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Page 1: The Glenville · PDF fileThe Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly ... by serving this year as a member all bacheelors 0' this here C3Dt- P a

The Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly

Volume XXIV. NO. 7 Ten Cents Copy

Student Council \Vill Sponsor Yearbook --- --- --- --- ---

Sadie Hawkins Day Is Set For Saturday JOE RIDDEL, DOTTIE TERRILL *1 •

ARE NAMED STAFF CO-EDITORS June Ray, Elaine Bell Are Named Li'l Abner, Daisy May

By JOE R IDDELL i( ... -----------

Council Pres ident Fultineer I In one oC the most exciting and

Signs Contract; Ga lgani Is c I ~~tl~cson~s:y ele~~~~~s ~VO~reg~:~

P:::~~~;:~:':;~na::r. I ~~~~ ~Jo:~~:.~:i~~~:!e bF~?~~. yearbook (or the college were com- I ..... " •• "'.""'- were named Daisy May and L'll Ab~ pleLed. last week with the signing I n('r respectively. They will thus ot a printing contract by Frank reign as the feature characterl~ -'Fultineer, student council presi- "'--~I~ tions in the Kappa Sigma Kappa dent. spcnsored S3.die Ha wkins Day ac-

Co-editors of the yearbook will tivities this c.orning Saturday. 'be Dorothy T errill and Joseph Rid- Miss Ben. a Huttonsville lass. and del. Carl P. Galganl will be business hel partner from up Nicholas coun-manager. Additional staff mem- ty way are :,oth in tbeir first year lbers will be selected by the student at Glenville. the former. a sopho-council and co -edi~,()l·s. more transfer student from Davis Riddel Is Experienced and Elkins and a business major;

J oseph Riddel is a senior from the latter. a freshman veteran and Grantsville and an English major. a business major. Joe has had a wealth of experience Upon being interviewed concern-in the journalism field dating back lllg his appalling 600-vote victory. to his freshman year In high school the new L'n Abner commented.

Isv:,ehrrvee~dh:lenhi;,hh,siSscncha.OmepOa]c~,.,eys:rt°hr';!OOu:gdh~otouO~t , ____________ , --- ---- ~~::y ~:;W~~l:e:~::, ~ c:~l~l~ thrillin·... Both indicated a keen

his four yea rs in h igh school. In desire to participate in the day's a ddition to this he served as sports Atteoshun all onmarried ma les functions. and to mak.e this c:ele · editor on the high school newspap- 0' GSC. Ah hereby deeclare t \18-t bration the finest ever held in er for three years. Riddel is furth- Saturday, November 15 be known Glenville. 'ering h iS journalism experiences at Sadie Jla.wJtins Da.y and that According to activities head by serving this year as a member a ll bacheelors 0' t his here C3Dt- P a u 1 Matthen, Donald W·eaver. many partlcipants of the Mer<'1lfY staff. pus be present fo' th ' gOiD'S on bass-baritone. will appeAr at Glen ~ ar~ expected for the mock race to

Carl Galgani, senior from Park- 0 ' thO day. Likewise yo' man~ tre held Saturday afternoon. The

~:~~;'ai~=~;i~~ t~e H~~;ir;:~ls~ .ongry,,~::~~~. Zakar ian, in the second Lycewn program to ~~~ ~dti~i~ie!:rEc:~ b~ ~::::~ ler Court. serving this year as l\Ia;fo-r 0' Dogpatch. be offered thls year. promptly at 1:00 p. m. with the in-clerk Galgani is an experienced , ___________ --' After graduating from Bard 001- 'traduction of Dogpatch dignitaries hand· at the advertising game on ~ege, Columbia university, Mat- by the Mayor of Dogpatch. Char les the Glenville campus. having been - then did graduate work at Colwn- ··Chick'· Zakarian. "Marryin' Sam" business manager of the Glenville m oia and studled voice with the well in the personage of Bill Hanlin will Mercury for three years. and em- e1'e U 1'11 k~own Metropolitan Opera bari- be on hand to "hitch" (in the best ployed by· the campus merchan- '-:J tone, Friedrich Schorr. During this Dogpatch fashion) all those slow-dising agency as Chesterfield agent m· time he also appeared as soloist at footed ID3.ies to their female con-for Glenv11le State College. Gal- USl n qs Radio City Music hall.

~::de h~g:~~n ,,~:;.~ure1n ~eve~~~ Bv BILL BORAM ~tt~~~m!: S;~~~er of the Con- Sk~ ~h~h:v~~~filat::~~~~hm w~; (Continued on P age 3) necticut and Trenton opera com- Kent Duffield's Dixie-Cats at the

Changes in The Mercury staff in par.ies where he had leading roles. fa':)ulous "Skonk HaUer Stomp". the


Glenville State's 1952- 53 debate 'team was organized Wednesday. Nov. 5 at 3 p. m. when Prof. Mar­jorie Skelton, head of the college !Speech department. met with stu­dents Harry Owens. Claire Bowles. Alice Anne Griffith, and Felton "SkiP" Mick. Mark Melrose and William Davis, a1.."O members, were not present.

The newly organized group dis-

the past few "Weelts have been made Matthen has been soloist with the most talked about brawl of the to insure bettel· cqverage and more Dessolf Choirs in Carnegie hall, "ear. Dancing from 8:30 o'clock un-effective circulation of the paper. New York, with the Cantata Sing- til 12 midnight will be the theme of We are pleased to report that two ers of New York. the National Or- the evening with intervening ac-' efficient young ladies. Wan- chestra 1 aSSOCiation, the Boston ____ P_A_U_L_MA __ T_T_H_E_K___ 'o'lf"itthiees da.tncteheWUln] 'beenru'·hSSelO •• nD'OgScpa~~h. ds Carol 'h.y1or a111 Bernadine Symphcny orchestra, the Philadel- ..... Gregory. are now acting as circu~ phia orchestra. the B3.lt1mor<3 Leyman McClung, freshman ag- Audeetorum" (the old gymnasium)

