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Page 1: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We~lie generousin spirit. BritishColumbians volunteernearly 300 rniliionhours every year.

We live long.,e.c. has amongthe longest lifeexpectancies inthe world.

We're cutting edge. Ourchildren will be the nextgeneration of marinebiologis-ts, digital animators,green technologists, medicalspecialists, sclentists andengineers. Even better, theycan all be trained at home byour universities and collegesand work in leading BL basedcompanies.

We like big stuff. 8.C. is home tome of the world's biggest roadside

ttractions such as the world's largestockey stick, gold pan, cross-countrykis, fly-fishing rod, and the tallestotem pole.

e're cool. Here's a few BritishCoJumbians that prove it: KimCattral, Seth Ragen, Nelly

Furtado, Ryan Reynolds, BryanAdams, Steve Nash, MichaelJ. Fox, Joshua Jackson, SarahMcLaughlin, Eric McCormack,Michael Buble, almost 50 NHLplayers, 10 major league baseballplayers, 35 Olympians and 22Paralympians.

're welcoming, inclusive and diverse.We speak 146 different languages fromChinese to Punjabi, German to Nisga'a.

Our kids aresmart. BL students

nsistently rankmong the toperformers worldwide

In areas like literacyand science.

We~re dean, green andwe love our environment.B.C. has more protectedland than any otherprovince in Canada­an area equal to thesize of Nova Scotia,New Brunswick andPrince Edward Islandcombined.

We move p-so "the lastspike" that connected Canada by rail,to our modern day ports, airports andengineering transportation marvels,s.c. is North America's PaCific Gateway.We have one of the world's largest ferryfleets moving 20 million passengers and8 million vehicles each year in 36 vessels.

e give hope to the world. Inspired by heroes such as Terry Fox andRick Hansen, home to some of the world's leading edge spinalord, cancer and genome research, giving millions of people around

the world a second chance at life.



2_ c --- ----- - - --- --- -- - - --- - --- - - - --

-- ~- - ------ - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --





IIDate: June 1, 2010 - Time: 9:29

IRle Created: May 17,2010 - BB


IOperalo" BB/LG



Flat 14.375"x 10.75' +0.125n bleedjFolded: 7.1875" x10.75"

i Docket: 10·PAB·0912

1Client: BC Govl.. iJob: HST Mailer

I_SU_ile_30_0_-_4_55_G_r_'n_vi_lIe_S_tr_"_t_._V_'_nc_ouv'----"'--'B_C,--,C_,"_'_d_'_V_6C_H_1_'_T_e_l:_60_4_.6_69_.4_4_4_4_'_F_ax_:_6_04_.6_8_1.0_0c.9,--3 J

Page 2: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



CAPITALIZING ON OURCLEAN ENERGY ADVANTAGEB.C is a dean energy powerhouse. TheClean Energy Act ensures British Columbiabecomes electricity self-sufficient andthat low rates are protected for S.Cratepayers.

We're undertaking the largest investmentin S.C's clean energy assets including theSite C Clean Energy Project that will createover 35,000 jobs and produce enoughclean electricity to power more than400,000 homes annually.

Renewable power producers will havethe tools necessary to create jobs inevery region. Competitively·priced, greenpower will support the growth of ourcommunities and industries and reducegreenhouse gas emissions.

To learn more, visit

British Columbia has taken aggressiveaction to tackle climate change, includingsetting greenhouse gas reduction targetsin law; implementing North America's firstrevenue·neutral, carbon levy; becomingthe first Canadian partner in the WesternClimate Initiative that will design a capand trade system; and working to becomethe first carbon neutral government inNorth America.

Agreements with neighbouring provincesare allowing people to work and dobusiness in more than one province.

STRENGTHENINGPARTNERSHIPSForging new partnerships and fosteringexisting relationships has made BritishColvmbia stronger. We are building anew relq,tionship with First Nations andworking with local governments and thefederal government to expand publictransit, reduce crime and build newcommunity infrastructure.

LOWERING ANDSIMPLifYING TAXESS:C has the lowest personal provincialincome taxes in Canada. Our provincewill soon h,ave the lowest corporate taxrate ofthe G8 countries. In 2012 we willreduce B.Co's small business corporate taxrate to zero. Targeted tax credits for film.television, digital media and incentives foroil and gas are encouraging new jobs in adiversifying economy.

It all starts with a more competitive economy that

attracts new employers and encourages existing

employers to expand and hire more workers.

Budget 2010 provides that competitive foundation.

We have reached beyond our bordersto build economic and educational tiesacross the Pacific and have partnered withour American neighbours to protect ourenvironment and share new technologyand knowledge that will protect thehealth of the Pacific Ocean and build ourregional economy.


W~'re ~eeingnew wowth in modern industriessuch as digital media, with two major studios

rece'ntly opening in the lower- Mainland.Our fOJest industry is selling more

wood to €tjina than ever beforearid new mines are underconstruction that will secure jobsfor ye,ars to cpme.

Together, we C8,n seize the opportunityof a geri~ratiQ'n, seH oui products to the world,invit~f rie,,!,! business and se'curejobs that willsupport, families and comrrfunities for decades.

The 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter

Games e British Columbia a foundation

to buil ger province and create new

opportun for workers and families.

We~re undertqldng record levels of construction onschools, hospitals, housing, roads, bridges and othert;:ritical proje~ts ~cr()ss the province; $5:3 billion isbeing inve,sted in 6S0 projects throughout BritishColumbia, generating an estimated 34,000 jobs.

signs that B.C:s e nomy isd. The Conf Board of

ts Ai~ to h:iad Cana In e<:OJlOmicgrow~h; ding ecpi:lOrnic forecast,e'rs 'predict B.eo'sjob growth will be the highest in the nation thisygar and' oqr province is expected to I,ead Canada

in hou'sing'starts.

OPENING CANADA'SPACifiC GATEWAYNew and upgraded roads, bridges, ports, airports, publictransit ferrie$; bOrder ~rossings, railways and other keytransportation,corridqrs an~ helping ensure we fullY utilizeB.CZo's'geQgraph,ic adVantage as North America's closestcO,nnecHp'n to: ASI;) t9 create jobs and grpwth. By 2020,trade with Asia could create as many as 255,000 jobs.

I • !Dale:June 1.2010 - Time: 9:29

IFile: 2425_BC_Mai1er

Proof 06Folded: 7.1875" x10.75' Fiat 14.375' x 10.75" +0.125~ bleed rRle created~ May 17, 201Ii=-BB~--

Docket 10·PAS·0912 IOperator: SB/LG

Client: BC Gov Colour: 4ClllIiII III-

Job: HST Mailer PR:SC AD: CD: CW:

I • AE: OP: BB/lG

ISuite 300 - 455 Granville Street' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6e 1~1 ,. Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 3: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous


niore on many of they;;'u use every products:

ieaf and dental servites••



And that's good for B.C.

• BookSe, Children-sized clothing and footwear• Children's car seats and car booster seats• Children's diapers

The rebates are set out in the newConsumption Tax Rebate and TransitionAct. For a list of HST exemptions, zero-ratedproducts and rebates, and acopy of the newAct, visit

local governments. health authorities,universities, colleges and school districtswill receive a partii:i1 rebate on the prpvincialportion ofthe HST. Charities and eligible non­profit groups will also receive a rebate.

- - - - - - - -- - - ~",_.' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,



Dozens of economic experts and

business associations have strongly

advocated for the HST. For more

for , visit

I proof:06

!\ Date: June 1. 2010 - Time: 9:29

IRleCreated:May 17,2010-88

IOperato, BB/lG



Flat 14.375' x 10.75' +O.12Sn bleed


h edtopingcr~it

a fiscalback

3 whilesuch as

health care and educatlo •


rgif)9"is ,",OW beilJ~ ,provided'. eJfuc:a~!cin, child'co,iri~):ts~,is~:nce, ,~ousingl

s'~rvic~,~ fOT $eniors,~s and othe'r criticalfact. 86% ofall new

sp1;nding is going towards liealth andeducation-.

To find out more,

!Docket 10-PAB-0912

!Rle: 2425_BC_Mailer

I Folded: 7.1875" x10.75'

IClient: BC Gov




ISuite 300·455 Granville Street' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6e 1T1 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 • Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 4: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

..,. - - - - -.,. - - .., -- - ,- ~ - - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - -- - - - - - .. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ., - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " -9



Retail COOnel ofqmada. Canada West Fouridation • Dr.Jade MintZ.Univ~ OfCalg<lty., (Qmerence BOard ofcanada" Lonsdale EnergyC~tion • Greater VancouverGateway Coundllnitiatives •Prince GeOrge DevelopmentCorp, •Trude LoggersA~iation • Be OlamberofCOmmerce· BCTe:i:hi1Ol1:>gy IndUsW ASsociation· JOde:Finlayson. Business (oiJhdl of BC • Be Ag,riculture Counal·New Car Dealers Association ofBe;. Be Road Builders andHeavy (ohsttUCtion ASsociation ·Institute ofCharteredACcOuntant!!' of Be· BC~ress Board· The GinadianChamberofCommerce· Ginadian ManUfactUrers andPP9rters .lnde~ei1tSoritractors andBusiriessesMS9ciClti()n of ag:.,,\VeStem Convt:!nienceStores ASsociation~ Motion Pi~re fin?duet.jon IndllStry ASSOciation ofBritishColumbia .COas~F6lesi: PIoductS !\$S0dation. wert F,-aser

Timber CC). ~ MiJl~,Asset;iation of,Be,'mus .AsSociationfor Mineral EXpIOf!ition BritiSh Columbia. CailadianQ:SlJhdl of Chief ExeCutives • COiJOi:iJ OfForest lridustries •ASsOciation oflnterilatiorial Automobile MaiiUf.iCti.irers ofCanada· Be Grain ProqucersAssociation. Forest prOducts

ASsodati~n ,ofC~a ~ Railway ASsociation ofGmada"CANFOR ~ £:ariada's Leading, EcOnomists· GiiladianAsSodation 9fPetraieum PrOducers

• Creates morejobs• Passes saVings on to con$UmerS• lowe'rs taxes on investments• Saves tim~ and lowers compliance costs• ~educe$ ope~ting expeflses• Gives B.C. aco'mpetitive international

advantage• Prqvides a more transparent. fairer

taX system arid eliminaies hidden,compounding provincial sales taX,;

For more informationl

eric:~ ft9m 9thernHST

down and



The HST is expected to create an additional 113,000 jobs in

British Columbia by reducing COStS on employers looking to

expand their business and pay higher wages.

The vast majority ofjobs in British Columbiaan~, support~d by h1~jor I~dustri,es like mining.oil ,~nd gas.i tra~sporta~i9Jl~ c::on~_tructi9n andmanufacturing - all ofwhich will benefit fromeliminating taxes on productivity-.

The HST will remove $2 billion in costs for B.c.busi _them r;nO,re c0


Thos _', b,t:!, r~in~~s;ed into more19 ge_~ __a_nq by.?lne.?S{~xpansions

r~gl()il9f_eriti~h Columbia.

Similarly, the HST will make our province_m?_~~ c:_qmpe_titi~~_\Vit~:over139 c::ountriesaround the world that already have a value­added tax system.

An ~xpe_rt:_s ftarmoni2;~tion willincrease tment by $11.5 billion.It will re r taxpayers through theremQ\ial,ofa," esbm~ted $~Q milUon an'nuallyin government administration costs.Moving to the HST E!limin~tes duplication andQVl;!rlag betw~en thE! prOVincial f;7jnd federalgovernment. Every penny ofthe HSTwill beused for he~lth c'are.

Thilt'. good for b".inesses and workers.

To find out more about how it will help B.C.l:n.Jsiht?:S-S~$ ,~xpand ;Jnd,crei3itejQbs~

business"", don't pay thatproductivity. Therefore,

added to the final poce of

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporate taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tax­competitive regimes in the world."Canadian Economist and Tax Expert Dr. Jack Mintz

----------IDate: June 1, 2010 - Time: 9:29 ···l~--- .0-6-1

IIFolded: 7.1875" x10.75" Flat 14.37S"x 10.7-S·-+-O-.12-S-·-b'-ee-d--fl-R-'e-c,-eate-d: May 1-7-,2-0-10---BB---! Proof: J, Docket 10-PAB-0912 IOperafDr. BB/LG

II Client: Be Gov IColour. 4C II IiI!IJ

Job: HST Maller 1PR: SC

I I~:



ISuite 300 - 455 Granville Street.' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1T1 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 5: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



The final dustlnatlon ortheCariboo Wagon Road.

D~ta: July 6 2010 11:00am

Fl1e Created:M~V 17, 2010 - BB

Opef3lor: BBILGmwfOo

Colour:4C!II'I1!lI •


Tal: 604.669.4444 Fax: 604.681.0093

Flat 14.25" x10.75"

ItsAborlglnal name means'turbulent water' or 'rapid torrent'.


• Nop""""" ."",.....,..Mo"b•• IOIlol ""IO".'ofa,I".h Col"mb~orl~••~of"'*"lty",.",.,.Th,•• (.1)p".., ...ol1.blotoboW<>","ooncon.rstlngol••ApploiPAD..""'d ... opp""d.....I, $7'>0 CON. 5~~I·,."I.g q.o.lIoo ,",,"',od. odd. do.".d 00 c"",b.,.r ."9Ib", "."1.,. om,,,,, ,,,I•• ", ",h.,.I.b,""om. Con""<I.,~.'11,59,59 p.m, PTSoplombo.30,,w1O.

/lppl••nd'PAO... "'O'''....d''........''" .IAppl.,.,.Appl.~"", "p"o,",.I, .0•• p.,,'d.o."., ,hr••"",.".".10>•.




You Gotta Be Here this year to exploreall that British Columbia has to offer.

~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75"

IFile: 2425 Be Maller 06July

Fokled:7.125"x 10.75" Flat 14.2S"x 10.75" of 0.125" bleed

Docket: 10-PAD-0912

Client: DC Gov

Job: IlST M~ner

Sulle 300 -455 Granvl1la Street Vancouver, BC, canad~ V6C 1T1

Page 6: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Creating more jobs starts with a more competitivean productive economy.






'no reduce

LEADING,CLlMATE ACTIONBritish Columbia has taken aggressive actionto tackl~ ~Ih!la~ecilange,including settinggreenhouse gas reductloniargets in law,implem,enting North America's first revenue·neutral carbon levy; becoming the firstCanadian partner In the Western ClimateInitiative to design a cap and trade system,and working to become the f,rst catbon­neutral government In North America.


~ipubllctl'.r)slt-'''.',~~t1c''bneand'bu!W newcommuriitylnfrBstructure; Agreements

~!~hl1I!~!~:~, ~teallowingpeoPle;to:W9""",:"n more

-thallWJ~Jlr. ,.....,...rr;~Shedbeyon~:~n~~r.. .. .<,J~~(.)homic andeducatklnaltles'acrosst ePaclftc and havepar,t~~~d.~ith'()~r'Arrleric~n neighbours

'~~:,J!!11I~F~"9;~r'-t!?X!r~~,~e~t~n~the Pacific:9AA<lJ:'!"!l:<t~l.I}l~',l,')1,lr:reglonal economy.

l;Iigher pr~He;t,'yltylll~~ ~i9I;te~,p~Yl;t)~~I,l!;lS,more job,si:lfl~!J,i!!J;5!@;:I1)V'5~mlffll:ill'lc;l :tr<m_with Inter wehavee

last 10 ,'." .. 1s:,(I~l.!(9f't,I't~,~~:\~~,l.!re,~r~alrno5t,.4~g'~~:"1l;tJ'~~,,~s,:!~;ttl,.pr(t'lli~.tod.)'thal"l)~ereWl!!rl.!:~(I2,OOl.

