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014_R.jpg The. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine Faculty- Members Are Added To Stafl Glenville Sta te college has added to its faculty this year nine profes- aors, four or whom are alwnni or tb1s institution. "nlese new professors and the tlt}ds they are teaching are: Prof. ,lasephine Fidler. assistant librarian IDd library science; Prof. Frieda Eube, d ietitian and home economics; Prof. Virginia West, English and Journalism; PJ;of. Leland E. Byrd, physical education and basketball - ; Prof. William S. E. Coleman, tpeeeh and dramatics; Pr of. Henry Colorful Event Brings Alumni To Alma Mater Festivities Include Game, P arade, Meetings, D-.mcc; Coronation Is Highlight By CONNIE St \ i\I S "I Love a Parade., is being all over campus and this week as the spirit State college'a annual Homecoming: re,igns supreme in the minds l llliiiill!of the townsfolk as well as in the minds of the college stu- dents. J. Pasthoff. music; Prof. Jerry W. According oo oUicials who have Hodges, English; Prof. George How- been mapping plans for the high .. . ani. educat ion; and Prof. J ohn V. i N,ght soc1al g,nd' aLhletic event of 'White. mathematics. t.he Fall season, this year's home .. Miss Fidler Joins FacuJty conung a ctivities will feature 60 A native of Gilmer county, Prof. l.lnits in the parade, and sLx high- Josephine Fidler is a.n a.lumna ot school and junior high school Glenville S tate. Holding the posi- ,bands. tion ot assista.nt librarian and 1n- Followmg the homecoming pa· ltructor of a library science class, trade, cor;>na tion cer emonies will .lf'le received her A.B. degree from serve as a fi tting prologue to the bere in 1954, and she has done 22nd p.nnual homecoming football study at Indiana univer- con test between Glenville State lity. college P ioneers and Concord col- Queen Susan and her court pictured above will r eign as royalty on Homecoming, Saturday. These lflvcly lege Mountam nomics instructor. She received her ladies are, left to r•ght : Fisher, senior; Elda Utter back, Juruor; Queen Susan Arnold; Barbara. Royce, m mot the B.s. degree from The Stout Insti- iOphomore ; and Pat \Vhlt e, freshman. College street with the rest. of the tute in 1943 and in 1955 an M S umts joining t.he para de a t. t he Queen Susan Arn old Reigns ::::ra::Z end ot lng as adviser for the Mercury and d H . E For Upperclassmen Harold "Wild KiLty" Wilson, ;..':"st =:d 22n omecomtng Each year the upperclassmen Glenville S tate 1n 1941, and M.A. it that the ..freshmen h ave an where it wi ll turn righ t and disband from West Vrrginia Uni versity in S usan Arnold of GienvHle was to exercise t.heir ' 'hid- (Cont inued on page 4) 1950. She has done graduate work at -elected Homecoming Queen XVl, Tomorrow at 10: 10 tContinued on page 2) and John Lazear of Sisters Vme wa.s the da.te tor this freshma n will consist of en- Lyceum Card Bart, James Edit Mercury Virginia West Takes Helm of College Paper M lS! Arnold, a. d aughter oi Mr. anJ Simon Arnold is a busi - ness ma jor. S he is a me mber of Kappll Chi Kappn sorority, and a. Ionner pr esident of t hat tion. · Lazear, a veteran, is a physi cal education major. He 1S a Yvonne Hart a nd Shirley James of Kappa S igma Kapp a. fraternity !have named co-editors of the and comma nder of the Veteran's Meroury sta.ft for the present club. demic yeu , according to MLS3 Vir- Classes elect Princesses ginia West, new s taff adviser. Pnnce,ses from each class have A sem:>r majoring in English and been chaaen by tndlv1duaJ class speech. Miss James is a graduat.e electlCJns. were Lots. of Gassaway h igh school and is Fisher. senior; Elda Utterback, .starting her ,second year with the JUnior: Bar bara Royce, sophomore; college paper. S he is also preslder.t and Pat Wh1te, freshm an. of Alpha Psi Omega honoraey A- Uss Fisher, daughter or drama tic rratermty, v1ce presid ent tContlinued on page 2> of the Ohnirngohow P layer5, mem- -- · --- - ller of the debate squad, Kana .. ha Enrolllnent Hits Ball governing board re prescn ta- tlve and was a.ssocla ce editor of An All-ttme H tgh c.he yeorbook last year. W "th 60 4 St d t Hart, a junior English ma jor l U ell S who $Taduated from Clay County Glenvitle State college hit an all - high school, now in third t.ime record this fall wllh an en- year on the Mercury. She treas- rollment of 604, a gain of 12 per W'er or the student council , cor- cent over last }'ear's record enroll- responding secretary of Xi Beta ment Tau SOi'Ority, member o! SCA and average yearly <Continued. on page 3> •f rom 1945 to 1953 was approxllnate- Social Calendar Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7:00 p.m .