~a:~~n :~ii:~~: a~~tr7~~ti~ab~~a~S : ~i~~hs~:p~~~~:s;~ad Ch:~ o~:~: riculture majo: frOm Parkersburg, (Continued on Page 3) the past. iations. Paul Matthen can be heard has been ~ervmg as a temporarJ

Marjorie Hardm3.n, W 0 men' s as bass soloist on mauy of the replacement in the capacity as man­Athletic association president, is l~test R.C.A~ Victor Red Seal re - ager of athletics. He has assumed v,rriting her organization stori2S cordings. He recorded "B Minor the dut~es of former. manager, Ed­which should give us better cover- Mass" and ';Magnificant" with <:el ~bmson who retlred from that nge of women'S sports actIvities.t Robert Shaw Chorale. ' posltlon at the conclUSIOn of the Although not a regular member of Matthen. who has recently been football season. A permanent man-

(Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) ager has not yet been named.

Bridge Party Will Be Held

cussed. this season's question chos- • S h I BOld ° 1 C d d ~~b:;' ''~;~~~f;~~ Local Htg'h c 00 ut Ing s on emne

A bridge party, sponsored by the Home Economics club. will ':>e held in the Louis Bennett lounge from 8 to 11 D. m .• Nov. 18. Faculty and others i~terested in playing will ba , T hat the federal goverOlnent !'

should adopt a compulsory fair t:mployment practices law." This question is t.he One which \Vl11 be I 'Used by all colleges and universities throughout the country. \ Trips Planned I

The de~ate team is planning sev- .~~....-:Ir:"".J!t":' eral trips to educational institu­tions where they will vie with oth­er debate squad:i for oratory law'­els.

No special qualifications or ex­p~nence are necessary for a mem­bership on the team. and Professor Skelton expressed. a wish that more st.udents would become interested and take an active part in the de­bi.\te program, for which they will be given scholastic credit in college hours.

Last year. the debate team. und­er the guidance o( Professor Skel­tnn, was highb' successful in its !season's endeavor. winning second place in a state-wide debate con­~st.

By JEA.V ADA.)IS guests. Canasta will be played, and Ccmdemnation of the south Wing prizes will be av.arded the highest

(If the Glenville public school ':)uild- scorers. :ng was ordered Nov. 3 by State The theme of Thanksgiving will Fire Marshall C. A. Rapier. Follow- be carried out. and the lounge will ing a thorough inVestigation of be decorated with fall flowers. ,;he building b ... an inspection com- Refreshments Served mittee. Rapier declared that the I Refreshments w111 be served ':)y 6nuth wing cf the structure be members of the Home Eoonom:!.('s evacuated"immedlately." He urged, club. the _ l·emov~l of students from the: The regular meeting time of the e:ltue building immediately. and I club has been changed to the sec­dp.scnbed the building as a flfetrap ond Thursday of each month at. &nd a health hazard. 6: 15 p. en.. Plans are underway for

