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Parish Diary ..................................................................................................... 2 Readings for This Month ................................................................................. 3 Silent Prayer and Christian Meditation ............................................................ 2 From the Registers .......................................................................................... 3 Call for Russion Church to be "Distanced" ...................................................... 3 Letter from the Rector ..................................................................................... 4 Donating to St. Marys ...................................................................................... 5 Children's Society Report for 2022 APM ......................................................... 7 The Elliff Graveboard ...................................................................................... 8 Some Simple Tricks to Save Energy ............................................................. 10 Now China Bans Mentioning "Christ" on the Internet.................................... 11 The Queen's Platinum Jubilee ...................................................................... 12 Fire of Pentecost ........................................................................................... 12 What Kind of Queen? .................................................................................... 14 'Little Silver' .................................................................................................... 15 Christian Basics ............................................................................................. 17 Reflected Faith Series ................................................................................... 18 Ice Cream Van Chimes ................................................................................. 19 COGs ............................................................................................................. 20 Without the Trinity, there Is no Christianity ................................................... 21 The Passion at Gatton Park .......................................................................... 23 A Time to Stand Up for Truth? ...................................................................... 24 Starving in the Shadow of Ukraine ................................................................ 25 Letter from St James the Least of All ............................................................ 26 When Slavery Became Illegal ....................................................................... 27 God in the Arts .............................................................................................. 28 Harry Potter ................................................................................................... 29 God in the Sciences ...................................................................................... 30 The New Marriage Laws ............................................................................... 31 East Surrey Walkers ...................................................................................... 34 Apple's First iPhone....................................................................................... 35 Church Services of the Future? .................................................................... 36 Word Search.................................................................................................. 37 The Quick Crossword .................................................................................... 38 “Who’s Who” at St. Mary’s .............................................................. Back Cover

Please note: any opinions expressed in this magazine are those of

the writer and are not necessarily those of the editor or the church.

Contacting the Editor

Chris Buck, 79 Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 1BF : 01737 558732 e : [email protected]

Items for Next Beacon by 15th of the Month, please.

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Sunday 5 June: Pentecost

8.00am Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist

Sunday 12 June: Trinity Sunday

8.00am Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist 12.00pm Baptisms 6.00pm “Time & Space” in St. Lawrence’s with FreeSpirit music group

Sunday 19 June: Trinity 1

8.00am Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist, with FreeSpirit music group

Sunday 26 June: Trinity 2

8.00am Eucharist 9.30am Parish Eucharist 12.00pm Baptisms 6.00pm Choral Evensong


Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

8.30am Morning Prayer in the Sacrament Chapel.

Wednesday 8.30am Morning Prayer with Churches Together will be at St Peter & St Paul Church, Chaldon, during June.

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5 June: Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21 John 14:8-17 (25-27)

12 June: Trinity Sunday

Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15

19 June: Trinity 1

Isaiah 65:1-9 Galationa 3:23-29 Luke 8:26-39

26 June: Trinity 2

1 Kings 19:15-16,19-21 Galatians 5:1,13-25 Luke 9:51-62

St. Mary’s Church adheres to the Southwark Diocese policies, procedures and guidelines for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults which is contained within their document “A Safe Church” which can be seen in full on their website at

It is also published in the form of a manual, a copy of which is kept in the Parish Office should you wish to view it.

St. Mary’s Parish Safeguarding Officers are:

Fiona Izzard 01883 337755 [email protected]


St Lawrence’s Church Every Wednesday from 7 - 7:45pm

Each session will include a period of quiet music to settle down, a short teaching on Christian Meditation and then a 20 - 25 min period of silence. The session will end with an opportunity to share or ask questions.

No experience is necessary.

More details available from Fr Trevor and Laura Mapstone.

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The Church in Wales has recently appealed to the World Council of Churches to distance itself from members which supported the war in Ukraine.

In an emergency motion, members of the Church’s Governing Body called on the WCC to take “clear and appropriate action” to distance itself against any of its members, including the Russian Orthodox Church, who had supported the war.

The Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron, said: “The WCC has itself spoken out against the war, including voicing support for the head of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, who has been clear in his condemnation of the war. What has been disappointing has been the response of the Patriarch of Moscow himself, who has sided with President Putin, and who has become increasingly vociferous in toeing the official line.”


01-May Cooper James BOYCE


22 May David HARLEY Maximus HARLEY Isla HARLEY Leo Ricardo RODRIGUES



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Dear friends,

This month Her Majesty the Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after seventy years of service. It is a remarkable achievement which will be celebrated all over the world.

She was only twenty-five years old when she acceded to the throne, and twenty-seven when the Archbishop of Canterbury placed the crown upon her head.

Almost three hundred million people watched that moment on black and white television sets. However, there was a part of the ceremony to which the cameras were not privy. Its symbolism was perhaps more significant than the part that they did film.

The Queen’s crimson cloak was taken from her shoulders and her jewellery was removed. She sat in a simple white dress on a wooden throne to be anointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury with holy oil, ladled from a twelfth century spoon. The choir sang ‘Zadok the Priest’, the words of which come from first Book of Kings in the Hebrew Bible. It had been sung at every English coronation since 973 AD and made it clear that, like King Solomon, Elizabeth was dedicated to God, her life no longer her own but now given to serving God and the people.

It is an onerous calling and one which, as she has been unashamed repeatedly to declare in her Christmas addresses to the nation, has been sustained by her deep faith in Jesus Christ. It is he who, as St Paul puts it in his letter to the Philippians, “emptied himself, taking the form of a servant”, he whose attitude we are all encouraged by St Paul to emulate, and he to whom Her Majesty would direct our attention even as we celebrate her jubilee.

On Sunday 5th June at the end of our 9.30am service, we will proceed to the church yard where we will dedicate a tree, especially planted for the occasion, as a commemoration of the Platinum Jubilee. As we do so, we will hear the words of Psalm 1.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.

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That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers”.

With my prayers and best wishes,

Fr Trevor


The international development agency, Christian Aid, will spend £8m on vital supplies over the next six months to help the Ukrainian people.

The money comes from donations to DEC, the Disasters Emergency Committee, that has raised more than £300m for Ukraine. That’s around £3 on average donated by every person in the UK.

Through its local partners, Christian Aid has already provided medical supplies, first aid kits, baby incubators as well as food and shelter for refugees in Ukraine and Hungary.


As a result of COVID-19, the church income has been severely reduced in the past year: however, the running costs have NOT reduced in proportion. We are therefore asking if you could make an additional donation to support the on-going work of the church.

To minimise the handling of cash, we ask that, where possible, donations could be direct and cash-free. There are three ways to make such donations:

1 – By standing order (regular or single) 2 – By direct online transfer 3 – By scanning one of the QR codes below

Bank details for standing orders and online transfers are also given below.

