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Page 1: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero

Page 2: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,
Page 3: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

What words will we use to describe a person?

Group work:

Adjectives for describing a person: kind ,honest, brave, loyal, happy, wise, smart , friendly, warm, cheerful, popular, generous, hard-working, diligent, weaks, stupid, lazy, dishonest, mean, tense, cold, unkind, miserable, dull, strong-mind, determind,etc

Page 4: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

What qualities can we find in a great person?

Can you name some great people?

What are the qualities that great people have in common?

Page 5: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,
Page 6: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

William Tyndale believed that the Bible should be able to be read by everyone. At that time Christianity was the religion of England but the Bible was only read and understand by priests and religious people. It was written in several different ancient languages and there was no version in English. William Tyndale made it his life’s work to translate the Bible into easily readable English for the people of his time. William Tyndale was put in prison and died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible.

Page 7: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Norman Bethune was a Canadian and also a communist. He had a very strong feeling against injustice. He was also a very important doctor in his own country who made many important changes to the way surgery was carried out. He fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II, and saved many Chinese soldiers. He died helping the Chinese army as a doctor.

Page 8: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Sun Yat-sen founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years’ fighting. He strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; people’s rights; people’s livelihood.

Page 9: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Mahatma Gandhi gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.

Page 10: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Nelson Mandela fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.

Page 11: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. He was a pilot in the American Air Force and later joined the astronaut programme. He was chosen to be the first man to walk on the moon.

Page 12: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

As a great person,

Should he/she help others?

Should he/she get on well with others?Should he/she be willing to do public service?Should he/she be active in society activities?

Should he/she never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble?

Page 13: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

What qualities make a great person?

pay more time

never give up


Never lose heart when in great trouble

do your best

set up an aim

get on well with others

insist on what they pursue

help others

be active in society activitiesBe willing to do public


Warming up-III----discussion (2m)

Page 14: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

As a great person, he/she should be determined ,hard-working,unselfish and generous,he should follow his ideas and never lose heart when he is in trouble.He usually gives up something to achieve his goals, He should be willing to do public service work without pay,be active in social activities,get on well with others and help others,etc

Page 15: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Who is your hero/heroine? Why do you admire him/her most?


Warming up-I----sharing (1m)

Page 16: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,


1.Review new words and expressions of Unit 5

2.Preview reading part.P34and P38

Page 17: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Elias’ Story

Reading :

Page 18: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

What’s the connection between them?

Pre-reading----prediction (1m)

Page 19: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

How many parts can we divide the text into?

Page 20: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Main ideas of each part.

Part I Elias’ life before he met Nelson Mandela.

Part II

The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.



Page 21: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Pair work, discuss

1.How the ANC Youth League fights the government?

2.What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?

Page 22: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Time zone: please find out what happened in Elias’ life in the following years?

1940: Elias was born.

1942: Elias was a two years old baby.

1944: Elias was four years old.

1946: Elias began school.

1948: Elias left school.

1950: Nelson Mandela opened his law firm.

1952: Elias was 12 and met Mandela.

1954: Elias was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela.









Reading-II----skimming (2m)

Page 23: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. Elias met Nelson Mandela at school.

2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.

3. Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy.

4. Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job.

5. Elias was happy blowing up government buildings.

6. Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa.

7. Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people.

8. The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC.









Detail ReadingReading-III----detailed reading (5m)

Page 24: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

What do you think

the people in prison will do?

Page 25: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

The Rest of Elias’ story

Read the text ,

and do the following exercise.

Page 26: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1.Elias was unhappy in the prison because _______________________________.

2.Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because ____________________________________________________________________.

3.Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because


4.As leader of South Africa, Nelson Mandela helped prisoners of Robben Island by _______________________________.

he could not study for a degree

he let the guards study even though the prisoners could not take the exams.

he could study with the guards

giving them an education

Page 27: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1.How did Mr. Mandela help Elias in the prison?

2.When did Elias lose his job?

3.Does Elias like his present work?

