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    nwoners van Oakdale, Bellville is nog erg

    geskok n die moord op n jongman van

    die omgewing.

    Die 28-jarige Darren Forbes en sy 23-jarige

    verloofde was op Dinsdag 14 Junie om 23:30

    op pad huis toe van diewinkelsentrumaf toe

    nmanagter n boomuitgespringhet toe hul-

    le n veldjie oorgesteek het.

    Forbes is in die bors geskiet en is op die

    toneel in Ionastraat dood.

    Volgens ooggetuies was n swart Volkswa-

    gen Polo met drie onbekende insittendes in

    Ionastraat geparkeer. Die persoon met die

    vuurwapen het, nadat hy die skoot afgevuur

    het, in die Polo gespring en die voertuig het

    teen n vinnige spoed van die toneel wegge-


    Sulke voorvalle is ongehoord inBellville.

    Alles dui daarop dat dit n beplande moord

    was, want die man wat die skoot afgevuur

    het, het hulle ingewag.Hyhet agter die boom

    uitgespring, homindie bors geskiet en indie

    motor gevlug wat vir hom gewag het, het

    lt.kol. Fienie Nimb, woordvoerder van die

    Bellville-polisie, ges.

    Die motief vir die moord op Forbes is nog


    Op sosiale media word hy beskryf as n

    wonderlike mens wat sy laaste vir sy mede-

    mens gegee het. Hy het altyd n grappie met

    almal gemaak. Forbeswas in die restaurant-

    bedryf en het ook na-uurs yskaste herstel en


    TommyMilakovic, skakelbeamptevandie

    Oakdale-buurtwag, het namens die buurt-

    wag sy skok oor die jongste moord uitge-


    Ons weet nie waarom die jongman sy le-

    we verloor het nie, maar ons wil ons innige

    meegevoel aan die betrokke families betuig.

    Die buurtwag wil ook die polisie, VRCID

    en paramedici bedank vir hul vinnige optre-

    de om hulp op die toneel te verleen, het hy


    Volgens Nimb was daar twee moorde in

    Oakdale: n Somalir is op Saterdag 2 April

    naby Maartins-begrafnisse in Middelstraat,

    Oakdale met n mes doodgesteek en nou die

    een van Forbes.

    In n ander voorval naby Bellrail het die

    huiseienaar op Maandag 13 Junie n prosti-

    tuut te hulp gesnel, wat in n stryery met

    haar klint betrokke was, en toe by die erf

    ingehardloop het. Die huiseienaar het die

    man gekonfronteer en is doodgesteek.

    Een van sy vriende wat anoniem wil bly,

    het ges dat Forbes baie opgewonde was oor

    die koms van sy tweede kind en nou sal hy

    nie eens by die geboorte wees nie. Hy en sy

    verloofde is al sedert 15-jarige ouderdom in

    n verhouding, het hy bygevoeg.

    V Na bladsy 2.


    Moord is


    Vice Squad rescues woman

    The City of Cape Towns Vice Squad res-

    cued a 24-year-old woman in the Bellville

    CBD during an operation on Saturday

    18 June.

    The woman, originally from Johannes-

    burg, told the officers she had been forced

    into prostitution after being lured to Cape

    Town with the promise of employment.

    The young woman has been taken to a

    safe house and we have handed the case

    over to the Hawks for further investiga-

    tion. Sadly her story is not unique and is

    yet another cautionary tale to young peo-

    ple to double-check any offers of employ-

    ment, especially if they are from another

    town or city. They should also make sure

    their family knows their whereabouts at

    all times, says the Citys Mayco member

    for safety and security, JP Smith.

    The Vice Squad issued 20 spot fines for

    solicitation in areas including Bellville

    and Eerste River, totalling R23 000. The Li-

    quor Enforcement Unit also assisted the

    police and the Western Cape Liquor Au-

    thoritys Compliance Unit in Khayelitsha,

    Macassar, Lwandle and Kuils River. They

    issued 19 spot fines of R39 900 and arrested

    a suspect for selling liquor illegally.

    GwendolineWallendorf, n inwoner van die George&Annie Starcktehuis in Bellville, het opWoens

    dag 15 Junie haar 90ste verjaardag in die Cattle Baronrestaurant in die TygerWaterfront gevier.

    Sy is op Mosselbaai gebore en het op Franschhoek grootgeword. N die Tweede Wreldoorlog

    het sy agt jaar op Robbeneiland gewoon toe dit nog n militre basis was. Sy het ses kinders,

    19 kleinkinders, 19 agterkleinkinders en vier agteragterkleinkinders. Vriende en familie het van

    Phalaborwa, Oudtshoorn, Pretoria en Swellendam gereis om die mylpaal te vier. Van die gaste

    het ges dat sy mooier is as die koningin van Engeland, wat ook vanjaar 90 jaar oud is.

    Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | epos: [email protected]




    @TygerBurger TygerBurger

    Op 90 baie

    mooier as


  • 2 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016NUUS

    Find us online


    TygerBurger word uitgegee deur WP Media en is

    deel van die Media24-groep


    TygerBurger Bellville word elke Woensdag in

    die volgende gebiede afgelewer:

    Belgravia, Bellair, Bellrail, Bellville-Sentraal,

    Blommendal, Blomtuin, Chrismar, De La Haye,

    Groenvallei, Heemstede, La Rochelle, Labiance,

    Oak Glen, Oakdale, Sanlamhof, Shirley Park,

    Loumar, Vredenberg, Bloemhof, Durbell,

    Chantecler, East Rock, Eversdal, Everglen, Glen

    Ive, Kenever, Ridgeworth, Rosendal, Stellenberg,

    Stellenridge, Stellenryk, Boston, Danena, De

    Bron, Doordekraal, Hoheizen, Loevenstein,

    Proteavallei, Welgemoed, Oude Westhof, Van

    Riebeeckshof, Welgedacht, Kenridge.

    Totale verspreiding: 19 042

    TygerBurger het 14 verskillende uitgawes vir die

    volgende gebiede: Bellville, Durbanville, Parow,

    Goodwood, Brackenfell, Kraaifontein, Kuilsrivier,

    De Grendel, Tyger Valley, Milnerton, Table View,

    Eersterivier/Blue Downs, Ravensmead/Belhar en


    Totale verspreiding: 301 119

    Vir enige verspreidingsklagtes skakel

    021 910 6500 of

    e-pos: [email protected]

    Kontak ons:


    Marita Meyer

    021 910 6500

    [email protected]


    Michelle Linnert

    021 910 6551

    [email protected]


    Garth Hewitt

    021 910 6520

    [email protected]

    Hoofkoerante advertensies:

    Bellville onder N1:

    Veronique Muller

    021 910 6523 of084 900 7440

    [email protected]


    087 740 1091


    Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger

    verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die

    koerant se inhoud en stel ons beduidende foute

    so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor

    die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die

    ombudsman van Media24 se Gemeenskapspers,

    George Claassen, by

    [email protected] of skakel

    021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Lesers kan ook

    klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman

    van Suid-Afrika, mnr. Johan Retief, aanhangig

    maak. Skakel in daardie geval gerus011 484

    3612/8, stuur 'n faks na011 484 3619 of 'n

    e-pos na [email protected] of

    [email protected]

    For further queries, contact:



    On 021 423 4601


    If you have been seriously injured in a

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    negligence, you may have a claim against

    a government department for


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    Die Badisa Trio hou sy jaarlikse bal by

    Eensgezind op Vrydag 29 Julie van 19:00

    tot laat. Kaartjies kos R450 per persoon en

    die tema is The Great Gatsby. Die geld wat

    ingesamel word, is ten bate van kinderbe-

    skerming. Besprekings moet gedoen word

    voor 28 Junie.

    V Kontak Sjean Smit by 021 987 2940 met navrae.


    Hennie Koekemoer, waarnemende voorsit-

    ter van die gemeenskapspolisiringsforum

    in Bellville, het die Oakdale-buurtwag ge-

    loof vir hul vinnige optrede om hulle na die

    toneel te haas om dit te beveilig.

    Buurtwaglede is nie opgelei om betrok-

    ke te raak by n konfliksituasie nie en moet

    dit verwys na die plaaslike polisie. In die

    geval van diemoord inOakdale,moes hulle

    die misdaadtoneel beskerm en keer dat dit

    besoedel word. Daarna neem die polisie en

    die paramedici oor, het Koekemoer byge-


    Forbes se begrafnisrelings is nog nie be-

    kend nie. Hy laat sy verloofde en n dogter

    (30 maande) agter.

    n Saak van moord word deur die Bellvil-

    le-polisie ondersoek. Die ondersoekbeamp-

    te is sers. Clinton Lategan van die Bellville-


    V Enigeenmet inligting kan Lategan by 021 918 3812

    of 082 259 2632 bel.

    Volklub kombyeen

    Die Tygerberg-volklub vergader

    mre (23 Junie) om 19:30 in die

    Kristo Pienaar-sentrum van die

    Tygerberg-natuurreservaat vir n

    praatjie deur Julia van Velden.

    Sy het navorsing gedoen oor die

    lewensvatbaarheid van kraanvols

    in die Wes-Kaap.

    Besoekers betaal R20.

    V Bel Antoinette by 083 236 8230 met



    he R487 million project by the De-

    partment of Transport and Public

    Works to upgrade nine kilometres

    of the N1 between Plattekloof Road and

    the Old Oak interchange will disrupt

    traffic for the next few weeks.

    The project is to be completed in Feb-

    ruary 2019.

    In a statement issued by the depart-

    ment, every effort will be made to mini-

    mise traffic disruption.