- Swimmint Tbunday, Oct. 6, 8 p.m.-LY· ly 349 wi th the highest m 1947 and the ltJ\ltest in 1945 when the fig- ure dropped to 130. This yea r .are 248 freshmen and 396 upper- e nrolled. and secondary educa tion · ofT-campus teaehing in central West. Virginia., .Prof. Nelson Wells of educaUon department, by various m embers freshma n class. P at staTkey o • s t Sing an Original SOng and gi Ve pentng e IDOllOl ogue. Kenneth P ost and Herman Book- :Doraine, Ell is to Present will present n umbers on Ule Colorful Show Tomorrow A qua.rtet.te, Orton's Four, provide musical numbers, and A of five programs scpcd-- ltader of the group. Or ton uled by the GJenville S tate college , wBl play his "Sweet P otato." lyceum committee will be initiat ed will be given by ton1orrow n ight at 8: 15 in the audt- Mccarty and Harr) Siers. tortum when Doraine anrl Ellis attractions on the prOorrrnm present their repertoire of oostnrned be Oscar .Anderson and Ws d\!et.s of ! a.nous musical comedies smlle: Garrett, Pat 1 and light operas, Lyceum Chairman and Trent Bush. Carl Kerr h a!:. announced. Following this, the ROTC Glee cluO of West Virginia State college will give a concert here on Nov. 15. This organi7.ation has won wide for the fine qualJLy of its t>i.nging: and Pl'Omi.'>es to be one ot Alunmi directory under the the of the 1 editorsh ip of P rof. Bessie R.ectta. will be ready for dlSt.ribu- . AmErican P1arust Al f1 ec! Schln- . N nb 1ed, who h a.s apveared throughout to a 1 Lhe a.s a r eeit.alist and of an a lphauctlcal leadmg symphony or - s.Jl gradu ates of U\e college chestras, Wlll perform h ere on Feb, its founding, t.he directory 2 · mdlcste the addresses, classes, Irving B ecker, noted Violinist occupations of all foruner (Continued on page 2) who could be reached dur- t ime the information was Lazear Leads Dance gabhered. directory will provide a list classes graduated from Ul.e and normal school and the of those classes. I n addi- ceum Saturday. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.- Homecominc Parade; 2: 00p.m. --Gam v!!. Con· . eurd; 9:00 p.m.-Homecoming Danoe P rts ldent Harry B. Heflin com- ments that "The increase in en- Eleanor Kay Mulllns is teach- . rollment was limited to the above ing elementary and secondary mus - flgures by the tack of housing and ic at. Bunl6vllle. Others at Burns- other physical facilities. are Deloris, Lynch , phy.5ical the directory will contain a ot aU known former faculty as well as the pre.sent Led by the Pioneer, John Laz- ear, the a nnual snake dance will form in front of the gymnasi um .at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7. The croup will be led through and around ca.mpus buildings, down Main street, and will pause un- der the stop light for some yells lt d by the cheerleaders. The group wilL., then proceed to Rohr- bough !ttadium where :.. huge bonfire will be burning. The coach a nd football players will be introduced and a ra llY wiU be held. Sunday, Ocl. 9, 6:15 p.m.-Ves- _. Tuesday, Oct. u, 6:15 p.m.- '1\'AA. Approximately 200 s tudents wish- and Mrs. Nancy .(;rose ep. to have caunpus housing who English and mathemat.- could not be accommodated. campus housing for women was filled m AprU, and for men a slight- ly later d.!lte. Housing facilities in INc>'Lown '------------JI town are limited." 2500 Copies Being Printed '1\\'e nty- five hundred copies ot directory are now in the pro- of belng printed b;y t he Me- Printing corn;pany. At pres- have orde red 1900 copies. ......,,,w''' "" direet.on e.i ma y be obts iu- (Oontinued on page 4) I L------------

