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Toolbox  2.0:  Web-­‐based  OER  for  Connec9vism  Learning  

Mark Frydenberg Bentley University, USA

Diana Andone Politehnica University of Timisoara

ELSE  2014  

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G.  Siemens,  “Connec9vism:  learning  as  network  crea9on,”  ASTD  Learning  News,  vol.  10,  no.  1,  2005.    S.  Downes,  “An  introduc9on  to  connec9ve  knowledge,”  S,  22  December  2005.  [Online].  Available:  hPp://     ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  -­‐  Connec9vism  

Learning  and  knowledge  rest  in  diversity  of  


Learning  is  a  process  of  connec9ng  specialized  nodes  or  informa9on  


Capacity  to  know  more  is  more  cri9cal  than  what  is  

currently  known  

Decision-­‐making  is  itself  a  learning  process.  

Choosing  what  to  learn  and  the  meaning  of  

incoming  informa9on  is  seen  through  the  lens  of  

a  shiVing  reality.  

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  project  2008-­‐2013  UPTimisoara  Romania      

BU,  Boston,  USA  

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013  Where  We  Are  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013    Students  

Bentley  University      •  IT  101,  Informa9on  

Technology  •  50  students  •  Spoke  English  •  Web  literate  •  PC  Literate    •  Age  18-­‐21  

UP  Timisoara  •  TMM,  Technologies  of  

Mul9media  •  40  students  •  Spoke  English  •  Web  literate  •  PC  Literate  •  Age  21-­‐24  

ELSE  2014  

587  students  involved,  no  dropout  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013  Students  

ELSE  2014  

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ViCaDiS  campus  

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013    2008  

•  Create  a  web  page  with  images,  a  video,  a  PowerPoint  or  Google  presenta9on,  a  recorded  audio  conversa9on,  or  a  combina9on  of  any  of  these  that  presents  your  group’s  understanding  of  a  current  issue  in  technology  and  culture  

•  Post  content  and  group  progress  to  a  collabora9ve  Google  Site  TalkTech2008  


•  Research  a  web-­‐based  collabora9on  tool  

•  Create  a  wiki  page  with  images,  blog  entry,  video    or  video  tutorial  of  a  tool;  post  link  on  ViCaDiS    


•  Create  a  short  video  evalua9ng  two  similar  online  collabora9on  tools    (screen  sharing,  forms,  presenta9ons,  video  conferencing,  scheduling,  project  management,  mind  mapping)  from  the  perspec9ves  of  usability  and  entrepreneurship  

•  Summarize  findings  in  a  Google  Doc  or  video.     ELSE  2014  

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ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech2010  project  

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013    2011  •  Create  a  presenta9on  in  which  your  group  analyzes  and  discusses  the  poten9al  of  

various  start-­‐up  Internet  companies  •  Use  VoiceThread  to  add  comments  or  narra9on  to  the  presenta9on’s  slides;  

integrate  in  ViCaDiS  blog  2012  •  Create  a  presenta9on  in  which  your  group  researches  innova9ve  methods  used  in  

business  by  promising  start-­‐up  companies    •  Use  VoiceThread  to  add  comments  or  narra9on  to  the  presenta9on’s  slides;  

integrate  in  ViCaDiS  blog    2013  •  Research  popular  web  or  mobile  apps    •  Create  an  interac9ve  image  using  ThingLink  Annota9ons  must  include  audio  and  

video  clips  in  which  interna9onal  partners  appear  simultaneously  discussing  their  topic  

•  Post  ThingLink  to  ViCaDiS  blog  

 ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013    

ELSE  2014  

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ELSE  2014  

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ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013    

•  Mul9cultural  •  Online  –  different  9mezones  •  Simulate  real  wolrd  work  in  an  IT  company  •  Students  freely  choose  the  tools,  communica9on,  working  9me  and  hours  

•  All  students  finished  and  delivered  the  ar9fact  

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013  OER  Tools    

ELSE  2014  

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TalkTech  2008  –  2013      

•  Connec9vist  OER  -­‐    xOER  •  introduced  students  to  real-­‐world  technology  topics  and  trends  and  facilitated  their  use  of  a  variety  of  OER  and  tools  within  an  interna9onal  educa9onal  context    

•  create  the  learning  and  working  environment  for  producing  the  final  ar9fact,  in  a  self-­‐organized,  networked-­‐based  and  quite  oVen  complex  and  chao9c  manner  

ELSE  2014  

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ELSE  2014  

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CONTACT Dr.eng. Diana Andone Director e-Learning Center Tel: +40.256403300, Email:

[email protected] Web

UPT  –  CeL    Campus  Virtual  



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