    This part of the freeway carries about

    120 000 vehicles every day. The addition

    of a third lane in both directions will sig-

    nificantly reduce traffic congestion on

    one of Cape Towns busiest roads.

    Shoulder closures for bridge rehabili-

    tation work at the Plattekloof intersec-

    tion, N1 outbound, will be between 08:00

    to 15:00 daily. Lane closures for the in-

    stallation of a freeway management sys-

    tem and national long distance service

    route between the Durban Road and Old

    Oak intersections will also be closed for

    the same period.

    There will be minor operations on the

    side of the road daily between 08:00 and


    Shoulder closures for bridge rehabili-

    tation work at the Plattekloof intersec-

    tion N1 inbound, will be between 09:00

    and 17:00 and minor operations on the

    side of the road between 08:00 and 17:00.

    At Jip de Jager Road shoulder closures

    will occur on both the on and off ramps.

    V Follow the department on Twitter

    @WCGovTPW under the hashtag #road


    Highway upgrades

    to disrupt traffic


    Twee vermeende diewe, onderskeidelik 30

    en 32 jaar en van Kraaifontein, is Saterdag

    11Junie inRobert Sobukwewegafgetrekna-

    dat die misdaadvoorkomingseenheid van

    Bellville hulle uit Oakdale sien wegry het.

    Ao. Whitey van Zyl en sers. Shaun Plaat-

    jies het om 23:00 gesien hoe n bakkie met

    n splinternuwe motorfiets agterop uit die

    woonbuurt ry. Nadat die bakkie afgetrek is,

    het drie mans probeer om uit die bakkie te

    spring en weg te hardloop.

    Twee verdagtes is gearresteer en een het

    weggekom. Een van die verdagtes het Van

    Zyl en Plaatjies na die huis geneem waar

    hulle die motorfiets gesteel het.

    Toe hulle by die woning kom, was die eie-

    naar juis besig om die polisie te bel om die

    motorfiets as gesteel te rapporteer, het lt.

    kol. Fienie Nimb, woordvoerder van die

    Bellville-polisie, ges.

    Voordat die polisie by sy huis opgedaag

    het om sy verklaring af te neem, het Van Zyl

    en Plaatjiesmet die gesteeldemotorfiets op-

    gedaag. Die eienaarwas baie bly om diemo-

    torfiets terug te ontvang, want dit was nog

    nie versekernie.Volgensdie eienaarhet die

    diewe diemotorfiets uit die oprit gestoot tot

    in die straat en toe op die bakkie getel.

    Ek wil tog n beroep doen op motorfiets-

    eienaars om die nodige veiligheidsmaat-

    rels te tref om te voorkom dat hul eiendom

    gesteelword.Die tweemanswordaangehou

    vir die diefstal van die motorfiets, het

    Nimb bygevoeg.

    Motorfietsdiewe gou vasgetrek

    The chosen ones: These learners of Fairmont High School in Durbanville were chosen

    for the Western Province and zonal hockey teams. From left are Samuel Peters (u.18A),

    Daniel Burton, Ryan Byrne and Liam Ward (u.18B) and Keenan Opperman (u.16A). Absent:

    Brayden Smits (u.16B). Five players Gareth Jones, David Myburgh, Ryan Myburgh, Dylan

    Rauch and Cameron ClotherSinclair were also selected for the WP u.16 North Zone

    team, while three players Joshua Frazer, Alex Craddock and Richard Torrington were

    selected for the WP u.14 North Zone team.

  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 3

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    ellville has become an abysmal cess-

    pool of drugs, prostitution and crime.

    Tommy Milakovic, spokesperson of

    theOakdaleNeighbourhoodWatch, uttered

    these words after another murder in Oak-

    dale on Tuesday 14 June.

    He feels the volunteers working for the

    neighbourhood watches are easy targets

    and he is adamant that the Neighbourhood

    Watch Code of Conduct needs to be rel-


    Patrollers are volunteers who are doing

    this at their own expense, spending late

    hours away from their loved ones trying to

    keep the suburbs safe. This murder once

    again highlights and puts things into per-

    spective. Patrollers are defenceless. They

    do not carry any form of weapon or bullet-

    proof vests to protect themselves.

    I amappealing to the authorities to insti-

    tute training for all neighbourhoodwatches

    in the Bellville area. With the necessary

    training the patrollersmaybecomemore ef-

    fective on the streets as well as keep them-

    selves safe whilst doing it, saysMilakovic.

    He adds members of Oakdale Watch have

    seen how the area has deteriorated over the


    It does no good blaming government for

    the situation we are in. It is better to stand

    together as a community and say enough.

    We have had enough of being cowed under

    and being subjected to a general malaise.

    Once again decisions are being made with-

    out the input from communities affected.

    The new development at Bellville Sta-

    tion and surrounds, where the taxi rank

    will be moved, has us concerned as it may

    move crime further up into our suburbs.

    The main concern of the Oakdale Watch

    is the prostitution at panty valley (Bell-

    ville central) which is getting worse.

    Pimps stand on every street corner.

    They are aggressive and flout the law with

    impunity. This leads to more drugs and to

    more crime. The Step-up Project, whose

    main focus is handing out clean needles to

    drug users, is still an ongoing concern as

    we are still finding needles all over our sub-

    urb. Crime is rife with mainly vehicle

    break-ins happening in sector one and two.

    This is the area around SARS and the Tel-

    kom building spilling up into Oakdale.

    He appeals to the communities in Bell-

    ville to support the neighbourhoodwatches

    by everyone starting to do something


    Ifwe all try to keep our pavements clean,

    show an interest in our neighbours or get-

    ting involved in our communities, then

    criminals wont have the freedom to come

    into our areas and commit these crimes. It

    is time that we all stand together for the

    safety of our neighbourhoods, he says.

    Hennie Koekemoer, acting chairman of

    the Community Policing Forum (CPF) in

    Bellville, said a request was sent to the De-

    partment of Community Safety for training

    for the greater Bellville and he is still wait-

    ing on a date for the training that will be

    relayed to all theneighbourhoodwatches in

    the area.

    V For more information contact Tommy on

    074 884 6422.

    Watch patrollers

    are easy targets

    Do you know of an elderly person who is

    making a profound difference in the com-


    Then why not nominate them for a Com-

    munity Champions Elders Award.

    Theymay be feeding the hungry children

    in your street or knitting jerseys, blankets

    or teddies for babies in hospitals.

    Theymay also be running a soup kitchen

    for the homeless or even provide free lift

    clubs for their peers on pension or social

    grant payout days or their shopping trips.

    TygerBurger and Specsavers are looking

    to honour these elderly gems who, despite

    their age, are still going out of their way to

    make a difference in the lives of others and

    continue to service their community.

    Elderly citizens from anywhere in the

    Cape who are making a difference in the

    lives of others canbenominated in two cate-

    gories, ages 70-80 and 80 plus.

    Nominations for the awards close on

    Wednesday 20 July.

    A panel of judges consisting of represent-

    atives from SpecSavers, SA Care Forum,

    TygerBurger and its sister publications,

    Peoples Post and City Vision, will select

    three finalists in each of the two categories.

    The finalists will be notified by Monday

    15 August.

    They will later be featured in TygerBur-

    ger, Peoples Post and City Vision.

    Nomination forms can be downloaded

    from or the Tyger-

    Burger Facebook page.

    V Nomination forms are also available at the Tyger

    Burger office in Bellville and the following SpecSav

    ers stores: Blue Route Mall, Wynberg, Maynard Mall,

    CavendishSquare, Rondebosch, CapeTownStation,

    Kenilworth Centre, Promenade, Westgate Mall,

    Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Zevenwacht, Tygervalley, N1

    City, Bayside, Parow Centre, Canal Walk and Cape

    Gate. Completed forms can be submitted by email

    to [email protected], or by fax to

    021 910 6501, or TygerBurger, Bloemhof Building, 112

    Edward Street, Tygervalley.

    Nominate elders for award

    Suidooster winners: The Western Cape minister of cultural affairs and sport, Anroux

    Marais, accompanied by the winners of the Tridistrict Drama Festival held during the

    Suidoosterfees earlier this year, visited the set of Suidooster in Milnerton last week. The

    winner will be starring in an episode of the soapie. Front from left are Moeniel Jacobs

    (mentor), Llewelyn Bond (winner) and Marais and Robyn Williams (winner). At the back

    are Suidooster actors Marcel van Heerden en Gideon Lombard. As from July, the soapie

    will be broadcast four times a week. The first of these will be on Thursday 7 July.

  • 4 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016NUUS



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    LESS 10%LESS 10%


    Boeremusiekgilde gaanby

    BellvilleNoord skoffel

    Die Kaapstad-tak van die Boeremusiekgil-

    de hou op Vrydag 24 Junie n dansparty

    by die Laerskool Bellville-Noord van 20:00

    tot laat.

    Die Pampoenkraal-dansorkes sal die

    musiek verskaf. Toegang is R40 vir lede

    en R50 vir nie-lede.

    Verversings sal te koop aangebied

    word, maar elkeen moet sy eie drinkgoed

    en glase saambring.

    Koffie en tee is gratis en jy moet jou

    eie koffiebeker saambring.

    V Bel Petro by 076 755 2137 met navrae of vir


    Inligting oor patrollies sal

    by vergadering beligword

    Die Groenvallei-buurtwag hou op Donder-

    dag 30 Junie vanaf 19:00 sy vergadering

    in die NG Kerk La Rochelle op die hoek

    van Meerlust- en Hadley-straat.

