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    Cmo comenz todo

    Apenas unos meses despus de la primera llegada del hombre a la Luna en 1969, DHL comienza aoperar el primer servicio de entrega internacional puerta a puerta expreso en el mundo. Todo empez

    de casualidad en una tienda local de alimentos de San Francisco. La idea surgi durante el encuentro

    de dos amigos el Sr. Adrian Dalsey y el Sr. Larry Hillblom en julio de 1969. Dalsey era una persona de

    ventas y Hillblom era un mensajero volar, pensando en sus ltimos 3.000 dlares las ganancias del

    mercado de valores de inversin. "Vamos a empezar una nueva empresa." Fue la idea de que entr en

    sus mentes. Un asociado de bienes races Lynn se uni a ellos, y DHL comenz su primer servicio de

    mensajera entre la costa oeste de Amrica y Hawai.

    Es sobre la base de los nombres de los propietarios se sugiri el nombre de la organizacin.

    Los primeros clientes de DHL fueron las compaas navieras, que requeran de un servicio de entrega

    anticipada de los documentos de embarque para llegar a sus clientes antes de que el auto envo, para

    hacer ms fcil y menos tiempo. Los bancos que utilizan los servicios de entrega al da siguiente de la

    compaa de superar el sistema postal y para asegurar un transporte seguro de documentos y cheques

    por valor de millones de dlares.

    En el momento en que pasa a la creciente red de clientes entusiastas en EE.UU., DHL comienza a

    satisfacer la demanda de un servicio internacional con la apertura de territorios en el Lejano Oriente y la

    Cuenca del Pacfico. El xito de DHL provoca una respuesta envidia de compaas rivales y tiene que

    luchar una batalla legal para permanecer en el negocio. Pero esto no impide que una mayor expansin:

    una compaa separada, DHL International Ltd., se estableci para centrarse en la satisfaccin de la

    demanda cada vez mayor para las entregas internacionales de puerta a puerta.

    El inicio de los aos 80 marca un enfoque en la fiabilidad, control, facilidad de facturacin, y la

    flexibilidad de servicio: cualidades que DHL cumple con las necesidades del cliente para el da de hoy.

    Para asegurarse de que el tamao cada vez mayor de DHL todava se puede gestionar con eficacia; un

    equipo de estrategias globales internas se form para coordinar las actividades en todo el mundo.

    Despus de treinta aos de expansin hay pocos territorios de la Nueva Izquierda de DHL para entrar a

    vivir. En cambio, la compaa se concentra en la mejora mediante la apertura de nuevos centros de

    servicios, forjar nuevas alianzas comerciales y la introduccin de nueva tecnologa.

    La compaa tiene sus oficinas centrales situadas en Bruselas, Blgica. Aunque se trata de una empresa

    con sede en Estados Unidos, todava tiene su oficina central en Europa razones especficas por la


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    Las operaciones en Pakistn

    DHL, en su camino hacia la expansin y el desarrollo, lleg a Pakistn en 1982. Comenz sus operaciones

    en Pakistn a travs de la colaboracin con una empresa de mensajera paquistan TCS. Ellos estaban en

    bsqueda de mercado que puede apoyar su objetivo de ganancias ganando.

    Pronto se dieron cuenta de que sus recursos eran miss-utilizado y TCS se convirti en un parsito de la

    sociedad. Se separaron sus operaciones en el ao 1989 mediante el establecimiento de su primera

    oficina regional en Karachi.

    La expansin de la DHL en Pakistn, (flechas muestran la direccin de expansin)

    La compaa primero concentr su expansin en las grandes ciudades de Pakistn luego a los

    exportadores. La mayor parte de la expansin se hizo en los aos 90. Tiene su sede central regional en

    Karachi. Cuenta con 300-a-400 los empleados que Pakistn distintos de los subcontratados. Se planifican

    e implementan en la sede polticas enteras de la empresa y los objetivos anuales.