Marshall Rapier report€d to the the club's contribution to the d1n-

I ~~~d i~f e~:'e~~;~~ t~!~~~~u:o~~ ~; ~~~. fo;ht~e ~is~mas d~e:~~ Cl,use this part of the Hructure is The c1u') held a council meet[n~ hst pulling away from the main Oct. 29 at 2 p. m. ThOSE attending portion. There is also danger of were: Helen Brammer. president; exploslOn caused by the severing J~8n Flesher. first '·lce president; of the gas lines leading to the un- Nancy Harris. second Vice presl ­<:afe area. and orders were givf-'1 dent; Glenda Hinter. secretary­

~~~;;~~........ by the fire marshall to cap off treasurer; Gi!nevieve Hinter. re ~ ~ I these ~~~-tiDtte<1 on Page 4) I ~jte~b!~:~~ Jo.ces. and Miss Na-

Page 2: The Glenville · PDF fileThe Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly ... by serving this year as a member all bacheelors 0' this here C3Dt- P a

P __ ag_e_T_w_o __________________ T~H:::.E=__:G=L=ENYILLE MER CURY Wedne'lla r , oHmber 12, 1952

; Glenville State College Has Planned Student Body Pre,ident Fra, k Fultineer'< announcement F o 110 tv T Tp P og j' Tt G d '

No Tllrning Back

that the student council has signed a contract with the - V , r ram or ~I s rauates Americ'1n Yeart,o(,k comram' to rubli~h a yearbook for Glen-' ville StatE' coHeg" i~ l:ertaiIi to be greeteri' with a nuieh" of The- presentation or a colIt::;:e ~ r~actiollS b~· eVC1T(·ne who i~ familiar with the l'umpu::o ~{tun- I ~.~l.(':ma ~ 1,10. .. a student lot Glem:-lL tIon regardmg endC'~VOlS of that sort. St.". C,l.e=e doe;;; not me~n tnat

In the fir;-;t place,. \\-~ mt1:-:t admit the report pleases U~- I ~~:f~~;!~;~lP'::r~~ hi:n out. 1~1tO_ the I each year. an (Jrg<:l.l1lzi.ltwn has attempted to get the book POll and' h d • ~lthdrav.s :.up- ~ publi~hed :'PHl failed. \Yc think that the sehool at 10:-;t i,,' ~r f~1l on ~i~~W~l~\~-I;r t:IO'~~~:;~; certam to huye ~ .Yearl~o(lk. • . I ccllt:,ge sul),scribes to the the!lr~·

One factor. tnat POlJl!s to the ~ook ~ suc('e~:-; IS that the rtt.:.t no training p:ogram. l'egard­student g'o\'crmng body IS ::.pon~onng the venture. not Olle I 12SS of its intrinsic m~flt~, CRn turn individual group. 'Yithol1t reflecting upon the pfforts of the i uut· fI finis;1.ed tea('h"r in fout" groups who haye tried l1n"t1c('eg-"fulI~' in the past to publish years. a yearbook, we recognize that the student council is in a uet- Though graduates are w~1 ter po:-;ition to make the cam):ai9'n work. Pl'e~jdent Fuhineer :~"olUl::!ed in Ule subject m:'\Ue"r has thp: entire ~ttl(lelJt b[1(h"~ talent at hi..; call and the out- fleld5; and in the prLlclples of food standing council member:;' to he.lp organize and dired the l€achmg, it. rfQ.lires a. perLxi of, plan!;, 8C'tual field !l3.rticipatJOn before

In ~oe Ricldel ~Ild Dor~thy Terrill, th~ yeal'b30k .staff !~~fi~~C:t~€'as:~~n{'('~n ;.~~~~~.a i:elf~ has a pall' of ex('cptlOnally .fme worker~ actmg a;:; co-~(htors. during these fir:it few years that. Good stlld~nts r.nd reco!!l1lzed l::-aders, Joe and DntilP both th~ college altempts t') give the have had previous experience in this sort of endeu\·or which l1eedcd aid and mspiraLon ne,:es-should pro\·c valuable to the publication. sny to insure success.

i\Takillg the yenture a ~t.1ccess financiallv will' take much I Possibilities Vary work and cooperation by both the yearbook staff and the, ~e possibilities for rendering. ir.. entire stuclent body. The staff ad\'ertising- departmrnt es- ~ervlce aid are ~nny ~nd vaned. peciallv will hayp to be llnusllallv efficient jf the pUblication The c?llege, gUIded In part by jectivelv to measure the suooess of

is to pay for itself.' . . !;te/o::~~e~~~~~~ tl1is program, there are some in-We ha~·e. no doubt that many .stud~n~s and .alumlll Wlll the new teacher Lhrough ~thre(; dications that it is gOing to ex­

have the oN.nlOn that t.he ventllre WIll fa1J .lust as It ha~ every majol· a ve n u e s: flrst, clas.'iroom pando In. 1949-19510, .p r 0 f e s s or! year for qUltp ~(lme tIme. ,\Ve feel confIdent. howevpr, that visitation; secc.nd, campus con- Clark, DlIector of Fjeld Services. even those who doubt the wisdom of the attempt will go all sultation; and third. interview') began a. visitation program ,1n­out in backing it. ! with the supervisors of the begin- ten d e d to reach all begilllling

At anv rate. Pre~jdent Fultineer ha~ already signed his' nin~ teachers_ I t~achers who had need of assist-.. name on the dotted line-there, jg no turning back. Our con- I Thlough vi.sitation it is hoped :l1ce. The SUCC, ess. of this .ef~ort g-ratulations are offered and our cooperation i3" extended in that the college representative can ead to the adoptIon of a sumlar

the realization that the college n~arbook is now 'something I ~ctec\et~es~.J"ong thPOitnts hln Itdea<:hb-, ,~~~~~: to d~~~~atio~50t-~;5~·01le~~ more th:1n a (lim po ~·bTt· \\-'AB ImQ; c Olq~les a s au po. •

