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6th August 2014 OUR SCHOOL VISION: Encouraging all members of the school community to work together to create a positive and motivating environment, allowing all students to maximise their educational opportunities in an ever changing world. PARENT PAYMENTS RECEIVED 182 families at WPS. 123 Completed payments = 70% Have you recently asked your child/ren...... “What did you learn today?” Rail Street, PO Box 402, Wandong 3758 P: 5787 1232 F: 5787 1821 Principal: Rhonda Cole The Puggle Post’ Congratulations to our ”Students of the Week.” Foundation B: Kobee Mann (Consistently using great decoding strategies whilst reading this week) Foundation H: Kane Lemmar (Consistently using descriptive words in his writing) Foundation K: Taylah Fitzgerald (Segmenting and blending words effectively during her reading) 1/2 G: Matilda Prewett (Being a friendly and caring member of her grade) 1/2 H: William Bellman (Consistently trying his hardest with his reading) 1/2 Z: Isaak Harrison (Doing his best when singing songs for Special Friends Day) 3/4 A: Corey Gibbons (Working hard on his Haiku poems) 3/4 B: Zaiden Campbell (Excellent poetry writing) 3/4 C: Alisha Frendo (Being a caring and responsible member of her class) 5/6 A: Grace Hannemann (Consistently doing her best) 5/6 B: Ben Jewell (Working hard on his term goal) 5/6 C: Jarek O’Neill (Doing his best to divide fractions) Reminder CURRICULUM DAY THIS FRIDAY 8th AUGUST No students required at school.

6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School

Feb 11, 2022



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Page 1: 6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School

6th August 2014

OUR SCHOOL VISION: Encouraging all members of the school community to work together

to create a positive and motivating environment, allowing all students to maximise their educational

opportunities in an ever changing world.




182 families at


123 Completed


= 70%

Have you


asked your



did you



Rail Street, PO Box 402, Wandong 3758

P: 5787 1232

F: 5787 1821

Principal: Rhonda Cole

‘The Puggle Post’

Congratulations to our ”Students of the Week.”

Foundation B: Kobee Mann (Consistently using great decoding strategies

whilst reading this week)

Foundation H: Kane Lemmar (Consistently using descriptive words in his writing)

Foundation K: Taylah Fitzgerald (Segmenting and blending words effectively

during her reading)

1/2 G: Matilda Prewett (Being a friendly and caring member of her grade)

1/2 H: William Bellman (Consistently trying his hardest with his reading)

1/2 Z: Isaak Harrison (Doing his best when singing songs for Special Friends Day)

3/4 A: Corey Gibbons (Working hard on his Haiku poems)

3/4 B: Zaiden Campbell (Excellent poetry writing)

3/4 C: Alisha Frendo (Being a caring and responsible member of her class)

5/6 A: Grace Hannemann (Consistently doing her best)

5/6 B: Ben Jewell (Working hard on his term goal)

5/6 C: Jarek O’Neill (Doing his best to divide fractions)



No students required at school.

Page 2: 6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School

A Message from the Assistant Principal….

It’s been another big week at Wandong Primary School with particular focus on preparations for Special

Friends’ Day and the upcoming Wakakirri performance.

Special Friends’ Day

Special Friends Day is tomorrow and there’s a buzz around the place with some very excited students.

Special Friends’ Day is a wonderful opportunity for students to invite a special friend to watch a

spectacular music performance and share in their learning. After the students perform, they will head

back to their class to make a special gift for their special friend to remember the day. Good luck to

everyone involved.

Tree Planting Day

What a wonderful day it was today. The weather was spectacular which gave us awesome conditions for

planting. Our newly designed garden bed was planted out with a series of native shrubs and bushes.

Foundation to grade two students had the opportunity to design tree guards and these look fantastic.

The 3/4s and 5/6s also planted behind the blue bin and in the grade six area and they also mulched the

new garden bed. Huge thanks to Bret for organizing the rocks for the new garden bed and for organizing

the plants. Thank you also to all the parents who volunteered and helped to plant a plant with their

child. It was a great day. Check out all the photos.