    Cuenta con diferentes departamentos funcionales, marketing, finanzas, gestin de recursos humanos, y

    servicios al cliente. Tiene slo una red para las entregas internacionales, es decir, no hay servicios

    domsticos. Todos los correos internacionales se envan a Karachi para los espacios libres y los envos de


    Las operaciones en Multan

    DHL comenz sus operaciones en Multan en 1994, despus de encontrar un servicio de mensajera

    perspectivas internacionales en la ciudad. La sucursal est situada en la carretera de Qasim, rea de

    acantonamiento Mutan. Tiene unos siete empleados regulares en su rama. A principios de la oficina se

    encuentra en Metro Plaza, Multan, pero cambi a la ubicacin actual, debido a ms espacio de

    almacenamiento, cerca del aeropuerto, una mejor exposicin del sitio y de las instalaciones relacionadas

    con los clientes de varios tipos, aparcamiento facilidad es en esas instalaciones.

    Un resumen de los Treinta Aos Desarrollo [1]

    1969 1978 1989 1999

    Staff NA. 6,462 19,000+ 60,486

    Countries 1 33 175 227

    No. of Customer 5 84,703 550,000+ NA

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    Air-crafts 0 5 99 222

    Vehicles 1 2,235 6,914 17,457

    Customer ServiceCenters

    0 359 1,153 2,954

    Hubs* 0 2 NA 33

    problema de Investigacin

    DHL (empresa de mensajera) quiere penetrar en el mercado interior de Pakistn. El requisito de la

    investigacin fue explorar el potencial en el mercado de Multan para la expansin, y el anlisis de la

    actitud de la gente hacia esta y otras empresas de mensajera.

    objetivos de la investigacin

    Este estudio de investigacin tiene objetivos multidimensionales de los cuales uno es saber que la forma

    en que la gente percibe a DHL como una empresa de servicios de mensajera y otros son de la siguiente


    Para encontrar la conciencia y las actitudes de las personas hacia diferentes empresas de servicios de

    mensajera, sobre la base de atributos dados,

    Para saber cmo las personas valoran diversas empresas,

    Para proporcionar una base de datos de DHL,

    Para averiguarlo, si DHL inicia su nuevo servicio de mensajera interna en Pakistn, sern personas

    prefieren hacer negocios con DHL o no junto con las razones?

    Los detalles de diseo de investigacin


    El propsito del estudio fue explorar los atributos que se convierten en base para la seleccin de una

    empresa de servicios de mensajera. Las personas tienen la actitud hacia las diferentes empresas de

    servicios de mensajera y para averiguar el potencial existente en el mercado para DHL, si empieza a

    ofrecer servicios de mensajera nacional, por lo tanto, este estudio fue de carcter exploratorio.

    configuracin de estudio

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    Este fue un estudio de campo en el que se entrevist a varios clientes en el ambiente natural, donde las

    variables fueron controladas ni manipuladas y no hay ajustes artificiales fueron creados.

    vueltas Tiempo

    Los datos se reunieron en diez das de la entrevista personal con los clientes, en diferentes zonas de la

    ciudad de Multan. Los entrevistadores pasaron cinco horas diarias durante los primeros cinco das y

    ocho horas en los ltimos cinco das en diferentes reas. Cinco das los pas en el anlisis y la redaccin

    del informe.

    Poblacin y muestra

    La poblacin de estudio comprendi los clientes en general que han estado utilizando los servicios de

    mensajera. El estudio est relacionada con el envo diario de documentos y paquetes, fueron

    considerados personal de despacho de suministrar la informacin necesaria. Con las limitaciones de

    tiempo y recursos en el frente, se eligi una muestra de 100 encuestados para el anlisis.

    mtodo de muestreo

    Para este estudio se utiliz un mtodo de muestreo de juicio para la seleccin de las perspectivas de la

    entrevista. Junto con este mtodo tambin se emple un mtodo de cadena sin fin de buscar ms y ms

    clientes potenciales. La atencin se centr principalmente en el sector empresarial, que incluye bancos,

    instituciones financieras, fabricantes, comerciantes, intermediarios y exportadores. La gente de cada

    rea fueron entrevistados personalmente. La lista de los participantes figura en el apndice.