, S.l I 1 ~ .- • J :;{ress~d. Weak points that spell to. W~ICh all beg~nning .teachers \

COLLEGE PLANS OBSERVANCE E~!~~~~~~:t~~~~fd ::\~~;s~~~ ~:.~ al;~:l"~r~f~:~::~~::~~:~~~~ '" .. J tlon. If it is Possible, immediate 'ly the St3.te Board of Edp.cation. PROF. H. Y. CLARK

OF AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK ~~{j t~e e~I~~~e~e Iie~~:ern~; ~~11~1~ \ ~~~~~u~f ::~:~m;ret:Ch!:~e In p~~: • to come to the college for con- hshed by the Board. and were sub- Prof. Somerville Att ends

Tllls week. Nov 9-15. marks the I comes COnsCIOUS of Its contn JU- SU~t3tliJl' or further classroom lr.ltted to Deans and educfltlO!l Superintendents Meeting thirty-seecnd annual observ:mce tlon to mankind Rather It IS dW'-1 ~!~;~~~s iSln~~:~ged J ~ll;~~o~em;:~u~~o:f> f;~:1t/t:~~ Prof. Delmer Somerville attend­of Am~rlc:m Education \"'.:'ek Each 109 thiS week that It makes Its an- Graduates are Invited to return college admlnlstratlOn took part Pd a. meeting of the Cooperative year dunng Amel'.can EducatIon nual progless report to the natIOn to the college for consultation 111 the visltatlOn program A total Project of Educationfll Adrruni­we~k home and school come to_lthat people may undelstand Its servICe at any tlme thev deslIe of 44 new and begmnmg teachelS stration at Charleston, Nov. 6, 7, gether to evaluate their JOint ef- accomplishments and Its needs I Books and other materials of a were VISIted 'and 8. The meeting was sponsored forts 111 the task of educatmg Chllj- If We are to do our Job, we 'must p .. ~fesslonal nat u r e are made Services Extended t..y the west Virginia Association ren for matwlty _ I gam publIc support DUllni1 thiS available for the use of those who Plans have been made for ex- of School Superintendents.

'This year e!:lpec,ally the Natnn- week "e endeavor to show our Clt- have ~pe{:1al problems The staff tended servIces m 1952-1953 At Purpose of the meeting was to ai Congrcss of Pan:nts and Teach- ,zens v;hat we have done nnd to of the diVISIOn of educatIOn sched- this wntIng, 13 teachers have been discuss the selection of two or mor~ er<: urges a cl:>Sel "Olking plrtnel- enll~t "N'>eIr supnort for the thlOgs l1les evenmg ana Saturday ap- VIsited. four have come to college ccunt;es to make a study of edu­snip than e\'er before, O~ pubh-.. that MUST be -done If we ('3n pomtmcnts with those who request I educa~JOn deJ?artment for con- ('atlonal problems in the present. lchools a:-e cOl1Stantlv bemg at- I prove to the parents .of our chUd- them. ~ultabon serv~e, and superviso:-.~ schJol administration. tacked by groups who hope to shat- ren that we are truly serving 'our Co u n ty su..,ervisors concerned I ill three counties haVe been inter- Dr. TruOl:ln Pierce, representa­Cer the American p~ple's confi - youth. we can have their support with the direct guidance of the viewed concerning the progress of iive of the Kellogg foundation dence in the educational ~y~tem. To do this. we must truly s~rv,e. educational program are usually cu:- recel1t graduates. from George Peab;:,dy college; Dr. Throtlgh the PTA and mdlVldual As we "audit the books" we arf' familiar with th~ progress of the The success of t.he follow-up Earl Boggs, University of Virgin­parent.-teach,ers conferences a clos- conscious of the failures as well as beginninO' teacher. I nterviews With., program depends, to a great ex- In.; and Dr. Robert .Baldwin, of er understanding of the home- the successes that h"'ve been ours these officials result in a better tent. upon the willingness of our We~t Vlrginirl university and rep­s-::hool relatIOnship is ~)uilt. duri ng the yeal" This is g~od f~r understanding of the graduate's graduates to discuss their prob- reslntative of Ktllogg foundation

A plctw·e of Amer:.cnn Education us. It helps us to understand bet- I:ar.ksrround and special 8bilitleS.llems. Many of our beginning from Cclumbia university. were week (lnd lts aim i~ gh'en in a let- ler wbnt we realty believe about College and county supervisors t~achers have p~ai.sed the efforts lenders of the conference'. ter wJ'jlten by Prof. Eddie C. Ken- edu('atiun for the ch!ld of today. It working together are able to dis- of the col1e~e In making their r.eody of the collet{e education de- h~lps us to (leiermine more fully ('over and eliminate many de- su('cess assured; others have not Paul M att hen partmcnt to the pro~pective teacll- the sacrifices we willing t.o ficiencies. that could easily prove I take.ll advantage cf any of the t (Continue!! From Page 1)

ers, at the request of The Mercury. I make that children may grow and t" be senous. servlc~s the college has to offer. It It follows: Jearn. Program Is Not New is the deslre of the inStitutiOn to elected to the Board of Directors

Novem~er 9, 1952 Just one more wc.rd about our TI'i~ follow-up program is not I?e of the greatest ,pOSSible aid to or the American Bach Societ.y of Dear Prosl')e-ctive Teacher: prC'fession and then I shall, clo5-C;' p new idF'a. Several years a~o Mis') ItS. gra.duates. because it is .through New York is a former member of

