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Welcome to the 10th GATE, the home of Saturn and Capricorn. Found here is Fate

and the acceptance of spiritual destiny, the power and potency of crystals, the

mysterious ways of time and the three fold etheric essence of the Capricornus. Do

not enter this Gate with fear or trepidation lest you miss its message.

SELECTIONS: Spiritual Destiny, Crystals and the Higher Realms, Principles

of Time, Capricornus.



What is the Plan?

How will you consciously enforce the plan of the Universe in your life and

responsibly seize opportunities for spiritual advancement? The Midheaven is the

most elevated point in a Natus. It is the pinnacle of Capricorn’s’ mountain - the

ultimate achievement of desires and worldly designs in mundane astrology. Yet the

Soul has a goal as well and it is removed from the accomplishment of worldly


What is this path and how is it defined?

Look at the sign occupying the 10th House Cusp demarcating the Midheaven in

your chart for the answer. Also consider any intercepted sign in the 10th House for

additional information.

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~ARIES on the Midheaven~

This is a house of exaltation for the sign of Aries, the Alpha sign. It is a place of

power for the individual who houses this 10th House energy. Yet within its

initiating essence and striving for power in mundane reality, the Soul desires to

promote human values over material ambition. What is honorable shapes human

destiny. Wrongdoings will be exposed and reversals of fortune and reputation will

be evident when the Soul’s path is not being followed. The path may be lonely, as

both the human and spiritual essences need to function with autonomy. The

individual knows on the inner most levels that the ultimate goal can only be

reached by the Self with no assistance but rather with cooperation. Discriminating

awareness is the blessing of the Arien essence concerning the destiny path. This

essence has evolved elementally from the mutable of waters of Pisces to the

cardinal fires of Arien initiation. Emotional impressionability has transitioned to

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assertive expression of “being.” Receptivity to impressions remains but is

redirected energetically out into the world. Creatively, this Soul must avoid falling

back on the old patterns that were successful in lives past because they simply are

not suitable this time for further growth. Once this awareness has been recognized,

fulfillment of Destiny and Collective Contribution can be realized. This is the

lifetime to create the new.

~TAURUS on the Midheaven~

In the mundane chart, this placement seeks outward displays of status and power

but the spiritual ambition of those with Taurus on the Midheaven is in actuality a

highly alchemical process which results in a unique expression. The Soul is

cognizant of the fact that it is a part of Divine Creation so the spiritual essence

must be raised in consciousness to become aligned with Universal Law which

demands that the “whole” be served instead of the “Self.” Evolving further and

elementally from the fire of Aries, this essence undergoes a shift in awareness from

both mundane and spiritual glamour and grows into a deeper understanding

Collective Unity. Here is where the wisdom lies and benevolence for the world

ensues. A condition of this path is drawn for the Scorpionic polarity which

demands an exploration into the nether regions of birth, life and death and security

is gleaned from that knowledge and understanding which cannot be found in the

materialism of the mundane. Loss of happiness associated with possessions and

loss of comfort from “status” will become apparent when the path of the Soul is

not followed. For the alchemy to take place, the ego consciousness must grasp the

difference between personal human desire and Divine Will which reveals itself

through the Collective Mind. The result is inspiring and the Soul essence will carry

the individual to unique expression of final alchemical Unity and a new

recognition of the true nature of all things.

~GEMINI on the Midheaven~

The Mercurial theme of duality is prominent, as the Soul Path of contemplative

design must be distinguished from the mundane path of mental activity aimed at

achievement of goals. Difficult to resist, the Gemini energy easily influences others

through use of dialog and logic that sparkles like diamonds. Yet these dissertations

fall short on the Soul level because they are devoid of feeling and concern for the

values and thoughts of others. Those who are coerced by the literal glamour and

glitz of verbal diatribe find out that diamonds also cut. The mundane Gemini path

can be strewn with victims which eventually becomes the work of the Soul who

must “clean up the act” when enlightenment throws the spotlight on a veritable

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human mess that has occurred due to constant changes of direction. The essence

has a duty to evolve from Taurus groundedness and fixed perception to a new

objectivity based on appreciation of the value of change rather than a flippant ride

on the merry-go-round of testing. Within the process oriented choices, the Soul at

one point connects with the Divine through recognition and understanding of

personal karma which draws the essence into higher consciousness and Collective

Unity. “I think therefore I am BUT so are they” is the result. When the Soul Path is

avoided or neglected, those with this placement will be scheming, selfish, cold and

dishonest in an effort to get what they want because ambition has taken precedence

over principle. This is when the Gemini brilliance fades to a flicker.

~CANCER on the Midheaven~

Conscious awareness is the concern of the Soul direction when Cancer signifies the

path of spiritual destiny. Each life experience offers greater self-awareness as each

obstacle is surmounted. In the watery domain the truth seeps in and finds its own

level as the inner “being” is brought to knowledge and then to wisdom. Trusting

personal discernment and intuition is key as each tide turns. The spirit must be in

flow and flux but it also must create that flow and learn to navigate the flux. The

essence of Cardinal Cancer is moving out of the elemental airy fixations of

Gemini. The spirit quickly learns that it cannot be “still” in the water – it must

move. The mind and body pour their essence into activities but the spirit guided by

the Soul is using its capacity to respond. Yet, if there is too much “suiting” to

circumstances, the creative flow is lost. Cognizance of “change” should be

engaged when it is a choice based upon personal judgment. It is important that

human awareness of individuality be respected and appreciated in both the self and

others. Consideration is the theme of this Soul Path and destiny. When the path is

not followed, frustration need for approval and unhealthy attachments occur. On

the mundane level, issues regarding direction in life will elicit heightened feelings

and emotions that are too easily exposed and not likely to be fruitful. On the

Collective level there is sensitivity to the moods of the public and some capacity to

sway the feelings of the masses.

~LEO on the Midheaven~

The nobility of the Soul is the cause and effect here. The conscious consideration is

the will to succeed that is fixed upon an outcome. The spiritual outlook, is to use

self-awareness alchemically and to step out of the ego in order to accomplish

creation and manifestation of Divine Will that will serve as legacy to be carried

forward to future lives. This is the signature of a true spiritual leader focused on

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fulfillment of destiny. This is a sensitive and generous posit tied to cosmic law that

all is one with creation yet there exists a strong emphasis on individual “being.”