Page 28: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Ex. 1 of Learning about LanguageAlternative expressions Words and expressions

from the text

group of people organized for a special purpose

help and advice given to someone

not have a job

showing great love for someone or something



out of work




Page 29: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

a time or state that something reaches as it grows

money paid for going to school

basic general truth

the human race

period of being young






Page 30: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,


1.Read the passage more.

2.Read “ Notes to the text” for U5 ( P84-86)

Page 31: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

More information about Nelson Mandela

http://www. news.xinhua

http:// www.

Page 32: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. Do you ask for help when you think it necessary?

ask for 要求得到 Every time he gets home, he asks for


ask for sb. 找某人,要求见某人 A Mr. Simpson form Sydney is asking

for the manager.

Page 33: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

2. Are you willing to do public service work without pay?

be willing to 愿意做某事 willing adj. 乐意的,自愿的 I’m willing to help you. I’m quite willing for your brother to

join us.

Page 34: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

3. Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?

lose heart 灰心,丧失信心 Please don’t lose heart, you still have more c


lose one’s heart 爱上,喜欢上 She lost hear to him as soon as she saw the h

andsome soldier.

in trouble 有麻烦,处于不幸中 He never came expect when he was in trouble.

Page 35: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

4. He died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible. 他为了自己的思想而献身,但他的成果后来应用于《圣经》。

die for 为……而死 They died for the people; their death is

weightier than Mount Taishan. I am dying for a cup of water. die for 也意为“渴望,切望”(只用于进行时态)

Page 36: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

5. He fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II. 二战时期他抵抗德国纳粹和日本侵略者。

fight (fought, fought) fight for 为……而战 fight against 与……作斗争 We will have to fight against difficulties.

They told the workers to fight for their rights.

Page 37: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

6. He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years’ fighting. 经过多年斗争他于 1911 在中国创建了第一个共和国。

found (founded, founded) 建立,创建 find (found, found) The hospital was founded in 1920.

Have you found your missing pen?

Page 38: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

7. He strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism; people’s rights; people’s livelihood. 他坚信三条原则:民族,民权,民生。

believe in 信任,信仰 Do you believe in God? We believe in our government. believe sb. = believe what sb. says 相信某人的话

believe in sb. 信任某人 He believe what he said because I belie

ve in him.

Page 39: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

8. He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. 他为了他的思想而放弃了富裕生活,并且用和平方式为他的国家摆脱英国而进行了战斗。

give up 表示主动放弃或屈服 He has decided to give up smoking. give in 表示被动屈服或认输, 后面不带宾语 You can’t win the game, so you may as well give

in. free from 摆脱(不好的东西)的,无……的 Keep the children free from harm. You should try to write sentences free from mist


Page 40: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

9. He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. 他为黑人而战且坐过三十年监狱。

be in prison 在狱中,被监禁 He has been in prison for five years.

put…in prison = send…to prison = throw …into prison 把……投入监狱

The car thieves have been put in prison.

He was sent to prison for ten years.

Page 41: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

10. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.

period 期间,时期,学校的一节课,周期 Let’s finish this period and have a break. a period of rotation 自转周期 the time when 其中when 引起定语从句 This was a time when you had got to have a pa

ssbook to live in Johannesburg. Do you still remember the time when we first m

et? the time 可用于引起时间状语从句,这时一般不加when。

I recognized him the time I saw him.

Page 42: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

11. It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems.

1) advise ab. on sth. 就……给某人出主意 I have advised you on that subject. 2) advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人干…… Our monitor advises me to practice mo

re spoken English. 3) advise that +(should) do I advise that you (should) not eat fruit t

hat isn’t ripe.

Page 43: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

12. Sadly I did not have this passbook because I was not born there and I was worried about whether I would be out of work.

be worried about = worry about 担心 She worries about her health. = She is worried about her health. out of work 失业 Jim has been out of work for months.

Page 44: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

13. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. 过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权利, 阻挡我们的进步,直到今天我们已经到了几乎没有任何权力的地步.

see 在此句意为“见证,目睹”;(在某段时期)发生(某情况),经历,经受; 为某事发生之时,主语为时间

The last few months has seen more and more traffic accidents.

The city has seen many changes.

