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I. Background of the Study

The world is constantly changing from time to time. As the result of the

current globalization era, English becomes the world’s major means of

communication. It is widely adopted for communication among two speakers

whose native languages are different from each other where one or both speakers

are using it as a ‘second language’. In other words, English is as international

language. The people over the world use it for their communication. Many source

of knowledge use on English. Therefore it has important role in improving of

knowledge: economic, educational, culture, and environmental. This is source

used by most of the school in Indonesia to reach understanding (Pantow, 2007:


Moreover, thus a bulk of global information is all delivered in English.

Therefore, to be able to fulfill the world’s various demands, everyone must master

English. It is the foremost key to survive in the global era. Otherwise, those

human resources with no good English abilities will absolutely left behind. So,

English is needed to be taught at school to cope with the world challenge, so that

the students will be able to face it with English.

English is developed and used by most people in Indonesia, but they do not

use it in daily life. In Indonesia, English is taught as one of the compulsory

subjects that are given from elementary school to university level. In junior high

school and senior high school English is one of last subject that must be passed by

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the students in the last examination. It provides that English has important role in

education in Indonesia. It shows that the students have to master English well in

order to pass the examination and improve their English skill.

In fact, in Indonesia English has already been taught at elementary school

since 1994 as a local subject for 4th, 5th, and 6th grades (Suyanto, 2008: 4-5).

It is shows that our government has a special attention to develop

English earlier. So, the contribution of many sides is totally necessary. One of the

most important contributions is from teacher, a people who have a special

obligation to guide and educate the young generations. Nowadays, every student

learns English at school. Unfortunately, the result of learning shows that the goal

of it is not yet perfectly achieved. After conducting observation, the researcher

found some facts related to this problem. The facts include the problems in

teaching and the difficulties encountered by students. Teaching process is

conducted as if it was only the routine to end up the syllabus. The use of media

and the application of various teaching strategies become so lacking.

Through teacher’s role, the bright future is on teacher’s hand. The

creativities from the teacher are totally necessary, when they taught, because

every child has their own uniqueness. When teacher is able to create a joyful

learning automatically the teaching and learning process will run smoothly.

When the students learn a language, there are four skills that students need

to master for communication. When the students learn our native language, we

usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read, and finally to write. These

are called the four language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing).

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The importance of English language throughout the world in education,

business, government and social situations continues to grow, despite the

understand able desire of people to preserve their own native language. For

Indonesian students, English is a foreign language. One of the skills that must be

learned is reading. Reading is a very important skill that students need to master

as early as possible. However, the process of mastering reading is actually very

complex and this is clearly shown by the large number of students who are

not skilled in reading. Reading is important in English teaching. Teaching

reading is to make easy the student to study other skills. Because, reading books

or others, the students will get new knowledge and they can share it to others after

they read and understand.

Based on the observation and interview result to the student, student’s

reading ability especially in SMP N 1 Jambon at the eight grades was not good.

There are many factors influence it, those are: The students read the English text

slowly, the students’ motivation is low, when the students read English text, they

feel difficult to understand the text, less pronunciation, fluency and vocabulary.

Students usually are bored while they are reading. This phenomenon is probably

happened because in the text there are many new vocabularies, language features

and generic structure. Students usually feel lazy to open the dictionary in

searching difficult words, understanding grammar used and organizing generic


Learning strategies, according to Weinstein and Mayer have learning

facilitation as a goal and are intentional on the part of the learner. The goal of

strategy use is to affect the learners motivational of affective state, or the way in

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wich the learner selects, acquires, organize, or intergrates new knowledge

(O’Malley, 1990: 43). A teacher must prepare the material to be taught. Beside

that teacher think teaching strategy in accordance with the material presented.

Directed Reading Thinking Activity is a teaching strategy that allows the

guides the students through the process of making predictions based on the

information that the text has provided them. The Directed Reading Thinking

Activity as a strategy to help students’ develop the ability to determine a purpose

of reading in order to extract, comprehend, and make decisions based on

information gained from reading. (Stauffer, 1976: 116). The teacher asks questions

about the text, the students answer them, and then develop predictions about the

text. As the students move through the text, their predictions are changed and

modified according to the new information that is provided from the text.

The key step in a Directed Reading/Thinking Activity is developing purposes

for reading. Purposes or questions represent the directional and motivating

influences that get readers started and produce the vigor and potency and push to

carry them through to the end.

Finally, the facts above inspire the researcher to write a thesis entitled

Improving Students’ Reading Skill on Descriptive Text Trough Directed Reading

Thinking Activity (DRTA) Method at Second Grade SMPN 1 Jambon in Lesson

Year 2012-2013.

II. Statement of problems

Based on the background stated above, the researcher formulates the research

question as follows:

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“How can Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) method improve the

students’ Reading ability in SMPN 1 Jambon Ponorogo?

III. Purpose of study

To know Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) method improves the

students’ Reading ability in SMPN 1 Jambon Ponorogo.

IV. Significant of the Study

It gives some signficance and constribution for helping English teacher, the

writer, the students, and another researcher as follows:

a. English teacher

Hopefully this research can help to guide in teaching reading to students and

motivate them in learning reading.

b. The students

Hopefully the result of this study will make the students more interesting in

teaching reading.

c. The researcher

The researcher gets new knowledge and experience in teaching reading by

Directed Reading Thinking activity Method.

d. Other researchers

The result of the research can be used as a reference or can be input in

observing another problem in English Reading by DRTA.

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V. Scope and limitation

a. Scope

The scope of this study is teaching reading by using strategies, for

example: guided reading procedure, think pair share, and DRTA.

b. Limitation

The limitation of this study is teaching reading by using DRTA to improve

the students’ reading in descriptive text at the eight grade of SMPN 1

Jambon in academic year 2012/2013.

VI. Definition of key term :

To make easier in understanding this research, the researcher defined

the key terms as follows:

DRTA : Directed Reading Thinking Activity is an instructional

framework that views reading as a problem solving

process best accomplished in a social context (Stauffer,


Reading : Is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and

interpret this information appropiately (Grabe and

Stoller, 2002 : 9).

Descriptive text : is a text to describe a person or a thing (Larson,

1984: 23).

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In this chapter, the writer wants to discuss some theories related to the topic

of the study. The discussion is presented in three main parts i.e. definition of

reading, text, descriptive text, Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA).

