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Page 1: The use of biogas for road transport in Denmark · The use of biogas for road transport in Denmark . Jean Endres, – Per Homann Jespersen, Roskilde University

Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2012 ISSN 1603-9696 1

The use of biogas for road transport in Denmark Jean Endres, [email protected] – Per Homann Jespersen, [email protected] Roskilde University

Abstract Biogas seems to be the “flavor of the month” when referring to the future of energy sources for

road transport, especially concerning heavy duty vehicles. This paper briefly describes the findings

obtained in previous research about the status of biogas production and use in Denmark, Sweden

and Germany, the barriers for its widespread use as a source of energy for transport (direct use by

upgrading and indirect use through certificates) and finally it lists alternatives for biogas use in

Danish transport.


The present paper intends to demonstrate and discuss the findings obtained by Roskilde

University as a partner in two INTERREG projects namely SCANDRIA and EcoMobility. Both

projects focused, among other strategies, in the feasibility of biogas use for road transport in what

is called a “green transport corridor”. Although the geographic coverage of the corridors studied

by the two different projects includes alternatives from Oslo/Stockholm to Hamburg/Berlin, this

paper is limited to what concerns the use of biogas for transport in Denmark.

The use of biogas as a necessity There are different factors that corroborate with the implementation of biogas use as a road

transport fuel. The contemporary climate change mitigation, which has influenced regulations and

the establishment of goals set by the European Union and different nations, is one of these

factors. The EU for example stipulates that by 2050 there should be a reduction of 80 to 95% of

Denne artikel er publiceret i det elektroniske tidsskrift Artikler fra Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet (Proceedings from the Annual Transport Conference at Aalborg University) ISSN 1603-9696

Page 2: The use of biogas for road transport in Denmark · The use of biogas for road transport in Denmark . Jean Endres, – Per Homann Jespersen, Roskilde University

Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2012 ISSN 1603-9696 2

GHG emissions compared to the levels of 1990. In the transport sector, a reduction of 60% in GHG

emissions by 2050 is necessary if the overall goal is to be achieved (COM 2011). Denmark on its

turn has even more ambitious goals of 35% use of renewable energy sources by 2020 and having a

fossil fuel free transport system by 2050.

While different sectors have been showing positive results in the previous years and an optimistic

horizon concerning GHG emission reduction and energy efficiency, the transport sector has shown

an increase of more than 30% emissions between 1990 and 2005 (COM 2011). That alone is

enough to instigate the rethinking of energy for transport; biogas comes into play if we consider

the limitations imposed by the electrification of vehicles (especially long range heavy duty trucks),

the finite reserves of natural gas and the limited potential for transfer of freight to rail and sea

transport. The Danish Member of The European Comission Connie Hedegaard on her speech to

the members of the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament (TRAN), called

for attention about the heavy duty transport emissions which correspond to around 5% of the

total CO2 emissions in the EU, which at first view might not seem as a considerable number, but it

corresponds to the sum of air and water transport emissions, or 26% of all road transport

(Hedegaard 2011). The combination of factors such as emission reduction goals, limitation of

alternatives (electrification, transfer to rail or sea) summed to the prognosis of the Danish Natural

Gas production potential being surpassed by the demand in 2022 (Energi Styrelsen 2011), makes

the diffusion of biogas use more than an alternative, but a necessity.


The utilized approach for obtaining the findings in both of the aforementioned projects is a blend

of technical analysis combined with the study of the offers and demands considered by different

stakeholders in the sector. Data from the different actors was scrutinized in order to find

equilibrium between different interests for the drawing of a strategy in which most could benefit.

By the fact that such an envisaged corridor covers a relatively large geographical area and

especially by the fact that it involves different nations and regions, attention was given to the

various interests and characteristics of each region included in the corridor. Moreover, different

interested sectors, such as public authorities, knowledge institutions and businesses from the

regions have had the opportunity to have their say in the development of a common strategy.

Stakeholders from Germany, Denmark and Sweden have been involved in two related workshops

to determine the major obstacles and opportunities for biogas use in heavy duty road transport

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Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2012 ISSN 1603-9696 3

and to construct a roadmap for introducing biogas infrastructure (considering both compressed

and liquefied) in the corridors as an enabler for a widespread use of biogas. Some of the actors

involved in the workshops were Trafikverket (SE), Lund University (SE), Scania (SE), Dong Energy

(DK), Roskilde University (DK), Danish Biogas Association (DK), (DK), DENA (German

Energy Agency) and Infrastruktur&Umwelt (DE), to name a few.

In this paper the findings obtained in the workshops are analyzed and discussed in what concerns

the use of biogas for transport in Denmark, i.e. which would be the most viable alternative among

the various possible options like compressed or liquefied gas, upgrading for direct use in vehicles

or injection in the natural gas grid and the use of certifications for example.