    Brig. Andr van Dyk, bevelvoerder van

    die Bellville-polisie, en ao. Divvie de

    Villiers van sektor 2 sal die vergadering

    toespreek. Inligting oor die patrollies en

    ander aktiwiteite van die buurtwag sal

    ook oorgedra word. N afloop van die

    spreekbeurte van Van Dyk en De Villiers

    sal daar n vraag-en-antwoord-sessie wees

    voordat die vergadering verdaag word.

    V Navrae kan gerig word aan Petro Neethling by

    083 660 2038.



    Applications for special votes during the up-

    coming local elections opened on Friday 10

    June and closes on Friday 8 July.

    It is important to apply early for this vot-

    ing right, should you not be able to vote on

    election day on Wednesday 3 August, says

    ward councillor Marian Nieuwoudt.

    There are essentially two types of special

    votes firstly Type 1, were a voter goes to

    their local voting district to cast their vote

    on Monday 1 or Tuesday 2 August, and sec-

    ondly where the voter receives a home visit

    from the IndependentElectoralCommission

    (IEC) in order to cast their vote.

    A Type 1 special vote can be applied for

    by any registered voter who for whatever

    reason be it travel, business, or work will

    not be able to vote on Wednesday 3 August.

    They will be able to apply for a special vote

    and if successful, will be able to cast their

    vote at the polling station at which they are

    registered to vote, on the special voting days

    prior to the election, she explains.

    Applications for this type of special vote

    can be done in three ways: an SMS to 32249,

    an online submission at www.elections, or a submission of form MEC35 at

    the IEC office in Bellville or elsewhere.

    A Type 2 special vote is only for the sick

    and housebound. In this instance, a voter

    would apply for an IEC official to visit them

    at their home on special voting days because

    they are not mobile and or too sick to vote

    onelectionday. People requiringahomevis-

    it must reside and be visited in the voting

    district in which they are registered.

    If your application for a special vote is

    successful, you will vote in the following

    manner: Your thumbnail is marked with in-

    delible inkandyour IDbook is stamped.You

    will receive the relevant ballot papers to be

    marked in secret and placed and sealed in

    an unmarked envelope. The unmarked en-

    velope is placed in another envelope that is

    markedwith yourname, IDnumber andvot-

    ing district number. The use of two envel-

    opes is to ensure the secrecy of your ballot.

    The outer envelope is discarded before

    counting, says Nieuwoudt.

    Apply now to cast special vote

    Kunsklasse vir jonges: Kunstige

    kinders in graad 3, 4 en 5 in die

    Tygerbergomgewing kan nou hul kuns

    uitleef deur klasse by die Bellvillekuns

    sentrum in die skoolvakansie by te woon.

    Die klasse word in oorleg met die Groter

    Tygerbergvennootskap (GTV) aangebied.

    Georgie Murray (4) van Bellville het die

    klas vir mas en peuters op Saterdag 11

    Junie bygewoon waartydens hulle plante

    of blomme uit karton moes maak. Hier

    hou Georgie haar skepping vas. Laer

    skoolleerders se kunswerke sal later

    gebruik word om mure op te vrolik. Rig

    navrae aan Rachel Botis by 021 823 6713

    of per epos na [email protected]

    of [email protected].

    DatumvanAfrikaanseminifilmfees later

    Ster-Kinekor in Tygervallei het sy

    mini-filmfees, Absoluut Afrikaans, na

    Donderdag 30 Junie geskuif. Die fees, wat

    eers vir Woensdag 22 Junie beplan was,

    sal n groot verskeidenheid plaaslike

    Afrikaanse flieks om 20:00 aanbied.

    Boonop kan fliekliefhebbers ook uitsien

    na n rooi tapyt, drankies en vingerhap-

    pies, asook besoeke van die filmsterre en

    groot pryse.




    he chance of finding a dirty carpet in

    Gareth Sheens house is zero, because

    he owns more than 400 vacuum clean-

    ers.Yes, thisman isCapeTownsundisputed

    king of the vacuum cleaner.

    I have no idea why vacuum cleaners. Ev-

    er since I could remember I have had a fasci-

    nation with them, explains Gareth. I own

    roughly 400 to 450 vacuums. That number is

    always changing though. If I am interested

    in a new vacuum cleaner, I will purchase

    one, but I often sell these newer ones when

    I have finished researching them.

    When Gareth speaks about his vacuum

    cleaners, it is clear that he has a passion for

    what most people only see as a household

    cleaning tool.

    I like many things about vacuum clean-

    ers. In the vintage ones its the design. I love

    working on themand restoring them to their

    original condition. I buff up the plastic and

    alloy and respray the paintwork, fit new

    bearings to the motor or in the case of the

    really old ones regrease the bearings as they

    are designed for just that motor. In the new-

    er ones its the technology, enthuses Ga-


    He says he was amazed to find that he was

    not the only one mad about vacuum clean-

    ers. I belong to a vacuum cleaner collecters

    club based in America with over 2600 mem-

    bers, and thats just one of many clubs.

    The collection started when he was about

    eight years old, but it really started growing

    about 14 years ago.

    Oncehe starts talkingabouthis collection,

    its difficult to get a word in.

    I mostly collect pre-90s machines with

    the majority of my collection coming from

    the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s.

    Dysons are my favourite modern brand

    of vacuum. I think they completely revolu-

    tionised the vacuum market in 1994. I own

    one of the very first Dyson cleaners, a Dc01,

    and I own the latest a Dc42.My oldest vacu-

    um cleaner is from 1929 and still works. I

    have some vary rare vacuums in my collec-

    tion which mostly consist of South African

    designed and manufactured machines like

    the Electrolux 404, a machine designed here

    in South Africa, and as such no information

    exists on it on the internet.My grandmother

    had one and I searched long and hard to find

    another and eventually my wifes aunt from

    Calvinia found one for me.

    During the 1970s and 1980s South Africa

    had a wonderful setup of companies manu-

    facturing vacuums here, and even more

    were designed just for our market. Electro-

    lux had a huge manufacturing plant in

    Paarden Eiland, says Gareth.

    Gareths wife, Joanne, finds most of his

    vacuums for him.

    The ones she finds are my most precious

    ones. She really supportsmy passion, which

    I think is pretty awesome. My favourite is

    a Tellus which looks nothing like a vacuum

    cleaner at all. Joanne found it in an antique

    shop in Kalk Bay, says Gareth.

    Cape Towns very own vacuumman

    Gareth Sheen with some of his vacuum cleaners. PHOTO: BRENDEN RUITER

  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 5


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    n Hawelose man is verlede Dinsdag dood

    gevind in n bushalte in Hoofweg, Durban-

    ville, skuins oorkant die Laerskool Dur-


    Volgens kapt. Marchell Rhode, woord-

    voerder van die Durbanville-polisie, is die

    oorledene, n man in sy dertigs, vermoede-

    lik vermoor. Hy het beswyk aan hoofbese-

    rings, vermoedelik veroorsaak deur n

    mangatdeksel. Die oorledene is gedentifi-

    seer as Nkosinasi Nkombi. Sy liggaam is

    omstreeks 08:00 in die bushalte onder n

    stukvilttapyt ontdek.Diemangatdeksel het

    sowat 30 m van die moordtoneel gel.

    VolgensRhode is diemotief vir diemoord

    onbekend. nAnder hawelose, ook in sy der-

    tigs, is in verband met die moord in hegte-

    nis geneem. Sinthenbile Gwaza het reeds in

    die hof in verbandmet die voorval verskyn.

    Haweloseman dood in bushalte gevind


    ygerBurgers star shone brightly last

    Friday at LeribaHotel and Spa inCen-

    turion at the annual Local Media Ex-

    cellence Awards for 2015.

    The awards have been presented under

    the auspices of the Forum of Community

    Journalists (FCJ) for over two decades.

    TygerBurger took home prizes in the fol-

    lowing categories:

    .TableView edition Winner: Best front

    page (Corporate owned free newspapers)

    . Stehan Schoeman in top 10 of category

    Writing: Sport

    . Sport photos: Stehan Schoeman 7th

    . Hard news photos: Carina Roux 5th

    & 6th

    . Feature photos: Carina Roux 4th, 6th

    & 7th

    Peoples Post, TygerBurgers sister publi-

    cation in the southern suburbs, also fea-

    tured in the top three and top 10 in anumber

    of categories:

    . False Bay runner-up: best front page

    (corporate owned free newspapers)

    .Woodstock/Maitland runner-up: best

    newspaper (corporate owned free newspa-


    . Tiyese Jeranji, journalist for the Con-

    stantia/Wynberg and Retreat editions, was

    awarded a Top 10 place in the Journalist of

    the Year category. This category is consid-

    ered the most prestigious among journal-


    The annual Local Media Excellence

    Awards pits local and community newspa-

    pers from all over the country and across

    all media houses against each other to

    award the best of the best in South Africa.

    TygerBurger shines in

    national awards

    Smiling from ear to ear at the annual Local

    Media Excellence Awards held last Friday in

    Centurion are, from left, Ben Burger (Peoples

    Post), Marita Meyer (Group Editor: WP Media)

    and Cecilia Hume (Editor: Peoples Post).


  • 6 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016NUUS



    Notice is hereby given that the following applications for liquor licences have been lodged with the Western Cape

    Liquor Authority (the Authority) and with the designated liquor officers at the indicated South African Police Services


    The applications concerned may, up to and including the 28th day from date of this notice, upon request and free of

    charge, be inspected by any person, at the offices of the Authority or the designated liquor officer listed hereunder.

    Copies of the application can be obtained from the Authority after payment of the prescribed fee.