I. Theory of Reading

A. Definition of Reading

According to Cahyono (2010: 43) Reading is the most important activity

in any language class. Reading is not only a source of information and pleasure

activity but it also a means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of

the language. Reading is the ability of an individual to recognize a visual form

associate the form with a sound or meaning acquired in the past and the basic

of past experience, understand and interpret its meaning. Reading can stimulate

the imagination. With reading, the students select the cast, set the stage, and

direct the action. Reading also develops verbal skills. Reading requires and

develops verbal skills, it is inextricably linked with speech and writing.

Student’s skills in searching main idea from the descriptive text almost cannot

be predicted, besides reading can improve student’s skill to widen the insight,

reading also the way to add many vocabularies in our mind.

Reading is receptive skill in understanding the words in written form. It is

believed that understanding the purpose of someone is not only in spoken form

but also in reading. Reading is the next step in writing because through it

students can comprehend what someone wants to talk something. According

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to Nunan (1991: 70), reading is a dynamic process in which the text

elements interact with other factors outside the text, in this case most

particularly with the reader’s knowledge of content of the text.

Reading is a developmental, interactive, and global process involving

learned skills. The process specifically incorporates an individual’s

linguistic knowledge. It can be both positively and negatively influenced

by non linguistic internal and external variables of factors. It means that

reading is regarded as complex activity that involves various activities,

such as knowing each symbol and analyzing the words into a meaning.

Reading is a very important skill that students need to master as early as

possible. However, the process of mastering reading is actually very complex

and this is clearly shown by the large number of students who are not

skilled in reading. The students need good reading skills for acquiring

knowledge and learning new information. Reading is a complex cognitive

process and mastery of all aspects of reading is crucial for academic success

and achievement.

Based on the definitions above, reading is a process when the students

get information from the writer. From the reading activity, the students

can identify and recognize the message through each word that builds the

content of the text.

Reading knowledge is broadened and well-informed by reading.

Reading is really crucial our knowledge is usually broadened and informed by

reading activities, and the activity of reading can be found in the internet,

book, etc.

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Students should practice their reading more and more, so that their

reading ability and their reading experience will be improved. They may find

difficulty and frustrating, but if they keep practicing, they will have a

good sense of English and will help them to grasp the total meaning of the

words. Another thing should be remembered in reading that students should not

open a dictionary too often because it will slow down their reading rate

and can make them bored. If they find new words, they should try to

guess the meanings by trying to find out any clue words according to the

context in the passages.

B. Types of Reading

Depending on the purposes of reading it also can be classified into two

types of activities, intensive and extensive reading.

1. Intensive reading

According to Nunan (2003: 71) intensive reading involves a short reading

passage followed by textbook activities to develop comprehension and a

particular reading skill. Intensive reading means reading shorter texts to

extract specific information. This activity is likely more to emphasize the

accuracy activity involving reading for detail. The process of scanning takes a

more prominent role here than skimming. Reader is trying to absorb all

the information given.

2. Extensive reading

According to Nunan (2003: 72) Extensive reading plays a keyrole in top-

down approach to reading. Extensive reading can be contrasted with Intensive

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reading. Extensive reading means reading many books (or longer segments of

text) without a focus on classroom exercise that may test comprehension skill.

Reader deals with a longer text as a whole, which requires the ability to

understand the component part and their contribution the overall meaning,

usually for oneís own pleasure. This is a fluency activity, mainly involving

global understanding. Example: Reading a newspaper, article,short story or


C. The Aim of Reading

The aim of Reading is looking for and getting information from

books, references, texts or others. In Reading, the students have to

understand the idea, the context, and the meaning of the texts in the

passage. Anderson (2011: 10), states the following aims of reading:

1. Reading for Details of Facts

The students read the text to get or know the inversion that have been done

by the writer or solve the problems of the writer.

2. Reading for the main Idea

The students read the text (books) to know “why is the topic is

good or interesting, then the problems on the passage, and make

summaries of the passage.

3. Reading for the Sequence or Organization.

The students read the text to know “what is happening in each part of the

passage in every episode and solving the problems of the text”.

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4. Reading to Classify

Students read the text to classify some information or actions of the

writer in the text or paragraph.

5. Reading to Inference

The students read the text in order to find out the solutions from the

actions or idea in the text.

6. Reading to Compare

The students read to compare the plot of the text or content whether

having similarity with the readers or even contrast.

Based on explanation above, it can be assumed that the aims of reading

are to get detail information of text, classify some information or actions of

the writer in the text of paragraph, and compare the plot of the text or

content whether having similarity with him or even contrast etc.

D. Teaching Reading

The word teaching is often defined as giving an experience to the students

that have not gotten before. According to Cahyono (2011: 57) reading is a

procces of translating graphemic string into spoken words in the beginning of

learning to read. It can also be defined as helping students in doing their

activities in classroom especially in their lesson. Teaching English as foreign

language especially reading is not as easy activity as teaching English as first

and second language. For teaching reading, the teachers and the students have

to know about the rules used in teaching reading especially to improve

student’s reading skill in the descriptive text. Reading is an interactive process

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that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The

text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning.

The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that

meaning is. Most of the students and the teachers think of reading as a simple,

passive process that involves reading words in a linear fashion and

internalizing their meaning one at a time. But reading is actually a very

complex process that requires a great deal of active participation on the part of

the reader.

Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain

information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas

or writing style. A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance

knowledge of the language being read.

According Cahyono (2011: 68) there are some categories of teaching

reading for students: before reading (pre-reading), during reading (while

reading), and after reading (post reading).

1. Pre-reading activity.

According to Cahyono (2011: 68) pre reading activities are instructional

activities carried out before student conduct the real reading activities. In pre

reading activities, activations is concerned with students’ background

knowledge, objective of reading class, learning activities, and motivating

students. The purpose of pre-reading activities is to motivate the students to

want to read the assignment and to prepare them to be able to read it. In pre

reading, there are some ways that can be used by the teacher to stimulate the

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student, likes brainstorming before they read the text, guessing a picture related

with the text, or others.

2. While reading

According to Cahyono (2011: 69) while reading activitiesare the activities

that a reader does while reading takes place. To maximize reader interaction to

a text, reader should be guided during reading activities. Reading activity is a

main activity in class. In this activity the teacher usually ask to the student to

read the text, while the student read it, sometime the teacher correcting about

the pronunciation of word, or the meaning of word. In main activity the

students also ask to the task. It can be given before reading the text or after

reading the text.

3. Post reading

According to Cahyono (2011: 70) Post reading is a final in teaching

reading. Post reading activities are the activities conducted by a reader after

reading. In this activity sometimes the teacher also ask the students to do task.