    Mtodo de recoleccin de datos

    Un cuestionario estructurado (vase el Apndice B) se administr que contena preguntas relacionadas

    con las preferencias de las personas y las razones de las preferencias sobre las diferentes empresas de

    servicios de mensajera. Para evitar las ocasiones de falta de respuesta errores cuestionarios fueron

    llenados por los entrevistadores a s mismos en la informacin proporcionada por los encuestados.

    Perfil de los competidores


    OCS es una empresa de servicios de mensajera basada en japons. En Pakistn se est operando como

    negocio de franquicia. La oficina central se encuentra en Karachi. La empresa se constituy en Pakistn

    en 1985 y desde entonces se est proporcionando ambos servicios de mensajera nacional e


    La compaa ofrece un servicio de mensajera en trescientos diferentes destinos en Pakistn.

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    En Multan la empresa inici sus operaciones en 1985, as, en el desarrollo de la red a principios de su

    expansin. Nmero de empleados en Multan Rama es de 40, de los cuales hay 12 correos. La empresa

    no ofrece ninguna facilidad de transporte a sus mensajeros, utilizan su propio medio de transporte

    personal, que son los scooters y motos. Compaa tiene una Van en Multan Rama que se utiliza slo

    para propsito de la entrega de Multan y Lahore y las ciudades de entre estos dos destinos.

    OCS no tiene una red computarizada para el propsito de seguimiento del correo. Ordenador slo se

    utiliza como un facilitador para diversos fines de registro y contabilidad. Tambin se basa en sistema

    manual en este sentido tambin.

    La compaa cree en la estrategia de crecimiento lento y constante. No saltar por los rpidos cambios en

    la organizacin. OCS afirma tener una ventaja competitiva en las tasas de ejecucin.

    Si se pierde un paquete / documento, fuera de lugar o que no llega a su destino, los criterios utilizados

    para reprender al cliente es el siguiente:

    Si est asegurado el paquete perdido OCS recibe la reclamacin de la compaa de seguros. Si elpaquete es de alto valor (en trminos de precio) empresa ofrece Rs. 100 slo en esa forma de

    reembolso. Si el cliente es de alto valor y las relaciones de la compaa proporciona la reclamacin



    TNT is an Australian based courier company. In Pakistan it is also working as franchise business

    that was incorporated in 1980. Head office is in Karachi, and the company has divided the whole country

    into five zones and has formed different hubs for different destinations. TNT has its branches in almost

    seventy-five (75) cities in Pakistan from where it is covering the concerned areas.777

    In Multan the company started it operations in 1982 that currently has twenty-six (26)

    employees, of which eight (8) are couriers. The company used to provide the transport service to its

    couriers earlier but now it has taken away that facility. Again the couriers have to use their own scooters

    and motorbikes. The company has a satellite tracking system on its web site from which the packet

    delivery status can be checked. The web site address

    The business composition of TNT at the Multan Branch is as follows:777

    Business People 55 % 777

    (Traders, manufacturers, and exporters)

    Banks 30 %

    Institutions 10 %

    (Service sector)

    Walk-in customers 5 %
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    The companys competitive advantage is said to be in its fast service and good network. Further it

    provides better service at comparable prices.

    The lost packets are dealt in a way that the company pays 10 % percent of the value of the item to the

    customer or pays Rs. 500 on a parcel, or full refund also depending on the relations with the customer.

    The insured items are claimed from the insurance company.