The individual can give generously with no expectation of reciprocity. Its essence

has developed from the Cardinal Cancerian waters of flow and flux to the Fixed

Fire of pure will. The result is a strong moral sense that abhors anything

demeaning to dignity and respectability. It is not an easy transition yet where this

psychic change is concerned, the leonine essence has a firm grasp on the concept

of timing and uses its innate intuition as a tool. When the energetics are off kilter,

hypersensitivity, excessive love of power, undignified dictatorial attitudes and

unscrupulous behaviors derail the quest. This essence must guard against

perfection for perfection’s sake which can lead to excessive much public scrutiny

and dismissal. The results can be humanly devastating as fall from position and

disgrace can ensue. This is spiritual path of destiny definitively tied to being the

master of one’s own fate as a significant power within the unity of all that exists.

~VIRGO on the Midheaven~

A Soul of service with a revealing spirit is the essence of Virgo on the Midheaven. For all

Virgos, life can be a paradox – principles often shaped by changeability and impeccability and

exactness undone by self-critique. Direct simplicity is a blessing to this Soul when it can

overcome the propensity for multiple shifts of viewpoint. In the mundane chart, this is the

individual who can require less to get on with life yet the spiritual path requires that the

individual also be able to serve unselfishly as a guide for others. Coming from the elemental

Fixed Fire of Leo and transversing into the elemental Mutable Earth, an attitude of smugness

laced with a desire for self-satisfaction based in fear of lack can derail the quest for service, for

this is not a “take care of my needs first” lifetime which too much analysis can foster. The battle

between the inner light of consciousness and the analytical conscious mind can only be settled

through soul activity which is “other” oriented. Enlightenment in the form of discovering true

knowledge of the inner self in relation to the divine infinite is the goal of all souls but is most

profound with the Virgo posit. Along with its Piscean polarity, spiritually, the Virgo Midheaven

represents a true servant of God whose creative consciousness is in tune with the Universal

Mind. When spiritual destiny is being ignored, ill-fated partnerships that bring about instability,

unkept agreements, lack of truth, poor communication and loss will occur.

~LIBRA on the Midheaven~

In the mundane chart, this is the position of social ambition prompted by strategic

behavior and fostered by charm and wit however, the spiritual path is one of

collective social consciousness, cooperation and the desire to heal and help. In

many ways it is the position of a “natural counselor” who “inspires.” Inner

knowledge is expressed equitably and gently often creating an environment of

consideration, respect and caring. The spiritual path requires adaptability and

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perceptive awareness of encounters and situations in order to curb any

impressionability which is a Venusian manifestation courtesy of its higher octave

Neptune. Libra is the sign of balance and the transition from the Mutable elemental

Earth of Virgo to active Cardinal Air means the intellect and the intuition must

meld to keep equipoise. Too much reliance on the intellect means convenience

based acquiescence with regards to others; too much reliance on the intuition

fosters sympathetic indulgence which is not true compassion. This is the position

of “choices” yet when the individual is detoured from the spiritual path, they

somehow amazingly find the way back as self-awareness is developed. When the

spiritual direction is ignored, accusations of insincerity can lead to mistrust by


~SCORPIO on the Midheaven~

The willpower is highly developed in the Soul with this posit. Farsighted, often

clairvoyant and prophetic the Soul walks a spiritual path of adeptness. In the

mundane chart, this can be the posit of true leadership but the spiritual path dictates

that power and all of its human ramifications be used to reform and rehabilitate for

Scorpionic power which is Plutonic in nature is projected outward to the world.

This Soul recognizes its omnipotence but also knows that in the light of Collective

essence it is still in its infancy. The human side of the Scorpio Midheaven knows

the value of ambition but the spirit understands the basic truth of the human

condition. The human side strives for transition but the spirit strives for

transformation. Evolving from the Cardinal Air essence of the Libran high ground

of intellectuality, the Fixed Water essence of Scorpio knows that self-awareness

can only come from plunging into the depths of extreme positives and negatives

and facilitating change on all levels. They will transverse the muck and mire of the

most hidden parts of the psyche in order to understand first their own

consciousness and then the Collective Consciousness in order to transmute the

suffering of both themselves and others. When the path of spiritual destiny is not

being followed, human tendencies to dictate, manipulate and oppress will result in

crisis upon crisis leading to alienation and possible illicit activities.

~SAGITTARIUS on the Midheaven~

The dignity of the Soul is on the line with this placement. In the mundane chart,

the concern is with honesty, ethics and benevolence but, not only does the

individual aspire to becoming a “pillar of society” he/she must more importantly

reflect propriety of spirit in order to fulfill Collective destiny. This is the sign of

vision. The intuition leads the nature to the future and what must be accomplished

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to acquire enlightenment. The “truth” is always a matter of utmost importance and

within the temple of Self this is the only voice that is heard. The spiritual essence is

transitioning from the elemental Fixed Scorpionic waters to Mutable Fire moving

on from transformation to aspiration filling each void from lower to higher. This

posit carries the seed of the Collective Law of the Universe along with compassion

and generosity for the world at large. Growth comes via each generous act along

the way with no focus on “outcome.” The Soul takes its direction from

understanding while utilizing action geared at service in “the moment” for through

unlimited vision, the “truth” reveals everything is impermanent. Experience alone

is considered real wealth as soon as the identification with material “things” is

overcome. Loving wisdom is the result. When the path of destiny becomes

derailed, hypocrisy and vainglory can lead to ruinous disgrace. In some cases the

higher quest for truth will result in neglect and loss of intimate relations with

friends and family because the loftier focus has become all important causing lack

of equipoise in personal matters.

~CAPRICORN on the Midheaven~

Capricorn is the natural ruler of the 10th House and in the mundane chart, ambition

rules the day. The human side of this posit is concerned with attainment of

authority but the spiritual destiny requires moral integrity. As Saturn is the natural

ruler of Capricorn and the 10th House, issues concerning Karma and accruing

negative Karma can come from lack of principles. This is considered a grievous

infraction of Universal Law. The spiritual essence has transitioned from the

Sagittarian Mutable Fire of visionary truth to the Fixed Cardinal elemental which

uses that vision to manifest good in a workable way on the physical plane. The

Soul knows that what is accomplished from intelligent activity on the physical

plane is also carried over to the spiritual realm and is “banked” throughout the

current lifetime and for all other incarnations to come. There is much spiritual and

emotional depth here although it may not show and can easily be denied. Yet is

there being utilized on the many levels of Self. The spiritual path demands that the

individual discover and embrace the role of servant to humanity. Anything

manifested physically in life as productive outcome should, in some way, however

grand or small serve the Collective Generation. When the path of spiritual destiny

is being ignored, there will be a tendency to treat others as “objects” leading to

actual abuse and the accruing of negative Karma. Hunger for power will result in

difficult and unfavorable circumstances and disappointments. The mountain will

be climbed with obstacles to overcome but it cannot be surmounted stepping on the

backs of those who have been caused unnecessary suffering and cruelty in the

name of ambition.

