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Environmental Monitoring Report

Project No.: 43150-022 Bi-annual report (July – December 2014) January, 2015

TAJ: Regional Power Transmission Project

Prepared by: State Establishment “ Project Management Unit for Electroenergy Sector”

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Table of Contents


1.1. Project Description 1

1.2. Objective and Methodology of Bi-Annual Report 2

1.3. Changes in project organization and Environmental management team 3

Institutional Framework 3

1.4. Relationships with Contractors and PMU 5

1.5. Construction activities and Project Progress during previous 6 months 5

1.5.1. Construction facilities 7

II. Environmental Monitoring 15

2.1. Noise and Vibration 15

2.2. Water Quality 16

2.3. Air Quality 16

Dust Suppression 16

2.4. Flora and Fauna Monitoring 16

2.5. Monitoring of Occupational Health and Safety, and HIV-AIDS Issues 17

III. Environmental Management 18

3.1. EMMP, SSEMP and Work Plans 18

3.2. Site Inspections and Audits 18

3.3. Non- Compliance Notices 18

3.4. Corrective Action Plans 21

3.5. Consultation and Complaints 23


Annex 1. Photolog of construction activities 24

Annex 2. Templates 29

Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank BT Barqi Tojik CEP Committee for Environmental Protection EA Executive Agency EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan ES Environmental Specialist ESM Environmental Supervisor and Monitor Expert HSE Health, Safety and Environment Management GOST Gosudarstvennye Standarty (Russian Technical Standards) GoT Government of Tajikistan IEE Initial Environmental Examination PMU Project Implementation Unit PMUES Project Management Unit Energy Sector RoW Right of Way TL Transmission Line TOR Terms of Reference

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1.1. Project Description

1. This second biannual environmental monitoring encompasses the Project which intends (i) to

rehabilitate existing and construct new transmission assets in order to strengthen Tajikistan's

interconnection with Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan; (ii) to install Supervisory

Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA); and (iii) to improve the quality of electricity supply

on regional and national level. Additionally, the Project will consider opportunities for non-physical

investments and address the issues of governance and operational efficiency improvements.

2. The Project shall enhance electricity interconnections with Afghanistan, Kyrgyz Republic, and

Uzbekistan through: (i) replacement of equipment in 500kV and 220kV substations that are

important for regional power transmission; and (ii) expand 220kV network to improve reliability of

connections with Afghanistan and the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. Kayrakkum – Asht TL, North: The Kayrakkum – Asht Transmission Line will cover land on

approx. 70.4 km distance on a 50 m wide corridor for the transmission lines according to the

related regulations for transmission lines of the Republic of Tajikistan. Approximately 255

conventional and angle lattice towers are required along the route with an average distance of

288 m.

4. Geran – Rumi TL, South: The Geran – Rumi Transmission Line will cover land on approx.

69.2 km distance on a 50 m wide corridor for the transmission lines according to the related

regulations for transmission lines of the Republic of Tajikistan. Approximately 240 conventional

and angle lattice towers are required along the route with average distance of 288 m.

5. Geran Substation: In Geran, the additional construction of a substation is required to receive

the 220 kV line. The area is adjacent to the existing substation, on the opposite site of the road.

The recent land use is extensive agriculture. An area of 10 ha in a square shape would be


6. The categorization of the Project regarding environmental safeguard aspects has been

carried out by ADB staff at a mission in October 2009. The project has been categorized as

Category B: Minor impacts able to mitigate are expected to occur. The transmission lines run

through areas with low environmental sensitivities and do not traverse any village or settlement.

Distances to any dwelling or settlement will be kept at a minimum of 50 meters. No significant or

irreversible impacts are expected with the operation of the new lines. There will be some

temporary impacts during the construction phase but appropriate mitigation measures have been

developed. The IEE concluded, if the environmental management and monitoring program is

properly implemented, these impacts will not be significant. Findings gained through ADB’s and

Fichtner’s field surveys confirm this Project status.

Figure 1 below shows location of project sites in scale of the country.