B.C.1s a dean-enetgy powerhouse.The CleanEnergyAct ensures British Columbia will becomeelet;tricltyself-.suffidentand that lOw ratesare protected for B.C. ratepayers. We'reundertaking the largest investment ever in B.Cs

By 2012 ",,~:_~I,,~ave the:low~st corporateincomet~~J,:'I~'ofthe G7:~untries.Thatwill make'?c8r'9'~dluon.,lt?~u,strles likeforestrY~m,Ir1I~'~':~:Ile:~~Xi!!~::,a,~rlculturenwre corn~:l!:~tl¥~,;:X(~;~II'l~9~~7:B;<:;',s

small'busl~~~~:~'fa,~"~:~'~/7P~':~~,~'Inn()vatlP!l:il9'~'~~':'I~~:'$~,II,\~~,I~!!,~)",:');:':,­owners fort!lelt,normpus:co,ntdb'iJtlons'tQour economy. Targetedtaxcre~l~$f(lrfilm"television, digital media andlncentlves foroil and gas, green technologies and cleanellergy,W'()jects continueto encourage ournewest '1I1du stries.


LOWERING TAXESInB.C~ we're creatlng;a~mpetltlvetaxJe9Ime

that encour!g~,ot~l.!rst(lJ9In':~~:'Is,#~sJ~~ourprovlqAA~~i'~; :N,t~r~i'!f:~,~E!

work'ha ,,", '~E!:'I~:~:':~!n'E7'200:1,pe:r~, :h'''~:~~'7!lreduced:bln:db"J,~,~.1earnlng$~, :le::~~\il'j',

provin~On7Bffl'~>,/" ' ,,,:,Ic.I:ill\~OOtB.c.h.$'tJl",'l~~t'Iffli.·~', ",yl~~IaIIncometaxe:s'ln,CaP:ada Ifyou e:arn'lessthan $118;000.

I:File: 2425 Be Maller U6July

Folded: 7.125")( 10.75" Flat 14.25"x 10.75"+ U.12S" bleed

Docket: 1O-PAB-0912

Client BCGov

Job: fiST Maller

Suite 300 - 455 GraIWllle Street Vam:uuver, Be, Canada V6C 1T1

Dale:July62010 11:00am

File Created: May 17, 2010 - B8

Operator: .BBflG/HW/lIB


Tel: 004.669.4444 FM: 604.66'1.0093



Page 7: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

~EWSIZE: 7.125" ,10.75"


LIVING WITHIN OUR MEANSBritish Columbia has earned top markstror'nthe world's leading credINatllJ~lagenCIe1;fot

developing a flsciil fram~~~rk,~hat~~sureswe get backtoa;~alance~~~get~~2013while malntalrirllJ;l core serVices: suCh·ashealth care and education; .


RecordfYn:~t~g:Js'P:l)j!;I~'~~~;l'r~l~M,fOrhearth,;·:fm!!J;~~~~~(Jfl·i:~~!Care,Income ass'stanl:eibousl,,9itPu.bll(:·s~~t)',senlors'servlces, es'andothercrltical.plJ '.' ..... ".', ,', .. " ',' .• ,,,, .. " 'fan·n,ewspendlng-Is:g owards\healthand education.

To find out more, visit

Flat 14.25" x10.75"

I···· ! Fila: 2425_BC_MaUecOBJuIY

i.FO.kled: 7.125"x 10.75" F1a114.25"x 10.75" +0.125" bleed

'I Dockel:: 10-PAB-ll912

I Client: BC GOv

! J{Jb: HST Ma~er

SU~e 300 -455 Granville Slmet ' Vancouver, BC, canada V6C 1T1

Dale:July 62010 11:00 am

Ale Created: May 17. 2010 - DB

Operator: BB!LGIHW/BB


, Tol: 604.669.4444 Fax: 604.681.0093



Page 8: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

HOW WILL THE HST IMPACTMY FAMILY BUDGET?While the HST will apply to some-ltems suchas restaurant meals. junk food and haircuts,800'" of .11 goods .nd "rvlces .re notImpacted by the HST.

Here are jUSla few ohhe products youwon't pay iii penny,ffiore on:

Basic groceriesMost medical services and allprescrJptlon drugs'Chlld~c'are servicesRent andJnsuranceRe;sale' housing -' t6,mllllon'Jl!~tlng,home5F!Jer for vehiclesBooks'Home he~tlng and e}~tdclty

New clothing and'fOotwearFurniture and electronics

• New vehicles

For;ll ,Ust ofHST,exemptio/ls;'ZeroffatedpfOd~ a,nd rebates, vls,l~go,,~bc.canrst

,1:1,million'Jaw;~~,mQ~,.J~~e,~lnco:m,. ,~rltl,5h:C~lu~bl,an$'a,.d, th,lltir lam!II.."wll' 9'l~,P,to $,230 a, "er,Ia,mPVJrIember,through',,a new,H$TcreP!t;''fh:osewho,llre"also,ellglbleJor,"~ST,credits m,ay seea,~fofup to $7,16 per year.

BrJ,tlsh ,C::ol,umblans,p.v 'aml)flg t....}ow~stta)C,ll!s In Callada.:L0:wer:taxes ,hav;e.he:lped-th,e':aver ,fa,mily ,ta,ke~b9:me:Pi!tll)~r,ease

fr "tln,,~be'!as.t'few,years,.

,ln, earnIO,g'$~O,OQO'!s

pay:iAg $2,i10:0 1~5S'ln ~K,than',ln'2PQ1;

lhe personal'incor:ne tax exemptionincreased this year by'over $1,600;'meanlngpeople now pay no',tax,on thefi($t$11;.oOOthey earn,

',st,wl,il,~emOVE!,$2 billlonJn,coJu for-" usln,s~~;,"lllaklng them mOfe globally

F,omP:l:ttUlve~)rhosuavlllg5 can be reinvested;iri~JiftporeJpbsl 'hI9,!;ier wI!;!es and business,ej(J)ansloo1inev,'W;reglon'o,f British Columbia.

An econom,lc'5t,udYJ;~Y5'ha.rmonlzation wUlIncrease capital investment by $115 bUlion,r~;..ultin9 In new well~payJn9 jobs.

HOW DOES THE HST WORK?On'Julyi;1;',the'7;% PST was combined withthe S% federal GST, formlng,-a CombinedHarmonized Sales Tax (HSnofU% - the'lowestinCanaClI.,

The HSJ;approach Is simpler, more transparentand fairer than tbe,'PST;~ys\em,because it Ispaidjustonee.'Und,er 'aJes;taxsystem,PST wasjpaH:J'lTI:l)I~,pJ l);Jstep ,ofaprQduct!s developme ~ses paidpSTon:a!mos,t eve!')', ey ughuo runtheir busineis. All of that tax was compourn::ledaildJ~..ssed on to the consumer in the final p!lce,

Un~r,th~,HST, busines,s,es don't pay thatCOfflpO'unding tax, Therefore,'hidden taxwon't be 'added to,tbefjnal prlc;e of products,and businesses,canlower prices, hire moreworkers and Increase wages,

~These,:c ''': ' JrL",pat,pl)with f~, ~r,~,J,~,du.ctio~s.J'n;" "corporate taxes will make BritishColumbi$,ttax~

comp,eti e"yot,Qrl.d.#Canadian Economi$tand

WHO SUPPORTS·THE HST?Organizations reme,sentlng 1.3J~lil\[on

workerslllgree the HST Is good fOr B£.

HERE'S WHY:• Creates more jobs

Passes savings on'to consumers• lowers taxes on Investment• Saves tIme and lowers compliance costs

Reduces operatIJlg,expe,nse,sGives S;(. a C'ompetltlve internationaladvantageProvides a more ,transparent; fairertax system and eliminates hidden,compounding eST

For,more Information,visit gov.bc.cDlhst


I~EW SIZE: 7.125" x10.75" Flat 14.25" x 10.75"

I:file: 2425 Be Maller 06July

, Fold.OO: 7.125'x 10,75" Fla.t 14.ZS·x 10.75· +0.125" bloed

O()Cl(el: 10-PAB-0912


Job: HST Mailer

Sulle 300 - 455 Granvlllo Stroel VlmGouver, Be, Canada V6C 1T1

Oale:July62010 11:00am

File Crealed: May 17, 2010 - BB

Operator: 13B1LGlHW/BB

Colour: 4C m IDl 11II


Tel: 604.669.4444 Fax: 604.601.0093



Page 9: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We're generous.British Columblansvolunteer nearly300 million hoursevery year.

We live long.'B.C has amongthe longest Ufeexpectancies inthe world.

We're'leading edge,Our children will be thenext generation of marinebiologists, digital animators,green technologists, medicalspecialists,'sCientists andengineers, Even better, theycan ail be trained at home byour universities and collegesand work in leading a.c­based companies.

w~ like big stuff, B.Cls home tosome of the world's biggest roadsideattractions such as the world's largesthockey stick, gold pan, cross-countryskis, fly-fishing rod, and the tallesttotem pole.

e're coot. Here's a few BritishColumbians who prove it: KimCattrall; Seth Rogen, NellyFurtado, Ryan Reynolds, BryanAdams; Steve Nash, MichaelJ. Fox, Joshua Jackson, SarahMclachlan, Eric McCormack,Midlael Buble, almost 50 NHlplayers, 10 major league baseballplayers, 35 Olympians and22 Paralymplans.

El'te welc::omlng. We speak 146different languages - from Chinese toPunJabl, German to Nlsga'a.

Flat 14.25" x 10.75"

We love the environmt>nt.B.C. has more protectedland than any otherprovince in Canada­an area equal to thesize of Nova Scotia,New BrunswIck andPrince Edward Islandcombined.

We move people. From "the lastspike" that connected Canada by our-modern-day ports, airports andengineering transportation marvels,a.Cls North Amerids Pacific Gateway.We have one ofthe world's largest ferryfleets, moving 20 million passengers and8 mlllfon vehicles each year in 36 vessels.



,;dll! '.Ji'" We give hopetotheworld.lnsplred by h~roes such <15 Terry Fox and;~ '/} " Rick Hansen, e.c. Is home to some oftheworld's leading-edge spInal

• cord. cancer and genome "<earch. giving million, of people around'1}~3the world a ~econd chance at life.

Our studentsexcel. S.c. Students

nslstently rankong the toprformers worldwideareas like literacy .

and science.


I~EW SIZE, 7.125" X10.75"

1_""1 File: ;425_IlC_MalleUJ6J~ty

!."'.!doo: 7.125". x10.75" Flat 14.2S'x10.15'+0.125" bleedll){)(:ket:10.PAB.0912

i Client: BC Gov

i Job: HST Maller

Da!e:JuIy62OfO 11:00am

AIIJ Created: May 17, 2010 - SO

Operator: eIlIlGflIW/BIl

Colour.4CIIIIl!l •


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SUlto 300· 45S'Grunvllle Slreet Van~ouver, BC, Canada vac 1T1 Tnl: 604.669.4444 F~X: 604.6111.0093

Page 10: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

3.5 billion people saw' our province during the Olympics. These Supe~ Natural·places are right on your doorstep~Get ahead ·of the rush arld visit ,some placesclose to home. Whetheryou're looking to drive, fly or take the train, we canoffer hundreds of year-round suggestions at or by dropping intoyour local Visitor Centre. Here's a few ideas to get you started:

Here's a few oHhe ~must·seesu:YOOoNational Park's g,laclallakes and TakakkawFalls, Cominco Gardens of more than48,000 flowers, golf a top-rated l8-holechampionship course with dramaticmountain backdrops, and 350 restoredheritage buildings in the charming cityof Nelson.

Be adventurous in the mountains and beleisurely in the countryside. Enjoy legendaryviews of majestic peaks, soothing hotsprings and a mix of golf courses In theKootenay Rockies region. Take refreshingdips in plentlfullakes and indulge [n thenumerous fruit stands, orchards and award­winning wineries in the Okanagan Valley.,


71010 daysHere's a few of the ~must-sees":Victoria'sInner Harbour and legislative bUildings,dining at Sooke Harbour-House, tidal poois onthe-Juan de Fuca Marine Trail in Port Renfrew,carvers at Quw'utsun' <;ultural Centre, andCowlchan Valley's ~GourmetTrail" of wineries,fresh seaJood docks, and holistic farms.


210 4 days

Visit the trailheads of the historic WestCoast, spectacular provincial parks, pastorallandscapes and wineries.

Journey "coast to coast" on Vancouver Island.See panoramic views of the Juan de Fuca,Haro and Georgia Straits as well as theSaanich Peninsula.

Enjoy diverse landscapes and activities.Voyage along the beautiful and ruggedWest Coast, watching for whales or sealions. Drive the "Freedom Road" pastabundant fishing lakes, through cowboycountry and arrive in the adventureplayground of Whistler. Complete the tripwith a world-class dining experience at one·of Va.ncouver's award-winning restaurants.

Here:s a few of the "must-sees": Sandstonecliff and caverns at Newcastle Island MarineProvincial Park, BC Ferries' Discover NorthPassage cruise to Bella Coola, volcanic"Rainbow Mountains" in TweedsmuirProvincial Park, and glaciers at Joffre lakesProvincial Park.


7 to 10 days

Explore the magoificence of the northern­wrlderness. Drive across stunning mountainpasses, through dense emerald-greenforests, and past-muskeg, and prairie fieldsof golden wheat and bright yellow cariola.

Tour Aboriginal villages, visit historic sitesand view engineering marvels like theW.A.C. Bennett Dam. Spot phenomenalwildlife such as grizzly and black bears,moose and beavers.

Here's a few of the "must-sees": The·Exploration P.lace Museum and ScienceCentre i~ Prince George, Bljoux Falls, liardRiver Hot Springs. and wildlife viewingplatform at Fish Creek;


810 14 days



10 11

I~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75" Flat 14.25" x10.75" I:Ii File: 2425_BC~aller~~~~ty -


Folded. :7.,.,.5' x10..7.5" Flat 14.ZS"]{ '0.75'+ 0.125" billed

: Dockel: 10·PAB·0912


Job: HST Malltlf

Sulle 30U· 455 Grarlvllle Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 111

Date:July 6 2010 11:00am

file Created: May 17, 2010 - DB

OP(jfatcM": BBflGfH.WfOO

Coklur:4tlilllDI •PR: SC AD: CO:AE: OP: BlIllGIHW!lIB

Tel: 604.669/1444 Fax: 604.681.0093



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Summary of Comments on 2425_BC_Mailer_C withmarkups.pdf

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Page 13: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We're ne-rOU$

inspirit. ,Columbians volunteernearly 300 millionhours every year.

We live long. S.c.has among longestlife expectancies inthe world.

We're rotting edge. Ourchildren will be the next

Welike big stuff. S.c. is home tosome of the world's biggest roadsideattractions such as the world's largesthockey stick, gold pan, cross-countryskis, fly-fishing rod, and the tallesttotem pole.

're dean, green and welove Qur environment. S.c.has more protected land thanany other province in Canada- an area equal to the size ofNova Scotia, New Brunswickand Prince Edward Islandcombined..~

S, digital animators,hnologists, medicals, scientists and

"engineers. Even better, they

:0';<'),>,:::,,;.' ::':~:I~:~:r:~~r~~~~aag:~ 1r~:se. ~~~ ~~i~:r~~;~::n~ ~~I~:::,:' .., /, (hinese to Punjabi, German to Nisga'a. and work in leading B.C. based.... companies.

