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Building an Unclassified Event / User Defined

Operational Picture (UDOP) Leveraging social networks

(i.e. Crowdsourcing the E/UDOP)

1This Briefing is



Brief for US European Command

Information, Innovation, Integration and

Technology Symposium

Mr. Gary Koch



15 February 2011

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Protecting the Homeland

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N-NC Vision/Focus

Commander’s Vision

• Forward looking, responsive and agile

• Effective and relevant at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels

• Well known for collegiality, integrity, competence, and humility

• Eager to push the boundaries of how we perform our missions

• Internally synchronized and externally understood

Cross Cutting Focus Areas• Our People

• Partnerships

• Technical Opportunities

• Unconventional Threats

• Operational Excellence

Principle Focus Areas• Counter Terrorism and Force Protection

• Mexico

• Defense Support to Civil Authorities

• CBRNE Consequence Management

• Aerospace / Maritime Warning and Control

• Missile Defense

• The Arctic

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• Right-size the Marine Corps for a post Afghanistan world

• Build capabilities that support a “middleweight force” whose role is to respond to

today‟s crisis… TODAY

• Maintain a force with a minimum capability to simultaneously deploy two Brigade‟s

worth of assault forces from 33 amphibious ships

• Eliminate unnecessary HQ‟s / flatten the MC command structure where it makes

sense to do so

• Build regionally-aligned MEB Command Elements that provide scalable, JTF-

capable, crisis response command and control for our RC Commanders

• Maintain Reserve force structure at current levels while internally reorganizing for

increased operational relevance with the Total Force

• Increase Marine Cyber-forces by 67% and Marine Special Ops Command by 44%

• Turn high demand/low density forces into high demand/„right density‟ forces

• Transition 7% of non-operational forces to operational billets

• Restructure our logistics groups to increase the depth, availability and

responsiveness of our combat service support

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• CNO's Vision

• Navy is prominent and dominant in the fields of ISR, Cyber Warfare, C2, Information & Knowledge Management

• Information becomes a main battery of US Navy warfightingcapability

• Warfighting wholeness replaces sub-optimal stovepipes

• Navy's Information Transformation

• Every platform carrying multiple sensors

• Every sensor and processor adaptively connected to the network

• Create a world class Information Dominance Corps

• Every shooter and weapon must be capable of seamlessly using target data derived from any collector or sensor

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Seven to Three


Shows up for work, does

the absolute minimum

required, and goes home

DUI and Still in the Air

Force Ribbon

Device denotes

number of convictions

Everybody Went to the Middle

East Except Me Ribbon

Numeral denotes number of years spent instead on

Caribbean „training‟ evolutions

Got Divorced Again


$ device for each divorce

Head Up the

Commanders Butt


Skull device denotes each additional surgical


Got My Last Boss Promoted


Numeral denotes number of superiors promoted by your hard work who have already forgotten

your name.

Drinking Buddy’s Commendation Ribbon

Drinking device denotes consecutive awards.

Close Friend of AFPC Ribbon

Palm tree device for each really cushy set of orders.

Daddy is a General


Star devices denote daddy‟s actual rank.

My Wife’s Uncle’s

Roommate's Brother-in-

Law ‘s Son Knew

Somebody Who Served


Never PCSed Out of

Same Location During

Entire Career Ribbon

For 20 years of arduous „homestead‟ service

I’m Not Moving! Ribbon

House device denotes each successful

threat to not „re-up‟ if PCSed

Staff Sgt for Life


Device worn to denote extra privilege and pay incentives ignored or


Never Been on

Deployment RibbonMissed Every Deployment


Device denotes number of deployments missed

due to „circumstances‟

Amendment to US Air Force Awards

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Shift Away from

Primarily Kinetic Operations

• US embracing “waging

peace”, growing influence of

information operations

• Technology Issues:

– Current tools are focused on

kinetic warfare (sensor to shooter)

– Importance of understanding

social, economic, and cultural


– Need to integrate non-kinetic

warfare into planning (sensor to


– How can current/future social

tools be leveraged to produce the

same seamless operation desired

in kinetic warfare by CNO / CMC?

