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Page 1: Texual research.

Price is £3.99 Very small to hide t from the

consumers, make the rest of the mag draw them in and then find

out the price

Sub-Image and sub-Heading tells you more about the magazine, what

your liking going to find inside.

Headline is bold and very powerful, tells you about the main article of the magazine

Buzz words: Rare!

Exclusive! Shows a

reason why you should

buy this magazine.

Layout is very organised, not very cluttered.

Seems to be aimed to an

older market.

Graphic Plug, showing added contents which

may attract certain people

Main Image, shows David

Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, an iconic image

very recognisable

Page 2: Texual research.

The featured articles are shown with

pictures then the page number in a red

box so its easily recognisable and easy to find in the


The main article is just a photo of the Muppets which is

different to the way the other articles are laid out this is much easier to read this way also it’s the

biggest picture so it draws you in.

The subscription is on the contents page

shows that they want to hook you into

subscribing to the magazine

The review done by Q its self is on the bottom right

this time the article picture has some text next to it to show you a little nugget of the article to draw you in

The front page is shown at the top of the page on to link the contents page to its front cover and also it’s a common Q convention so it reminds the audience on why they

open the magazine and also how much other stuff is in the


The regular section of it is a common convention, showing you what the magazine offers most

issues also gives the page numbers and a brief


Page 3: Texual research.

A pull to open the double page spread,

with the title in bold so easily recognisable.

a lot of text across the double page to me suggests a heavy


More pictures of chas and dave, making the

article relatable.

Photo of the two of them on the page is a large medium clearly

showing who the interview is about.

Pull quote highlighted in red drawing the reader

in to the magazine.

Colours follow the same theme across the page.

Page 4: Texual research.

Headline– Main chunk in red, its bold tells the reader what its going to be about however the rest of the lines are in white still important

but not there to catch the readers attention.

NME is bold and red. Stands out makes it easily recognisable

Sub-Heading tells you more about the

magazine, what your liking going to

find inside. The photo of

Jarvis Cocker, is very rebellious and mirrors the

behaviour of pulp. Black and white

shows nostalgia

Colour Scheme is black, red and

white. Shows the rock culture of

anger and violence. Its realised just after the students riots so

it reflects relevant events

“About F*#king Time” font is personal looks hand written mirrors graffiti

Page 5: Texual research.

The contents page is very easy to read and uses

main articles within the magazine are highlighted

here with the use of pictures with the page number and a pulled quotes with a brief

summary of the article. The main article is a

bigger picture showing its prominence in the magazine. The fonts

reflect the style of the artist.

The subscription is on the contents page shows that

they want to hook you into subscribing

to the magazine

Free Poster – Buzz wordShows you that your going to get something free later on interests the reader to buy

and read it.

The plus sections is smaller because its what else is in the magazine also the

less important article or the regular

things that are always in the


Page 6: Texual research.

A main photo take us one half of the page. Other side is a bright side, with a good sized article with pull quotes throughout with a column that stands out drawing the reader in. colour are very bright which I like, however mainly used to draw attention

to the article. Having him in black and white contracts the article itself.

Page 7: Texual research.

Buzz words: Free CD!Bonus Mag!

Anniversary Special! Shows a reason why you should buy this


Band logo is embedded into the Headline,

showing prominence and boldness. 40th

Anniversary Special, tells you what the magazine is mainly

about. Shows secret history intrigues the

audience in.

The art work is very unusual it looks like an old book, reflects

nostalgia, the art work draws you in to the main picture of

the lead singer of the band, in his iconic

school uniform. This reflects the iconic

nature of AC/DC. Also the text in the middle has a flow and a wave to the way the text is

laid out

The front cover is very centralised, with all the

text in the middle drawing the readers eyes into the centre of the page also its very minimalistic intrigues

the audience in

Page 8: Texual research.

Plug at the top, makes the audience notice the contents

of it. Also most of the contents page is

black and white to show nostalgia of the

classic bands

The picture of AC/DC takes up

about 80% of the page showing the emphasis of the nostalgia of the

band to the reader

Cover story features a year that most of the readers will be able to reference too, uses the word history to show

the age of the contents, also there is a use of a boarder to show order

of the page

There is only a couple of features on the page

following the minimalistic style of this contents page.

Another plug on the page drawing the

readers into the rest of the magazine

Page 9: Texual research.

On one side of the page there is one main photo with a pull quote on top of it which pushed all the text to one side of the page. I like this style of making a double page spread however it would have been nice to have the picture over the double page spread. But I like the contrast of black and white across the page

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