Page 45: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

14. …only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 只是在那时我们才决定以暴力对暴力。

only then 此处引起倒装句,当 only 修饰状语位于句首时,句子采用部分倒装的结构。

Only by practicing a few hours every day will you be able to master English.

only 修饰主语时,句子不倒装。 Only he knew how to solve the problem.

Page 46: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

15. As a matter of fact, I do not like violence…but in 1936 I helped him blow up some government buildings. 事实上我不喜欢暴力……但在 1963 年我帮他炸了一些政府大楼 .

as a matter of fact = in fact As a matter of fact, I don’t know the tr


Page 47: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

16.But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.

be equal to 等于,相当于 I’m not equal to the position.

Women demand equal pay for equal work.

Page 48: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. You cannot imagine how the sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid. 你想象不到听到罗本岛这个名字令我们多么害怕。

imagine n./doing sth./sb.+doing/that…

Can you imagine life without electricity?

I din’t imagine becoming a writer in my childhood.

I can’t imagine her marrying him.

Imagine that you are a bird.

Page 49: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

2. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evening when we should have been asleep. 在午餐的休息时间和晚上我们本应该睡觉的时候他教授我们。

should do & should have done He should have come earlier. You should come earlier tomorrow. You should have written to your mother. My teacher said I should study harder. I should have studied harder when I was young.

Page 50: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

should do 表示应该做,一般指现在或将来的动作,指过去的动作时应站在过去的角度。

should have done 表示本应该做而没有做的。站在现在的角度上评说过去的事情。

Page 51: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

asleep, sleep & sleepy

--Is he still sleeping?

--Yes, he is fast asleep.

I was too sleepy to hear the end of her talk.

I usually sleep seven hours a day.

asleep 是表语形容词,意为“睡着的”。

sleep 是动词或名词,意为“睡觉”。sleepy 是形容词,意为“打盹的”。

Page 52: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

3. As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exam, I knew I could get a degree too. 由于他们不如我聪明而又确实通过了考试,我知道我也能获得学位。

did pass 为强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原行前加 do, does, did.

Do be careful! I do hope you have a merry Christmas! He does speak English well!

Page 53: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

4. I did not work for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1993.

come to power = come into power 执政

in power 当权,执政 Things have changed a lot since he came to


How long has he been in power?

Page 54: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

5. All the terror and fear of that time came back to me.

terror n. 恐怖,可怕的人或事 The murder was a terror to the people in the town. fear n. 恐惧,可怕 vt. 恐惧,害怕 + n./to do /that… Do you fear death? She fears to speak in our presence. I fear that we can’t protect ourselves.

for fear of …& for fear that… 担心 He left an hour earlier for fear of missing the train. She worried for fear that the child would be hurt.

Page 55: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

6. I remembered the beatings and the cruelty of the guards and my friends who had died and I felt I would not be able to do it.

beating n. 打、输 They gave him a good beating.

They gave our team quite a beating.

beat n. 敲击,跳动 We heard the beat of a drum.

Can you hear the beat of my heart?

Page 56: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

7. They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government was my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.

reward n. 报酬,奖金 He worked hard but without much reward.

in reward 作为报酬 She got nothing in reward for her kindness.

vt. 酬谢,给以报答 He rewarded me with a prize.

Page 57: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,
Page 58: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

• Is he the man _________wants to see you?

• He is the man __________I saw yesterday.

• They rushed over to help the man_______ car had broken down.

• The package you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.


whom/ that whose

which / that

Page 59: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Find out all the attributive clauses in Reading.

Line 1: The time when …Line 4: The school where…Line 6: This was a time when …Line 9: The day when Nelson…Line 14: …a stage where we…倒数 Line 10: The parts of town where…倒数 Line 8: The place where…倒数 Line 6: …a position in which…倒数 Line 5: …in a way which…

Page 60: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Form the correct message Elias has had some problems with his messages

for his friends. Can you help him form sentences with the words and phrases on Page 36.

•The mines where I worked were 9 km form my house.•The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.•The time when I arrived was late at night.•The government where we voted was very grand.•The date when I joined the ANC Youth League was the 5th of August.