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Figure 1: Project Location Map

1.2. Objective and Methodology of Bi-Annual Report

7. The Initial Environmental Examination of February 2010 (updated in February 2012 and May 2014) contains an Environmental Management Plan (in the following named EMMP – Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan) stipulating mitigation and monitoring measures for the design, construction, commissioning and operation phases. One of the requirements within this EMMP is that the construction contractor shall set up a safety plan to the construction activities. In February 2014, Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd., the Contractor, submitted an Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan (in the following called HSE Plan) for the avoidance of risks to the health of the workforce on the job site as well as for the protection of the environment as a site-specific plan made on the basis of the Initial Environmental Examination for this project. The purpose of semi-annual environmental monitoring is to monitor compliance of project activities with the EMMP and the HSE Plan. This Report was prepared for the second part of 2014 for the period from July to December.

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8. Additionally, the purpose of this second bi-annual environmental monitoring report is to satisfy the environmental safeguarding requirements of the Government of Tajikistan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as well as to fulfill the requirements written into the loan document for the Government (Joint Stock Holding Company “Barqi Tojik”, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources) of the Republic of Tajikistan. 9. The findings are based on a review of monthly engineering progress reports and quarterly monitoring progress reports submitted by the Contractors (Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd and consortium of ALSTOM Grid Energy Industrial A.S. – GENSER Genel Muhendislik Taah. ve Tic. A.S.), and on findings obtained during the supervision and monthly inspections by PMU environmental experts for monitoring environmental impacts executed between July and December 2014. Further, the PMU environmental specialists regularly supervised environmental monitoring of relevant parameters administered by the Contractors as well as additionally reviewed project design, social and associated documents.

1.3. Changes in project organization and Environmental management team

Institutional Framework

10. The Executing Agency (EA) is the Joint Stock Holding Company “Barqi Tojik” (BT). The EA has set up a Project Management Unit (PMU) to manage day-to-day coordination, implementation, monitoring and administration activities of the project. The schematic below shows the structure of the environmental management team.

Figure 2. Institutional Chart of the Environmental Safeguards Arrangement

11. As per TOR the Consultant (Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG) has one international and one national expert foreseen for the environmental matters of this project. Within OJSHC ‘Barqi Tojik/PMU’ an Environmental Monitoring Department exists that is in full operation. This department is responsible for the implementation of the mitigation and regular monitoring

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measures as outlined in the IEE Report. In addition to his duties (as outlined in the TOR), the international environmental expert of Fichtner is supporting PMU experts with annual inspections and additional training on all environmental issues related to this project within the frame of the available person-months. 12. The Social Sector and Environmental Monitoring Department within the PMU currently consists of 5 specialists, including the Head of the Department. 13. Current PMUES staff for EM and SS is as follows:

Table 1: PMU organizational arrangements for Environmental Monitoring

No Social Sector and Environmental Monitoring Department1 of PMUES


1 Head of Department Mr. Sirojiddin Karimov 2 Main specialist on social and environmental issues Ms. Takhmina Aslamova 3 Leading specialist on environmental issues Mr. Aziz Dustov 4 Leading specialist on environmental issues Ms. Shahlo Khokiroeva 5 Leading specialist on environmental issues Mr. Hisrav Sharipov

14. This department is responsible for all foreign financed projects except for one World Bank Energy Loss Reduction Project that set up its own PMU. The Social Sector and Environmental Monitoring Department shall (i) work within the Barqi Tojik/ PMU to ensure all statutory environmental submissions under CEP requirements and other environmentally related legislation are fully implemented; (ii) work within the Barqi Tojik /PMU to ensure all environmental requirements and mitigation measures resulting from the environmental assessment of the project are included in the contract prequalification and bidding documents for suppliers and contractors; (iii) support the development of any additionally needed IEE and IEE requirements that become apparent following fine tuning; (iv) provide training and project awareness for Barqi Tojik and PMU staff and project stakeholders; (v) communicate with the CEP and people affected by the Project; (vi) initially supervise and monitor Contractor’s first construction measures; (vii) investigate complaints. 15. Mr. Aziz Dustov (tel.988002772) and Mr. Hisrav Sharipov (tel. 935329008) were appointed by the PMU as environmental specialists to ensure that project activities are in compliance with the EMMP and HSE Plan. One HSE specialist was appointed from Construction Contractor for Lot 1 - Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. – Mr. S. Kurubakaran (tel.937775405). He is also responsible for implementation of all HSE aspects stipulated in the EMMP and in the contractor’s HSE Plan. As for Lot 2 Construction Contractor - consortium Alstom Grid Energy Industrial A.S. – Genser Genel Muhendislik Taah. ve Tic. A.S. – Mr. Kh. Kurbonov (tel.+992 919 041034) was appointed as HSE specialist.