Scenario Factsheet The use of gas for transportation is not

especially new. In the past, attempts

have been made for the use of

different gaseous fuels for

transportation, for example the use of

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and

natural gas (NVG), which still count

with some running examples around

the world. Biogas on its turn has the

special characteristic of being

renewable and CO2 neutral. It is said to

be renewable because it can be

produced on demand from different renewable sources (manure, crop, waste etc.) and CO2

neutral because in the chain of events of its production, the amount of CO2 that is captured is

equivalent and arguably higher to that that is released when the fuel is burned by the final


Relative to the engine technology, there are already on the market trucks that are able to use

upgraded compressed biogas and liquefied biogas. Major players such as Volvo and Scania count

with trucks on their portfolio that are able to use renewable gas fuels alone and in combination

with diesel.

Methane content of different gas products:

Biogas: ~ 75% (Denmark)

Upgraded biogas: ~99%

Natural gas: ~99%

Liquefied natural and biogas: ~ 99%

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Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2012 ISSN 1603-9696 4

From the different sources that can be used to produce biogas, in the corridor region some of

them are predominant: While in Denmark most of the biogas is obtained by the fermentation of

manure, in Germany, although different sources are used, the prime raw material is maize

(Birkmose et al. 2007) and in Sweden the main inputs are farm waste and sewage treatment.

(Swedish Gas Centre 2007)

In terms of biogas use for transport, Sweden is clearly ahead of Germany and Denmark where

biogas is used mainly on heat and power generation. In Sweden, a considerable amount of

household waste collection trucks and city busses utilize biogas, upgraded to bio-methane and/or

mixed with natural gas. It is important to mention that in order to be optimally used in a

combustion engine biogas needs to be “cleaned” i.e. upgraded into bio-methane which possesses

the same energy rich component (methane) but in a higher concentration by the removal of H2S

(Hydrogen Sulfide), NH3 (Ammonia), CO2 and other trace gasses. Sweden, Denmark and Germany

count with such plants where part of their biogas production is upgraded and afterwards can be

injected on the natural gas grid and/or used as a transport fuel (Beil 2009); the Danish upgrading

plant only started running by the end of 2011.

Sweden is also ahead when it comes to liquefaction of biogas. The process of liquefaction, besides

“cleaning” the original biogas product, reduces its volume and by consequence makes

transportation cheaper to the final destination when a pipeline is not available. Denmark and

Germany count with a well-developed pipeline system currently used for natural gas, opposite to

Sweden, which does not count with such an embracing pipeline.

When biogas is part of the energy mix, it can benefit from a certification system, which is a scheme

where produced biogas ceases to be considered a specific product and starts to be considered a

commodity. The certification system enables the commercialization of a different final energy rich

product as CO2 neutral, as long as the same amount of certified biogas is produced and included

at some link of the energy chain. Denmark counts since December 2011 with a certification

system, still on its incipient phase, but that can be considered a step ahead of Germany and

Sweden which still do not count with such a system.

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Barriers During the realization

of background

research and

workshops the

different sector

stakeholders involved

could touch upon

various issues

concerning the

implementation of

biogas as an

alternative for

transport fuel. Among the discussed subjects, the ones that have emerged as main concerns were

political commitment and the certification issue. Secondary issues have been also mentioned, such

as cultural barriers, lack of a standardized product, technology neutral incentives (related to the

incentives given for electric vehicles) and lack of guarantees for potential investors. These issues

and others that have been mentioned in the workshops can be considered secondary due to the

fact that they all can be contained in the two main aforementioned concerns of political

commitment and certification.

By political commitment it is understood that

besides possible state incentives and coordination

between the different actors involved in the

scenario, the offer of guarantees to potential

investors also must be given. Like in other

alternative fuel ventures, in a project for biogas

use as a transport fuel, there must be a harmonic

combination of interdependent links, without

which, the existence of each individual link would

not be possible. From the farmer who invests in

the construction of a local biogas plant, passing by

the certification, processing and distribution

Main points of critique during the biogas workshop:

• Lack of political support • Unfavorable regulatory

framework • Lack of long-term commitment • LBC/LNG nonflexible for

transport providers/vehicle use • No market pull • Lack of political commitment to

climate change • Lack of branding • Lack of vehicle fuel standard • Competition with other vehicle


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Trafikdage på Aalborg Universitet 2012 ISSN 1603-9696 6

plant, the fueling station, the automotive industry that invests in the technology, the fueling

station all the way to the truck owner/transport company and even the transport buyer who

would like to reduce its carbon footprint, all of them need to feel secure that there will be a

continuity and a possibility of return from their individual investments.

In the case of lack of guarantees, it does not seem plausible that each individual link would commit

itself to relatively high investments with just an expectation that the other involved parts would

do the same.

Concerning certification, Denmark is the only country among the research participants to count

with such a system. Although still on an incipient phase (the emission of certificates started in the

end of 2011), it can be considered an important advance towards the widespread use of biogas,

since the use of certificates enables the use of “green” natural gas for transport while the same

amount of biogas is produced certified and used elsewhere, combined heat and power generation

for example. On the other hand, because it is a new system and it is a system limited to Denmark,

it lacks the ability to take advantage of international deals, due to the lack of a standardization,

not to mention the gaps in regulation for subsidies on import and export of biogas.

Alternatives for Denmark The biogas

production in

Denmark has

been of around

4PJ in 2011,

although a


number, the

country could

reach numbers

as high as 40 PJ

if the full

potential for


production were

fully explored. (Nielsen 2012).