    Representations must be lodged in writing with the Authority and the designated liquor officer in accordance with

    section 39 of the Act.

    Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die volgende aansoeke om dranklisensies ingedien is by dieWes-Kaapse Drankowerheid

    (die Owerheid) en by die aangewese drankbeamptes by die aangeduide Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiedienskantore.

    Die betrokke aansoeke kan, tot en met die 28ste dag vanaf die datum van hierdie kennisgewing, op versoek en

    gratis, deur enige persoon, by die kantore van die Owerheid of van die aangewese drankbeampte hieronder gelys,

    genspekteer word. Afskrifte van die aansoek kan by die Owerheid na betaling van die voorgeskrewe fooi verkry word.

    Verto moet ooreenkomstig artikel 39 van die Wet skriftelik by die Owerheid en die aangewese drankbeampte ingedien


    Isaziso siyanikezelwa ukuba ezi zicelo zilandelayo zamaphepha mvume otywala zifakiwe kwabasemaGunyeni ezoTywala

    eNtshona Koloni (abasemaGunyeni) nakumagosa ajongene nemiba engotywala kwii-ofisi ezixeliweyo zeeNkonzo

    zamaPolisa aseMzantsi Afrika.

    Izicelo ekubhekiselelwa kuzo zingakwazi kwiintsuku ezingamashumi amabini anesibhozo (28) ukususela ngomhla

    wesi saziso, xa eceliwe kwaye simahla, ziye kuhlolwa nguye nawuphi umntu okwi-Ofisi esemaGunyeni okanye yegosa

    elijongene nemiba engotywala elixelwe apha ngezantsi. Iikopi zesicelo zingafumaneka kwabasemaGunyeni emva

    kwentlawulo emiselweyo.

    Iingxelo ezixhasayo ezibhaliweyo zingafakwa kwabasemaGunyeni nakwigosa elijongene nemiba engotywala

    ngokwecandelo 39 loMthetho.








    [Reg. 10(1)]

    [Reg. 10(1)]

    [Reg. 10(1)]




    No. Full name of


    Name under which

    business will be


    Address of the

    proposed premises

    Kind of licence

    applied for

    South African Police Services

    designated liquor officer office

    where the application has been


    Volle naam van


    Naam waaronder

    die besigheid

    bedryf sal word

    Adres van voorgenome


    Tipe lisensie

    waarom aansoek

    gedoen word


    Polisiedienskantoor van die

    aangewese drankbeampte

    waar die aansoek ingedien is

    Igama elipheleleyo


    Igama ishishini eza

    kushishina phantsi


    Idilesi yesakhiwo Uhlobo


    mvume olucelayo

    i-Ofisi yeGosa elijongene

    nemiba engotywala yeeNkonzo

    zamaPolisa eMzantsi Afrika

    apho isicelo sifakwe khona

    1. Trademodel

    Twelve (Pty) Ltd

    Woolworths Caf


    Shop No. UL504,

    Tygervalley Shopping

    Centre, Cnr Willie

    van Schoor and

    Bill Bezuidenhout

    Avenue, Bellville




    Die Voortrekkers het verlede Saterdag n 5 kmpretloop in Kraaifontein

    gehou om geld in te samel vir n uitreik na die Pampoenkraalskool.

    Eben (4) en Hestie (2) van Hoving in Bellville geniet n versnapering n

    die stap. FOTOS: CARINA ROUX

    An de Waal

    (graad 3,

    Laerskool Totius)

    van di eOom


    do in Bellville

    was die eerste

    meisie oor die

    eindstreep by

    die Kraaifontein

    Voortrekkers se



    Voories reik uit na skool met pretloop



    ie Grow-opleiding- en ontwikkeling-

    sentrum inMeathstraat, Bellville bied

    nie net slypskole aan nie, maar is ook

    die plek waarheen straatmense gaan om hul

    loopbane n nuwe lewe te gee.

    S gesels Alda van der Westhuizen, oplei-

    ding- en werkplasingskordineerder van

    Grow, wat in oorleg met MES werk.

    Ons help met werksaansoeke deur mid-

    del vangratis internettoegangvan40minute

    per dag. Baie van die straatmense was lank

    nie deel van die werkerskorps nie en dan

    ontwikkel ons hul CVs om by die werkbe-

    skrywing te pas waarvoor hulle aansoek

    doen.Ons tik die CVoor enhet n onderhoud

    met die kandidaat sodat die persoon duide-

    likheid het oor watter soort werk of pos hy

    voor kan aansoek doen, het sy ges.

    Volgens haar doen baie ouens aansoek vir

    werk wat glad nie deur haar/sy CV onder-

    steun word nie.

    Sommige werksondervinding word uit-

    gelaat, omdat dit informele werk was of vir

    kort tydperke. Alle ondervinding is belang-

    rik en moet in jou CV weerspiel word. Ons

    bemagtig ookmensemet e-pos-adresse en in-

    ternettoegang. Ons leer die ouens om die in-

    ternet te gebruik omdat die meeste poste

    deesdae op die internet geadverteer word,

    het sy bygevoeg.

    Sodra die CV opgestel is, word dit aan die

    persoon teruggestuur sodat dit elektronies

    aan hom beskikbaar is en hy ook van ander

    plekke as by Grow aansoek kan doen. Hier

    kan die persoon gebruik maak van internet

    by biblioteke of internetkafees.

    Wanneer iemand vir ons kom s dat hy/

    sy n werkonderhoud het, help ons met die

    voorbereiding vir onderhoude. Ons doen

    saam navorsing oor die maatskappy en in-

    dien nodig, sorg ons dat die applikant ge-

    skikte klere en vervoergeld het.

    Ons bevestig ook met die maatskappy of

    die persoon wel n onderhoud het. Die mees-

    te ouens gebruik die geleentheid om by

    Grow te werk en is dus in staat om self hul

    vervoernadie onderhoud te betaal, hetVan

    der Westhuizen ges.

    Sy het bygevoeg dat die programme wat

    Growaanbiedalmal bymekaar inskakel.Die

    werksrehabilitasieprogramgebruik die sen-

    trum om aansoek te doen vir werk, en die

    werksoekers kan by Growwerk om eers iets

    bymekaar te maak en dan help die sentrum

    die applikant om doeltreffender aansoek te

    doen vir werk.

    V Navrae kan aan Alda gerig word by 021 948 9888

    of per epos na [email protected].

    Loopbane kry hier by

    Grow n nuwe lewe

    Die Tygerberg-kunssentrum se

    jaarlikse laerskool-uitstalling is

    verlede Dinsdag geopen tydens n


    Laerskole wat verteenwoordig

    was by die uitstalling, sluit in Pa-

    row-Noord, Parow-Wes, Parow-

    Oos, Welgemoed, Edgemead, De

    Tyger, Seamount, Kings, Elkanah

    House, Delft-Suid, asook tuis-

    skoolleerders en vrywilligers wat

    by di kunssentrum in Du Toit-

    straat, Parow onderrig ontvang.

    Daar is tans ongeveer 300 leer-

    ders by die kunssentrum inge-

    skryf, wat leerders van Stellen-

    berg, D.F. Malan, Durbanville,

    HTS, Brackenfell, Edgemead, Bos-

    mansdam, J.G. Meiring, Presi-

    dent, Settlers, De Kuilen, Fairbairn en

    Tygerberg insluit.

    Daar is ook talle tuisskoolleerders wat

    kuns as vak hier neem.

    Die spoggeleentheid is bygewoon deur

    leerders, ouers, skoolhoofde en onderwy-

    sers van oor die Tygerberg-streek heen.

    Anina Lundi, senior kurrikulum-be-

    planner: GET skeppende kunste, was die

    gasspreker en het die belangrikheid van

    kuns as voorbereiding vir n opwindende

    loopbaan benadruk.

    Laerskoleuit die omgewingworduitge-

    nooi omdie sentrumtebesoek enhul leer-

    ders aan die kunste bloot te stel. nAantal

    werke van hierdie klasse word uitgehou

    om die uitstalling saam te stel.

    Die uitstalling kan daagliks besigtig

    word tussen 09:00 en 16:00 en sal tot Au-

    gustus die gange van die sentrum versier

    tot wanneer dit plek moet maak vir die

    jaarlikse Tygerbergse eisteddfod-uitstal-


    Die sentrum is tydens die skoolvakan-

    sie gesluit.

    VVirmeer besonderhede oor die uitstalling of oor

    kuns as skoolvak, skakel die kunssentrum by

    021 939 9293.

    Skoolkuns by sentrum gewys

    Hier (van links) staanFransonetteSwart (kunssentrum

    hoof), Anina Lundi (senior kurrikulumbeplanner: GET

    skeppende kunste) en Deon Burger (vakadviseur: GET

    skeppende kunste, Weskus) by die uitstallings.

  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 7





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    TheCity of Cape Towns sport and recreation

    departmentwill hostholidayprogrammesall

    over the city, including: board games, gym-

    nastics, rope skipping, karate, pool, poetry

    and drama, concerts, indigenous games, cul-

    tural dances and fitness training, Hip-Hop

    dancing, sports and fitness activities, talent

    shows, arts and crafts, five-a-side soccer,

    mini netball, basketball, cricket, hockey,

    learn to swim, kayaking, canoeing, angling,

    BMX cycling, fun runs, jumping castles, face

    painting, trampolines, touch rugby and fami-

    ly fun festivals.