Only for reviewing the lesson at that day. The task is not only the question base

on the text but also retelling the text, summarizing the text and others. The

purpose of post reading is to make clear that the student understand about the

lesson that given by the teacher.

II. Text

According to Anderson (2003: 2), text is pieces of spoken or written

language that are created for a particular purpose. When we speak or write,

we create texts. When we listen, read or view texts, we interpret them in

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meaning. A good piece of text requires the creator to make the right choices

from the language system. It is about words, sentences, processes, and

features. These choices will reflect our purpose and our context. It will be

created a good text if the writer makes the right choice from the language


According to Marsudiono (2011 :56) genre or types of text can be

categorized into two, they are story genre and factual genre.

A. Story genre

1. Recount.

It is a piece of text that retells past events. Its purpose is to retell a series

of events, usually in the order they occurred.

2. Spoof

It is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with

unpredictible and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share

the story.

3. Narrative

It is a text containing story. It can be in the front of folktale, fable,

legend, short story,fairy tale, myth, etc. The main function of this text is to

entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experince in different ways.

4. Anecdote

Anecdote is a text wich retells funny and unusual incidents in fact or

imagination. Its purpose is to entertain the readers.

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B. Factual Genre

1. Proccedure text

It is a piece of text that tells how to do something. Its purpose is to

instruct someone on how something can be done

2. News item

It is a text which reports important events to the readers. The social

function is to inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy or important.

3. Descriptive text

It is a piece of text that describe something, sound, feeling, taste, size,

shape, color, etc. It can be both phsical and process description.

4. Report

It is a piece of text that presents information about a subject. The purpose

is to classify, describe or to present information about a subject.

5. Explanation

It tells how or why something occurs. Explanation texts can be spoken or

written and the purpose is to tell each step of the process (the how) and to

give reason (the way).

6. Analytical Exposition

It is one of the genre which presents argument. The purpose is to

persuade the readers that something in the case, to analyze or to explain.

7. Hortatory Exposition text

The purpose is to persuade the readers that something should or should

not be the case.

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8. Discussion

It gives for and against, the positive and negative, or the good and bad

points. It can be in oral or written form. The purpose of a discussion is to

present differing opinions on a subject to the reader or listener.

9. Review

It is an evaluation, such as movie review, book review, etc. The purpose

is to critique an art work or event for a public audience.

III. Descriptive text

According to Marsudiono (2011: 75), a descriptive text is a text which

lists the characteristics of something. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a

particular person, place, or thing. A descriptive text is usually used to create

and to develop the characteristics of a person and why he or she is so special

that the reader can create a vivid picture of the character.

The purpose of the descriptive text is that description is used in all form

of reading not only to tell a vivid impression of a person, but also to describe a

person’s achievement in the report.

Descriptive text is also usually used to develop an aspect of someone’s

reading, for example, to create or to describe a thing. A description should be

so unique that a description of one thing should be different from a description

of another thing (Priyanto, 2009). In order word, a descriptive text is not used

to generalize. All different readers should be able to show the same thing being

described in the text. Relational process is much applied to show identifications

of the thing being described, while material process is used to show what the

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thing does. Because descriptive texts show the attributes of the thing, most

clauses use adjectives.

The Genre of Descriptive Text

Social Function To describe a particular person, place and thing.

Generic Structure Identification : identifies phenomenon to be described.

Description : describes parts, qualities, characteristic.




Focus on specific participants.

Use of attributive and identifying processes.

Frequent use of ephitets and classifiers in nominal


Use of simple present tense.

Dok.Final Bahasa Inggris Agustus 2003 Page 49

IV. DRTA Strategy

A. Definition of DRTA

In the 21st century, students will have access to more information than

any other students before them. They must learn to locate, assess, and use this

information wisely. Today students not only read the words on the page and

understand them, but they must also think critically about the information they

are reading. One of the strongest ways you can help student learn what it

means to become actively engaged the pieces literature they are reading is to

scaffold students reading via the Directed Reading Thinking Acrivity (DRTA)

that delvelop by stauffer

Directed Reading/Thinking Activity is a teaching strategy that allows the

guides the students through the process of making predictions based on the

information that the text has provided them. The teacher asks questions about

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the text, the students answer them, and then develop predictions about the text.

As the students move through the text, their predictions are changed and

modified according to the new information that is provided from the text.So,

Directed Reading Thinking Activity ( DRTA ) is an important strategy because

it actively teaches students the skill of comprehension. This strategy relies on

the teacher actively modeling the art of reading for her students.

To use the DRTA, teachers give students a text selection and ask them to

read the title, a few sampled lines of text, and examine the pictures to develop

hypotheses about the text. Students generate hypotheses as they read from the

text and from their own experiential backgrounds.

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is a useful strategy to get

students to make inference while reading. The role of the teacher is to guide

students through a selection in order for them to formulate question for

themselves, make predictions, and validate or reject the predictions. The

strategy should be done over a period of time during which the teacher models

and gradually reduces guidance until students begin to use the strategy

independently. The final instructional objective is that students be able to

independently apply the DRTA strategy to all their reading selections.

The Directed Reading Thinking Activity engages students in a step by

step proccess that guides them through informational text. It is designed to

move students through the proccess of reading text. Question are asked and

answered, and predictions are made and tested throughout the reading.

Additionally, new question and prediction are formulated as the student

progresses through the text. While the teache guides the process, the students

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determines the purpose for reading. To introduce the strategy, the teacher gives

examples of how to make predictions. A preview of the section to be read is

given by having the students read the title and make predictions. Independent

thinking is encouraged as knowledge from previous lessons is incorporated into

the predictions. All the student predictions should be recorded by the teacher,

even those that will later proveto be inaccurate. Misconception are clarified by

the reader through interaction. The DRTA proccess encourages student to be

active and thoughful readers, enhancing their comprehension.

Based explained above, the researcher conclude the DRTA strategy

involves readers in the process of predicting, reading, proving about the text

material through the use of open-ended question. To the make successful of the

DRTA strategy the teacher must be know how using DRTA.

B. Using DRTA strategy.

The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is a strategy that

guides students in asking question about a text, making predictions, and then

reading to confirm or refuse their prediction. The DRTA process encourages

student to be active and thoughtful readers. The basic DRTA involves the

teacher working as they read a short story or selection, pausing at teacher

selected stopping points to think and predict.