    The frequency of service per day from Multan to various cities is as follows:

    Karachi 40 %

    Lahore 30 %

    Faisalabad 5 %

    Other 25 %

    During the peak season in Multan, which is cotton season from December to February, the business tomajor cities like Karachi, Lahore and other increases by 15 % to 20 %.


    Leopard is a Pakistan based firm that started its operations in 1983 in Karachi. It has a vast network in all

    over Pakistan, providing service in more than 850 destinations in Pakistan.

    In Multan the company was operational in 1983 as well, and currently having 50 employees in its branch

    that includes 13 couriers.(see the brochure in the appendices).

    The company does not provide any facility of transport to its couriers; they use their own personal

    conveyance, which are scooters and motorbikes. Company has one Van in Multan Branch that is used

    for delivery purposes from Multan and surrounding areas.

    The company is still working through manual record keeping and booking and has not yet established its

    own computerized network. The tracing record is also kept manually with the help of telephone that can

    be used to tell the customer about the location of the packet.

    The business composition of Leopard at the Multan Branch is as follows:

    Business People 30 %

    (Traders, manufacturers, and exporters)

    Banks 60 %

    Others 10 %

    The frequency of service per day from Multan to various cities is as follows:

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    Karachi 45 %

    Lahore 25 %

    Faisalabad 5 %

    Islamabad 5 %

    Other 20 %

    During the peak season in Multan, which is cotton season from December to February, the business to

    major cities like Karachi, Lahore and other increases by 10 % to 20 %.


    FedEx is an American based company that has started its operations in Pakistan in year 1988. FedEx is

    currently providing both domestic as well as international courier services in Pakistan. It has its branches

    in 102 cities of Pakistan that include all big and small cities together. The company is providing itsdomestic service through a joint project with Gerrys and its international service under the name of

    FedEx, which is a licensed business of FedEx international.

    Multan Branch operations were started in 1997 in persuasion of its expansion program. The firm

    currently has 15 employees, has one van and six company owned scooters that are used for the delivery


    The business composition of FedEx at the Multan Branch is as follows:

    Business People 75 %

    (Traders, manufacturers, and exporters)

    Households 10 %

    Others 15 %

    The frequency of service per day from Multan to various cities is as follows:

    Karachi 75 %

    Lahore 15 %

    Other 10 %


    It is one of the pioneers in courier service in Pakistan that started its operations in 1983 in Karachi and

    other major cities of Pakistan. TCS has a large network scattered throughout Pakistan in more than 250

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    cities. This company is supposed to be the strongest competitor of DHL in the domestic market that has

    been a very efficient in its domestic services.

    The company started its operations in Multan in 1984, just one-year after its establishment seeking for

    big market opportunities and expanding its network. There are 70 employees in its Multan Branch of

    which 14 are couriers, having their own motorbikes, and 2 vans for the delivery purpose.

    The business composition of FedEx at the Multan Branch is as follows:

    Business People 35 %

    (Traders, manufacturers, and exporters)

    Banks 55 %

    Others 10 %

    The company is proud of its faster service, trained and experienced employees, a well managed networkof more than two hundred cities in Pakistan and its comparable delivery rates.

    There is a policy of the company not to make any refund on the lost or misplaced packet at all. The

    company has its operations scattered almost all the cities of Pakistan with daily turnover of 16 to 17

    deliveries daily. The company representative said that TCS has no peak or slump season, the rate of

    service remains the same all over the year.

    Other competitors

    There are other courier service companies also but are believed to be less threatening to DHL as

    compared with the ones discussed above. The survey revealed existence of more than thirteen differentcompanies in Multan City. The list of these companies is as follows:

    SMS Data Post SCS

    AMS Chase

    Blue Line LCS


    Excel Skynet

    These companies stand to be more efficient in delivery rates having a smaller network within the region,

    while the big cities are also covered by some of the above-mentioned companies, that can take away

    some of the price conscious customers.

    Findings and Analysis

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    For the achievement of our objectives and to find out the prevailing situation of market, we constructed

    a questionnaire (See Appendix B).