    The programmes will be presented in Bel-

    har, Delft, Bonteheuwel, Netreg, Bellville

    South, Kalksteenfontein, Matroosfontein,

    Valhalla Park, Elsies River, Bishop Lavis,

    Ravensmead, Uitsig, Cravenby, Kraaifon-

    tein, Scottsdene, Northdene, Wallacedene,

    Bloekombos and Kuils River

    V For more information call the recreation officer,

    Mary Scholtz, on 021 900 1536 or 071 851 1143.

    Busy holiday programmes

    Gifted pianist:

    Qden Blaauw, a

    Grade 5 learner at

    Welgemoed Primary,

    is a gifted pianist

    who received several

    outstanding awards

    at the Stellenbosch

    Eisteddfod. He

    received the Junior

    Trophy for his piano

    sonata, the Piano

    Solo Trophy for

    11yearolds, the

    Junior Scholar Trophy,

    the JB Collins Shield

    as the most promis

    ing piano participant

    and cash as the Best

    Junior Pianist.



    he Greater Tygerberg Partnership

    (GTP) will be launching their busi-

    ness plan for 2016/17 for Bellville

    and Parow at a business breakfast at Nit-

    idaWine Farm in Durbanville on Thurs-

    day 30 June.

    Since the inception of the GTP our

    biggest challenge was engaging with all

    stakeholders to create an inclusive re-

    generation process.We are also trying to

    increase the marketing of the GTP and

    the area, says CEO Chris OConnor.

    The other big challenge is the crime

    and grime issues which need urgent at-

    tention and a consolidated and coordi-

    nated effort from all stakeholders in or-

    der to make the area attractive to invest-

    ment and development.


    To realise our vision to create an in-

    clusive, vibrant and economically pros-

    perous area in which to invest, live,

    work and play, we have to achieve cer-

    tain objectives. We need to market the

    northern urban area aggressively by in-

    teracting with business, health, educa-

    tion and community leaders, as well as

    the general public. We need to plan and

    develop with the City of Cape Town a vi-

    brant and well coordinated urban area

    with emphasis on the Bellville and Par-

    ow nodes, he says.

    The entire area covered by the GTP

    plans to promote investment byworking

    closely with other marketing agencies

    and institutions. This includes mobilis-

    ing City, local and provincial support

    from government and business for the

    social enhancement and economic

    growth plans for the area.

    Wewill achieve this through a strate-

    gic approach which is aimed at unlock-

    ing opportunity in five steps, says



    A creative and inclusive strategywill

    unlock the significant potential of the ar-

    ea. Residents and businesses alike will

    share the benefits of quality housing, ef-

    ficient public transport and recreational

    opportunities near to their places of


    Successes achieved so far by the GTP

    include the launching of ongoing pro-

    grammes that have made public spaces

    more accessible, safe, and welcoming.

    These include Jack Muller Park, Elsi-

    eskraal Greenbelt, Kerkplein, Tedding-

    ton Road and Kruskal Avenue in Bell-

    ville and Parow Station Arcade.

    Our Infrastructure and Service De-

    livery Programme has succeeded in at-

    tracting investors and developers into

    the Bellville and Parow area and our ser-

    vice offering for investors, developers

    and property owners has been enthusi-

    astically received, says OConnor.

    Our efforts have led to buildings be-

    ing upgraded and re-purposed to accom-

    modate the need for increased property

    densities through mixed use develop-

    ments that offer retail premises, afforda-

    ble rental accommodation and student


    Partnership to

    launch annual

    business plan

  • 8 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016NUUS


    Front (from left to right) Denjoy Lotz, Mr Leon Beech (CEO of Northlink College), Whitney Brown, Maxine Cupido

    Back (from left to right) Jamie Lee Hickley, Danielle Du Plooy, Emma Rossouw, Charisna Groenewald


    Gesprekke oor dwelmduiwel




    yohet oopgegaan toehy sy sig ver-

    loor het.

    Hy was n uitblinker op laerskool,

    maar net n skaduwee op horskool.

    Dimanvandiewestelike kusstreekwas

    aan heroen verslaaf toe hy in n ernstige

    motorfietsongeluk betrokke was.

    Ek was altyd siek en vol pyne van die

    dwelms. Ekmoes toemy ouers alles vertel.

    In Januarie 2011 is ek na n kliniek vir

    dwelmbehandeling, s die man.

    Dit is op tye soos Dwelmbewusmakings-

    week van 24 tot 28 Junie dat hy sy eie

    en ander se gruwelstories onthou.

    Ek het begin branderplankry toe ek 10

    was en begin sigarette rook op 13. Op 14 het

    ek enmymaats dagga begin rook. Op hor-

    skool het ek begin raves bywoon saammet

    ouer vriende en kennis gemaak met ander

    dwelms soos LSD, buttons, ecstacy, crack en

    heroen, vertel hy.

    Iemand anders s: Die dwelmprobleem

    het by my al hoe erger geword en ek het

    alle dwelms probeer. Op 40 het heroen am-

    per my lewe gekos toe ek vir dood in die

    hospitaal gelos is.

    Storie agter verslawing

    Daar is n storie agter elke verslawing,

    besef die man van die westelike kusstreek.

    Toe ek in die vroe sewentigs in die

    Kaap komwerk het, het ek nie gedrink nie.

    Nou, soveel jare later, kan eknie eensmeer

    onthou wanneer of hoekom ek begin drink

    het nie of wanneer dit buite beheer begin

    raak het nie. Wat ek wel weet, is dat ek een

    Maandagoggend weer half dronk en siek

    wakker geword het en besef het dat ek nie

    so kon voortgaan nie, s n ander persoon.

    Ek het begin dwelms gebruik as gevolg

    van kleintyd-trauma. Ek was baie sensi-

    tief, was vas aan Ma se rokspante en baie

    bang vir Pa.

    Ekwas ses jaar oud toeMa die huis ver-

    laat het en Pa al sy woede op my uitgehaal

    het. Pa het my baie rondgeruk en gepluk.

    Ek was bang vir alles en my pa het my

    vir alles blameer. Ek het begin sigarette en

    dagga rookenhet baie gedrink, s dieman

    van Namibi.

    Almal van hulle is f verwys na n reha-

    bilitasiesentrum f het self besluit tot hier

    toe en nie verder nie.

    Waar hulle eers dwelms misbruik het,

    het dwelms hulle nou misbruik.

    In die sentrum het almal die woord ver-

    slawing beter verstaan.


    Hulle het slawe geword.

    Hy gaan voort: My ouers het gedink ek

    slaap oor byvriende enhet niks geweet van

    dwelms nie. Ons het nooit daaroor gepraat

    nie.My ouers het altyd geld gegee as ek vra

    enekhet somsgeldbyhulle gesteel en soms

    goed uit die huis verkoop vir n bietjie ek-

    stra geld. Toe ek op 17 verslaaf geword het

    aan heroen, het ek baie gewig verloor. Op

    18 het ek 46 kg geweeg. My ouers het iets

    begin vermoed, maar ek het ges dit is van

    akademiese spanning dat ek nie kan eet

    nie. Hulle het gedink dit is gewone adoles-

    sente probleme. Ek dink hulle was te

    skaam en bang om te dink dat hul kind

    dwelms gebruik.

    Hy het later vir vier maande opgehou en

    baie goed gedoen. Hy het n motorfiets ge-

    kry en het lang ente gery as hy niks ge-

    had het om te doen


    Was verveeld

    Maar toe een Son-

    dag ...

    Ek was verveeld

    en sonder om te

    dinkhet ekweer he-

    roen gaan koop en

    gerook. Tot vandag

    toe kan ek dit nie

    verstaan nie, want

    ek wou regtig nie terugkeer na die ou le-

    wenswyse nie. Ek was toe in n motorfiets-

    ongeluk en my gesig was vermink en ek

    was blind. Dit was n aaklige tyd vol pyn

    en selfverwyt. Ek het geglo God straf my

    oor my dwelmgebruik. Die versoeking is

    altyd daar om terug te val in die greep van

    dwelms, s hy.

    n Ander een s: As ek in die strate in

    Ravensmead stap en ek ruik die dagga-

    walms, dan sper my niesgatte oepe soes n

    pd sn. Dan knyp ek my neus toe en stap

    weg. Die lus duur net n minuut of twee en

    dangaanditweg.Ekdinknet aandie string

    negatiewe gevolge wat wag as ek weer

    dwelms of alkohol gebruik.

    Die man wat in die vroe sewentigs

    Kaapstad toe gekomhet, en bevryding in

    alkohol gevind het, voeg by: Vandag is dit

    nie virmybelangrikomdaardie jare te ont-

    hou nie. Daar is niks wat ek daaraan kan

    verandernie enekkandit nie terugkrynie.

    Wat nou vir my onmeetbaar belangrik

    is, is dat ek vanoggend nugter wakker ge-

    word het en dat ek hopelik vanaand nugter

    sal gaan slaap. N meer as 16 jaar leef ek

    nog steeds een dag op n slag en ek weet dat

    my nugterheid met

    een onbesonne daad

    van my weggeneem

    kan word. Ek het

    nie planne omnug-

    ter te bly nie, maar

    slegs hierdie een

    wete: dat ek nooit

    weer wil drink nie,

    dat ek nie hierdie

    nuwe ek weer in

    drank gaan ver-

    drink nie. My nug-

    ter lewe is te kosbaar om weg te gooi.

    Voordat jy wegbreek van die dwelm-

    greep kan aaklige ervarings jou elke nou

    en dan nugter laat skrik, soos die man ver-

    tel met die pa wat hommishandel het: Ek

    was op dwelms en het by n prostituut ge-

    kuier. Tien jaar gelede het ek vir n agent-

    skap in Seepunt gewerk, wat toe een aand

    beroof is.