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~AQUARIUS on the Midheaven~

When Aquarius occupies the 10th Hose cusp, Uranian innovation infuses technique

leading to unique contribution to society. The Spiritual Path espouses the birthright

to contribute something progressively original to the Collective generation. Ideals,

ideas and insights are channeled into concrete manifestation. On the human level, a

good deal of discontent can be expressed when there is inner disagreement about

the state of the world. Much cause and effect can ensue as each bridge built is torn

down and rebuilt into something better. There is an inborn need and desire to

benefit “the many” that is not evident in the other sign placements who learn it

through the trials and errors of life. Prioritizing the input of knowledge is key for

this path. So, the work becomes the mastery of awareness followed by willingness

to resist judging too quickly and discarding what may be not only pertinent but

may also house future potential. The spiritual essence has transitioned from the

elemental Cardinal Earth of Capricorn to the Airy Fixed elemental which requires

tactical effective action to develop what is perceived. Awareness comes first from

contact with the world which further stretches and develops the mind and then

from the ensuing flashes of intuition fostered by such experiences. This is an

ongoing process throughout life. When the Path of Spiritual Destiny is being

ignored, too much strong will leads to difficulties in getting along with others and

loss of cooperation. There are also problems with authority figures. Sudden rises to

“fame” followed by devastating fall and possible obscurity are also possible.

~PISCES on the Midheaven~

The OMEGA sign tends to inconstancy mainly because the ego consciousness is

synonymous with all that is instinctual. In the mundane chart, this posit of many

faces ranges from public adoration to Christ-like redeemer to scandalous cur. Yet

despite this, the Neptunian influences imbuing this sign tend to be the greatest Soul

teachers. In the mundane chart, this posit indicates one who learns about the “Self”

via psychic information. This is the sign of compassionate awareness of both the

Self and others. Yet the Soul requires an awareness of polarities be developed

which will drive its human vehicle through the muck and mire of negativity in

order for the spiritual mindset to achieve clarity. The spiritual essence has

transitioned from the elemental Fixed Air of Aquarius to the elemental Mutable

Waters of Pisces – the Omega process which is the foundation of the new

beginning of the Alpha sign Aries … intellect to clairvoyance to perception. The

Spiritual Path of Destiny does not require calm waters but rather turbulent ones

bringing the sacrifice of self-achieved through life experiences, to a rebirth of new

compassion where the will can be mobilized directing personal power into the

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service of mankind bringing enlightenment to others. When the Spiritual Path of

Destiny is ignored impracticality concerning the mundane path and its

responsibilities, scandal, dishonesty and loss of reputation can occur. The Soul

truly suffers from the lack of honor and the breaking of Universal Law.


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The Chronos Principle

In Crystology (the blend of astrological knowledge with crystal properties), the

planet Saturn and its sign Capricorn rule all crystals, minerals, and stones and their

geometric constitutions and properties. This makes perfect sense since Saturn and

Capricorn have jurisdiction over solid forms and structures. Saturn or Chronos as

he was known in ancient circles is generally known as the great task master whose

lessons are laced with stern resolve which is why many people fear its significance

in an astrological reading. A closer look at Saturn also reveals the Lord of Karma

and the Teacher of Higher Truths so within the energy of Saturn is a link to the

past and to the higher realms. The sign of Capricorn also has another face. Aside

from the image of ambition driven ladder climbing, Capricorn is also the sign of

the Great Mystic… one whose vision extends ‘beyond time’ and the natural world

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into the higher realms and the as yet undiscovered territories of the inter-

dimensional and extraterrestrial. This includes the concept of simultaneous time or

non-time known as the Chronos Principle.

The proper use of crystals and minerals can be of assistance when trying to tap into

the inner and outer worldly. It should always be remembered that that such

attempts should be tempered with respect and engaged with intent for healing. Full

protection should be secured before each venture and one should be fully cognizant

and hold reverence for Universal Order as deemed by the Divine Law of God or

Spirit. Here are some tips when using crystals to tap within and without and

beyond space and time…


Recall occurs when the conscious personality is made ready to view the past and

bring old occurrences to the surface where they can be dealt with under the

auspices of ‘new wisdom’ which promotes current life healing. Delving into the

past can be traumatizing and the release of residual energies often painful. For

these reasons, it is generally recommended that this exercise should not be

attempted without assistance from someone who is willing to act as a guide or


Cuprite can be useful in the recognition and release of energetic residual

surrounding difficulties with authority or authority figures that are reoccurring in

the present life as repetitious patterns of anti-social behaviors. Brown Jasper can

aid this process by helping to remove any stumbling blocks connected to difficult

behavioral patterns. The stone or crystal is placed on the third eye chakra for this


Carnelian can be used to help one gain access to the actual historical events

surrounding or connected to a past lifetime. It is a great aid to those who may have

a glimpse of a past life but need more detail to fill in the scenario. If you are

interested in accessing and retrieving ancient knowledge connected to such a past

lifetime or accumulated knowledge from many past lifetimes, the stone Serpentine

is very useful for this task. Again, place the crystal or stone on the third eye for the

best results.

Garnet and Variscite aid dream state recall of past life memories so if you are an

individual who prefers to receive information unconsciously this can be achieved

by placing either of these stones under your pillow when you go to sleep. Be sure

to make a conscious intention to receive information before you go to sleep. If you

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are an individual who is self-trained to wake up from a dream state and write down

information, be sure to remember to put a pad and pencil bedside!


The most powerful stone for this exercise is Moldavite. Moldavite is believed by

many to be extraterrestrial in origin… not Earth born but Earth bound. By nature,

Moldavite has the capacity to tune into very high modulations and wider

vibrational frequencies. For this reason, certain individuals are extremely sensitive

to Moldavite and cannot work with it for extended periods of time because of

system overload. Use caution with this very powerful stone if placing it on the

third eye. An alternative method is to simply “sit with and focus on” the stone and

write down your impressions.


Working with the Ascended Masters seems to be a popular premise these days.