Have you ever wondered why we I am truly glad that you are pJan- Ivv Lee Myers. former direclor of'1 thiS .. lId that college sef';'lces .can the music facuity or Bennington have Atnerican Educaticn week- ning tQ Join us. In the elementary elementary education, and H. Y. be. extended to th~ ~U?lic school College, and currently teaches at why more than a mUHon American tiekl aJone we need 75.000 new Clark. then director of secondary ~hlldren of West VlrgIma. tile Longy School of Music, Cam-teachers each lear strive to get l te'lchers each year. Only 46,000 are (>dll~ation. prOVided for simiiaT bridge. Mass., and at Wcl~esley psrents 1nto the dassroomo:: to see l1Jein~ trained thi.~ reat,' More than serVices to ~th. two -an?~f~ur-ye8r P r of. Lane Reports College and dl<>cuss the sctunl progr('ss of GO(l,OOO new classroom;: will b~ grnduates. ~Imlted faell1tles. pre- E . t R It the ,~chool? needed in the next five vears. We ver,ted a Wldespread 0 l' g a n 1 ze d xperzmen eSll.'; Gratitude i<> much more than a

You are pla_~ning to enter t~e I are' depending upon you to ~elp u:; I visitation program. Prof. Warden Lane reports that v€lb;tl expression of thanks. Action greatest pr~r~sslon on, e.artb. It w,l1 I get them. Our them? for thlS y_e:'\r Although it is imp::ls')ible oh- he has completed records on a €xpress~s more gratit.u::le than be your prnt!cge and .your duty to is "Education for Today's Chlld- I Holstein cow. Professor Lane has spt>ech.-Mary Bnker Eddy ~f'et an, d to COPe With tbe mOst Iren ... An1,erican. Education W,eek can fon was one in the series of m,eals kept re<:ords of the milk lactatio,n ----, -~ nl.rl('at.e and complex problem e'i:- indeed be frUltful, if, throu'ih It. to be pla'nned. prepared, and .... erv- from the three- year-old cow r .... 1' The Is tlllg an ~oda7's w('Irld-:-lbe pi'Ob- we can c:;>nvince the pubhc that ed \";Iy members of the home eco- 305 days with the results as 101-lern of d~re('hn~ th~ _ mtellectual. thl:Se children cannot be educated nomJcs department. lows: Cow produced 9,987 pounds Glenville lJtl ercury mora~, SOCIal, and sPlflt.ual ~owth I without a trained teacher to Kathleen Quinn 'and Eleanor c! milk ythich equals l,Z48 gallons. Stlldpnt Ne~spaper of o~ c1uldren :.nd ,·o?th. 1.0~ will not! gujde t.hem and n place in "'hich Dot~on se!'ved as waitresses. If the milk were converted Into Glenville State College a \lays be appreuated; 'ou may I to leam. Guests were: Frank Fultin~er, butter it ,,'ould equal 427 pnund'i. Glenvllll? W, Va. :.~t a lwa,·~ be U~derstood; but, ;vou ~ish(ng you .aU the Sllce.e':s t~a.t M li r j or i e Hardman, Genevieve?' Professor Lane said that the rec- Published. each Wednesday dur-

III a lwa ... s be m dcmand. l:C'ut i2ctlve nrofesslonal parliclp3tion Hi~ter. and James Watson 01'(1$ show the cow to be three lng the Rcademic year except holl -pro{es"ion holds (h~ kfi"~· to. the (U-I may brm"g, I am C,OTniMlPia was used for the timf's better than the average cow :'lays by the c1a-"~e. in journalism a t ture of t he slale, lhe natian, antI Yours sincerely, cCl"'terpiece. in West Virginia. Glenville State College. Entered a.s t hf' world. Throu~h ~'our efforts Eddie C. Kennedy ~econd class matter November 23, We sha ll Cithf'f ri<;c or f:lJi; wc caD Th 1929. at the postoffice at Glenville, D've, stand 51;11, Home Ec, Departmont Serves I ree More Glenville State Stlulen~s w, Va" under tae Act of Maret

9 ~m~~~c~n.e~~~°:'o ~~;ktr;~~~ Another in Series of Meals 'I A, nswer Appeal for Blood TransfllslOn TClc~b!!~'6301 to the great work lhe profession Coleta Tho!Tlp.,on and Let-a Greg-- Last week's appeal to the college Coe were the first to OUr'f theJr Sub!>Cription, Per Year . 51.50 has aone. Is doing, arTj hopt':~ t-'> do !.IIY w-ere ho~te.,ses :It a luncheon f,,: blood transfUsions for Arch services. Editor-In-Chief WUliam A. Boram I tfU!;t you do not ll'm..'lle that this SCITed Oct. 21 at 5:30 p. m. in the Groves. Cedar creek farmer, were At pre!lent, the college ha!- not Eusine~s Manl\ger Carl P. Galgani i'i the only W-f"::k the ;lrofe sion be'" hrme economi~ lounge :;:rhe JunCl1~ j "nswered agaJn on WednesC:ay. Oct. been informed of Mr. Groves' prog- Sport .. Writers Jos.eph Ridde!,

29. by Nancy HarriS, Nora Kennedy, rC;.<;s. However, a large number 'J! Frank Fultineer, , Jnd Susie lEelle Graham. who were students have offered their services, James Robinson I ~x('used from clas~es in order to in the event. of further need. The Circuhtion Bernadine Grego!)', Social Calenclai· r m~ke the t!"iT) to the St. Mlry',:; names of those students whl) have Wanda Carol Taylor

No\. 11-Hi!:rh school junior class play, "The Adventures I ~{'Ispital in, Clar.ksburg where Mr made their assistance available are Athletic Publicity MaurIce Buck of I-Iuc-kleherrr Finn," college auditorium. Groves is awaitmg recovery after Gerald Gres.i. Charles Zakarian, Literary Editor Jooephlne Fidler