    My hande was vasgebind terwyl die ro-

    wers twee kollegas se kele afgesny het. Ek

    het n hek uit sy skarniere gehardloop. La-

    ter het ek angsaanvalle begin kry en het

    probeer om vigs te kry sodat ek kon dood-

    gaan. Ek het twee jaar op straat gebly.

    Maar elkeen van die bogenoemde mense

    is gerehabiliteer, en kan vir nou met n

    bre bors hul storie uitbasuin.

    Die man van die westelike kusstreek

    sluit af: Hoewel ek julle nie kan sien nie,

    kan ek praat en hoor en so die boodskap

    van verlossing verkondig. Jongmense

    moet baie versigtig wees vir dagga, want

    dit is waar my probleme begin het.

    Van my ou vriende is twee van dwelms

    dood en n derde is in die tronk. Ek is blind,

    maar ek lewe en ek is vry.

    The worlds largest floating book fair, the

    MV Logos Hope with more than 5000 titles

    of educational andChristianbooks onoffer,

    will be docking into Cape Town for its first

    ever visit tomorrow (Thursday) 23 June.

    The vessel is owned by German company

    GBA Ships, a non-profit organisation with

    the purpose of bringing Knowledge, Help

    and Hope to the people of the world.

    Thecrewoffers auniqueexampleofunity

    in diversity with 400 volunteers from 60 dif-

    ferent countries.

    The sister ship of the Logos Hope, theMV

    Doulos, visited South Africa on six occa-

    sions between 1986 and 2005. Logos Hope is

    more than double the size of the Doulos.

    V The Logos Hope will dock at Jetty 2 at the V&A

    Waterfront and will be open to the public from Fri

    day 24 June to Monday 11 July. Opening hours are

    from 14:00 to 21:30 Sunday to Tuesday, and from

    10:00 to 21:30 Wednesday to Saturday. The en

    trance fee is R5 per person and free for pensioners

    over 65. Children under 12 enter for free, but must

    be accompanied by an adult.

    Floating book fair

    comes to Cape Town

    Hulle het gedink dit

    is gewone adoles

    sente probleme. Ek

    dink hullewas te

    skaamenbang om

    tedink dat hul kind


  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 9


    todels Nurseries in Bellville received

    a platinum award and was not only

    named the best large garden centre in

    the Western Cape, but also in South Africa,

    at the Garden Centre Associations (GCA)

    award ceremony held in Stellenbosch on

    Wednesday 8 June.

    Managing director Nick Stodel says it

    felt a bit like being at theOscars as the var-

    ious branches of Stodels walked away with

    no less than 13 awards.

    The Bellville branch took top honours for

    the best garden care department and the

    best outdoor plants, while staffer Nonkum-

    buzo (Lucy) Baba received the Young Re-

    tailer of the Year award. This award is for

    a retailer under the age of 35 who shows

    promise and is committed to the industry.

    Lucy, who has been with us for seven

    years, has been promoted several times due

    to her initiative, enthusiasm, hard work

    and going beyondwhat is expected. She has

    helped improve the sales andcustomer rela-

    tions in our nursery department andwe are

    thrilled that her drive, positivity and deter-

    minationhave been recognised, saysNick.

    The majority of South Africas leading

    garden centres belong to the GCA, an orga-

    nisation that ensures a high level of good

    business practice. Part of the judging crite-

    ria conducted anonymously includes

    checking that garden centres give custom-

    ers excellent levels of service, quality

    plants and associated products, together

    with innovative lifestyle displays, profes-

    sional advice and information.

    The Milnerton branch received a Gold

    Award and was placed in the top five for

    best outdoor plants, best general displays

    and best garden care area.

    Stodels blooms in

    national competition

    The Stodels team with the awards are, from left, Sippe Steenkamp (shop manager), CJ du Toit

    (fish and pet manager), Stefan Bouwer (hard landscaping manager), Nonkumbuzo Baba

    (nursery specialist), Justin Emrich (operational manager), Luke Daries (lifestyle manager),

    Keagan Abrahams (support services manager) and CJ Kruger (nursery manager).

    Little ones can look forward to educational

    fun for a good cause at CanalWalk this win-

    ter school holiday.

    The centre court will be transformed into

    a theatre for their annual childrens theatre


    This year producers Fred Abrahamse

    and Marcel Meyer will be presenting a tale

    of giving and equality in Robin Hood.

    This musical feast promises to warm

    hearts and leave audiences thinking about

    the good they can do in their own hood.

    A five metre talking tree, speaking fal-

    con, MaidMarian and a host of other lovea-

    ble and admirable characterswill help Rob-

    in on his quest to give to others, defeat the

    Sheriff of Nottingham and find love.

    Likeourherowho is onamission tomake

    life better for others, Canal Walk Shopping

    Centre and the Hyprop Foundation have

    this year partnered with the LEAP Science

    and Maths schools. All proceeds from the

    theatre as well as a percentage of the ticket

    sales, will be donated to these no-fee

    schools. Canal Walk is also asking patrons

    and theatre goers to bring a can of food to

    help them and the LEAP schools to feed the

    minds and bodies of those less fortunate.

    The tins gatheredduring this time 17 000

    tins (6700kg) are required will be con-

    structed into a mosaic representing former

    President NelsonMandela onMandela Day

    (Monday 18 July) at Canal Walk. Once com-

    pleted, the tins will be donated to the LEAP

    social development initiatives in Langa,

    Philippi, Gugulethu, Crossroads and Delft.

    V Robin Hood will be staged from Tuesday to Sun

    day, starting on Friday 24 June running until Satur

    day 16 July, at 11:00, 12:30 and 14:00. Tickets cost

    R75 at Computicket,. Visit

    Musical feast to teach kids

  • 10 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016HOOFARTIKELBLAD

    Gansplesier: Babagansies dryf Maandagmiddag rustig op Sonstraaldam se grys winterweerkaatsing.



    n Ope brief

    aan ons


    Beste Allister

    Dalk is dit die Franse wyn en die

    smaaklike Europese cuisine wat veroor-

    saak dat jou ingevoerde Springbokke so

    bietjie oorgewig en lusteloos op die

    speelveld lyk.

    Of dalk is die aanpassing van die

    swaar, nat velde in Europa na die harde,

    vinnige velde van Suid-Afrika te moeilik

    om in n kort tydjie te maak.

    Maar iets veroorsaak dat die Vermeu-

    lens en Louws van die lewe net n

    skaduwee van hulself was in die eerste

    twee toetse teen die Iere. So bietjie

    loodvoetig en lomp, n?

    Om daardie rede wil ek jou aanraai om

    maar te hou by die Suid-Afrikaners wat

    hul brood op eie bodem verdien.

    En plaaslike spelers, Allister, wat op

    huidige spelpeil hul plek in die span


    Ons praat nie hier van die regte

    kleursamestelling van die span nie. Ons

    praat ook nie hier

    van ervaring nie.

    My beroep op jou

    is juis om te

    vergeet van erva-

    ring en prestasies

    uit die verre

    verlede. Frik du

    Preez en Naas

    Botha gaan byvoor-

    beeld nie nou die

    oplossing wees nie.

    Ook nie Victor of

    Jean nie.

    Kies die ouens

    wat vanjaar

    uitgeblink het in

    die superrugby-kompetisie. Manne soos

    Ruan Combrinck, Warren Whiteley en

    Jaco Kriel. Kyk net watter reuse-verskil

    Ruan en Warren al klaar gemaak het.

    Daars ander spelers ook. Maar ek wil

    nou nie t voorskriftelik klink nie, want

    jy sal dalk s dis maklik om van die

    kantlyn af raad te gee.

    En dit is seker, maar tog wil ek my

    beskeie mening uitspreek en jou vra om

    jou spanne met die oog op die toekoms te

    kies. Oor vier jaar wil jy n ervare span

    na die Wreldbekertoernooi neem, nie n

    ouetehuis (soos jy weet wie) nie.

    Gee hierdie opkomende sterre die

    geleentheid om ervaring op te doen al

    verloor jy aanvanklik n paar toetse en al

    s die ondersteuners en media ook wat.

    Maar teen die volgende Wreldbeker-

    toernooi gaan jy die laaste lag. Want dan

    gaan jy n span vol jong, hardebaarde

    saamvat, wat die stampe en stote van

    toetsrugby ken en onder die knie het.

    Dis die enigste manier om te roll,

    Allister! Trust me on this one!

    Jou vriend Valie (skuilnaam word

    gebruik weens vrees vir viktimisasie).



    V Gooi jou geldjie in die bussie met die

    slotjie vir liefdadigheid. Het ervaar die

    los geld langsaanverdwyn. -Marina, Pa-


    V In sake: Studentehuisvestiging, TB,

    15Junie. n Jan S. Marais-blyplek! So, hier

    kom die grootste dwelmbordeel in die

    noordelike voorstede sedert die ontstaan

    van Parksig Villas. - Jacbas van der Burgh,

    Bellair, Bellville

    V Sal graag van Stad Kaapstad wil weet

    of my elektrisiteitslesing vir die eerste

    viermaandewerklik gelees is. Volgensmy

    nuwe rekening is dit geskat. Die rede:

    geen toegang tot perseel. Die meter sit

    oop en bloot waar dit die vorige vier

    maande gelees is. - Inwoner, Erf 5275

    V Ek wil net n pluimpie gee vir Mariska

    Nortje van die DStv-agentskap Roytro-

    nics in Brackenfell. Sy gee werklik die ek-

    stra tree vir haar klinte. - Susan Kriek

    ) SMSe kos R1,50 elk. Stuur die woord

    Tyger, gevolg deur jou boodskap na 45527.