At each stopping point, the teacher focuses the discussion of the text on

predictions the student make. In using the DRTA, the teacher does not ask

specific factual question of student. The teacher’s role is to guide the students’

thinking as they make predictions. The further into a text the students’ read, the

more accurate their predictions usually become. The teacher listens and notes

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the students’ use of the author’s clues the meaning and their general knowledge

of stories and genres as they discus their ideas.

The other essential strategy teachers want to develop with the DRTA is

the students’ use of text information to either revise to confirm predictions.

Many time as teachers begin this process students engage in predicting with

eagerness. Asking for the reasons for their particular predictions leads them to

a deeper engagement with a text. Some students have difficulty adjusting

predictions to the actual content of the text they e reading. Af the students are

not making good inferences and connecting different segment of the text the

teacher may need to ask them to reread a section and locate information that

will inform their predictions and help them movw forward with the author’s


C. The advantages and disadvantages of DRTA

Generally in every learning strategy have some advantages that make the

learning strategy is better than others and also some disadvantages that make

the learningis the lack effective. It’s so in Directed Reading Thinking activity

(DRTA) strategy. There are some advantages and disadvantages of Directed

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy.

There are some reasons for using Directed Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) strategy in reading class:

1. It encourages students to be active and thoughtful readers.

The process of predicting, reading, and proving make the students are not

passive in reading class. They use their mind to be more aware about the

topic given may be known yet by the students.

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2. It activates students’ prior knowledge.

It will appear prior knowledge by predicting about the topic. New

information will add the students’ knowledge.

3. It teaches students to monitor their understanding of the text as they are

reading. The students understand the content of the text step by

step. It began from activating prior knowledge, then predicting what

they will learn about the topic and the last is proving. From that step, the

students will practice how to understand the text accurately.

4. It helps students strengthen reading and critical thinking skills.

Reading skill is not passive skill. The readers must think about the topic


The Disadvantages of DRTA strategy :

1. Only useful if students have read or heard the text being used.

2. Classroom management may become a problem.

Therefore, the advantages of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

strategy are this activity can be easily adapted for a variety of subject and reading

levels. This strategy help strengthen reading and critical thinking skill. As the

teacher guides the process, the DRTA teaches students to determine the purpose

for reading and make adjustments to what the students think will come next based

on the text. A key to sucessful use of the DRTA strategy is that no one has read a

text or read a head of the others. If a students has read material before, ask the

students to become an observer to make notes on the other students prediction and

the ways they verify or change their ideas, based on what is unfolding text.

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D. Teaching Reading using Directed Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) strategy.

1. Procedure of Teaching Reading using DRTA

The procedural steps of DRTA will give the systematic process of

teaching reading. Leu (1987: 222), states that the first phase of a DRTA

consists of three procedural steps, repeated as students read and discuss a

selection, those are:

a. Predicting

During this first step, students are asked to predict outcomes and model

their inferential reasoning for others. At the beginning of a text

descriptive, questions like the following might be used.

1) What is the suitable story for this title? Why?

2) What do you think about main idea in the next paragraph?

3) What does the next paragraph tell us about?

Each student is expected to form a prediction and support it with

a reasonable explanation. Teachers should encourage different prediction as

long as a student can justify them logically.

b. Reading

Students are asked to read silently upto a predetermined point in the

text and check their predictions. Directions like the following might be given.”

Now that you have all told me what you think this story is going to be about,

who will be in it, and where it will take place, I want you to read and see if

you were correct.”

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c. Proving

During this third step, students are asked to draw conclusions and

to model their reasoning process for others. In a discussion, students evaluate

the available evidence in relation to their predictions.

2. Goals of teaching reading using DRTA strategy

The Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) is an explicit teaching

strategy that focuses students on the purpose for reading. This procedure

focuses on reading as a thinking pocess. Its intent is to teach students to make

predictions throughout reading. The purpose of this teacher guided reading of

the text is to help students think actively and become personally engaged in the

reading. Good readers make predictions and verify or refuse them as they read.

A prediction is a process used by readers to combain their knowledge

with textual information to generate a hypotesis about what will happen text.

Prediction is a way focusing interest and establishing a purpose for reading a

particular text to confirm or expand understanding. Thus, the goal of teaching

reading using DRTA strategy to build critical awareness of the reader’s role

and responsibility in interacting with the text.

Based explanations above the researcher conclude goal of teaching

reading using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy are to help

students’ :

a. Determine the purpose for reading

b. Use prediction when reading text

c. Make decision based on reading

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In this chapter, the researcher will explain some research method used

includes research design, subject and setting of research, and research procedure.

I. Research Design.

The design of this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Classroom

Action Research is an effective media in improving the quality of English

teachers’ performance in instruction as well as students’ achievement in learning

English in classroom. Research in English learning is a scientific activity that

aims at investigating the rules that work in the process of English learning.

According to Kemmis and Mc. Taggart in Kunandar (2008, 43), action

research is a form of collective, self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants

in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own

social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of these practices

and situations in which these practices are carried out.

Classroom Action Research activities involve repeated cycles, each cycle

consist of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The result of one cycle is

used to determine the need for the following cycle, until the problems get solved

by the strategy. For the classroom action research the researcher uses the cycle of

Kemmis & Mc.Taggart in Wiriaatmadja (2005).

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Figure 1 : The Classroom Action Research Model Kemmis and McTaggart

II. Setting and Subject of Research

The research will be conducted at SMPN 1 Jambon Ponorogo. The school is

located at Watu Gong street, Krebet, Jambon,Ponorogo. The school has regular

classes covering all grades (seventh grade, eighth grade, and ninth grade).

The subject of this research is one of eighth grade at SMPN 1 Jambon.

Because the most of the students get difficulties as they learn reading. This

research is conducted on November 2013.

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III. Research Procedure

A. Doing Preliminary Study (reconnaissance)

It represents early reflection about previous learning to identify and analyze

problems. In this step, the researcher will obtain data by giving thought and

identified the causation of worst of process and study result. In order to get

the data, researcher will use research instruments; there are observation, test,

and questionnaire.

B. Identifying and Analyzing Problems as The Preparation

The result in this step will be used as references to create action planning.

The problem in this research is the students have difficulty in reading ability

such as: The students feel difficult to understand the text, less pronunciation,

fluency and vocabulary.