LEGO Project General Donation BACS details are: A/c name St Marys Church A/c no 19336631 Sort Code 83-04-25

Please put ‘DONATION’ or ‘LEGO as reference so we know what the payment is for.

Page 8: The Beacon - St Mary's Caterham


If you wish to arrange a lift to church, please contact the Parish Office.


Pews News

For the names of sick and departed to be added to the weekly Pews News and to be mentioned in services.

Please leave a message in the Parish Office, or else telephone 01883 348751.

AT ST. MARY’S, there are two ways to share your prayer needs.

Prayer Board

There is a prayer board situated in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel (front of church on right).

Please feel free to add your prayer for support or thanks on a slip of paper (provided).


Have your Celebration Cake made, or just

decorated, by Vanessa & Chris Buck.

Donations made to St. Mary’s Funds.

01737 558732 Novelty - Personalised - Traditionally Decorated

Rich Fruit Cake (4 weeks notice preferred) or Sponge

Gluten Free Sponge, or Sugar Free Fruit Cakes, possible


PROBATE? Free Initial Consultation

Fixed Fee Service including

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and Will writing.

Explanation of the process, Home

visits, Completion of forms, Dealing

with letters received, Telephone

advice for as long as needed

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professional, discreet ex-bank manager

Phone: (Home) 01342 327639

(Mobile) 07801 845041

Email: [email protected]

Page 9: The Beacon - St Mary's Caterham



Members of St Mary’s Congregation have four ways of raising money for and awareness of the Children’s Society. The annual Christingle Service, the sale of Christmas Cards and Gifts, the House Boxes, and direct giving to the Society.

• The Christingle Service organised by Joyce Lydford had been prepared by her and other helpers but sadly at the last minute because of Covid, the School Children and their parents had to cancel.

• The sale of Christmas Cards and Gifts organised by Catherine brought in £525.45 for the Society.

• The House Box opening was again delayed, later some boxes were opened and a further £594.00 raised for the Society which will increase due to those who were able to Gift Aid their donations.

We don’t know how many people made direct contributions or the total contribution they made.

We have been sent a list of all the box holders, so we want to collect in ALL the House Boxes by the end of May, either for re-issue or removal from the list so we can have accurate information to give the Society.

If you would like to make a Standing order to the Society in future you will find forms in the Children’s Society Area by the West Door: also forms if you would like to become a new Box Holder.

Thank you for your continued support for the work of the Society.

Alan & Catherine Turton


More than a million free prayer cards are being delivered to cathedrals and churches of all denominations to help people find comfort and hope. The cards, which will be available for visitors in cathedrals and other churches, are designed to help people discover prayer - whether to express grief, loneliness, fear or worry, or simply to say thank you. They are among resources produced by the Explore Project, an initiative shaped by people’s experience of the pandemic.

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Visitors to St Lawrence’s Churchyard will notice a newly installed graveboard to the west of the church. If they enter the Church they will see the remains of the original in the porch.

Graveboards, bed boards or dead boards tended to commemorate the least well off people in our communities as wood was a cheaper way of marking graves than stone. The distinctive form consisted of two vertical posts with a rail or board fixed between them. They ran the length of the grave and had information about the deceased carved on them.

Most graveboards have rotted away. A picture of St Lawrence’s, drawn by Cracklow in 1823, shows graveboards at the bottom left and some to the right.

In 1967 just 12 survived locally, one at St Lawrence’s, two at St Peter & St Paul, Chaldon, seven at St. Leonard’s, Chelsham and two at All Saint’s, Sanderstead. By 2021 this number had reduced to four and the last one at St Lawrence’s had collapsed.

Over a year ago (2021) John Gilbert approached the Bourne Society and asked if there would be interest in supporting a project to replicate the original graveboard and preserve parts of the original.

The Bourne Society was keen to help, especially as they had been involved in 1968 when members refurbished the “only bed board” in the churchyard. With that and the knowledge that there are few remaining locally, the Bourne Society funded John’s carefully researched and skilful replication of a new board and preservation of parts of the original.

The graveboard commemorates two members of the Elliff family.

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On one side is George (shown above) and on the other his mother Rebecca. George Elliff, who died at the young age of 48, was a labourer and tenant of Charles Day, living on Caterham Common. Rebecca Elliff, his mother, died in 1850 at 86 years. She also lived on the Common but in her final years at the Poorhouse (Foxon Lane).

Rebecca had thirteen children so hopefully, some of them were able to fund the graveboard for their brother and then their mother. I wonder if her eldest son William, a carpenter, had a part to play? A direct descendant of George and Rebecca still lives in Caterham Valley.

The Bourne Society is proud to have supported this venture, continuing its contribution to the sharing of knowledge about our past in this ancient church. An article on graveboards will appear in Local History Records in due course.

On Tuesday 29th March 2022 the newly-installed graveboard and the work done by John Gilbert was acknowledged by the Church, the Guild of Friends, the Bourne Society and several Councillors and local residents.

From Liz Bonsall Bourne Society

Job cursed the day he was born. Most babies can’t even

speak till they are at least 18 months old. - Anon

Gwyneth Fookes and John Gilbert

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The on-going rise in energy costs is eye-watering. Here are some well-proven ways to save money:

• Always turn off the lights when you leave a room. Forget about maintaining an ‘ambience’ in your home.

• Turn down your thermostat by at least a degree. Or two. Or three?

• Get some LED bulbs – they are six times more efficient, last much longer, and use 90% less energy than old-style bulbs.

• Shower rather than bath. Don’t worry about a bit of dirt on your children: it can strengthen their immune systems and help prevent them from becoming allergic to everything.

• Don’t boil the kettle all the time – it eats up about 6% of all your electricity per year. Why not consider making a pot rather than a mug, so that you drink as much overall, but less often?

• Make a draught excluder - you know, the ones that look like sausage dogs. Don’t turn up the heat to combat a draught, fix the draught.

• Keep doors closed. If you don’t need to heat your WHOLE house, don’t.

• Put some more clothes on. We all know people who like to wear only tee-shirts at home, even in winter. If they belong to your family, get them to put on a jumper, cuddle the dog, wrap up in a blanket, or run up and down the stairs, not turn up the heating.

• Set your washing machine at 30. Washing at 30 rather than 40 degrees can reduce your energy consumption by 60% per cycle, according to the energy experts.

• Use your electric clothes dryer less: it can account for 5% of all household electricity. Far cheaper to buy a washing line!

• Use your oven only when you can fill it up. Never cook just one thing at a time, and when you are done, leave the oven door open to help heat the house.

All of these are small steps, but together they could make a big difference this year.

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The Chinese authorities have recently banned a church from using the word Christ on the Internet. In the latest crackdown on religious freedom in China, the authorities picked up on the use of the word Christ in a WeChat post published by the Early Rain Covenant Church – a regular target for the Chinese authorities.

