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Page 1: The Puggle Post’€¦ · 5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away) 5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references

19th June 2019

OUR SCHOOL VISION: “Wandong Primary School … Making a difference by developing confident, independent

and resilient learners who strive for personal excellence.”

‘The Puggle Post’

“We make a


Reminders Monday 24th June - Student Led Conferences from 2:45 to 7:00pm

Monday 24th June - Wandong Primary School Art Show 2019 (2:30pm onwards in the hall) Tuesday 25th June - Wakakirri Rehearsal (3.30pm start in the hall)

Tuesday 25th June - Woolworths Earn and Learn finish date Wednesday 26th June - Student Led Conferences from 2:45 to 7:00pm

Congratulations to our ‘Students of the Week’

Foundation C: Zavier Clark (Trying his hardest to do the right thing)

Foundation M: Charlie Williams (Consistently demonstrating our school values)

Foundation N: Alayna Plumbe–King (Settling back into school and showing persistence)

Foundation Z: Oliver Leng (Trying his best in Maths)

1/2B: Elizabeth Delaney (Taking her time with her handwriting)

1/2E: Poppy Johnson (Making a great start to her information book)

1/2K: Kade Faralla (Showing amazing mathematical thinking while describing area, mass and volume)

1/2W: Kalle Saunders (Confidently using a variety of tools to improve the quality of his writing)

1/2Y: Benjamin Seddon (Always listening during a whole class focus)

3/4E: Riley Fenech (Setting a positive example and being a leader)

3/4G: Byron Wright (Problem solving effectively when working in teams)

3/4O: Axle Helpenstein (Having a positive attitude towards writing)

3/4O: Karisma Tarrant (Approaching her writing with a positive attitude)

3/4P: Mia Clarke (Outstanding effort when completing her home learning)

3/4S: Billy Brundell (Putting in 110% effort towards his information report about Portugal)

5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away)

5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references when enlarging her pyramids)

5/6H: Oliver Duncan (Using the grid reference system to accurately enlarge the country map of Brazil to scale)

5/6O: Olivia White (Making thoughtful improvements to her booklet on Fiji)

5/6O: Kirra Wright (Making progress with her times tables)

5/6S: Cruz Robinson (Showing outstanding persistence when enlarging and drawing his landmark to scale)

Page 2: The Puggle Post’€¦ · 5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away) 5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references

A Message from the Principal Team

Dear families,

Who can believe that we only have two weeks to go until the end of term two! It is wonderful to see that excellence in teaching and learning is continuing and both teachers and students should be recognised for their efforts leading up to the end of a very busy term.

Three Way Conferences: A reminder that next week our students and families participate in Three Way Conferences. This is an opportunity for students to share their progress against their learning goals and for students and parents to have a catch up on how the year has gone to date. These will occur next Monday 24th and Wednesday 26th June, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Please ensure that you book your meeting time ASAP- bookings close this Friday 21st June.

Integrated Learning Showcase: On Thursday the 27th June, all classrooms will be opening their doors from 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. to showcase student learning from throughout the term.

Come along and see what has been happening in the classrooms – you are welcome to visit one or all classrooms! Our 5/6 classes will be flaunting their 3D printed landmarks. The 3/4 classes will be showing off their Geography work including detailed maps.The lovely 1/2s will have a range of results on show from the experiments that they have conducted and Foundation will also be showcasing their experiments that have explored throughout the term. Come and have a look!

Biggest Morning Tea: Today our lovely SRC students hosted the Biggest Morning Tea for our school community members. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a lovely way to bring people together to raise funds that will make a big difference to those impacted by cancer. Thank you to everyone who joined us in the hall for a cup of tea and some treats made by our students. All gold coin donations will be donated directly to the Cancer Council.

Colour Run Prizes: A big thank you to all of our lovely PAFA volunteers for the tremendous amount of time spent packing and distributing the Colour Run prizes yesterday-we couldn’t have done it without you. It was very exciting to see all of these fantastic packages making their way home and it was a lovely way to end what has been a hugely successful and fun fundraiser for our school. Stay tuned at assembly on Friday for some final Colour Run announcements, including our grand total raised!

SRC Meeting: This week our SRC members met to begin organising our annual Father’s Day Stall. Students were involved in picking a variety of gifts to be sold on the day, with dad’s, uncles, grandfathers and special friends in mind. We look forward to ordering some of these lovely items and celebrating this upcoming holiday.

Attitude to School Survey: At Wandong Primary School we value student voice. Last week, all students in grades 4, 5 and 6, participated in the Attitude to School Survey. This survey collected information about how our students feel at school, in relation to their learning, level of engagement, teacher and peer relationships and wellbeing. This data will be analysed by our School Improvement Team next term to better our teaching and learning programs and our culture at Wandong P.S.