1 It is also commonly referred to as “Monitoring Department”

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16. For other positions, no changes to the project organization structure were made during the reporting period. There were no changes to the CSC project organization team. Thus, the responsibility of fulfilling environmental requirements of Government of Tajikistan and conducting the required level of environmental assessment consistent with ADB guidelines lies within the PMU of the EA. Project consultants assist the PMU in this regard. The IEE and ESIA reports, based on ADB’s Environmental Guidelines, are reviewed by the EA. ADB internally reviews and approves the reports. IEE reports were approved by the Government Ecological Expertise of the Republic of Tajikistan, November 27th 2014. 17. Both Contractors are implemented the construction works during reporting period. Contractors’ Environmental Units are responsible for implementation of the EMMP and HSE Plan and monitor the construction activities and are responsible for reporting.

1.4. Relationships with Contractors and PMU

18. According to their agreements the Contractors provided six reports for the period July-December 2014 and held relevant meetings with responsible environmental engineers.

1.5. Construction activities and Project Progress during previous 6 months

19. On 1st September 2011 a contract with Fichtner GmbH/Tepsco as the Project Consultant was signed. On 11th February 2013 a “Kalpataru - Jyoti Company – Consortium” as contractor for the implementation of Lot 1 of the Project was contracted. The contractor has completed the research on the two new overhead lines (north and south) lines in general. Subcontracts for construction works were done with JSC "Tadzhikgidroelektromontazh", JSC "TADES", LLC "Tadzhikgidroenergostroy" and "Genser" Company. After payment of resettlement compensation, construction began on the Northern Line in July 2014.

20. On 18th November 2013 a contract with the company "Alstom-Genser Consortium» (Germany) was signed for the implementation of lot 2 of the project. The Contractor completed all work related to research and design. And the construction works under this lot were started in October 2014. On 12 September 2014 was signed the Contract for implementation of Lot 3 with Company “Alstom Grid SAS”.

21. This report was prepared on the basis of: (1) monthly reports of the Contractors; (2) assessment made during the site visits; and (3) and other information requested/obtained from the Contractors.

22. Construction activities have fully started under the lots 1 and 2 of the „Regional Power Transmission Project” in the reporting period. Mobilization works and construction works have been commenced under both Lot 1 and Lot 2. The Contractors have extensively worked out project drawings and did design. Their activities dealing with construction in the previous six-month are as follows:

Table 2: Previous Six Months Progress for Lot 1 (under the Contract with Consortium lead by Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.)

No. Month of the year 2014

Activities – North Route

1 July · construction works for «Kayrakkum» SS extension, · Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers

· Erection of towers

2 August · construction works for «Kayrakkum» SS extension,

· Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers

· Erection of towers

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3 September · construction works for «Kayrakkum» SS extension,

· Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers

· Erection of towers

4 October

· construction works for «Kayrakkum» SS extension,

· Mobilization works for South line

· Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers · Erection of towers

5 November · Mobilization works for South line

· Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers

· Erection of towers

6 December · Mobilization works for South line · Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers

(depends on weather condition)

Table 3: Previous Six Months Progress for the Lot 2 (under the Contract with Consortium leads by Alstom Grid Energy Industrial A. S.)

No. Month of the year 2014

Activities – South Route

1 July · No construction works, only project drawings and design

documents, procurement

2 August · No construction works, only project drawings and design

documents, procurement

3 September · No construction works, only project drawings and design

documents, procurement

4 October

· Mobilization works

· Grading

· Construction of the work camp at SS “Geran” · Fencing

· Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers, buildings and other structures

5 November · Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers,

buildings and other structures

6 December · Construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers,

buildings and other structures (depends on weather condition)

23. Within the framework of the project’s environmental management, the supervision tasks consist of continuous monitoring by the PMUES, environmental monitoring and management of project implementation and assistance in ensuring the implementation of environmental management practices at each stage of the construction. The monitoring is done to comply with the Environmental Monitoring and Management plan (EMMP) and contractor’s HSE plan in line with ADB’s environmental safeguards policies and the environmental regulations of Republic of Tajikistan. The monitoring reports cover the project implementation activities between July and December 2014.