=:l:'~O:::dt~::~,o,,1,~:,:;~~,~~:,~:;ht~:isuch as Terry Fox and prove it: Kim Cattra!, SethRick Hansen, B.C. Is home Rogen, Nelly Furtado, Ryanto some of the world's Reynolds, Bryan Adams, Steveleading edge spinal cord, Nash, Michael J. Fox, Joshuacancer and genome jackson, Sarah Mclaughlin, Ericresearch, giving miliions McCormack, Michael Buble,of people around the almost 50 NHL players, 10 majorworld a second chance league baseball players. 35at life. Olympians and 22 Paralympians.

'J!te move p Ie. From Pthe last spike" that connected Canada by rail, to our_,:modem d ports, airports and engineering transportation marvels, S.c. is NorthLAmenca' Padfic Gateway. We haVE one of the world's largest ferry fleets moving'70 milli passengers and 8 million vehicles each year in 36 vessels.




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Date: 2010·05·28 12:45:27 PM

ONumber. 3 Author. Vwwlilia Subject Polygon Date: 2010·05·2812:47:21 PMCan we make some of the numbers smaller so that they are not so distracting.

"'" Number. 4 Author: Vwwillia Subject: Sticky NoteNeed better image for the big thing.

[!.}Number: 5 Author. Vwwillia Subject: Comment on Text Date: 2010-05-2812:49:25 PMNew text to come.