~O\-. 13- Paul "llattiten. ba....~ baritone, auditorium at 8 surgery. Charles H Ray, Dale F Levermg, Reporters Jean Adams, p. m_ On Tuesda.y, Oct. 28, when the Margaret Stanevlck, CialIe BQWleS'j Hobart Cl1ilders

NOY. Ij-Sadie Hawkins dance. call for aSSIStance was first made, Jim Watson, Frank Fultmeer, Ho- John c utlip,

~o\". 16-\,e:-;per~. H:1.5_p_,_m_ , ___________ -!l~a;\~~n~un~7~~ham~i1I~n~ i:a~; ~:t c;::l~~e:~d ~:~r~eom~c~l~,e" Faculty Adviser W~d~. ~~~;

Page 3: The Glenville · PDF fileThe Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly ... by serving this year as a member all bacheelors 0' this here C3Dt- P a

Squad Is Guest Luncheon November 2


By JOE KIDDEL By \\' .\:'\D.\ WI.\ ST *,---------------------- F I the rir_t time in three years ,

'J'bt f tb '1 d d M ~ ('II SIMS REMAINS Thi .. IDIt;ht be called .In '~~Ilon t~e Gi£n\t,UC StJ.t" athlHlc lock~'r JD,!epl':.'.~lQ~.J.h. S:'~~e ~r t~ ~; all ' of ; let beca\l."~ \:~r'ulLh 11 l!; room I ... miucl. t:tnt fami:i3.r ftlce JaDchcon ~ lhe dJllin3 h_H, N. v , n:.uch~de::el'\·e:l "':Ol:! f c "1m, 1 of the genial. {V r-d( pcndable m3n-

sel\t>d ~-:" th(, home eJum.n TOP WAA TEAMld8uontoonccfth,::!mp<: f,-,otball I_e~' of athktic!, Eds.,·l Robinson. p3TUnent., pl.lYcr., to O'cr don 1,le Bl.l( and \ "RobbIe" ha.:; \I<\cattd hi:-; P'Jst after TlLb1es were dC,~~ratcd "It:, t.le White. B~l Hanlw Slj.C\~ l.le (":tlt servin~ In hiS c.,paclty 01 tratnt:r.

Inclttlonal O]('nv~14 Stat~ bj Je and SIms' te ... m \'o:O~ tv .. o gan. s .I .t litHe athlete fir..,t C:tllll t th hill-I jaul1dryman. w:ltel'-b;;Y and nurse 1dllte. White mums were u (;;,1 tor \\,,"ek, In W AA vollpy bnll ~ ,y tu hll in !he {Poll of 194!). he l>:J.s ,"-.:n- maId, 'Jecause of jlres"n.g schola~-&lie centerp.eoce. l"ernaUl on L..)P of the In."ut' 51 lnd- uhu1dcll ''0 mueh copy d Bcn('r" \ t!('vo~~::V(\~:~tdl~~~Jm~~' ~~~i';O$~~i~~

Place ~nds, de '~n£>d b} Joyce PI" .,e ,",.1t:t' m'·r.~ !le( 'ru; t} :row ~ <;.-

crgllUs. were mL'::lt~l white Jnls \\ith a 7-0 record. OtheT CiC -, "f'~~.~'"'1\n'''' ),v l'~ w 1I ,1,;' I in the sprin~ of 1950. succeeding ' balls bJ.!;- r.b~ ·n:,' L1 1.le :-re c.- fol.o\\·,: Hln·.er --17.1-1 'rslJ 1111 .. 11'1t 100t~::l-1 i,h

J .•. .3 v .. 1.131. I Rnother Immoltal Pronl(-r manager,

III\tcr and name - d thl ;1· )or Brammer 19. COl.p;. 3J, J' an undf. f;t :n nt fOl !J'" ~ I ?,"10U"t-

hi.c" Ccnadrpl!oUtte~hi~Fl"pO~t t~~~t~~l~

Jllinred 1n wn.te L. ~af'... \ct n Oft' my fl"-. l'c :'l11ch m ~ ~:ln hut ) h . J.linilturC mor:.u t-~ .. cts d _ml ~~11 her It"ad • defeat!:g POI 1 "1001. !ll!.. telmmat ~ d hi se'"'":ll\ hE" ha. (.u.t:-tfully served the b:.u~k ""ert pI .:.e.,.m e j )ot - 16-; 1, \i,hlle Jam(· de: d r I - cex. hes. _11 f' hI P 'son .. I t, Ithletic drp:I:·tment and the boys . Us to hi n r L~ el"'- .. t grudlJ3ttn H U·~::! 1<, vel'.fr.e d!V, ; J:1e haS IT. . ke1 rla~ing under 1,"11" ('ol'".r" of the Blue

struo;" ",,110 arc men.iY-rs cf th \ '"lIevtJa ll Standin (S him, hrm t p b" lnmn a a ei"ld- I lr.d Whit-e OperAlr.g in 1.1~dOUbt-lQUad. Bill Hanlln. E:::!. 1 R' ,)tr,- S!rro • • 7~1'J tr ard a Ie .j,. h ha bel, I ,ed:Y t~1e mo- t ur.thnnkful Job the INl. Genc opacilro, Fred Olllnf: Ccoper fi-l It h s ">ee!l said t lat VOPUlallt\· I eelk''''! ~ Hers, h~ v.". eSleem::d by Cbarl£s S;Jem.e:, DaD.lld \Vc.lV . H.lll-e; • 4-3 :cmES ell v, lJul t) ,1111.1ta11. tlut .. 1 th e.1,.1 w1Ll him. and Joe R::ldel, u.1d Fr:mlt F ,~.~~' Brub.:d':rr 3 .... P' ),lUlarit., 'A"llho;.:1. 'f) -Iateof t..:: dl'Pw t!Ie f-,lIo·.'in ... comment from endutg thl"tr f ..... tball Sf o::~..-: 4. ~cr Hu& les 2.~ f tempo 'llfe 15 m0'5 :Uhnlt Bu Craca Mt "had Josephs at the re-'113 gnduatlon 1. .. 1.: pr~n~. Hnrrt.: 1-5 til'S 11 Bill r !lll:l. U . .. 1.S b~~' u: cc~t rootb~ H banquet.· "He was

Gifts were pre _ .• te .) Hill H :1 -1 Br T,-nfr 1-6 it. alWBn 'till ~1 be f., here s J. no1.. more lmpc.rtant. to U::i th:m we will 11ft. c:;.pt:1ln. and E:"3e1 RobID r, cf 9.' '1 wi. hlO; t ."e . lpP}. evcr knoW' He was always there manager \ e la l Dar t, Standin !;,: \ It :Jt"·'lc..t:"te'i full) il C k who e with the thing that. was needed .

)4:1rl" Helen sommervl'le and O'egon' 5-1 clrated ahoci 9.'U1 r.f'\'er aCaln rtv Pc:nn St-R'lt~el. Pitt-No. Caro- we'U mi5s him." Btlt"n Bnrmner ,en: ,nUre' f'S.\ F f'!e 4-2 the :ntddle or turn the flank.c of hl'8 51, Pnncetvn-Yale AL'lama- ~R::ubl:~i:~ ~~:~~°?ro~dG~:~~!~ ~~;rr!~~:~~n served as mu 1 ~~::r ~-! \ S PlOneer opnonent We rtnc ~IV l~rgia Tech Auburn-Georgia, ~~lle ~e came 'to a5G from Ca l-

- doubt}f man~ ':V1Ct

coaches s ed Tennessee-Florldu. Ken t u c k Y - hCU~ County high school where h e ................. _ ................ __ ..... _ .............. . 11 II' I"'~'~ Ilpon h rpar Ire C:('rr.~on, LSU-~lI~s. 5t. MISStsS1P - ~erved one year as athletic man ag-