The church’s WeChat account ran a book review group where members recommended book titles and voted on their favourites. The latest posting included the Christian classics The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis and Exposition of the Christian Faith by Saint Ambrose.

But WeChat’s censorship team, prompted by new government regulations, fired back the following:

“Chr*st. The word “Christ” you are trying to publish violates regulations on Internet Information Services, including, but not limited to the following categories: pornography, gambling, drug abuse, incitement.”

So, in today’s China, it seems that Jesus Christ is lumped in with porn, drugs and rabble-rousing. So says Paul Robinson, the CEO of Release International, which supports persecuted Christians worldwide.

The tough new regulations intended to clampdown on churches using the Internet came into effect on 1st March, 2022. The ban prevents any organisation or individual from posting religious information on the Internet without first obtaining the permission of their provincial government. It bans religious groups, schools and organisations without valid permits from conducting online sermons.

The rules effectively ban any live streaming, publication of sermons, reposting of religious content or any form of online religious education without government permission – and thereby government control.


These boomerang-shaped little birds have recently been added to the list of endangered birds because they have a severe housing crisis: modern homes do not have nooks and crannies for them to nest in. Swifts are in serious decline: they have faced a 58 per cent drop in their numbers since 1995. Because modern homes are less likely to have spaces between bricks and in the eaves, the RSPB is now pushing for special ‘swift bricks’, that contain small tunnels and nesting space, to be installed in new-build homes.

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This month we celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. She is the longest reigning monarch in British history. Up until recently she attended church every week and still did a full week’s work at the age of 96!

It is her commitment to serving God and the nation which stands out in her life. Even before she became Queen, she made a promise, which she has kept for over 75 years: ‘I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service’ (21st birthday broadcast, 21 April 1947).

What is the secret of the Queen’s consistency of character and service? In 2002 she said this: “I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad. Each day is a new beginning. I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God.” These are wise words from somebody who draws her strength from the Christian Faith and can inspire all of us who want to make our lives count!

The Queen has been an example of joyful, wise, and generous service on behalf of others all her life. Six months before her coronation she asked the nation and Commonwealth to “pray that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” Paul urges us to pray for all in authority, “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” (1 Timothy 2:2).


"You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth" Acts 1:8

We all get tired and battle weary sometimes. The disciples of Jesus had just been through a three-year long roller coaster adventure with Jesus that had culminated in His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven.

The range of emotions would have been hugely taxing in the days leading up to Pentecost, as they remembered Jesus weeping in the garden of Gethsemane, betrayed by Judas, brutally beaten and crucified, and then dead and buried.

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Then there had been the shock and awe of finding out that He was alive again! But then He had left them again, to return to His Father. By the time the day of Pentecost arrived, the disciples would indeed have welcomed some fresh spiritual fire!

For us today, many of us have felt emotionally drained with the uncertainties caused by Covid 19, the worry of prices rising at an alarming rate, and now the pain and uncertainty of what will happen in the war in Ukraine.

So, what better day to pray for fresh spiritual fire for each of us? As we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and birth of the Church, let us thank God that He will never leave us or forsake us.


Before U were thought of or time had begun, God even stuck U in the name of His Son. And each time U pray, you'll see it's true You can't spell out JesUs and not include U.

You're a pretty big part of His wonderful name, For U, He was born; that's why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died. It even takes U to spell crUcified.

Isn't it thrilling and splendidly grand He rose from the dead, with U in His plan? The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.

When JesUs left earth at His upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He just had to mention. "Now go into the world and tell them it's true That the love I have shown is not just for U."

So many great people are spelled with a U, Don't they have a right to know JesUs too? It all depends now on what U will do, He'd like them to know,

But it all starts with U Author unknown

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Traditional images of monarchy portray power, status, and sup eriority over other people. In biblical times, monarchs were to be feared. When teaching His disciples about leadership, Jesus said, “The kings of the Gentiles (pagans) lord it over them; and those in authority over them are called benefactors.” A benefactor was a conspicuously generous person who acted in a way that made the recipient feel obligated.

All this was in complete contrast to Christ’s own style, which was to act like a servant. This radical stance was adopted by the young Princess Elizabeth, when she promised the British Commonwealth, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service …”. It was just the same when she became Queen in 1952. Queen Elizabeth has consciously and deliberately applied Christ’s teaching to her reign for 70 years. She has outlived scores of leaders, some with ambitions beyond their abilities, and a few with delusions of grandeur. Her ideals have outlasted theirs. Consistent, determined, charming, and single-minded, she has held before her the model of Christ, washing His disciples’ feet.

Those closest to her also speak of the Queen’s sense of humour. It emerged publicly at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, when she took part in a spoof scene with James Bond, before seemingly parachuting into the Stadium.

This year we celebrate her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Over 50 countries will light beacons on 2nd June to start four days of events: a spectacular pageant, a live concert at Buckingham Palace, Jubilee lunches and street parties across the nation, plus a nationwide bake-off competition to create a new ‘platinum pudding’.

From the northernmost tip of Scotland to the Channel Islands and beyond, 848 public events are planned, plus 1,171 parties or private events.

So popular is Britain’s monarch, that there are calls to perpetuate the occasion with a new public holiday each year. This month we shall sing, ‘God save the Queen’ with more gusto than ever.


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If you have ever had chemotherapy, or a heart pacemaker installed, you will be particularly grateful for the properties of platinum.

Platinum compounds disrupt the multiplication of cancerous cells, and the properties of platinum itself (its resistance to corrosion and tarnishing) make it particularly suitable for electrical contacts in pacemakers.

But platinum has other properties which make it a topical subject.

The word ‘Platinum’ comes from the Spanish for ‘little silver’ (‘plata’ meaning silver, as in the River Plate in Argentina.) Platinum is very rare. It is much rarer than gold. It is therefore very precious and has generally been more expensive than gold.

Platinum is used to make the International Standard Weights and Measures. The International Standard Kilogram is made from platinum alloys which can be relied upon not to vary over time. Platinum is a very dense metal. It is denser than pure gold. It carries a great deal of ‘gravitas.’

Platinum is what scientists call a ‘Noble Metal’ – because it can withstand almost any chemical attack. It is the least reactive of all metals.

All these characteristics apply well to our much-loved Queen. She is ‘petite and silver’, she has ‘gravitas’, and she has remained untarnished over a very long period of time, despite having been in constant contact with all manner of people.

The Queen is a very rare person indeed, and very precious to our nation, setting the highest reliable standards of public service and carrying with her immense gravitas and unquestionable nobility.

The Queen’s Imperial State Crown is made of gold, silver and, appropriately enough, platinum, and decorated with many precious stones. As the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, she wears it well.