Curriculum Day – This Friday

On Friday we are having a curriculum day. There will be no school for students on Friday. Although

students aren’t at school, staff will be hard at work and engaged in professional learning and training.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Have a great week,

Anthony Potesta

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Congratulations to our

Mathletics Certificate Winners !

Congratulations to Corbin Mundy,

Erin-Skye Libardi, Chantel Kennett,

Jeremy Nastevski, Jethro Caelli,

Emmeline Nastevski, Natalie Hannemann and

Joshua Drury on the presentation of a their

Mathletics certificates.

These certificates are awarded upon completion of

certain tasks/levels in Mathletics and many of the

students were presented with multiple gold, silver

and bronze certificates.

Great effort & keep up the good work !!!

Wakakirri is a dance competition where each

school tells a story. Students from Foundation

to year 6 are participating in our performance.

Wandong’s story this year is about standing up

to bullies. We chose to perform our version of

the popular fairy tale, Cinderella. Everyone is

getting really excited with the performance day

getting closer.

The 18th August is not that far away.

We have been practising for the past two terms. Everyone has been working really hard on our

dances, costumes, props and make up. All of the teachers and students are very excited about

our performance. The dance has been getting so good. Everyone is in time with the music, doing

the right steps at the right time and in our final song, the big smiles are fantastic! Who would

have thought the dance would be so good!

By Kira Roberts, Shelby Reeves and Jennifer Cocks



On Thursday, our grade six leadership

team headed up to Broadford Primary

School for their next Cluster Leadership

Day. They completed fun team building

games as they further developed their

friendship s with school leaders from other

nearby schools. Spaghettie and

marshmallow towers were a hoot!

Page 4: 6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School

What’s gone home this week?

The following notices were sent

home this week:

Whole school -

Selected Families: NIL

Selected Students: NIL

Individual grade levels -

Foundation: NIL

One/Two: NIL

Three/Four: NIL


- 2014 Winter Sports cancellation information

All notices are uploaded to the school website.

Spare copies of notices are in the school foyer

in the grade level trays.

Posture Police award

Congratulations to Kirra Wright, Abigail Hume,

Ina Baggio and Shani McLeish.

These students were selected by their peers for

displaying the correct posture in class.

Other nominated students were: Rohnen Boschen,

Tyler Dennehy, Grace Hannemann and

Morgan Smith .

Congratulations on your nomination.




There will be NO

icy poles or ice creams

available for sale this

Thursday 7th August due to

our Special Friends’ Day



After many successful years, Robyn Mumberson, our current school banking

co-ordinator is retiring. We thank her for her many years of dedicated service.

This means we are now on the look-out for a new school banking co-ordinator.

Volunteers must have a financial background, money handling skills and

confidentially is a must.

Should you possess the above skills and can spare an hour a week, please contact

the office so we can provide further information on what the position entails.

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Thursday 7th August Special Friends’ Day (Gr F-2)

Friday 8th August CURRICULUM DAY - No students required at school

Monday 11th August School Council Meeting

Parent Opinion Survey due back

Tuesday 12th August 2015 School tour - 9:30-10:30am

COOKIE TUESDAY—bring your $3.00 to the hall at

10:45 to get a yummy cookie!

Foundation 2015 Storytime - 2:30-3:30pm

Wednesday 13th August Tony’s Pie order forms to be sent out

Thursday 14th August ThinkLinks (12:30 to 1:30)

Friday 15th August Early Assembly Start—2.45pm sharp

Monday 18th August Wakakirri Performance

Tuesday 19th August Parents & Friends Association meeting

(9.:15 am in the staffroom)

Wednesday 27th August 2015 Foundation Storytime— 9:30-10.30am

Thursday 14th August ThinkLinks (12:30 to 1:30)