24. The environmental monitoring consists of two logical parts, and these are: (1) monitoring of the compliance with EMMP and HSE Plan; and (2) monitoring of the ambient environmental conditions. The assessment of compliance with the EMMP and HSE Plan commenced with the review of the environmental management conditions required for compliance during the

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construction stage of the project. The other part of the biannual environmental monitoring is the monitoring of ambient environmental condition. During last six months the Construction Contractor did not conduct instrumental monitoring of the environment quality except noise level measuring. The construction activities were observed during site visits taking note of the obvious environmental impacts of the construction activities.

Lot 1: Kalpataru’s Construction camps

25. Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd has several construction camps alongside both North and South routes. Kitchens and dining room, premises for workers are operating on the area of the construction camps (Figures 3, 4). Relatively small amount of construction wastes as well as municipal wastes are produced on the territory of the camps. For the disposal of municipal waste a temporary hole has been dug and the generated waste is disposed there (Figure 5). Furthermore, a temporary toilets and showers have been installed on the territory of the camps (Figure 6). Wastewater from the toilet as well as the shower flows into septic tanks and are in compliance with requirements of the EMMP/HSE Plan. However sanitary facilities of some camps (such as kitchens, dining rooms, toilets and showers) still need to be improved significantly. No agreements with local companies are found yet for the removal of municipal waste. Same situation exist for service agreements with local hospitals. The Contractor was advised to conclude relevant agreements as soon as possible.

Figure 3: Kitchen and dining room

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Figure 6: Temporary toilet and temporary shower

Figure 5: Temporary hole for municipal waste disposal

Figure 4: Premises for workers

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26. Hazardous and industrial waste are stored properly using roofed protective containers.

27. Fire extinguishers, sand, hooks and other fire fighting devices are in place. Please see Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Fire extinguishing tools

28. The equipment for concrete preparation is still relatively small and mobile and can be seen on Figure 8 below. Cement and inert materials are purchased from the market and local companies using existing quarries which got relevant permissions from local authorities.

Figure 8. Small concrete batching equipment

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Figure 9. Inert construction materials purchased from local companies

Construction activities under Lot 1

29. During last six months (July-December 2014) the construction activities include construction works related to the «Kayrakkum» SS extension, construction and concrete filling of the foundations for towers, and erection of towers. Construction of 220kv Kayrakum-Asht TL: As per December 2014 in total 175 towers’ foundations were completed and 94 of towers were erected. Construction of 220kv Geran-Rumi TL: As per December 2014 in total 22 towers’ foundations were completed. See photographs in Annex 1. Currently no violations of EMMP/HSE Plan requirements were observed.

Lot 2: Genser’s construction camp

30. Genser Genel Muhendislik Taah. ve Tic. A.S. has one construction camp located at the territory of Geran-2 Sub-Station. Kitchens and dining room, living and office premises for workers are operating on the area of the construction camp (see Figures 10 -14). Relatively small amount of construction wastes as well as municipal wastes are produced on the territory of the camp. For the disposal of municipal waste a temporary hole has been dug and the generated waste is disposed there (Figure 15). Furthermore, toilets, showers and laundry have been placed in the camp (Figures 16 and 17). Wastewater from the toilet as well as the shower flows into septic tanks and are in compliance with requirements of the EMMP/HSE Plan. It should be noted that all sanitary facilities and premises are new or in good condition. Fire protection tools are placed properly. However, no agreement with local companies is found yet for the removal of municipal waste. Same situation exist for service agreement with local hospital. The Contractor was advised to do this as soon as possible.

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Figure 10. Kitchen

Figure 11. Dining room

Figure 12. Living room

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Figure 13. Living room

Figure 14. Office premises

Figure 15. Temporary hole for waste disposal

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Figure 16. Showers and toilets

Figure 17. Laundry

31. Fire extinguishers, sand, hooks and other fire fighting devices are in place. Please see Figure 18 below.

Figure 18. Fire protection tools are placed both outside and inside

32. Hazardous and industrial waste are stored properly using special storing places and roofed protective containers.

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Figure 19. Hazardous and industrial waste storage

33. The equipment for concrete preparation is still relatively small and can be seen on Figure 20 below. Cement and inert materials are purchased from the market and local companies using existing quarries which got relevant permissions from local authorities.

Figure 20. Concrete production plant

Figure 21. Inert material purchased from local companies

Construction activities under Lot 2

34. During last six months (July-December 2014) the construction activities were last from October to December 2014. These activities include mobilization works, fencing, the camp’s construction and construction works related to the «Geran» SS. See photographs in Annex 1. Currently no violations of EMMP/HSE Plan requirements were observed.

