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Page 1: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

Civil Rights MovementUnit 9: Chapters 24 & 26

Page 2: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

9.1 Learning Targets• Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights

movement• Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement• Describe and explain the key events in the Civil

Rights movement• List and explain the multiple methods used to

gain civil rights

Page 3: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

I. The Movement Begins• Origins• Plessy v Ferguson• Brown v Board of Education • NAACP; CORE; SCLC• Montgomery Bus Boycott• Martin Luther King JR

• Eisenhower and Civil Rights• Believed segregation had to end gradually as values

changed• Crisis in Little Rock -• Civil Rights Act of 1957

Page 4: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Page 5: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.
Page 6: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

II Challenging Segregation• Sit-ins• Greensboro NC• Jesse Jackson• SNCC & Ella Baker

• The Freedom Riders• Interstate segregation- Eugene “Bull” Connor

• JFK & Civil Rights• Robert Kennedy got MLK Jr. out of jail (http://• Thurgood Marshall• James Meredith• Violence & disorder would get federal government involved

Page 7: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

II Challenging Segregation

Page 8: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

• Civil Rights Act of 1964• March on Washington- I have a Dream Speech• Kennedy Assassinated Nov 1963• LBJ pushes through Legislation• Segregation illegal in public places• Equal access to facilities• End discrimination in work place

• Voting Rights• 24 Amendment- ends poll taxes• Selma Alabama “Bloody Sunday”• Voting Rights Act of 1965• Federal examiners to register voters• Literacy tests gone

Page 9: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

9.2 Learning Targets• Identify Key leaders of the Civil rights movement• Describe and explain key events in the Civil Rights

movement• Compare and contrast Martin Luther King Jr. with

Malcolm X• List and explain the multiple methods used to

gain civil rights

Page 10: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

III. New Issues• Problems facing Urban African Americans

• Racism• Watts Riot-Los Angeles • Kerner Commission- “separate and unequal”

• Shift to Economic Rights• Black Power

1. Physical self defense2. African Americans should control the social, political and

economic direction of their struggle3. Pride in African American culture• Malcolm X & Black Panthers• Nation of Islam or Black Muslims • African Americans should separate themselves from whites;

form self governing communities

Page 11: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

• Assassination of MLK Jr.• Went to Memphis TN to support a strike of African

American sanitation workers• James Earl Ray• Pushed through Civil Rights Act of 1968

Page 12: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

IV Counterculture• Impact of Counterculture• Movement that challenged the American political and

social system and conventional middle class values.• The Beatles• Bob Dylan• Jimi Hendrix• Woodstock

Page 13: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

9.3 Feminist Movement & New Approaches• Identify key leaders of the Civil Rights movement• Analyze the progress that was made through the

Civil Rights movement• Give examples of other groups that fought for

their civil rights.

Page 14: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

V. Feminist Movement• Women’s movement reawakens• Feminism-belief that men and women should be equal

politically economically and socially• Title VII• Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan• National Organization for Women (NOW)

• Success & Failures• Title IX• 1973 Roe v Wade• Equal Rights Amendment- failed in 1982• Income gaps, low level jobs

Page 15: Unit 9: Chapters 24 & 26. Identify the key leaders of the Civil Rights movement Explain the origins of the Civil Rights movement Describe and explain.

VI. New Approaches to Civil Rights• Affirmative Action

• Actively recruit African Americans• University of California Regents vs Bakke- reverse discrimination• Jesse Jackson- PUSH

• Hispanic Americans Organize• Came to work farms during WWII• Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta• United Farm Workers Union• Bilingual Education Act

• Native Americans Raise their voice• Horrible living conditions, unemployment, hunger• Want independence; not assimilation• Indian Civil Rights Act• Reservations protected Bill of Rights; local law is recognized

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