We thank God for her, and for her qualities that have made her so special. God Save our Noble Queen!

College: the land of the midnight sons.

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Page 19: The Beacon - St Mary's Caterham



No.6: What Does the Holy Spirit Do? (Pt 1)

As we celebrate Pentecost this month, it’s appropriate to ask the question: what does the Holy Spirit do in our lives? Everybody who has committed their life to Christ possesses the Holy Spirit, ‘if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.’ (Romans 8:9). It is the Spirit who brings us new birth into the family of God.

The Spirit assures us of God’s love and acceptance, despite our fears, doubts or failures. As adopted children we can address God as our father: “God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Galatians 4: 6). By using the same word used by Jesus, we can grow in intimacy with our Father and pray to Him, especially when we struggle to find the right words.

The Holy Spirit is committed to producing a family likeness in those who follow Christ. This Jesus likeness enables us to live as Jesus would in our place, ie: work, family, time, interests etc. Paul describes this as the fruit of the Spirit: ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.’ (Galatians 5:22,23). He talks about fruit not fruits! We can’t pick and choose, as they come as a total package to be developed over a lifetime!

The Spirit is committed to producing new desires for God: reading the Bible and praying, forgiving others, meeting with other Christians and sharing our faith. He will also give us the motivation to overcome wrong habits, attitudes or lifestyle in our lives.

‘Let the church return to Pentecost, and Pentecost will return to her. The Spirit of God cannot take possession of believers beyond their capacity of receiving Him’ (Andrew Murray).


Pet sitters are in high demand these days, as millions of people have returned to work, and must leave their cats and dogs during each day. According to the British Pet Food Manufacturers Association, one in ten households welcomed a new pet during the first seven months of lockdown. According to Adzuna, a job search website, a pet sitter can now earn an average salary of £24,000 a year for pet sitting.

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The Meaning of Colours Pt 2

Last month we looked at the changing of colours in the church’s vestments and altar cloths during March, April and May this year. This month of June sees them changing again, but this time for around 20 weeks.

We start the month still in the season of Easter; strictly speaking, in the time after the Ascension. The first Sunday in June is the feast of Pentecost. This was and remains a Jewish Festival. At the time of Jesus, it was a joyful celebration of the first fruits of the Harvest, which was why all the apostles were gathered together in Jerusalem, as was expected of all Jewish men.

As they gathered following Jesus’ Ascension, the Holy Spirit came upon them. This is what Christians celebrate at Pentecost, and therefore the colour is red. The following day the colour changes to green, and remains green until the 30th of October, the Feast of All Saints’ which will be white.

This gives us approximately 20 weeks of ‘green’ with the occasional day in between of white or red to celebrate an apostle, saint or a specific feast day.

So the question is ‘Why?’ Why so long?

This time is often referred to as ‘Ordinary’ time. So what is ‘ordinary’ about it? I don’t know about your life but mine tends to go along fairly steady with just the odd up or down time. Most of my days are ‘ordinary’.

In church lectionary terms this period of ‘X Sunday after Pentecost’ follows one main gospel’s teachings and miracles of Jesus. It’s almost like He gathers us together for a summer school and takes us up a mountainside and teaches us there. It’s a time for leaning and growth.

This month

Like the green grass feeds the animals, this month spend some time just looking at a patch of grass or the leaves on trees from a distance. See the different shades and hues and when you next hear the gospel reading imagine sitting under those trees on that grass with Jesus Himself.

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When the doors to the street are closed and … when people rise up at the sound… Ecclesiastes 12:4

We are not afraid to tackle big issues here! Imagine you are at home and are just about to sit down and read your church magazine. Y ou are then interrupted by the shrill chimes of an ice cream van, which brings back memories of long hot days rounded off with an ice cream treat. The industry is generally very good, but what do you do in the rare occasions there is a problem?

Firstly, there are strict rules about playing music by loudspeakers, whether you are selling ice cream or fish and chips. Greensleeves is supposedly the most popular tune used on ice cream van chimes. The Control of Pollution Act, 1974 states that the music must not be played after 7pm, or before midday, or if they are sounded at any time as to cause an annoyance.

There is a Code of Practice on Noise from Ice-Cream Van Chimes Etc which was last changed in 2013 when the time allowed to play a jingle was extended from four to 12 seconds. I must admit that that one had passed me by! It was quite significant though, as it was the first change in over 30 years.

Local authorities can, and sometimes do, take action. Last summer an ice-cream van operator was banned from selling ice cream on an East Suffolk street over a complaint that the van had played its chimes for as long as 20 to 35 seconds while being stationary, contrary to the Code of Practice.

The chimes should be played once only on the approach to each stopping place and only once when the van is stationary, and never at intervals of less than two minutes. There are more rules that they should not be played more often than once every two hours in a particular length of street and not played when in sight of another ice cream van. They should not be played within 50 metres of any hospital; school during school hours; or a place of worship on a Sunday or other recognised day of worship.

Thankfully, most of us probably have better things to do than to time our ice cream van’s chimes! As always this is a light-hearted piece on a topic and always get professional advice. David Pickup, solicitor.

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Here Comes Summer!

As the nights grow longer. Caterham, Oxted. And Godstone (COG) Lions have been extremely busy starting to plan how we will be getting involved in the celebrations on Godstone Green for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on 3rd June. We will be selling Candy Floss and Popcorn.

On the 4thJune we will be helping at another celebration just a little further south.

Wow, our Elite Elton event was a wonderful success. Everyone worked extremely hard to make the evening as exciting as it was. The evening raised a good amount of money, all the profits will be going back into the local community. Others we have helped this month are a scout who requested our help to toward funding a trip to the Scout Jamboree.

Were you aware that we collect unwanted spectacles and send them across the Channel where they are used to help people all over the world with sight problems?

April-May has seen COGs organise and carry out a very successful Swimathon. 13 teams took part including Godstone’s Taekwondo Club, Bletchingley Skills Centre, Westway Well Being Centre to name but a few, there was also a team from COG’s. After a long swim the winners were the Taekwondo Club with 67 lengths. Well done to each and everyone who took part by swimming and all helpers including lifeguards from de Stafford Sports Centre. Every charity that took part receives 50% of the money raised in sponsorship the rest will be used to support the Lions charities.

Community-Use Mini-Bus

Are you aware that COG’s have a Community Mini-Bus that is available to use in return for a donation. It is a 12-seater vehicle, including the driver. The bus has a manual gear box and runs on Diesel, and is available to the Community to use. You need to have your own driver. If you are interested in using the bus, please contact David Annenberg on: 01342 893353 or via email to: [email protected]

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Over the first May Bank Holiday weekend some of the club attended the Multi-District Convention in Birmingham. This is the AGM of all clubs in England, Scotland and Wales - a great time to catch up with friends old and new. Lions are like a family, as well as a club raising money to put back into the community. We have fun and quite often enjoy a meal out.