5/6 Winter Sports Tournament: On Friday 7th June, our grade 5/6 students participated in the Winter Sports Tournament. This was another wonderful opportunity for our students to engage in some competitive sport, alongside other schools in our region. All of our students should be commended on their attitude throughout the day, their sportsmanship and overall focus on ‘fun’, rather than the win. Wandong students, you always do us proud!

Stephanie Pollock Acting Assistant Principal


Wallan & Kilmore Community Bank® branches

Page 3: The Puggle Post’€¦ · 5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away) 5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references

Art Award

Charli Russell

(Displaying fantastic

weaving skills)

Sports Award

Noah Mapperson

(Displaying excellent

volleyball skills and

amazing teamwork)

PAFA Silver Coin

Challenge Update

The cumulative weekly

Silver Coin Challenge total is $981.55.

with Foundation M still in the lead.

Wow - What a great effort!

FRIENDSHIP TREE Our beautiful friendship tree and its surrounds are in desperate need

of repair and our PAFA team are after suggestions as to how they

could spruce up the area. Are you a handy mum or dad that can help

us repair the area? Please get in touch with the school and let us know

your ideas/thoughts so that we can discuss them at our next meeting,

or better yet come along to our meeting on Tuesday 23rd July

from 9:15am onwards in the staffroom and share your ideas.

Fiona Scott - PAFA President

A Message from Aurora (SC) and Nikayla (VC)

WOW! Week 9 already. Only a week and a half to go!

Last Thursday all the school leaders from Wandong Primary went down to the hall to meet student leaders

from all the schools around the district. When we got down to the hall we participated in a series of fun

learning activities to strengthen our leadership skills.

We want to wish Campbell, Brodie, Jack and Kirra good luck as they compete at the Regional Cross Country

today. This is a big achievement as they had to go through three levels to get to this stage.

Just a reminder to parents and guardians that Student Led Conferences are next week on Monday 24th and

Wednesday 26th starting at 2:45pm and finishing at 7:00pm. Make sure when you enter the school through

the front gate you look at 5/6A’s ‘Words of Wisdom’ as well as the amazing art work on display at our Art

Show in the hall on Monday only.

Have a great week everyone.

Aurora and Nikayla

Specialist Certificate Winners

Page 4: The Puggle Post’€¦ · 5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away) 5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references
Page 5: The Puggle Post’€¦ · 5/6A: Chase Northrop (Remaining focussed and beginning straight away) 5/6A: Matilda Cairns-Foster (Displaying an amazing use of scale and grid references


Monday 24th Student Led Conferences from 2:45 to 7:00pm Wandong Primary School Art Show 2019 (2:30pm onwards in the hall)

Tuesday 25th Wakakirri Rehearsal (3.30pm start in the hall)

Woolworths Earn and Learn finish date

Wednesday 26th Student Led Conferences from 2:45 to 7:00pm

Thursday 27th Intergrated Learning Showcase from 2:45 to 4:00pm

Friday 28th PAFA Silver Coin Challenge finish date Last day of Term Two (school finish at 2:30pm)


Monday 15th First day of Term Three (school starts at 8:55am)

Monday 22nd 2019 Swim Program consent and payment due today

Tuesday 23rd PAFA Meeting (9:15am start in the staffroom) Foundation Quantum excursion (Foundation N & Foundation C) Wakakirri Performance

Wednesday 24th Foundation Quantum excursion (Foundation Z & Foundation M)

Monday 29th School Council Meeting (6:00pm start in the staffroom)


Thursday 1st WPS 2019 Athletics Carnival consent and payment due today

Monday 5th Pupil Free Day (no students required at school)

Tuesday 6th Foundation Bravehearts incursion (Foundation M & Foundation N)

Thursday 8th Foundation Bravehearts incursion (Foundation Z & Foundation C)

Friday 9th WPS 2019 Athletics Carnival

Saturday 10th WPS Ladies Night at the Magpie & Stump

Monday 12th Grade 5 Dianella Hostel visit (Group 1)

Monday 19th Swim Program Session 1

Tuesday 20th Swim Program Session 2

Wednesday 21st Swim Program Session 3

Thursday 22nd Swim Program Session 4

Friday 23rd Swim Program Session 5

Monday 26th Grade 5 Dianella Hostel visit (Group 2)

Friday 30th District Athletics Championships

What’s gone home recently? The following notices were sent home between Thursday 13th June to Wednesday 19th June:

Whole school: Wandong OSHC 2019 Winter Holidays brochure Biggest Morning Tea reminder 2019 School Photos Colour Run student prizes

Selected Families: Nil

Selected Students: Nil

Individual grade levels:

Foundation: Nil

Grade 1/2: Nil

Grade 3/4: Nil

Grade 5/6: Nil

Spare copies of notices are in the school foyer in the grade level trays




284 families at


196 Completed


= 69 %

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asked your



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Edition 8, 2019