    In this questionnaire various questions were asked from respondents, which were based on suggested

    variables. Then after completion of our survey each variable was analyzed through the data provided by

    questionnaire. The graphical presentations of each variable along with its analysis, is as follows:

    The first question that was asked from the respondents was about the first name that came into their

    mind when they thought of a courier company.

    The table and the graph explicitly describe that TCS has been thought of at the very first moment. We

    also found that one respondent saying that make a TCS of this document to Lahore. This showed that

    TCS have become a generic that is used to say when to send something through a courier and following

    data also proofs it.




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    * The lowest Mode value indicates the highest importance of that attribute among the others that is

    price and faster service.

    ** Lowest the sum of the attribute also shows its highest importance.

    The attributes that become the basis for choosing a courier service company have been summarized

    above in the table. The five most important attributes that are considered in case a document is handed

    over to a courier describe that price is the most important attribute in this regard. The Mode (degree of

    repetition of a value) shows that most of the time price and faster delivery have been ranked at one,

    being the most important ones. Probing into the respondents revealed that they are more a cautious for

    price and reliability, due to reason the legitimate importance the documents carry. The importance of acourier being responsive or the case of urgent delivery is ranked at five.

    The details of each attribute for the delivery of a document are presented with the help of tables and

    charts. (See appendix 1)


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    * The lowest Mode value indicates the highest importance of that attribute among the others.

    ** Lowest the sum of the attribute, highest the importance it has.

    The attributes that become the basis for choosing a courier service company have been summarized

    above in the table. The five most important attributes that are considered in case a parcel is handed

    over to a courier describe that price is the most important attribute in this regard. The Mode (degree of

    repetition of a value) shows that most of the time price and reliability of the courier to hand it over to

    the right person at the right time. Faster delivery and urgent delivery have been ranked at the next level

    by most of the respondents. The next attribute, complicated delivery has been the last important

    because most of the respondents said they never had that kind of delivery that require a special

    treatment at all.

    The details of each attribute for the delivery of a parcel are presented with the help of tables and charts.

    (See appendix 2)


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    * The lower Mode value indicates the higher importance of that attribute among the others.

    ** Lower the sum of the attribute, higher the importance it has.

    The analysis of the questionnaires showed that the two attributes namely - Easy to do business with and

    customer service through phone- have rated at the least important attributes on the selection criteria of

    courier service companies. The Mode (degree of repetition of a value) shows that most of the time these

    attributes have been rated at 6 and seven respectively. The respondents claimed that we have been

    receiving almost the same kind of treatment from all the couriers that these attributes seem of no much




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    sThe future expectations regarding the business with the couriers will be increased for both domestic

    and international, as said by most of the respondents. This is a clear indication that there exist many

    opportunities that can be capitalized by DHL.



    The overall comparison for the best courier service, domestically working, the gathered data describes

    that TCS is at the highest rank with 63 % response rate. The second one is OCS with 12 % response, but

    the difference is fairly great in comparison. This suggests that TCS is going to be the strongest

    competitor in the domestic market for DHL.



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    (1.00 is the code that was assigned to DHL in the analysis)

    * The Mode value indicates that DHL has been ranked at the best position by most of the respondents

    on suggested attributes.

    The details on each attribute are further elaborated in the (appendix3) that clearly indicates the position

    of DHL vis--vis its competitors. This shows that DHL has a good image in minds of people in the business

    that will assist in its better customer satisfaction.


    Through cross tabulation we analyzed the impact of attributes on the selection of courier companies by

    our respondents. For this purpose, we opted three attributes (Price, Reliability and faster delivery) and

    created a relation between them and the usage of courier services by

    Customers at first option and second one.

    Each attribute has importance from 1 (that is most important) to 4 (that is least important).