If you are interested in finding out more about or if you would like to get involved and put something worthwhile back into your community, why not find out more about the Lions. Please ring Tony on 01883 741809 to learn more.


The Trinity is easier to say than to explain. Christians believe in one God, made up of three equal Persons. It is fundamental to the Nicene Creed, which sets out the definitive doctrine of the Trinity for more than two billion Christians worldwide, including all Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians and Reformed Christians.

The theologian Ian Paul, writing on the Book of Revelation, points out that chapter five has a wonderful depiction of the Trinity in action. He writes: “…another figure appears in the drama, the lion who looks like a lamb. … Here is the one who fulfils the hopes of God’s people Israel, as the promised anointed Davidic king who was to come. Here is one who is fierce and powerful enough to conquer their enemies, and tear them apart.

“And yet when John sees Him, He is like a weak and vulnerable lamb who has been slaughtered, just as the Passover lamb eaten by the people, the suffering servant who was ‘wounded for our transgressions’ and the lamb offered as an atoning sacrifice. He is the one who was slain, but now stands, and shares the throne with God, and with Him sends the Spirit to enact His will on earth. Here we have the most explicit (and perhaps the most complex) Trinitarian statement in the whole New Testament.”

I think that God’s works are so beautiful that I am

amazed that people can admire them but deny that they

have a Maker.

Commissioner Catherine Bramwell-Booth

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Gatton Community Theatre is a unique Christian community theatre company based in the parishes of Merstham & Gatton on the North Downs above Reigate and is also one of Surrey’s most unusual and innovative theatre groups.

Made up of members of different churches from all over the Reigate Deanery area and beyond, they are staging an exciting, contemporary open air promenade production, The Passion, in the Capability Brown designed grounds of Gatton Park, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0TD on eight evenings between 14 - 23 July 2022. Gatton Park is home to the Royal Alexandra & Albert School and its beautiful grounds are maintained by volunteers from The Gatton Trust.

The Passion follows the story of Jesus and his ministry, staged at various stunning locations in Gatton Park, concluding with the events of Holy Week, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. Audiences are invited to join this journey, both physically and emotionally, as they travel together with the cast through Gatton Park as followers of Jesus and involved in the events unfolding before them. Through this production of The Passion, GCT hopes to bring to life the familiar story on which our shared faith is based and which we hope will involve, engage and inspire as many people as possible.

This large-scale open-air production was first performed at Gatton in 2009 having been devised by the cast and written by Anna Thompson, daughter of the late Bishop Jim Thompson. This year it is being directed by Libby Egwuba. The role of Jesus is played by actor Domini Rye with all other roles played by members of churches of different denominations in the area, members of the local community and from local primary and secondary schools. The production also includes musicians and local PATH gospel choir (Praise God and Take Heart).

Audience members are invited to picnic on Gatton Hall’s parterre with its outstanding countryside views from 6.00pm, prior to performances starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets are on now sale from either or

Prices: adult £12, child £8, family group (2 adults + 2 children) £35.

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An important exhibition is running at the British Library in London until August 21st. It’s an exhibition taking a timely look at the news and the role it plays in our society. I’d love many Christians to visit it, writes the Revd Peter Crumpler, a Church of England priest and a former communications director for the C of E.

It comes as ‘the news’ has never been more contentious and, sadly, the public’s trust in journalists – in the UK and around the world – remains low. Yet the increasing persecution of journalists by totalitarian states across the globe shows the importance of a free press to the flourishing of democracy.

As Christians, we have a special calling to stand up for truth and, I believe, to support journalists and news organisations seeking to communicate that truth – often in the face of violence, threats and murder.

I’ve been involved in a project, based in the Anglican Diocese of St Albans, north of London, for the past several years, looking at post-truth, fake news and disinformation. We have brought together a wide group of people to examine issues around post-truth, and to help to formulate a Christian response.

Key findings include the importance of keeping conversations going including with people with whom we disagree, being willing to ask questions about what we are being told, and to refuse to succumb to cynicism. Most importantly, to stand for truth in a climate of mounting disinformation.

So I welcome the exhibition, ‘Breaking the News’, the British Library’s first major exhibition to spotlight the role news plays in our society. The exhibition aims to prompt big questions including:

• How do your opinions and beliefs influence the news you choose?

• When does news become propaganda?

• Why do we devour crime stories and sensationalism?

• Who decides which stories to suppress and which to spotlight?

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At a time when the global trustworthiness of journalists ranks at just 23 per cent – with only bankers, business leaders, advertisers, government ministers and politicians ranking beneath them – it’s time for Christians and all people of faith and goodwill to look at how we receive our news, and how we view it.

Making a visit to this high-profile exhibition could be the first step in re-evaluating the importance of reliable news sources and the role Christians could play in supporting diverse and trustworthy media.


The huge outpouring of support for Ukraine is now eclipsing other crises around the world, which in turn is threatening millions with starvation.

So warns a number of charities and other humanitarian organisations. The UN reports that the situation in Somalia, where 4.5milliion people are at risk of starvation owing to the worst drought in a decade, is deteriorating quickly. Somalia urgently needs some £1.1billion in aid, of which only three per cent has been secured.

As one spokesman at the UN explains, “The outlook for Somalia was already grim prior to the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, but we were then overshadowed by the crisis in Tigray, Yemen, and then Afghanistan. Now, Ukraine seems to suck all the oxygen that is in the room.”

The international director of Tearfund, Veena O’Sullivan, said: “While the eyes of the world have been fixed on Ukraine, other horrors have been taking place.”

These range from a “hunger crisis of massive proportions” in the Horn of Africa, which includes Somalia, and the ongoing violence and famine in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, as well as humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria.

The director of CAFOD, Christine Allen, said: “It is right that we support a response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, in whatever way we can, but this cannot be at the expense of vital funds meant for tackling the root causes of global poverty.”

Meanwhile, church leaders in Africa have warned that the war is already affecting their food security, as 40 per cent of Ukraine’s wheat and maize is exported to the Middle East and Africa. The poorest are the most affected, as market prices rise.

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Beware all donations!

My dear Nephew Darren

This has been an unusual month: we have moved from hysterical excitement to deep disappointment within the space of days.

For many years, our vestry has displayed an oil painting generously donated by the Dowager Duchess of Stansby – given to us, I suspect, because her son, the tenth Duke, would not allow it in his house. It was supposed to depict Daniel in the lions’ den, although I always thought it looked more like a prospective adopter visiting a dog rescue centre. The Dowager was less than pleased when it wasn’t made the centrepiece in the sanctuary, but we managed to persuade her that her exceptional work of art would be safer from theft if locked away.