~ ercllry ~ llslngs CO:ic:h Michael'ls has -ent pl-Ma.t~l:J.nd. Tulane-Vanderbilt_ er At GI ~nvII~e h~ is vice -pres~ -

Sport Tallr I Continued From P2. e 11 h "d:lbble 'llnd shOOI' c. nges Duke-\\:lke FOlest, N(), carol.n:t drnt of the sC'ruor cla~:-. vlce-pres.-1 . ' ,. {&. CaroUna. I1l1nOl~ -Ohio State. dent of the G-Club and a member

U.f" taf"' MarC'" Is dona t n;; heT th:-t'lugh tle": wtek c. \\ )Ik IIndlan.l-WiSC'orusin. lowa-North- of Kappa Sigma K'apps fraternity.

I fT~""!e, '1r w 111 1 w .. 'lre .Indtbl.- nu with the general empha..'i !, 'Wes[ern Mlchi"3D-Purdue, Mmnc - N . h'or year he has

I"d pcc--:t H 'dit "lpe1 by R decidf'd \ ~ 0 k3 -5 M U ow 111 is lenI .' .............................................................. .... Now grctsle1- Jim RobLl n I.tct ')f helgnt this )'ear's edition tiOl.l -Ntbr.l.Sku, .Ar nsJ.S 5' found It necessary to retire.

::.J. S U Pl.o ~ '" , nd T.!x:'!'"-TCU. C<\lifornla-Wash. t.. Having so 10n'" been associated GlenV':: ~ tate CO t:, neers Toe Rlddel, I1nd F ank PuHltec or the V.':Jlte Wave wlL dcpe on Oregon-St1oford UCLA-Oregon . Gl vtl1 th\ leS he admitted

ck8ed out their mOlt .JCce fuI have trndcd 1n tlf'r Ir ie ~l fo. :-~t-llt_ speed of DICk Barr .. tt. St, So. C<J.I-W:l~h., and the game ""tl;eate;eluce ~cf" eto ieave the po-

8 , M.\rRI(,E Bt(K

footb:lli lCJ:)n 194:2 by dump- typewriters. \\'e ce nU:lp ... ,Lg a Tenn!lDt anCI Carlton G~d.~IOf the week, Michtgan St.. -Notre :tt~on that ~d brought h im into tag SlJem college 38-8 last wetlt. better sport ~ e With Ye AuJC1e; to offset their opponent II adun· D~, The TV game of the wefk ccnLlct with \\hat he called, "50 1'b.i5 dctory gave Glenville a 3-3 Editor off to Grants\ :.lIe Qn 1 ntne- aRe-, , features tbat great southern rival- f (110 5" a d that had w:.rt for the &e:lSon and t t:lls ""~eu pracLice teaching binge the R:)Unding out the fi; .• •· five, f'"IJl1l Geor .la. Tech-Alabama. ~~n}' me e .w, n i X eri-.nUng Glenville WI. tIed fo:- .aforementJoned Lports :c:1bu \1Itll ea'IY &JldicatIOIl!' wl11 be tWI) of ry. I!: gl\cn him n1Jny wonderfu e P 10wth place In the WVI.AC- f' as..-um~ a hC:Lvie.'I" burd n. Rid- th~ squad's more tha:;:) Six_footlt ' CIDE'TAL-S-' --- enles, such as a trip to K~ru;as a tn.O.::.t '-ufty 6tandL~; for the Plo- del nd Robinson Will haudle b:.l. pC'rfolmc":-s, .Eob Po--,le and Don preVl.o~s t;' the recent Morris C1ty with the .1950- 51 WVIC our-DeeTS 1Il Lgbt of Ute pas· lew '1.- kelball. and Fult1n~r ~,"j,Jl 9.· .. Jte ~fenlm"'ll. Dl,.f"nrh·,~ ac Merri- H -Tee] 1\ it seems that a n:lme~.t cha~~lon~, 1 _ JDnS. i ;Ilea', ...ntramunb man will provide t'l" W1VC with:l. arve;' 1 g me Yes, Robbie may miss the peas

Glenville" m:t.!"k., t: :tllough not I __ '_ back-court reboundLlg ,peclall~t fe\\~ !.t~d~~~m~~~:s e~~h bs:a.~~:y V:~~ ure he derived, from ass~ia~~~ an outstanding ene, Wu unusual Now that more of thC" ""':-Jclent W'nJe pivot-man Poole wlll be (u\"- t P?th whitewash with thoo;e t.o "hom he adm mts .., the fact that Glenville 10 t thelf Glenville high leloo1 bu1ldln'lI has t'n the man- rlzed Joo of controlling ~~~~r ~ cam,p';'t"irt:~ h a..s been the ed, ,>u~ not ne:\rlv so much as they erst thrt!e ga.D1.6 'heD ralhfd to oem condemned. it aenr.s as :! the both toards nnd at the same Ume latest to fal l victim to Lord wi!- w.n mls,s h'.::im:.::.., ____________ __ Win the wt IfJlzee T'le obdoua I ~Ent defeat of ihe achool bond aarei"3tlng the Pioneer point total Jiam Fugett" r.uspt"mlons. The answer '" t.h!: would. be I, at the l.:.Sue ..s brought an the more lat. W·:l his pottnt jUmp-,hot.'!. ·n4 rthern high school was foune! T"r~sident FulUneer disclosed, A

flrst. three ,&mea were rougher The recent cond(mnaUoJ"' However, the bulk of the ot- gullt, d par'lcipatlng in a presea- deposit of two dolbrs will be re­than the b:!. t"l.ree AlthOU~h ad· ICfVes Il!"'rel), ;0 pamt the need f"n .. v~ will lie In the speed and I son £C!tuullage game and. thu~ 5U5- rc-qultcd with the order of a copy. 8llt;~ Salem to be- "'t..e.. th:.:l 1"r .1id such as c:culd h ve l>een ob- n~u.;t1 of tht t'lree ,1roremeDtI~n- ded trom the WVH5AA. T hb tne remnmder of th" cost depe~d­I rry ot.'leT team met by the PIO~ tained through the bone! .~ ue. We cd s~arpl!ihooters, T ennant, ~eading ~~ed can~llat1on of the much ing up the. amount M adver tismg D!t'T'i. thl" could not be laid of I dno't see .how t~a: e \\'ho helped I Pic.nett scorer in his first jear in ubhcized Parkersburg.\\·elr Game ~p:tce that. 13 sold Fot war. state ~ld ~v1.; ~ £1- \"Ote dOwn the . .sue c"'luld Itea-I) t!le OlenvUle balivoict. should have p .• Fairmont an.d MorriS Harvey Fulti!lcer stated that the year­tins, Glen"\'.lle was tnt mo t lm- fr~m feeUng some me'-,£5ure.,)t cven a greater &e3BOn With hls dr~\'- both finished their state conference book wlll. 'oe pnnted on the b.est p:-oved tum in the conference In .abame when they brar of the con- ing one-handers and deadly Sid'!' aso undde:1tlt-d.. It isn't yet. p:lper anul.:lble and the bindm~ Ihelr la!t twe rarne a:1d wer'" ,,'11- 1iti0D5 which the school chU1r n <:ourt pu<.h-!bots. Barrett. 1\ hot ~~o .... '~ whether they vrlll1 be named ~nd cover .v,,~lJ be of the be~t ~ual­prOving with C'Ilr-b game_ • ct Glenville will now '>e forced to and cold performer,. holds the key cn-<.hamp.'i of whether the crown lty. The mmlmum size of thlS Jear-