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BritisheoJurnbiatlas, t;1lcen a~~fe5Sive actionto~ c:f1Jl1;1J:e 9t;1n!;Je,i~tiirt!lsettingg~~,~e~3$~ fJt.r~~ts ill.layr,

~~~;t~~~~:;z;:nueocanadian Partner in the Western crmateInitiative thiltwW design a cap and tradesystem; and wOrking to become the firstcarbon neoiralgovemment in North America.


Forgillgnew Jl:Grtnersllips ilndfosteringexisting relation,ships has made BritishColumbia ,str()tlgt'r.We: ilre bUildinganew relationship with First Nations andworking withloFalgovernments and thefederal government to exPiing publictransit reduce crime and build newcommUllityInfr<lstrlJetUre, Agreements

:'en:pj:~~J:f'~;£~,:;:~loWingwork angdobtJSin~,s in mo:rf!thanone provinFe~We ha~ere~ed beyondour bordt:!rs to: bUilg ec()no.mic andedticational tiesilcr()S~ the p . IC and havepartneregwithourAlT\erig.7'to protectoljrenviroJ\ffit'nt;1ngsharenewt~chn9lo9Yandknl;)wletige that willproteathe health ofthePacifIC Ocean andbuild our regional economy,

O~ENING CANADA'SPACIFIC GATEWAYNew and upgraded roads, bridges,ports; airports:, pubITcttansit, feiiies,border crossings, railWays and Othef keytransporta:tion corridors are helpiilg ensurewe fuIty utilize B,C.'s geographk advantage asNonh AmeriCa's dosert connection to Asia tocreate jobs and growth. By 2020, trade withAsia couk;li:reate as many as 255.000 jobs.

We're UndE!:rtaking the largest investment in B.c:s dean energyasse~ including the Site ( Clean Energy Project that wiD create over35,000jobs and produce enough dean electricity to pOwer morethan 400,000 homes annually.

Renewable power producers wiD have the tools ne<essalY tocreate jobs In ewry reg:ion. Competitively-priced, green pPWer willsupport the growth ofour communities aiK:I indtistlies and reducegreenhouseg3S emissioris. To learn more,

LOWERING ANDSIMPLIFYING TAXESS.c. h¥theiowest perscmal provindalincome taxes in Canada. Our provitice willsoon. have the 10. corpol"iilte: tax rate

oftheG8countri. ~ .. " 12 'Newl"re4uce B.l:.'s ,sflliilOtij:zSin,es '. '.' .' ..... '.orate taxrate to Zero.TiiJg'eted taJ{ Credits for film.

:~::~~:'s~~~~:f:: ~~1tRll !Ire 'tJI iR ~I;,ese SeE~ef5. i:.2J~



The 20100lympic and Paralympic Winter

Games gave British Columbia a foundation

to build a stronger province and create new

opportunities fOf workers and families_

Today we are Seeing~ignS that B.C:s economyis starting to tum around. The Conference Board ofCanada expects S.c. to lead Canada In economicgrowth this year,leading economic forecasterspredietACs job growth will be the highest in thenatio~and our ~~~:e,., is expected to leadCanada in housing start~

We're seeing new growth in modern industriessuch as digital media, with two major studios

recently opening in the lower Mainland.Our forest industry is selling more wood

to China than ever before and newmines are under construction thatwill secure hundreds of jobs foryears to come.

Together, we can seize theopportunity of a generation, sell our products to theworld, invite new business and sectlre jobs that willsupport families and communities for decades.

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Author. Vwwillia Subject: Cross-Out Date: 2010-05-28 12:54:26 PM

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Date: 2010-05-28 12:54:38 PM

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Date: 2010-05-28 12:52:46 PM

[!jNumber.13 Author: Vwwillia Subject: Cross-Out Date: 2010-05-2812:53:10 PM

rnNumber: 14 Author: Vwwillia Subject Inserted Textin a diversifying economy.

Date: 2010-05-28 12:53:57 PM

I1INumber.15 Author: Vwwillia Subject Inserted Text Date: 2010-05-28 12:53:19 PM

"" Number. 16 Author. Vwwillia Subject: .Sticky Note Date: 2010-05-28 12:51:29 PMGreen box separates the content and reduces content flow. Creating more Jobs should be the dominant headline of Page 5.

[i'jNumber.17 Author: VwwiJlia Subject: Cross-Out Date: 2010~05-2812:56:01 PM

Page 17: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

UVING WITHINOUR MEANSBritish Columbia has earned topmarks from the world's leading creditrating agendes for developing a fiscalframework that ensures we get backto abalanced budget in 2013 whilemaintaining core services such as

health care and education.

RECORD FUNDING FORHEALTH. EDUCATON ANDSOCIAL SERVICESRecord funding is now being providedfor health, education, child protection,day care, income assistance, housing,public safety, services for seniors,universities colleges and other criticalpublic services. In fact, 86% of all newspending is going towards health andeducation.

To find out more, visitwww.bcbudgeLca



Dozens of economic experts and

business- associations have strongly

advocated for the HST. For more

information, visit


YOu won't pay a penny more on many of theproducts and services you use everyday.Here are just a few of those products:

• Basic groceries• Most health, medical and dental services• Child care services• Prescription drugs• Resale housing• Fuel to power your vehide• Books• Children-sized dothing and footwear• Children's car seats and caT booster seats• Chlldren's diapers

The rebates are set out in the newConsumption Tax Rebate and Tl1lnsitionAct. For a list of HST exemptions, zero-ratedproducts and rebates, and a copy of the newAct, visit

Local governments, heatth authorities,universities, colleges and school districtswill receive a partial rebate on the prOVincialportion of the HST. Charities and eligible non­profit groups will also receive a rebate.

And that's good for B,C.

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Date: 2010-05-28 12:57:02 PM


[i'jNumber. 4

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Date: 2010-05-28 12:57:51 PM

Page 19: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



'I;) : ...~, ,I': a"s P 14' .. ,"" q>

P 3 .. 3 "~a." 'f .~ L,mw,I.£n,'gyCO'pora,ion• G,.,ler IIonc",",vOf Goteway Countil I~it,"tive.· FnnceGeo,ge O,~el"pm.n,Carp.• Truck Logg." ASSOC,",ion• Bc Ch.mber of Commerce • BCTerhMlogy Ind~5try

Assadation •Jark Fj~l'l"0n.,s Caundl af BC. BCAgriculrur< Co~nOI· New Ca, o..le,., AssoootiOn of BC· BCRaad Builders and H••"'Y Consuuction A"oelation _In,o=of Chart.,ed Ac<con,"n" af BC· ac Progress Soord. n.C"nadi<l~C""mbet ofCammerce· (ana,",n M"nufacturer;"nd Expa""r<. ind.p.ndent Contracto"Md 3u,in,,,.s

As'Odati~noj A W.""n Co~v.nien"eS.~ofe, As,oo,.tion• Motion _ 3 aduction Indusny As,oml,onofS"oshColumbia Oil" Of"IProducuA"od~tio~ .1'1,,, Frase'TImoer Ca., Mjn;ng As,o<lilt;o~ cfHC· TEWS· As<oci<ltio~fOf M;n.ral Exploration Briti,h Calwnb\3 ·Canadian Co"ndl ofChi.f Ex'CJ~s.Countil of Fo,est Indusnia< •Assooa:ion ofInternational Automaoil. MMun<tufers ofC.nad•• BC Grain?roduO!ro; A5<ocllUOn' Forest ProduCts Alm::jil1;on ofQln~da

• Rollwoy Assaci<ltion of canada· CANFOR· C"nada', L..din~::cor,omisrl •canadian Assad.tion P'oducer<

BUILDING ON B.C:SOLYMPIC MOMENTUMRetail Counol <:JCan.d" ·can,d, .we't Foundation 1

~D,.Ja . 'l,U~ive,.,i1YofcaI9",y·Confe,.n,e

80orde>fCan.d. 2Academic research and evidence from otherjurisdictions have shown that under an HSTtax structure wages go up, prices go down andmore jobs are created. Here's how:

The vast majority of jobs in British Columbiaare supported by major industries like mining,oil and gas, transportation, construction andmanufacturing - all of which will benefitfrom eliminating taxes on productiVity. TheHST will remove $2 billion in costs for B.C.businesses, making them more competitive.Those savings can be reinvested into morejobs, higher wages and business expansionsin every region of British Columbia.

Similarly, the H$Twill make our province morecompetitive with over 130 countries aroundthe world that already have a value-added taxsystem.

An expert study says harmonization willincrease capital investment by $11.5 billion.It will reduce costs fortaxpayers throughthe removal of an estimated $30 millionannually in government administration costs.Moving to the HST eliminates duplication andoverlap between the provincial and federalgovernment. Every penny of the HST will beused for health care.

The HST is expected to create anadditional 113,000 jobs in BritishColumbia by reducing costs onemployers looking to expand theirbusiness and pay higher wages.

That's good for{Z)itish Call:lmhlaFl5l(§J

To find out more about how it will help B.C.businesses expand and create jobs, visit

Then PST and GSTwas applied on top oithatfinal bill.

Under the HST, most businesses don't pay thatcompounding tax on productiVity. Therefore,hidden tax won't be added to the final price oftheir products.

Ca~adiafl fwnomlst ond Tox EYpen, Or. Jor:k Mintz

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporate taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tax­competitive regimes in the world,"

Businesses paid PST on almost everythingthey buy to run their businesses and thattax is included in the final price paid by theconsumer.

For example, when a mechanic repairs yourcar, the repair shop previously paid PST on thetools, equipment and supplies it buys to repairyour car and on the electricity it uses to run themachinery and heat the shop.

On top ofthat, the hidden PST hadcompounded many times over before your careven entered the shop.

PST was paid by the manufaeturerwhoproduced the part to fix the car, by the truckerwho paid tax on the truck that delivered thepart to thewarehouse, by the warehouse thatpaid PST on almost everything it bought tostore the parts, and by the retailer who paidPST on almost everything it bought to run thestore. All of that tax was compounded andpassed on to the consumer in the final price.



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"" Number: 3 Author. Vwwillia Subject Sticky NoteSee other note about changes to this column.

Date: 2010-05-28 1:01:58 PM

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!!INumber. 5

Author: Vwwillia Subject Cross-Out Date: 2010-05-28 12:58:24 PM

Author. Vwwillia Subject Cross-Out Date: 2010-05-28 12:58:33 PM

[1jNumber. 6consumers.

Author. Vwwillia Subject Inserted Text Date: 2010-05-28 12:58:43 PM

!!INumber. 7 Author: Vwwillia Subject: Cross-Out Date: 2010-05-28 12:59:07 PM

[1]Number: 8 Author: Vwwillia Subject: Inserted Textbusinesses and workers.

Date: 2010-05-28 1:00:16 PM

Page 21: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

d .g"".,",",m"'; 'oj ' 2to4days

-'. Journey Ncoa;t to coast'

...-' on Vancouver Island See

0~~~.-'· panoramic views of the Juan.....~ de Fuca, Harc and GeorgIa

straits as well as the SaanichPeninsula. Visit the trailheads of the historic WestCoast, spectacular provincial parks, pastoral landscapes and wineries,

Here's a few ofthe 'must rees':Victoria's Inner Harbour and !egislative buHdings, dining at Soake HarbourHouse, tidal poolsJuail de Fuca Marine Trail in Port Renfrew, and CowichanValley's ~GourmetTrail" of wineries, fresh seafood docks and holistic farms.

7to 10 days


Encompass thediverse landscapesand activities.Voyage alorigthe beautiful butrugged West Coast,

watching for whales or sea lions. Drive the"Freedom Road" past abundant fishinglakes, through cowboy country and arriveIn the adventure playground of Whistler.Complete the trip with a world-classdining experience at one of Vancouver's

award-winning restaurants.

Here's a few of the 'must sees':Sandstone cliff and caverns at NewcastleIsland Marine Provindal Park,. BC Ferries'Discover North Passage cruise to BellaCoola, volcanic ~RainbowMountainsn inTweedsmulr Provincial Park, and gladers atJoffre lakes Provincial Park.


8 to 14 days

Explore themagnificenceof the northernwilderness. Driveacross stunningmountain passes,

through dense, emerald-green forests, andpast muskeg and prairie fields of goldenwheat and bright yellow canola. TourAboriginal vH!ages, visit historic sites andview engineering marvels like the W.A.c.Bennett Dam. Spot phenomenal wildlifesuch as grizzly and black bears, moose,and beavers.

Celebrate the spirit of 2010 this summer by exploring the best placeon earth. British Columbia. Start by taking a road trip to take in B.C:s:stunning vistas, vibrant cities, wildlife, history, and the great outdoors.

rmre's a few of the 'must sees':Expl<lntion Place Museum andScience Centre in: Prince George,Bljcux Falls, Uard River Hot Springs,Wildlife viewing platform at Fish Craek




Page 22: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

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Page 23: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous





You Gotta Be Here this year to exploreall that British Columbia has to offer.

fIal14:25" X10.75"


>I be a legal residentcf£r;tish Columbia ofthe age ofmajority to enter. Thre.. (3) prizes available to be won, each consisting of an AppleiP. \talued at-"pprnxi rely 5750 CDN. Skil1·ttsting question required Odds depend on number of engiol" entries. OffiCial rulas at Conte;:do atl1059:59prnB September30,20Hl

Apple d iPAD ar glst"",d trademarks ofApple In<:. 'Apple is nota sponsor d, nor"paftidpant in. this S'Weepstilkes.

~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75"

, I,n" 2425_BCcM,;I€,-iJ5Ju~

i l-Folded: 7.125· X 10.7-5" Flat-,14.2S'xJ0:1~+OJ-25~ illeM

.'!1JaleoJUly 5,2010 12:113FM,I:F"~'May 17, 2010 - BB proot18

IDocket: 1D-PAB-0912

IClient: BC Gov

, IJob: HST Mailer

IISuite 300 * 455 Granville Street ' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1T1

. IIJjlerllbir:~BILG/HW/BB


- Tel: 604.669.4444 ' -Fax: 604.681.0093


Page 24: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous


To learn more,

LEADING CLIMATE ACTIONBritish Columbia has taken aggressive actionto tackle climate change, in~luding settinggreenhouse gas reduction targets in law,Implementing North AmeriCa's first revenue­neutral carbon levy, becoming the firstCanadian partner in the Western ClimateInitiative to design a cap and trade system,and working to be'come the first carhon­neutral government in North America.

STRENGTHENINGPARTNERSHIPSForging new partnerships has made BritishColumbia stronger. We ar~ building aN~w Relationship with first Natfons andworking with local governments and thefec;leral government to expand publictransit, 'reduce crilTie and build newcommunity infrastructure. Agreementswith neighbouring provinces are allowingp~ople to work and do business in morethan one province. We have reachedbeypnd our borders to build economic andeducational ties across the Pacific and havepartnered with our American neighboursto protect our environment ahd the PacificOcean and build our regional economy.


reating more jobs starts with a more competitive and productive economy.

paYC~~!:I ~~:iij=~~~~:!~E:e7=~~~~!a f()-r th~ pgw,er rnor~ than 400,000 homes. ~e'Nable

is 0 r\s there are pgwer'producers wjll ha~Jhetools to. qeatealmqst mo're jobs I'n the province jobs in every' rggion. Competitively pricedtoday than there were in 2001. green power will support the growth of

Qur communities and industries and reduceLOWERING TAXES greenhouse gas emissions.

In e.C., we're creatin9 acompeti~ tax regimethat encou~gesothers to join us as we shapeoLi/proV'jnce's and countrys, future. If peoplewo'rk hard here theX can get ahead. Since20'01:, personal i'ncome taxes have beenreduced by at least 37%. An individualearning $50,000 a year pays $2,012le55 inW9Vi,nci,al.inc9me taxes th~n they did in 2001.$~C::., has th~ 1.01N,st p~rs()nalprov.incialhi~om~. taXes in Canada ifyou ea,rn Ie.ssthan $118,000.

energy powerhouse" The aoonures British Cqlurnbia wUl QecQme

l::ient and that low ~tes

are:pft), ,forB.C~ ratep;!l~rs. We'reunqertaking th~ largest investment ever in B.C:s

will have the, lowest (:orporate'r,ate 0f,the G? cotmti"ies, That

e (j,~r traditional indtJstries likef "m,iO,in$, e'ne,rgy ,~'.hd ~Qnipetitive; We will reduce B"C.'ssmall QusJOE;!5S tax ri;lte tq~ero to encourageinn9vati9'ri apQ reward Srni;lll businessowners for their enprmqus contributions toour ec.onomy, Targete9 taxqedits forfil,lTlItel.evision, digitCiI me<:Ha anq incentives foroil arid gas, ~reen technologies arid cleanenergy proje'cts continue to encourage ournewest industries.

~.G:s e,~9rioiny IsBoard of Canada" iC growth thi$

.C.'sjobBrowth will, " g:einfj ',n~w ~lt()wth

,h ,as (jigiJa'l in,edi~; our fiirests sellihi;",mQr~wood,tQ ChIna th;:in ,~ver before;

;ind, n~w mine,s ijreJ:.(nder,construc~io.p that will securehi,Jndre'ds, 0nob$ fqr yt;'ars to ,~Qme.

The [110;st impQrt?lnt ~hin~:abo.ut,a stron~f ~c8no,my

is tne,jQ~,o,~p~nullit.!,~,s, ,it ,c::reates ,q,?~ thes.taJ?U!t;t it grovide fqJ fa.TIlilies ,a;n,d

In'le's~q,rs';,A s g; stable,e~Qil9myp_~i1ds ,e, and cQnfid~,f,l9~

heiRs tter quality of life forall, Brit mbians.


H9r~~n,jtf?$, for . (7Columbia is ~\LLfront door to the '{~ /



IIFile: 2425_BC_Mailer_OSJuly

i I

Proot18 IIDateo July 5, 2010 12:03 PM I!Folded: 7.125' x10.7S· Flat 14.25" x 10.75" +0.12Sn bleed IRle Created: May 17, 2010- BB I

Docket: 10·PAB·0912 IOperator: BB/lG/HW/BB iClient: BC Gov Colour. 4C 11111 III

[Job: HST Mailer PR:SC AD: CD: CW:,


Suite 300 - 455 Granville Street ' Vancouver, Be, Canada V6e 111 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093 I

Page 25: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

,~OTE: NEW SIZE: 23.875" ,,17.875"

'1 Docket 10-PAB-09'l2 ,y;OperntOC. BBIl61HWlBB

Pro"12 back

Page 26: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

To find out more, visit



~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75" Rat 14.25" x10.75"

~,a,n'd ',' ,:~~:T, JO,rlS' Vo{~SavaiJa; ,.,' __ ..~ ..fir?~ Vnle;, B.~~,~us~ ,~,nt~riowas moving to an HST on July 1, ~010, itwa,s, im;port~,nt that ,~,.C~ mQve qUickly inorder to comp~te for jobs and investm~nt.

HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN SOQUICKLY IF THE GOVERNMENTWASN'T PLANNING IT?Ontari:o had d~Eided t~",mov~;to an HST earlierin 2009 and had negotiated for months withtfje f!?QE:rat g'Ov,en:hjlE~nt.lh June ;2~d9, It

hat S.c. could piggyback on thatat th,e ?a,Ii1e;,as~eef11e!1t

S.c. acted by mid-July.owait f6r uponeywould

d most.

File: 242S_BC_Mmler_OSJuly IDare:Juiy 5, 2010 12:03 PM I 18Folded: 7.125' x10.75' Flat 14,25" x10.75" +0.125~ bleed--+I-RI-eer-,-a'-ed-:M-ay-17-,-20-1-0--s-s---I Proof: .

Docket: 10·PAB·0912 I Operator. BB/LG/HW/BB

Cient BC Gov IColoor. 4C 111111 III I


Suite 300 - 455 Granville SJreet ' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1T1 , Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093



Page 27: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Flat 14.25" x10.75'


eate an adgitionaI113,OOO jobs in B.C. by reducingy can expand their business and pay higher wages.

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporate taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tax­competitive regimes in the world."

(onadian Econom{:;t and Tax Expert, Dr. Jack Mintz

WHO SUPPORTS THE HST?()r~riizations, tepr,~~,~_nthi~ 1,3 miflionworkers agree the HST is good for B.C.


• q~~_~e~ mor~}oBs• P(iS5~S_ ?~Win~s ,on to• EoW'er$; ta>c~s 911., Saves'ti,rhe anti lower pli~nc~ CQsts

~ Reqijees operating ~~p~n,5es

• GlV~s 6,cL ac6rrip~titIV-~ internationaladvantage

• Proyifje,S'i3. nlore tra,nsp,arent. fairertaX ,$)fstern and eUminqte's hidden.compounding PST

For more information,visit gov.bc.calhst


Suite 300·455 Granville Street' Vancouver, Be, Canada V6e 1T1 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093

Folded: 7.125' x10.75' Aat14.2S· x10.75' +0.125 D bleed

Docl<et: jQ·PAB·0912

CHent BGGov

Job: HST Mail€;r

iIDale: July 5, 2010 12:03 PM

IR. Creal'd: May 17, 2010 - BB

IOperator: BB/LG/HW/BB



Proal 18 III

CWo iI


Page 28: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We're generous.British Columbiansvolunteer nearly300 million hoursevery year.

live long•.c. has among

the longest lifeexpectancies inthe world.

We're leading edge.Our children will be thenext generation of marinepiologists, digital animators,green technologists, medicalspecialists, scientists andengineers. Even better, theycan all be trained at home byour universities and collegesand work in leading S.c.­based companies.

We like big stuff. s.c. is home tome of the world's biggest roadsidetractions such as the world's largest

ockey stick, gold pan, cross-countryskis, fiy-fishing rod, and the tallesttotem pole.

e're cool. Here's a few BritishColumbians who prove it: KimCattrall, Seth Ragen, NellyFurtado, Ryan Reynolds, BryanAdams, Steve Nash, MichaelJ. Fox, Joshua Jackson, SarahMcLachlan, Eric McCormack,Michael Buble, almost SO NHLplayers, 10 major league baseballplayers, 35 Olympians and22 Paralympians.

We're welcoming. We speak 146different languages - from Chinese toPunjabi, German to Nisga'a.

Flat 14.25" x10.75"

Our studentsexcel. S.c. studentsonsistently rankmong the toperformers worldwide

n areas like literacyand science.

We love the environment.B.C. has more protectedJand than any otherprovince in Canada-an area equal to thesize of Nova Scotia,New Brunswick andPrince Edward !slandcombined.

We give hope to the world. Inspired by heroes such as Terry Fox andRick Hansen, S.c. is home to some of the world's leading-edge spinalord, cancer and genome research, giving millions of people around

the world a second chance at life.



We move peop . rom "the lastspike" that connected Canada by rail,to our modern-day ports, airports andengineering transportation marvels,S.c. is North America's Pacific Gateway.We have one of the world's largest ferryfleets, moving 20 million passengers and8 million vehicles each year in 36 vessels.