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• Ensure systems are founded on a common architecture

comprised of open standards and open source code.

• Capability to collect, fuse & share information across DOD &

Mission Partner networks (focus must be on the data)

• Intelligence and Operations must be driving at SPEED


• Seamlessly integrate GEOINT, terrain and weather effects


• USNORTHCOMs investments in its geospatial C2 tools

should enable rapid and open sharing to DHS and all other

mission partners.

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Crowdsourced Situational

Awareness Environment

• Situational Awareness Geospatial Enterprise

(SAGE) consumed by OGC viewers

(ArcGIS, GE, GoogleMaps, Bing, OpenStreet, etc.


– A capability that everyone can use (simplicity of use)

– Provides the capability for User Defined Operational

Pictures (UDOP) and Event Management based on

COMMON shared data

– Incorporates Programs of Record data and other

authoritative decision quality data (N2C2)

– Includes Friendly Force Tracks

– Can consume/publish “crowd” data

– Virtual

– Access via any mobile device

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Gary Koch

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Take Advantage of the Web

• Billions of $$$ of R&D each year

– Programs of Record & Hard technology – servers and

thick clients, complex applications, multiple

networks, coded mashups, …

• Thousands of $ of R&D each year

– Soft technology - social engineering, user generated

content, people networks, open source crowdsourcing …

• These are the capabilities younger generations

expect to have at work

• Issues:

– Identifying the technologies that make sense for DOD

– Time lag to get into DOD environment

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Internet Technologies

• Wikipedia– Intellipedia, Diplopedia

•– Quora ….

• Computer gaming, Virtual Reality– Low cost

training, increased skills in collaboration, practice multi scenario situational awareness

• Visualization tools– Improved decision aids

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Twitter Tools

• 160 Million+ people using Twitter

• 90 Million+ Tweets per day

• 10 top Twitter tools– Tweetlater: Automation of responses

– Tweetdeck: Adobe Air integration with desktop

– Update social networking sites at the same time

– TwitPic: Post photos with tweet

– Twitterless: Message when follower lost

– Twitter Counter: Weekly analytics

– Twitter Digest: View tweets in digest form

– Straw Poll: Create a poll and solicit responses

– Twitter Keys: Add icons and characters to tweets

– Twellow: Twitter directory

• EPIC (UC) Tweak the Tweet / Speech to Tweet #Egypt

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Intelligent Composeability Meta-data Enhanced Search Example

Accuracy Timeliness

Fallujah, iraq, imagery

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Intelligent Composeability Web 2.0 Examples

• Amazon, iTunes

– Suggestions based on what

you and others have bought

– DOD potential - The last five

folks who planned a NEO

extraction used this plan as a

starting point…

• Digg, YouTube

– The “group” decides what's


– DOD potential – four out of

five action officers found this

source of intelligence data to

be most useful…

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Intelligent Composeability Authoring Agents Example

• Drag & Drop workflow or agent authoring– When run, asks user for key

word then builds tailored report of articles from pre-defined sources

– Could potentially have hundreds of these supporting each user

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Great Opportunities

• Integration of Open Systems (Crowdsourced development)

– Ushahidi + SwiftRiver + Twitter + Facebook + FourSquare = SA?

• Need to Know, Need to Share, Responsibility to Provide –

Create Incentives (internships, student projects, volunteers,


• Cell phone tracking integration – Latitude, Foursquare,

Geochat, Facebook Places, other location based services

• Continue focused Social Media utilization - Twitter, Facebook,

YouTube, UStream

• Lead the E/UDOP effort within Interagency

– DOD and DHS working in parallel to improve collaboration

– Google Earth Enterprise Globe distribution

– N-NC is the Global COP for the unclassified subscriber in DOD, a key

relationship for NGOs and other COCOMs to maintain and foster

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Event Defined Collaboration Example

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User Defined Collaboration Example

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Contact info:

N-NC J643

Gary Koch

(719) 422-3173

[email protected]

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This is the ‘Y’ Generation!

Or is it ???

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