C. Implementating the Research

The research will be done by the researcher with the step below:

1. Planning

Planning is a step to prepare the classroom instructional strategy to be

developed in the study to solve the instructional problems. The instructional

strategy has been selected based on the belief that the strategy can

theoretically solve the problems. The strategy becomes the focus of the

study, to be prepared, to be tried out, to be revised, to be tried again until it

proves effective to solve the problems. The instructional strategy has to be

elaborated into a detailed scenario of instruction provided with all necessary

instructional media and assessment instruments. In planning there are

several activities as follows:

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a. The Steps of Direct Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

1) Develop readiness for the reading selection. Try to anticipate

deficiencies in prior knowledge of the content and then shore

them up by introducing vocabulary, providing factual


2) Asking the students to read to a key point and then stop. They

are then to form predictions about how the story will end. These

predictions may be generated individually or by collaborative


3) Permitting the students to read the reminder of the story for the

purpose of testing their predictions.

4) Leading a discussion focusing on the predictions students have


5) Providing extension or reinforcement activities. These can take

many forms and could focus on word recognition,

comprehension, or personal responses to content.

b. Arranging The Lesson Plan

The researcher arranges lesson plan to make easy, teaching

learning process with DRTA method. Action research planning that

will be done by the researcher as follows:

1) The researcher will make lesson plan according to syllabus.

2) The researcher will choose subject material to teaching reading.

3) The researcher will prepare some descriptive texts.

4) The researcher will learn the use of DRTA method.

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5) The researcher will make test.

c. Determining The Criteria of Success

In this study, the writer determines the criterias of success as


1) Affective, the students study actively to find good ideas. The

minimum result of percentages is 70%.

2) Psychomotor, the students are actively involved in their team

during learning process of reading text. If the students of SMP N

1 Jambon have reached the students’ percentage ≥ 75% it means

that implementation of DRTA method to improve students’

reading skill has been successful because the students are active.

3) Cognitive, the students are able to improve their reading skill in

answering the questions. Minimum score of the study is 70. If ≥

70 of all students can reach this score, it means that students’

reading skill through DRTA method is successful.

d. Preparing the Research Instrument

1) Research Instrument

Instrument can call the way of obtaining data in activity of

research. There are many methods can be used to collect data.

There are some component researchers, which the researcher is

used namely; observation check list, test, and questionnaire of

the action research and the details as follow:

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a) Observation

Observation is as an important tool to collect data in

classroom action research. It is used to control and observe. The

focus of observation from classroom activity can be categorized

into general and specific. General observation from classroom

activity will notice the subjectivity of researchers’ suggestion

and the specific observation is about the things that have been

agreed in planning. The result of data will help the school for

further development (Wiriaatmadja, 2005: 250).

Observation is the activity to get information about

teaching and learning process in the classroom action research

and it is as a process to collect the data by monitoring the

students’ activities, especially in improving students’ reading

skill in descriptive text through DRTA strategy. To measure the

student’s activeness the researcher consider Yuliz Setyaningsih

as the collaborator. He gives a checklist (√) in every student’s

activity during the teaching and learning process in the


b) Questionnaire

According to Wiriaatmadja (2005: 249) it is one of

method in collecting data to complete the observation and

interview. List of questions is arranged by researcher and all of

the questions are able to give a feedback about the students’

attitude, the completeness of students’ media, cooperating with

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teacher, and students’ comment about the thing that the teacher

wants to know.

The questionnaire consists of 10 questions. It is to know

the students’ interest, difficulty, understanding, and motivation

in learning English. The students only give checklist (√) in the

column based on their respond about the activity in the


The result of the questionnaire is able to use to support the

observation in the classroom and become a tool for evaluating

and reflecting about the teaching and learning process in reading

descriptive text by using DRTA strategy.

c) Test

To measure the students’ capability and to know whether

the new method is successful or not, researcher makes a test.

According to Arikunto (2002: 127), Test is some of questions or

exercises to measure an individual or groups’ skill, intelligence

knowledge and ability. Researcher uses writing test to know the

students’ ability and understanding of reading text in each cycle.

The method of test in this research is used to know how

far the improving of students’ reading skill after using new

strategy. The implementation of DRTA method applied in

lesson in order the students quickly accept this method and to

improving students’ reading skill.

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2. Acting

Acting is the second step after the planning step to implement the

instructional strategy that has been planned. At this step, the researcher has

mastered the instructional scenario before starting the implementation in

class. The researcher at this step is not in the process of learning how to

implement the plan, or in the process of improving the quality of teachers’

performance, but in the process of actually trying out the strategy to test

how much the strategy can solve the classroom problems. The researcher is

recommended to collaborate with one of the teachers or collaborator of the

same subjects. The Collaborators observe the implementation of the plan to

see how much the strategy can solve the classroom problems.

IV. Data Classification

The data are classified in two kinds, namely quantitative and qualitative

data. The quantitative data are taken from the students’ tests in each cycle and the

qualitative data are taken from the result of observation and questionnaire form.

A. Data Presentation

1. Qualitative Data

In this research, the data is taken from the result of observation and

questionnaire. It is described in qualitative way. Observation data is

presented by discussing them and data of questionnaire will be

accounted and presented in table.

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2. Quantitative Data

The data of the students’ test in each cycle are put into table and

calculated in quantitative data analysis

3. Reflecting

Reflecting is the process of analyzing data to determine how far the

data collected have shown the success of the strategy in solving the

problem. Reflecting also shows what factors support the success of the

strategy or what other problems may occur during the implementation

process. The discussion on data analysis is done under the reflection

stage. It represents step to process get data obtained at the time of

conducting observation.

The criteria of success to measure the effectiveness of the strategy are

also decided. The criteria of success are derived from the problems to

be solved through this study and some other instructional goals to be

achieved through the implementation of this strategy. The criteria of

success when achieved become the strength of the strategy that will

attract other teachers to use the strategy to solve the same problems.

B. Data Analysis

1. Observation

The researcher will use the observation check list to know the

students’ behavior in the class. The researcher will use it as the

measurement of students’ affective and psychomotor aspects.

The researcher in analyzing the observation uses the formula below:

The percentage of complete=∑ Amount of obtained score

∑ All of aspect maximal× 100 %

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Here the researcher defines that if the second year students of SMPN 1

Jambon reach the percentage criteria of score ≥ 75%, it means that

improving students’ competence in reading using DRTA has been

successful because the students are active.

2. Questionnaire

The researcher will classify the students’ answer of questionnaire

form then she/ he will know the exact number of the student’s answer to the

given in the questionnaire sheets. From these data, the researcher will know

The students’ opinion about DRTA, and reading. The result of

questionnaire is the reflection whether the students enjoy writing or not.