The. GlenVille Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine

Apr 23, 2018



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Page 1: The. GlenVille Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine


The. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955

Homecoming Plans Readied Nine Faculty­Members Are Added To Stafl

Glenville State college has added to its faculty this year nine profes­aors, four or whom are alwnni or tb1s institution.

"nlese new professors and the tlt}ds they are teaching are: Prof. ,lasephine Fidler. assistant librarian IDd library science; Prof. Frieda Eube, d ietitian and home economics; Prof. Virginia West, English and Journalism; PJ;of. Leland E. Byrd, physical education and basketball - ; Prof. William S. E. Coleman, tpeeeh and dramatics; Prof. Henry

Colorful Event Brings Alumni To Alma Mater

Festivities Include Game, Parade, Meetings, D-.mcc; Coronation Is Highlight


"I Love a Parade., is being all over campus and

this week as the spirit State college'a

annual Homecoming: re,igns supreme in the minds

lllliiiill!of the townsfolk as well as in the minds of the college stu-dents.

J. Pasthoff. m usic; Prof. Jerry W . According oo oUicials who have Hodges, English; Prof. George How- been mapping p lans for the high ... ani. education; and Prof. John V. iN,ght soc1al g,nd' aLhletic event of 'White. mathematics. t.he Fall season, this year's home ..

Miss Fidler Joins FacuJty conung activities will feature 60 A native of G ilmer county, Prof. l.lnits in the parade, and sLx high-

Josephine Fidler is a.n a.lumna ot school and junior high school Glenville S tate. Holding the posi- ,bands. tion ot assista.nt librarian and 1n- Followmg the homecoming pa· ltructor of a library science class, trade, cor;>nation ceremonies will .lf'le received her A.B. degree from serve as a fitting prologue to the bere in 1954, and she has done 22nd p.nnual homecoming football ~T&duate study at Indiana univer- con test between Glenville State lity. college P ioneers and Concord col-

=fn:r~e~e~~:;; 0:.0~~;~ ~~: Queen Susan and her court pictured above will reign as royalty on Homecoming, Saturday. These lflvcly lege Mountam Lton~e nomics instructor. She received her ladies are, left to r•ght : ~·s Fisher, senior; Elda Utter back, Juruor; Queen Susan Arnold ; Barbara. Royce, fo~ad m ~~~~nt mot the P~~~h w~~ B.s. degree from The Stout Insti- iOphomore ; and Pat \Vhlte, freshman. College street with the rest. of the tute in 1943 and in 1955 an M S umts joining t.he parade a t. the

::=~~~~:::GE~~~~~ Queen Susan Arnold Reigns ~~::~~~; ::::ra::Z :~~~Vi::nth:i;e::: end ot

lng as adviser for the Mercury and d H . E For Upperclassmen Harold "Wild K iLty" Wilson,

;..':"st =:d ~~.c!:;.: ~~ At 22n omecomtng Each year the upperclassmen see ::~~~. ~r~~r~~:n~~~~~·str~~ Glenville S tate 1n 1941, and M.A. i t that the ..freshmen have an where it will turn r igh t a nd d isband from West Vrrginia University in S usan Arnold of GienvHle was to exercise t.heir ''hid- (Cont inued on page 4) 1950. She has done graduate work at -elected Homecoming Queen XVl, Tomorrow a t 10:10

tContinued on page 2) and John Lazear of SistersVme wa.s th e da.te tor this freshman

will consist of en - Lyceum Card Bart, James Edit Mercury

Virginia West Takes Helm of College Paper

M lS! Arnold, a. d aughter oi Mr. anJ ~ Simon Arnold is a busi­ness ma jor. S he is a member of Kappll Chi Kappn sorority, and a. Ionner president of that orgt~.ruza-tion. ·

Lazear, a veteran, is a physical education major. He 1S a

Yvonne Hart a nd Shirley J a mes of Kappa S igma Kappa. fraternity !have ~en named co-editors of the and commander of the Veteran's Meroury sta.ft for the present club. demic yeu , according to M LS3 Vir- Classes elect Princesses ginia West, new s taff adviser. Pnnce,ses from each class have

A sem:>r majoring in English and been chaaen by tndlv1duaJ class speech. Miss James is a graduat.e e lectlCJns. Th~e selec~ were Lots. of Gassaway h igh school and is Fisher. senior; Elda Utterback, .starting her ,second year with the JUnior: Barbara Royce, sophomore; college paper. She is also preslder.t and P a t Wh1te, freshm an. of Alpha Psi Omega honoraey A-Uss Fisher, daughter or drama tic rratermty, v1ce president tContlinued on page 2> of the Ohnirngohow P layer5, mem- --· ----ller of the debate squad, Kana .. h a Enrolllnent Hits Ball governing board re prescn ta- • • tlve and was a.ssocla ce editor of An All-ttme H tgh c.he yeorbook last year. W "th 604 St d t