Page 61: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

when, where, why 引导定语从句1. where 表示地点,只能跟在表地点或场合

的名词后。 注意: where 不在从句中作主语或宾语。 What is the name of the town where w

e stayed last night? Think of a place where we can go for d

inner. Please leave the book at the place whe

re it was. Please leave the book where it was.

Grammar-I (3m)

Page 62: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

2. when 表示时间,只能跟在表时间的名词后。 Tell me the time when the train leaves. July, when (=in which ) we can go ho

me for a rest, is coming soon.

I will never forget the days that/which I spent with your family.

Page 63: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

3. why 表示原因,通常跟在 reason 后引导定语从句。I don’t know the reason why he left here.This is the reason why (= for which) he cried.

The teacher was surprised at the reason (that/which) he explained for being late.

Page 64: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Exercise用 where, which, when, whose 填空1 ) Dorothy always spoke highly of her

role in the play _________ , of course, made the others unhappy.

2) I shall never forget the days ________ I lived in the country with my parents.

3) The factory ________ his brother works lies in the south of the city.

4) They took care of the old man ________ son lost his life in the fire.





Page 65: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Join two simple sentences to make a complex sentence with an attributive clause.

• Harvard is a world-famous university. Wang An got his doctor’s degree in Harvard.

• He arrived in America in 1945 as a young man. He had lost most of his family during the Anti-Japanese war.

• Wang An spent 3years in Harvard University. He studied applied physics in Harvard.

Page 66: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

• 4. In 1951 Dr Wang founded his own company. Computers were made in his company.

• 5. He became a very successful entrepreneur in the US in 1985. He made $3 billion in 1985.

• 6. Dr Wang died in 1990. IT was developing rapidly all over the world in 1990.

• 7. This is Dr Wang. The computer belonged to him.

Page 67: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1 The day when _______________ was a very exciting time.

2 South Africa is now a country where _________ ____________.

3 This is the government building in which ______ __________________.

4 The person to whom ________________ is Nelson Mandela.

Help Elias finish the messageElias has lost some of his messages. Can you and your partner help him by finishing them for him?

Page 68: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

S1: The school was very large.S2: The school where I learned judo was very

large.S3: The school where I studied for six years was

very large.S4: The school where I was so unhappy was very


Play the game

Divide the students into groups of four. The first person begins with a sentence and each person in the group adds extra and different information using the attributive clause.

Page 69: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

The factory is very large and modern.The factory where my family work is very large and modern.The factory where we visited is very large and modern.The factory where you can see many tall buildings is very large and


The day was a very exciting time.The day when I met my old school friend in the street was a very exciting

time.The day when the China football team beat the Japanese football team

was a very exciting time.The day when I began school was a very exciting time.

More versions

Page 70: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. I’ll never forget the days

_____________ we worked together.

2. I’ll never forget the days ______ we

spent together.

3. I went to the place ______________ I

worked ten years ago.

when /in which


where/ in which


Page 71: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

4. I went to the place ______ I visited

ten years ago.

5. This is the reason _____________ he

was late.

6. This is the reason __________he



why/ for which


Page 72: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

• 翻译• 1. 他指给我看他丢钱包的地方。• He showed me the place where

he lost his wallet.• 2. 我不认识那个和你说话的女孩。• I don’t know the girl whom/th

at you spoke to.• 3. 她是一个叫玛丽的女孩。• She is a girl who is called Mary.

Page 73: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

4. 那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友。 Those boys who are playing tennis are my friends.5. 你记不记得我们到这儿的那一天 ? Do you remember the day when we arrived here?

Page 74: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,


Page 75: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Listening P38

Using LanguageUsing Language

Page 76: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. What is the passbook?

A. A book to help you pass

exams. B. A book to show your

identity. C. A book to tell you

where to live. D. A book to tell

you how to live.

Listen and find out the reason why E

lias joined the ANC Youth League, t

hen answer the following questions.

Page 77: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

2. Why is it important?

A. For traveling outside South Africa.

B. For showing where you were born.

C. For traveling inside South Africa.

D. For getting a job.

Page 78: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

3. What job did Elias want to do?

A. To work with other black

workers. B. To work as a cleaner.