In the salem came, Glenvlle e!ldUIe to get an eduC3tJon. 0, the J tt t"ph!-men Ii fast-break. U1 b d('c1ded on the int ~stem bOCk h3S bc~n ,£"t at 100. pages. ~med to be f ter than In all,)" md can the superb litt le plaJlTlIlk- w e tre Pio~e{'t'·' Fra!lk aho !aId that nothmg wl11 p"evioua g3rI:e "I"bis c~uld t:e at- If tomorrow night. LY1"'eum prt") - "Sr ~'aJt hot in th"" cUffieult utua- Gene 5pndaro, dl.d. le~' be left undone in order t-o ma ke

:;:u:.~d s:.~.:,~~~~~w'~~r e~O p~;: :a';'he B:~irt:l~c~:'~'~} p~: ::.~ ~~I~I~~~li~~u:O~~th~~i~~ ';,,~d~: ~~l:~~~;r~~~ {~~t~ i~~~on~~'~'~~ :~~' g~en",~\\~··h.~e~:~o:Ubt~:he~es! rented a l~e W.t~l an "vera," tit"r. two weeks sso, thl'P 1, c:;- the Pioneers haye a ~tf'ntlaIlY :~('I~:~Cli~ ~~e ~:~t t~~:el g°3.~:e~ Bill }'carboOk sInce 19-1:2. weIght c-f 22l Jba. pc" man Includ I tain to be :m excellent evening', fine scorer, who, If he fmdi hlm- . - r 11' 1 "I 'Uh 30 C'lOtract ror the work was given li~~ W:Ua~d~5 ~:~~;~~~ e~r~~;~~~, we ant1clpate fl large ';~veUI;~P~p' ~:eOf~~~~li:~O~~ar~~\lld ~~n:~~ot; O\\ed c o~ y \\ .. ~n~~eo~.~~~~~~ ~i~:~~Cha~~~~

speed. aJertnci'J, '1nd experience cro~;d-even if only became th~o::e Int"xperienced n~'~erve &trt'ngth i~ • Posey. lormer reF i.c;trar. represent-were more than a match for thls 'A'ho attended the Or~t Lyceum nnother of JO!!lCPh'l foremo~t prob- Student COllncil ed the comp~nY ponderous line. hO'A'ev-r number 'A'JIl IX' hopIng to sec 10m:· It!tnS. Not one candidate beyond thc 1ContinuE'd nom page 1) .............................. - .................................. .

Stveral more G. 1,.- !""eutra Tl'Jng a fraction 10 (";lttrtaming. fi\'c mcntionrd hM had more than articles by Chcstt!rfielJ. West UnIon 1..:1' were heard to JV ~xpeTlence. ond the m3Jorlt·: Dol"(Ithy Terr.Ll1. co-editor. Is ll~o 111n. III~ . 11 rJ.lIf1J1lI et1;nmt"nt on the .x)Jt::n-~l hlP Sadie Hawkins Day Dre freshmen. of \\'hlch Stewsrt 0:. ~eniol, a t:klOgy msjor nnd ls 1 j~Nt:wl~ l:r"'~ :ePI;~:!ee!Z' ~~~ .. ~c:;:!~ ~;~ IConttr:ueG ~om Page U ~:o~~~. ~~~:eWtl~~~l. are mo't Ie.-idt"nt of St. !\1SjrY$. D1?rothy ha., ;LS;~:,y(:,tJ:;2906 th h 1 1 ha1 b1gh school ouma 15m ex per- COUR.T'TRP£.T 0" G LEN\lILLE, W \lA

it~c:e:or;':eTl,t ~1!~~~ fee;pe~:~ I V.llich wlL be dCNr~l..t:.J In U1C That loud reverbefntlor. rmenat - lence, h~IVlO~ served ns assistant ................................................................... . 32-6 midway in the second period f blon of Dogpatch ~ hlghe~t so- in~ from Durham, N, C., la-t week cu;tor on the staff ot the St. Marys I nd most fans wne of the o'pinion clety ty that ~miner.t design('r 01 was on ly the h..<;t dying gasp of ,\ high school ycarbOok. Dorothy i!. that GlcnvlUe could have scored ':l.Ch, Carlton Candes lind his crew nC'ble gridiron ambition Duke':;, dlvt In ronny campus ~ffatr~. was at will h3d .. hey tleen 60 mlnde:'l Lo~nle Miller. pre5ldent of K np- Blue Devils driving for their first elected Homecoming: Queen this

End Genr Spad~ro dosed out hts pa S lg,:"a Kappa frat.t"rnlty, cxtend~ , 'e31', hnd is a number of the Kap-coUeg~ c:treer by coring three tlm~ his Ul\iltatlon to all to attend and. unddeated season in mnny yean pa Chi 1{appa ~oronty

P'Htlclpate in ever;: event o[ the w~re dera lled by a ~rollp {,[ hnrd I DepIIsit Uequired ! S ;aId playing a great defenslVt' day, It is time for the gi rl s to taka ):lttmg Engineers (rom. Grorqia Cost per copy for the book will

:~~I~t~~Il~~en:;~~ M~;~ I~:~~~ : I the wrap:; off thr ir Leap Yenr prlv- ~~~. ~~'~r~lS~h:n;:ti~~!~I~it~{'sP~~; be between three and four dollar".

!~e:~:~:,l.;:n:i!~. 5:!fv~~,· ~:~::;:E~:.n~~~~t~~~ ~:~~~ ~:~:~~:0.t~lru~~~:il:~~~!~e;:~~ N o Fine!" Gift tl' c PlOne~ __ '"-' were Ie:! against the "car nho- ran. bulky T igers by Paul Lanham, Top collegiate games for the Charles Spencer. Ed T t"kleJi, F rank centered around "Children in T o- eo~lng week :lre: Penn-Army, Co.)­Villcent and Don Mcrrlm:t :1, day's World," lumbla-Navy. Dartmouth-Cornell,


A Parker



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• ___ G_I_e_n_vi_·ll_e_\_V_e_st __ V_ir_~_·_n_ia __ ~'I ____________________ ~~"" •••• "." ••• ".,~t

Page 4: The Glenville · PDF fileThe Glenville Mercury Student Newspaper GLENVILLE STATE COLLEGE Published Weekly ... by serving this year as a member all bacheelors 0' this here C3Dt- P a

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