    [email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woorde

    nie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

    The other day it was reported

    that 300 members of one party

    in the Western Cape jumped

    ship to join the opposition.

    This tells me one of two


    They all suddenly had an

    epiphany about the bad

    policies of the previous party,

    or they were promised some-


    Now this is nothing new and

    it is perceived to work to the

    benefit of the party gaining the

    new members. It does not.

    It does however, unfortunate-

    ly, just show how shallow

    some people are when it comes

    to election time as they are

    serving themselves and not the

    communities they supposedly

    represent. As soon as a better

    offer comes along, they will

    jump again.

    There is one description for

    actions like this, and its called

    political whoring.



    Ship jumpers

    will jump again

    It is indeed encouraging and

    comforting that Eskom is

    training its personnel suitably

    to operate its nuclear power

    station, before it blows up and

    takes all of Cape Town with it

    (Scarce nuclear skills har-

    nessed, TB Table View, 15

    June). However, what Eskom

    also needs to tell us and

    prove to the public is that it

    has the necessary plan and the

    money in reserve to clean up

    the mess that is left behind

    once a nuclear power station is

    decommissioned. This part of

    the equation nobody talks

    about all one hears is that

    nuclear power is cheap, but the

    fact that the costs associated

    with the clean-up after decom-

    missioning run into billions, is

    swept under the carpet.

    Germany is currently

    decommissioning all of its

    Cloud of ignorance

    over nuclear tech

    I have the same problem as

    many people I know. My TV

    licence was due end of Februa-

    ry which I paid in January.

    Although I have paid it, I

    keep on receiving numerous

    SMSes demanding payment.

    Despite my responding to the

    SABC via email and them

    acknowledging my payment, I

    still receive the SMSes.

    I take it as a joke and do not

    waste my time in contacting

    them as it falls on deaf ears. I

    put it down to poor administra-

    tive skills! I have been receiv-

    ing these SMSes for the past

    four months its a joke! They

    need to train their people in the

    administrative field!



    Paid, but still getting

    flood of SMSes

    Its mind boggling to find

    people still falling for scams in

    this day and age. It doesnt

    matter how lonely you are

    you must be at least vigilant

    enough to see through the


    This year only I won

    R950 000 from Omo, R500 000

    from Toyota and R750 000 from

    Rica competitions, but I am still

    as poor as a church mouse.

    Knowing it was just another

    Still as poor as ever

    after winnings

    Ek tel Vrydagoggend 10 Junie

    my twee nuwe telefoongidse in

    my oprit op, toegedraai in

    plastiek, maar absoluut deur-

    drenk van bladsy een tot die

    laaste bladsy n die nag se

    welkome ren van 36 mm.

    My voordeur is onderdak en

    ek is seker dit sou twee sekon-

    des ekstra tyd in beslag geneem

    het om dit voor my deur te

    besorg. Nou is dit van geen nut

    nie. Dit moes n 16:00 die

    vorige middag gebeur het n

    absolute vermorsing van geld

    en dienslewering.



    Nat telefoongidse

    nou van geen nut

    Thosewho simply

    think about helping

    others, dont need

    help themselves

    they need the rudest

    ofwakeup calls.

    Andr Bakkes,


    Congrats to the

    TygerBurger teamon

    anotherwell de

    served award.

    Louisa Steyl,


    Drie straatmense

    verander n vrou se

    lewe in haar agt jaar

    byMES. Avril

    Fillies, Bellville

    Onswil vanjaar

    bejaardes vereer

    wat n verskil maak

    in hul gemeenskap.

    Laatweet ons van

    hulle. Marita

    Meyer, redakteur

    For a journalist, the

    truth should be the

    only agenda. So if

    your agenda is not

    aimed at the truth,

    then sorry, we have

    different agendas.

    Monique Duval,

    Table View

    Mfuleni policewarn

    the public not to

    take the law into

    their own hands

    based on rumours of

    a child kidnapping

    syndicate. Richard

    Roberts, Kuils River

    Invest in the youth

    today our future

    depends on it.

    Desire Rorke,


    nuclear power stations, and it

    has been found that the cost of

    making it safe for other

    occupation, is currently

    something in the region of

    R80 billion per station!

    It could be argued that

    another such power station

    near St Francis / Oyster Bay is

    not such a bad location, as it

    can be shut off from public

    access after decommissioning

    for decades, but the same

    cannot be said about Koeberg.

    This one is being surrounded

    more and more by residential

    suburbs, ignorant of the associ-

    ated dangers of nuclear radia-

    tion, which can easily happen

    by accident and by which

    time its too late. To even

    consider building another one

    nearby, or anywhere within

    50km of Cape Towns boundary,

    is just plain stupid and irre-

    sponsible. Any new nuclear

    power station should be built, if

    at all, as far from human

    habitation as possible some-

    thing we are certainly not short

    of in this country.

    Its high time we stop being

    starry-eyed about nuclear

    power. It might be cheap, but it

    certainly is anything but cheap

    to build, if properly done, and

    far from cheap to clean up the

    site after use, never mind all

    the safe waste disposal costs

    over the years. A big shroud

    hangs over much of the issues

    associated with nuclear power,

    and the public is being kept

    ignorant on purpose.



    scam, I called. I was told to

    send R120 airtime and call a Mr

    Smith to claim. Upon calling

    Mr Smith, who sounded like a

    foreigner from one of the north

    African countries, I was told to

    bring R1000 to town to claim

    my money. When I asked if it

    would be wise for me to ask the

    police to accompany me, the

    phone went dead.



    V Die bostaande menings is

    di vandie betrokke joernalis,

    en reflekteer nie noodwendig

    die opinie(s) van die Tyger-

    Burger-handelsnaam nie.

    Oor vier jaar

    wil jy n ervare




    neem, nie n

    ouetehuis nie.

    Kan jy dit


  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Bellville 11

    VTheV&AWaterfrontwill be hostingwin-

    ter holiday activities until Monday 18 July

    where little ones will be able to enjoy a rep-

    tile garden (R50), a pumptrack (free), an In-

    novation Station (R20) and the Logos

    Hope: The Worlds Largest Floating Book

    Fair (R5). Visit for

    opening times, dates andmore information.

    V The Stellenbosch Arts Association will

    open a new exhibition titled All things Wise

    andWonderful at the Oude Libertas Gallery

    on Wednesday 29 June from 18:00 with

    guest speaker Muller Ballot. The exhibition

    will run until Wednesday 20 July. Call

    021 809 7463 or email oudelibertasgallery1

    @gmail.comtoRSVPfor theopeningor visit for more.

    V The Art of Bonsai, a free talk on Bonsai

    gardening, will be presented by Rhonel le

    Roux, who turned her hobby into a passion,

    at Stodels Bellville from 10:00 on Thursday

    30 June. Rhonel will repeat the talk at Sto-

    dels Milnerton at 13:00. Entry is free but

    seats are limited. For a full list of events and

    gardening tips visit

    V Huis Zonnekus will be hosting a Winter

    Dance at the Milnerton Community Hall on

    Friday 1 July from 19:00. Tickets cost R150

    and include a three-coursemeal. Guests are

    invited tobring their owndrinks. Email fund-

    [email protected] or call Lelani Ver-

    maak on 021 552 2074/5 to book.

    V Die Moorreesburg-Funduroword op Sa-

    terdag 16 Julie ten bate vanHorskool Dirkie

    Uys aangebied. Tydens di motorfietspret-

    wedren sal motorfiets- en kwadfietsryers n

    veldryroete van ongeveer 30 km kan aan-

    pak. Vir die kleinspan sal daar ook n kinder-

    baan wees. Toegangsgeld is R180 vir deel-

    nemers of R80 vir kinders en sluit verver-

    sings in. Registrasie begin om 07:30, met n

    instruksiesessie vanaf 09:30 voor die wed-

    renom 10:00begin. Kontak JacoWessels by

    082 556 3108 of [email protected]

    vir meer inligting.

    V So Happys White Wonderland experi-

    ence will take place at The Bank on Satur-

    day 30 July in aid of The Smile Foundation

    where guests can look forward to theatrical

    performers combined with music provided

    by SAs top DJs. There will also be mystery

    prizes, games and activations. Tickets are

    available from

    V The Tank Art Gallery will host a photo-

    graphic exhibition by Riehan Bakkes titled

    Phi until Monday 1 August. Visit www.stel- for more about the gal-


    V Reach for a Dream will host their annual

    Slipper Day on Friday 5 August. Slipper Day

    stickers are available at any Pick n Pay or

    Wimpy at R10, giving wearers the freedom

    towear their slippers to school orwork.Visit

    the Slipper Day Facebook page for more.

    Whats up |Wats Waar

  • 12 TYGERBURGER Bellville Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016NUUS



    Pre-qualification applications are hereby invited from experienced Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises

    (SMME) located in the Western Cape as sub-contractors for C1046 - The extension of the 3'rd Lane on

    Trunk Road 9/1 (Route N1) from West of Durban Road Interchange to the start of the National Road Route

    N1/1 beyond Old Oak Interchange. The proposed Work Packages involves the Construction of Gabions,

    Concrete Drainage Structures, Side Drains, Kerbing, Guardrails and Landscaping. An active CIDB contractor

    grading designation of 3CE to 5CE and BB-BEE grading between of 1 to 4 black ownership is a requirement

    for the sub-contract work.

    A compulsory information briefing meeting will take place on the 5th July 2016 at 10:00am. Prospective

    Applicants shall meet the Project Management Team at the Martin & East Site Camp, Jan Burger Sports

    Complex, De Grendel Road, Parow, North.