According to some Theosophical thought, all of the Ascended Masters are tied to

the Temple of Truth which holds information in accordance with the Divine Law

of God. To gain understanding of your personal destiny and life purpose according

to the Ultimate Truth use Peridot… the greener the better! Peridot is known as one

of the Stones of Vision so by all means – place it on the third eye chakra.


I talk to many people who love working with the angels from Guardian Angels to

the Archangels. The entire angelic realm is a very special and powerful force of

beings that are always there to assist humankind. Some people ask for guidance or

protection while others desire direct angelic contact. All of the following stones

should be considered gateways to the angelic realm. They should either be held

lovingly with both hands during times of contemplation or meditation or placed

under your pillow when you go to sleep.

Celestite also known as Angelite is the most favored stone for contact with the

angelics. Messages may come in clairvoyantly or clairaudiently and are generally

crystal clear!

Selenite is a very transcendent stone which brings crisp clarity to the mind so

Divine Judgment can be received with wisdom.

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Muscovite helps you see the ‘angelic’ in yourself and in others so you can give and

receive love through higher guidance.


If you prefer not to venture out into the unknown, here are some stones and

crystals that will help you ‘amp up’ your personal vibration:

Labradorite – clears spiritual confusion and elevates consciousness while

protecting the aura.

Lapis Lazuli – brings enlightenment according to the personal stage of Soul


Azurite – enhances psychic ability and intuition.

Fluorite – opens the Crown Chakra creating a link from the physical to the

spiritual… “As above, so below” and increases the ability to attain higher levels of

reality. Be sure to share your revelations with others!

Turquoise – brings clarity to the ‘real you’ and your current life path.

Herkimer Diamond – if you are into ecology and caretaking of the planet this stone

is for you! The Herkimer is one of the record keepers of the Earth’s DNA so

working with this stone brings one closer to the concept of Universal Unity.

Quartz – helps dissolve ‘karmic seeds’ or residual habits from past lifetimes. It

cleanses the aura and increases (doubles) the auric field while amplifying psychic

ability. Females can use this successfully combined with Moonstone.


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By now most people have either seen or are familiar with the Indiana Jones

extravaganza related to the Crystal Skulls. The movie takes us on a cosmic trip and

the “unusual skull” that comes to the attention of Indie and his cohorts ends up as

belonging to inter-dimensional beings who were ancient archeologists. In reality,

the Crystal Skulls that currently exist may or may not have anything to do with this

premise but they are a unique mystery that has still not been solved.

According to ancient Native American legend, there are 13 life size skulls made of

solid crystal which have movable jaws and are able to “sing.” The skulls were

allegedly left behind by ancient ancestors and are believed to be a great source of

wisdom and knowledge holding the answers to the mysteries of the Universe, the

true evolution of mankind and the real history of planet Earth. The prophesy

surrounding the skulls further informs us that during a time of great crisis for

humanity the skulls would all be rediscovered and brought together to reveal their

knowledge thus saving the human race. The legend has been handed down by

many tribes from the Mayan and Aztec descendants of Central America to the

Navajo and Pueblo Indians of the south-western United States to the Cherokee and

Seneca Indian of the north-eastern United States. The Cherokee version varies

slightly and adds that there are twelve planets in the cosmos that are inhabited by

beings and that there is a skull that represents each planet plus a thirteenth skull

that ties them together. One of the greatest mysteries surrounding the skulls is how

they were crafted as they bear no tools marks of any kind.

To date twelve skulls that have been discovered are considered to be authentic they


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Mitchell Hedges Skull

Mayan Crystal Skull

Amethyst Skull

British Skull (British Museum)

Paris Skull

Texas Crystal Skull (MAX) (owned by the Parks Family of Houston)

ET Skull (private collection of Joke van Dieten Maasland in Miami Beach,


Rose Quartz Crystal Skull (last seen in Honduras and Guatemala)

Aztec Skull


Jaguar Man

The Rainbow Skull (These three were recently found in an excavation in

Guerro Province and are now privately owned)

Probably the most famous of the skulls is the Mitchell Hedges Skull discovered in

the 1920’s. It is crafted of solid quartz crystal and has undergone many scientific

tests most recently by the Hewlett-Packard crystal laboratories. Natural quartz is

specifically a product of Mother Nature sometimes taking billions of years to form.

At the heart of the process is a “seed” which is formed when a single silicon atom

under intense pressure and heat fuses with two oxygen atoms from intensely heated

water or steam trapped in the same space under the earth. When the conditions are

perfect and stable the cell seed begins to replicate itself laying down a complex

crystalline structure that eventually builds into a three dimensional lattice that

displays geometric regularity. A perfect piece of natural quartz is not common due

to other natural factors that cause discoloration or inclusions. This raises

skepticism amongst the scientific communities about the age of the skulls since

perfect quartz is more likely to be laboratory grown/manmade. There has been

much controversy regarding the authenticity of the skulls since it is not possible to

date them with any clarity. The British Museum which has conducted much testing

made the following statement:

“Contrary to popular belief there are currently no scientific techniques which can

be used to accurately establish when a stone or mineral object was produced.

Research has therefore focused on how the skulls were carved, where the quartz

originated from and what is known about the early history of the skulls.”

Metaphysicians know that quartz is piezo-electric and that crystal cells can

transmit radio-like waves through the nervous system to the brain where

information can be unscrambled. So, if the Crystal Skulls do in fact carry some

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ancient wisdom and knowledge then reception of that knowledge by humans would

naturally be telepathic in nature. If they are a true source that can tap into the

collective consciousness then most likely a Universal communication network

would come into play when all thirteen skulls come together. From what source is

this information generated and who put it there? While you are considering the

possibilities check out these photos of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull…

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Crystals and Master Numbers

Numerologists believe that every name vibrates and is dynamic in its vitality.

Numerological vibrations are also present in names of crystals and minerals and

are copacetic with the natural vibrations of all stones.

Master Number 11:

The Master Number 11 is androgynous by nature combining both male and female

energies into one spiritual, equal and collective fraternity where the I/you mirror

reflection is eternal. This is an easy visual for the number eleven consists of two

number “1’s” standing side by side, equal yet opposite one another and unlike the

other Master Numbers singular by numeric intent.

The vibration of Master Number 11 is found in Jade. Jade is readily used by the

signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Libra. If Master Number 11 applies to your

personal numerology Jade will act very powerfully on your behalf if it is worn or


Master Number 22:

The Master Number 22 promotes realization. It connects the individual with an

understanding of that which constitutes the “Self” in combination with that which

is “Divine” or “God” as a “whole.” The Master Number 22 is associated with the

theory of parallel dimensions and the arcane connotation connected to crossroads.