:\Ills.~ Hart, a junior English ma jor l U ell S who $Taduated from Clay County Glenvitle State college hit an all­high school, ~ now in ~r third t.ime record this fall wllh an en­year on the Mercury. She ~ t reas- rollment of 604, a gain of 12 per W'er or the student council, cor- cent over last }'ear's record enroll­responding secretary of Xi Beta ment Tau SOi'Ority, member o! SCA and Th~ average yearly

<Continued. on page 3> •from 1945 to 1953 was approxllnate­

Social Calendar Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7:00 p.m .­

Swimmint Tbunday, Oct. 6, 8 p.m.-LY·

ly 349 with the highes t m 1947 and the ltJ\ltest in 1945 when the fig­ure dropped to 130. This yea r .are 248 freshmen and 396 upper ­cl~mcn enrolled.

and secondary educa tion · ofT-campus teaehing in

central West. Virginia., .Prof. Nelson Wells of

educaUon department,

by va r ious m embers freshman class. Pat staTkey o • s t

Sing an Original SOng and giVe pentng e IDOllOlogue.

Kenneth P ost and Herman Book- :Doraine, Ellis to Present will present n umbers on Ule Colorful Show Tomorrow

A qua.rtet.te, Orton's Four, provide musical numbers, and A ::.erie~ of five programs scpcd-­ltader of the group. Or ton uled by the GJenville S tate college , wBl play his "Sweet Potato." lyceum committee will be initiated

will be given by ton1orrow n ight at 8: 15 in the audt­Mccarty and Harr)• Siers. tortum when Doraine anrl Ellis

attractions on the prOorrrnm present their repertoire of oostnrned be Oscar .Anderson and Ws d\!et.s of !a.nous musical comedies

it~·v smlle: Garrett, Pat1and light operas, Lyceum Chairman

and Trent Bush. Carl Kerr ha!:. announced. Following this, the ROTC Glee

cluO of West Virginia State college will give a concert here on Nov. 15. This organi7.ation has won wide for the fine qualJLy of its t>i.nging: and Pl'Omi.'>es to be one ot

Alunmi directory under the the highli~hts of the serie~. 1 editorsh ip of Prof. B essie Sc~aue.d l>r~enls R.ectta.

will be read y for dlSt.ribu- . AmErican P1arust Alf1 ec! Schln-. N nb 1ed, who h a.s a pveared throughout

to a rec~~t a~~~un~~~:;; 1Lhe .coun ~l'Y a.s ~t.h a r eeit.alist and of an a lphauctlcal solo~st vntl~ leadmg symphony or ­

s.Jl gradu ates of U\e college chestras, Wlll perform here on Feb, its founding, t.he directory 2·

mdlcste the addresses, classes, Irving B ecker , noted Violinist occupations of all foruner (Continued on page 2)

who could be reached dur-time the informat ion was Lazear Leads Dance

gabhered. directory will provide a list classes graduated from Ul.e and normal school and the

of those classes. I n addi-

ceum Saturday. Oct. 8, 10:00 a.m.­

Homecominc Parade; 2:00p.m. --Gam ~Pioneers v!!. Con·

. eurd; 9 :00 p.m.-Homecoming Da noe

P rts ldent Harry B. Heflin com­ments that "The increase in en- Eleanor Kay Mulllns is teach­.rollment was limited to •the above ing elementary and secondary mus­flgures by the tack of housing and ic at. Bunl6vllle. Others at Burns -other physical facilities. are Deloris, Lynch, phy.5ical

the directory will contain a ot aU known former faculty

as well as the pre.sent

Led by the Pioneer, J ohn Laz­ear, the a nnual snake dance will form in front of the gymnasium .at 6:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 7. The croup will be led through a nd around ca.mpus buildings, down Main street, and will pause un­der the stop lig h t for some yells lt d by the cheerleaders. The group wilL., then proceed to Rohr­bough !ttadium where :.. huge bonfire will be burning. The coa ch and football players will be introduced and a p~p ra llY wiU be held.