    The above table and chart describe that customers who are working with Leopard, OCS and TCS have

    price importance of higher side for the delivery of documents. The first two couriersAMS and Blue line

    are being used for only reason of price having greatest importance for those customers. The three

    major companies also are selected on the other basis as we see that price is ranked at two, three and

    four also. This means that these courier companies are not only price competitive but also offering good

    service as well.

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    These customers are using the other companies, for delivery of documents, along with the first ones. In

    case of Leopard it is clear that these customers have ranked price as an important attribute. The rest of

    situation can be understood with the help of diagram. The next are TCS and OCS at total of ten each in

    the table that makes clear that these companies are going side by side with Leopard.

    In case of delivery of parcels again it is clear that Leopard is the key player in terms of price. All of therespondents who are doing business with Leopard have the price of delivery at the highest importance

    among the attributes for selection of courier Service Company.

    The other option, the people in the business are using, suggest that TCS is one that has comparable

    delivery rates. TCS is also favored due to the wide network it has inside the country. Now what DHL has

    to do is to get its position in these options as competitively as possible.

    On the reliability attribute the table explains that the most customers are doing business with TCS and

    all are ranked reliability at the higher position with respect to its importance. These customers believe

    that TCS is providing them a reliable and confident service.

    The second position holder is OCS with 14 respondents, and out of them 5 graded the reliability at no. 1

    on the importance scale. Then its Leopard with 12 respondents and four claiming to have the reliability

    at first rank on the selection criteria.

    For DHL it has to make something unique that really overcomes the customers preference plus some

    extra attribute that increases the reliability of its services than its competitors.

    In the next option regarding the courier company, Leopard is in the top position amongst the others wit

    respect to total usage. But, OCS has more reliability as described by most of the customers.

    Among the other attributes, faster delivery has been ranked at the most important one as well. Thetable and chart show that customers working with TCS all have ranked the faster delivery at upper most

    important ranks.

    The next company is Leopard with 5 respondents saying that faster delivery is most important attribute.

    For the next option the respondents have again ranked TCS at the first position with OCS being at the


    The importance of reliability with respect to courier shows that customers doing business with TCS andOCS are grading it at no.1. Whereas in case of Leopard the frequency is higher, but importance is at no.


    The second option describes that with reliability ranked at no. 1, FedEx is said to be the most efficient by

    the respondents. The customers of TCS are putting the reliability at no.3 that shows that for them other

    attributes are more important.

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    In case of importance of faster delivery of parcels, its shown that most of the people doing business

    with Leopard are ranking it at no.2 and onwards. For customer of TCS and OCS its of first position.

    In case of faster delivery of parcels Leopard is selected the most given the highest importance. People

    doing business with TCS and FedEx have ranked the importance of faster delivery at no. 2 and 3

    respectively. This shows that Leopard is offering faster service as compared to other couriers.

    The most important and crucial variables, which can directly tell us that what people will do if DHL

    comes in market. The preferences of different customers with their reasons are as given:

    The situation is clear as under the light of above data. DHL is the most preferred courier company on the

    basis of its service attribute. There are other preferences too that arent very significant for description.

    The table and chart explicitly say everything.

    General findings through probing into customers

    These are the other important findings that emerged during the interview session with the respondents

    that also make some significance regarding the objective of the research. The most important findings

    are listed below:

    People use DHL when the document or a parcel seems to be very important and must reach the

    recipient on time,

    The customer in case of a foreign deal has asked to send the documents or parcels through DHL as per

    specifications of the agreement,

    Sometimes, customers use DHL when they are going to make a deal with a new customer in the

    foreign market, like in case of Grey cloth and yarn when sent for the first time for the buyer to inspect,

    Some customers use DHL just to create a strong image for their organization in front of its customers,

    especially if that is a new customer,

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    Some people have preferred DHL in a way that they think they are in a position to make arrangements

    on price deals based on the volume of the business,

    People also think of DHL as part of TCS, not as separate company,

    One major objection that people raised was that they believe DHL will start its domestic operations for

    major cities whereas their destinations are small towns in the country,


    Through the analysis of the information that was gathered from the respondents we conclude that

    there exists a potential market that can be capitalized by DHL in domestic service. People have an

    image in their minds that DHL is a reliable and faster which provides best service than its competitors,

    but are hesitant to do business with DHL fearing that its prices will be high.