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II. Environmental Monitoring

35. Instrumental monitoring of noise level was conducted during the reporting period. Please see para 39-40 below for more details. No baseline monitoring data of water and air quality were received from Contractor for reporting period. It was advised to conduct this survey in accordance with updated IEE/EMMP and submit data with the next bi-annual report.

36. Visual observations of the ambient environmental condition of the project areas were done during the site visits in reporting period.

2.1. Noise and Vibration

37. Monitoring of noise showed that construction and installation works conducted close to the residential areas were limited in time and ended latest 8 p.m. No complaints were received and/or recorded from the inhabitants. To reduce noise mainly generated by heavy construction equipment during their operation, these machines are equipped with silencers or vehicles with low sound output are used.

38. As for vibration issues it was recommended to use more light or weak tools and devices to avoid the cracking of adjacent buildings. No cracks or other damages were observed during the site visits for the period of July - December 2014.

39. Instrumental monitoring was conducted only at Geran-2 SS construction site at places where more noise intensive construction works are carried out.

· Point 1 at 20 meters from the Concrete production plant (Latitude: 37°20'26.28"N Longitude: 68°43'34.46"E)

· Point 2 at 20 meters from the Reinforcement Steel cutting device (Latitude: 37°20'25.38"N Longitude: 68°43'37.06"E)

40. Data on noise level is shown in the Table 4 below.

Table 4: Noise level monitoring data

Month: December Year: 2014

N Location

Noise Standards in dBA (max)

Baseline measure

Monitoring of measuring data

07.00-23.00 23.00-07.00 When was this done? State the date and time

Data span (range) from 13.00 to 13.20

1 Concrete plant 80-80 dBA 80-80 dBA N/A 47 dB 2 Steel cutting device 80-80 dBA 80-80 dBA N/A 49 dB Standards: 55-45 dBA (max) - Residential area 75-75 dBA (max) - Commercial area 80-80 dBA (max) - Industrial area 50-40 dBA (max) - Hospitals 55-55 dBA (max) - Schools, Library

Figure 22.Noise level measuring at

construction site

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41. Relevant Noise and Vibration Management Plan shall be prepared and attached as Annex to an updated EMMP/HSE plan.

2.2. Water Quality

42. The Kayrakkum Substation is located near Kayrakkum artificial reservoir created on the Syr Darya River. The level of groundwater in this area of the planned corridor is more than 10 m deep, except in the Kayrakkum reservoir zone. South Zone project crosses the river Vakhsh, and some of its tributaries. In some areas of South project area groundwater level is high, especially near the rivers.

43. The leaking of oil or fuel can lead to contamination of surface and groundwater. However civil works near the rivers are not yet done except of works needed to expand the substation "Kayrakkum". All actions required by the EMMP to avoid getting the fuel and oil into the river are implemented.

44. The Contractors were advised to select appropriate water sampling points (where works will be conducted near the water sources) and conduct instrumental monitoring every 3 months. A relevant Water Quality Management Plan shall be developed as Annex to the EMMP/HSE Plan.

2.3. Air Quality

45. All heavy equipment and machinery are in compliance with the EMMP. Gasoline and diesel driven machinery are checked before uses in one of the well equipped vehicle inspection stations. 46. Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks are used to minimize exhaust emissions. Trucks were regularly checked in vehicle inspection stations as well. Stockpiled soil and sand were slightly wetted before loading when project works are conducted during windy conditions.

47. Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials are covered with tarpaulins.

48. Speed limits are set and controlled. No transport movement through densely populated area is allowed.

49. Used concrete plants (equipment) are rather small and located at relevant distance from sensitive receptors.

50. No air quality instrumental monitoring is proposed under EMMP.

Dust Suppression

51. Dust suppressions of the access roads are conducted by watering in dry period. No complaints were received neither from workers nor from the population on this item.

2.4. Flora and Fauna Monitoring

52. North Zone project is characterized as a desert with annual wormwood plant communities and plant communities Batiz. In this project area no rare, endangered or protected animal species were recorded. Civil works in the area of bird migration (crossing over the Syr-Darya River) were not yet started.

53. The South Zone project is characterized by low-growing annual savanna vegetation in combination with sagebrush deserts and vast cotton fields. Downstream of the Vakhsh River some fragments of riparian forests are found. The IEE does not report about endangered or

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protected species in this region. Construction works in the Southern zone were started in October 2014.