Then - our cleaner happened to knock it off the wall. If it had landed in her bucket of disinfectant and been totally destroyed, it would have been a sadness I suspect I could have learned to bear. But something more interesting happened. Some of the Dowager’s oil was chipped off – to reveal a painting underneath of what looked like a cherub.

The cleaner told the churchwarden, who instructed her not to tell anyone about the find. This inevitably meant that, within the hour, the entire parish knew of the discovery of what had already been transformed into a priceless pre-Raphaelite treasure. Our churchwarden has yet to learn the fact that if you tell someone something in complete confidence, they assume it means they can only tell one other person at a time.

By evening, mutually opposed camps had already formed. Miss Timmins wanted the treasure to be placed in a side chapel, as a shrine, preferably with candles permanently burning beside it. She envisaged St James the Least of All becoming a place of pilgrimage, and that this yet-to-be revealed cherub may work miracles of healing. She was already asking for opinions about where the car park should be built to cater for the thousands of tourists who would soon be flocking here. Another group wanted to sell it as soon as possible and use the money to repair our church tower. A third group insisted the fortune it would raise be given to African missionaries. Meanwhile, the tenth Duke was consulting his solicitors to see how he might get the canvas back to his castle.

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We compromised by getting the thing X-rayed, to see what work of art lay underneath. It turned out to be by a local artist who had painted an advert for the village pharmacist to sell his own brand of gripe water.

Shrines, towers and good deeds were quietly forgotten and the last we heard of the tenth Duke was that he was consulting a second set of solicitors to see if he can get out of paying the first set for the work that they had done to retrieve the painting.

Your loving uncle, Eustace


It was 250 years ago, on 22nd June 1772, that the Court of King’s Bench ruled that slavery was illegal in England and Wales. It remained legal in British Overseas Territories and colonies until 1833.

In the 1772 case of Somerset v Stewart, William Murray, Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, made a very specific ruling that it was illegal for a particular slave, James Somerset, to be transported back to Virginia, where he had been bought by his master, Charles Stewart.

Somerset had been baptised in England the previous year, and his godparents obtained a writ of habeas corpus to prevent his kidnapping and transportation, and the judge ruled, rather reluctantly in view of its possible implications, that such forcible transportation was illegal.

This was not of itself a declaration that slavery in Great Britain was illegal, but it was reported as such in the press, both here and abroad, and widely celebrated by those of African descent, as well as many others. However, it was not generally enforced, even in the narrower sense.

The legal status of African slaves in Britain and its colonies in fact remained unclear until the early 19th century. The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807 made the slave trade illegal; and in August 1833 the passing of the Slavery Abolition Act meant that almost all black men, women and children held as slaves in the British Empire – around 800,000 people in all – were given their freedom.

We have seen more pictures of college students

engaged in various sports than we have seen pictures of

students taking home books from the library. - Anon

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In 563 an Irish monk was forced to leave his homeland because of a conflict that had led to a misuse of power and even bloodshed.

On Pentecost Sunday he arrived on the island of Iona off the north-west coast of Scotland with twelve companions. There he began a new way of life, founded on Christ’s mercy and forgiveness of the past, and so created one of the great centres of faith and mission in the Christian Church. His name was Columba, and we keep his feast day on 9th June.

His monastery on Iona started as a small cluster of wooden buildings with a church and a guesthouse. Around were fields of crops and cattle and bees. But under Columba’s guidance, it grew, and from Iona monks were sent into Scotland as one arm of a missionary advance that reached down through England to France and across Europe.

That outreach was an amazing achievement. But just as amazing was the consolidation of monastic life on Iona that resulted two centuries later in the Book of Kells. This text of the four Gospels was begun by scribes and artists in the library of Iona. It grew into one of the masterpieces of Celtic art that was taken to Kells in Ireland to escape the Viking invaders who ravaged the island.

Along with the text of the Gospels, there are illustrations of Jesus, Mary and the four evangelists, together with decorations at once intricate and fantastic: patterns that interweave and interlace across the page with an odd face here and a weird creature there. The design is in brilliant detail, and you can follow the lines as they weave in and out. This delight in patterns is evident in lots of Celtic art.

It is good to imagine Columba on Iona meditating on the thread of God’s grace woven into his life as he looked back to his years in Ireland and his pilgrimage to Iona. It might have seemed at one glance a complicated interweaving of events and experiences, and then perhaps as he looked again, he would see God’s love threading its way through that history and redeeming both it and him.

Picture from The Book of Kells

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It is the same for us. As we look at our lives, they may seem complex and involved patterns of events and circumstances taking us here and there. As we ponder those patterns, then we can begin to see a thread woven into the patterns that guides and leads us on. And as we stand back, all the patterns and threads seem to make sense as we spot that guiding thread. Just as we can stand back from the designs of this page and see God’s love spelling out the name of Christ, our Lord.


Twenty-five years ago, on 26th June 1997, J K Rowling’s first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was published in the UK. It received massive acclaim, and another six best-selling books and eight hugely successful films followed.

The books have been translated into over 80 languages, and have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide. Spin-off books and films have followed, and the author also publishes crime novels under a pen name.

Death and the struggle between good and evil are the central themes of the Harry Potter series, and it has provoked much religious debate, centring mainly on claims by some that the books contain occult and Satanic sub-texts. Defenders of the books say that the magic in the Harry Potter series is more akin to fairy tales and to The Lord of the Rings and Narnia.

Supporters argue that the whole story can be viewed as essentially Christian in character, particularly the last volume, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, in which the hero dies and comes back to life to save mankind. Elsewhere themes of courage, love and the temptations of power are central.

Its author – born Joanne Rowling in 1965 – has described herself as a Christian and attended a Church of Scotland congregation while writing Harry Potter. Her daughter Jessica was baptised there. More recently she has been reluctant to talk “too deeply” about her beliefs.

The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but to be

able to hold your tongue in one language is priceless. - Anon

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Why aren’t dinosaurs in the Bible?

The Bible wasn’t written to list all the animals on earth or tell us about science. It was written a long time before people started to use science to learn about the world.

When the Bible was written, people didn’t even have a word for dinosaurs yet! But it’s not just dinosaurs that aren’t mentioned in the Bible, it doesn’t talk about armadillos, kangaroos, sabre-toothed cats or penguins either!

That doesn’t mean that the Bible is out of date or wrong, or that these animals aren’t important. Rather than teaching us science, many Christians believe that the Bible was written to tell people about God, how much He loves them, and all the amazing things He has done.

The Bible says that God made everything, and loves everything He made, so that includes dinosaurs. It also encourages people to explore and find out all about the wonderful things it says God has made. Science is a part of this exploration.

Did God make the dinosaurs?

The Bible (the holy book that Christians read) says that God made everything. All the stars, the Earth and all the amazing plants and animals that have ever lived here. So yes, most Christians believe that God made the dinosaurs!