Sunday, Ocl. 9, 6 :15 p.m.- Ves­_. Tuesday, Oct. u , 6:15 p.m.­


Approximately 200 s tudents wish- and Mrs. Nancy .(;rose ep. to have caunpus housing who English and mathemat.-could not be accommodated. campus housing for women was filled m AprU, and for men a slight­ly later d.!lte. Housing facilities in INc>'Lown

'------------JI town are limited. "

2500 Copies Being Printed '1\\'enty- five hundred copies ot

directory are now in the pro­of belng printed b;y t he Me­

Printing corn;pany. At p res­have ordered 1900 copies.

...... ,,,w'''"" direet.on e.i may be obts iu­(Oontinued on page 4) IL------------•

Page 2: The. GlenVille Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine



T~~:'::vh!:~ ,!!~'::~~~:~:~omecoJf ing a success, we offer our thanks. We speak not only for


the editors and MERCURY staff, but for the entire stu- · dent body when we say that we deeply appre~iate the inter- ;! est of the town people, the alumni, faculty members, and all students.

We b~lieve tho e responsible for the success of event should be doubly commended as time has been limited! and begiJlning school activities have been hea'Vy. Many have worked frantically in order to make this day a success, and we know it will be as great as it always is. May all enjoy the festivities as much, or perhaps even more, than in previou years.

TQ a ll Glenville Stnte alumni, we extend a welcome. We hope :rou'll enjey your stay on campus and that you will come ba·ck soon.

Again, our heartfelt appreciation to tho~e who will help to make this om· most festive weekend of the year­a never-to-be-forgotten HOMECOMING for Glenville college. - Yvonne Hart

- -----

Wednesday, Oetober 5, 195$


Page 3: The. GlenVille Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine


ec~s~ay, October 5, 1955 THE GLENVILLE MERCURY Page Tbree

Pioneers to Battle Concord Lions Here ~ts Oppose GSC

B y John C utlip Homecoming Thriller Scheduled for 2 p. m.

GlenviUe's spirited but Inexperi­enced Pioneers will again assume the underdog role bhis Saturday a f­ternoon when t.Jley play host to the powerful Mountains Lions of Con­cord on the local gridiron in the 22nd . annual homecoming clash. Kick-off time is set at two o 'clock.

The visiting team has gained

=y 8o~i~h~r :;~1Zri~r!8~~::~~ 1;..::=~-=ii:K:::C::tillitir.i~~:i.;~;.;.r.~:...:ili:Jr.o:::::::::;~-...:::....;.:.:;•,r-:....:i::--i:::-=;.r-iir-iiiir--i

~~ns5~:eth:o~t!.n~on~:de~~~t~~~-·'--··...4·11!1!iloii~··L.llii~··-··""'"""-"'!ll!! an.;.lllllill,i;~~ conference crown.

Coach M urin, with help Coach Byrd and Bob bad to build an almost new team from a squad of light and mexpe.rienced men. Wibh just two returning regular linemen, Ed Te­ltiell and Mike Popp who have been named co-captains, Murin has had to depend largely upon a crew of first year men to furnish power in the forward wall.

Veteran Returns

But a pleasant surprise for the I troubled Pioneer mentor was the return of Bernard J olley who play­ed_ at a tackle position on the 1952 eleven before entering the service where he was also a football stal­WIIrl.

who played as a regular football and basketball

four years of his college is one of the greatest ath­

to com~ out of the iv:r of G lenvi.Ue State. Frank Montrose A\\ard is

hl~hest tribute to b~ tc.. Jerry ~eUey, left tackle; Don Whip- Glenllllle athlete. T he award is key, center; and Keith Pritt, rigl)t given in m£-mory of th~ late Frank guard. Wharton is a I80 pound Montro<e who "a.i a native ol aophomore from Middlebourne and a :tiohwood and a:..tended Glenville protege of a former Pioneer great, Jl 1939. Bill Hantin. Disappointed at the team's play

Kelley transferred fro~ Wesleyan during 1:he ftrst five games of the where he made the squad as a fresh- 11939 season, Coach ''Nate•• Rohr­man, but being ineligible for the tough inserted Montrose in t.he Pioneer squad as a sophomore, he • · agairu:t a tough New River has had to learn Murin's style of team, He immedia·tely play. the team to a 12-0 victory

W.b.ipker is a 190-pound more who played second Frank Vincent on the 1954 ~"-·· · ·'"-''""'""uru, team. Pritt, a 196-pound from Dupont, has assumed ular guard position after 1ng on last year's eleven.