~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75"

I IDare: July 5, 2010 12:03 PM I,

File: 2425_BC_Mailer_05JuJy

Proof:18 I,J.

IFolded: 7.125' x10.75' Flat 14.25' x 10.75'+0.125" bleed IFile Created: May 17, 2010-BB IDocket: 10-PAB-0912 IOperator: BB/LG/HW/BB

Client Be Gov IColour: 4C 111111 •Job: HST Mailer IPRo SC AD: CD: CW:


ISUITe 300 - 455 GranVille Street' Vancouver, BG, Canada V6e 1T1 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 29: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

3.5 billion people saw our province during the Olympics. These Super, Naturar

places are right on your doorstep. Get ahead of the rush and visit some places .~Gjclose to home. Whether you're looking to drive, fly or take the train, we caM'\b/offer hundreds of year-round suggestions at or bydroPPin~ .your local Visitor Centre. Here's a few ideas to get you started: .'


Be adventurous in the mountains and beleisurely in the countryside. Enjoy legendaryviews of majestic peaks, soothing hotsprings and a mix of golf courses in theKootenay Rockies region. Take refreshingdips in plentiful Jakes and indulge in thenumerous fruit stands, orchards and award­winning wineries in the Okanagan Valley.


7 to 10 days

Here's a few of the "must-sees": YohoNational Park's glacial lakes and TakakkawFalls, Cominco Gardens of more than48,000 flowers, golf a top-rated l8-holechampionship course with dramaticmountain backdrops, and 350 restoredheritage buildings in the charming cityof Nelson.


2 to4 days

Journey"coast to coast" on Vancouver Island.See panoramic views of the Juan de Fuca,Haro and Georgia Straits as well as theSaanich Peninsula .

Visit the trailheads of the historic WestCoast, spectacular provincial parks, pastorallandscapes and Wineries.

Here's a few of the Umust-sees": Victoria'sInner Harbour and legislative bUildings,dining at Sooke Harbour House, tidal pools onthe Juan de Fuca Marine Trail in Port Renfrew,carvers at Quw'utsun' Cultural Centre, andCowichan Valleys uGourmetTrail" of wineries,fresh seafood docks, and holistic farms.


7 to 10 days

Here's a few of the "must-sees": Sandstonecliff and caverns at Newcastle Island MarineProvincial Park, Be Ferries' Discover NorthPassage cruise to Bella (oola, volcanic"Rainbow Mountains" in TweedsmuirProvincial Park, and glaciers at Joffre lakesProvincial Park.

Enjoy diverse landscapes and activities.Voyage along the beautiful and rugged

.West Coast, watching for whales or sealions. Drive the "Freedom Road n pastabundant fishing lakes, through cowboycountry and arrive in the adventureplayground of Whistler. Complete the tripwith a world-class dining experience at oneof Vancouver's award-winning restaurants.

Explore the magnificence of the northernwilderness. Drive across stunning mountainpasses, through dense emerald-greenforests, and past muskeg, and prairie fieldsof golden wheat and bright yellow canola.

Here's a few of the .r.Imust~sees"':The

Exploration Place Museum and ScienceCentre in Prince George, Bijoux Falls, LiardRiver Hot Springs, and wildlife viewingplatform at Fish Creek.

Tour Aboriginal villages, visit historic sitesand vIew engineering marvels like theW.A.C. Bennett Dam. Spot phenomenalwildlife such as grizzly and black bears,moose and beavers.


8 to 14 days



10 11

~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75" Flat 14,25" x10.75",

File: 2425_BC_Mailec05July Date: July 5, 2010 12:03 PM IProof:18


IFolded: 7.125" x10.75' Flat 14.25" x 10.75' +0.125N bleed Rle Created: May17, 2010- BB ! iDocket: 10·PAB-0912 Operator: BB/LG/HW/BB IClient Be Gov Colour: 4C 111l1li III IJob: HST Mailer PR:SC AD: CD: CWo


ISuite 300 - 455 Granville Street ' Vancouver, BC, Canada vec 111 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 ' Fax: 604.681.0093 I

Page 30: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We're generousin spirit. BritishColumbians volunteernearly 300 millionhours every year.

e live long. B.c.. has among longest

life expectancies Inthe world.

We're cutting edge. Ourchildren will be the next

eneration of marineiologists, digital animators,

en technologists, medicalecialists, scientists and

;englneers. Even better, theycan all be trained at home byour y,nlversltles and collegesand work in leading B.C. basedcompanies.

We like big stuff. B.c. is home to,some of the world's biggest roadsideattractions such as the world's largesthockey stick, gold pan, cross-countryskis, fly-fishing rod, and the tallesttotem pole.

, [06\e'rei~Andhere'sfew British Columbians that

prove it: Kim Cattral, SethRogen, Nelly Furtado, RyanReynolds, Bryan Adams, SteveNash, Michael J. Fox, JoshuaJackson, Sarah Mclaughlin, EricMcCormack, Michael Buble,almost 50 NHl players, 10 majorleague baseball players, 35Olympians and 22 Paralympians.

We're welcoming, inclusive and diverse.We speak 146 different languages fromChinese to Punjabi, German to Nisga'a.

e're clean, green and weove our environment. B.C.has more protected land thanany other province in Canada- an area equal to the size ofNova Scotia, New Brunswickand Prince Edward Islandcombined.

'We give hope to the ,'world. Inspired by heroessuch as Terry Fox andRick Hansen, B.c. is hometo some of the world'sleading edge spinal cord,cancer and genomeresearch, giving millionsof people around theworld a second chanceat life.

e move people. From "the lastspike" that connected Canada by rail, to ourodem day.ports, airports and enginee[ing transportation marvels, B.C. is Northmerica's Pacific Gateway. We have one of the world's largest ferry fleets movingomillion passengers and 8 million vehicles each year In 36 ve~seis;. \'-':~ r:~ry, .c___ .' \oa.~ f\ "- /~~ur kids are

mart. B.c. studentsnslstently rankong the top

,erformers worldwidenareas like literacyand science.




r----------------------------------------------------- ------------

?!(o '


Page 31: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous




Forging new partnerships and fosteringexisting relationships has made British

• Columbia stronger. We are building anew relationship with First Nations andworking with local governments and the

_ federal government to expand publictransit, reduce crime and build newcommunity infrastructure. Agreementswith neighbouring provinces are allowing

I t t b ' 'T ft· VP?OP e 0 bI£i:~,.e!!\.¢1 d ••;Ei>qll$~O ...

work and do business in more thanone province. We have reached beyondour borders to build economic andeducational ties across the Pacific a:1-~ve /partnered with our Americanneigh~to protect our environment and sharenew technology and knowledge that willprotect the health of the Pacific Ocean andbuild our regional economy.

British Columbia has taken aggressive actionto tackle climate change, including settinggreenhouse gas reduction targets in law;implementing North America's first revenue-

.'1-- neutrabarbon levy; becoming the firstCanadian partner in the Westem ClimateInitiative that will design a cap and tradesystem; and working to become the firstcarbon neutral government in North America.



i!: __--1"









I____ ~ ~_1

We're undertaking the largest investment in B.Cs clean energyassets includirig the Site C'Clean Energy Project that will create over35,000 jobs and produce eriough c!~an electricity to P9wer morethan 400,000 homes aimually.

Renewable power producers will have the tools necessary tocreate jops in ellery region. Competitively-priced, green power willsupport the grdwrh of ou~ communities and industries and reducegreenhouse gas emissions. To lear~ more,

n' V.L I I LIlY._ ,, ':;::_l,._,_~.~ ;'", '.~- .' ' .._--.-, ' .• -

\" ~ C)':3:e0"':~i.~l\.~

B.c. has the Iq)'vest perso 211 provinciglincome taxes in Canada. ,urprovince Willsoon haveiheloVJ,~tc.sf orate tax rgteof the G8 courmies ~ ,,' 2012 we willreduce B.C:ssrr;all busi, ss Co pOrate t'll'rate to zero. Targeted tax cre' Its for filJTl'television, digit<ii media a~d ncentives fOroil and gas are encouragin new Jobs aftcl-

, .

New and upgraded roads,bridges,ports, airports,'. public transit,fegies,

" border crossing~,railv\iays gnqotherkeytransportation c6rridorsarehelpihg ensWe 'we fully utilize B.C:'; geographic adyantgge asNorth America's e:lose?tcqnnectionto A?ia tocreate jobs and growth. By 2020; i:raq~ y,.ithAsia could cie~teas nianYgs :2~5,QqOjOP~.



The 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter

Games gave British Columbia a foundation

to build a stronger province and create new

opportunities for w~rs and families. '

Today we are seeing~ signs that B.C:s economyis starting to turn around. The Conference Board ofCanada expects B.C. to lead Canada in economicgrowth this year.eading economic forecasterspredict B.C:s Jo growth will be the highest in the

nation t: r and our pr:~noc~rexpectedto leadCanada in housing start~' " " '

We're seeing new growth in modern industriessuch as digital media, with two major studios

recently opening in the Lower Mainland.Our forest industry is selling more wood

to Cnina than ever nd newmines are u r constructio thatwill secur hL'1"ldleds of jobsyears to c me.

Page 32: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

c ...: _

LIVING WITHINOUR MEANSBritish Columbia has earned topmarks from the world's leading creditrating agencies for developing a fiscalframework that ensures we get backto a balanced budget in 2013 whilemaintaining core services such ashealth care and education. And that's good for B.C.

You won't pay a penny more on many of theproducts and services you use every day.Here are just a few of those products:


• Basic groceries• Most health, medical and dental services• Child care services• Prescription drugs• Resa Ie housing• Fuel to poweryourvehicle

• Books• Children-sized clothing and footwear• Children's car seats and car booster seats• Children's diapers

The rebates are set out in the newConsumption Tax Rebate and TransitionAd. For a list of HST exemptions, zero-ratedproducts and rebates, and a copy of the newAct, visit

Local governments, health authorities,universities, colleges and school districtswill receive a partial rebate on the provincialportion of the HST. Charities and eligible non­profit groups will also receive a rebate.



Dozens of economic experts and

business associations have strongly

advocated for the HST. For more

information, visit

.""\C~cJ -"-

0.. G\ =Y) rD::l.-.f"'.

RECORD FUNDING FORHEALTH, EDUCATON ANDSOCIAL SERVICESRecord funding is now being providedfor hea /th, education, child protection,day care, income assistance, housing,public safety, services for seniors,universities colleges and other criticalpublic services. In fact, 86% of all new

spending is goi ng towa rds he_a.~lt::.h:..:a:::n.:.:d:--",=:_-:~education. -

To find out more,


Page 33: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

S'l'nerj, UllivClSi",. afTs"errto· D~i8 Ba"lCl, I:hball Futures

orrciTI\TG--of\t-&:-c:.5.'_ : ~,tyj'v1flte-Mi:7M~.IIU M~~~

Retail Council of Canada. Canada West Foundation. . I

:~~I~· Dr. Jack Mintz, University of Calgary • Conference 0Board ofCanada. , If. - , . :'o~ .(.E6,Spectluil,l'\CSOO,ceGjOO~6ilnScnroeaer,President, ~ ,_ ...~

__ ': '.- -,,= ""","Valll!l)'sl"Ook (mEl national vEiltUiEs Ii it· BEll i IJemens, VP .""'~-- . '\ ,....FiflallC<2' dna tOiporate Ajaiis, Lonsdale Energy Corporation ~~~ ~ ~.

I .u~~~.--,• GreaterVancouver Gateway Council Initiatives· Prince I .......... _

George Development Corp.• Truck Loggers Association I(Y->• BC Chamber of Commerce. BC Technology Industry I

IAssociation· Jock Finlayson, Business Council of BC • BC I

Agriculture Council. New Car Dealers Association of BC· BC

Road BUilders and Heavy Construction Association· Institute

of Chartered Accountants of BC· BC Progress Board· The

Canadian Chamber of Commerce· Canadian Manufacturers

and Exporters. Independent Contractors and Businesses

Association of BC· Western Convenience Stores Association

• Motion Picture Production Industry Association of British

Columbia. Coast Forest Products Association· West Fraser

Timber Co.· Mining Association of Be •TaUS· Association

for Mineral Exploration British Columbia· Canadian Coun . of r

Chief Executives. Council of Forest Industries· Assoc' on of

International Automobile Manufacturers of Ca • BC Grain

Producers Association. Forest Produ sociation of Canada

• Railway Association of Canad CANFOR •Canada's Leading

Economists· Canadian Assoc· tion of Petroleum Producers



The HST is expected to create anadditional 113,000 jobs in BritishColumbia by reducing costs onemployers looking to expand theirbusiness and pay higher wages.

Academic research and evidence from otherjurisdictions have shown that under an HSTtax structure wages go up, prices go down andmore jobs are created. Here's how:

The vast majority of jobs In British Columbiaare supported by major industries like mlninoil and gas, transportation, construction andmanufacturing - all of which will benefitfrom eliminating taxes on productivity. TheHSTwil1 remove $2 billion in costs for B.C.businesses, making them more competitive.Those savings can be reinvested into morejobs, higher wages and business expansionsin every region of British Columbia.

Similarly, the HSTwill make our province morecompetitive with over 130 countries aroundthe world that already have a value-added taxsystem.

An expert study says harmonization willincrease capital investment by $11.5 billion.It will reduce costs for taxpayers throughthe removal of an estimated $30 millionannually in government administration costs.Moving to the HST eliminates duplication andoverlap between the provincial and federalgovernment. Every penny of the HSTwill beused for health care.

bO"""~ *'-"""'''~That's good for British Columbians.

To find out more about how it will help B.c.businesses expand and create jobs, visit

Then PST and GSTwas applied on top of thatfinal bill.

Under the HST, most businesses don't pay thatcompounding tax on productivity. Therefore,hidden tax won't be added to the final price oftheir products.

Canadian Economist and Tax Expert, Dr. Jack Mintz

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporate taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tax­competitive regimes in the world."

iT ELIMiNATESHIDDEN,COMPOUNDING TAXBusinesses paid PST on almost everythingthey buy to run their businesses and thattax is included in the final price paid by theconsumer.

For example, when a mechanic repairs yourcar, the repair shop previously paid PST on thetools, equipment and supplies it buys to repairyour car and on the electricity it uses to run themachinery and heat the shop.

On top of that, the hidden PST hadcompounded many times over before your careven entered the shop.

PST was paid by the manufacturer whoproduced the part to fix the car, by the trucker-~

who paid tax on the truck that delivered thepart to the warehouse, by the warehouse thatpaid PST on almost everything it bought tostore the parts, and by the retailer who paidPST on almost everything it bought to run thestore. All of that tax was compounded andpassed on to the consumer in the final price.




I 8,L ~ ~_

Page 34: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

I _


2 to 4 days

BE;! adv"nturous in the mountains and be leisurely in thecountryside. Enjoy legendary views of majestic peaks, soothing hotsprings and a mix of golf courses in the Kootenay Rockies region.Ta~e refreshing dips in plentiful lakes and indulge in the numerousfrlJitstands, orchards and award-winning wineries.


7tp 10 day_~

glacial lakes and Takakkaw Falls, Cominco Gardens of more than 48,000n_,,,r•..., 18-hole championship course with dramatic mountain backdrops,

res,tolred h",it"n" buildings in the charming city of Nelson, award-winning wines in the

Journey "coast to coast"on Vancouver Island. Seepanoramic views of the Juande Fuca, Haro and Georgiastraits as well as the Saanich

Peninsula. Visit the trail heads of the historic WestCoast, spectacular prOVincial parks, pastoral landscapes and wineries.

Here's a few of the 'must sees':Victoria's Inner Harbour and legislative buildings, dining at Sooke HarbourHouse, tidal pools Juan de Fuca Marine Trail in Port Renfrew, and CowichanValley's "Gourmet Trail" of wineries, fresh seafood docks and holistic farms.

Encompass thediverse landscapesand activities.Voyage alongthe beautiful butrugged West Coast,

watching for whaJesorsea lions. Drive the"Freedom [{bad" past abundant fishinglakes, through cowboy country and arrivein the adventure playground of Whistler.Complete the trip with a world-classdining experience at one of Vancouver'saward-Winning restaurants.

Here/s a few of the lmust sees':

Sandstone cliff and caverns at NewcastleIsland Marine Provincial Park, BC Ferries'Discover North Passage cruise to BellaCoola, volcanic "Rainbow Mountains" inTweedsmuir Provincial Park, and glaciers atJoffre Lakes Provincial Park.

COAST CARIBOO TRIP"~~~~=~ =~:~,]

i?l 7 to 10 days

8 to 14 days

Explore themagnificenceof the northernwilderness. Driveacross stunningmountain passes,

through dense, emerald-green forests, andpast muskeg and prairie fields of goldenwheat and bright yellow canola. TourAboriginal villages, visit historic sites andview engineering marvels like the WAC.Bennett Dam. Spot phenomenal wildlifesuch as grizzly and black bears, moose,and beavers.

Here's a few of the 'must sees':Exploration Place Museum andScience Centre in Prince George,Bijoux Falls, Liard River Hot Springs,Wildlife viewing platform at Fish Creek




Celebrate the spirit of 2010 t~i1iier by exploring the best placeon earth, British Columbia. Start by taking a road trip to take in B.Cs:stunning vistas, vibrant cities, wildlife, history, and the great outdoors.


Page 35: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



~TDurism Ad to be supplied

IDocket: 10-PAB-0912 IOperator: BB/LG

IClient: BC GO' ..' [Colour. 4CB. ..! Job: HST Mailer ---+ic:pR:c:-=sc:C----AD:c=-:----- ~- CD:

I !AE: OP: BB/lG

~,--------- ~---~~'~" -----------~f_c~IBafrk_j3age,

IRI" 242UG_Malier IDatB: May 31,2010 -TIm,,9:5J 04 '1Folded: 7.187S·x 10.7S" Flat 14.37S' x 10.75'+ 0.125" bleed Ifile Crsated: May 17,2010-88 ipro6f:'

~ -- - -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - -- - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - --- -- - - - - - - ---


Suite 300 - 455 Granville Street Vancouver, Be, Canada VeG Hi leI: 604.669A444 Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 36: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

We're generousin spirit. British

Columbians volunteer

nearly 300 million

hours every year.

We live long. B.C

as among longest

life expectancies inthe world.

We're cutting edge. Our

children will be the next

generation of marine

biologists, digital animators,

green technologists, medical

specialists, scientists- and

engineers. Even better, they

can all be trained at home by

our universities and colleges

and work in leading SL based


We like big stuff. 8.c. is home toorne of the world's biggest roadsidettractions such as the world's largest

hockey stick, gold pan, cross-country

skis, fly-fishing rod, and the tallest

totem pole.

Ire cool. Here's a few BritiSh

Columbians that prove it: Kim

Cattral, Seth Ragen, NellyFurtado, Ryan Reynolds, Bryan

Adams, Steve Nash, Michael

J. Fox, Joshua Jackson, Sarah

Mclaughlin, Eric McCormack,

Michael Buble, almost 50 NHl

players, 10 major league baseball

players, 35 Olympians and 22


E{re welcoming, inclusive and diverse.We speak 146 different languages from

Chinese to Punjabi, German to Nisga'a.

Our kids aresmart. SL studentsconsistently rank

mong the toperformers worldwide

n areas like literacyand science.

We're dean! green andwe love our environment.SL has more protectedland than any other

province in Canada­

an area equal to the

size of Nova Scotia,

New Brunswick and

Prince Edward Island



We give hope-to the world. Inspired by heroes such as Terry Fox and Rick Hansen,,c. is home to SOnl2 of the world's leading edge spinal cord, cancer and genome

research, giving millions of people around the world a second chance at life.

We move pec .om "the last

spike" that connected Canada by rail,to our modern day ports, airports and

engineering transportation marvels,

BL is i\lorth America's Pacific Gateway.

We have one of the world's largest ferry

fleets moving 20 million passengers and

8 million vehicles each year in 36 vessels.



IFile: 2425 BC Mailer IDate:MaY31,2010-TIme:9:57 I 04• iFolded: 7.1~75~X 10.75' Flat 14.375' x-10-.7-5-'+-O-.,-25-·-b-,e-ed~---jI-R-,I-e-e-re-ate-d-;-M-aY~1-7,-2-01-0---S-S---I) Proof:

IDocket 10·PAB-0912 ) Operator: BB/LG

IClient: Be Gov IColour. 4C l1li111 II JI

Job: HST Mailer - IPH: se AD: CD: ew: !-rl- !AE: OP: BBllG

Suite 300·455 Granville Street 0 Vancouver, BC, Canada VeG 1T1 ,Tel: 604.669.4444 0 Fax: 604.681.0093


v\ ",\;"'1> ./'\fJ~ ',11 / 10 REASONS WHY S.c. IS


Page 37: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

-- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -9


[,vW( lour :5 .



\, '6 A\!'(\((Jf\,,,,,,,,,

""_ .. ,. _ .H~ H~T ,1$GOOD FOR S.C\ HERE'S WHY:

Under the HST, most businesses don't pay thatcompounding tax on productivity. Therefore,