The Bible also teaches that God loves it when people explore His creation, and science is a great way of doing that. So, for many Christians, science is one of the fun things we can use to learn all about how God made everything, including all of the dinosaurs!

Were humans and dinosaurs ever living on earth at the same time?

Yes! But probably not the kind of dinosaur you’re thinking of! Most of the dinosaurs died out a very, very long time ago, way before humans first lived. But some of the smaller, feathery dinosaurs survived and over a long time they have evolved into the animals we call birds.

So, from chickens and robins to penguins and ostriches, there are dinosaurs living all over our world today!

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Marriage should be honoured by all. Hebrews 13:4

A new Act of Parliament has introduced no fault divorce to England and Wales. Now one or both parties to a marriage can get a divorce without the need to blame the other person.

It was introduced because there were a very small number of marriages where one person could stop the other getting a divorce, even though the relationship was at an end. A man or woman had to show that the marriage had irretrievably broken down, as demonstrated by the other’s adultery, behaviour or they lived apart for a period of at least two years. But making such an accusation of desertion, behaving badly or having a sexual relationship outside marriage would often stoke up bitterness, and make it difficult to agree on important issues about children or money.

Some people have argued that no fault divorce makes marriage less important or removes personal responsibility. Sadly, the numbers of people getting married are falling and the divorce rate is increasing. Fewer choose to marry in church.

Divorce used to be the privilege of rich people, and even then was granted only for a few reasons. In the 19th century it was easier legally for a man to get a divorce than for a woman to get one. In the 1970s a new paper-based procedure came in, whereby parties did not have to physically go to court hearing a divorce. Now divorces are done on-line on a government website.

The new Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 removes blame, but still ensures there is a minimum period of 20 weeks between the start of proceedings and when individuals may apply for a conditional order of divorce. This allows a time to reflect and discuss problems, and where reconciliation is not possible, to agree important questions such as those involving children, finance and property.

Christians will have a different understanding of marriage, and to many people divorce will always be a painful and stressful process, regardless of the law. As always this is a very simple comment on a complex subject. Always get professional advice before taking any steps. There are local and national organisations which offer guidance on reconciliation (getting back together) and mediation (staying apart but sorting out important issues).

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You know that indestructible

black box that is used on

airplanes? Why don't they make

the whole plane out of that


I had a ploughman’s lunch the

other day. He wasn’t very happy

about it.

A gesticulation is any movement

made by a foreigner.

One who boasts of being a self-

made person relieves the Lord of

a lot of responsibility.

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Relaxing in a garden chair, Looking at lovely flowers in bloom, Long light evenings, the longest day, These are the special joys of June.

Very few butterflies on buddleia bushes, The sound of mowers, the humming of bees, Lots of colour, so much beauty, Sweet smells of lavender, roses, sweet peas.

Queen’s Park flowerbeds looking a picture, The playground full of children and fun, Croquet players concentrating, People on benches enjoying the sun.

Many walkers at Happy Valley, The wildflower meadow a lovely sight, Dogs and their owners enjoying their stroll, An occasional view of a flying kite.

Summer brings well-being, smiling faces, And if you’re happy and feeling lazy, Just rest on the grass and look around, And see the perfection of each little daisy.

Irene Schofield


You are more likely to engage with a podcast if you listen to it through your earphones, rather than a speaker. You feel closer to what you hear, and are therefore more likely to change your views and behaviour.

Those are the findings of recent research at the University of California, San Diego. As one scientist put it: “Headphones produce a phenomenon called in-head localisation, which makes the speaker sound as if they’re inside your head. As a result, people perceive the communicator as warmer, feel more empathically toward them, and are more easily persuaded by them.”

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We hope you are enjoying this fine spring weather and as we move into summer ESW are busy arranging the summer walks programme which will published on our website in late June.

In the course of our walks we happen upon strangely named places often accompanied by odd tales. One such location is The Enterdent, a small parcel of land just off The Eastbourne Road south of Godstone village. The origins of this unusual name are opaque but it has been known as Henterden, and in the 19th century as Polly Pains Bottom. The origins of both older names are equally obscure.

A legend is recorded of an old lady who lived in one of the original cottages in the area and practised witchcraft. The legend holds that she had the ability to change herself into various animals and so disguised would execute her malign plans. One such story is that having changed into a dog she frightened a team of horses pulling a cart of hay causing the cart to crash and be destroyed. She also bewitched a black cat so that it became very small however when picked up by a stranger it would grow larger and larger. On one such occasion a stranger picked the cat up and took it to show a friend, as she did so it grew larger. The friend had heard of the stories of the witch and urged that it be taken back to The Enterdent (or Polly Pains Bottom as it was then known). As they got nearer the cat grew smaller and on arrival suddenly vanished into thin air.

As other strange incidents occurred locals began to notice that on such occasions a hare was seen nearby but the old lady was never at her home!

The locals decided to organise a hunt for the hare. Hounds were deployed and on one occasion got on the trail of the hare which ran into a drain to escape. Apparently one of the dogs managed to bite the hind quarters of the hare as it made good its escape. After this incident it was said that the old lady developed “a terrible limp” and was always in discomfort when she sat down. The strange incidents also ceased.

The area of the Enterdent is crossed by footpaths a number of ESW walks cover the area.

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We hope you may join us for any of our walks although we can’t guarantee expanding cats, hares or witchcraft we can offer the prospect of lovely, perhaps even magical, walking experiences.

ESW wish you happy walking.

Stephen Hanks


Just 15 years ago, on 29th June 2007, Apple released the first iPhone.

From the original concept of an efficient, easy-to-use, slick mobil e phone, it transformed by the time of its creation into what was described by Brian Merchant, author of The One Device, as the “primary platform for thousands of apps offering streaming music and video, real-time video chat, addictive video-games and virtual and augmented reality experiences”.

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, called the iPhone a “revolutionary and magical product” that “fits beautifully into the palm of your hand”. Five years after its debut, more than 200 million had been sold. Merchant calls it a “culturally dominant, world-eating phenomenon”.

From the outset, the iPhone was hugely popular, with queues forming for hours outside Apple stores in both Europe and America on its release. In addition, Jobs provided an iPhone free to all his employees.

To some Christians, the Apple logo is disturbing, suggesting that eating the fruit in Eden opened the door to enlightenment – Jobs was a devotee of Eastern mysticism. While Christianity offers faith and hope, they suggest that Apple offers a convenient life, enabled through technology.

Other Christians, however, point out that Apple technology has enabled the Gospel to be widely heard and, in many senses, seen. FaceTime through the iPhone also made a dramatic and positive difference to people’s lives under lockdown.

Fashion: A form of ugliness so intolerable that we

have to alter it every six months. - Oscar Wilde

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How will services at our churches run in the years to come? Like this...?