Cross Calls Signals

Ray Cress was named to fill the qual'tetbacking chores which left vacant by the graduated Tennant. Leonard Hantprd , a rug-Red defensive man, started at lef t bali wit!h a leading ground gainer, Edd1e Armstrong, at. right half. A!-ter brilliant play as a substit ute tbe Pc.tomac gam e, Ralph bas assumed regular duties as full-bock.

other men who are aspiring starting roles on the Pioneer eleven

on !to lead 'the Pioneer

Gain er is Busine..'is i\lanager Ass1~tmg the co-editors will be

Sams, a sophomore from IP•crko,rs:'"'"· as alumni editor: Rob­

. sophomore from Cleo­as lasiness manager; a nd

Cutlip, a senior frc:n Gassa­wlll hold the post of sports ~ ~~~~ ~~;:n"!~~~!~e COop-,av.

Bob Eakins, and Lowell Weekley; tackles Bernard Hetlin, Rod Old-1 n OOUO'<U<CK,

bam, P aul Barnhart, and J ohn Es­tep; guards Leroy Utt, Jim Small, Oarl Pett'!'s , and A!..>ert Kosko.skl; centers Bill Grass, Allen U ving­ston, and Garrell Williams.

More "Bed " Added Men working for backfield posi­

tions are Jack Camp·belJ, Kenneth Leasburg, Reed, Larry George Jdhnson, Ronnie Peters, Delbert Smith, Dave Posey, and Curtiss Anderson. The largest man the Pioneers have won on the squad is 270-pound Herman lost eleven, and tied one B3ok.Jon.> who com '!S t,:> the Glen- Concordians.

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Glenville Midland Court Street ~-----------!It· Compare our prices and our

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workmanship--You can't beat t hem.

Glenville Phone 6221


Pioneer Eleven Lose Two; eam Spirii Is Evident

Altlhough the Pioneers lost the t tihe waiting arms o :"' ''Doc" Stanley · two games of the season, they I who was standing in the end zone.

have come up with some spirited. I play and have given the GlenVille •

rans prospects of greater .... o_, , '"'i 'T'ekiell Holder come. W1th JUSt four seniors on the .l. 1 ' squad and fourteen days of prac- s l L tlce under their belts, the Gee Men ta r n OSS gave Potomac Stat~ one of the btg-gest battles of the year before bow- Glenville's fighting Pioneers sut­ing to the h~ghly tot~ted . Cata- f~ed the-ir .third s~· d.afea·t

. Saturday at the hat:d3 of the t.erd-T he Keyser eleven drew ftrst charging Fait'lllor .. ~ Falcons. The

b~ood when tlhey retw-ned a blocked loss a'C'tually do~n't tell tihe ~ck twelve yar~s for a touchdown tale of the game for the m the early nunutes or the game. held their ground attack The conversion was good and the a me. .. e so yards e.nd 'tlle 7-0 score seemed to be only a pre- were notc.."tzd at. 10-9 in

of a lop-sided Potomac

KANAWHA UNION BANK Help bui ld these­

curity of your coun­try, by buying U.S. Saving Bonds

was an evenly mat-ched con­during the f.irst half with nelbh­

team being a.t.:e to gain an ad­ntage. Bu~ the second half began

Fairmon t. ~king the kick-off mar&.tng, mainly by tne air-

to pay <iirt in nineteen plays. Gee Men came boun.:::ing back

with Holder and AJ'ttn3trong paving the way their deV>

attazk, but panal::ies suffer­on page 4 )

Sun., Mon., 'fues., Sept. 9·10·11

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Page 4: The. GlenVille Mercury Homecoming Plans Readied. GlenVille Mercury oL XXVII. No. 1. Glenville State College, Glenville, W. Va. Wednesday, October 5, 1955 Homecoming Plans Readied Nine


Page Four THE GLENVILJ.E MERCURY Wednesday, Odober 5, 195$

Council President Announces Yetive J\!orman Is Freshmen Elect Henin Prex:y· New Unwn Manager ".!" '

New Comml.ltee Members Fo.- !.he nrst time in u:. history Dormitory Officers Selected of Glenville Strute college, a full- •

------------- time manager of the Student Umon Bernard Heflin, a native of West Bar~·a Taylor, secretary-treas·