hidden tax won't be added to the finai price oftheir products.

Canadian Economist and Tax Expert, Dr. Jack Mintz

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporate taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tClX­competitive regimes in the world:'

For example, when a mechanic repairs yourcar, the repair shop previously paid PST on thetools, equipment and supplies it buys to repairyour car and on the electricity it uses to runthe machinery and heat the shop,

On top of that, the hidden PST hadcompounded many times over before yourcar even entered the shop.

PST was paid by the manufacturer whoproduced the part to fix the car, by the truckerwho paid tax on the truck that delivered thepart to the warehouse, by the warehouse thatpaid PST on almost everything it bought tostore the parts, and by the retailer who paidPST on almost everything it bought to run thestore. All of that tax was compounded andpassed on to the consumer in the final price.Then PST and GST was applied on top of thatfinal bill.

Businesses paid PST on almost everythingthey buy to run their businesses and thattax is included in the final price paid bythe consumer.



, i Ii RIe: 2425.BC.Mailer , Da"': May 31, 201 0 - Time: 9:57 II !-----.!Folded: 7.1875" x10.75' Flat14.37S"x 10.75"+O.125n bleed I File Created: May 17,2010- BB i PfOOf04

II Dod<et: 10,PAB,D912 IOperator: BB/LGF~~~'-'------------EI ==-::=--=---------1

II CIi,nt:BCGov Colour.4CIIIIII •II ~__,

I IJob: HST Mailer IPR: SC AD: CD: CW:

II AE: OP: BB/LG-------~--:iISuite 300 - 455 Granville Street 0 Vancouver, BG, Canada V6C 1T1 ' Tel: 604.669.4444 " Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 38: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

You won't pay a penny more on many of theproducts and services you use every day.Here are just a few of those products:

• Basic groceries• Most health, medical and dental services

• Child care services• Prescription drugs• Resale housing• Fuel to power your vehicle

• Books• Children-sized clothing and footwear• Children's car seats and car booster seats• Children's diapers

The rebates are set out in the newConsumption Tax Rebate and TransitionAct. For a list of HST exemptions, zero~ratedproducts and rebates, and a copy of the newAct, visit



Local governments, health authorities,universities, colleges and school districtswill receive a partial rebate on the provincialportion of the HST.Charities and eligible non­profit groups will also receive a rebate.



Dozens of economic experts and

business associations have strongly

advocated for the HST. For more

information, visit

British Columbia has earned topmarks from the world's leading creditrating agencies for developing a fiscalframework that ensures we get backto a balanced budget in 2013 while

maintaining core services such ashealth care and education.

Record funding is now being providedfor health, education, child protection,day care, income assistance, housing,public safety, services for seniors,universities colleges and other criticalpublic services. In fact, 86% of all newspending is going towards health andeducation.



To find out more,


o Tel: 604.669,4444 0 Fax: 604.681.0093----

, I I -,,----

I, Rle: 2425 BC Mailer iDate: May 31,2010 - Time: 9:_57_,. J 04


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Docket 10-PAB-D912 IOperato" BB/LG ~

IClient BC Go, 1Colour: 4C 111111 III ==---,--1

IJob: HST Mailer IPR: SC AD: CD: CW:

L • I ----'i_A_E, o_p_,B_B/_L_G _

ISuite 300· 455 Granville Street < Vancouver, BC, Canada VaG 1T1

Page 39: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

, ,r/\C~";-'t..


,,,,,,_--'--·T·---------··----~ ,,~


CAPITALIZING ON OURCLEAN ENERGY ADVANTAGEB.C is a dean energy powerhouse. TheClean,~nergy Ac;::t ensures British Columbiabecom~s electric;::ity s~lf-5ufficient and thatloIN rates are protected for B.C. ratepayers.

We'r$ undertaking the largest investmentin B.C.'s clean energy assets including theSite CClean Energy Project that will createover 35.000 jobs and produce enough cleanelectrIcity to power more than 400,000h?mes annually.

Renewable powerproduc;::ers will havethe tools f1.ecesspry to create jobs in everyregion', CompetitiVely-priced, green power

will support the growth of our communitiesand ihd'u~ries and recfuce greenhouse gasemissions.

To learn more, visIt www.poyvero{bc.cQ

British Columbia has taken aggressive actionto tac-k1e dimate change. induding settinggreenhouse ga~s redw;tion targets in law;implementing North America's first revenue­neutral, carbon feVYi b,ecoming the firstCanadian partner in the Western ClimateInitiative that will design a cap and tradesYstem; and working to become the firstcarbon neutral government in North America.


JOBSIt all starts with a more competitive economy that

mployers and encourages existing

pand and hire more workers.

provides that competitive foundation.


tJiefbWest"pers9~al wovincialt~X~$ hl «;:anada~ Our province

the 10'west corporate'taxcQun{rie's. In 2012 we will

;'$ smail, blJsin~ss corpqrate taxiero~ Targeted tax credits for: fi.lm~on, digH:al media and incentives for

~re enc;o,uraging new jobs in a.economy.

STRENGTHENINGPARTNERSHIPSF" p'ew g~r'tn,E!'r~hips anc;f,~os,tE;!ring

I' lations: as mad,e Britishe a:r~ tiuildi,ng a l1,ew, N;;ttions and Wo'rkin g:~Qi,~,nts,flnd tlie f~deralexpan,d publici tran$it.

nCt l:>I..i,i'iil new ·community,ure.

-" .'

Ag're~rri,e'~,t,~w,ith n,eighbouri,;9 provincesa,~~, ,a"l.'~wing ,people to w?rk Clfld dob4sil::H~SS: in,more than one province. Wehav~ reacf),ed beyond our borders to builde!:oll. and educational ties across

a,rid have partnerep with oureigliboufs to protect our

me,fit'and sha're ri,ew technologyand nowledge that will protect the health(If th~ P,ijdfh;: 6c;ean and build our regionaleec;)n,of[lY.


We're seeing new growth in modern industriessuch as digital media, with two major studios

recently opening in the Lower Mainland.OUf forest industry is selling more

wood to China than ever beforeand new mines are underconstruction that will secureRl:InElreeis efjobs for years to come.

Today we are seeing signs that S.C's economy isstarting to turn around. The Conference Board ofCanada expects S.c. to lead Canada in economicgrowth. Leading economic forecasters predict S,C'sjob growth wil! be the highest in the nation thisyear and our province is expected to lead Canada in

housing starts.

Together, we can seize the opportunityof a generation, sell our products to the world,

invite new business and secure jobs that will

support families and communities for decades,


The 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter

Games gave British Columbia a foundation

to build a stronger province and create new

opportunities for workers and families.

We're undertaking record levels of construction on

schools, hospitals, housing,·roads, bridges and other

critical projects acrOSs the province. $5.3 billion is being

invested in 850 projects throughout British Columbia,

generaflng an Estimated 34,OOOjobs.

OPENING CANADA'SPACIFIC GATEWAYNew and upgraded roads, bridges, ports, airports, public

transit, ferries, border crossings, railways and other key

transportation corridors are helping ensure we fully utilize

B.Cs geographic advantage as North America's closest

connection to Asia to create jobs and growth. By 2020,

trade with i\sia could create as many as 255,000 jobs.



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I IFolded: 7.1875'x 10.75" Flat14.375'x 1O}S'+O.125" bleed !Flle Created: May 17,2010-88 ! Proof: I

, ~jD::ack=et::.:.:.:10.:.:.P.::A::.B•.:oO::.91:.:2 tl"Ope=ra:.:tDc",;cBB"I;cLG'-- , ~

I IClient BCGov ilColour:4CIllUI II _, ~ J




ISuite 300 - 455 Granville Street ' Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 1T1 ' Tel: 604,669.4444 Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 40: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Tourism Ad to be supplied


Page 41: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous
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Page 43: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

EXPERTS AGREE THE: HST IS GOOD FOR B.C.Dozens ofeconornlcexperts and businessaSSOdations have strongly advocated for the HST. Formore Information, visit .

,,: British Columbia has earned top marks from: the world's leading credit ratlngagendesfor, developing a fiscal framework that enSUres we You won't pay a penny more on many: get back to abalanced budget 1112013 while oftheproductnnd services you use, maintaining core serVIces such as health care every day. Here are just a few ofthoseI and eQueath:iil, products:

: SUPPORllNG YOUNq FAMIUes • Baslcgrocer!es, • Most health, medical and dental services: Starting this september, fuU-day kindergarten • Child care services: for five-year-olds will help working families •PresCription drugs

with child care rosts.ln addition, $26 mUllen: th II b I bl . • Resale housing, over ree years wi .e avai a eto support • Fuel to power your vehicle

child care cOillfor 28,000 B.C. families. • Books

I RECORD FUNOlNG FOR HEALTH. •Children-sized dothing and footwear: EDUCATON AND SOOAL •Children's car seats and car booster seatsI SERVICES •Children's diapers

: Record funding Is now being provided for The rebates are setout in the new, health, education, child protection, day care, Consumption Tax Rebate and Transition, income assistance, housing, public safety, Act. For a list ofHST exemptions, zero-, services for seniors, universities colleges and rated products and rebates, and a copy of: other critical public services. In fact, 86% of the new Act, •: all new spending Is going towards health and ': education. local governments, health authorities,, universities, colleges and school distrlctsI To find out more, will receive a panla,1 rebate on the ,, provincial portion of the HST. CharIties andI eligible non-profit groups wlH also receive• a rebate. •, ,I And that's good fcl'S.c. :, ,: 6 7' ,

._-------~----------------------------------------_._.---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. - .. -.

Page 44: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous


An expert study says harmonization willincrease capital investment by $11.5 wll! reduce costs for taxpayers through theremoval of an estimated $30 million annuallyin govemment administration costs. Movingto the HST eliminates duplication andoverlap between the provindal and federalgovernment. Every penny of the HSTwill beused for health care.

That's good for British Columbians.

To find out more about how it will help B.C.businesses expand and create jobs,

have shown that under an HSTtax structurewages go up, prices go down and more jobsare created. Here's how:

The vast majority of jobs in British Columbiaare supported by major industries likemining, oil and gas, transportation,construction and manufacturlng- all ofwhiCh will benefit from elfminating taxeson productivity. The HSTwill remove $2billion in costs for S.c. businesses, makingthem more competitive.. Those savings canbe reinvested into more jobs, higher wagesand business expansions in every region ofBritish Columbia. Similarly, the HSTwlll makeour province more competitive with over 130countries around the world that already ~ave

a value-added tax system.

BUILDING ON B.C'S OLYMPIC MOMENTUMRetail Coundl of Canada. Canada West Foundation· Michael Smart University ofToronto •David Saxter, Urban Futures Institute· Or. Jack Mintz, Universityof Calgary. Conference Boardof CanadaHugh Alley, Alco Ventures Inc.. Duane Maki, CEO, Spectrum Resource Group' JohnSchroeder, President, Valleybrook International Ventures Inc· Ben Themens, VP Finance andCorporate Affairs, lonsdale Energy Corporation· Greater Vancouver Gateway Coundllnitiatives,-Prince George DevelopmentCorp•• Truck Loggers Association· BC Chamber of Commerce • BCTechnology Industry Assodation· Jock FInlayson, Business Council of BC· BC AglicultureCouncil, New Car Dealers Assodatlon of BC· BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association• Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC· BC Progress Board, TheCanadian Chamber ofCommerce. Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters • Independent Contractors and BusinessesAssociation of BC •Western Convenience Stores Association· Motion Picture Production IndustryAssociation of British Columbia, Coast Forest Products Association· West FraserTlmber Co.• Mining Assodation of BC, TaUS' Association for Mineral Exploration Br1t1sh Columbia •Canadian Council of Chief Executives· Coundl of Forest Industries, Association of InternationalAutomobile Manufacturers of Canada, BC Grain Producers Assodation • Forest ProductsAssociation of Canada' Railway Association of Canada-, CANFOR Canada's Leading Economists,Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

They ali agree the hst is good for b.c. Here's why;

• Creates more jobs• Passes savings on to consumers• Lowers taxes on Investments• Saves time and lowers compliance costs• Reduces operating expenses• Gives B.C. a COmpetitive intemational advantage• Provides amore transparent, fairer tax system,Eliminates hidden, compounding provindal sales taxFor more information, visit '

HOW THE HSTCREATES JOBS ANDINCREASES WAGESThe HST is expected to create an additional113,000 jobs in British Columbia by redUcingcosts on employers looking to expand theirbusiness and pay higher wages. Academicresearch and evIdence from other jurisdiction's

Under the HST, most businesses don't pay thatcompounding tax on productivity. Therefore,hidden tax won't be added to the final price oftheir products.

Businesses paid PST 011 almost everythingthey buy to run their businesses and that tax is

. induded in the final price paid by the consumer.

For example, when amechanic repairs yourcar, the repaIr shop previously paid PST on thetools, equipment and supplies it buys to repair'your car and on the electricity it uses to run themachinery and heat the shop-.

On top of that the hidden PST had compoundedmany times over before your car even enteredthe shop.

PST was paid by the manufacturer who producedthe part to fix the car, by the trucker who paidtax on the truck that delivered the part to thewarehouse, by the warehouse that paid PST onalmost everything it bought to store the parts,and by the retailer who paid PST on almosteverything it bought to run the store. All of thattaxwas compounded and passed on to theconsumer in the final price. Then PST and GSTwas appned on top of that final bill.



•Business in S.c. will no longer have topay PST on business inputs used to runtheir bUsiness. This includes: heat, power,office supplies, vehicles and-other inputsnecessary to do business.

• Businesses will save time and $150 m!lllonannually in administrative costs becausethey will only remit one tax form, insteadof twa under the out-dated PST and GSTsystem.

• In total, that's $2 billion in savings thatcan be passed onto lower product prices.lower costs for business mean lowerprices as businesses strive to grow theircustomer base-by being more competitive.

·ltwil! lead to an $115 billion increase incapital investment over 10 years.

That's good for business.


,. These changes, in combination with federal reductions in corporateta~will make British Columbia one of the most tax-competitive

regimes in the world.'"


Page 45: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous


Tourism (New) Tourism {New)


Page 46: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous


You Gotta Be Here this year to exploreall that British Columbia has to offer.




Pmo' 19 1

Flat 14.25" x10.75"


• No pu"~,,. ""'....ry. 101." I,•• '''ll'' ,••Ldon, ofa""," C,"ombl.o!'ho 'gool m~Jo,"ylOon'.,. Tl>ro~il)p,,,•• ",, 'ob. """ 0""0 '00""'"9 O"" ot 'PP",,,,,,",.I, $150 WIl. Sklll·,,,,lo9 ~".,,;"" ..qul",<i. Odd, ""PO"" "0 "umbo, of olljjilM 'ntrl .., OW,.,I ,vi., ., wh.,.,'"bc_,om. Con'""do....t 1'059,59 p,m, pr~Dpt.mbo,lO, 2010.

Aprl••nd 'PAI).", '.gl,t..o,llf.d.",.,ko of Appl.'n<, /lppl.'. no' ••ponom of, ""'. p,,"dp,"' '0. th:.",,""P''"~.'

~EW SIZE: 7.125" X10.75"

i.·I··-"·I~.;::do:4t;~~~:;:~-.6;~:14~'~107:.;12~:b'."d ...·.J.:r.~;,:~i.;;i;f:~:Bl~ii:::ff::0912.~ ~ .~:~~ <c'''' :. CD


I"SU11;-~OO-~':;~5-G;~~iil;-Sl;~~;--:--V~~~~~~;;:-;;C.-C~~~d;-;;6C-1T;- . Tel: 604.669.4444 " Fax: 604,6111.0093

Page 47: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

The 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Gamesgave British Columbia a foundation to build astronger province and create new opportunitiesfor workers and families.

LEADING CLIMATE ACTIONBrltlS~C~IUrnblahastaken.~ggresslveaCtI()nto taclde_clim~te, •.~as red~ctl~nt~rgetsJn .•iaw,Impl~rn~ntll'lg.Nwt~America'siftrsl revenue~neut~al.carb~n levy,. b~comlrlgt~eflrstCan~~ian·.partn~r.I~ ...t~eV(estern<':limate111Itl~~lvet~~e~lgna:c~.Pia~;~,tta.~esystem,and ....."rkl~gtobecorne· theflrst.(~rb~l1~neutral .. govemmentinNorth.Amerlca;



~f·'~,a cl~~~.~n~rgX~O\Iier~~~'Thepean..E"0/9.vAr:t~sur~sBrltls~~()lurt1bla~III·.become

el~.$!~I~s.~lfcs,~ff1cl~nt~n~: m~t.I~,l'llt~5~~~.~t19~·ittI·~0~B·5· ....~~~rs~~e'reunrlertaklng.thelargestlnvestmentever In B'cs

By 2012 we will have the lowest corporateIncome tax rate oftheG7countrles;Thatwlllrtlakeour tradltlonallridustrles likeforestry, rnlnlngie~er9yanda9rkulturemore:competldve,We·'.YiilIJeduceB.C:s.srnall.bu5Inesstaxrat~t~zerotoencourage

l~npvatlon and reward small businessownersforthelr enorlllous contributions to?UreCo~~rnY;Ta~~~tedtax eredltsf()r~lm,

teleylsh:m, digital m~dla·a~~ .• Ince~tlves·foroilandg~~'~re~n.t~5hnol()gles.and encourage ournewest.lndustrles;

In B.C.,we're creating a competitive taxreglmethat encourages otherstoJolrius as we shape To learn mor.;- visit p'Owerofbc.cG

ourprovince'sand'country's future; Ifpeople STRENGTHENINGwork hard here they ca . ead; Sine"'2001~ personaUn' etaxes havebeen . . PARTNERSHIPSreduced byatl sf 37%.~dlviduaIS. '. orglng new partnershlpshas madeearning $50,09 a year pays $2,012 less In BrltlshColumblastronger;We are buildingprovindall~collltaxesthan they did In 2001 .' .a New Relatlonshlpwlth FlrstNations and8;.C.has the IQVles •. sonalprovlat.-/ working wlthloeal governmentsandtheIncome taxes In Canada if you earn less. federal gover~!T1enttoexpandp~bUcthan $11aiOOO~ ..translt,redu~ecrll1leand.btdldnew

comn1~nlty Infrastructu:re. Agreementswlth.nelghbourlngpr~vlncesareallowl~g

people to work anddo businesslnmorethan ~ne provlnc~.W~havereached

beyondour borden to buUdeconomlc an~educatlonaltiesacrossthe,pad~5andhave

partneredwlthour American neighboursto protectour environmentand the PacificOcean andbultdour reglonaleconomy.

Creating more jobs starts with a more competitive a productive ec nom

'.' '=\I'-'~\Cl....Higher productivltymeans higher paycheques, dean ener. assets dudlng.the Site eel.more jobs-,Increased Investment and trade EnergyP ojltct, will createover 35~with International customers. That's what we Jobs an produce enough deanelectrl~tohave bee.n doing In British Columbia fot the poWerm than400,OOO hCl'l::oes;-R~ewablelast 10years. It Is one ofthe reasons there are powerprodu tlVitl"ha1eth~tools to createalmost400,OOO moreJobsln the province jobs In every region. Competitively pricedtoday than there Were In 2001. green powerwlfl support the groWth of

our communities andlridustrles and reducegreenhouse gas emissions.

"00119Date: July6 2010 11:00 am

Todaywe are seeing positive signs that B.C:s economy Isstarting to turn around.The Conference Board of CanadaexpectS B.C. to lead the country In economlcgrowththlsyear,andecorlo'lll'c forecasters predict B,C:sjobg~owth will

be the highest In thenatlon; We're seeing new growthIn modern Indu cas digital; ..,' restIndustry e ling. more woodtb Chlnathim ever re;andn .mines.Htunder constructlon~wlUsecu

hun edsof Jobs for years to come.

The~os .~ thing a~.,str.e~~onorriyIS the-]ob opportunities It creates and the

stability It provides for families andInvestors~ A strong, stable economybuilds confidence, and confi.dencehelps build a better quality ofUfe for'

all British Columblans.

OPENING CANADA'S PACIFIC GATEWAYB_'S.'s:str~te9Ic_advan~~g.emeans .•more()pp-ortunltl~sfor()~r,~Ud,rel1 ~nd_forCanada'sfuture; ~.rltl~hCol~rnbla·.15

s~~a~~~s.~~.IYP~5i~c~r()~i~c~.V~~ar~.·A,sIa'sJr?~t.d.~~~.tothe6~~t~~~~~\~¥2~2?it~~~~~lt~·.;\~la ..cout~cr~~t~a~,~any~~~~~IO~~jClb~ ...()pp~rt~nltfes.forexp~ndjng~r~~e';WlthA~I~,,,!lny~stment~·an~:lllo~ej()bsas, .•"1.~"PUlf~· •..;.c:~n.l!dli'S Paclfk.Gat~ .....aY,.Jourlsm;d.lgltalmedlail!f~5Ciences,fprEl;,y!rTlinln9.enEl;rgy;neW:buUdl~g;.produl:~s,neVl"9r~en

t~c~n()I.~91~S: an~ftlrn ..c~e~te;opp~rtunltl,e~ fOTo~rchlldrena~d.caltonustodeadCanadalntothe 21st century;

INVESTING IN OUR FUTUREEveryone has'dlfferentprlprltil:!s In ~n. opens()dety>U~e

9,na~a,·~Cl~~truct.l~non.s~hoolsihosplt~lsiht)usl~D'~',~oadsibl'1dges,and ,public transitacross.the.~rovlnc~;.~ecausePftheppsltlve partnershlpthe .provinclatg~vernlll~nthasestabl!shed Yilth theJederalgovernment,t()~attbereare

,~5~proJects throughout Britls h Columbia generating anestimated.34,0.OO,jobs;

FITe: 2425.~BG_Mall()c06.luly

Folded: 7.125"x 10,75" Flat14.25"K 10.75" of 0,125'" bleed

IlIlcket 1O·PAB·0912

Client: BCGov Colour. 4CIIHlIIPR: SCAE:



V6C 1T1 • Tel: 604.669.4444 • Fax: 604,681,0093

Page 48: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

10.75" Flat 14.25" x10.75"