Danish current and potential biogas production (Nielsen 2012)

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For counting with such a high potential, it seems reasonable that Denmark without much

extensive efforts can and should benefit from biogas production and use. Apart from the

advantages mentioned earlier, there are two main actual facts that could drive the increase of

interest in biogas: First is the possibility of green job creation, be it by the construction of new

plants or the augmentation of income by potential producers for example. Second, if Denmark is

to achieve the established goals of electricity production by wind power, biogas necessarily needs

to be considered. The lack of constancy in wind production of electricity implies that a backup

system must exist. In this sense, and through the use of certifications, combined heat and power

plants and the transport sector become even more important players in the energy

supply/consumption scenario. For that though, it is important that energy is considered as a single

entity and that the energy and transport sectors function in synergy. What can be envisaged for

Denmark is that biogas, natural gas and wind power should be used as contributors to each other

and not as competing energy forms. The remaining amounts of natural gas should guarantee

supply of biogas until it is gradually phased out by an ever increasing amount of certified biogas

grid injection. On the other hand, biogas is used in the combined heat and power plants to

guarantee stable electricity supply. Through the emission of certificates and further development

of the certification system, the set goals for CO2 reduction in the different sectors (transport and

energy) could be achieved in cooperation.

It has been mentioned earlier about the necessary political commitment, for that, there are good

reasons to believe that commitment can be secured by the giving good examples. If we look at the

case of Sweden, where plans of public fleet renewal have been executed, substituting

conventional diesel city busses and waste collection trucks by vehicles powered by upgraded

biogas could demonstrate that the “biogas venture” is not an unreliable option and that potential

investors on both the production and consumption sides can expect long term duration of supply

and demand for biogas.

As shown in the graph above, the largest source of biogas production in Denmark is manure. That

presents among other advantages the fact that the “food for fuel” discussion is avoided.

Moreover, Denmark counts with a wide coverage of gas pipelines that can and should be used for

certified biogas injection, that implies that liquefaction, contrary to the Swedish case is a priori not

necessary in Denmark. The expendability of liquefaction plants dramatically reduces the amount

of investments for the functioning of a biogas market. In the long term though, after the market

has matured, liquefaction can be considered for use in sea vessels use and for export, especially if

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we consider the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL regulation

and annexes, which demands considerable reductions of NOx (Nitrogen oxides) and SOx (Sulphur

oxides) emissions by diesel engines in sea vessels. (IMO 2011)

Finally, biogas seems to be a very strong alternative to mitigate fossil fuel dependence in

Denmark. The advantages that it can bring along like the creation of green jobs, cost and CO2

emission reductions, combined with the already existing part of the necessary infrastructure and

the up to date necessary technology are characteristics that seem to make biogas a very attractive

alternative where the costs of possible incentives to build the necessary infrastructure are very

likely to be compensated. For the above mentioned and for the long term characteristics of such a

project the combined planning of the surrounding elements that compose the scenario and the

constant focus on the different incentives and barriers across sectors (energy, transport, economy,

environment) are imperative to take advantage of this remarkable alignment of factors that seem

to point at biogas as one of the major sources of energy in the Danish future.

Moreover, extrapolating the boarders of Denmark and considering a joint cooperation work with

the neighboring countries Sweden and Germany, not only the use of biogas or certified natural gas

for local fleets can be thought of, but also long hauling heavy duty vehicles will be able to benefit

with the strategic placement of fueling stations in the localities where there are ferry-boat

connections (Rødby, Puttgarden, Gedser, Rostock, Trelleborg Sassnitz), making the envisaged

biogas transport corridor a very plausible possibility and increasing the potential market for the


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List of references BEIL, Michael, 2009 – Overview on (biogas) upgrading technologies. European bio methane fuel conference Gothemburg BIRKMOSE, Torkild; FOGED, Henning L.; HINGE, Jørgen, 2007 - Danish Agriculture Advisory Service, State of biogas plants in European agriculture - CLEMENTSON, Margareta, 2009 – Swedish Gas Centre, Basic data on biogas Sweden. GLN Reklambyrå AB, Malmö COM, 2011 – WHITE PAPER - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system. Brussels. ENERGI STYRELSEN, 2011 - Olie- og gasproduktion samt anden anvendelse af undergrunde: DANMARKS OLIE- OG GASPRODUKTION 2011. HEDEGAARD, Connie, 2011 – Speech delivered at the meeting with the members of the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament. Brussels, November 10th 2011. IMO - International Maritime Organization, 2011 – Revised MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 13 and 14. LOHSE, Sandrina; JESPERSEN, Per H.; GUASCO, Clément; ENDRES, Jean P., 2011 – SCANDRIA, Developing a biogas corridor for road transport between Scandinavia and Germany – Workshop protocol. NIELSEN, Bruno S., 2012 – SCANDRIA, Workshop proceedings, Developing a biogas corridor for road transport between Scandinavia and Germany II. Copenhagen 28-02-2012 SWEDISH GAS CENTRE, 2007 – Basic Data on Biogas – Sweden.

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