Student council president., Ed has been ttJPPOhllted. u . tl 1 u.rer. T e!d:eU, allld members or t.he CoWl- rratlons, . Ruddell R eed; parade, The new manager is YeUve Beall mon was recen Y se ected pres- Cho&en to r ··d K . en announced st.udent committee Jack Stalnaker; dance tickets, J . Norman or Glenville, an intenor id.ent. of the freshm:l.Il c_Iass. Other hall for ~ e:~re _over ana~ha 1nembeL".i during a l'ecent meeting Wilbur Beall and Stanley Hall ; d~ora.tor. She r_epoJ\t.s tha t thus IOffJcers are as follows : Larry St.a.n- back Cther oJloers J.San~;~~d.au6::4 of tne s tudent go\•ernment. Follow- tand clean up, J . H. Ca mpb!ll. 1la1 tl.e behavlot of students in •ley, vice-president; Aleatha Ander- !vice-president d Do B u,' ing il. a list or committees and the Officers ~f _ tl'\e Alumni associn - the llnion ~s Deen excellent. . son, secreta1·y; and Herman Book- .secretary-tr~ur~. reen e memJ.-e1·; who oompose Lhem: t~on for . l955-::~6 are: Vtrgil B. Hnr- .Hours durmg wh1c.h the Umon jons, treasurer. Xi Beta Taru sorority has chosen

Assembty oornnur.tee, Boi> Gainer, ns, iJ'l'eSldent; S~anley D_'Orazlo anu wtll be open ~re as follows: 8 a.m .. Y vonne Hart, a member of ·the Betty Boggs Frymier as secretary KaUlleen. Quinn, and Delores Black; W. W. Lovell, v1ce presidents; and to 5 p.m., and 7 t.o 11 p.m., on week- Junior, class, bas been appointed •to succeed N6relt.a. Payne who haa Jl,Ctuvtt.ics C011Ullittee, chau·ma.n, Ed ... Mrs. Tw·n~r. secretary - days; and 2 to 4 p.m., and 7 to 11 l~Y Ed T ekiell to succeed Charle~ transferred to Marsh~U· college. pel Ford, Barbara .Bw·ke, John Cut - tleasul et. p.m. on Sundays. Ment,;.kl as . treasurer of the Stu- BarUara Wright Hamon was &elect;.. lip, and M.a.J.1t.ha White. - - --- dent COuncil. ed as u·ea.surer to replace Elda ut.

Lyceum committee, Shirley Chan- Students Start Target Date Set Verona Mapel hall has sele.:ted teroack, who resigned. Jean Ing-cey, a.1.1d Fred. Batten; athletic (Continued from page l) <Conbinued from page 1) ~he followm~ offi~ers for the com- 'ham was elected as parhmentarla.n c:xlmnutt.t.e. John Lazear, and Joyce mg ... year: R1ta. Pickens, pres!dtnL; to replace Shirley Cross Vlho is Bouru; hall comnuttee, Dorothy Lanham Gandee, home ed from Mrs. Elizabeth Turner, Bonme Gorrell, vice~president; and tteachlng this year. '

Shirley James. Martha lM-arsh, and ·eoonomics and physica l eduootion, 's:~e~a(·i:J.·e:-sul;~r of the alumm • • ;a~~IU'di. Stew=ttee J h J mes ~and Kent Duffield. music, a t a Pl~~;:; ::u ·s~ys that the last Teklell, Holder plunges. The rejuvenated Falcons Jea:.l J.~i~';. Kay iiu~~. ;ona. ~ Sutton high school. directory was published in 1935 (Continued From Page 3) !SCOred again ~n they intercepted t>ell Jones, William Hefner, and W iiliam Paul Snider, Ousiness under t.he editorship or Prof. Alma ed at the most inopportune mom- 'one ot Holders passes and moved On.rl Ho5!>ert; Who's Who commit- .administ.ration and biologloal ~ci- ~· Arbuckle, retired, and the la.t.e ,ent.s Coroed tJ1:e P ioneers to give tt Into tlhe end zone. tee, Sue Arn old, J oe Arbogast, a.nd .e.n~e, and Herber·~ Hayh_urst, b1o1- C~rcy Woofter. . up the baJl on downs. B ut the Glenville eleven weren't P.hylti; Given; ,ogLCal land phystcal sc1ence, are r he present drrectory was begun. Glen.ville's spirited line; with 100 be shut 0