54. For reporting period 437 trees were removed in areas where an access road for tower foundations had to be constructed. Relevant permission for trees cutting was obtained from local authorities. The types of trees included 333 grape, 139 fruitful trees and 9 unfruitful trees. Removed trees were handed over to the farmers. Replanting of trees and bushes will be done when towers are erected in steeper slopes. Height limitations (i.e. for tree plantation) have to be respected.

2.5. Monitoring of Occupational Health and Safety, and HIV-AIDS Issues

55. No accidents were registered during the reporting period. Relevant measures were undertaken by contractors during implementation of project works to comply with all the requirements and measures for the protection of occupational health and safety (Contractor’s HSE Plan):

· The Contractor developed a safety training program, consisting of an initial course on health and safety. All workers have to attend the safety training courses starting from the first week of employment. Technical safety instructions courses are held on a monthly basis.

· Workers and engineers are provided with protective equipment and clothing, e.g. helmets, special work wear, safety belts, gloves, protective glasses etc. A first aid center has been equipped.

· Each three months, the Contractor held an instruction course on HIV / AIDS.

· Briefings on technical safety, labor and environmental protection (including electro-magnetic fields) are held for the workforce on a daily basis.

56. Figure 23 below demonstrate provided protection means to workers.

Figure 23. Workers wearing protective clothes

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III. Environmental Management

3.1. EMMP, SSEMP2 and Work Plans

57. The assessment of compliance with the Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP) and the Contractor’s Health, Safety and Environment Management Planning (HSE Plan) commenced with a review of the environmental management requirements for compliance during the construction stage of the project.

58. The Contractors submitted 6 progress reports with HSE sections for July-December 2014.

59. No relevant and/or adequate SSEMPs (site specific environmental management plans) for construction sites of North and South Routes as well as for Geran-2 SS were developed yet.

3.2. Site Inspections and Audits

60. Three site inspections (23.07.2014, 11.09.2014 and 10.12.-11.12.2014) were conducted to verify the effectiveness of environmental protection measures in achieving the goals specified in the environmental monitoring and management plan (EMMP), check the compliance with EMMP and SSEMP during the reporting period of July-December 2014. The site inspections were conducted on various environmental aspects of the project and are part of the Monthly Progress Report. During the inspections, a number of environmental and safety issues were observed and noted. These issues were subsequently brought to the attention of the personnel concerned on the Project Consultant’s side as well as discussed with the Contractor’s side. The issues observed are generally related to potential contamination in construction camps, and sanitation conditions at Contractor’s camps and some other minor problems.

61. During the inspections visual surveys on-site, meetings with workers, contractor, environmental engineers, local environmental authorities and specialists were conducted.

3.3. Non- Compliance Notices

62. The status of actions done to fulfill non-compliance notices indicated in previous Bi-annual report of January-June 2014 is shown in Table 5 below.

Table 5: Status of fulfillment of non-compliance notices

No Environmental issues

identified Corrective actions to be taken

Deadlines to resolve the


Status of fulfillment


Not full compliance to sanitary and fire protection requirements at construction camp Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd

Improve sanitary conditions in the construction camp - the Contractor should maintain sanitary condition of the campsites – collect all rubbish and dispose them properly - Sanitary facilities such as toilet and shower as well as kitchen and dining room are in poor condition - Sanitary facilities

Regularly By the next working season

Partially addressed Not addressed

2 Site Specific Environmental Management Plan. In case of North Route the SSEMP is part of HSE Plan prepared by

the Contractor. However Contractor’s HSE Plan needs to be revised in accordance with IEE/EMP and environmental safeguards requirements.

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No Environmental issues

identified Corrective actions to be taken

Deadlines to resolve the


Status of fulfillment

need to be improved significantly. - At construction campsites fire protection and fighting devices are not in place - make relevant arrangements in order to comply with the requirements.




Used construction scrap and other materials (steel, timber, wires, tires etc.) are improperly stored at the site or stored in a disorderly manner – risk of safety

Contractor has to store materials in orderly manner or dispose/sell off scrap materials to outside material haulers/or recyclers

By September 2014


3 Rubbish was found in various areas of the campsite.

The Contractor should educate their staff of proper waste management and provide adequate waste bins within the premises and sites

regularly Partially addressed

4 Temporary fuelling stations at camps are in poor condition.

These stations need to be replaced or improved properly.

