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Page 1: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach

M.J. Ramsey-Musolf

V. Cirigliano CaltechC. Lee INTS. Tulin CaltechS. Profumo Caltech

PRD 71: 075010 (2005), hep-ph/0603058 (PRD), hep-ph/0603246 (JHEP)

Page 2: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

The Origin of Matter & Energy

Beyond the SM SM symmetry (broken)

Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ?

Baryogenesis: When? SUSY? Neutrinos? CPV?

WIMPy D.M.: Related to baryogenesis?

“New gravity”? Grav baryogenesis ?

Weak scale baryogenesis can be tested experimentally Cosmic Energy Budget


Page 3: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

What is the origin of baryonic matter ?

Cosmic Energy Budget


Dark Matter

Dark Energy

Searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of the neutron, electron, and neutral atoms probe new CP-violation

r E

r d = d

r S

νEDM = − dr S ⋅

r E


T-odd , CP-odd by CPT theorem

What are the quantitative implications of new EDM experiments for explaining the origin of the baryonic component of the Universe ?

YB = ρ B

=(7.3 ± 2.5) ×10−11

(9.2 ±1.1) ×10−11



Page 4: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

EDM Probes of New CP Violation

f dSM dexp dfuture




< 10−40

< 10−30

< 10−33

< 10−28

< 1.6 ×10−27

< 6.3 ×10−26

< 2.1×10−28

< 1.1×10−18

→ 10−31

→ 10−29

→ 10−32

→ 10−24


If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM?

Also 225Ra, 129Xe, d

See Pospelov, Plaster

Page 5: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Baryogenesis and EDMs: Theoretical Tasks

• Attaining reliable computations that relate particlephysics models of new CP-violation to EDMs ofcomplex systems (neutron, atoms, nuclei)

• Attaining reliable (systematic) computations of the baryon asymmetry from fundamental particle physics theories with new CP-violation

Nonperturbative QCD, atomic & nuclear structure

• Non-equilibrium quantum transport• Non-zero T and • Spacetime dynamics of cosmic phase transitions

Equally difficult but less studied This talk series

Page 6: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics

Weak Scale Baryogenesis

• B violation

• C & CP violation

• Nonequilibrium dynamics

Sakharov, 1967


ϕ new



Unbroken phase

Broken phaseCP Violation

Topological transitions

1st order phase transition

• Is it viable?• Can experiment constrain it?• How reliably can we compute it?




e -?



ϕ new


ϕ new





Theoretical Issues:Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT)Bubble dynamics (numerical)Strength of phase transition (beyond MSSM)EDMs: many-body physics & QCD

Page 7: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Systematic Baryogenesis

Unbroken phase

Topological transitions

Broken phase

1st order phase transition ?



∂t− D∇ 2ρ B = −ΓWS FWS (x) nL (x) + Rρ B[ ]

FWS (x) !0 deep inside bubble

nL produced in wall & diffuses in front

Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Joyce, Prokopec, Turok






Page 8: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Systematic Baryogenesis


∂t− D∇ 2ni = S n j ,T,ϕ , ˜ M ( )

Quantum Transport Equation

Unbroken phase

Topological transitions

Broken phase

1st order phase transition ?


= +


+ …€

˜ G

˜ G 0

˜ G 0

˜ G 0

˜ Σ

Schwinger-Dyson Equations

Riotto Carena et al Lee, Cirigliano, Tulin, R-M Konstandin et al

Compute from first principles given Lnew

Page 9: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Systematic BaryogenesisDeparture from equilibrium• Non-adiabatic evolution of states

& degeneracies

• Non-thermal distributions

= +


˜ G

˜ G 0

˜ G 0

˜ G 0

˜ Σ

Generalized Green’s Functions: Closed Time Path

Exploit scale hierarchy: expand in scale ratios

Page 10: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Scale Hierarchy

T > 0: Degeneracies





vW > 0: Non-adiabaticity


Time Scales

Plasma time:

P ~ 1/P

Decoherence time:

d ~ 1/vW k)

˜ t L

e.g., particle in an expanding box

Page 11: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Scale Hierarchy

Time scales:

p = int / P ~ P /

d = int / d ~ vwk /

<< 1

<< 1

P Cf / m2 + Cf T2 + k2 k / 1 vw ~ 0.1

int ~ 1/P ~ 1/P d ~ 1/(vwk)

Energy scales:

T << 1

Page 12: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Quantum Transport Equations

= + + …

˜ G

˜ G 0+

˜ G 0

˜ G 0

˜ Σ

Expand in d,p,


CP violating sources Links CP violation in Higgs

and baryon sectors

Chiral Relaxation

Strong sphalerons

Producing nL = 0


• M , H , Y , SS

From S-D Equations:


• M , H , Y

Numerical work:

• SS

Riotto, Carena et al, Lee et al

Lee et al

∂Xμ jμ (X) = d3z dz0 Σ>(X,z) G<(z, X) − G>(X,z) Σ<(z,X) +L[ ]−∞

X 0∫∫


• neglect O() terms

Page 13: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Some Results: Preview

Page 14: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Baryon Number (Illustrative, MSSM)

YB = ρ B

= F1 sinφμ + F2 sin(φμ + φA )

F1∝S ˜ H




F2∝S˜ t




Higgsinos Squarks

MSSM EWB: Higgsino-Gaugino driven

Page 15: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Resonant CPV & Relaxation

ˆ S ˜ H

(GeV )

(GeV )

M ˜ W

Huet & Nelson

M ˜ W

CP violation Relaxation

F1∝S ˜ H




See C. Lee talk

Page 16: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

Baryon Number & Y

Cirigliano, Lee, R-M, Tulin



Joyce, Prokopec, Turok

YB = ρ B

= F1 sinφμ + F2 sin(φμ + φA )our Y

previous Y

See S. Tulin talk

Page 17: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

EDM constraints & SUSY CPV

One-loop vs. Two-loop EDMsSee S. Profumo talk

See C. Lee talk


˜ e


˜ e

χ 0

Page 18: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…

EDM constraints & SUSY CPV

SUGRA: M2 ~ 2M1 AMSB: M1 ~ 3M2

See Profumo talk

LEP II Exclusion

Neutralino-driven baryogenesis


Two loop de

DM Considerations

| sin ϕ | > 0.02

| de , dn | > 10-28 e-cm

Mχ < 1 TeV

Page 19: SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech…


• New EDM experiments can test -- and possibly rule out -- EWB as a paradigm for explaining the BAU provided sufficiently reliable computations of YB can be performed

• Progress is being made in obtaining systematic computations of YB by computing all relevant transport coefficients in a consistent framework

• There exists a rich phenomenology involving cosmology, EDMs, LHC, ILC in SUSY and beyond as well as additional formal work to be undertaken

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