Mout.L'O.'re Award committee, Boll ;teaching at ?alho~ Cou~1ty high Un 1953 when Fred H .. Barnett, of rrekieli playing like an All-Ame.ri- ut completely for Hold· w eaver, B ob Tw·ner, and Jackie school. Lois F tsher lS teachmg home !Parkersburg, was pres1dent of the oo.n along v..ith Whipkey, J olley, er, w.ho turned in another stellar Coe; cou.nLlng committee, Na.nCl' economics and English at Sand Glen ville State college alumni ao- tand Popp: held the Falcons' ground pertormaace, took the ball over on:eniea!, Cla.roa. Mae Hull: Denzil !Fork h~h s~hool. . .!iOCiat.ion . a.tJtac~ to a mere 34 yards. But mJd- aigbt backle and moved 56 yards 6tilweU

1 8.J\d {tay oarson; T eaching m Glenv1lle elementary way m the 1'inaJ stanza the Fair· l1-o- his own 12 before !being hauled

Auch t W:C" comm.i.ttee, "Bill :r-.-tatheny, 6Chool are ·Mrs. Ella Stennett, Mrs. l''reedom does not mean tlla.t. mont eleven threw four stra.ight down. A penalty moved the ball Ma.1 y .suok, P a..tty Roys ter, and 1Leo Archer, Mrs. Virginia. H. S:nith, everyone oo.n do as he likes, b ut pas:;es th...1•t moved •the ball to the down to 'the one where Hotner

-«tonda.J Bee5on; supreme court ~nna J ean Reese, an d .Firances Cut- that he can become wh-at he should. ma.rm Where it \\"aS w·ent over for his secoDd toudtdown. comm:ii • .Lee, Dan Dobbins, and Ada 1\lp. -schiller Jla.ter moved -across in two line ~ the season. Cox.

Homecoming \Continued from page 1 )

on t.he Boulevard. This new route, being ~.tied for t.he second consccu· ye:w:, helps to relieve the traf­f io congestion on Main street.

rAddia.;- -color to the parade Wlll

be six l'ou.sing ·bands from the area and s uiJ"'Unding" counties. T hey will be Lh.e Oollege band, Gilmer Coun­ty senior os.nd, Gilmer COunty Jall­ior b:.tnd, Sutton High school band, Calhauo. County H igh school band. o.nd ·l:htrn~-ville High school band .

One oi the main features of the ptw'a.d. w111 be the jud·ging of the Les& Hoa.ts The1·e w1ll be an an­lfl.Ou.ncer on M ain street describing 'the noaot.... as they pass. and a com­mltlee oC head~d by Prof. Nel.on Wells will select tile win­ning flda.t.. Sponsors of t.he, best flaa..t v1LI.I ··eceiYC rree football pass-eo.

Coronation Is Set Immedd.J.Iiely after t he pa1·adc.

the Queen a nd her Court, alvng wliJh ooU~ge officials, alumni, and dlgmta•i.ea: will go to the corona tion site ln front or th e Sc:.ence b uild u~ \V'he re the Q ueen will be cr(lWilc d a.t U : 1:;, a.m. Following rt.hc comna."bon, the lounge pf lWlW• ~onett hall will be open for roronty m eetings and alumni get.­!!.oget.hers .

Htg.hl.J.{.,.1lting the aftem oon',o:; ac-1b:WtJeS wH.I ~ t.he foo tball game W".rucll wiG be played on RolulJoug!l It~ld &i 2 p.m. The P ionec.::s wtil .go ag.ti<l.,.t the Concord MouulaJn 1Lto:lt1S [£.•lft.ime entert.ainment for t..~ bo, crowd at the 'g-.;une w1U be fumkhed by the Clen•llt.l..e- College ba.nd and the ta.t"lous vL> high school b:lnd3.

Tennmttlllg the day's homecom.­mg C~W.vlt.!e.. will be Lhe annuul :b.nce in. honor o( the Quet!n a nd !Ptonf'oer from 9 p.m. until 12' mid· ~tu.ghl. P laying for the d ance wt!l ne th ,. ltllosdes and Bell orchestra flrom. Gll.'11Vlll.e,

-::tuirmen Are Named ,.,-f'H .. 1.Hmen of the Homecoming

'gOOIVJtJ.~w are Lorutie Fitzpatrick rold :=;; ~oley D'Orazio. Oomuuttees nnd tl•l"\J' chait'1mj!n are: gym dec­IOl'·l,t.Jon" MN;, Yettve Beall Norman ; IOrthe.~V • H . Laban WhiLe, J1·.; p ub'Joii.V. J .. ynn B . lUckma n : bands. D r. H S. Orendorff: wmdow deco·

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