~~~~~I:S,~1l~13?~-4~5-Gr~~~lij;-si;~;i--~ V6C 1T1 " Tal: 604.669,4444 • Fax: 604,681,0093

Page 49: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



;:'CreatumoreJi:ibs° Piuses:$a'Vfilgs. on to consumers0,' towers'taxes onJriVestment° ,Saves' time,a,nd':i?we'rs"cornpUance costs',',' Redute~rop.eratlng expenses.. 'Glve~ 8.C~ a,competltlve'lnternatlonal

advantage• p


WHO SUPPORTS THE HST?OrganizatIons represeritlng"l;lmUllanworkers agree the HSl; 15 gOOd fOr'S.C.

For,mo're:Info'rrrtatlon,vrslt' gOV."c~c~lhJf


The HST Is lesHos~ly to admlnlster rorbuslnessennd'goverrinient:Taxpayers willsave'S3o million ayear-in adrilfnlstratfoncosts that can 'be Invested I",publlc: serVices.

"These changes, in combinationwith federal reductions incorporj'lte taxes, will make BritishColumbia one of the most tax­competitive regimes in the world.1I

~anad/a/l Eco!1omlstand Tax Experr, Dr. Jack Mintz

nomfc,studY',says',hafnronlzatlon,wllle ~~t':ltal h\ves,trn~nt,bY,$11.S'btllfon,9,ln' t:lew,well-paying Jobs.


The HST is expected to create an additional 113,000 jobs in B.C. by reducingcosts for employers so they can expand their business and pay higher wages.



HOW DOES THE HST WORK?On'Ju,lyjl'ithe 7'*:( omblned withtheS%fe 8 combined

:Harmonized S of 12% -'th.lowe.tIn:can'ada:

Academic research- and'real-world evidence'fronrother,HSTJutisdlttlonslias shown thatunder an',HsyJax structure,wages go up.prices­go-:down--antfmore jObs are cr.eated.

For a Usfof HSTexem~tt,ons,' zero:ratedproducts, and rebates, VIsit gov.IK;cci/hst

1.1'million low~ to moderatBdtlsh:c:ohim~lims,wlltget'up to',$23,0.member through,a nwho,are,als'o eU(llblea total ofup to $1'16 p


8!(resta80% ofImpJfeted

Here are)ustof few,olthi'fprciducts,youwon~tpaY)fpe ore, on:,

•~EW SIZE: 7.125" x10.75" Flat 14.25" x10.7&'

il··-~1;:-'4;;_B~:~~'_;;~Y====-~= _I"'·~!~20l1)l1:oo'"' _..__ 19

ll~~'="'==';~=--=:=-~ I

! Suite 300 -455 Granvme Streot ~ Vancouver. BC, Canada V6C 111 • Tel: 604.669.44'44 • Fax: 604.681.0093

Page 50: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous






We're generous.British Columbiansvolunteer nearly300 million hoursevery year.

We live long..c. has among

the longest lifeexpectancies Inthe world.

We're leading edge.Our children will be thenext generation of marinebiologists, digital animators,green technologists, medicalspecialists, scientists andengineers. Even better, theycan all be trained at home byour universities and collegesand work in leading B.C.­based companies.

We like big stuff. home toorne of the world's biggest roadsidetractions such as the world's largestckey stick, gold pan, cross-country,fly-fishing rod, and the tallestrn pole.

W"'r,, cool. Here's a few BritishColumbians who prove it: KimCattrall, Seth Rogen, NellyFurtado, Ryan Reynolds, BryanAdams. Steve Nash, MichaelJ. Fox, Joshua Jackson, SarahMcLachlan, Eric McCormack,Michael Buble, almost 50 NHLplayers, 10 major league baseballplayers, 35 Olympians and22 Paralympians.

e're welcoming. We speak 146different languages - from Chinese toPunJabl, German to Nisga'a.

We love the environment.B.C. has more protectedland than any otherprovince In Canada­an area equal tothesize of Nova Scotia,New Brunswick andPrince Edward Islandcombined.



We move peo am "the lastspikeN that connected Canada by rail,to our modern-day ports, airports andengineering transportation marvels,a.c. Is North America's Pacific Gateway.We have one of the world's largest ferryfleets, moving 20 million passengers and8 million vehicles each year In 36 vessels,


\it$~:§.¥.?;:=:::g=:Our studentsexcel. a.C studentsonslstently rank

ong the toporrners worldwide

areas like literacyand science.


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Page 51: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Be adventurous in the mountains and beleisurely in the countryside. Enjoy legendaryviews of majestic peaks, soothing hotsprings and a mix of golf courses in theKootenay Rockies region. Take refreshingdips in plentiful lakes and Indulge in thenumerous fruit stands, orchards and award­winning wineries in the Okanagan Valley.

'<<1-Here\n few of the "must-sees": YohoNatIonal Park's glnclallakes and TakakkawFalls, Comlnco Gnrdel'ls of more than48,000 flowers, golf a top-rated la-hole \championship course wlthdrarnatlc::mountaIn bac!<drops, and 350 restoredheritage buildings in the charmIng cityof Nelson.


?to 10 days

Visit the trailheads of the historic WestCoast, spectacular provincial parks, pastorallandscapes and wineries.

".,...Here\ a few of the "must-sees": Victoria'sInner Harbour and legislative buildings,dining at Sooke Harbour Hou,~e, tld,,1 pools onthe Juan de Fuca Marine Trallln Port Renfre-w,carvers at Quw'utsun' Cultural Centre, andCowlchan Valley's "Gourmet Trail" of WIMrl(!s,fresh seafood docks, and holistic farms.

Journey "coast to coast" on Vancouver Island.See panoramic views of the Juan de Fuca,Haro and Georgia Straits as well as theSaanich Peninsula.


2 t04 days

Enjoy diverse landscapes and activities.Voyage along the beautiful and ruggedWest Coast, watching for whales or sealions. Drive the "Freedom Road# pastabundant fishing lakes, through cowboycountry and arrive in the adventureplayground of Whistler. Complete the tripwith a world-crass dining experience at oneof Vancouver's award-winning restaurants.

,,"'-Here" a few of the "must-sees": Sandstonecliff and caverns at Newcastle Island MarineProvincial Parl(, Be Ferries' Discover NorthPassage cruise to Bella Coola, volcanic"Rainbow Mountains" In TweedsmuirProvincial Park, and glaciers at Joffre LakesProvincial Parl(.

Explore the magnificence of the northernwilderness. Drive across stunning mountainpasses, through dense em~ld-greenforests, and past muskegfind prairie fIeldsof golden wheat and bright yellow canola.

Tour AboiJginal villages, visit historic sitesand view engineering marvels like theW.A.L Bennett Dam. Spot phenomenalwildlife such as grizzly and black bears,moose and beavers.

-v<;-He~a few of the "musHees": TheExpro;atlon Place Museum and ScienceCentre 'In Prince George, Bijoux Falls, LiardRiver Hot Springs, and wildlife viewingplatform at Fish Creek.


8 to 14 days

3.5 billion people saw our province during the Olympics. These Super, Natural'"places are right on your doorstep; Get ahead of the rush and visit some placesclose to home. Whether you're looking to drive, fly or take the train, we can

offer hundreds of Yea~~ro~ tions at or by dropping intoyour local Visitor Cen .~ few deas to get you started:

\\'-" <- ,,~


7 to 10 days



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Page 52: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Tourism Ad to be supplied

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8. Volunteer your timewith a local communityorganization or event.Find a short-termvolunteer opportunityhere:

9. British Columbia has anofficial flower, gemstone,bird,tree and mammal.But we're stllliooking foran official fossil and weneed your help;

10. Since 2001, BC hasbuilt more than 200kilometres of new bikelanes and trails for youto enjoy in over

s. Go to the rodeo

6. Eat local and raise a glass

7. lose yourself in a book

8. Se generous

9. Help B.C. find an official fossil

10. Ridea bike

1. Explore

2. Travel through time

3. Be curious

4. Hit the links

7. There are more than 9,000 B.Cauthors with books covering romance,mystery, history, poetry, science fiction,kids' fiction and non-fiction. Andwhat's more, If you have a BC One Card,you can borrow the book at any libraryacross the province for free. Find alibrary near you:www.bcJibraries.calhome

6. There are more than 70 farmersmarkets in B.C. featuring some of thefreshest and best produce in the world.You can tour one of Be's 207 wineries.Fine food or wine near

3. B.C. has 535 museumsand art galleries withcollections to meet allpassions. Learn aboutFirst Nations culture, localhistory and B.C.

1. Old you know S.c. hasmore than 850 parks andprotected areas in everyregion? Perfect for hiking,camping, swimming,boating and fishing.For ideas near

2. From Sarkerville to FortLangley, Fort Steele toFort Rodd Hill, B.C. has 91National Historic Sites, 10Provincial Historic Sitesand three UNESCO WorldHeritage sites.www.he/

5. Take In a BC Dayweekend rodeoin Nemiah Valley,Abbotsford, or100 Mile

4. In 2007, S.c. was namedthe best golf destinationin North America.There are more than300 golf courses acrossS.c. and for families

. with young children,B.C. is also a hotbedfor mini-golf.

9. British Columbiansvolunteer nearly 300million hours every year.

10. From "the last spike"that connected Canadaby rail, to our modernday ports, airports andengineering transportationmarvels, S.C is- NorthAmerica's Pacific Gateway.We have one of the world'slargest ferry fleets moving20 million passengers and8 million vehicles each yearin 36 vessels.

8. S.C studentsconsistently rank amongthe top performersworldwide in areas likeliteracy and science.


6. B.C is home to some of the world'sbiggest roadside attractions such as theworld's largest hockey stick, gold pan,cross-country skis, fly-fishing rod, and thetallest totem pole.