It is also associated with the four cardinal directions of Aries, Cancer, Libra and


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The vibration of Master Number 22 is found in the following stones/crystals. The

astrological associations are listed next to each item:

Albite – Aquarius

Coral – Pisces

Galena – Capricorn

Master Number 33:

Timing is the gift of Master number 33. Being able to facilitate the correct time for

physical accomplishment requires the employment of contemplation, patience and

the wisdom of non-action when necessary. For these reasons, 33 also has a

resonation with the rune Thurisaz which provides clarity as each of us stands at a

particular “gateway” of life, ready to make a decision only after consideration of

how our past deeds and trials have led us to a current impasse.

The vibration of Master Number 33 is found in the stones/crystals of the following


Bavenite – Libra

Cobaltite – Leo

Black Coral – Scorpio, Capricorn

Diamond – Aries, Taurus, Leo

Hanksite – Taurus

Ilvaite – Cancer

Semanite – Scorpio

Stilbite – Aries

Tsumebite – Gemini

Ulexite – Gemini

Master Number 44:

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Transformation or metamorphosis is supported by the 44 catalytic vibration.

Master Number 44 has somewhat of a plutonian essence calling upon all of us to

accept the ebb and flow of never ending changes that ultimately determine the

transmutation of the “Self.” Number 44 eases the traumas and dramas surrounding

such acceleration.

The vibration of Master Number 44 is found among:

Iris Agate – Sagittarius

Ceruleite – Taurus

Cryolite – Gemini

Domeykite – Scorpio

Goethite – Aries

Hausmannite – Virgo

Linnaeite – Leo

Mottramite – Gemini

Oligoclase – Gemini

Orthoclase – Cancer

Proustite – Aquarius, Leo

Rhonite – Scorpio

Siderite – Aquarius

Xonotlite – Leo

Master Number 55:

The Master Number 55 deals with “strategy.” Within this vibration is found

advanced knowledge that facilitates each life experience by providing precision of

forethought resulting in constructive manifestation.

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The Master Number 55 vibration has many stone/crystal correlations:

Antigorite – Taurus

Babingtonite – Gemini

Blue Tourmaline - Libra

Chrysotile (Chrsyolite) – Taurus

Descloizite – Taurus

Eckermannite - Virgo

Ettringite - Gemini

Genthelvite - Sagittarius

Gismondine - Pisces

Jeremejevite - Gemini

Kammererite – Virgo Pisces

Koksharovite – Gemini, Libra

Larimar – Leo

Libenthenite –Virgo

Mineral stone – Libra

Pecos Diamond -Libra

Phlogopit - Cancer

Pumpellyite- Leo

Red Obsidian - Leo

Thunderegg - Scorpio

Master Number 66:

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“As above – So below” is the vibrational theme of Master Number 66. Within its

essence lies the synthesis of Earth to the Universe and the intervention of Divine

Order in one’s life. Celestial assistance is made available so that Order is sustained

through systemic resolution.

The Master Number 66 resonates with the following:

Hedenbergite – Virgo

Ruby in Kyanite – Gemini

Master Number 77:

The keywords for Master Number 77 are stamina and transcendence. Number 77

encompasses the “whole” with reference to Earth, the Universe, and all the

dimensions. Creativity of the “whole” comes to full fruition on each individual

level and is reflected in entirety each to the other.

The Master Number 77 is associated with the following:

Chlorocalcite (Hydrophilite) - Aquarius

Fourmarierite – Capricorn

Petrified Wood – Leo

Purple Fluorite – Capricorn, Pisces

Master Number 88:

Evolution is nigh under Master Number 88. Transcendental consciousness,

intuition, and clairvoyance are key under this compassionate vibration. When one

works under this Master vibration, psychic capabilities become unlimited and

unrestricted making personal revelation possible. Sensitivity and charity are also

heightened under this vibration.

The Master Number 88 vibration can be found among the following


Pharmocosiderite – Capricorn

Faden Quartz – Scorpio

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Master Number 99:

Everyone knows that historically the number 9 is a magical number. There are in

fact nine Master Numbers. The Master Number 99 relates to the Path traveled and

the sense of completion associated with past actions, acknowledgment of the

reality of present actions, and the cognizance of the effect of future actions. That

which “was”, “is”, and “will be” all combine with total acceptance as the highest

transcendental vibration.

The last of the Master Numbers 99 like the first of the Master Numbers 11 relates

to one stone/gem:

Pink Tourmaline - Libra


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“Of you Capricorn I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work.

Your task is not an easy one for you will feel all of man’s labors on your shoulders,

but for the yoke of your burdens I put the Responsibility of man in your hands.”

~Martin Schulman in Allegory~

Lost am I in Light supernal, yet on that Light I turn my back...

Every sign of the Zodiac is in you. Even though you may not be a Capricorn, on

the personal level you may have Capricorn ascending, OR a Capricorn Moon or

Node, OR a planet/planets in Capricorn. At the very least, you’ll have a House

cusp or cusps in Capricorn or perhaps Capricorn intercepted in another House.

Certainly Capricorn's ruler Saturn sits somewhere in your chart keeping a record of

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your growth and doling out awareness to life circumstances that need attention.

You simply cannot avoid it. It’s in there somewhere. Why is this important?

Perhaps because Capricorn is one of the most misunderstood Zodiacal energies but

more importantly because it packs a spiritual wallop wherever it shows up.

Within the symbolism of Capricorn are some of the most profound mysteries of

life for Capricorn is the Light of Initiation –the illumination that clears the path,

transfigures and reveals. The energy of Capricorn links the Divine Creative Will

with the Human Mind which in turn produces structured form on the physical

plane. Through Capricorn and its ruling planet Saturn, order and structure are

provided allowing the Laws of Manifestation to work and therefore propelling the

Plan of Evolution into objective existence.