3. Test

The level group of student’s score is as follows:

A. Excellent : 85-100

B. Good : 70-84

C. Medium : 55-69

D. Less : 40-54

E. Fail : 00-39

The result of this instrument can be formulated as follows:

¿ Total ScoreMaximum

×100 %

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This chapter describes about the classroom action research that had been done by

the researcher in SMP N 1 Jambon of 2013/2014 academic year. Data collected through

classroom action research are described in detail as follows:

I. Finding

The research was started on November 26th until December 5th 2013. It was carried

out in SMP N 1 Jambon. It consisted of two cycles and it was conducted in four meetings.

There were two meetings in the first cycle and the second cycle consisted of two

meetings. The details are as follows:

A. Cycle 1

1. Plan 1

The researcher made plan to apply Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Strategy in classroom action research with the following steps:

1) The researcher made lesson plan 1.

2) The researcher prepared descriptive text.

3) The researcher prepared observation check list, questionnaire and test.

2. Action 1

First meeting

On November 26th, 2013

Day : Tuesday

Time : 07.00 a.m – 08.20 a.m

Theme : Raharjo

Steps :

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In the first meeting, the researcher had been accompanied by an English

teacher (Mr. Indarso) as the first collaborator. The researcher gave greeting to the

class and introduced herself to the students and explained about the purposes of

her coming to their class. After that, the researcher asked them to use the ready

name badges, the researcher checked the attendance list by calling the students’

name one by one, in this way the researcher would know who attended into the

class and who did not. In this meeting, the researcher used English purely. The

students were demanded to try speaking English by opening their dictionaries.

They might speak Indonesian, but they had to try speaking English. If they felt too

difficult, she helped them by using sentences approach, or other examples.

The researcher distributed first questionnaire that consisted of the

students' opinion about their experience and gave time to the students to fulfill it.

My friend as a collaborator helped me to distribute questionnaire to the students.

The students fulfilled questionnaire was calm down, then they submitted first

questionnaire to the researcher.

Afterthat, the researcher introduced about Directed Reading Thinking

Activity (DRTA) Strategy. After introducing about the strategy, the researcher

told the students that the material that would be discussed was about reading, the

researcher explains of the steps of DRTA and then the researcher tried to apply it.

First, the researcher gave the example of picture to stimulate the content of the

text. The students asked to predict outcomes and model their inferential

reasoning for the others students. Then, the researcher gave an example of

descriptive text. The researcher asked one of students to read the title of the text

then asked other students to predict the first paragraph. The students asked to

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read silently up to a predetermined point in the text and check their predictions.

The students asked to draw conclusions and to model their reasoning process

for others. In a discussion, students evaluated the available evidence in relation to

their predictions.

After discussing the text, the students were involved to determine the

generic structure of the given text. The students were given an opportunity to ask

if the student found some difficulties or reinforced their understanding.

The researcher draw conclusion of the material taught, and gave

students time to ask the materials that they hadn’t understand yet. There were two

students who asked about English. They stated that it was hard for them to

understand teacher’s English purely in the class, and they expected that the

teacher used Indonesian too. And then, the researcher reminded and motivated

students to have more English practice in the class. And the last, she made short

direct interview about DRTA strategy and descriptive text, Finally, she closed the

teaching and learning activities.

Second meeting

On November 28th, 2013

Day : Thursday

Time : 07.00 a.m. – 08.20 a.m.

Theme :

Steps :

In the second meeting the researcher came into classroom. The

researcher greeted and asked students for praying. After praying, the researcher

checked the students’ attendance.

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The researcher reviewed the material. Many students still remembered

about the last material, they replied the questions asked by the researcher. After

reviewing the material, the researcher explained about descriptive text again. The

researcher did question answer about descriptive text and the students did

interaction with the researcher. Afterwards, the researcher explained definition of

descriptive text, generic structure of descriptive text, and purposes of descriptive


Furthermore, the researcher distributed test paper to the students. The

researcher gave instructions to the students to read and answer the question of

descriptive text. The researcher prepared and gave time to the students to answer

the question of descriptive text.

After the time was up, the students finished their task and submitted it

to the researcher. The last, the researcher summarized this material. The

researcher closed the teaching and learning process.

3. Observation I

Observation was done while acting was running. So, the researcher knew

the problems of the implementation of Directed Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) in teaching and learning process. In the cycle I, the researcher used

observation checklist I to know student’s activity.

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Table 4.1

The result of Observation Checklist I



Category / score


R / 1


S / 2


O / 3


A/ 4



The students’ interaction with the




The students are active in teaching

learning process.



The students ask the teacher about

lesson material.


4The students can finish task on time.



The students give attention when the

teacher explains lesson material.



The students are active in reading




The students are interested in

reading using DRTA Strategy

Total -4






Score -8






Note :

A : Always = score 4

O : Often = score 3

S : Sometimes = score 2

R : Rarely = score 1

Total score: (4 x 7) = 28

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From the data above, the researcher concluded that the total score

{(8 + 3 + 8): 28} x 100% = 67.85%. From the data above, the researcher knew

some problems in teaching and learning process. The students sometimes

interacted with the teacher when teaching and learning process. Then, the students

sometimes asked to the teacher about lesson material because they were confused

about the material. Besides, the students sometimes finished task on time.

Sometimes, the students were interested in teaching reading using Directed

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA).

a. Data from the result of Questionnaire I

Questionnaire was one of techniques to get information from respondent by

giving some of written questions to respondent. By giving questionnaire to

students of class VIII A SMPN 1 Jambon, the researcher found the data that can

help to answer the problems in this research. To find out the questionnaire score,

the researcher used the way of counting as follow:

The sum question of questionnaire consisted of 10 items. In scoring the

questionnaire items, the researcher gave score of the answer 1 until 4. If the

students chose ( SS = score 4 ), chose ( S = score 3 ), chose ( TS = score 2 ), and

chose ( STS = score 1 ). When SS was really agree, S was agree, TS was disagree,

and STS was very disagree. (Score maximal has been taken from the sum of the

students, they are 20 students. The score maximal was 4, so 20 x 4 = 80).

