Jubilee Eucharistic Celebration,followed by the community dinner and presentation of Viatorian momentos. The ]ubilarians, all priests, join the Rev. Mark Francis, C.S. V Superior General and Silver Jubiliarian before entering St. Viator Chapel for the Jubiliee Mass. The Jubiliarians (L toR) are Fathers]. Tremonti, T Langenfeld, R. Field, M. Keliher, The General, E. Weitzel, D. Wehner!, R. Cooney, K. Yarno, and D. Fitzsimmons.

The jubilee Class of 2001 assemble with the traditional award of the congregation seal and motto embedded in crystal and mounded with their name and years of anniversary. Back row (L toR) Fathers Wehner!, Weitzel, Cooney, Yamo, Keliher and Fitzsimmons; Front row (L toR) Fathers Hayes, Tremonti, Superior General Mark Francis, R. Field and T Langenfeld. Fr. Langenfeld, the first American Superior General and a Golden fubilarian delivered the homily at the Mass. Four members who were prevented by age, distance and illness from attending are pictured on the right.

Fr. John Toolan C.S. V (70 years)

Fr. Donald Lund C.S. V (60 years)

Fr. Patrick Cal1ill C.S. V (50 years)

Fr. Donald Hun timer C.S. V (50 years).

Page 4: Viator Newsletter 2001 Fall


Viatorians Welcome Three Pre-Novices During their August assembly, U.S. Viatorians welcomed three young men Jason Nesbit, John Eustice and Dan Tripamer who have decided to share their lifestyle by living with the Community for a year.

The three men entered the Pre­Novitiate, a program that allows them to live and minister with Viatorians for a year while they discern whether God is calling them to formally join the Community. The Pre-Novitiate is located at St. Viator Parish, Chicago.

Jason Nesbit, 23, grew up in Holy Family Church, Granite City, Illinois, where he was served in a variety of ways, including as a minister to the homebound. He graduated from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville last spring with a

degree in Education. He will be vol­unteering as a minister at St. Viator Elementary School and in St. Viator parish.

John Eustice, 23, was a leader in the youth ministry program at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, Nevada, before entering the program. He recently graduated from the University of Nevada-Las Vegas with a degree in Education. He will be volunteering in the Campus Ministry Office at St. Viator High School.

Dan Tripamer, 35, is a graduate of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas and Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas, where he also taught Math and coached. Dan will be teaching Math full-time at St. Viator High School,

Traveling to Rome Traveling to Rome? Looking for a Sunday Mass in English? Fr. Mark Francis, C.S.V. Viatorian Superior General with three Jesuit Priests cele­brant the 11 :00 Mass at St. Francis

Xavier del Caravita in downtown Rome. After Mass visitors join the cel­ebrant and congregation for an aperitif in the Church atrium. Built in 1630 the church is named after the

Pre-Novices (L to R) jason Nesbit, John Eustice and Dan Tripamer participated in the Viatorian

Annual Assembly August 7-8.

while also helping out on some Campus Ministry events.

Dan, Jason and John are three of the more than 20 young men discerning about joining the Viatorians, represent­ing a significant upsurge in vocation interest in recent years. Please keep these Pre-Novices in your prayers. •

Jesuit responsible for its construction. Your visit is welcome any day and especially on Sunday at the 11:00 Mass. •

R.I.P. _________ ______ _ Fr. Paul F. Jasinski, C.S.V. 82, beloved pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Goodrich, IL for 23 years died June 27 Fr. Charles Bolser C.S.V. Provincial celebrated the Mass of Resurrection July 2 with Bishop Roger Kaffer of Joliet presiding in the sanctuary. Burial was at Goodrich.

Fr. Roger C. Drolet, C. S.V., 98 retired missionary died August 14 on the 77th anniversary of his Viatorian vows. He served 65 years in China, Japan and Taiwan, the last 45 years in Taichung, Taiwan. A Memorial Mass was cele­brated Sept 6 by Taichung Bishop Joseph Wang Yu-jung. Fr. Charles Bolser C.S.V. assisted and represented the Province of Chicago.

Burial was in Taiwan. The Fall Appeal letter was dedicated to Fr. Drolet and his ministry in the orient.

Viatorian Associate, Mrs. Mary Jane Bucher of Bourbonnais died June 23, the first death of an American Associate. Fr. Charles Bolser, C.S.V. Provincial was principal celebrant for the Mass June 26 and delivered the homily. Burial was in Bourbonnais

Please remember these members of the Viatorian family in your prayers. Memorials may be forwarded to Provincial Center Priests Fund. •

Roger C. Drolet, CSV, 98, the oldest A merican Viatorian died in Taiwan, R.C. August 14, 2001, the 77nd anniversary of his first vows. Here he is visited by the present Viatorian Superior General

Mark R. Francis C.S. V (L) and the Forman Superior General, Leonard Audet, CSV (R)

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Maternity BVM Bourbonnais Adopts Belize Maternity BVM the Viatorian mother church in the USA has adopted St. Francis Xavier parish, Corozal City, the Viatorian mother church in Belize. Since August the parish has shipped 156 boxes of books, 12 bikes donated by the Bourbonnais Police Department, a com­puter and overhead projector to Belize. Bob Goelin and Deacon Foo Chamness repaired the bikes with funds provided by Maternity Knights of Columbus Council #7072.