Capricorn is the smallest, least conspicuous and one of the oldest of the twelve

traditional zodiacal constellations. It covers approximately 1.003 % of the sky and

has 31 visible stars. Its roots are lodged in the antiquity of prehistory and it was

always regarded as a sacred sign. The Babylonians knew Capricorn as Suhur.mas

(Goat-Fish); the Greeks as Aigokeros (goat-horned); the Indians in Sanskrit as

Makara (sea-monster) and in early Hindu Makaran (antelope but also depicted as a

goat’s head on the body of a hippopotamus); the Jews as Azazel (scape-goat who

bathes away the sins of Earth with snow, rain and storms); the Chinese Mo Ki

(goat-fish); the Iranians as Vahik (goat-fish: the Romans as capercornu (goat-horn)

and the god Pan; the Egyptians as Chnum (god of the waters AND the Denderah

Zodiac pictures Capricorn as a man with the head of Ibis riding a mountain goat)

and the early Christians as the as the apostle Simon Zelotes. Capricorn is the

zodiacal guardian of time and space and the energy of limits, rules and regulations

that must be observed in order that stability and endurance continue to foster

“growth.” In mundane astrology it is represented by two variations of the same

animal – a mountain goat and a Seagoat. The Seagoat is a mythological figure

representative of the esoteric nature of Capricorn. The highest manifestation of

Capricorn is the ethereal Unicorn representing transcendence.

Dual Nature of Capricorn

GOAT = Spiritual Development … FISH = Infinite Potential

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A lithograph after bass relief of Oannes the Assyrian mythical half-fish half-man

teacher of wisdom to the Babylonians. Oannes dual nature linked the worlds of

spirit and matter the archetype of Capricorn.

As the sign of Initiation, hierarchical Capricorn serves as the Gateway of Death

through which only the accepted disciple may pass after having walked the Path of

Life. This includes physical death and also death as a result of change and

application. As odious as this sounds, one must remember that this is tied to the

evolutionary process of the Soul and cannot be avoided. Through Saturn’s

custodial rulership, Saturnine urges produce Soul character purified in change

through spiritualized environment. It should always be remembered that perfecting

the Soul is what life is all about.

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~The Three Capricornian Forms~

~Primary Initiations~

~Immortal Trinity~

“Capricorn as the Mountain Goat”

(Attached to Form)

Immortal Trinity: Atmic Shield and Center of the Will

Encased by structure, prisoner of form, Earthbound

Initiation: All life and all people are one wholistic Earth family. The Soul Presence

is recognized as being anchored in the life of the personality.

Form: COAL

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Many times over we place our dreams and ambitions on material forms. Early in

our evolution of Soul we are somehow instinctively attached. We amass. We

sacrifice to win. We become stuck until the earth quakes and all that was familiar

is lost. If we view this karmically we accept that this is the way of all things.

“Capricorn as the Mergoat”

(Relating Through Form)

Immortal Trinity: Buddhic Shield and Wisdom

Relating energy to form, objectifying purpose, anchoring ideas to Earth

Initiation: Dominance of Love over astral body desires which are placed under the

aegis of the Soul.


As the Earth quakes and what is familiar is continually and cyclically dissolved,

we learn and understand the limitations of egocentric ambitions. We become more

Soul infused seeing these limitations as guidelines for a higher expression of life.

We become aware of the hidden spiritual essence and value in all forms. We are

now willing to take responsibility that will be of benefit to others as a Collective


“Capricorn as the Unicorn”

(Free to Transform and Transfigure)

Immortal Trinity: Manas and Upper mental center (countless levels of integrated


Culminating purpose, server of Earth

Initiation: Becoming totally mentally polarized, linking talents and abilities to

Collective Purpose

Form: Diamond

We are now at the threshold ready to begin a new cycle of becoming on the

evolutionary wheel. Capricorn has literally become the Gate of Death or the

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Passage out of Incarnation and onto the immortal path of the True Initiate. We

have synthesized higher development. There is a new form for the externalization

of the Divine Plan.

The Saturnian Archetype

Ah Saturn! Ruler of Capricorn and Ancient Ruler of Aquarius. Saturn by archetype

is known by many names - Lord of Karma, Father Time, The Great Taskmaster,

Guardian of the Solar System, The Olde Devil, The Reaper, The Old Man, The

Parent Principle and general all round authoritarian pain in the butt. Saturn doesn't

seem to have a good relationship with the media and its energy be it astrological or

astronomical is connected to all sorts of malice and occult weirdness. What is the

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archetype of Saturn really about? It's quite simple really. Under Saturn's auspicious

influence an individual's character and mettle are strengthened through life trial

and difficulty. Saturn disciplines all of us until we finally learn to discipline ourselves.

As the celestial taskmaster, Saturn works within the grand plan of the Universe and

never dishes out more than we can actually handle. Under Saturn's guidance,

achievement is reached by overcoming obstacles and hardship. We carry our

burdens and we are rewarded for our efforts. Saturn grants us the power to

persevere and realize potential. Wherever it is posited in a Natus, whichever sign it

is working through and whatever aspects it makes and receives indicates how well

responsibility is accepted, how the capacity for discipline is displayed and how the

ability for reliability, patience and trustworthiness is shown.

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In many of the old texts, Saturn is referred to as the Great Malefic. Its glyph

reveals an important aspect of terrestrial life which is the Law of Limitation.

Saturn is both a teacher and a tester. As the tester Saturn's role has been likened to

Satan who tempts the egocentric personality to trade the liberation of the Soul for

temporal powers and meaningless material possessions. As the great teacher and

ruler of time, Saturn instructs us that in the end we all lose at the moment of

physical death no matter what the Earth accomplishments have been. However he

who passes Saturn's earthly tests will be helped along the Path of Light guided by

Saturn's fatherly hand.

In some schools of esotericism, Saturn is believed to have been the first planetary

body to be constructed - the first planet of the seven Planetary Logoi and was thus

considered the "Elder One." In other occult theories, Saturn is thought to be the

"Keeper of Records" who records all impressions of energy made on the Akashic

ethers from the physical plane. As the "Testing Angel," Saturn is still believed to

govern all souls trained in the Mystery Schools. Hinduism associates Saturn with

Shiva the Destroyer and the death of form which precludes the liberation of spirit

and ensures rebirth. In Sacred Cosmobiology, Saturn is the Sacred Planet of the

Third Ray of Active Intelligence where man is required to understand the reason

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behind his being and use this abstract and philosophical thinking to drive himself

forward in the evolutionary sense ... he is willing to be what he is through what life

offers by way of experience. Any progress made is for evolutionary purposes.

In its most highly symbolic form, Saturn is our destiny and all that constitutes fate

and those things which cannot be escaped. Payback can be a real bitch. Yet how

else are we to attain self-mastery in life without the structured laws of the physical

plane which Saturn provides? Saturn furnishes our spiritual life force with the

vehicles for material expression by providing the spirit with a suitable shell to

ensoul. It must be remembered that the Earth is the playground for the forces of

Light and Dark and Saturn will liaise between the two. We all have a choice as we

pass through Saturn's doors to go one way or the other.