    Submissions from applicants arriving late to this meeting shall be deemed to be non-responsive.

    Pre-qualification application documents will only be made available at the information briefing meeting.

    Applicants must be represented at the information briefing meeting by a representative who must be the

    Applicant himself or an authorised person in the direct employ of the Applicant.

    The Pre-qualification and supporting documents shall be sealed in an envelope or package clearly marked

    "Pre-qualification - C1046 - The Extension of the 3'rd Lane on Trunk Road 9/1 (Route N1) from West of

    Durban Road Interchange to the start of National Road N1/1 beyond Old Oak Interchange and shall be

    delivered by hand to the Martin & East Site Camp Office.

    Telephonic, telegraphic, telex, facsimile, e-mailed or electronic applications will not be accepted.

    In all cases, the Pre-qualification Application Document shall reach the stipulated address not later

    than 11:00am on the 12th July 2016.

    No late entries will be accepted.

    Queries relating to issues arising from this document may be addressed to:

    Jared Smith

    082 601 3650

    [email protected]




    ES, Park Flow en die VRCID het op

    Saterdag 11 Junie die Tielman Ma-

    rais-park op die hoek vanLangenho-

    ven- enAlexandrastraat in Boston skoonge-


    Volgens Lizet Mulder, organiseerder van

    Operasie Tielman Marais-park, was dit die

    eerstewintersessie nadat daar reeds

    drie somersessies van Februarie tot

    April gehou is.

    Ons was Saterdag meer gefokus

    opdie opruimingenherwinningvan

    rommel in die park en het nie fami-

    lies uitgenooi soosmet die somerses-

    siesnie.Tydensdi sessieskon fami-

    lies van oud en jonk en ook hul vier-

    benige vriende pret in die park h,

    het sy ges.

    Die park is gele in n boomryke

    omgewing agter die aftreeoord Huis

    Andr van der Walt en die krieket-

    veld van die Horskool D.F. Malan.

    Die doel van die skoonmaak van

    die park was om ons bure te ont-

    moet, die vars lug te geniet en om

    ook die openbare plekke in die noor-

    delike voorstede te verken.

    Sonder dat enigiemand agterge-

    kom het, dat arbeid en sweet hier-

    mee gepaard sou gaan, het ons die

    park skoongemaak, het sy byge-


    Die opruiming word deur VRCID

    ondersteun, wat die sekerheid ver-

    skaf het en ook met die rommelver-

    wydering gehelp het.

    Ons het werkers by MES gewerf

    om die leiers te wees en almal wat

    opgedaag het, is in vier groepe ver-

    deel. Die vier groepewasHawke-eye

    Eco-brickers, Base-camp Bears, Recycle Re-

    cruiters enMankMasters. Almalwas gewa-

    pen met hoede, tuinhandskoene, waterbot-

    tels en gemaklike skoene. Toe het ons die

    rommel en al die dooie diere in die park

    en die kanaal ingepak, het sy gelag.

    Ongelukkigwasdaargeen inwonersof ge-

    meenskapsorganisasies van Boston wat

    kom help het nie.


    suksesvol opgeruim

    Nazeema Benjamin en Emmarentia Matthews van MES

    staan by van die rommel wat opgetel is.

    The Christian Congregation of Jehovahs

    Witnesses is presenting a special assem-

    bly day this coming weekend.

    It will be held at the Assembly Hall at

    16 Stellenberg Road in Oakglen (off Frans

    Conradie Road) on Saturday 25 and Sun-

    day 26 June.

    The theme is Imitate Jehovah. Some

    of the questions that will be answered

    from the Bible are: Why should we strive

    to imitate Jehovah and why must family

    members imitate Jehovahs qualities when

    interacting with one another?

    The same programme will be presented

    from 09:30 to 16:15 on each of these days

    in English.

    Doorswill open at 07:30 and all are invit-


    V Contact Mike Parsons on 082 807 2573 for more


    Bible questions answered at special assembly

  • Woensdag, 22 Junie 2016 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Bellville 13


    Hoek van Lillie en Kerk Straat Durbanville | (021) 975 8854 | [email protected]

    * nWeeklikse wenner sal telefonies in kennis gestel word. Jy kan net een keer wen. Kompetisie sluit 1 Augustus 2016.

    * WEN een van ses Test Kitchen geskenkpakke ter waarde R500

    check-in op die Deeghuys Test Kitchen se Facebook blad.

    Deeghuys Toetskombuis maak sy deure oop vir die publiek in die vorm van n deli en n restaurant met n speelarea vir kinders. Heerlike huiskos word

    elke dag vars voorberei, met iets spesiaals op die spyskaart wat ons in die kombuis toets. Dit is ook n pragtige venue vir funksies en partytjies. Kontak ons

    gerus vir meer besonderhede. Daar is daaglikse Facebook-inskrywings met promosies en resepte - volg ons gerus.


    urbanvillers gaan voortaan met die

    heerlike reuk van varsgebakte pasteie,

    vlytbrode en fyngebak wakker word.

    Die gewilde Deeghuys se nuwe winkel in Dur-

    banville is amptelik oop en gereed om joumet

    n wye reeks lekkernye te bederf.

    Heerlik en gerieflik

    Sedert die eerste Deeghuys sy deure in 2012

    oopgemaak het, het hierdie groep kos-en-ge-

    bak-konsepwinkels al n huishoudelike naam

    onder Suid-Afrikaanse gesinne, onthalers en

    kosliefhebbers geword.

    Hul wye verskeidenheid gereed-om-te-eet

    gebak, wat vars en bevrore beskikbaar is, kom

    gereeld tot die redding wanneer daar lekker

    kos aan onverwagse gaste bedien moet word.

    Druk eenvoudig iets uit die heerlike reeks vars

    croissants, brode, pasteie en fyngebak in die

    oond om in n kits enigiemand wat oor jou

    drumpel stap semond te laat water. En jymag

    maar s jy het dit self gebak, want dit is waar!

    Deeghuys is natuurlik landswyd bekend vir

    hul ongelooflike pasteie. n Onweerstaanbare

    verskeidenheid geure is beskikbaar, inslui-

    tend wildsvleis met rooiwyn, peperbiefstuk,

    geurige hoender, en spinasiemet kaas. Al hier-

    die pasteie komdaagliks vars uit die oondmet

    n smelt-in-die-mond botterskilferkorsdeeg.

    Bevrore pasteie is beskikbaar as jy die lekkerte

    vir later wil hou.

    Aandete is ook nou makliker met Huyskos.

    Di reeks tuisgemaakte hartskos word vol-

    gens Marinda Engelbrecht van Kokkedoor-

    faam se resepte voorberei en beproef. Dit was

    nog nooit so vinnig en gerieflik om heerlike

    kos op die tafel te sit nie.

    Geniet geurige kerriemaalvleis saam met n

    gereed-om-te-eet vetkoek, l weg aan n

    smaakvolle bieflasagne of probeer die klassie-

    ke macaroni-en-kaas. Dit is maar net drie van

    die verleidelike geregte op die uitgebreide


    Koffiewinkel vol verrassings

    Durbanville Deeghuys spogmet n eerste: Test

    Kitchen is n koffiewinkel met n kinkel. Hier

    word met kos en gebak geksperimenteer so-

    dat daar elke dag n nuwe verrassing op die

    spyskaart verskyn. Test Kitchen is uiters ge-

    skik vir funksies soos vroue-oggende en ver-

    jaarsdae, en sommer ook net vir heerlike ont-

    byte en ligte middagetes. Daar is ook n volle-

    dig toegeruste speelhoekie vir ons klein

    maatjies (en toekomstige klinte).

    Kom sit aan by Durbanville Deeghuys se

    Test Kitchen en geniet wonderlike kaasborde

    met deli-vleise, varsgebakte brood, heerlike

    blatjang en olywe.

    Jy kan ook elke dag n lekker bord Huyskos

    met groente en slaai nuttig, net soos jy aan

    jou eie etenstafel sou doen. Elke dag word iets

    anders uit die Huyskos-reeks bedien, so jou

    smaakkliere sal nooit verveeld raak nie. As jy

    egter net lus is vir n ligtemiddagete of n vars-

    gebakte lekkerny soos n sny koek, botter-

    broodjie, muffin of heerlike malvapoeding, is

    di unieke koffiewinkel net die plek vir jou.

    Dinge raak net lekkerder

    Daar wink ng bederf op die horison. In die

    toekoms beoog Deeghuys om kookklasse aan

    te bied, wat ideaal vir spanbousessies of ver-

    jaarsdagvieringe sal wees. Hulle beplan ook

    om opleiding aan huishulpe te voorsien, wat

    alles van die voorbereiding van basiese gereg-

    te tot meer gevorderde kursusse sal insluit.

    Pret-aande saam met vriende om n glasie

    goeie wyn is ook op die spyskaart.

    Een ding kan Durbanvillers maar weet: met

    die heerlike gebak, lekker koffie en goeie ge-

    selskap wat daar te vinde is, gaan Durbanville

    Deeghuys seTestKitchenbinnekort n baie ge-

    wilde kuierplekwees. Gaanbesoekhulle gerus

    op die hoek van Kerk- en Lilliestraat, skakel

    hulle by 021 975 8854 of stuur gerus e-pos na

    [email protected].

    Smul byDurbanville Deeghuys-toetskombuis


    Kom smul en kuier saam by Durbanville Deeghuys

    se Test Kitchenkoffiewinkel. Fotos: VERSKAF

    Die koffiewinkel bied selfs n speelhoekie vir die


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