    DHL can expand its operations in the domestic market profitably if it makes these customers realize that

    the price they are paying is much lesser than the service they have been offered.


    On the basis of survey that was conducted on the customers and a structured interviewing done with

    the representatives of different courier companies, we intend to make the following recommendation

    to DHL for its domestic service operations to become fruitful. These recommendations also persist on

    the general probing during the interview with the respondents.

    DHL should increase its promotional efforts more vigorously that should aim at the following:

    Make the name DHL live in the minds of people as the first name that comes to their mind whenever

    they think of a courier service,

    Convince people that DHL provides more reliability with a guarantee and assure that the delivery will

    never lose its destinations,

    Sales promotion and personal selling efforts should support advertisement program to create a real

    synergistic effect on the cash streams. In this regards the couriers should be given training on personal

    selling skills to communicate the intentions of the company that can be of advantage to the customers,

    Being the most efficient company working for international deliveries, make people think DHL as the

    best alternative for the deliveries in domestic as well

    Due to the increasing price war in the domestic operations DHL has to bring prices that could meet the

    competition especially with OCS and TCS,

    DHL now launching its domestic operations should consider different discount schemes, by which it

    can create its initial customer base,

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    Special rate lists and brochures should be provided to the people about the current and future delivery


    Assure that in the future DHL will be building a strong network for domestic operations as it has for its

    international deliveries.

    The wireless communication system that links the couriers with the office all the time he is in the field,

    is a competitive weapon but still the company should increase number of its couriers

    Make a system in a way that couriers should go to the customers themselves at times when the mail is

    ready for dispatch,

    Make a system in a way that couriers should go to the customers themselves at times when the mail is

    ready for dispatch,

    New service centers should be opened at different areas in the city that are closer to the customers in

    the marketplace.

    Suggestion boxes can be placed at all service centers and customers should be encouraged give



    We are conducting a market survey to analyze peoples attitude towards different postal / courier

    service companies. It is for an academic purpose and all information provided by you shall remain


    1) When you think of postal/ courier service companies, what is the first name that comes in to your



    2) What other postal/ courier service companies have you heard of?

    ________________ ________________ ________________

    ________________ ________________ ________________

    3) What kind of documents / parcels, you normally send in Pakistan? (Please tick one)

    Documents of all kinds ________

    Parcels of all kinds ________

    Both documents and parcels ________

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    4) Which postal / courier service company, you mostly use? Write them in sequence of most usage:

    For Documents For Parcels


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________

    5) What is approximate frequency of documents / parcels, per day / per month to different cities?


    Name of City Per Day or Per Month

    i. _____________ _____________

    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________


    Name of City Per Day or Per Month

    i. _____________ _____________

    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________

    6) What is the average weight of each documents / parcels, you normally send within Pakistan?

    Name of City Document Parcel

    i. _____________ _____________

  • 8/10/2019 traduccion dhl.docx


    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________


    8) Over the next 12 months, do you expect your deliveries for documents / parcels, to increase,

    decrease or remain the same. Document Parcel

    Increased ______ ______ (place a mark)

    Decreased ______ ______

    Remain same ______ ______

    Dont know ______ ______

    9) On what attributes you select the postal / courier service for service within Pakistan; (please rank

    each attribute on 1,2,3 scale; where 1 is the most important and so forth)

    Documents Parcels

    Reliable ( consistent and on time delivery) _____ _____(Tick the most important ones)

    Faster service (pickup - to - delivery) _____ _____

    Prices are reasonable _____ _____

    Responsive (promptly respond to request) _____ _____

    Good for urgent deliveries _____ _____

    Good for complicated deliveries _____ _____

    Easy to do business with _____ _____

    Good customer service through phone _____ _____

    Others ______________________ _____ _____

    10) Are you satisfied with your postal /courier service company?