Saturn is keeping score.

The Cosmobiological Capricorn

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~Sun in Capricorn~

The individual with the Sun in Capricorn will be motivated to create a physical

representation of his/her identity. Within the early years of life to middle age this

approach will manifest as focus entirely on the physical plane and the realm of

Capricorn the Mountain Goat. It is a work of art in progress like the sculptor who

has a block of marble and a chisel but no clear idea of what he wants to sculpt. In

the end, the final product will be beautiful but work related to the actual sculpting

will be long, arduous, confusing and interrupted by failures. The sense of self has

been based upon accomplishments with an unerring activism to achieve. Once this

part of the path has been either satisfied or torn asunder by outside forces, then the

path of the Mergoat becomes clear and the mental and spiritual shift becomes

polarized and the quest becomes more visionary and collective oriented. In the

later years if culmination is reached and higher development synthesized the path

of the Unicorn opens the understanding of the Divine Plan and Will. Upon mortal

death the individual Soul makes passage out of the current incarnation having

attained a step of evolution as a true initiate.

Degrees of the Sun (please round up > i.e. 0 degrees 1 minute becomes 1 degree;

29 degrees 30 minutes becomes 30 degrees etc.):

Note: Capricorn is peregrine in the first twenty degrees of the sign so ego

motivation is based upon physical material results


1 degree - Intuitive but loving argument as a means to adding to the store of

personal knowledge.

2 degrees -Full of power and purpose - a possible climb to eminence. Friends may

conspire to dethrone.

3 degrees - A natural teacher who can make matters of the spirit clear yet who may

waver between temporal and spiritual gain resulting in self-betrayal.

4 degrees - Great power of endurance through which either ill or good gain can be


5 degrees - Designing and controlling. Others may be used for personal gain.

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6 degrees - A leader gifted concerning tact and sympathy yet fails to hold followers

which incites depression and hindrance.

7 degrees - Selfish, eccentric, domineering.

8 degrees - Tendency to judge others by the self and too affected by the external.

9 degrees - Able to sway others by use of inspirational power. If a writer, works

will live on many years after death.

10 degrees - A nurturer and protector of others and one who fights for principles.


11 degrees - One who uses others as stepping stones and then discards them.

Materialistic and grasping yet may not appear to be so.

12 degrees - Courage of convictions makes for a magnetic leader. Also inclined

towards sensuous pleasures.

13 degrees - Interest in sexual matters yet able to avoid scandal.

14 degrees - Clever in endeavor of life yet inclined to be negative and to take life

too easily.

15 degrees - One who can discover many things of benefit for the human race yet

fails to receive deserved recognition.

16 degrees - Intuitive, sensitive, practical and possibly artistic. Plans are matured

before attempting execution.

17 degrees - Judgmental yet sympathetic to the plight of the masses of humanity.

18 degrees -Too easily influenced by others to own detriment. Must choose friends


19 degrees - Enterprising, determined, forceful but too stubborn for own best


20 degrees - The presence is soothing and healing.

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21 degrees - Sensitive, impressionable and always seeking knowledge. May

receive help from influential friends.

22 degrees - A complex person whose sense predominate. Can be a power for


23 degrees - A student of the inner mysteries. Has a practical side but is also a

lover of art and poetry which assists in elevation from sphere of birth.

24 degrees - One who seeks knowledge that may scientifically relieve the ills of


25 - Conservative and a lover of ritual and ceremony. Diplomatic and crafty.

26 -Much sympathy for suffering and a defender of the defenseless. Often arouses

enmity but overcomes opposition.

27 - A prophet who clearly sees coming events. Thoughtful, patient, kind in every

department of life.

28 degrees - One who must plan and stick with it. Advancement through

perseverance and persistence.

29 degrees - Quiet, retiring and contemplative. Keynote of philosophy is. "Given

the same conditions the same results are likely to recur."

30 degrees - One who must obey the law to the letter as loss may occur through

failure or verbal agreements.

~Moon in Capricorn~

The Moon is not in a favorable position in Capricorn and is considered in

detriment. The nature is reserved, serious, cautious and austere. Hard working and

ambitious there will most likely be some personal bias concerning status and

security. In the worst case scenario, calculating tendencies to achieve power at any

cost without respect for the feelings of others is evident.

People with the Moon in Capricorn must always overcome obstacles and

complexities within their own natures to find the happiness they seek. This Lunar

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influence connects with the mind urging an eagerness to learn. Determination can

turn into obsession if energies are all focused single-minded in one direction when

manifesting hopes and dreams. The term "still waters run deep" applies here.

Despite charming social manners it may be difficult to express deep feelings and

unknown to close intimates, Capricorn Moons can suffer from feelings of

loneliness. This is often concealed by a dry sense of humor. True love is not often

found in youth.

For those with the Sun in an Earth sign, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, the Capricorn

Moon underlies talent and ability to achieve; Water sign Suns Cancer, Scorpio and

Pisces get a boost of dynamism to innate creativity and these couplings provide

excellent energy for attracting wealth or fame; Air signs Gemini, Libra and

Aquarius sign Suns get a boost of strength and intensity to resourcefulness and Fire

sign Suns Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are infused with a special gift for self-

reliance, authority while a potent dose of mesmerizing charm is added to the

overall personality.

"Capricorn doesn't want to rely on anyone else, because that would mean being let

down or humiliated at the critical moment. For Capricorn, survival depends on

self-sufficiency. Showing emotional need is a form of dependency, so it’s blocked

or moderated by the defense mechanism. Responding on cue to someone else's

emotional demands may also make the Capricorn feel dominated and controlled.

The message is, "I'll show love when I want to, not when you want me to. I'm in

charge of my own feelings, and I will decide when and how to express them."

~ Liz Greene

~Ascendant (Rising Sign) in Capricorn~

Capricorn rising grants a strong determined personality. Cautious in personal

affairs the outside belies the inside until a sense of security and comfort is reached.

When that happens the phrase, "to know Capricorn is to love him," becomes

apropos. Reliability and dependability go hand in hand with might and willpower.

The mind is active and able to ferret out information with ease. There is a tendency

to be a bit too detail oriented and also a tendency for unnecessary worry. This is

just the Capricorn way for being in control because no matter how good life may

be going there is always a little voice saying, "Is it good enough?"