By the end of 2014


5 Oil spills in some small parts of the campsites

Spilled materials and contaminated soil should be removed by Contractor and disposed properly.

By September 2014


6 Household waste is not taken away from the territory of the camp

Continuous control that household rubbish is taken away more often; burning of waste is forbidden.

regularly Partially fulfilled

7 Rehabilitation of sites after construction camp removal

If construction camp will be moved to other places in accordance with the needs of project construction, the previous place should be fully rehabilitated and officially closed

By the end of 2014



Vehicles transporting soil, sand and other construction materials are not covered with tarpaulins.

The Contractor should ensure compliance with the air quality protection requirements.

By September 2014


9 Progress reports Reports for July-December 2014 should be submitted in time

Regularly by 3rd day of next month


10 Site specific EMP All contractors shall prepare SSEMP where needed

By next bi-annual

Partially fulfilled

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No Environmental issues

identified Corrective actions to be taken

Deadlines to resolve the


Status of fulfillment



No monitoring of water quality and noise level in accordance with EMMP

Conduct baseline monitoring of water quality in selected points (coordinate with environmental authorities) and noise level and submit data in given templates (see Annex 2)

By the end of 2014

Partially fulfilled


A detailed description of Emergency preparedness system is not in place

Contractors shall prepare emergency preparedness and response plan in accordance with recommendations of PMUES and consultants of ADB

By 20th December 2014

Not addressed


No detailed water quality, noise and vibration, flora and construction camps management plans

HSE plan should be revised in accordance with IEE/EMP and environmental safeguards requirements, including Construction Camp Management Plan, Water quality management plan, Noise and vibration management plan, Flora and Fauna Management plan, Emergency Preparedness Plan with relevant schemes (layouts), maps, contacts, schedules and more detailed description of concrete actions which will be carried out. Examples and recommendations will be provided from PMUES side and consultants of ADB on environmental issues. SSEMP should be set up in all construction camps, offices of Contractor and Consultant.

By the end of 2014

Not addressed

14 EMMP trainings Implement a training program which was recommended within the IEE of 2010

By next bi-annual reporting

Not addressed

63. Following non-compliance notices for reporting period were observed:

· The construction contractors have not placed a Book of Complaints at the construction sites.

· The Contractor’s progress reports should contain more details on health, safety and environmental issues.

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· The sanitary requirements are not properly fulfilled for areas at construction camps of Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd: ü Rubbish was found in various areas of the campsite ü Household waste is not taken away from the territory of the camp ü Sanitary facilities such as toilet and shower as well as kitchen and dining room are in

poor condition. Sanitary facilities need to be improved significantly. ü Construction camps were not fenced.

· No water quality measurements have been conducted to date as required by the EMMP.

· The HSE Plan should be updated in accordance with IEE/EMMP and safeguards requirements, particularly Construction Camp Management Plan, Water quality management plan, Noise and vibration management plan, Flora and Fauna Management plan, Emergency Preparedness Plan with relevant schemes (layouts), maps, contacts, schedules and more detailed description of concrete actions which shall be developed. Examples and recommendations will be provided from PMUES side and consultants of ADB on environmental issues.

· Updated EMMP should be set up in all construction camps, offices of Contractor and Consultant (SSEMPs).

64. More detailed recommendations to correct the issues raised in these notices, stating the entities responsible for their implementation, are given in the Correction Action Plan (Section 3.4).

3.4. Corrective Action Plans

65. In order to reach compliance with the EMMP and the HSE Plan following detailed corrective actions have to be implemented in close coordination with PMU, Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) and Contractor (Table 6):

Table 6: Corrective Action Plan

No Environmental issues identified

Corrective actions to be taken Deadlines to resolve the issues

Responsibilities for Implementation /supervision


Not full compliance to sanitary and fire protection requirements at construction camps of Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd

Improve sanitary conditions in the construction camp - the Contractor should maintain sanitary condition of the campsites – collect all rubbish and dispose them properly - Sanitary facilities such as toilet and shower as well as kitchen and dining room are in poor condition - Sanitary facilities need to be improved significantly.