    Yes No (Give reasons in both situations)


  • 8/10/2019 traduccion dhl.docx




    11) Thinking of all the courier service companies in the market, which company do you think has a best

    overall service?

    OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard

    12) What kind of service do you expect from postal /courier service company? (List them according to

    relative importance)

    For Documents For Parcels

    13) What sort of routine complains youre faced with your postal / courier service company?











    14) Do you send documents / parcels internationally?

    YES NO

    (If your answer is NO then move to question no. 22)

    15) What kind of documents / parcels you normally send internationally? (Please tick one)

    Documents of all kinds ________

  • 8/10/2019 traduccion dhl.docx


    Parcels of all kinds ________

    Both documents and parcels ________

    16) Which postal / courier service company you mostly use? (Write them in sequence of most usage):

    Documents Parcels

    i. _____________ _____________

    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________

    17) What is approximate frequency of documents / parcels, per day / per month?


    Name of Country Per Day or Per Month

    vi. _____________ _____________

    vii. _____________ _____________

    viii. _____________ _____________

    ix. _____________ _____________

    x. _____________ _____________


    Name of Country Per Day or Per Month

    i. _____________ _____________

    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________

    18) What is the average weight of each documents / parcels you normally send internationally?

  • 8/10/2019 traduccion dhl.docx


    Name of Country Document Parcel

    i. _____________ _____________

    ii. _____________ _____________

    iii. _____________ _____________

    iv. _____________ _____________

    v. _____________ _____________

    19) Over the next 12 months, do you expect your deliveries for documents / parcels, to increase,

    decrease or remain the same. Document Parcel

    Increased ______ ______

    Decreased ______ ______

    Remain same ______ ______

    Dont know ______ ______

    20) On what attributes you select the postal / courier service company ;(please rank each attribute on

    ABC scale; where A is the most important and so forth)

    Documents Parcels

    Reliable (consistent and on time delivery) _____ _____ (Tick the most important ones)

    Faster delivery (pickup - to - delivery) _____ _____

    Prices are reasonable _____ _____

    Responsive (promptly respond to request) _____ _____

    Good for urgent deliveries _____ _____

    Good for complicated deliveries _____ _____

    Easy to do business with _____ _____

    Good customer service through phone _____ _____

    Others ______________________ _____ _____

    21) Are you satisfied with you postal / courier service company for international deliveries?

    Yes No (Give reasons in both situations)

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    22) What kind of service you expect from postal / courier service company for international? (List them

    according to relative importance)

    For Documents For Parcels


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________


    ___________________ __________________

    23) Please rank the following courier service agencies: (Please rank each on ABC scale; where A is

    number 1 and so forth)

    TCS _______

    OCS _______

    TNT _______

    DHL _______

    FEDEX _______

    LEOPARD _______

    POSTAL _______

    OTHER___________ _________

    24) Which of the following courier service companies perform the best in the listed areas of service?

    (Give rating to each company by 1,2,3 on top of each name)

    Reliable (consistent and on OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    time delivery)

    Faster delivery (pickup - to - delivery) OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

  • 8/10/2019 traduccion dhl.docx


    Prices are reasonable OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    Responsive (promptly respondOCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    to request

    Good for urgent deliveries OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    Good for complicated deliveries OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    Easy to do business with OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    Good customer service through phone OCS DHL TNT TCS FedEx Leopard Other_____

    25) Which of the following international courier service companies you will prefer if they provide

    domestic courier services?

    FEDEX _______

    DHL _______

    TNT _______

    OTHER __ _______

    Reasons for preferences:

    i. ____________________________

    ii. ____________________________

    iii. ____________________________

    Posted in:Marketing