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Table 4.2

The result of the Questionnaire I

QuestionAnswer Answer Answer Answer


%SS 4 S 3 TS 2 STS 1

1 3 12 14 42 3 6 0 0 60 75 %

2 0 0 9 27 11 22 0 0 49 61,25 %

3 0 0 14 42 6 12 0 0 54 67,5 %

4 3 12 7 21 10 20 0 0 53 66,25%

5 1 4 10 30 9 18 0 0 52 65%

6 0 0 8 24 12 24 0 0 48 60%

7 1 4 6 18 11 22 2 2 46 57,5%

8 7 28 10 30 3 6 0 0 64 80%

9 1 4 12 36 5 10 1 1 51 63,75%

10 0 0 6 18 11 22 3 3 43 53,75 %

Total Percentage 65%

From the questionnaire in cycle I above, the total scores was 65%. The

researcher knew some problems in English learning at eight grade of SMPN 1

Jambon. Some of the students disliked English. They felt difficult to join English

learning. These problems made them uncomfortable in teaching reading. They

regarded reading was not interesting and they felt difficult to understand sentences

or the meaning of the text.

b. Data From Test I

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Table 4.3

The result of the test I


1. ASW 72

2. AS 62

3. DP 67

4. EC 62

5. FTP 70

6. LNEP 77

7 MAE 65

8. MM 70

9. NF 67

10. NI 77

11. NK 58

12. NRJS 65

13. RSA 75

14. RNS 77

15. RPA 75

16. SW 67

17. VKW 65

18. WAK 62

19. WAN 80

20. YY 71

Total Score 1362

4. Reflection

After the researcher did the teaching and learning process, the researcher

made conclusions. In the first meeting, the students were enthusiastic and active,

and they were interested. But in the test, they cannot do themselves because they

made noisy, they were still confused and they felt difficult to understand the

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meaning of the text, and the students’ vocabularies were still low. The result is

unsatisfying. So, the researcher knew test, the researcher tried to discuss and test

again with different story.

After obtaining the data from the observation checklist and the test, then

the researcher compared with the criteria of success. Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

(KKM) was 75. Based on the result of the reading test was known that only six

students who got score above 75 or 30%. But fourteen students got score under 75

or 70%. Therefore, the result of first test had not fulfilled the criteria of success.

Then, the researcher decided to revise cycle 1 and then established the improved

actions to be implemented in the cycle 2 in order it could improve students’

reading skill. The result of reflection in the cycle I would be a consideration to

make next plan for the cycle II.

B. Cycle 2

1. Plan II

The researcher did action better than in cycle 1. In cycle 2, the researcher

improved the actions as follows:

1. The researcher chose a new subject material.

2. The researcher asked the students to make groups.

3. The researcher gave specifics’ questions based on the material.

4. The researcher gave a test.

2. Action II

Third Meeting

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On December 3rd, 2013

Day : Tuesday

Time : 07.00 a.m. – 08.20 a.m.

Theme : Borobudur Temple

Steps :

In the third meeting, the researcher came into classroom. At the time the

situation of class was quiet. The researcher greeted and asked students for

praying. After praying, the researcher checked students’ presence. Then the

researcher reviewed the material in cycle 1. Many students still remembered about

the last material, they replied the questions asked by the researcher. After

reviewing the material, the researcher explained about descriptive text and steps

of DRTA again. The researcher did question answer about descriptive text and the

students did interaction with the researcher.

The researcher gave a picture of Borobudur Temple, then the researcher

made a group that consisted of four students of each groups. The first group read

the first paragraph. The other groups predicted the content of the next paragraph,

confirmed, and the other groups refined or rejected their predictions and justified

their opinion. The researcher asked one of groups to read the next paragraph for

predetermined point in the text and check their predictions. The students asked

to draw conclusions and to model their reasoning process for others. In a

discussion, students evaluated the available evidence in relation to their

predictions. The students followed-up activities may be completed after the text

was read. The students identified the genre of the text. The researcher summarized

this material. The researcher closed the teaching and learning process.

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The students gave attention when the researcher explained the lesson

material. After discussing the material, the students were given an opportunity to

ask if the students found some difficulties or reinforced their understanding. Then,

the researcher summarized this material. The researcher discussed the students’

problems in teaching and learning process. Finally, the researcher closed the

teaching and learning process.

Fourth Meeting

On December 05th, 2013

Day : Thursday

Time : 07.00 a.m. – 08.20 a.m

Theme :

Steps :

In the fourth meeting, the researcher came into classroom. The

researcher greeted and asked students for praying. After praying, the researcher

checked students’ presence.

The researcher reviewed the material. Many students still remembered

about the last material, they replied the questions asked by the researcher. After

reviewing the material, the researcher explained about descriptive text again. The

researcher did question answer about descriptive text and the students did

interaction with the researcher. Afterwards, the researcher explained definition of

descriptive text, generic structure of descriptive text, and purposes of descriptive


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Furthermore, the researcher distributed test paper to the students. The

researcher gave instructions to the students to read and answer the question of

descriptive text. The researcher prepared and gave time to the students to answer

the question of descriptive text.

After the time was up, the students finished their task and submitted it

to the researcher. The last, the researcher summarized this material. The

researcher closed the teaching and learning process.

Finally, the researcher summarized the result of the activities in the

class during the teaching and learning process. Before closing the meeting, the

researcher gave the second questionnaire that should be answered by the students.

The researcher gave time to the students to fulfill it and submitted it to the

researcher. Then, the researcher apologized to the students if any mistakes that

had been done during the activity in the class. As the result, the researcher hoped

the students could improve their reading skill.

3. Observation II

In the observation, the researcher knew the real situation in the classroom

action research during the strategy was applied. The result of observation check

list showed that most of students were active and serious in doing their task. The

result showed that some students got improvements in their scores.

Table 4.4

The result of Observation Checklist II

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Category / Score


R / 1


S / 2


O / 3


A / 4



The students’ interaction with the




The students are active in teaching

learning process.√



The students ask the teacher about

lesson material.


4The students can finish task on time. √



The students give attention when the

teacher explains lesson material.



The students are active in writing





The students are interested in

teaching writing using interactive

writing through active scaffolding.

Total -1






Score -2






Note :

A : Always = score 4

O : Often = score 3

S : Sometimes = score 2

R : Rarely = score 1

Total score: (4 x 7) = 28

From the data above, the researcher concluded that total score

{(2 + 12 + 8) : 28} x 100% = 78.57%. The students often had interaction with the

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teacher, the students asked the teacher about lesson material, they gave attention

when the teacher explained lesson material, and the students often had active in

reading learning. Then, the students were always active in teaching learning

process. Besides, they were always interested in teaching reading using Directed

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA).

a. Data from the Questionnaire II

After doing the teaching and learning activities with the revised plan from

the cycle 1, the researcher gave the material as the second test. The second test

was still about reading a descriptive text based on the different theme that had

been choosen too. To find out the second questionnaire score, the researcher used

the way of counting as has been mentioned in the first questionnaire above.