"Capricorn's real place is out on the world's stage, moving things in the

environment - little or small - so that he leaves the place a little better organized

than when he found it. His gifts lie in the realm of organization and control,

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discipline and initiation of changes within already existing structures. He's often

more idealist than you'd expect, in that he may have a vision of how to improve the

world, or the small corner of the world he inhabits. Mystical he isn't, and his ideals

are always attainable ones. He makes sure of that and usually also makes sure he

has the resources and skills to achieve them in his lifetime. He won't sit idly by and

let others bring to birth his vision; he hates to delegate responsibility, and usually

believes he must do it himself." ~ Liz Greene

~Planets in Capricorn~


Planets within 0-10 degrees of Capricorn:

Commitment to Knowledge

Planets in these degrees with be infused with seriousness, responsibility, precision

and orderliness, relentlessness and determination. Planetary tendencies will be both

subtle and aggressive and aroused by passion. A quiet force is added to the

planetary energies that is magnetic and attention getting. Whichever planet is

touched by Capricorn within these degrees an air of independence will be added to

the normal qualities of that planet.

Planets within 10-20 degrees of Capricorn:

Commitment to Harmony

Planets in these degrees will be infused with serenity, creativity, and persistence.

The "need to do and not waste time" becomes prevalent in whatever the particular

planet represents energetically. Deep emotionalism that is unspoken may also be


Planets within 20-30 degrees of Capricorn:

Commitment to Observation and Intuition

Planets in these degrees will be infused with mental energy, flexibility, adaption,

honesty, respect and great spirituality. All activities connected to these planets will

reach completion. Idealism will fuel the motivation of these planets. Any inner

needs indicated by the planetary energies will be fulfilled despite struggles.

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~Capricorn on the House Cusps~

House 1 - Discipline, patience and hard work - Everything has a purpose and is

designed to achieve a practical manifestation. Health may have been delicate in

early life but improved with age. Childhood may have been difficult and there may

be a feeling of being "born as an old Soul." Very apt to age gracefully and not

appear as old as actual years indicate.

House 2 - Great ambition and frugality concerning money and material goods. No

funds are spent foolishly or capriciously. Everything must have lasting value.

Financial success is possible but only through hard work. Inheritance may come

from a paternal figure (if ruler Saturn is not afflicted).

House 3 - Thoughts are expressed carefully. Nothing is said or written without a

definite reason for doing so. Words are selected for maximum impact and tend to

be harsh and exacting. The early environment may not have been happy. True

feelings may be hidden under a facade in attempts to avoid being misunderstood.

There may be trouble with siblings or responsibility that must be taken for them at

some point.

House 4 - Generally a strong interest in the home and domestics despite rigid or

traditional upbringing. There is often a tendency to cling to home or mother too

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long. Great pride is taken in ancestry. There is a tendency to feel lonely at times

despite being surrounded by family. There is a willingness to take care of family

members personally and financially.

House 5 - More often than not highly sexed and lustful although a cool exterior in

love is presented due to a fear of possible rejection. Good energy for teaching

although the methodology may be stern. There is not a great desire to take risk

with funds or speculate with money rather a desire for investment that brings

tangible results.

House 6 - A good organizer and efficiency expert. Possible interest in working for

the government or other large organization. A tendency to overcompensate can

result in health issues. A dull or routine job is promised if ruler Saturn is afflicted.

House 7 - A mature life partner will be sought. The heart is never worn on the

sleeve and often there is a suspicion of offered affection. Marriage may be delayed.

House 8 - Generally a long life is promised and rarely a sudden death. There is

however a dread of growing old. Sexual matters are generally rather important and

virility or seductiveness needs to be proven. Values will need adjusting depending

on Saturn's aspects. Great courage is displayed in the face of adversity.

House 9 - Skeptical by nature but willing to be shown new things this placement

often indicates somewhat of a legal mind. There generally is not a love of travel

and possible suspicion of foreigners. Higher education may be delayed and is often

earned through own efforts.

House 10 - Aiming high and seeking prestige and recognition in career is the name

of the game. A parent may have been a strong motivating factor or force. Great

perseverance is displayed in the game of life although a conservative manner is

thought to be the way to go in protecting the reputation.

House 11 - More likely to have a few close friends than many acquaintances. Older

people may play a significant role in life. Goals are achieved because there is no

fear to put in the hard work in order to achieve them. There may be too much

suspicion of others to engage joint ventures.

House 12 - Often a desire to work alone or in solitude. Selfishness may need to be


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You may have lived in any of the following countries in a past life if you have

Capricorn on the 12th House cusp: Afghanistan, Albania, Ancient Persia, Austria

(Styria), Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt (Port Said) Germany (Brandenburg, Constance,

Hesse, Mecklenburg, Saxony), Greece (Morea), India*, Iran (Khorasan), Italy

(Tortona), Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, New Zealand, Siberia, Tibet.

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The North Node or South Node in Capricorn

Capricorn North Node (Cancer South Node): The perennial infant learning how to

achieve maturity and overcome past lifetimes of looking at life through rose

colored glasses. There is much residual Soul memory of sensitive past life feelings

which in the current life are still shattered by the slightest rejection. The main need

here is to let go of those residual memories of what should have been done in past

lives and to embrace and identify with an ideal bigger than the Self and the current

personal life while accepting the full concept of adulthood. This is not the last

incarnation on Earth and when the Soul reaches the Capricorn Gate of Death upon

leaving the physical body, this lifetime will receive karmic judgment in the area of

the life (house) where the Node is posited.

Capricorn South Node (Cancer North Node): The current lifetime has been entered

carrying much inner pride. Respect is an issue and there are problems surrounding

the lack of it in the current life since there was a great deal of it shown in the past

lifetime. As a result there is an urge to try harder and prestige and the pursuit of

dignity continue to be the motivators of all actions. The Soul worked very hard in

past lifetimes for recognition. As a result, work in the current lifetime is made

much harder than it need be. There is a definite need in the current lifetime to

tolerate failure in the Self. It is easy to induce physical or emotional illness in order

to avoid coping with situations in which there is expectancy to feel inadequate. The

world is seen through an attitude of self-righteousness where the actions of others

are condemned. Lifetimes of materialism now manifest as opportunism. Work

must be done to drop these attitudes, relay emotions more honestly, apologize

sincerely when wrong and not seek advantage over others when right for the

highest achievement now in this life is to nurture others.

THE 10th GATE, Copyright © ad continuum Starlogic Astrodynamics

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