Monday 1st September Tony’s Pie orders due back

Wednesday 3rd September Father’s Day Stall

Thursday 4th September 2014 District Athletics Championship

Friday 5th September 2nd Father’s Day Stall (1.30-2.30 in the hall)

Wednesday 10th September Tony’s Pies delivery

Thursday 11th September ThinkLinks (12.30 to 1.30)

Cluster Student Leadership

Saturday 13th September 2015 Foundation BBQ

Wednesday 17th— Friday 19th September Grade 3/4 Camp

Page 6: 6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School



Congratulations on 50 nights reading:

Katlan Cook, Mathew Robinson, Ella Harris,

Ella O’Brien, Ellie Brown, Nadia Barbour,

Jake Frendo, Noah Hazeldine,

Matthew Delaney, Jack Johnson-Breheny

and Patrick Allsop.

Congratulations on 100 nights reading:

Zenith Pongrac, Sarah Dwyer, Lucas Vicary,

Kaitlin O’Neill, Hugh Drofenik,

Noah Tolevski, and Isabella Douglas.

Congratulations on 150 nights reading:

Bayden Sage, Kira Roberts, Zara Marks,

Riley Roberts, Ina Baggio, Austin Tennant,

Georgia Shingles, Hayley Mumberson,

Lawrence Baggio, Shelby Reeves,

Shani McLeish and Jeremy Nastevski.

Arkell (Red House) Wins!

Congratulations to Arkell (Red House) for wining last

week’s house points competition.

Red House Captain Kim Coad & Red House Vice Captain

Sean Duffy are proudly holding the winner’s trophy.


At the moment, the office is producing a written receipt and

then an A4 sized receipt. There have been many families

that have requested the A4 sheet not to be sent home. If

you still require this large receipt, please contact the office .



In an emergency we require current

contact details for all students.

Please contact the office to update your

details if they have changed recently.


Next Tuesday 12th August will be our

first COOKIE TUESDAY so don’t

forget to bring $3.00 to school.

Cookies will be sold in the hall by

our SRC Representatives from

10:45am onwards.

Cookies available are ANZAC, Love

Chocolate, Ice Cream and Smartie.

Page 7: 6th August 2014 The Puggle Post’ - Wandong Primary School

In Grade 3/4 C this term, we have all transformed into little poets. So far, we have been learning the

format and layout for Acrostic and Haiku poems. Although we are all following the same format for our

poems, we have chosen to write about

topics that we are personally interested in!

We have begun to form a collection of all

our published pieces, and really look

forward to creating a personal poetry book

of all our hard work later in the term.

We will continue to explore different types

of poetry and use our knowledge of the

writing process to plan, draft, edit and

publish our writing in creative ways.

Dianella Visit

On Monday we completed our first visit for our Intergenerational Program. Over the past three years,

our grade five students have visited residents at Dianella Hostel in Kilmore. We spend around one hour

with the residents, sharing stories and talking about school in the present and past. This is a great

opportunity for our students to represent the school and for students to further develop their

communication skills.

Our first group this year had a great time conversing with the residents. Each student made a loom

band braceletnd some of the residents even helped out. We all then enjoyed morning tea together before

we headed back to school.

All grade five students will visit either later this term or in term four. In November we will host resi-

dents from the village at our school for a delicious afternoon tea.

A huge thank you to Wandong Bus & Coach for kindly donating the bus for our trip.

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Welfare & Wellbeing @ Wandong PS

Having true friends is more important

than being in a “popular” group.

Our SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) focus is….. Edition #4 Term 3

Sometimes, children really want to be part of a popular group. When they get to know the children in that group, they often find that they don’t like them very much. Just being in a specific group of children doesn’t make you happy; having friends who care about you and treat you well does. With this idea in mind, think about your true friends. Do they like you? Do they accept you? Do they admire you? The answer to these questions is probably yes. As long as you have true friends, it doesn’t matter whether your group is considered to be popular or not!

Final Thought…

.Family meeting discussion


What qualities

do you look

for in a friend?

Having true friends is more important

than being in a “popular” group.