Table 4.5

The result of the Questionnaire II

QuestionAnswer Answer Answer Answer


%SS 4 S 3 TS 2 TB 1

1 4 16 16 48 0 0 0 0 64 80 %

2 3 9 16 48 1 2 0 0 59 73,75 %

3 4 16 11 33 6 12 0 0 61 76,25 %

4 1 4 18 54 1 2 0 0 60 75%

5 5 20 10 30 5 10 0 0 60 75%

6 4 16 15 45 1 2 0 0 48 60%

7 3 12 14 42 3 6 0 0 63 78,75%

8 4 16 14 42 3 6 0 0 66 82.5%

9 3 12 16 48 1 2 0 0 62 77,5%

10 5 15 13 39 2 4 0 0 58 72.5 %

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Total Percentage 75, 13%

From the questionnaire in cycle 2 above, the total of the first questionnaire

was 65% and the second questionnaire was 75,13%. So, the result of the second

cycle was higher than the first questionnaire. The researcher concluded that the

students at eight grade of SMPN 1 Jambon in academic year 2013/2014 were

more interested, enjoy, and easier to understand this lesson.

b. Data From Test II

Table 4.6

The result of the Test II


1. ASW 87

2. AS 75

3. DP 76

4. EC 83

5. FTP 78

6. LNEP 80

7 MAE 75

8. MM 85

9. NF 79

10. NI 80

11. NK 77

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12. NRJS 78

13. RSA 80

14. RNS 85

15. RPA 77

16. SW 80

17. VKW 79

18. WAK 87

19 WAN 90

20 YY 82

Total Score 1613

In addition, the result of the test showed high improvement. All students

got score reached KKM. The score was like expected on the criteria of success.

C. Reflection

During the activities in the cycle 2, the researcher observed that the

students’ enthusiastic increased. It could be seen from the result of the second

observation checklist and questionnaire. They were serious in joining the lesson

with Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA). The students were more spirit

and active to join the lesson. It could be said that Directed Reading Thinking

Activity (DRTA) could increase the students’ motivation and compactness with

other friends too.

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In the second cycle, the researcher could see some improvements in

teaching and learning process through Directed Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA), such as:

1) The students had high motivation. So, the students could be controlled well.

2) Most of students could read descriptive text well.

3) Students’ reading score increased although it was not extremely.

II. Discussion

Based on the explanation in finding, the researcher stated the classroom

action research is done in two cycles. It could be seen that there are some students

that got score under the KKM in cycle 1. The lowest score was 58 obtained by 1

student or 5% and the highest score that could be reached in the first cycle was 80

obtained by 1 student or 5%. Some students got the score under the KKM. They

were 14 students or 70% who got score under KKM and the students who could

reach the KKM were only 30% or 6 students. It was concluded that the use of

Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) was not successful to improve the

students’ reading skill. The students’ interest and attention were still low, so that

the researcher still needed to improve the implementation of classroom action

research in order the students could get good score.

The result of cycle 2 showed that there were some improvements. All

students got score greater than the English KKM. 75 was the lowest score that had

been achieved by the 2 students or 10% and the highest score was 90 obtained by

1 student or 5%. It means that the classroom action research was successful in

Page 51: Thesis


this cycle. The students were also more active and they had higher motivation to


The result of questionnaire stated that there were some improvements from

first questionnaire and second questionnaire. The total of the of first questionnaire

was 65% and the second questionnaire was 75,13%. So, the result of the second

cycle was higher than the first questionnaire. The researcher concluded that the

students more interested, enjoyed, and easier to understand this lesson.

From the information above, the researcher could conclude the

implementation of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) in improving

students’ reading skill at eighth grade especially students of VIII A in SMPN 1

Jambon was success, because all of the students reached the English KKM. The

students also had high motivation that stimulates them to be more active in the


Tabel 4.7

The result of Observation, Questionnaire, Test

cycle1 cycle20














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The finding in the classroom action research finally arrives at conclusion

about the study. In this last chapter, the researcher gives some conclusions about

the result of the research. The problems arose during the research must be solved

in coherence with the students’ reading skill to be improved by the teacher in the

future. Due to this case, some suggestions are delivered for students’

comprehension improvement.

I. Conclusion

The finding in the classroom action research finally arrives at conclusion

about the study. The researcher looks at the condition now, many English classes

in Indonesia are now attended by many young learners. As a result this class is not

effective. The students are bored and noisy. This can influence the concentration

of the students. So, there is difficulty for students to accept the material of the

lesson. The researcher knows the condition by observation when teaching learning

process in the classroom conducted. From the observation, the researcher draws

some conclusions: (1) Teaching reading by using Directed Reading Thinking

Activity (DRTA) Strategy was more interesting and enjoying, it made the students

comfortable during teaching and learning process. (2) There was a new paradigm

for the students that understanding the text was not difficult.

In learning process in the first cycle from observation, the students were

enthusiastic by using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy. They

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were comfortable and interested in teaching and learning process. But in the test,

they could not concentrate because they were noisy in the classroom. In the

second cycle, this time they were interested. The researcher gave the story and test

again, but by using another story. The students could accept the material well. As

a result they could do the test well.

There was improvement from cycle 1 until 2. At the beginning of process

(cycle 1), only 30% who got score above 75 and the final test (cycle 2), all of the

students got score more than 75. It showed improving reading skill descriptive

text through Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) strategy was effective

in teaching reading at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Jambon in 2013/2014

academic year.

II. Suggestion

The researcher has suggestion for English teacher, students and the next

researcher are as follows:

A. For English Teacher

1) The teacher should have good potency in reading. If the students felt easy to

accept the material, so the teacher should have good media in teaching.

2) The English teacher would be better to motivate students to ask when they get

problems in teaching and learning process.

3) Professional teacher is as motivator, mediator, and able to make lesson plan

before teaching.

4) The teacher always has many ideas to implement the lesson in order to improve

the students’ skill.

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5) The English teacher would be better to make joyful learning in the classroom

by using suitable strategy.

B. For Students

1) The students should study hard in English lesson in the purpose to have good in

reading skill.

2) The students should practice to use English in daily activities.

3) The students should manage their time to study English effectively.

4) The students should try to read more and more.

C. For the Next Researcher

The researcher suggests for the next researcher to conduct more creative

and different strategy in teaching English and can improve the English teaching

and learning process to develop students’ mastery in English, especially in reading

skill. The next researcher should prepare the material well. The researcher hopes

that the result of this study will be useful for the next researcher who will conduct

research about the same case in different field of study. The next researcher also

can develop this strategy to get the better result in teaching and learning process.

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