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Page 1: Task 1 factul writing


Page 2: Task 1 factul writing

Leaflet Clarify: The leaflet is very clearly showing the information it has to offer as well as clearly showing the company the leaflet has been made by, ‘AllYork’. This leaflet tells you how you can save money and who you can ask to find out more information about it. It also clearly states that one ticket, can be used on any bus route which is then elaborated on further into the leaflet.

Concise: The use of the same colours creates a theme through the leaflet which act as a guide for the reader to know what to read next in the leaflet.

Accuracy: As the company set their own prices and routes, their information should be very accurate but they should always make sure what they say is true. ‘save money’.

Ambiguity: The information is presented in a very clear and simple way to make it easy for readers to understand and pull the important facts out. They have other competitors so they should focus on other things they could improve for their customers.

Bias: The leaflet is bias because it doesn’t offer any other options for other competitive businesses.

Register: Bold words that are easy and simple to read which is better for their audience, such as pensioners having bad eyesight, so they make the font bigger.

Evidence Of Argument: ‘Why pay more’.

Sources Of References: As long as the dates and pricing is correct, a leaflet doesn’t need to reference much.

Legal Issues: Unless the prices are wrong or their claims of ‘one ticket any route’ is false, there are no legal issues.

Page 3: Task 1 factul writing

Leaflet: Typography

Writing: The writing is clear, bold and in capital letters. This makes it easier to read from a distance as well as making it more appealing as there isn’t a lot to read.

Layout: Leaflets are stereotypically known to have three sections, and this one is no different. The three sections make it clear to follow as well as setting a clear layout for the important information. By doing this, people will be okay with reading a lot of information as it doesn’t ‘look’ like a lot.

Colour: The colours are very simple and they run through the leaflet as a theme, making the transition from one part of the leaflet to the next easier. The main colour used is blue which is a calming colour and it also fits with the logo of the company as their logo is in a different shade of blue, this is also true for the colour orange which is used in each of the three sections of the leaflet.

Page 4: Task 1 factul writing

Factual Journalism Clarify: This article gives you all the information you need to make a protein pancake. This is aimed at men who want more protein.

Concise: The use of colours is concise and contrasts well, and so does the font and images.

Accuracy: The information has to be accurate due to it being a recipe to make pancakes.

Ambiguity: It’s set out bit by bit so it is easy to follow and read. It’s clear and formatted well with clear headings.

Bias: The leaflet is bias because it doesn’t offer any other options for making the pancakes

Register: Bold words that are easy and simple to read

Evidence Of Argument: ‘How to make pancakes’

Sources Of References: It references the amounts of ingredients from other recipes.

Legal Issues: There are no legal issues as it’s their recipe.

Page 5: Task 1 factul writing

Factual Journalism : Typography

Layout: The layout is spaced nicely with clear images placed around the page in an aesthetically pleasing way.The green creates an easy flow to follow throughout the pages making the layout clear yet detailed.

Colour: Very basic colours are used in this article, apart from the occasional pop of green and yellow on the page. The plainness of the pages make the food stand out more so it is the first thing you look like, it is definitely a running theme as all the food has yellow in it to make them all connect somehow. The green is a great contrast against the yellow so it also stand out as well.

Writing: By using the bold, sharp and loud font as the headline, it grabs attention and brings people’s eyes down to the subhead of how to make pancakes. The rest of the writing is small and simple but with sub headers in bold, green capital letters to break up the text ,more.

Page 6: Task 1 factul writing

How To GuidesClarify: This a guide on how to build the bought object. It is called the G-UNIT Concise: Due to the simpleness of the diagrams, the guide is very concise as there is no colour in it, and each diagram flows to the next due to the placing and the numbering of letters.

Accuracy: As this is a guide on how to build something, it has to very accurate and simple so it’s easy and quick to build.

Ambiguity: The information is presented in a very clear and simple way to make it easy for readers to understand and pull the important facts out, such as where everything goes so it can be built.

Bias: There is only one way to make the unit.

Register: Numbered and easy to understand.

Evidence Of Argument: -

Sources Of References: -

Legal Issues: -

Page 7: Task 1 factul writing

How To Guides: Typography

Layout: The layout I very simple and easy to understand, by having letters to number the way you follow the instructions, it makes it easy to follow the page. Although, as there are 5 diagrams on the page, people may struggle to get a closer look at each part. The simpleness of the diagrams are easy to follow however and very clear against the white background.

Colour: There is no colour in this guide as the explanation through pictures can get confusing and complicated so by leaving colour out of it, it makes it simpler to read and understand.

Writing: There is also no writing in this guide as it is all shown through many images put together in an order which is easier to understand by the people reading it. Although, the company name/logo is at the top of the page in a simple bold font.

Page 8: Task 1 factul writing

Instruction ManualClarify: This is an instruction manual on how to use a ‘Nerf’ gun.

Concise: The colour scheme is concise with the logo of the brand, and the text is the same.

Accuracy: It has to be accurate to be able to teach a child on how to use the ‘Nerf’ gun.

Ambiguity: There is a lot of information given on the instruction manual, but it is numbered which makes it a lot easier to follow, especially for a kid.

Bias: The instruction manual is only for this toy, and only shows you one way to use it.

Register: It is numbered 1-7 to make it a lot easier to read and follow to be able to use it.

Evidence Of Argument: ‘Clearing A Jam’

Sources Of References: The company

Legal Issues: There isn’t any as it is their own toy and instructions on how to use it.

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Instruction Manual: Typography

Writing: The writing is well structured and easy to follow as it is numbered from 1-7 making it an easy step-by-step manual.

Layout: The colourful page has the image of the product on it which takes up most of the page, the font and other images are then situated around this image to draw you into it. The other page is laid out clearly and it is easily readable because of this.

Colour: There’s a clear theme running through the manual of red which contrasts with the logo which used the same or similar colour. Although, on the main manual part of this, it is in mostly black and white to make it clearer to understand, but the only colour are the numbers, small parts in the diagram and the logos at the bottom of the page. So apart from that page, the rest is in colour.

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