C. To teach in a primary

school. D. To work in the mines.

Page 79: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

4. Who worked underground?

A. The white workers.

B. The black and white workers.

C. The black workers.

D. Foreign workers

Page 80: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

5. Who worked on the surface?

A. The black workers.

B. The black and white

workers. C. The white workers.

D. Foreign workers.

Page 81: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

6. Where did Elias live?

A. In a classroom.

B. In a home of his own.

C. In a large room with beds.

D. With his family.

Page 82: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. Do you think Elias was right to join t

he ANC Youth League? Give a reason.

2. Imagine you are Elias, what would y

ou do? Give a reason.

Page 83: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

He wrote the Bible in English so all could read it. He died for his ideas but his work was later used in the Bible.

Listening on P69.Listening on P69.

Page 84: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

The first page of St John`s Gospel in William Tyndale`s English Bible

Page 85: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

on the Workbook, P72

Listening Task

lane 车道knock over 撞到It is up to sb. to do 做某事是某人的职责

Page 86: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

When you hear two points of view, it

is up to you to decide who was

correct. So who do you think caused

the accident?

Page 87: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. What does a “point of view” mean?

It means that there may be more than one

way of looking at things.

2. Why will the police not just ask one person

after an accident?

Because one person may not have seen

everything that happened.

Page 88: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

3. Why will people tell different stories after an accident?

Because they each have a different idea of the accident.

4. Why did the two speakers have different ideas about the cause of the accident?

Because they were in different places when the accident happened, they saw things differently.

Page 89: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,


Where did it happen?

How many people in the accident?


Where was the boy?

On the road.


Walking along the road.

Page 90: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Where was the


What happened?

Who caused it?

Coming up behind the


The car was going too

fast and the driver did

not look. It hit the boy

and hurt him.

The car driver.

Page 91: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,


Where did it


How many people

in the accident?



Where was the boy?

On the road.


Walking in the road.

Page 92: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Where was the


What happened?

Who caused it?

Came up behind the


The boy moved farther

into the road. The car

tired to stop but it

couldn’t and it hit the

boy. The boy was hurt.

The boy.

Page 93: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

1. Write down the cause of the


2. Preview Reading task on P73.


Page 94: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Reading Task

Bill Gates

Page 95: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Bill Gates, father of Microsoft, what kind of man he is in your heart?

• I think he is a great man because…

• I think he is not a great man because…

Page 96: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Remember that is your point of view,

now read through the evidence on page

73 carefully, then fill in the information

sheet on page 74.

Page 97: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,




What did he give up for his beliefs?


Why does he have enemies?

Chief executive officer

Produced Microsoft


Gave money to the causesFor children’s education and health

Other people are jealous of his success.

Page 98: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Why attacked by the government?

They think he is too big and too powerful and unfair to his competitors.

Page 99: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Useful words and expressions:set up a company computer languagefrom Britain to Chinamake a lot of moneybe against sb. break…into… be (un) fair to sb. stop sb from doing sth. do what sb. can to do sth.

Page 100: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

make sure that… compete with sb. (in) that/this way get a large part of… work on doing sth. make things fair make…into… get rich by fair means a computer bully

Page 101: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Now you have to decide what you think

of Bill Gates. He is a successful and rich

man but is he a great man? Has he

given up anything (not money) in his

life to help other people and made

things fairer in the world?


Page 102: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Good qualities

He devoted his life for the equality of the black.

He fought for the black, they love him.

He do all the things for his country.

He is brave,determined and perseverant.

Brainstorming for writing p39

Page 103: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

How to write about a great person

Let me think about it!

Page 104: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Before writing you can follow these steps:• collect ideas for the letter• write them down in any order• sort them out in an order or • Put those idea into a form so that you

can easily see them• Use the form to help you as you write.

Page 105: Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero What words will we use to describe a person? Group work: Adjectives for describing a person: kind,honest, brave,

Structure of such letters

Part 1: A small paragraphReason for the letter

Part 2:

Part 3:

Body paragraphs Personal informationHard work achievements Good qualitiesClosing paragraphYour opinion

reasons in detail

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