CONGREGATION: "Hallelujah!"

PASTOR/ETC. "Will everyone please turn on their tablet, PC, iPad, smart phone, and Kindle Bibles to our reading for this morning.

And please switch on your Bluetooth to download the sermon."


"Now, let us pray committing this week into God's hands.

Open your Apps, BBM, Twitter and Facebook, and chat with God"


"As we take our Sunday tithes and offerings, please have your credit and debit cards ready." "You can log on to the church wi-fi using the password 'Lord909887. ' "

The ushers will circulate mobile card swipe machines among the worshippers:

• Those who prefer to make electronic fund transfers are directed to computers and laptops at the rear of the church.

• Those who prefer to use iPads can open them.

• Those who prefer telephone banking, take out your smart phones to transfer your contributions to the church account.

The holy atmosphere of the Church becomes truly electrified as ALL the smart phones, iPads, PCs and laptops beep and flicker!

Final Blessing and Closing Announcements...

This week's ministry meetings will be held on the various Facebook group pages where the usual group chatting takes place. Please log in and don't miss out.

Thursday's Bible study will be held live on Zoom at 1900hrs GMT. Please don't miss out.

You can follow your Pastor on Twitter this weekend for counselling and prayers.

(Ed: I hope not!)

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This year Her Majesty The Queen became the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth. Celebrations will include:

The Queen’s Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour) on 2nd June when more than 1,400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians will come together. Beginning at Buckingham Palace, the Parade will move down The Mall to Horse Guard's Parade, joined by Members of the Royal Family on horseback and in carriages. The Parade will close with the traditional RAF fly-past, watched by The Queen and Members of the Royal Family from the Buckingham Palace balcony.

Platinum Jubilee Beacons: The United Kingdom’s long tradition of celebrating Royal Jubilees, Weddings and Coronations with the lighting of beacons will also continue. Over 1,500 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories.

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Simple Crossword

Answers on page 40

The Bible version used is the NIV


1 ‘God so loved the — that he gave his one and only Son’ (John 3:16) (5)

2 ‘Away in a manger, no — for a bed’ (4)

3 Mob ten (anag.) (6) 4 ‘Each — group made its own gods

in several towns where they settled’ (2 Kings 17:29) (8)

5 Began (Luke 9:46) (7) 6 Speaking very softly (John 7:32)

(10) 9 Workers Ruth joined when she

arrived in Bethlehem with her mother-in-law Naomi (Ruth 2:3) (10)

12 Put in jail (Acts 22:19) (8) 14 Aceturn (anag.) (7) 16 Discharge (Acts 21:3) (6) 19 ‘All these—come from inside and

make a man “unclean”’ (Mark 7:23) (5)

20 ‘Let us rejoice and be glad and — him glory!’ (Revelation 19:7) (4)


1 Evil (Genesis 6:5) (10) 7 Musician called for by Elisha when he

met the kings of Israel, Judah and Edom (2 Kings 3:15) (7)

8 The request that led to the institution of the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Lord, — us to pray’ (Luke 11:1) (5)

10 ‘We are hard pressed on every—’(2 Corinthians 4:8) (4)

11 Fraud (2 Corinthians 6:8) (8) 13 ‘His troops advance in force;they build a

siege ramp against me and — around my tent’ (Job 19:12) (6)

15 Where Rachel hid Laban’s household gods when he searched his daughter’s tent (Genesis 31:34) (6)

17 ‘Now about spiritual gifts,brothers,I do not want you to be —’. (1 Corinthians 12:1) (8)

18 Nomadic dwelling (Genesis 26:25) (4)

21 ‘As for man,his days are like—,he flourishes like a flower of the field’ (Psalm 103:15) (5)

22 Or I live (anag.) (7) 23 Those guilty of 1 Across (Romans13:4)


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As you get older, you've got to stay positive. For example, the other

day I fell down the stairs. Instead of getting upset, I just thought,

"Wow, that's the fastest I've moved in years."

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

I told my boss that three companies were after me and therefore I

wanted a raise from him. My boss asked what companies wanted me.

“Gas, water and electricity.”

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

The poster read: Where will you be on judgement day?

The graffiti below read: Still waiting for the Stafford bus.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Consider the postage stamp. Its usefulness consists in its ability to

stick to one thing until it gets there.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

Maths lesson: The only place where you can buy 64 watermelons

without anyone wondering why.


A three-year-old put his shoes

on by himself. His mother

noticed the left was on the

right foot. She said, "Sam, your

shoes are on the wrong feet."

He looked up at her and said,

"Don't kid me, Mum, I KNOW

they're my feet."


The critical period in matrimony

is breakfast-time.

A P Herbert

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Monday: Caterham Bridge Club, 2.15 -5-15pm (SMH)

Maureen Brown School of Dancing 5.30 – 8.30pm (SMH)

Tuesday: Recorder Group, 1.30 – 2.30pm 1st week & 10 - 11am, 4th week (SPC)

9th Caterham Brownies, 6 - 7.30pm (SMH)

FreeSpirit Rehearsal, 8 - 9.30pm (SPC)

Wednesday: Caterham & District U3A Art Group, 10 - 12am (SMH)

Maureen Brown School of Dancing 4.45 - 6.45pm (SMH)

9th Caterham Guides, 7 - 9pm (SMH)

Choir Practice, 6.30 - 9pm (SPC)

Thursday: Sing-a-long Children’s Music, 10 - 11.10am (SMH)

Parish Ladies, 2.30 – 4.30pm (SMH), 1st week only

Friday: Parents & Toddlers, 9.30 - 11am (SMH)

Caterham & District Glee Club, 2 - 4pm (SMH) on alternate weeks

Bell Ringing (Tower)

Saturday: Maureen Brown School of Dancing 9.00am – 1.00pm (SMH) (term-time only)

Graveyard Conservation Team, 10.00 - 12.00am on alternate weeks

At other times, the Halls may be available for hire. Contact the Office Administrator on 01883 348751 for details, or see the church website.


ACROSS: 1-Wickedness; 7-Harpist; 8-Teach; 10-Side; 11-Impostor; 13-Encamp; 15-Saddle; 17-Ignorant; 18-Tent; 21-Grass; 22-Olivier; 23-Wrongdoers. DOWN: 1-World; 2-Crib; 3-Entomb; 4-National; 5-Started; 6-Whispering; 9-Harvesters; 12-Imprison; 14-Centaur; 16-Unload; 19-Evils; 20-Give.

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To arrange Weddings, Baptisms, etc: Please call at St. Paul’s Centre

on Saturday mornings between 10:45 and 11:15 am.

Please inform the Parish Office of cases of sickness, bereavement

or special needs in the Parish.

Parish Office Tel: 01883 348751 or

Email: [email protected]

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