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The Underworld

You choose to burst through the gate but as your running you notice that there's about 50 guards chasing after you. You see a little crevasse between 2 boulders and it looks like you can fit into it. As your running through the crevasse the floor starts to crack underneath you and all of a sudden the floor falls out beneath you. You land in a river. The water is glowing red. You get out because you think it might be toxic. So then you hide behind a boulder before the guards see if your dead or alive. They pop there heads through the hole. They dont see you so they decide that your dead and they decide to move on. You see 2 passages one leading left and one leading right. The right path has a red glow at the end and the left has what looks like a small fire Options1.Click here to Go to the left with the small fire.2.Click here to Go to the right with the red glow.The crevasse

You choose to go left and you see a tiny burning flame. You run up thinking its a street light. When you get all the way there you find what looks like a camp fire. Right next to it you see a sword stabbed into a rock.1.Click here to Keep walking forward through the cave.2.Click here to Pull the sword out of rock.The Cave

You realize that taking a dip would be a little to dangerous and decide to get on the boat. The old man walks on and grabs an oar and paddles you across the river. About 10 minutes of timeless boring minutes you eventually see an island. Once you get to the island you hop off the boat. You see what looks like a small house. You walk up to it and pull the handle but its locked. Next to the doors are what looks like hedges but inside were what looked like people, dead moving people. Then you hear growling from behind the hedge.Options1.Click here to Walk over wall.2. Click here to Look aroundThe boatThe portal to homeYou turn around and go back to the red river and see one of the skeleton guards! The guards call for a Hell Hound. You run and jump into the red river. You start swimming and then you see an underwater cave and swim in it. Theres air in it so you walk out of the water and see a bright yellow glow to the left.You walk up to it and it looks like a portal you stick your head in it and see your house in Hollywood and go home.

Go to creditsYou choose to go for a swim in the river of souls. You dip your feet into the water and notice that the water is about 33 degrees. You take your feet out and jump into the water and start swimming. You go out about 30 yards and realize that you cant touch the bottom. You think its safe to keep on swimming, but you also think its better to go back.Options 1.Click here to Go back2.Click here to Keep swimming.The river of soulsYou keep walking forward and the light from the camp fire behind you is out of distance so your in complete darkness you walk forward and ran into a wall.


1. Click here to Go to the river2.Click here to Go to the camp fire.Keep walkingThe hedgeYou choose to walk over the hedge and the growling gets louder and louder. When you jump off from the edge of the hedge you start to see a giant paw slowly step out of the shadows. You start to smell the scent of blood. Then the head of a giant hellhound pokes out. It opens its mouth and you see rows of dagger sharp teeth gleaming in the moon light. All of a sudden it jumps in the air and lands 2ft in front of you. You try to escape put the people inside the hedges keep throwing to the ground. Then the hellhound slams his paw on your back and the last thing you see is its mouth incasing your head.

Only option: go to credits.Going HomeYou decide to go take a look around. You walk all around the small island but theres still no way in. So you decide to go back on the boat and go back to the beginning. Where you started you see a ladder you walk up it and return to HollywoodGo to credits

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