October 29 the Maternity BVM Parish Health Ministry sent a medical mission of 14 for ten day working visit to Corozal City. Two doctors, one an urolo­gist, 7 nurses and 5 support personnel

will spend their days working in exist­ing clinics in outlying villages of the parish. An urologist was requested to perform some surgical procedures in a local hospital coordinated by local physicians. The urologist was requested because there is no urological specialist • in all of Belize Urologist, Dr Kent Frye, has volunteered to join the mission The group will also form a Vitamin Brigade bringing much needed vitamins for chil­dren and adults. The project at Bourbonnais level is coordinated by the two Maternity pastoral ministers, Brother Dale Barth, C. S. V. and Patty Wischnowski, RN. Fr. Chris Glancy will coordinate the program in Belize.

The Bourbonnais Project is an outgrowth of an earlier medical visit by Dr. Anne Frye who participated in the Belize Medical Mission project organized by Mrs. Judy Glancy of Moline, mother of Fr. Chris. Two earlier trips have been made by the Moline group. A third is scheduled for January 31-Feb 8, 2002. For more information on the Belize Medical Mission contact Mrs. Judy Glancy, 1924 45th Street, Moline, IL 61265. Patty Wischnowski and July Glancy have been coordinating efforts for many months but even more volun­teers and rna terials are necessary and welcome. •

Viatorians in the News __________ __ _ llinois State Journal Register (Springfield) featured the parochial ministry of Fr. Eugene Weitzel, Pastor of St. Alexius, Beardstown for the challenging task of adapting his parish from a historically all white congregation to the present two thirds Hispanic parishioners.

The San Jose Mercury News on June 21 featured various church responses nation wide to mental illness and featured a photo of Fr. Charles Bolser conducting liturgy for adults with mental handicaps during his Maternity BVM pastorate.

Catholic Times published a "Letter to the Editor" from two Springfield Catholics praising the contribution to church and community made by Fr.

Patrick Render during his pastorate at St. Joseph, Springfield . Fr. Render is the new pastor of St. Thomas More Catholic Community, Henderson, Nevada.

Kankakee, (IL) Daily Journal devoted a feature June 7 to the life work in education and parish ministry of Fr. Joseph Tremonti on the occasion of his 60th anniversary of priesthood.

The Delavan, (IL) Times devoted a page one photo and extensive story August 15 to Fr. Patrick Hayes on the occasion of his 65h anniversary of vows.

Brother John Dodd, Las Vegas Diocesan Business Manager was nominated for one of the Brotherhood Awards of the National Association of Religious Brothers.

Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional business fraternity at their August con­vention in New Orleans conferred on Brother Leo V. Ryan, a Medal of Merit for 57 years of membership and for 18 years of service on the Foundation Board as Director and Vice Chairman.

Fr. Thomas McCarthy lead his fourth pilgrimage to Worchester, Mass for Mass and a visit with "Little Audrey Santo" and the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, August 11-14 Fr. Tom is one of the few priests, who while concele­brating Mass at her home, witnessed during the Eucharist the miracle of the Bleeding Host He also lead a group to Washington D.C. Oct. 31 -Nov 8. •

International Meeting in Columbia (cont.) ________________ _

CV.S.V. represented the U.S. Province. Fr. Albeyro Vanegas C.S.V. represented Columbia and was the local host. Fr. Chris Glancy, C.S.V, Represented Belize. Fr. John Norbert Peeters, C.S.V. associate pastor, Maternity and former Master of Novices in Columbia provided multilingual translations.

2001 represents the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Columbia mission by The Chicago Viatorians under the leader­ship of the then provincial, Fr. John W. Stafford, C.S.V. assisted by Fr. John B. Cusack, C.S.V. mission procurator. Columbia today has nine Columbia reli­gious seven priests including Felipe Montes ordained December 8th, C.S.V.,

two North American priests and two Columbian Brothers. The meeting, the Superior General noted provided "an environment of quietness and confidence for sharing our hopes and opinions and developing mechanism for a more effi­cient coordination of our efforts for the good of all CSV and within the spirit of the General Chapter 2000." •

Page 6: Viator Newsletter 2001 Fall

Rejoice With Us, Celebrate With Us And Pray With Us On These Special Viatorian Days

October 1-3

October 2


October 6

October 10

October 21

October 24


November 2


November 22



December 11

December 12

December 17

December 25

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CSV InterAmerican Conference, Bogota Columbia

Feast of the Guardian Angels

3rd Anniversary Opening St. Francis Xavier Parish, Corozal City, Belize

First Novitiate Opened Bourbonnais (1882)

Open House Provincial Center, St Emily Parish Adult Group

Feast of St. Viator, Patron of the Congregation Community Masses remember our living and deceased Benefactors and the prayer intentions from the Fall Appeal

St Anthony Claret, Patron Viatorian School, Libano, CQlumbia

All Saints Day -Special Remembrance for our living benefactors

All Souls Day Special Remembrance for our deceased benefactors

Episcopal Approval of the Clerics of St Viator (1831)

Thanksgiving Day, We thank God for you, our extended family.

St Francis Xavier, Patron of CSV Corozal City Parish, Belize

Immaculate Conception Patroness of the United States. Felipe Sera Montes, CSV to be ordained priest in Bogota

Approval of the Statutes of the CSV by Bishop de Pinn.(Lyons 1833)

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Americs

Founder Louis Querbes ordained priest by Bishop Dubourg (1816)

Christmas Blessings to all our Partners in Faith and Mission.

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