4. Our children will be the nextgeneration of marine biologists,digital animators, green technologists,medical specialists, scientists andengineers. Even better, they can all betrained at home by our universitiesand colleges and work in leading B.C.b.ased companies.

3. S.c. has more protected land thanany other province in Canada - an areaequal to the size of Nova Scotia, NewBrunsWick and Prince Edward Islandcombined.

5. We speak 146 different languages fromChinese to Punjabi, German to Nisga'a.

7. S.c. asamong longest lifeexpectancies in the world.

1. Inspired by heroessuch as Terry Fox and RickHansen, s.c. is home to

some of the world's leading

edge spinal cord, cancer

and genome research,giving millions of peoplearound the world a secondchance at life.

2.. And here's a few BritishColumbians that prove it:Kim (attral, Seth Ragen,Nelly Furtado, RyanReynolds, Bryan Adams,Steve Nash, Michael J.Fox, Joshua Jackson,Sarah McLaughlin, EricMcCormack, MichaelBuble, almost 50 NHL

players, 10 major leaguebaseball players, 35Olympians and 22Paralympians.


Page 54: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous

Renewable power producers will have the tools necessary to create"jobs in every region.

Competitively-priced, green power will support the growth of our communities and industriesand reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To learn more, visit www.powerofbcca.

B.C. is a dean energy powerhouse. The Clean Energy Act ensures British Columbia becomeselectricity self-sufficient and that low rates are protected for B.C. ratepayers. We're undertaking

the largest investment in B.C's dean energy assets including the Site C Clean Energy Project thatwill create over 35,000 jobs and produce enou9h dean electricity to power more than 400,000

homes annually.

British Columbia has taken aggressive actionto tackle climate change, including setting

greenhouse gas reduction targets in law;implementing North America's first revenue­

neutral, carbon levy; becoming the firstCanadian partner in the Western Climate

Initiative that will design a cap and trade

system; and working to become the firstcarbon neutral government in North America.


Forging new partnerships and fostering

existing relationships has made British

Columbia stronger. We are building anew relationship with First Nations and

working with local governments and thefederal government to expand public

transit, reduce crime and build new

community infrastructure. Agreementswith neighbouring provinces are allOWing

people to use their certifications towork and do business in more than

one province. We have reached beyond

our borders to build economic and

educational ties across the Pacific and have

partnered with our American neighbors

to protect our environment and share

new technology and knowledge that will

protect the health of the Pacific Ocean andbuild our regional economy.


B.C. has the lowest personal provincial

income taxes in Canada. Our province will

soon have the lowest corporate tax rate

of the G8 countries and in 2012 we will

reduce B.C's small business corporate taxrate to zero. Targeted tax credits for film,

television, digital media and incentives for

oil and gas are encouraging new jobs and

new growth in those sectors.




OPENING CANADA'SPACIFIC GATEWAYNew and upgraded roads, bridges,

ports, airports, public transit, ferries,

border crossings, railways and other key

transportation corridors are helping ensure

we fully utilize B.C's geographic advantage as

North America's closest connection to Asia to

create jobs and growth. By 2020, trade withAsia could create as many as 255,000 jobs.

We're undertaking record levels of

construction on schools, hospitals, housing,roads, bridges and othercritical projects across

the province. $5.3 billion is being invested

in 850 projects throughout British Columbia,

generating an estimated 34,000 jobs.

CREATING MORE JOBSIt all starts with a more competitive economy

that attracts new employers and encourages

existing employers to expand and hiremore workers. Budget 2010 provides that

competitive foundation.

Today we are seeing positive signs that B.C'seconomy is starting to turn around. The

Conference Board of Canada expects S,c. tolead Canada in economic growth this year.Leading economic forecasters predict S,C's

job growth will be the highest in the nationthis year and our province is expected to leadCanada in housing starts in 2010.

We're seeing new growth in modern

fndustries such as digital media, with two

major studios recently opening in the Lower

Mainland. OUf forest industry is selling morcwood to China than ever before and new

mines are under construction that will secure

hundreds of jobs for years to come.

Together, we can seize the opportunity of a

generation, sell our products to the world,

invite new business and secure jobs that willsupport f~mmesand communities for decades.


The 2010 Olympic and Paralympic WinterGames gave British Columbia a foundation

to build a stronger province and create new

opportunities for workers and families.




Page 55: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous




Starting this September, full-daykindergarten for five-year-olds willhelp working families with childcare costs. In addition, $26 millionover three years will be available tosupport child care costs for 28,000B.C. families.

LIVING WITHINOUR MEANSBritish Columbia has earnedtop marks from the world'sleading credit rating agencies fordeveloping a fiscal framework thatensures we get back to a balancedbudget in 2013 while maintainingcore services such as health careand education.

RECORD FUNDING FORHEALTH, EDUCATONAND SOCIAL SERVICESRecord funding is now beingprovided for health, education,cnild protection, day care, incomeassistance, housing, public safety,services for seniors, universitiescolleges and other critical publicservices. In fact, 86% of all newspending is going towards healthand education,

To find out more,



Dozens of economic experts andbusiness associations have stronglyadvocated for the HST. For moreinformation, visit


On July 1st, the Provincial Sales Tax(PST) was eliminated. A 7% B.C. rate hasbeen combined with the 5% federalGoods and Services Tax (GST), forming acombined Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)of 12%, the lowest in Canada. The HSTapproach is far simpler, more transparentand fairer than the PST system.

While you won't pay HST on many of theitems you use every day, as listed below,HST will apply to junk food, restaurantmeals, haircuts and some other services.1.1 million British Columbians will getquarterly cheques of up to $230 annuallythrough a new HST c'redit. People alsoeligible for the federal GST credits maysee a total of up to $716 per year.

The HST is paid just once. The HST issimpler than the old provincial sales tax,which is paid multiple times, at everystep of a product's development. Thisnot only places an undue burden Onbusinesses, but it increases the final costof a product. When a consumer makes a

purchase, they aren't just paying the 7%PST once, they are effectively paying taxon top of the tax paid at every step of aproduct's development.


You won't pay a penny more on many ofthe products and services you use everyday. Here are just a few of those products:

• Basic groceries• Most health, medical and dental services

• Child care services.. Prescription drugs.. Resale housing.. Fuel to power your vehicle

• Books• Children-sized clothing and footwear• Children's car seats and car booster seats• Children's diapers

The rebates are set out in the newConsumption Tax Rebate and TransitionAct. For a list ofHST exemptions, zero-ratedproducts and rebates, and a copy of the newAct, visit

Local governments, health authorities,universities, colleges and school districtswill receive a partial rebate on the provincialportion of the HST. Charities and eligiblenon~profitgroups will also receive a rebate.

And that's good for B.C.


Page 56: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous





• Business in S.c. will no longer have topay PST on business inputs used to runtheir business. This includes: heat, power,office supplies, vehicles and other inputsnecessary to do business.

• Businesses will save time and $150 millionannually in administrative costs because theywill only remit one tax form, instead of twounder the out-dated PST and GST system.

• In total, that's $2 billion in savings thatcan be passed onto lower product prices.Lower costs for business mean lower pricesas businesses strive to grow their customerbase by being more competitive.

-It will lead to an $11.5 billion increase incapital investment over 10 yeilrs.

That's good for business.

The HST is expected to create an additional113,000 jobs in British Columbia by reducingcosts on employers looking to expandtheir business and pay higher wages.Academic research and evidence from otherjurisdictions have shown that under an HSTtax structure wages go up, prices go downand more jobs are created. Here's how:

The vast majority of jobs in British Columbiaare supported by major industries likemining, oil and gas, transportation,construction and manufacturing - all ofwhich will benefit from eliminating taxeson productivity. The H.ST will remove$2 billion in costs for B.C businesses,making them more competitive. Thosesavings can be reinvested into more jobs,higher wages and business expansions inevery region of British Columbia.

Similarly, the HST will make our provincemore competitive with over 1;30 countriesaround the world that already have a value­added tax system.

An expert study says harmonization will

increase capital investment by $11.5 billion.It will reduce costs for taxpayers through theremoval of an estimated $30 million annuallyin government administration costs. Movingto the HST eliminates duplication andoverlap between the provincial and federalgovernment. Every penny of the HST will beused for health care.

That's good for Briti~h Columbians.

To find out more about how it will help BLbusinesses expand and create jobs,

Cmwdlcm fCOIwmlH and r"K fKl'~rt, Dr, lad MiM,

"These changes, in combination with federal reductions in corporate taxes, willmake British Columbia one of the most tax-competitive regimes in the world."


IT ELIMINATESHIDDEN,COMPOUNDING TAXBusinesses paid PST on almost everythingthey buy to run their businesses and thattax is included in the final price paid by theconsumer.

For example, when a mechanic repairs yourcar, the repair shop previously paid PST onthe tools, equipment and supplies it buys torepair your car and on the electricity it usesto run the machinery and heat the shop.

On top of that, the hidden PST hadcompounded many times over before yourcar even entered the shop.

PST was paid by the manufacturer whoproduced the part to fix the car, by thetrucker who paid tax on the truck thatdelivered the part to the warehouse, bythe warehouse that paid PST on almost

everything it bought to store the parts,and by the retailer who paid PST on afmosteverything it bought to run the store. All ofthat tax was compounded and passed on tothe consumer in the final price. Then PST andGST was applied on top of that final bill.

Under the HST, most businesses don't paythat compounding tax on productivity.Therefore, hidden tax won't be added to thefinal price of their products.

BUILDING ON B,C:S OLYMPIC MOMENTUMRetail Councll of Canada· Canada West Foundation. Michael Smart, University of Toronto • David Baxter, Urban Futures Institute

• Dr. Jack MIntz, UniversIty of Calgary· Conference Board of Canada. Hugh Alley, Alco Ventures Inc.· Duane Makl, CEO. Spectrum

Resource Group· John Schroeder, PresIdent, Valleybrook InternatIonal Ventures Inc. 6en Themens, VP Finance and Corporate

Affairs, tonsdale Energy Corporation· Greater Vancouver Gateway Council InItiatives' PrInce George Development Corp.· Truck

Loggers AssociatIon· BC Chamber of Commerce • BC Technology Industry AssociatIon. Jock Finlayson, Business Council ofae·

BC Agriculture CouncH· New Car Dealers Association of ae. BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association • Institute of

Chartered Accountants of BC' BC Progress Board. The CanadIan Chamberof Commerce· Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters·

Independent Contractors and Businesses Assoc::latlon of ac. Western Convenience Stores Association. Motion Picture Production

Industry Association o~Brltlsh Columbia· Coast Forest Products AssocIation. West FraserTlmber Co.' MinIng AssocIation of BC·

TELUS· Association for Minerai Exploration British ColumbIa' Canadian Council of Chief Executives· Council of Forest Industries·

Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada' BC Grain Producers Association· Forest Products ASSOCiation of

Canada· Railway Association of Canada· CANFOR. Canada's Leading Economists' Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers

THEY ALL AGREE THE HSTIS GOOD FOR B,C.HERE'S WHY:Creates more jobs· Passes savings on to consumers. Lowers taxes on investments. Saves

time and lowers compliance costs· Reduces operating expenses· Gives S.c. a competitive

international advantage. Provides a more transparent, fairer tax system. Eliminates hidden,

compounding provincial sales tax. For more information, visit


Page 57: THE BEST PLACE - FIPA · We~liegenerousgenerous



Wnat a better way to celebrate the spirit of 2010 than exploring British Columbia this summer.Driving routes are an exciting way to see all that Be has to offer: stunning vistas, vibrant cities,encounters with wildlife, a wealth· of history, unforgettable adventures in the great outdoors andenough luxury to make it a true holiday. Get more information on these driving routes and othertrip ideas at;pideas.


Pack youradventuresomespirit for themountains andquench your thirstfor leisure in the

countryside onthis 7- to lO-day

expedition. The Kootenay Rockies regionoffers legendary views of majestic peaks,soothing hot springs and an amazing mixof golf courses. As you meander throughthe sunny interior, take refreshing dips inplentiful lakes and indulge your taste budsat the numerous fruit stands, orchardsand award-winning wineries. About 1,250kilometres.


'~ \)'"'"

Highlights include:

.. Take in Yoho National Park's astonishingviews of glacial lakes and Takakkaw Falls

.. Stroll through Cominco Gardens to take inscents from more than 48,000 flowers

• Play golf on a top-rated 18-holechampionship course with dramaticmountain backdrops

• Take the free, self-guided tour of the350 restored heritage buildings in thecharming city of Nelson

II Savour award-Winning wines in theOkanagan Valley and pick fresh fruit at oneof the many road-side farms

oJ Boa rd a BC Ferry at Mill Bay to BrentwoodBay - dubbed as "Vancouver Island's mostbeautiful shortcut"

Highlights include:

.. Follow Cowichan Valley's "Gourmet Trail"marked by winer"les, fresh seafood docksand holistic farms

.. Visit the traditional buildings at Quw'utsan'Cultural Centre where carvers practicetheir trade

• Explore Victoria's Inner Harbour and tourthe legislative buildings

• Take a quick dip at Sooke PotholesProvincial Park and plan to dine atSooke Harbour House, where only localingredients are used

• Take some time out to enjoy the tidal poolsJuan de Fuca Marine Trail in Port Renfrew

PACIFIC MARINE ROUTEThis 2- to 4-day"coast to coast"journey onVancouver Islandoffers panoramicviews oftheJuande Fuca, Haro andGeorgia straits as

well as the Saanich Peninsula. Enjoy a quieter

way of life visiting the trailheads of thehistoric West Coast, spectacular provincialparks, pastoral landscapes and wineries.About 250 kilometres.

Highlights include:

• Relax while you enjoy the scenery duringthe BC Ferries Discover North Passagecruise to Bella Coola

• Explore the sandstone cliff and caverns atNewcastle Island Marine Provincial Park

• Williams Lake is a great spot for mountainbiking or a launching point for rafting trips

on the Chilcotin, Chilko and Fraser rivers

• Hike by the three turquoise-coloured lakesat Joffre Lakes Provincial Park to see glaciersthat feel so close you can touch them

• Step into the city life at one of Vancouver'samazing shopping districts

• In Tweedsmuir Provincial Park see thevolcanic "Rainbow Mountains"

COAST CARlBOO ROUTETake this 7- to 10-daytrip encompassingdiverse landscapesand activities.Voyage alongthe beautiful butrugged West Coast,watching for whales

breaching or sea lions sunning themselves.On the mainland, drive the "Freedom Road"past abundant fishing lakes. Then meander,or canter, through cowboy country and arrivein the adventure playground of Whistler.Finally, round out the trip with a world-classdining experience at one of Vancouver'saward-winning restaurants. About 1,400kilometres, excluding ferry travel.


Highlights include:

Take a spectacular8~ to 14-day roadodyssey exploringthe magnificence ofthe vast northernwilderness. Driveacross stunningmountain passes,

through dense, emerald-green forests, andpast muskeg and prairie fields of goldenwheat and bright yellow canola. TourAboriginal villages, visit historic sites andview engineering marvels like the W.A.C.Bennett Dam. Keep alert for phenomenalwildlife-spotting - grizzly and black bears,moose, beavers and caribou all inhabit theregion. About 2,600 kilometres.

e Discover The Exploration Place Museumand Science Centre in Prince George

e Picnic at breathtaking Bijoux Falls

• Enjoy the scenic Alaska Highway and soakin Liard River Hot Springs pools

oJ View black bears and grizzly bears from aviewing platform at Fish Creek

e Explore 'Ksan Historical Village

e fish in one of 300 fishing havens in Thelakes District near Burns Lake


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