Regularly By the next working season

Contractor (Responsible Engineers)/PMU

2 Rubbish was found in various areas of the campsite.

The Contractor should educate their staff of proper waste management and provide adequate waste bins within the premises and sites


Contractor (Responsible Engineers)/PMU

3 Household waste is not taken away from the territory of the camp

Continuous control that household rubbish is taken away more often; burning of

regularly Contractor (Responsible

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No Environmental issues identified

Corrective actions to be taken Deadlines to resolve the issues

Responsibilities for Implementation /supervision

waste is forbidden. Engineers)/PMU

4 Rehabilitation of sites after construction camp removal

If construction camp will be moved to other places in accordance with the needs of project construction, the previous place should be fully rehabilitated and officially closed

Each time in accordance with work schedule

Contractor (Responsible Engineers)/PMU

5 Site specific EMP

All contractors shall prepare SSEMP with indicated annexes as it was proposed in previous Corrective action plan

By the end of January 2015


6 No monitoring of water quality in accordance with EMMP

Conduct baseline monitoring of water quality in selected points (coordinate with environmental authorities) and submit data in given templates (see Annex 2)

By next bi-annual reporting



A detailed description of Emergency preparedness system is not in place

Contractors shall prepare emergency preparedness and response plan in accordance with recommendations of PMUES and consultants of ADB as a part of SSEMP

By the end of January 2015



No detailed water quality, noise and vibration, flora and construction camps management plans

HSE plan should be revised in accordance with IEE/EMP and environmental safeguards requirements, including Construction Camp Management Plan, Water quality management plan, Noise and vibration management plan, Flora and Fauna Management plan, Emergency Preparedness Plan with relevant schemes (layouts), maps, contacts, schedules and more detailed description of concrete actions which will be carried out. Examples and recommendations will be provided from PMUES side and consultants of ADB on environmental issues. SSEMP should be set up in all construction camps, offices of Contractor and Consultant.

By the end of January 2015

Contractor, Consultant and PMUES

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No Environmental issues identified

Corrective actions to be taken Deadlines to resolve the issues

Responsibilities for Implementation /supervision

9 EMMP trainings Implement a training program which was recommended within the IEE of 2010

By next bi-annual reporting

PMU/ PIC / Contractor

10 Noise monitoring

Conduct noise measurement at all construction sites (Kairakkum-Asht, Geran-Rumi) and provide Data in full scale with next bi-annual report

Regularly, in accordance with EMP By end of June 2015


3.5. Consultation and Complaints

66. Complaints from residents or affected persons shall go to PMU Grievance Redress committee at sites and to PMU office in Dushanbe. During the reporting period PMUES, its regional representatives and the Project Supervision Consultant did not receive any complaints from residents.

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Annex 1. Photolog of construction activities

Figure 1. Erection of retaining wall at «Kayrakkum» SS, concrete filling

Figure 2. Reinforcing of retaining wall at «Kayrakkum» SS, concrete filling

Figure 3. Retaining wall at «Kayrakkum» SS, concreted part

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Figure 4. Pit for the foundation of a tower

Figure 5. Centering of poles (towers) foundation

Figure 6. Installation of curbs – workers have all needed PPE

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Figure 7. Foundation after filling with concrete

Figure 8. Tower positioning

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Figure 9. Gantry foundation, Geran-2 SS

Figure 10. Gantry foundation for 220kV pillars, Geran-2 SS

Figure 11. Gantry foundation for 110kV pillar, Geran-2 SS

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Figure 12. Geran-2 SS foundations

Figure 13. Geran-2 SS foundations

Figure 14. Geran-2 SS retaining wall

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Annex 2. Templates

Environmental Monitoring Report – example and template Water quality

1. Reporting Period: July - December 2014.

2. Construction Activities

The Contractor has already carried out the following activity at site

No. Activity Remarks

1. Camp Construction 2. Substation construction 3. Foundations for poles (towers) construction 3. Environmental Monitoring

Result of Environmental Monitoring Values

3.1. Routine Periodic Water Quality Monitoring.

3.1.1 Water Quality Monitoring Conditions (Template3)

Parameter Water Quality Monitoring Conditions at Camp National Standard Monitoring values

Temperature pH Not less than 6 Iron (mg/l) 0.008 Copper (mg/l) 0.02 Zinc (mg/l) 0.02 DO (mg/l) Not less than 5 BOD (mg/l) Less than 2 SS (mg/l) Not more than 30 Fecal coliform Not more than 20000 no./ L Oil grease Not more than 0.5mg/L

3 Templates for instrumental monitoring to be conducted further

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